Light Brings Sight

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light is sight and Christ is that light you know many times we wonder why people can't communicate with us what why can't it's so simple a child can understand that why can't they understand what I'm saying and you have to know one thing some people have blinders on they don't realize there was a earth age before this do you realize how robbed they are then they don't realize that some people have a destiny some people are God's election that he chose to do certain things and if you're not aware of that you're hurting a heap and when you start talking about destiny or election you're gonna lose them because they think they absolutely believe that this earth is 6,000 that's right six thousand years old doesn't matter what your eyes tell you and what you see in reality that is to say in fossilized material that with just a little bit of education you know this can't be and then you realize there was an earth age before this and that God has a plan and his plan is not complicated it just really flows but some people are very handicapped so basically what we're going to talk about today is destiny in a sense but it is light that gives sight and Christ is that light he gives you the sight to see and to understand and to know open your bibles if you would to Romans chapter eight to begin with Romans chapter eight we're just going to touch on the fact that there was an earth age before this one this chapter eight where we're going to pick it up in the 26th verse was written to the Saints st. simply means set aside once that's the ones God chose and I want to document that he for ordained some people just like we're teaching in Jeremiah now and we know that God chose Jeremiah before he was ever in his mother's womb so where did that happen it happened with God and it happened even in or sometime prior to this first earth age when basically God knew him he earned that right God doesn't give things away from free for free God doesn't play favorites we're all his children whoever you are but some he can count on and that's why you love him that's why you study so Romans chapter 8 verse 26 let's pick it up where God is speaking to those set aside that's to say his election likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities the Holy Spirit helps your weaknesses if you went up against something you can't handle if you be one of God set aside ones he's going to help you and you're gonna wonder what happened that wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be wondering why it happened so easily well you know if you're blessed you're blessed and if you love God you're blessed okay for we know not what we should pray for as we ought we don't really understand all that's going down we don't really know what to pray for you just want to serve but the spirit maketh intercession for us with groanings that's to say with the side which cannot be uttered there are things that can't be told can't be understood really so therefore God makes intercession he does that he makes it easy for you when you love him when you follow him and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth he that can read your mind and he's always searching what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God according to man's will know the will of God he's got a plan we've got to stick with that plan you know why it's perfect it's good it saves people it helps people it keeps people out of trouble and that's why you have to stick to that plan so that you not not selfishly just to take care of you but where you can be a blessing to others and help them okay that's the mark of one of God's election and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose that are what called according to his purpose not yours you may wonder what happened what am I doing here well think look around you take inventory be wise and use that wisdom apply it to your life as well as to others okay because you have to know that are you a Christian all things work - the good for you when you analyze it when you look into it but it might have been bad there for a minute so you can cut it or God wouldn't have put you into it because your can-do type person you can handle it okay all things work - the good for us so what do you shook up about well I don't understand all things well he just told you you didn't he said that's why I make intercession for you so still what are you worried about okay and and again I would have to say according to God's purpose not ours 29 for whom he did foreknow that means no knew from before knew before this earth age knew he did also predestinate to be conformed soon morphus that is to say jointly formed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren that that son Jesus Christ leading the way showing the way he is that light all gifts come from above come from him come from the Father come from that spirit and all things just automatically work to the good for us hey that's you got something going for you friend if you believe I don't know are you a believer I got doubts well don't be a Thomas okay God doesn't really go he won't float your boat a whole lot if you doubt because you know what that means you're not believing if you're a doubter I'm sorry I don't want to go too bad with you I don't think anybody else does because all things work - the good for those that love the Lord and believe him not a doubter doubters will get you in trouble be careful my friend 30 moreover whom he did predestinate that's the set in advance then he also called in whom he called them he also justified that means he judged them he judged them in the first earth age and whom he justified them he also glorified in other words he called them his own he's I can if you're judged there he could interfere with your life today move you and and he doesn't have to worry about you coming on Judgment Day and then you made me do that because you were already judged and you were his servant and he can use you and if he does you better be thankful for it because if you ever wonder if you ever kind of come to yourself and wonder what just why is this happening this way wake up hello set an alarm a spiritual alarm keep it tuned and know who's in control who can search your heart knows your mind in other words verse 31 what shall we then say to these things about them if God be for us who can be against us nobody they can try to be against us but we're gonna take names and we're gonna kick dragon even the old dragon himself and that's Satan you don't have to worry about it God stated these words and he meant it it is written and that's exactly how it is he has his election that he can interfere in their lives turn with me to John chapter 9 Saint John chapter 9 we're going to go with Jesus teaching here and I want you to really grasp this it's so simple but this is light in its truth and maybe this helps you have more patience when people look at you real funny when you make a simple statement they just can't get it because you've got to be aware of God's plan the first Earth Age the fact that he has some election and the rest he wants to save and it just so happens he has you that he intercedes to bring that salvation and that word to other people so be patient with it and no one understand now let's look at life itself chapter 9 verse 1 of the great book of st. John and as Jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from his birth now I want you to know he had never seen a thing in his life man was born this way and and I want to tell you coming out the gate this man is symbolic of God's elect and his remnant that is just the remnant is those that have known the truth and have already passed on and joined that army there but God's election are the ones that live through to the very end and participate there this is the people God utilizes born blind couldn't see now just to put little wheels on this so we can really get down where the rubber meets the road did you understand all the truth when you were born or did you have to study and be taught did the Holy Spirit touch you and bring you to the truth or were you were you born with it all okay everybody hasn't must learn okay and think of it in this light the man didn't know the truth when he was born and we're going to use this blindness as an example verse 2 and his disciples asked him saying master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind just you know good old people in the world there's got to be somebody to miss that somebody's sinned and because they send this boy couldn't see was born blind somebody did something bad you know do you know that's straight out of Satan's mouth okay what did Jesus answer he said jesus answered neither hath this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of God should be made manifest in him he was born blind that I can illustrate to you sight that I can illustrate to you that I the light that's to say Christ can give this person's sight if they listen to my word if he in other words I can interfere in his life why he he's never sinned but he's one of mine lack therefore I can I can jerk him around a little bit to help others okay and he this one blind soul I have no doubt he overcame in the first Earth Age and God utilized him I have an idea he said send me Lord and here he is an illustration of one born blind you see what's important about this never before had one born blind been able to see this is the first time and this lad is going to be made to see when he was born into this condition but it was so Christ could illustrate the light verse four I must Christ continues I must work the works of him that sent me I want you to know he did what he sent me what was that an accident no he sent me God's elections our election they are sent ones you understand it's part of God's plan he sent me while it is day that is to say it's light out there it's not dark the night cometh when no man can work in other words blindness is going to hit the world it's going to happen verse five as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world now many that might frighten son but did he leave no he said in 10 days you're gonna get a promise from me or I'm gonna send you a comforter that'll be the light also so he didn't remove the light from us we still have it his word is the light he is the light and spiritually he is with us and for one of God's elect that's all that's necessary so you might say well will God intercede in my life then well I don't know he did this one are you any different or you something special that he can't use you I think if he decides to use you he's going to do it because those that were justified he can he can utilize okay and again it comes down if you take somebody that did not overcome in the first Earth Age and let's say that God interceded in their lives and then on judgement day they could squeal like a wounded Pig okay you made me do it so that they got free will their own their own God will not intercede in their life unless they ask him to and then he will but until they ask he's not gonna he's not going to even turn it over why so that on Judgment Day they're on their own you either overcome in the light or you stay in the darkness but understand why some people can't understand you when they don't even know there was a first Earth Age when they don't know that some people have free will and there are some that God will intercede in your life and then all things work to the good for you it could even be something seemingly bad like hey I'm sure this old boy didn't enjoy having to beg and not being able to see a lot of people would say that that's a curse you know it was to illustrate that Christ is light that Christ can make you see make you to see if if you ask and if you deserve it to know the very truths that opened the gates of heaven to you eternity and makes you just real fine makes you alright but let's go back and look at people again verse 6 when he had thus spoken he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay in other words here you have a bit of the living water and you have the clay that man is made from you've got what man is okay and said unto him go wash in the pool of siloam long which is by interpretation sent underlining in your mind sent he was a scent one you got it and what would it take to get someone to see through that to see the light a scent one he went his way therefore and washed and came seeing and and you got to know beloved that this particular pool is watered by a subterranean conduit that comes from you know what the fountain of the virgin the fountain of the virgin he was washed there with that from the mother came the Sun and the Sun is the light and this water spiritually speaking of the scent one cleared him knob and healed him what for what reason to illustrate that God's on the throne to illustrate that God is in control to illustrate that God uses you and he doesn't ask necessarily you volunteer but he's going to use you and don't ever complain about it you want to get behind the eight-ball just pull one of those poor me baby Jags on him when he's maneuvering you to be where you can be useful think about it friend think about it deep think about it long and think about it hard verse 8 the neighbors therefore and they which before had seen him that he was blind I mean from birth little baby said is not this he that sat and begged some said and this is he that's he I'm all right others said he's like him looks like him but he said I am he I'm the one therefore said they into him how were thine eyes open how to question how did this happen and he entered and said a man that has called Jesus y'all have a savior okay being interpreted made clay and anointed my's and said unto me go to the pool of Siloam and wash I went and washed I received my sight I obeyed I can see now beloved this being able to see has more to do with in physical sight okay has to be able to see the truth be able to see God's plan whereby you can help others in explaining it whereby they also can understand the saving grace of God not some flyaway doctrine but the real truth of God's Word and how it affects people your people God's children then said they unto Him where is he and he said I know not they brought two they brought to the Pharisees him that a four time was blind go down get them religious dudes and let's see what we can find out I'm one thought well I won't go there 14 and it was the Sabbath Dave when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes oh we're in trouble now okay then again the Pharisees asked him how he had received his sight and he said unto them he put clay upon mine eyes and I washed and do see it's that simple God's plan is always real simple it's so simple that some people can't understand it okay because they've got a muddy the water they got to make it difficult therefore said some of the Pharisees this man is not of God because he keepeth not the Sabbath day others said how can a man that is a sinner do such miracles and there was a division among them in other words they were called in Jesus Christ who the Sabbath he's the king of the Sabbath okay they're calling him a sinner okay now if you go to a lot of religious people okay and and you bring forth the real truth if you were to tell them there were earth age before this they're gonna call you a sinner okay you're confused and is that gonna bother you I hope not I really hope not I hope that you're welded into the truth that the truth grows in you you never doubt you know that all things work to the good for those that love the Lord going to verse 17 they say into the blind man again what says thou of him that he hath opened on eyes he said he's a prophet he's a man of God because he did it okay that's you know the proofs in the pudding okay he gave the order the command I executed it and guess what I see but the Jews did not believe concerning him that he had been blind and received his sight until they called the parents of him that had received his sight you think they're going to know anything if they weren't there and if they didn't experience it even the parents there they're not going to want to get involved because of the religious community you know what might happen to them they might get excommunicated from the church it could happen verse 19 and they asked them the parents saying is this your son who you say was born blind how then death he now see his parents answered them and said we know that this is our son we can vouch for that and that he was born blind we can vouch for that 21 but by what means he now see us we know not we don't know nothing about it or who have opened his eyes we know not he is of age he's a grown man ask him he shall speak for himself in other words leave us out of it these words spake his parents because they feared the Jews for the Jews had agreed already that if any man did confess that he was Christ he should be put out of the synagogue we're going to excommunicate them luckiest day in their life okay you know you don't hey you know one of the first things you learn is an old cowboy is a dead horse ain't gonna get you no work you know you're you're out of business friend until you get you another house okay and and if you're in it if you're trying to ride a dead old horse and there's no truth there you're not going anywhere okay well I guess we can say you might it's hot okay verse 23 therefore said his parents he's the beige ask him 24 then again called they the man that was blind and said unto him give God the praise we know that this man is a sinner now you know that's that is a hard thing and they're sure not going to make any points with our Father calling his only-begotten a sinner okay he entered and said whether he be a sinner or no I know not one thing I know this is a fact that whereas I was blind now I see and you can't touch me because I know I was the one that wanted to see how beautiful the trees in God's creation was I was the one that wanted to see what people look like and I had to sit there begging all my life and he came along and he touched me and he had me performed as he sent me and I can see and there's nothing you can say that'll rob me of that or take that away from me I hope you have that same attitude dear one because you've got eyes to see and you got ears to hear that's why sometimes people have trouble communicating with you it's God's Way simple a child could understand it just take a deep breath and think then said they to him again what did he to the question how opened he denies we'd kind of like to know this trick for ourselves okay he answered them I have told you already and you did not here wherefore would you hear it again will you also be his disciples do you want to follow Jesus now that'll that'll fix their wagon real good okay then they reviled they stormed him and said thou art his disciple but we are Moses as disciples Moses himself even spoke of Jesus and do in Deuteronomy 18 18 did he not and verse 29 we know that God spake unto Moses as for this fellow we know not from whence he is we don't know this Jesus you know as a strange thing he had raised people from the dead he had healed leprosy he had given this blind boy sight and and they don't know whether he's from God or not you know look at facts don't listen to men that do not have the truth but listen to your father in his words these things happen so that you could see in the deeper vein of the simplicity in which Christ taught and let's see verse let's go with verse 31 now we know that God heareth not sinners but if any man be a worshipper of God and doeth his will him he heareth 32 since the world began was it not heard that any man this is the blind man that has sight talking was aim and opened the eyes of one that was born blind never happened before if this man were not of God he could do nothing that's common sense friend always use it the gift that God gave you that's M mourn Christian born people you're going to know the truth you're going to feel it they answered and said unto him that was altogether born in sins well now Jesus has already said he never sinned nor his parents and dust thou teach us and they cast him out they excommunicated him he should have celebrated okay had a party it's the best thing that ever happened to him Christ himself had touched him healed him as an illustration of how God chooses his election and how they serve him Jesus heard that they had cast him out I'm sure he applauded okay and when he had found him he said unto Him just thou believe on the Son of God do you believe in me son he answered and said who is he Lord that I might believe on him tell me 37 and jesus said unto Him thou has both seen him and it is he that talketh with thee your eyes are open now you can see me I don't know can you see can you see the truth do you know that God has an election so you know that he utilizes people that were justified in the first Earth Age judged and he said Lord I believe and he worshiped him why wouldn't he and Jesus said for judgment I am come into this world that they would see not might see and that they which see might be made blind in other words the real truth can blind some people they're blind to it though they have eyes that can see a tree or a building they can't see the truth I don't know maybe you all have bumped into one of them sometime when you were trying to talk God's Word to them they couldn't see it couldn't understand it 40 and some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words and said unto Him are we blind also are you accusing us of this also jesus said unto them if you were blind you should have no sin but now you say we see therefore your sin remaineth it's there you know ignorance is bliss I suppose because God put the spirit of stupor over some to protect them for the Millennium the Lord today I believe that with all my heart we're not going to shake them but their son that will hear and it's a beautiful thing a beautiful thing when one of those can see the truth and hear it and their eyes are open and they can see this simple plan of God of salvation in knowing the true Christ and being the difference between he and the false Christ I'm gonna I'm gonna close this by going to James the great book of James James and we're going to take it with chapter 1 thinking again site light gives side and Christ is that light Christ is that light of the world book of James right before the books of Peter right up following the great book of Hebrews in my Bible in some Bibles this may be a little different you know so we've run across some strange Bibles here lately you got to be very careful okay let's rightly divide the word okay that's important well what do you mean by that who was it written to and naturally it applies to everyone but there is a special message in it for who it's written to that give you better light that is to say understanding so James chapter 1 verse 1 reads James a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad greeting in other words that was written to God's children that were scattered all over Europe many of them later to this great United States of America it's written to you that God has a message for you and he loves you and he wants you to be able to see because he is that light the skip if we may for the sake of time down to verse 17 verse 17 hmm every good gift and every perfect gift is from above it's from God and cometh down from the Father of lights that light gives sight okay with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning I mean it's straight on you can rest assured all things work to the good for those that love the Lord and those gifts without repentance come from above come from him if he assigns you a gift hey guess what you're stuck with it friend you may try to get away from it but he will correct you in a way that can be awesome until you fulfill it own of his own will begat he us with the word of truth that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures in other words God's election he begat so that as a form of firstfruits so that you could bring that fruit in his children that couldn't see meaning he has a purpose for you and that's why you're here you know you got to stop and think if you were chosen and justified in the first Earth Age what have you got to do with this or earth is not necessarily a whole lot for yourself but for the others to help them to know them to to love them and to know that they are children of God therefore you are he called firstfruits in this case we're for my beloved brother and let every man be swift to hear slow to speak and slow to wrath let God work okay for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God an angry controversy or arguing the Bible won't get you one step okay it's waste of time if somebody doesn't have ears to hear forget it okay we're for lay apart all filthiness and superfluity Fluit ii of that's over zealous and there's a naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls do you know that when it says break the bread do you know what that word break means in the Greek it says when you break or cut something to graft it in somewhere else the bread of life into your body engrafted so that your family and he knows you and he utilizes you okay in that word of truth and how precious that is verse 22 and be ye doers got it be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves if all you do is hear and you don't practice you're a waste you're you're deceiving yourself why because god wants to hear from you he wants you to let him know you love him I don't know how long has it been since you said father I love you that's what he really wants from you I mean you can't say it often enough my friend well don't he doesn't like a ratchet job but you know what I mean okay it's verse 23 for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass look that's that's to say looking in a mirror whoa looking good today old buddy you know when you look in the mirror or a little sweetie you might say Louie now pretty thank ya look at that you know but do you know what happens when you walk away to that picture that's what he's talking about if you don't be a doer of God's Word you're like that picture you saw in the mirror you may look pretty but when you walk away you're nothing there's nothing there okay 24 for he beholdeth himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he is there's no picture there you wouldn't know what you look like but whoso looketh into the perfect law of Liberty and continueth therein he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this man shall be blessed in his deed do you want God to bless you there's no gender in that it applies to women also that God will bless and he will hey you know something he always keeps his word a lot of people want God to pay first and then they'll do the work it doesn't work that way I would not say that God doesn't trust you it's just that's his rule and and you know what most places you work isn't that the way it is you know even sometimes they'll hold a week back on you you know does that mean they don't trust you well I don't know I mean you look trustworthy to me but you know God likes to pay you after he knows what you need you don't even have to pray for it just do his B be a good listener and a doer and he knows what you need he'll give it to you okay and that law of Liberty it's what is Liberty is freedom such a free truth sets you free from the hang-ups of this world okay if any man among you seem to be religious and Bridal if not his tongue but deceiveth his own heart this man's religion is vain well y'all want to be sure and come down to our church right here we just you know we just party have a good time there you know well do you ever study God's Word well we'll read a verse now and then but mostly we talk hey you know whatever whatever you like you know that's that's that's what you know some certain food for different folks some people like the Word of God and they like to be a doer of it religion Christianity is not a religion I want you to get that straight it's a reality it's real and you live it okay 27 to complete this lecture pure religion and undefiled before God and the father is this you want to know it is this to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction now wait a minute what does this mean well who was it addressed to I wanted you to rightly divide it who was it addressed to in verse one to the 12 scattered abroad that have lost they don't know who their father is and they don't know who their husband is so their widowed okay tell them the truth tell them who they are tell them they're God's children tell them they're God's election that's the real truth okay and to keep himself unspotted from the world don't you let the world snake you in the ways of the world hey doesn't hurt to be street-smart friend because you know what the enemy is up to but do it God's Way do you don't want you want to be sure and do it God's Way because you who can be against you if you serve God nobody can because father watches over you father knows you and father's going to see to it that you're protected do you know why it's really real simple because he's got something for you to do and many said well I wish you'd get around to it well don't worry it's coming I can hear I can hear the king of Babylon coming over the hill you know who that is that's enter Christ who do you think is going to witness against him one of the greatest times in Christianity is to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you you might say well I don't talk very good don't worry you're not doing the talking the Holy Spirit will and here you will say exactly what it is he wants you to say why you got psyched you can see you know there was an age before this and you know that many of God's children failed and God could have killed him but he loves them he wants to save them so instead of destroying the third of his children he destroyed that earth age and caused each one to be born innocent of woman to make his or her mind up whether they would follow Christ or Satan but he had certain people that he could utilize to make his plan come to pass exactly as it's written no mess-ups and he can intercede in those lives and see that it gets done because he's on the throne and you know there's the Savior now sitting at his right hand and he's they're going to sit there until all the enemies are made their footstool who do you think are gonna put those enemies under his footstool you are with the aid of the holy spirit according to God's plan not yours so light his light gives sight and takes blindness spiritual blindness away from the family and encourages one to say Here I am father use me I'm available and dedicate oneself to him for if he's for you who could be against you they're gonna lose anyone that goes against you is gonna lose because God's on the throne heavenly father thank you Father for your word thank you father for the light thank you father for sight let these all be a blessing to all they come in contact with we ask good in Yeshua Jesus precious name Amen amen amen the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be - on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 don't be deceived by Satan we're in the Bible can I look for comfort thanks for your service of this country I was proud to have served this country at the Chosun reservoir in North Korea 1950s it was a good hot old time even though it was cold mmm you know stuff happens it sure does but you're one of God's own and I would recommend to you first corinthians i've quoted this earlier chapter 10 verse 13 and and know that what's happened to you it happens to all of us okay it's but the thing you want to remember your brother is with the father okay man no more pain you kind of want to rejoice for him okay he's got it made and and the missus well unfortunately Satan kind of rules some in this earth but we read that verse real good chapter 10 first corinthians verse 13 that what's happened to you happens to all of us and God will never test you more than you can handle he knows you can handle this because you'reyou're you're a can-do type person it's it's fine to shed the tears okay but get right up from it and know just like Jeremiah did in today's lecture you get back up you get your hold of your bootstraps you pull yourself up and you start plowing okay you're a can-do type person and I can tell by your stationery that God uses you immensely thank you for your service Linda from North Carolina I have a nephew who has been into drugs can you give me some scripture for him to read to help him he is coming around and is reading the Bible just mean to help him well probably one of the best things you can do is show him your Strong's Concordance and and go to Revelation chapter 21 and it says there there's not going to be any sorcerer's in heaven and then you take that word sorcerer and you chase that back to the Greek and you know what it is in Greek it's for Messiah which we get our word pharmacy means a drug pushy a drug dealer not gonna mean drug dealers in heaven not gonna mean drug users that is to say illegally this is fine you know when when the word talks about poppy juice talking about drugs and God is very much against it what you want to tell him the king of Babylon is coming and those people that like to get a fix he'll gladly give you one when you're supposed to be standing against him and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you so let him know that I'm telling me if he's is dependent on anything other than God he's in bad shape and he needs help and God is just the one that can help him Denise from Minnesota do you have a work on how the u.s. is not going to fall how do you know that we are home here in the USA if if we're going to be taken and delivered up to the Antichrist well why does god Bless America because we love Him our people because of personal religion persecution departed the old land and came here our people were scattered all over the world when the ten tribes went north over the Caucasus mountain called Caucasian settled Europe and then later here to worship as we please and God mentions the superpower of super powers that he utilizes and will continue to utilize because we happen to be that city of unwalled with unwalled cities and we've always been protected and as far as being delivered up before the Antichrist remember he can he's supernatural and he comes in vehicles that is not even a five-minute flight from here to Jerusalem all right zips up okay and you have to understand the high tech that our Father possesses and even allows Satan and it will happen but again we have nothing to worry about God has stated we will always control our gates and we do control them we may have some help with them but we control them Americans are fantastic people they're peaceful they're easy to get along with but I've been with crowds of Americans that were pressured and abused and I've seen them become warriors I mean real warriors if you've ever seen that you don't have to worry about this nation losing its independence it won't mainly because of God though okay I want to make that very very clear Andy from Tennessee your warnings to the Christians who cite the Hebrew language mistranslations of in clouds and in the air first Thessalonians 4:17 against meaning the rapture myth help me but if to be absent from our body is to be present with the Lord is true then what does first Corinthians 15:52 mean at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed it's talking you know always listen and listen to what you're reading incorruptible means what flesh bodies this in corruptible must put on incorruption buddy must put on incorruption my you're gonna be before God flesh and blood can't stand before God because it's a different dimension why it says we're all going to be changed it means even the incorruptible will put on the corruptible will put on incorruptible but read the rest of the verse this mortal must put on immortality mortal has to do with their soul they've still got a soul that's mortal meaning it's going to die there are changed they're all changed but some of them are spiritually dead and a hammer that's why they're dead okay but they're still changed why because we go into the Millenium into a spiritual dimension were there before God and he can lay the hammer on him okay the gavel the judge okay so go back and reread it corruptible has to do with the flesh body and the spiritual body mortal has to do with your soul and immortality is your overcoming when you're no longer spiritually dead and you will either take part in the first resurrection or the second at the end of the millennium or your choice would be the lake of fire okay hope that helps you routine from Atlanta in a country that was built on the phrase in god we trust' and according to God's Word the Bible we are instructed to love one another unconditionally in regardless of race color or creed my question why do we as a people worship separately well you know you can't worship with everybody how could you just discipline yourself with God's Word Paul says get along with your neighbor if it's possible I'm not going to worship with somebody that's worshipping Houdini I'm not going to worship with somebody that likes to hear a man pop off hot air for an hour rather than teaching God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse don't try to tie me down to non-believers if they want to believe that's their choice there's two choices life or death and those that choose death I don't want to be saddled with them if they want to hear truth then let them decide for life if they want to die let him die okay but you can't if you unconditionally worship in a house that you let everything in Satan's in this world he's coming in and he will destroy your work you show me a work without discipline from almighty God's Word and I'll show you a house that is not a house of God but a house of whoredoms that is to say whoring after every non little belief that comes along rather than sticking to God's Word and amounting to something okay haven't you ever heard Christ teach don't don't be unequally yoked you're not supposed to yoke yourself up with every bill that comes along what kind of person are you Jeannie from Arkansas this is not to say you don't love everybody that believes but you teach God's Word and you plow straight anybody that doesn't want to follow along in that firl out Jeannie from Arkansas my question is I know God can hear and see everything I do can my parents see and hear me and I assume that you've lost your parents and everything I do can my parents see then here I feel like there are they are my guardian angels I've missed them deeply well you heard me quote Matthew chapter 18 verse 10 earlier about guardian angels does that mean your parents or not necessarily but I know as experienced as a pastor in being at many deathbeds where people are in the transition of passing on to the father that they always have their loved ones come back meet them many times they'll they'll speak to them and you won't see them you'll be a pastor standing there and they'll speak to them you won't see them but they're in the transition of passing to that dimension so don'tdon't don't be surprised okay but know they're with the father and that's good enough on its own okay and will this hurting every stop well you know don't don't hurt for them be happy for them I know you miss them but you're a big girl now and you have to you have to kind of take up some of the slack and be happy for them that their whisperer I know they're in heaven and I try to be happy and that well that's good okay my husband and I are having problems too well you keep setting the example read 1st Corinthians chapter 7 telling you how a family should get along husband and wife Stanley from South Carolina I've had Parkinson's for almost 20 years now and I've been watching your program for almost a year and I feel that I understand the Bible better when it is taught chapter by chapter and verse by verse my that's it's the only way to understand God's Word okay is subject/object article carry it right on through a child can understand it my question to you concerns the Lord's Prayer I study using the authorized King James Version in the Bible and it states in the verse 10 through 6 and st. Matthew that Thy will be done in earth as in heaven my Bible also states in verse 2 chapter 11 st. Luke as in heaven so in earth every time I hear the Lord's Prayer given by a pastor which is not often enough the pastor says own instead of in you know you can I'm out of time you can cut him a little slack okay but heaven will ultimately be on earth in earth ok cuts it all God's favorite place in the universe is Jerusalem Ezekiel chapter 16 documents that he made an eternal covenant with that geographical location at a time I love you all why because you enjoy studying our father's letter most of all God loves you for it it makes his day when you make his day he's going to make yours we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings we've helped you you help us keep coming to you won't you do that bless God he will always bless you but you know what's most important it's this but you stay in his word every day in his word even with trouble you know what it's still a good day why because Jesus Yahshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying god's word here on the shepherd's chapel family bible study hour with pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 8,050
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Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: 9TohqM7H6cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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