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this morning we spoke of Revelation chapter 10 verse 7 concerning the fact that the seventh Trump was about to sound not that it was sounding and that our Father told us he had foretold us all things from the prophets so if you need to know something you go to the prophets what the prophets didn't tell the Apostles did so you kind of got it all in hand nothing to get all uptight about nothing to worry about our fathers in control and he leads us and guides us so tonight we're going to talk about nations and that's to say nations as they apply today we have a lot going on in the world so that's what we want to talk about is what is happening among the nations what nations you should be watching and we'll see what we can make from that okay now open your Bibles if you would to Ezekiel chapter 38 who's coming against us that's what you want to know in Ezekiel 38 we are told that rush ruch rlsh in the Hebrew tongue that it will come against us but we don't have to worry that much because God's going to stop them so Ezekiel 38 verse 1 with that word of wisdom from our Father let's go with it what about this nation and the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man set thy face against GOG the land of Magog the chief Prince of Meshech and tubal and prophesy against him this word chief prince in the manuscripts is ro SH it would later be changed by the Volga to Roush ru SS and then later Russia so we don't have any doubts this red nation what that was prophesied all the way back in the 27th chapter of easy of Jin Nessus 27th chapter of Genesis that they would always be away from the fat of the land meaning they were going to be blessed that much with good crops like we are in this nation and other places in the world that are below that parallel now so that identifies it and we know watch it all right and be careful what they say what they do and say thus saith the Lord God behold I am against thee o gog the chief prince again roush of mishit and tubal and I will turn the back and put hooks into thy jaws and I will bring thee forth and all that army horses and horsemen all of them clothed with all sorts of armor that covers tanks jets you name it the whole thing all right even a great company with buckler's and shields all of them handling swords now who's with them verse 5 Persia now what nation is purchased it's Iran of today got a lot of trouble going on there in Iran Iran is flexing its muscles and it's gotten away you know Iran has declared war on us several times and we haven't done a thing about it they killed over 200 Marines in Lebanon in a building they have they that order came straight from the mullahs and many other things they have done down through the years and they haven't had to account for it you know and they get all upset if you say anything about their religion like we have some mu laws in North Minneapolis that wanted to pray on an airplane and have seatbelts a certain way and just raise San gonna sue the people do you know that I can't even take a King James Bible in to Saudi Arabia much less pray what's quite wrong with that picture you know it's about time that something is done here okay that's not that's gonna fester pretty fast now okay who else is there Persia Ethiopia this is those countries Somalia and all leading on up and around into Africa and Libya Libya is going to be with them with them all of them with shield and hillman and so there you've got some nations that you want to watch told to you by the government known by your Heavenly Father this battle takes place at the end times it doesn't take place it didn't take place in World War two it's the end time battle when God Himself will put hooks in their mouths when they come against us why well most of them claim there's no God they're atheist and the reason God's not going to let us turn them around is he wants them to know there is a God so he's going to do a nice job of turning them around so in fact as long as we protect our dignity we know our father's going to take care of this situation so turn with me then if we main let's go with some more nations here let's take Isaiah chapter 13 nations we should be concerned with and I'll warn you I'm gonna give you a little test before we get through so you want to keep on your toes I might even if it's possible lead you down primrose lane just to see if you'll go as to what you should be worried about verse 9 of chapter 13 great book of Isaiah behold the day of the Lord cometh cruel both with wrath and furious anger to lay the land desolate and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it did he say he's going to destroy believers no you don't have anything to worry about but he will be a little rough on those that don't think there's a god okay and that day is coming it's a lot closer than many might think but you plan like it's forever but you'd be ready tomorrow okay always be ready verse 10 for the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light and the Sun shall be darkened in its going forth and the moon shall not cause our light to shine do you know why because of the brightness of Almighty God nobody will be able to take their eyes off the Savior when he returns I'm talking about Messiah just everything else becomes secondary his brightness his smile his control his love dementia dim makes dim everything else and I will punish the world for their evil and boy we've got plenty of it and the wicked for their iniquity and i will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible who is the terrible one and his haughtiness and pride is what started all this trouble to start with in the first Earth Age Satan's pride his downfall verse 12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir that's the richest purest gold there is therefore I will stake I will shake rather the heavens and the earth shall remove out of her place in the wrath of the Lord of Hosts and in the day of his furious anger do you understand the scope of that not just shaking the earth like with an earthquake but also heaven in other words it's over you better be standing on a rock that cannot be shaken and that rock is the true Messiah it is the truth of God's Word where you're not a sinner being misled down primrose lane by a false teacher false leaders such as false messiah and verse 14 and it shall be as a chaste row and as a sheep with no man which no man that no man taketh up they shall every man turn to his own people and flee everyone into his own land that's to say out of Babel and out of confusion into their own land a lot of people going to wake up this has a spiritual connotation also and this is what you work for is that when it becomes obvious and when Christ returns and is in control everyone that is found shall be thrust through and everyone that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword that's to say those that don't belong there okay their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes their houses shall be spoiled and their wives ravished you know what that has reference to right before the end when the false messiah appears you're going to see mass slaughter of souls not flesh bodies of souls and they're going to - people in the the apostasy of false teaching where they are no longer believers they sell their soul because of ignorant so in worshipping that fault Shepard in worshipping that deceiver claiming with his haughtiness and pride claiming to be Christ can't even hold him a candle to see by but people because of his miracles will fall for it that's why godsey leg become more precious than gold being the eyes of Almighty God and the spirits of God the Holy Spirit utilizing them to bring the truth to save those that are lost and to help them don't be deceived it's very important behold I will stir up the Meads against them which shall not regard silver and as for gold they shall not delight in it do you know who the means are the Medes our Persia ok the bigger part of Persia the bigger part of Iran today they're with them well that little old name just keeps popping up and it's not good but our father makes note and he knew thousands of years ago he'll straighten the wicked out big time they're both bows also shall - the young men to pieces and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb their eye shall not spare children they don't seem to have much trouble blowing children up in automobiles or in marketplaces its truths from God's Word shouldn't be a surprise to a Christian what to expect and Babylon that's to say the state of confusion Iraq the glory of kingdoms the beauty of the Chaldeans excellence they shall be as wind overthrew Sodom and Gomorrha it's just not quite that bad but I mean in the marketplaces there hundreds or if innocents are being murdered slaughtered it shall never be inhabited and neither shall that be dwelt in from generation to generation neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there neither shall the shepherds make their fold there when the change of dispensations take time to take place it's going to be interesting but while beasts of the desert shall lie there and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures and al shall dwell there and satires you know we've got one old boy named satyr kind of interesting one shall dance there it means demons is what it really means but it's just so strange how one very cruel person's name almost fits and the wild beast of the island shall cry in their desolate houses in dragons and their Pleasant places and her time is near to come and her days shall not be for long there's going to be the birth of a new age it's coming God has about had it with the wickedness and he's going to destroy the evil in this world where are you going to be are you going to be helping him are you useful to him are you familiar with his word enough that you can you know if a man hires in laying brick and never lays a Brit and doesn't know how after about 20 years you fire him right no worthless God expects you to get crack the book to get into it a little bit to have a a working knowledge of what it is he expects you to do what nations to be concerned with chapter 14 verse 1 for the Lord will have mercy on Jacob that's all of this natural scene and will yet chooses and set them in their own land and the strangers shall be joined with them and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob why because of Christ because of Messiah they will be captured and we will all be slaves to that wonderful Messiah slaves in the sense that we serve Him maybe you would like the word servants better but and the people shall take them and bring them to their place and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the Lord for servants and handmaids and they shall take them captives whose captives they were and they shall rule over their oppressions that they will teach them the real truth in all the world that wishes to to join shall and they will have their own kings and queens as it is written in Revelation 41 and they will come there to worship and it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall give the rest from thy sorrow and from thy fear and from the hard bondage wherein thou was made to serve in this world today in the bondage that we're in in sinned ok in in bad nations in people absolutely thinking they're serving God in destroying souls it's real sad and it's a serious serious situation that thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon and say how hath the oppressor ceased the Golden City seized now who is spiritually speaking at the very end the king of Babylon Satan of course and it is Satan that they will say this to why is it the Lord hath broken the staff of the wicked that's to say the wicked one Satan and the scepter of the rulers he who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke he that ruled the nations in anger is persecuted and hindereth now you want to pay attention here where troubles coming from okay this is the answer this is the nation you should watch the whole earth is at rest and is quiet they break forth into singing yay the fir trees rejoice at thee and the Cedars of Lebanon saying since thou art laid down no feller has come up against us and he's going to lay down but do you know who's going to lay him down Michael when those Messiah returns he's going in the pit and he's going with locks whereby we can work freely hell from beneath has moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming it stirreth up the dead for thee even all the chief ones of the earth it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations in other words he's going to have company lots of it and and through that millennium period certain ones have already been sentenced to death short of the day of judgment that's to say that if you liam the fallen angels and this one satan all they shall speak and say unto thee art thou also become weak as we are too he'll become like unto us notice he's supernatural and he loses every speck of his power xi i pumped is brought down to the grave and the noise of the vials the worm has spread under thee that your sheet and the worms cover thee that your blanket how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the homes and the nations how was he because Christ put him there no who are you supposed to be afraid of and what nation should you really watch he's kind of tipped you off here the true king of Babylon now I'm going to tell you something and don't you ever don't you ever start watching nations to the point that you forget who God has warned you against that's the Locust Army that's where the danger is is it not written in revelations chapter 9 that when the Antichrist appears on this earth he comes during the time of the locusts and it is likened unto that the May through September even that segment of it and the locust army is called the locust army where did he warn you of this in the Old Testament where your real danger was and I want you to sharpen up I don't want you looking at Persia don't want you looking at Iran don't want you looking at Iraq thinking that's where our main danger point is it isn't it's where Satan operates and that's what the Kenites hidden from sight of most people but the control is always there in that spiritual sense you were given this warning in the Minor Prophets turn with me to the great book of Joel joël being translated as Yahweh is God there's no question about that he's in control and this is where God gives you ample warning he talks about the locust army in Chapter 1 of the book of Joel and what he says is the nor takes away all but leaves and the swarmer takes over then this is the four stages of the locust and what the swarmers leave the devours take over from and what the devours leave the consumer takes the rest and then he goes into chapter 1 of this book and says the churches are stripped clean bare as though a bunch of locusts hid it they can't even make a crop of new wine what is holy communion the blood of Christ that is to say the true Messiah how many are taking communion to a fake of course they don't know that but how many would stop and think about it what he's saying is the locusts will strip you clean bare that's to say Satan's a little secret army which is none other than the Kenites themselves as they manipulate and as they grow you got to be very careful my friend what are you to do about leave them alone leave the tares alone our Father will take care of business but you better be knowing where to look chapter 2 we're going to just spend a little bit of time here this is the warning that your it's your most important enemy the enemy you should be watching not Nations necessarily and that's not to say any intelligent person observes international policies but the key is what you want to be interested in as a servant of Christ of God's eyes that walk the earth to observe chapter 2 verse 1 blow you the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of the Lord cometh for it is night hand I'm really thankful that Almighty God gave us a big old 33 foot trumpet that sits in the back of our church that points twenty-two thousand three hundred miles out into space and it sounds the alarm of the end times and it goes all the way around the world he's really been good to us he's really blessed us just playing folk who cares to think big when you got gods of paths to follow in thinking truth sound the alarm watch the enemy a day of darkness and of gloominess a day of clouds of thick darkness as the morning spread upon the mountains a great people in a strong there has not been ever the light neither shall there be anymore after it even to the years of many generations that's danger friend that's a great army but do you know what army that is it's not it's not I ran it's not Iraq it's the Locust Army and they were just that way there are that well dug in a fire devours before them and behind them a plain burn earth and the land is as the Garden of Eden before then and behind them a desolate wilderness yeah and nothing shall escape them that's why you want to be real careful and you want to know what the score is you want to know what's going down you want to know who your enemy is so that you can be on guard to be forewarned is forearmed and that's what your father wishes for you the appearance of them is as the appearance of horses and as horsemen so shall they run they're not really locust you see they're people like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap like the noise of a flame of fire that devoured the stubble as a strong people set in battle array they've got it together friend before their face the people shall be much pain to all faces shall be shall gather blackness should be translated paleness frightened if you don't know the truth they shall run like mighty men they shall climb the wall like men of war and they shall march everyone on his ways and they shall not break their ranks they're disciplined they're really disciplined troops you don't see that very much anymore neither shall one thrust another they shall walk every one in his path and when they fall upon the sword they shall not be wounded some of them are supernatural when they march fine they're God's children there are those that are I'm sorry there's Satan's children and God allows that army to come against us but you still have power over them and you must always remember that why you're on a rock that cannot be shaken they shall run to and fro in the city and they shall run upon the wall and they shall climb up upon the houses they shall enter in at the windows like a thief this lets you know they're not locust insects that they're people and they'll come in a window a lot of times through antenna right into your boob tube there's now what they call the television whatever okay all right the earth shall quake before them the heavens shall tremble the Sun and the moon shall be dark and the stars shall withdraw there shining in other words when those locusts come out of the pit there's so many of them as it is written in Revelation chapter 9 the sky is darkened which is a fake appearance of Messiah because it's also dark when the true Messiah comes because of his light as I for stated and we see then the skip to verse 10 the earth shall quake before them and heaven shall tremble the sudden the moon shall be dark okay we got that let's go 11 and the Lord shall utter his voice before his army now you underline it in your mind God's controlling or is allowing that army why he's checking out his people how many of them are studying how many of them have covered the letter that he has saved and how many can be had how many will sell their soul all he wants is your love and not too many people know how to love him because they won't read his letter the letter of love that he's written to them his army for his camp is very great for he is strong that executed his word for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible and who can abide it you can but you've got to have the truth you got to know who your enemy is and by enemy that I mean you have to know who to watch who to be careful of and I think any Christian knows it's the tears you got to watch the tears Christ told us that you know something there's nothing new about that the first the very first prophecy ever issued in the Word of God genesis 3:15 and 16 was that satan would bruise the heels of Messiah Christ but we would bruise his head that means we're the bruisers okay and we're going to do it with God's help of course therefore also now saith the Lord turn you even to me with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning when you see this trouble you want to know we're at that door no you don't have to worry about Iran will be concerned you don't have to worry about Iraq all that much be concerned but our real enemy comes from the Kenites the tear and Rindge your heart can not your garments and turn into the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and repenteth him of the evil you know our Father is very forgiving who knoweth if he will return and repent and leave a blessing behind him even a meat offering and a drink offering unto the Lord your God blow the trumpet in Zion sanctify a fast and call a solemn assembly that's really what Passover is about is this an assembly to learn truth to serve our God and to protect of our Passover which is the Lord's table Holy Communion locust haven't got to that real wine his blood that paid for our sins and that body that received the stripes but we get the healing he did that for us why because He loves us but he wants you to know the truth that he wants you to know who to be careful about and around gather the people sanctify the congregation assemble the elders gather the children and those that suck the breasts let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber and the bride out of her closet in other words together the whole family usually babies were not allowed at part of these but this is the en this is different I want you to go down to verse 20 what God's going to do for us with that army verse 20 Rees but I will remove far off from you the northern army that's the locust and we'll drive him into a land barren and desolate with his face toward the east sea and his hind her part toward the uttermost at most see and his think shall come up and his ill savour shall come up because he hath done great things does not happy with that God expects his people to take a bigger interest to protect themselves we're about he can be proud of them every father likes to be and mother like to be proud of their children in that way fear not old land and be glad and rejoice for the Lord will do great things and you can count on it friend but you better know who the enemy is you better know which way to look to see that you're not sacked up in deception and die a spiritual death not a flesh death the spiritual death with deception when that enemy appears working great miracles in this world you haven't seen anything yet God through the son said if I didn't if I hadn't shortened the time naughty there would be no flesh saved that's how convincing he is to an unbeliever be not afraid G beast of the field for the pastures of the wilderness to spring for the tree Bharath our fruit and the fig tree the vine to yield their strength be glad then the children of Zion and rejoice in the Lord your God for he had given you the former rain moderately and he will cause to come down for you the rain the former rain and the latter rain in the first month at the beginning of the year okay you know our Father is always good to us you know what the latter rain is the latter rain causes the fruit to come all the way right and rich and moist the former rain sprouts the seed we're talking about teaching here we're talking about you receiving truth from God's Word raining down into your mind from the Word of God bringing you to that point that you can see knowing understand what it is your father would have you to do and he always sees that you have that rain that moisture when you follow and when you read when you study and you know a lot of times you have trouble than you think it just doesn't come clear then pray about it ask him to lead you in it ask him to explain it he loves to he loves to help you spiritually it'll just fall into your mind paragraphs at a time the clarity when you've studied and done your part your homework listen to what he's going to do verse 25 and I will restore to you the years that the locusts had to eaten did you have doubt we were talking about locusts the cankerworm that's the norm and the caterpillar that's the swarm a-- and the pullman worm the devour my great army which i sent among you god sent them do you know why to check the children out to find out if you're playing church or if you know what he's talking about to find out if you've done your homework or you're just a play actor you know there were many there are many play actors and God doesn't like that that's kind of Greek hypocrite okay likes to play something play a part Christianity is not a play and it's not a religion it's a reality it's real Christ is real his truth is real and this world is very very real and do you know how it's all going to end exactly the way it's written exactly no ifs no ands no buts and you shall and in verse 26 and you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord your God that hath dealt wonderfully wondrously with you and my people shall never be ashamed you know that's a beautiful thing don't you hate to be ashamed don't you hate to be had somebody make a fool out of you then stay in God's Word don't you're living in a generation that many people will take part in the apostasy that's simply to be made a fool of it's much seriouser than that because it's selling your soul 27 and you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel and that I am the Lord your God and none else and my people shall never be ashamed now that's good news my friend and that's when you want to look up but at the same time like I told you I'm kind of giving you a pop test who's your enemy who are you concerned about you want to really watch closely and stay focused on Satan's little army and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions in other words those seven spirits of God go into the seven thousand and that truth will go over the world when you're delivered up to witness before that false messiah God protecting you all the way you have nothing to worry about don't ever let your heart grow faint quite frankly you've heard this old marine say many times that a coward dies a thousand deaths a brave man dies once nobody's gonna die because God has given Satan orders don't you can't touch those that have the seal of God in their forehead that means those of you that know the truth that have that truth so again we find those coming against our worst enemy that you have a part in it with God touching you leading you and protecting you and also upon the servants and upon the handmaidens in those days will I pour out my spirit that's that holy spirit those seven spirits it applies to both men and women it's God's army the true army and I will show wonders in the heaven in the earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke the Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the Great and the terrible day of the Lord come it's coming and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered for in mountain Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance as the Lord had said and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call I don't know did you hear that as he called you you have you heard that call you know it comes in many ways that might just be touching your heart to let you know that you've got to serve Him regardless of why that you have to study his word that you have to absorb it and you say Here I am Lord use me because he's looking for that election and he has called them he called them before the foundations of this earth quite frankly the real enemy that you must watch is this one we've just covered as I said it's real easy to sidetrack yourself and start worrying about nations and it is serious but don't for heaven's sakes take your eye off the mark that's to say Satan's army for he is the one that is the danger behind it all and besides that God intends to use you to go against him so it's important as we take inventory and we see so much trouble in the nations and we see them you notice Satan's army didn't trust each other they were so disciplined that when they marched they never touched wasn't a mob it wasn't an undisciplined lot like you see a lot of armies that are so gangly and so clumsy and so awkward that you think man I could just take one squad a good Marines and wipe that whole bunch out you know they're so crude these were sharp they were really too well trained and and what I'm saying is they are disciplined in what they do to the max so that your enemy that's how you're against but he that is in us as mightier than he that is in them they're following a dead man and you're following life eternal our Heavenly Father Heavenly Father we thank you Father for your word thank you Father for the many warnings thank you father for your blessings thank you for being with us father and father let each of these be a blessing to all come in contact with father let them know that one of your children has been in there ms lead guide direct and touch in Jesus precious name amen amen amen the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett Arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan because then believing it becomes truth it's a fact so you you tighten up your Girt just a little bit and you hang on we're gonna get through it Denise from Oklahoma Genesis 28 18 talks about Jacobs pillar and in dr. Bullard Jers notes he says this is not the coronation stone in London I was under the impression that it was please comment you want to always remember dr. Bullinger passed away in the year of our Lord in 1915 okay and for what he had to work with he accomplished a great great great deal and he makes a statement by quoting a geologist that stipulated that that particular stone could never have come from Jerusalem but in the transferring of that stone Canada during World War two we had a chip King listen in modern-day geology we were traced and find out about the only place that can be found is Jerusalem that is to say in the area of that Stone of Destiny so you know we have to give credit where credit's do don't don't hold that against dr. Bullinger but I still have to insist that that is the stone and we have a book in our library on that subject might help you if you're very interested call us from Florida you say there is no global warning warming I don't understand how you can say that when in New Zealand the ice caps have significantly been melted and I know I've seen them something has to be melting them you mean when the ice floes come down and they break off and they just chunk right off into the water like that like just do you not understand why they come down and they they're growing okay the ice cap is growing and when it gets to the water it's got to break off okay soon pretty soon as it gets warm on water so what you're saying doesn't mean a thing okay it means quite the contrary it means the ice floes and ice caps are growing or they wouldn't be breaking off they would simply be melting and water running down but there are huge chunks coming loose so you know God controls the weather man doesn't and man though he has polluted and polluted and polluted God will still manage to control the weather and it I know it they say we're in danger of global warming you should grab it look like a tornado went through here this winter by ice ice breaking over trees I mean you could step outside at night when you live in the country like I do and you didn't dare go out into the timber because treetops were falling right and left and you talked to me about global warming we were without electricity for a whole week this Chapel rented a big generator to broadcast for a whole week and you talked to me about global warming because it was a nice age right here you know you want it you would it be real careful you know when you mess around with the stories you can get gored it's a dangerous thing you could get gored real bad okay Terry from North Carolina sir I've been watching for four or so years and and you have brought me closer to religion well god bless you question why does it seem media and other platforms try to disprove God sinners atheist and also it just is Satan's way of trying to grab control and that should let you know all the more that we are that closer to the very end itself because what frankly he kind of thought it would come to that okay did Lily Lily from Texas okay Lily once I think my god for you thank you why does I have to question for mini-mansion why does Jesus say my father has many mansions this leads people to believe in some Christians that we're going to live in heaven I already know we're not but why does he say that well because he says I go to prepare a place for you and the word mansions is mano in the Greek and it doesn't mean like you do in the English some big house it means resting place and Christ went he prepared the Holy Spirit our comforter our adverse our adviser our counselor for our comfort he prepared that place where you can rest in that today you don't have to wait till you're in heaven heavens wherever God is and gods returning to Earth so that's where I want to be and that's where all of those mansions are the whole 14th chapter of Saint John which you're quoting from here has to do with being with God and the son dwelling with them abiding with them and that word mano and Nino are coexist throughout which means dwelling and resting in Christ and in God and wherever they both are you have that rest you have that holy spirit heaven is a condition of being in the presence of God in the Hebrew tongue the Shekinah glory means God dwells there even in Yahweh Shema in the Hebrew tongue means God dwells there okay and that's that's what makes heaven wherever he is it doesn't matter but it's going to be he created he made an eternal covenant with Mount Zion that's Jerusalem and he says it's his favorite place in the universe not just the world the universe and that's why he made that covenant he took her to wife he watched her born and unclean birth by the Jebusites called Jebus David captured it in named Jerusalem city of peace and God said I put my cloak over her which I watched her grow and mature into a young woman and I placed my cloak over her which is a biblical marriage and I took her to wife he's going to be there forever Jerusalem Clarence from Nevada that's Ezekiel 16 if you want to check me out on that clearance from Nevada from what I understand the Elector predestined because they have earned the right from the first Earth Age but if someone used to be an atheist and converts is it still possible that they are one of God's elect absolutely just because one doesn't believe in God by what is taught in this world on some circles is understandable that may sound cruel but it's true I'm talking to intelligent people and but having been an atheist and even practiced that at one time which is non belief has nothing to do with God's ability and price he paid on the cross to forgive you and to use you okay thank you so much for your teaching I study with you every day via the internet well you are so welcome and we're proud to have you with us Paula from from Missouri okay I my concern is this when the Antichrist returns if I better read a little more I have a concern I haven't heard addressed on chef at shepherd's chapel I am married to a non-believer he is a compassionate man excuse me he doesn't prevent or discourage my study of God's Word he works hard to support us and I take care of our home and finances I know we are one in God's eyes and he is sanctified because of my belief 1st Corinthians chapter 7 you got that right and my concern is this when the Antichrist returns if my husband chooses to participate in the one world system so he can buy and sell will I also receive the mark of the beast through his participation no it's what you believe in your mind that God goes by ok it's not what you eat necessarily other than he does give us the health laws which it's not a sin to hell to eat wrong but it'll make you sicker and a dog sometimes you know you want to you want to protect yourself in all of his advice but it's what you believe in your mind you do not worship Satan so don't worship Him and you're in good shape that may sound confusing but simply look at it as what is faithful and what isn't and you got it okay you're still faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ you have a good husband as long as it is written in first Corinthians chapter 7 as long as he does not prevent you you may even I wouldn't sell him out to worshiping Antichrist when he sees your witness against him he's my guess is he's gonna back you up girl Christ Christian Kristin I think that's what this is and from Oklahoma Chris and Stan I got it now it's a man animal they're all kind of dreamed together here from Oklahoma I know to be absent from the flesh is to be present with the Lord but why in the Old Testament do we see so many examples of importance of where someone is buried Joseph for one I know there is a simple reason that I must have missed it well if because the dignity and respect for family to see that they're put away nice okay and that that simply respect for what they were with us yet knowing where they truly are in other words we can't we would not be a very civilized people if someone died and we just drugged them out to pasture like we do an old horse okay that wouldn't go over very good and it'd make us look kind of bad so burial is biblical biblically correct always has been and a proper burial was looked upon when you lead read of Lucifer and Isaiah chapter 14 where he's the son of mourning you're going into the pit it is stated there that he would not be afforded a decent Burien okay as someone of prestige should have all right it's respect and dignity for loved ones period and think of it in that respect Donald from Florida I recently realized that the lifespan of the locus from May to September adds to 153 days the same number is the amount of fish Peter pulled from the net this number is the time of Noah's Ark was on the water do you have any comments our first Big Mama 33-foot we were real surprised when it was laid down and delivered to us we put it up ourselves the serial number was 153 and I'm out of time hey I got to get signed off here real quick I love you because you enjoy studying our father's word most of all he loves you for it okay you make his day he's going to make yours no we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through Shepards chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 14,803
Rating: 4.9220781 out of 5
Keywords: #Pastor Arnold Murray, #Holy Bible, #Arnold Murray, #Chapel, #Arnold, #Shepherd's Chapel, #Shepherds Chapel, #Bible, #Shepherds, #Pastor Murray, #Pastor, #Study Bible, #KJV, #Shepherd's, #Murray
Id: uxxcEA38f4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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