Beef Stew in the Ninja Foodi (Pressure Cooker Recipe)

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hi there and welcome to the salted pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple and today I am going to show you how to make a very easy and delicious beef stew in the Ninja foodie I'm using the six and a half quart ninja foodie but you could use the 8 quart as well and this is the pressure cooker with air crisper I feel like I now have to qualify that because there's a bunch of a ninja foodie products now so this is the pressure cooker with the air crisper so ordinarily when I how I make my beef stew is with leftover pot roast and if you haven't seen my pot roast video yet I will link to that right up there so you can check that out but that pot roast was so good we didn't have any leftovers and then I was craving beef stew so I had to just make some from scratch and I'm gonna show you how it's super easy so you want to get a container that's going to hold our flour and seasoning mixture and I just happen to use these because they come with a lid and so I can actually just shake it up with the meat in there and it's quick and easy you could use a bag as well anything that will hold the flour and then hold the meat so what we're gonna do is put in 1/2 of a cup of all-purpose flour into our container and then I have a seasoning blend now you guys can do whatever you want as far as seasonings go but I found this is a really simple blend and it absolutely taste delicious I have two teaspoons of salt 1 teaspoon of thyme and 1 teaspoon of black pepper and that's it so I'm gonna put those in there make sure I get all that salt out it might seem like a lot of salt but we're gonna make a full pot of stew here so really for the amount of servings it's not a lot of salt alright so let me just get this mixed up and I think I'll just do it with this thing here this is my I think my most used kitchen tool it's called the scoop and spread and really it's designed to make sandwiches but I I don't eat sandwiches so I don't use it for that but I use it for just about everything else you're gonna see how I use this side of it because it's a double sided tool you'll see how I use this side of it which is a little bit firmer when we deglaze the pot all right so now that's mixed up and now we want to get our meat ready now you could buy the pre-prepared stew me if there's nothing wrong with that but I find that it is just as easy to get a chuck roast or you could use the sirloin or whatever meat you prefer and cut it up yourself I just find that it's easy I can manage the size I can trim it up if I want so that's what I have here it's about two pounds you could make this with one pound of beef or two pounds of beef but I would not go over the two pounds because what's gonna happen so we're gonna have too much flour it's gonna become too thick too fast and then we might get that water notice so two pounds or one pound of beef it's fine I made it the first time with one pound of beef I thought it was great I wanted to keep it that way but my husband said it nope you need more beef so I'm gonna double it now all right so I'm just gonna take a knife that's pretty sharp and cut these pieces I'm not gonna do a lot of trimming with this because that fat is actually going to help make our gravy and it's also gonna help flavor the beef stew so I'm not gonna do a lot of trimming but when I get down into here I probably will cut this one little big area of fat out so while I finished doing this cuz this doesn't take any time at all and I like to make them into bite-size pieces so they're about maybe a 1-inch cube that's what I would suggest to do if they're a little bit bigger that won't matter but you don't want to make him too small cuz you don't want them you want you want to have a nice piece of beef when you bite into it and if you come across anything that's kind of tough on your meat just go ahead and cut that out now the 20 minutes of pressure cooking that we do for the beef will tenderize it quite a bit but if it's really stringy and tough I kind of just pull that out and a good idea while you're chopping up your meat and getting it dredged in the seasoning blend and the flour is to go ahead and start preheating your ninja foody I'm not gonna do it quite yet I'm gonna do it when I'm about halfway done cutting this meat and then I'm gonna add in the olive oil and we're gonna let it get super hot because we're going to saute the beef after we put it in the flour mixture so when I get about halfway done I'm gonna preheat that so if your meats already cut up and you don't have to do this step then you could pre-heat of course right now [Music] all right so now is a good time to get the ninja foodie preheated so we're gonna turn it on the seer saute high is what we want and hit the start button that's one of those things I often forget to do so make sure you hit the start button because it will not start to heat up unless you do and I'm gonna put in about 2 tablespoons of olive oil now you might need a little bit more just depends but I'm gonna start with 2 then I can add more as I'm sauteing the beef after we put it in the flour mixture so let's start doing that all I'm gonna do is just put the beef right in here I might have to do this in two batches um you know what I'm gonna do actually and I think that this is probably a really smart thing to do we are going to use half of the meat that we're gonna dredge in the flour but the other I'm not gonna dredge in the flour and the reason I'm doing that is because remember I tested the recipe with one pound of beef but my husband really wanted me to double the meat in here so I'm doing that now but what if that much flour for the doublemeat thickens too fast so I don't want to do that so I'm gonna use about half of the meat put it in the flour sautee it and then this I'm not gonna dredge in the flour it's not gonna make any difference in the final outcome but it will give us less of a chance to get that water if notice all right so let's get the lid on and let's do a little shake well this is pretty full so let's see if I can code it but it looks like it's coating all the beef just fine all right now you will have leftover flour that is fine save it though don't discard it we're gonna add it in at the end to really thicken our beef stew all right so I'm just gonna go ahead and throw these in and I'm not like I'm gonna kind of let the flour fall off of them too so I'm not putting in a ton of flour right now just because you know you have to have a thin liquid to come to pressure so if this becomes too thick too fast we're gonna have some problems coming under pressure or during the pressure cooking time alright that looks pretty good and then we have a good amount of flour probably about 1/4 cup or so left here in the bowl and again we're gonna save that because we're gonna do a little trick at the end to get this mixed up and in to our beef stew to make it really thick alright now I know my hands are kind of covered but let me just finish this up real quick and then I'll give them a quick wash and we will get to stirring the beef cubes and this takes about 10 minutes or so because you want to get them nice and brown on all the sides that's helping to develop flavor so it is not a step that I suggest you skip everything that we do here is to develop flavor and make the end result perfection and this was the beef best beef stew I've ever had I was amazed I mean really amazed I was kind of afraid to test it honestly because I thought how am I gonna make beef stew without getting the water notice you know but it work this works perfectly so famous last words now watch me get the water notice while I'm doing a video that'll be funny but that'll be okay cuz that's real life and then we'll just roll with it but I hope not quit smells so good now this is that piece of just pure fat there and I'm not gonna put that in so I'm just gonna cut away the meat that I can get and not worry about that now you could cook this up and for the dogs or you could use it you can put it in the freezer this would be great to add if you're gonna make homemade beef stock so you could always save your trimmings and use it when you want to make some beef stock which I have not done yet and I really need to do that I need to get some bones from the from the butcher and make some homemade beef stock because that would be incredible and easy in the Ninja bootie all right that looks good enough now let me go ahead and get this cleaned up I'm not gonna stir yet I'm gonna wash my hands and then I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna flip those around and let them brown on the other side all right so it's time to give these a little flip I mean I cannot even begin to tell you how good it smells oh my gosh it's just amazing and it's browning up nicely but we're not quite ready now you'll notice that on the bottom there is you know some flour and stuff that's kind of sticky don't worry about that we're gonna get that off when we do glaze so right now just let that beef sit for another three to five minutes until it Browns up nicely and then we'll deglaze the pot and we'll use the other side and I'll show you have a good trick for getting all that off the bottom all right somebody just give it another little flip it looks so good so just until you no longer see anything okay you know you some of them are still think it's not the end of the world do not worry about it I think I'm just gonna let this go maybe another minute but you can see the really nice browning that you get and this is what develops the flavor so you do want to take this the time to do the step it is important all right so while that's finishing up browning I'm gonna go ahead and prep one onion now I have three here these are kind of small onions so I would say the recipe would be two large onions or three small onions or no onions if you don't like onion that's perfectly fine what I'm gonna do is put one onion in when we pressure cook the beef and then the other two are gonna go in when I put the vegetables in because I like a little bit of texture on my onion I don't want them to just kind of fall apart and disappear I want to know that they're in my stew so I'm gonna wait and add the other two but this one's gonna go in cause it's gonna help flavor the broth from the beginning and the thing about a beef stew that I absolutely love is the ease of the prep because there's really nothing to it we don't have to do a fine dice in fact I wouldn't even recommend doing a fine dice when you're making a beef stew so I just take my onion cut it in half get both ends off peel the paper off and just go down the center like that and then make chunks and that's it and I can throw that in right now as well then the other thing we're gonna add in right now before we go under pressure cook is some minced garlic so I'm gonna go ahead and mince up about six to eight cloves of minced garlic you can use as much or as little or none as you like and that's gonna be it will deglaze the pot with some wine that really adds a nice depth of flavor but it is optional you can use all beef stock in this recipe if you prefer let me get my little handy dandy garlic mincer here it looks like we're just just about ready so this will be perfect timing and then while the beef is pressure cooking for the 20 minutes we will prep the rest of the ingredients so they're all ready to go in the pot so this is a pretty quick and easy still the other thing that I like is that it comes up to pressure fairly quickly the first time because everything is gonna be really hot in the pot so there's really no time I think it took like five minutes during the test so I don't take somewhere I guess between let's say five and ten minutes to come up to pressure ah I wish you guys could smell what is coming out of that pot oh my gosh it is so good I cannot wait to eat this and you know what else I decided to do and this is kind of one of those times where I haven't tested this recipe I have no idea if it'll work but I think it's gonna be fun because we're gonna make some drop biscuits and we're gonna put them right on top of the beef stew at the very end and let those cook and I don't mean in the stew I mean on top on a rack so we're gonna see if we can do that and I'll I'll do that just off the cuff here for you guys we'll see if we can make some biscuits I think that'll be fun alright so now those garlic cloves went in I'm gonna give one final stir this is when I'm gonna flip this utensil over and use the end that is less flexible because it's gonna help us to scrape any of the that flour and flavor because there's a lot of flavor there that strip that off so that we don't trigger the water notice so the first thing I'm gonna do glaze with is the one cup of wine the reason why I put the wine in first is because I want it to have a chance to burn off the alcohol I love cooking with wine and I love the complexity of flavor that it brings but I don't like my food to taste like alcohol so I definitely want to spend a couple of minutes burning that off so I'm gonna pour it in and immediately things will start to like bubble and the wine I'll heat up and then as it gets on the bottom it helps to loosen all those brown bits or fawn is what it's called and I call them little bits of yumminess cuz that's what they are and you'll see the wine thickening up pretty quickly and that's because it's also combining with the flour down there and it's creating a little thick sauce which is fine because we're gonna thin it out with the beef stock now if you like to make your popular beef stew with those packets that come from the store be very careful when using those because they stick it up very quickly when you go under pressure and you are likely to get the Burn Notice so I definitely use caution when you're using those and making beef stew so this little end perfectly scrapes the bottom without scratching without scratching and gets all the brown bits and you don't need to be able to see them because you can feel them as you're scraping along you can feel what where they are and I think I've gotten them all off and it looks good all right so let me just put in the final couple of ingredients we're gonna thin this out with two cups of beef stock and I'm gonna put in two tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce now the first time I tested the recipe I did a quarter of a cup I happen to like it but it was a little tangy you could like I don't know just taste a little Tang from from the sauce so I come coming back on it to two tablespoons but if you like that Tang add a quarter cup it was delicious but just a little much so we're gonna add in two tablespoons and that is it guys I'm gonna give it one last stir here just to make sure that it looks like it's a thin enough liquid and it does so everything looks good now we are gonna go under high pressure for 20 minutes and then we're gonna do an immediate release and don't freak out I'll explain while why an immediate release is perfectly fine even though this is a beef stew all right let's go to high pressure the time is going to be 20 minutes and hit start make sure the black valve on the back is set to seal and then we expect it to take somewhere between five and 10 minutes to come up to pressure so I know people are so convinced that any time they cook meat they need to do a natural release and and I'm all for that that I understand it it's because when you release the pressure immediately it sucks the moisture out of the meat however we can do an immediate release on this beef stew or any other types of submerged meats and any kind of soups that have meat in them because we're not gonna change the pressure in the stew itself okay so we're gonna release the pressure but the heat is gonna stay the same so we're not gonna have that quick pulling out of moisture in the meat that's submerged in the liquid now one thing that I have heard and I haven't done this personally but I have heard so I want to give you this tip is if you do an immediate release because you have a piece of meat that is submerged in the liquid don't remove it from the liquid right away let it sit in the pot for about five or ten minutes and that way you won't pull the moisture out but this one's gonna be fine to do an immediate release so trust me on that and then we will get all of our vegetables chopped up and ready to go so that when we immediately release this we're ready to dump and go back under pressure for two minutes it hasn't started counting down yet but the pin has popped up so we are under pressure and literally that took like three minutes or so so it's super fast and then it'll go under pressure once the countdown starts that's when I say when I put in my recipes the time to pressure I don't mean the time for the pin to pop up I mean the time it takes until the countdown starts so I would expect that's gonna start in a few minutes so while that's happening I'm gonna go ahead and prep the other ingredients and what I'm using for my beef stew is one pound of carrots two more onions a pound of potatoes and probably somewhere between I don't know four and eight ounces of mushrooms I'm not worried about the measurements so that's the that's all the ingredients that are gonna go in here now you could add in or omit any of these or more whatever you like some people like a can of tomatoes or tomatoes in their beef stew go ahead you could add that in really before you went under pressure all right so I'm just gonna peel these up I don't think I've ever seen that before it looks like I've got a bruise on my Garrett I don't think I've ever seen a dark spot on my carrot like that it's interesting probably cut it out it's really interesting our countdown started see how fast that is all right let me move these out of the way I'm gonna put those in our container for compost and then we'll get the rest of the vegetables prepared all right so like I said I'm using about a pound I mean you could use a pound and a half it's no you're right overall amount of potatoes to add however many you want and I got the Yukon Gold I like the way that they hold up better the texture to me is better but you could use russets they're just gonna be a little bit softer and a little starch here but since we're adding them in at the end and only pressure cooking for two minutes it's not gonna make a difference so I'm not even gonna kill these that's one of the reasons I also like to use the Yukon Gold or golden potatoes as they're um otherwise called at the grocery store if you can't find the Yukon Gold you don't need to peel them the skin is so thin that you don't need to peel them so these have been washed and then what I'm doing is these are my husband went to the grocery store for me this time and I don't know they couldn't find the potatoes that I usually get so he got a different brand and they are just full of those little eyes so I'm gonna just kind of get those off they're quite ugly potatoes to be honest but you know what they're gonna taste fine I threw you under the bus Jeff all right that looks good get those out of the way and now I am going to take the mushrooms again like I said I'm not gonna measure them or anything like that doesn't really matter so just as many as I think I want it's totally optional but I really like mushrooms and my beef stew that looks like plenty plenty now when you're preparing mushrooms for anything anytime you want to cook with mushrooms don't wash them under running water because they're like a sponge and they will absorb that water and then there's no room for them to absorb the delicious liquid or if like if you're doing a garlic butter they won't absorb it because they've already absorbed the water so you just want to gently brush them with a damp towel not super wet but just lightly damp and just get off any kind of dirt that you can see I pop out the stems you can use the stems but I usually just remove them and then for this I'm just going to take them and quarter them and that will be a good size for our beef stew so I'm gonna finish doing that with all of the mushrooms and then I will cut up the rest of the vegetables all right so we just have about a minute left and then we're gonna do that immediate release so I just wanted to talk about the size of the vegetables here so what I've done is cut the vegetables into about 1-inch pieces and that is because we're gonna go under pressure for two minutes and I want them to be cooked obviously if you wanted to go under pressure a little bit longer because you want to chunkier bits of carrot or whatever you can do that so if you wanted to make these thicker because that's how you like them in your beef stew that's fine just bump up the time from two minutes to maybe three or four minutes but for this dice which is about like I said about an inch they are gonna be fine in two minutes plus we're gonna let it thicken a little bit so you know even while it's just sitting there thickening it's still cooking and finishing them up so this has worked each and every time for me and I'm sure it'll work for you as well now there's going to be quite a bit of steam coming out so the but pressure release time it's gonna be probably a couple of minutes because it's a full pot and there's a lot of steam in there so right now I'm gonna go ahead and flip that and take that long about two minutes and now the red button has depressed and we can go ahead and take off the lid now when you do that always do that away from you because there's I mean steam is very hot and it can burn you so I do that away from me and then put the lid down here this looks and smells amazing so let's give it it looks real soupy so don't worry about that we're gonna fix that up in just a little bit but this smell is amazing all right so now I'm gonna get all of these vegetables in here and you'll see the volume of the pot now the second time to pressure takes a little bit longer because we're adding in these vegetables and cooling down the liquid if you weren't quite ready to add your vegetables let's say you got behind on your prep and they weren't ready to go turn on the seer saute I may be on medium so that you can get a nice little simmer of your liquid as you're finishing up your vegetables and that is going to help it come up to pressure a little quicker but the two-minute pressure cook that I set it does take into account that it takes probably about 10 to 15 minutes to come up to pressure this next time but that's fine because it's gonna give us time to make up our dough for our drop biscuits all right I'm just gonna give this a nice little stir looks good now we might need to add in some more beef stock but that's okay we can do that even after the pressure cuts time just because the volume of meat I doubled so we probably need to go another cup to two cups of beef stock so that we have a good you know sauce to vegetable and meat ratio all right so put on the pressure lid and go ahead and go back to the high pressure and the time is gonna be two minutes hit start make sure your valve is to the seal position again and let the ninja foodie do its thing alright so we just started the countdown about 30 seconds ago and the red pin popped up quite a bit before the timer started counting down so I would say this took a good 15 to 20 minutes to come all the way up to pressure and start the countdown so just don't be concerned about that it does take a while it's a really full pot so in the mean time I went ahead and I got some ingredients together for me to make biscuits now this is not my famous recipe for biscuits that I will link to up there because those are actually formed biscuits that you cut with a biscuit cutter and then bacon the ninja fruity they're absolutely delicious but this time we're gonna make more of a drop biscuit and I'm totally winging it in fact I've never even made drop biscuits before so we're gonna just do this together and let's see if I get the ratios right because I'm totally making this up as I go along I have 1 cup of flour in here and I'm gonna add in about quarter cup three tablespoons to four tablespoons of butter that's cold and salted and then I'm just gonna use a pastry cutter here to just cut that in and make the little crumbles in the flour I'm not even sure if this is the traditional way that you make a drop biscuit it is when you make your roll biscuit that you do with the biscuit cutter but I'm not really sure cuz again I've never made them so I'm winging it and it's alright it's gonna be fine and it might not even work you know because I haven't tested this or anything but we're gonna give it a shot cuz I like biscuits with my beef stew alright that looks really good and it's time now to do an immediate release on our beef stew so that's pretty good timing so I'm gonna go ahead and just do that and let it release so take a couple minutes [Music] all right that's finishing up it's gonna happen the pins gonna drop any minute now so what I'm gonna do is kind of switch gears a little bit just move my biscuit making stuff down here for a second cuz we want to go ahead and get this flour slurry put in to start to thicken that stew up cuz right now it's not really the consistency of stew it's more the consistency of a soup and we need to take care of that the reason why we can't do this earlier on is because it would be too thick and you might get the water notice so we're gonna do it right now so the pin dropped I'm gonna go ahead and open the lid do that away from you and give this a stir so you can just see that it's pretty thin and we don't want that we want a nice thick stew well you can also see is now that the vegetables have cooked it looks like we have a good amount of broth in there it might just need maybe another half a cup or so all right so the first thing I'm gonna do is grab a ladle here and I'm gonna ladle out some of this broth if you get them an onion or vegetable it will not matter but I'm just trying to get the broth and I want to take out about a cup and the reason why we're doing this is because we want to have the fat in with this liquid when we pour our flour in it's going to help prevent lumps so probably maybe you cup and a half to two cups and now it's really hot so it's pretty hot to touch so that's when we're gonna add in our liquid that has not been heated so maybe a like a half of a cup there and we pour in our remaining flour you don't have to worry about doing it in stages or anything just go ahead and pour the whole thing in put your lid on now you can just at any container you'd like but I found a canning jar was pretty easy to do and then just shake it up now if it's hot because it is kind of hot you could wrap something around like you know a towel or something like that and then shake it that way until it's all incorporated alright that looks good no lumps there are a couple limps in there actually that we're hiding from me so I probably need to shake it just a little bit more I'm gonna break some of these up there we go and I'll just give it another couple shakes and them important because we don't want lumps in our beef stew that is for short and if you were concerned about that you could certainly put this through it kind of a SID if you want it to like a strainer but I'm just gonna give it some more shakes here looks good all gone no lumps and we're just gonna pour that it and give it a stir now while I finish making the biscuit batter what I'm gonna do is just put this on a simmer but you can see it starting to already thicken up it's almost immediate and that looks like a really good amount of sauce in there liquid so I'm not gonna add any more of the beef stock but if you wanted to have it a little bit you know stock you're not as thick you could certainly add some more in it's no problem whatsoever it's gonna go to the Sears saute and we're gonna take the temperature though down cuz I don't want this to be on a full boil I'm gonna do low medium and hit start and then finish making these biscuits up so I've got my butter on my flour kind of just coarsely put in there and I'm gonna add in 1/4 cup of sour cream I know that's unusual remember I'm just winging this up winging this as I go I have no idea I used yoghurt in my other recipe so I thought well let's try sour cream I didn't have any yogurt alright this is a half of a tablespoon of baking powder we're gonna use a pinch of salt maybe 1/4 teaspoon and quarter cup of water which I might need more than that I'm not sure and let's do about half of a tablespoon of sugar that should be fine and that's totally optional you don't need to do that all right so what I understand from a drop biscuit is that the dough is a little bit thinner then it rolled this get so or cut biscuit however you want to call them so let's just see because the idea is that you just drop these and they bake up and they're really good probably not as flaky this looks like I'm gonna need a little bit more water or liquid or something like that so I'm gonna go ahead and do that get a little refill all right so I'm gonna grab another quarter cup with water here and I'm only gonna put in about a tablespoon at a time you don't want to add it all in whenever you're making bread products it's always good to add in a little bit of the liquid at a time because otherwise you can add too much and then it's you're chasing it so you're you had too much liquid and then you end up having to add more flour and see that's exactly what I did here now I'm not gonna worry about changing it I think they're gonna be fine it's a nice wet dough but really that was all I needed that little bit of extra if I would have poured that whole thing in there we had had a soupy mess all right so now I've been thinking about this and how to go about doing these drop biscuits on top obviously I'm gonna use the air crisper lid and so I grabbed a bunch of different things now I think this would work if you put the rack in and put this pan down but I kind of want it to be a little bit lower than that because I want the biscuits you know they're kind of rise up some there's some baking powder in there so then I thought maybe I could do it with this and maybe the crisper pan and if all else fails I'm gonna make a little sling of foil and just set my pan right on top of the stew which might be the way I'd go because this is gonna become totally messy so you know what that's what I'm gonna do so I know a lot of people are not a big fan of foil you could probably use parchment or something else but I think just to make this easy some foil and take it here all I need is to have a place for my pan to kind of sit and a little elevated above and the lid has to go down just kind of make this try to get it even and the pan is even and I don't want my pan touching the liquid down there let's see if that will work without it getting liquidy I think that's gonna work yeah I think that's gonna work it's a little crooked crooked but that's okay now as long as the lid goes down and we can still air crisp I think that's gonna work so that's a little shortcut kind of cool now this time I'm not gonna I'm not gonna worry about preheating I usually do but I'm not gonna worry about it we just want to get these biscuits done since this is us just kind of having some fun here today and seeing if we can push the limits with the ninja foodie so let's see so I'm gonna drop one here they look good I mean they look good drop one there I don't know how many will fit on this pan here but I'm gonna try one there I hope they're not too big and I hope they're not gonna I may need to lower that side a little bit I think that's what I'm gonna do so let's see we've got what five if we put one right in the middle it doesn't matter if they go together does it yeah we're all friends right so if they mesh together and have to pull them apart no big deal but I'm gonna drop this side just a little bit I want it to go down I want it to be as far away from that element as I can so that it has room to puff up all right so let's go to thee Oh what function do we want to do hmm you know what let's go with the Royal and let's hit start I know that's kind of an odd choice but um you know it'll get the hottest the quickest so I think that's what I'm gonna do here let's just go with that broil and I have no idea how long it's gonna take less than 10 minutes though I'm guessing so I'll just keep an eye on them and when they look like they're done in the middle and brown on the top I'll be good to get home we'll plate up and we'll eat our beefs doing biscuits so checks on the biscuits at about the four-minute mark and they still needed to go longer and then I checked it again a couple minutes later and still needed to go a little bit longer but I think we're probably about done that's about 8 minutes now keep in mind these biscuits don't get really tall which is good they kind of spread a little bit and that helps keep them away from that heating element so they don't get too done on the top or touch it and make a mess now I hope they're done on the inside you don't know until we try cuz I've never made this before so I also need to figure out how I'm gonna get this out without making a mess I usually use some gloves that give me really good dexterity but unfortunately they are dirty so I'm trying to use these little mitts that worked fine got a little beef stew on the bottom but that's alright so there we go we have our drop biscuits to serve with our stew and let me to be fair here because it's always the center one that doesn't get as done as the others let me go ahead and take that one and that'll be my taste tester so I can tell you guys if I'd get done or not we're just going to try to move this over where can I move it let me let me move it over here I know I'm gonna have to clean that but at least it won't be in our way while we do the taste test ok so let's get our stew now that extra 10 minutes of or actually think it was eight minutes look how thick and luxurious the stew looks oh and it smells amazing so I'm super excited look at that oh my gosh that looks perfect all right the meat looks perfect it is nice and brown oh it is tender falling apart I think I need to let this cool down a little bit so let's let it cool down just a little bit and I'm gonna take this little bit of meat here with an onion oh it smells so good Wow this is good I really recommend trying it with the wine and when you add wine to food use a dry red I don't think I mentioned at the beginning I used a Cabernet use a dry bread that you would enjoy drinking if you absolutely don't like wine then just don't use it use all beef stock you'll be fine [Music] the carrots are perfectly cooked grab a potato here oh my goodness perfect texture on everything oh I forgot about a mushroom let me grab one of those oh I just love this beef stew mmm so good I'm gonna be some meat and let's dig into that biscuit oh my goodness this is a winner for sure oh I love it so tender perfectly cooked and it has a delicious flavor all right let's check out our biscuit so it's a little kind of Joey on the underside but it just cooked all the way through and it is light and fluffy I like the exterior up here I actually could have gone on the full 10 minutes it tastes good though yeah I think I would have liked to go the other the full 10 minutes just to get that bottom maybe a little bit more done now keep in mind because it's sitting on top of a full pot of liquid it's not really gonna get in any air circulation so it's not really gonna crisp up on the bottom but it tastes good hmm that's how you eat a biscuit with beef stew dip it right on in there no butter no nothing delicious all right I hope you guys give this one a try I hope you love it like I do you know as always change up the seasonings you know omit the wine add the wine add more wine whatever you want make it yours make it delicious and enjoy the recipe
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 184,298
Rating: 4.8786244 out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi Recipes, The Salted Pepper, beef stew in the NInja Foodi, beef stew pressure cooker, beef stew in instant pot, beef stew in the pressure cooker, how to make homemade beef stew in a pressure cooker, homemade beef stew recipe, homemade beef stew in the ninja foodi, ninja foodi beef stew, best beef stew ninja foodi, beef stew and biscuits
Id: h-U-LRfn6gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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