To Interpret

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interpretation let's talk about it a little bit kick it around you know most people feel that to be an interpreter is to interpret from one for a foreign language to a familiar language not true that's only a little bitty part of interpreting and if you miss that i'm sorry you missed the most of it and we're going to go into god's word naturally to document what we say it is fascinating to learn the ways of a linguist whereby you can recognize a foreign language alphabet you wonder along some riverbank in the rio grande and all of a sudden here's a perfect hebrew aeon and a n being the equivalent of our o it means i it means it's going to flow forth for you here based on the etymology of the word from tears but it means truth is going to flow forth or a message is going to and your heart thrills as you know you're going to read something that was chiseled here hundreds and hundreds of years ago for weary travelers in many cases plus the problems they might have been having or whatever so to interpret is a wonderful thing but do you know something i've known people that have lived together for several years they both speak english they can't interpret what the other is saying you know well usually the husband learns what not to interpret and the wise vice versa many times the major part of interpretating we pass off is communicating and that's all right in a way except when god comes into it it's a lot more special than that that one has the ability to explain openly the word to interpret um has a it means to open up now does the foreign language have anything no not necessarily it means to be able to open something to unlock it where all can see where all can understand it means to be able to communicate that thought that is locked therein a special gift from god that allows that one to explain and to carry forth to unlock it means to exhort to to explain thoroughly that means completely to bring in a perfect understanding when you see the word interpret that's what it means not just it may not even be talking about a foreign language but naturally any time or most places that the word interpret is used in the manuscripts it will lean to touch or have to do with the hidden mysteries of god therefore we look carefully we examine and think always learn to think for yourself i noticed on lasty i'm going to digress a moment excuse me it just just thought about people and i said think last in last evening's news there was a bunch of jerks saying marxism is on its way back in and one was a college professor boy was he a freaky looking dude you know they communists are all freaky all right you know i mean they're ginks they're really and one lady said i think we should take the gideon bible out of motel rooms and put in the men of communist manifesto well yeah the poor ignorant slobs should i call them anything else no i think that'll cover but you know if they had ever had to fight on soil for freedom where we have a government that's of the people rather than turn it over to some dictator you know have the suffering of little bitty children little bitty children coming up and begging you to wrap wounds from sowers and this is what communism is good for starving people and for some idiot to say we need to bring this back in yeah it just shows you how asinine some people even though they may have a yardstick of titles behind them it's all titles and stupidity think look around you analyze if you haven't been there don't judge it until you've been there and tasted and seen for yourself and then make your own mind up but until then be careful until you learn both sides of anything what communication or interpretation that you lay there too because you'll probably be changing your mind in many cases that may or may not have been a digression but how wonderful it is how wonderful it is to have fought and shed blood for a nation that gives me the right to expound and to teach and to interpret god's word that would not be allowed in many countries and so don't be one of these sassy americans that take for granted your rights and freedoms they've been paid for so make sure that you enjoy and relish and think and know and be a good citizen meaning in that you're a good christian automatically open your bibles if you would to the great book of genesis that's the beginning in the beginning chapter 40 40 in biblical numerics meaning probation not that we're going to put anybody on probation or anything else but just to fill time while we're turning there and the subject being interpret what can we discern from it you'll remember when joseph was sold by his brothers into captivity he was in prison and there were two high officials kicked in the pokey the same day that's prison all right and they were sad very sad sad sacks you might call them and in verse 5 of chapter 40 joseph is about to come up on them and ask them what their problem is they will tell him verse 5 reads of chapter 40 and they dream to dream both of them these high officials each man his dream in one night each man according to the interpretation of his dream the butler and the baker of the king of egypt i mean these were high boys right in pharah's own camp all right which were abound in the prison 6 and joseph came in unto them in the morning and looked upon them and behold they were sad now i'm going to tell you something anytime something is really bothering you and you can't interpret it you're going to be sad troubled so that's why this is a very important subject to you or it should be not able to understand how do i gain understanding how do i gain wisdom i hope i don't even have to tell you in as much as all wisdom comes from god verse seven and he asked pharah's officers that were with him in the ward of his lord's house saying where ford looked you so sadly today what is wrong boy you boys have long faces whew about to step on your lip here boy verse 8 and they said unto him we have dreamed a dream and there is no interpreter of it we don't understand and joseph said unto them do not interpretations belong to god now that's your first point and step and benchmark in the lesson concerning interpretations they belong to who they belong to god they did it this day and then as much as god is the same yesterday today and forever it's still the same today tell me then i pray you so they go on and they tell him their problems and he tells one of them you're going to bite the bullet and the other you're going to be back in good standing help me out and remember me and of course he did and joseph was real well but joseph with god's help interpreted their dreams their dreams are not important necessarily to this lecture other than the fact that you know who interpretations belong to as we begin to define the very uh word to interpret in the greek it is the prime i'm going to go directly to it to save time hermenia hermenia is the prime it means to express to express thoroughly not just halfway not going off half cocked thoroughly completely with understanding to translate one thought to from one mind to another person's mind let's go to daniel we just have some fun here in the old testament a little bit as we anchor ourselves in the word daniel was a very wise person you could never go wrong following him and the reason i mentioned that you should follow people that you know have followed god and god blessed them so it was with daniel daniel chapter 2 verse 24 and it reads you know you're all familiar with this and i don't have to explain it for to you i know that but maybe for television i will say this was a vision that daniel had the king nebuchadnezzar had and he said if you wizards don't interpret it for me i'm going to kill all of you and they said well tell us what it is and we'll interpret it and he said you'll make something up you tell me what i dreamed and then interpreted also while they're out of business you know so daniel hears about it and he said whoa-ho get me up there because daniel knows where to find out what the dream was and what it meant so verse 24 therefore daniel went in into ariac that's the old king's butler whom the king had ordained to destroy the wise men of babylon i mean the commandment had already been given he went and said thus unto him destroy not the wise men of babylon bring me in before the king and i will show unto the king the interpretation now i i i want to i'm going to die i'm at a risk and maybe it's really risky as a teacher my better judgment tells me i shouldn't do this but i want to show you in the interpretation something i wonder if your mind picked up on it destroy the wise men of babylon well now what is babylon means it means confusion all right to babel there's not a great deal of wisdom in babbling okay i find it a little bit humorous you know what i mean to be able to interpret and to understand our father's word but they claim to be wise so be it all right now verse 25 then area akka brought in daniel before the king and haste whoa he had a bunch of good buddies in that group and said thus unto him i have found a man of the captives of judah that will make no one unto the king the interpretation now listen to daniel's words he again he was very wise you can't go wrong taking or following his footprints the king answered and said to daniel whose name was beltiszar that was his cyric name that the king gave him or aramaic if you prefer are thou able to make no one unto me the dream which i have seen and the interpretation thereof question that's a fair question can you tell me what it was i dreamed and also let me know open it up for me and let me know what it means verse 27 daniel answered in the presence of the king and said the secret which the secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men the astrologers the magicians the soothsayers show unto the king why you learned in genesis chapter 40 why they can't all interpretations come from who god they are of him do you think these yokels i don't even want to call them yokels you got some pretty good people ben yokels uh do you think these pretenders knew god of course they didn't they practiced quite the contrary verse 28 but there is a god in heaven that revealeth secrets and maketh known to the king nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days that's in even in your day my friend thy dream and thy visions of thy head upon thy bed are these and naturally it's no there's it's not important that we go into that dream it would be a different interpretation for a different time but the point i want you to grasp is this interpretations belong come from and are connected with god that's where all wisdom flows from you try to plug into some earthly mortal such as a soothsayer or someone else or if you want to hear some fancy words you know i mean four-bit words for 90 bucks an hour they'll probably be able to help you out okay but it probably won't be true it won't be to the core it won't be opened up to you and it is so important that the word be opened to use the most important thing in your life is that god's word have meaning that it lives for it does and it cannot live from the very pages unless it is opened in your mind by the unction of our father himself does he do that of course he does because he loves you i don't know he picks some strange ones but he does love you all right he really does he picks winners i'm teasing okay he loves you very much why because you care and we have a very caring father and he has these blessings it just makes his day to be able to pour them out upon you to open the very mysteries of the kingdom itself whereby you can have peace of mind you don't have to have a sad faith you don't have to be a part of babylon which is to say confusion because god is not the author of confusion but of peace and that peace will fall upon you it's called peace of mind in him whereby you don't have to fret because you have a mind that has been gifted by him i say by him that you can see through these things of the end times naturally we know that he had seen a great statue and it all melted down to the final the ten toes of clay and iron which are the ten men that shall and women or women that shall arise in the end times to be the rulers of the world under the false christ and if you know how to interpret that you know that clay and iron try to try to mix it up together make you a nice strong mold and put in clay and iron and then put about a thousand pounds and it'll go it won't gel it can't hold up anything thus we have the victory all right being the interpretation oversimplified but be that as it may then to pass on well let's go then if we may to the new testament we kind of know now and the thing i wanted you to learn and gather from that from the interpreting god's word was that first of all coming out the gate uh interpretations belong to him first corinthians go there if you will first corinthians chapter 12 verse 25 talking about the body of christ which you are a part of so this should be very important to you you need to interpret this properly meaning to communicate with the father and bring its fullness into your mind where you have total enjoyment and right and privilege to claim the rights thereof as heirs of that promise verse 25 reads that there should be no schism that means division in the body that's to say the christian body i'm afraid if you look around you today and as much as denominationalism means division we got a bunch of it okay well they're not supposed to be any for we have one god in one word if it's interpreted properly but he didn't want that but that the members should have the same care one for another that they really cared about each other why you're all the same body verse 26 and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honored all the members rejoice with it in other words what he says is and he had explained before some of you have parts that we really can't show but you're still a part of that body we keep those parts covered okay but that doesn't mean you're not important and here what he's saying if your big toe gets a fever the whole body's going to feel it you know you're going to tell the lord by a big toe you know just killing me okay well it should be that way in the mini-membered body as well you know one hurts we all hurt but then we know how to fix things don't we okay if you don't hang on he's going to tell you verse 27 now we are the body of christ and members in particular each one having its own particular part one of you may be that you have a beautiful smile and it's a gift that god has given you that when someone is really down and has a sad face you can walk in the room and presto automatic your gift makes them feel good whether you do or not and you will of course but i'm saying that's a gift that's a present from god all right verse 28 and god hath set some in the church first apostles what does apostles mean interpreted it means sent ones the ones god sins well automatically right away if god sent them they're bound to have something all right now there are a lot of people that think god sent them some old boy sees a big gp up in the sky and it really means go plow you know but he thinks it means go preach so maybe he would maybe he has a gift that's more beautiful than some preachers all right so you have to figure your place and how do you know because that's the part of you that is blessed secondary prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities this of tongues that means many languages paul himself the writer of this could speak several languages he said i've speak more languages than all of you i mean his father was a roman he was taught and reared in the hebrew manuscripts under the one of the greatest hebrew scholars of all time certainly he spoke colloquial greek and was a fantastic and aramaic or cyric and he could just carry on a conversation with the romans or the people or whatever country he was in just lay it right on them see that was a gift because his mind was able to absorb those languages verse 29 are all apostles question now he just got through telling you we got an ear and we got a foot and we got a belly button we don't need a hundred belly buttons we only need one for each body all right and there's only one in christ what i'm saying is don't all of you try to be apostles that just isn't the way it is that's the point he wants you to draw from it find your own gift all right find your own place it may be that your place is honored that you are to speak directly against the antichrist well be patient he's not here yet but thank god he's going to be pretty soon and you can seek him all right i mean everybody has a purpose or you wouldn't be here everyone has a gift or you wouldn't be interested in our father's word so don't go be like some dog chasing his tail i wonder which part i have okay god will tell you he'll lay it on you he doesn't have anything to hide just be patient okay are all apostles of course not are all prophets of course not or all teachers definitely not okay are all workers of miracles question no and you got a lot of these miracle days today that go around blowing their heavy stinking breath on people and they just flip just knocks them out colder than a hammer okay now that's bad that's uh that's be old to the highest degree and you know and god word always picks you up it does never knock you down all right and you're looking at a clown if you see something like that take am i judging no i just know okay because i'm very familiar with our father's word and his holy spirit and have spoken i know how he acts and reacts very well and i also know a clown when i see one okay be that as it may everyone must think for themselves verse 30 have all the gifts of healing no not all have that i'm going to tell you what there are people i don't necessarily happen to be one of them but i have known people gentle souls that could walk into a hospital room and presto magic they didn't have to say anything they didn't even have to pray the person just came to life i don't mean literally dead and came to life but you'll see a big old smile get on their face and there's the best medicine in the world is a gifted person of god laying a hand of healing and a smile on somebody that's down all right it's just god-given well not everybody has that i wish i did because it is a beautiful gift a smile a touch the presence of the spirit but not everybody has it do all speak with tongues some of us can hardly handle english much less some other language you know no no way do all interpret there's the word i wanted it's different it means totally can you interpret any of the gifts the gift of healing must be interpreted the gift of an apostle must be interpreted he is an interpreter whatever language you speak when he speaks in your same language he interprets the word to you that is to say opens it up makes it known verse 31 but covet i mean you really hang on to earnestly the best gifts and yet show i unto you a more excellent way i'm going to tell you something that'll permeate all of the gifts and of course that was love you have to exercise all those gifts with love well now what is this word gift here do you know it in the greek you should you really should know what it is about this these various gifts you should know what that word is in the greek it's it happens to be the word from which the charismatic group was formed it's charisma it's charisma that's what the word gift is or when you say gift you're saying charisma and unfortunately an entire movement was started with that name gifts but unfortunately many places it wasn't interpreted or opened they sealed it with babel the word charisma was changed from its real meaning being it means gratuity spiritually given charisma does it means divine from god not just to tongues as some would have you in ignorance believe but in all gifts it either comes from god or you ain't got it sorry you just think you do you're a pretender the real thing is given of discernment to god's election whereby they can discern a charismatic gift of teaching or whatever the case might be by being able to discern spirits of whether it is from the father or from somewhere else maybe from within some clown you know but charisma from above comes from god nowhere else it's important we documented that in the old testament i don't want you to read over it and i don't want you to forget the subject i want you to hang tight with it charisma the gift is gratuity from god from our father it is spiritual endowment because there's one thing about this word charisma it must come from god to be a divine gift i'm going to repeat it again it must to interpret your divine gift must come from god or you're not endowed you're peddling in the dark you're peddling nonsense and nonsense let me tell you something there's no market for it it does not open it closes because people's eyes you can see them just glass over when some idiot begins to speak nonsense you can well it sounded intelligent but it doesn't make sense to me you know why it didn't you're smarter than that don't ever let somebody talk and speaking a bunch of nonsense when you have a good working knowledge of god's word show you their endowment it didn't come from god if it doesn't make sense that's babel it's nonsense so the real charismatic movement is those that are able to take god's word and act in any of those offices in one of god's election be able to witness the fact that is a gift from god do you know why because man doesn't really have all that much of anything he really doesn't just doesn't have a whole lot of anything but boy god gives some of us a bunch but it's still his and that charisma you are actually seeing him which is to say the holy spirit in action that's real the real charismatic movement not making nonsense but making the simplicity of truth weld in your mind and say why didn't i see that before you know why god hadn't shown you by a gifted teacher healer person whatever the case might be you hadn't seen the real thing the real mccoy because that's your father and it all comes from him you know i'm sure that old daniel when he walked in before pharaoh i mean here i mean here's the man that can speak and you're gone and here he is just a kind of an old country boy from judea delivered up there and he's going to save the kingdom he later will be the next pharaoh himself that had to be humbling to him didn't put him on an ego trip because he admitted there is a god that does know there is a god that is can do so anytime in your life that you feel that you're big enough that you're good enough that you can take it on your own and separate yourself from god you went from wherever god had elevated you back to the garbage heap bingo presto about the time you decide on your own and you may still have the knowledge up here that god had given you but without charisma it won't work for you god's going to put so many rocks in your path that your old toe is going to swell up that big from thumping them you know when you could have had a smooth path you see that's what separates christians from would-be christians it's not just to hear words of opening things but believing and knowing it is true that god directs your very life when you wear charisma his gift it opens the word it shows you the way it changes your life and we can see the power of the word in this ministry from from the fields of the whole world as letter after letter the word has changed my life i'm not even interested in some of the things i used to be that got me in trouble or are were difficult i'm gone on to higher things that's charisma that's the real thing that is the gift from god working in you again it comes from only one place again i don't like to punch uh holes in balloons but we can't take credit for it why it's his and any moment you begin to take credit yourself i'm sorry you just had a flat okay somebody just punctured your balloon and you're in for trouble and it's going to cost you money in your life you're going to just it's going to be trouble i believe that with all my heart i know from experience that god can be for you he is always for you but he loves you so much beloved that if you get a little bit out of line he wants you just to almost be perfect so he's going to take you out and he knows where to correct he's going to get your life together all right he's taking you to the woodshed not because he dislikes you but because he has given you charisma a gift and he expects fruit i don't know if you've been doing any picking lately picking at something besides your nose i mean been picking any fruit for god all right now i know i know that sometimes i use colloquialism but beloved believe me you know the difference between the real and the fake and don't ever be afraid to make a stand because if you have true charisma all what does that word mean again gift a spiritual gift from god it's not some big fancy ah we gotta dance when we say that word no did god send all dancers heck i didn't even see dancers mixed mentioned in that bunch okay did it say you couldn't jump for joy no it didn't say that but it doesn't have anything to do with the gifts that's the important thing keep your priorities in order or you lose okay charisma a spiritual endowment from god and from god only you can't write up a piece of paper and say this man is spiritually endowed to be reverend of the high and mighty uh you know that that doesn't cut it it must come from god and god only gives it and it is free he paid the price on the cross now turn over to the 14th chapter you're practically there in this same verse and let's talk about languages and interpreting some more let's get another little slant on it and then we're going to put the hammer to it all right we're going to nail it home for you where you'll never have any trouble with the word interpret again not that you have already but it's best to know all about it what it means to convey you'll be a lot better communicator 14 first corinthians chapter 5 verse 5 rather chapter 14 verse 5 i would some people can't even translate chapter numbers and verse numbers you know they have trouble with it all right so you got to be careful you got to watch verse 5 reads i would that you all spake with tongues i wish you all this means foreign languages boy i could send you over to cucamonga and you could tell those centers where it was at okay but they didn't but rather that you prophesied for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret except he interpret what that the church may receive edifying interpret means open the whole word up not just go from one language to another but explain what it means it takes that do you know we all speak english and yet we all have to caution ourselves and be careful that we interpret god's word that it opens for us that it comes to life and only with charisma given from god can that take place so the point i want you to pick up on there is that not only to interpret but it must be explained it must open up it must flow otherwise now brethren if i come unto you speaking with tongues that means a foreign tongue what shall i profit you i mean you're not going to know what i'm saying right i mean let's let's read it like it is you're not you're not going to understand what i'm saying kenichiwa iman chidita don't you have a watch i'm asking what time is it in japanese i don't know why i did that but i wanted to make a point if you can't understand you just look at me like what the heck has happened to him now okay non-g is time in japanese okay one of my little side languages that i enjoy booting around all right anyway it's not going to profit you if you can't understand now you do you know what he's he's about through because he won't know what time it is they just read all kinds of things into that what shall i profit you except i shall speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine if you can't understand the doctrine if you can't understand the prophecy even because of what language i speak if i can't interpret the prophecy into acts that you can understand using figures of speech idioms and breaking those idioms in your own language downward by using the charisma god-given gift whereby you can understand you're going to be out in the fog still yet got it seven and even things without life giving sound let's take a trumpet man you want to understand a trumpet when that seventh one blows and you better be interested in the sixth one too you want to know the sound of a trumpet in a spiritual sense and you do that's when antichrist comes okay whether pipe or harp except they give a distinction in the sounds how shall it be knowing what is piped or harped meaning if it doesn't have a harmony if it doesn't have the notes of of uh my old kentucky home all right weep no more my lady you know and instantly you understand you know hey somebody's been watching the kentucky derby okay or something of that nature okay but it's got to make sense and you're not stupid if something doesn't make sense to you suspect that that you have just heard because you're a pretty intelligent person until you pass it over the buds of your mind and it is open to you do not think less of yourself but never be afraid at the same time to listen and learn for you are gifted with a discernment of spirits whereby you know true charisma from that that is fake unfortunately many people think putting on a show is charisma or charismatic god wasn't much of a showman he never put on side shows a whole lot he gets right to the point all right okay to close this let's go to the 27th chapter of the great book of matthew and let's go to the words of christ himself for never we we've listened to matthew we've i'm sorry we've listened to daniel daniel has told us joseph who really was the savior or the first type of savior of the 12 tribes and as much as he fed them while they were in egypt he knew that interpretation came from god but what about what about christ himself so we're going i'm sorry i said matthew and i mean luke all right there's a special thing see you can't trust some people you've got to watch them they couldn't tell one book one gospel from another christ has been crucified three days have passed may i ask you a question three days after christ was crucified according to prophecy if you have the correct interpretation what was supposed to happen he was supposed to resurrect right okay you know that every christian should know that but this is all transpired but christ has been crucified three days the apostles which they've been elevated from disciples meaning students all the way up to apostles and they've kicked this around well it was good well it lasted he's gone saw him hanging on the cross put him in the tomb so two of them said oh let's just go down the road and they're about seven miles down here they got some warm springs let's get a hot bath i mean you know important things see verse 13 luke 24 and behold two of them went that same day to a village called mms which means warm baths is what it means which was uh from jerusalem about three score furlongs about seven and a half miles 14 and they talked together of all these things which had happened i mean the crucifixion the trial the sadness and it came to pass that while they commune together and reason i mean they're trying to communicate they're trying to interpret what the outcome would be jesus himself drew near and went with them i mean he walking right along with them but their eyes were holding that they should not know him in other words that also was a movement by god to so that you do not let this happen to you they would have recognized him had god not holding the their sight for that moment to teach you a lesson all right and that lesson has to do with interpretation verse 17 and he said unto them what manner of communications are these that ye have one to another as you talk walk and are sad he never liked sadness a whole lot it means somebody wasn't understanding and the one of them whose name was cleieth answering said unto him art thou only a stranger in jerusalem and has not known the things which are come to pass there in these days didn't you know they crucified the lord you know what was going through his mind where have you been you could not have been here not no 19 and he said unto them what things question and they said unto him concerning jesus of nazareth which was a prophet mighty indeed and would and word before god and all the people man he had proved himself when he walked with us 20 and now the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and have crucified him he's gone what was holding them the interpretation of the word don't ever let the word be held back from you think for yourself as it is written it shall come to pass exactly you know what was written in three days he would resurrect it's written all through the old testament 21 and we trusted that it had been he which would have redeemed israel saved us and beside all this the day is the third day since these things were done they give them on their own selves a clue what was to happen on three days he was to resurrect and here he is walking with them make sure you don't make that same mistake these two weren't that dumb god blinded them to teach you a lesson to make certain that you interpret that your charisma of learning is touched by god whereby you at least accept his word and believe it for we speak of your salvation open before you changing lives giving hope dispelling sadness you see god's word is not a religion it's a reality it's in your life every day 22 yeah and certain women also of our company made us astonished we were amazed which were early at the supplica 23 and were where they when they found not his body they came saying they that had also seen that they also had seen a vision of angels which said that he was alive now can you imagine that they said that he was alive they should have known he was from the scripture itself all right never be a doubter either believe or get off of it 24 and certain of them which were with us went to the supplica and you remember who those were peter being one and found it even as the as the women had said but him they saw not doubt doubt doubt doubt he wasn't there they didn't see anything should we believe those women can you believe a woman well i don't know they they're having problems with it all right i found that you always can all right you can just uh it's right there they saw them and that was it 25. listen carefully then he said unto them o fools you dullards i hope he doesn't have to say that ever to you as long as you're a part of this body there's no need in you being dull okay that means that means not very swift okay and slow of heart meaning mind slow of mind can't hardly think to believe that's what they're slow to do their mind and to believe all that the prophets have spoken meaning psalms 22 giving his very words from the cross my god my god why esther forsaken me the words of david he quotes word for word god didn't forsake christ david cried that in the wilderness and then told prophetically of the very crucifixion itself whereby you could know it was a fact it would come to pass exactly as it was written there should be no surprises for you for as christ himself would report in mark 13 i have foretold you all things through this word that prophecy that dream that nebuchadnezzar had that daniel said i've come to show it's come to show you what happens in the end times have you read it it's there have you interpreted in your mind has it been opened to you christ saying here haven't you read didn't you know i would be out of that place in three days you should have verse 26 ought not christ who have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and that glory is also your glory it brings in the kingdom of god right in your very heart if you will have it verse 27 listen carefully and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded dear maine yellow to the prime of interpreted it's the word interpreted to you though it's translated expounded it's the same word unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself he may open their eyes to it what the word said about him and what would transpire you'll find it is number 13 29 in your little old strongs to make it easy for you then take it to the prime 28 and they drew nigh into the village whether they went and he made as though he would have gone further would you recognize christ if he walked with you today well it may be a little more difficult with you than it would with someone that had been with him three days prior but i don't think that you would be deceived for i think you know he walks with you anyway for you have that charisma that he has gifted you with discernment for truth and lies whereby you know the difference for if it is written it shall be period you can believe that that's exactly how it has always come to pass the only time you will ever get in trouble is when you go contrary to the word of god verse 29 but they constrained him i mean we got us a teacher here hang on to him saying abide with us for it is toward evening and the day is far spent and he went in to tarry with them 30 and it came to pass as he sat at meat with them he took bread and blessed it and break and gave to them still being the savior the taking care of the little ones 31 and their eyes were opened this is why you can know this was done for your benefit not theirs god sealed their eyes and then opened them so you would know this wouldn't happen to you don't let it their eyes were opened and they knew him do you know that the opening eyes opening is even a part of interpretation that's part of the definition the etymology of the word to interpret is to open your eyes to it and he vanished out of their sight gone spiritual body different dimension no big deal 32 and they said one to another did not our heart burn within us the heart is mind okay did not our mind burn within us have you ever really been on a subject that you were just learning and it was just being packed into your little head you know and your mind is just racing saying yes yes yes cool baby you know i mean it's pouring in you know i don't know if you said that or not i'm around my granddaughter quite a bit while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures interpret open to us making knowing charisma true charisma to have the gift to know truth when you hear it so when you hear the word interpret i hope that you expand your thoughts upon it past languages and understand that it means figures of speech metaphors idioms and and i'll just give you an example you all know the closing chapters of mark where it says you can pick up a snake and it won't bite you well now if you don't have that interpreted right you got problems because number one an old diamondback hasn't read that okay and god created him to bite okay what the idiom means being totally opened who is the old serpent it's satan meaning i give you power over him you can pick that rascal up you can take his name and you can kick the tar out of him all right take names and kick dragon don't try that with a diamondback rattlesnake says you can drink poison what it means is is your reputation is so perfect people can search it all they want to and they will not be able to find one blemish against you i didn't know you were that good but that's what it means okay it's really what it means so you see properly interpreted means many things in god's word and true charisma is the only charismatic movement that god has ever sent to this earth now am i knocking or judging what is called the charismatic movement no a lot of wonderful friends and people went through it i didn't have the opportunity i was all fighting for my country when that came through you know mainly and really got started and everything but but one step at a time until you come into knowledge of god's word okay and to understand what charisma really means it's a spirit given gift from god that enables you to serve him primarily to open the scripture where that people can see in their daily lives the reality of our father that he cares that he touches you in your life and holds you up when you think you're gonna slide down because he loves you just like you would take care of one of your precious little ones to oversee them and to hold them so he does with you if you're not on a trip to the woodshed best advice i can give you is stay away from the woodshed you do that by letting him know you love him and a whole bunch of repentance all right okay father we thank you for your word for the truth father for the charisma father that you place upon your family the many member body the body of christ father that it shines and shows forth oh what an example we saw at passover when a satanic alarm takes place and the coolness and the stillness of your people as they observed and stood firm father thank you for such a family thank you for giving us those gifts we thank you in jesus yeshua's precious name amen
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,248
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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