Quick & Easy Pot Roast in the Ninja Foodi

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hi there and welcome to the salted pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple and today we are gonna make the most delicious pot roast right in the ninja food and this one is really quick and super easy to do and it's kind of a funny story because I my husband brought home a pot roast the other night for tasty Tuesday where I cook live in a Facebook group and you should have seen my eyes because it's an hour long show and I was like how am I ever gonna get a pot roast done in under an hour so I had to make some modifications and definitely stick around so you can see how I get this pot roast it's a three pound chuck roast done in 30 minutes of pressure cooking time alright so the first thing we want to do here is get the ninja foodie turned on to sear sautee on high make sure you push the start button I'm famous for forgetting that and then you want to add in some sort of an oil now you could use olive oil you could use any kind of oil that you like canola vegetable whatever I'm gonna use some bacon grease cuz my husband made some thick cut bacon this morning and there's about a quarter cup of bacon grease and I think that's just gonna add some extra flavor but totally optional because I have made this recipe several times with just olive oil and it works out beautifully alright so I'm just gonna put that in and let that start getting heated up perfect and then what we need to do is get our chuck roast cut up so that it cooks in 30 minutes and you might be saying oh no I don't want to cut my my pot roast up and you don't have to if you want to go a long you know 90 minute to two hour pressure cook time you can still follow this recipe but you might want to add your vegetables in a little bit later because they're gonna overcook in that period of time so I wanted this to be a one pot set it and forget it kind of meal and in order to do that we have to manage the size of our chuck roast so this is a three pound chuck roast and I'm just going to pull it right up here what I'm going to do is cut it into four inch chunks and trust me this makes no difference when you go to eat it because what do you do with a pot roast when you're ready to eat it you pull it apart you want it to be tender and you know melt in your mouth delicious and this will do that for you so that's the first thing I'm going to do is take my knife and cut it into about four four inch pieces don't worry about trimming it up or anything like that because that will that will take care of itself under the pressure cook time all right now if I find something like this I might just trim that off and not put it in but I'm not gonna worry about going through the whole meat and trimming everything off all right so we've got two there you want to make them about the same size and this will work for whatever size chuck roast you have so if you have a four pound or a five pound you can just go ahead and make the four inch chunks however many you can get out of there and if you have a bigger pot or a smaller pot roast you could do the same thing so this will work with any size pot roast just four inch chunks or thereabout I'm not being exact all right that looks good well this one might be a little bit bigger but I think it's gonna be fine all right so we've got our meat cut up and I'm gonna really quick wash my hands then we're gonna get our flour and our seasoning blend and then we'll get to searing the meat in the ninja fiddy all right so let me grab the flour this is a half of a cup of all-purpose flour and then I have my spice blend here what I have is two teaspoons of sea salt fine grind one teaspoon of black pepper one teaspoon of crushed rosemary that's dried one teaspoon of basil 1 teaspoon of onion powder one teaspoon of garlic powder and a half of a teaspoon of red pepper flakes and don't worry about those red pepper flakes they are not going to add any spiciness to this dish but they do add a ton of flavor and that might seem like a lot of spices but you really want to season your meat very well when you're making a pot roast and I also use all dried seasonings when I'm gonna sear meat because fresh seasonings tend to burn pretty easily so I'm just gonna mix this up the oil has heated up really nicely I can actually smell the bacon grease so I think we're ready to go you do want a super hot pot when you go to sear meat so you want to make sure that it is extremely hot in there and I think it's going to be so what I'm gonna do is take the beef each chunk and sort of just toss them in this flour just sort of toss it around like that and get all sides coated now this step takes a little bit of time but I really do urge you to do it because it will give you a very good end product for your pot roast all right so let's get this guy in and hopefully he sizzles and he did and I'm putting them around the edge because that's how the pot is designed it's a little convex so the bacon grease or whatever oil you're using goes to the outside so I'm putting the meat on the outside so it comes in direct contact with that fat that we put in there all right now when you're picking out a cut of meat for a pot roast I really recommend getting a chuck roast that is going to give you the best end result it's very flavorful it should be marbled and it cooks really nicely under pressure because of the added fat if you get a leaner cut like let's say a top round or something like that you're just not going to have the same results you can do it of course but the results just aren't going to be the same all right I think they can get one more in here I could probably get another one but I'm going to go ahead and wait to do the other two until I start to flip these around and bring two of them out and that's just so you don't overcrowd the pan cooled down the pot too much and then not get that sear that we're looking for so the first one I put in I can go ahead and turn to the other side and you are gonna go on all sides of this meat to sear even you know even the edges every bit of it you want to sear it oh it it smells good already alright so I'm gonna leave those alone for a few minutes then I'm just gonna finish up with the rest of these get them on the plate and then we're gonna deglaze the pot and finish loading up all of our vegetables and go under pressure all right spectacular so that took me about ten minutes to do all of those chunks and it's so worth taking the time to do that you will be so pleased with the final outcome of your pot roast all right so now I'm gonna turn this off just so I don't burn up what's in there and I'm gonna deglaze the pan this is very important when you saute anything that you're gonna then go under pressure because there could be brown bits in there and so you want to make sure that they come off so what I'm going to glaze with is one cup of dry red wine this is a Cabernet but you can use any red wine that's dry I needed to get that in there pretty quick before it burns so sorry that's pretty cool it's also burning off the alcohol so don't worry about that so one cup and any drinking wine that you like you can go ahead and put in there now if you don't want to add in wine you don't have to of course you can use three to four cups of beef stock instead I'm gonna add in two cups of beef stock now I've tested the recipe with four cups total of liquid and it was way too much there was so much liquid at the end way too much to even make gravy with so then I cut it down to three cups and today I'm always pushing the limit here I want to see if I can get it done with two cups well total up three cups two cups of beef stock and one cup of that wine so let me recap because that was a little confusing the first time I tested the recipe I used a total of five comes four cups of beef stock one cup of wine way too much liquid then the second time I tested it I did three cups of beef stock and one cup of wine and it was really good but I still think it was a little too much so now I'm even taking it down one more cup and I think we're gonna be fine the reason why we want so much liquid in this pot is because we need to cook in 30 minutes we want to get our beef in there it's gonna sit in the liquid that's gonna cook it faster render that fat and make it really tender in a shorter period of time so that's why I want to have enough liquid to do that but not so much that we have so much leftover that we don't know what to do it but you can always err on the side of caution and you can definitely add in more liquid it does not affect the outcome except you are left with a whole lot of broth that they add which may be great I just found it too much to make gravy I mean I had I had containers and containers of gravy that I would never use up so I want to decrease this a little bit all right so there we go now we can turn the ninja foodie back on which I recommend doing because you want to keep that hot so that we go under pressure just a little bit quicker because this is gonna be a full pot we are going to maximize this space it's going to be filled to the brim so let me just really quick clean up here then we'll get to cutting our onion and getting our mushrooms ready and get everything in the pot and go under pressure all right so the first thing I'm going to do is get the meat back into the pot and I'm just gonna go ahead and set it in there I wish you could smell this because it smells so good already all right perfect we don't want any of that to go to waste either that's that's good stuff there all right perfect all right so now what I'm gonna do is get the onion in so let me just move this over here and what I have is two Vidalia onions now you could use a yellow onion or even a red onion any kind of onion you like or omit the onions you know you don't have to use onions if you don't want to but they do add a nice flavor because I want to leave all the vegetables in big chunks what I'm gonna do is cut the onion in half from the root end to the stem end and then I'm gonna flip it over because remember you always want to cut on a flat surface of the vegetable and I'm gonna just take off the root end take off the stem end and peel the paper off here so I'm gonna peel sometimes I'll peel the first layer this one actually yep came off perfectly and then all I'm gonna do is just cut them in half and throw them in so the prep for this is pretty easy if you didn't want big chunks of onion but she wanted the flavor you could certainly cut them up smaller and they will kind of fade away into your dish but I like the onion so I'm going to keep them just like this I love a good pot roast and believe it or not it's something that has always given me trouble I just can't get it flavorful enough and so I was super excited when I made this dish for tasty Tuesday and it turned out perfect I mean perfect it was the best pot roast I've ever made and honestly the best tourists I've ever tasted now if you want us a little spin on a pot roast I have a recipe for a Mexican pot roast that is absolutely delicious it takes about 45 minutes because we cook rice and beans at the same time and I will link to that recipe up there because it is really really tasty all right so the next thing I want to do is add in my garlic and what I did with the garlic this is one bulb of garlic it's about 10 to 15 cloves of garlic and the only thing I did was remove the paper and smash them with my knife so I didn't you know I'm not cutting them up or anything they can stay whole and they're going right in the pot the next thing I'm gonna add is some fresh rosemary and thyme so this is about four sprigs four to five sprigs of thyme and you know maybe three sprigs of rosemary just gonna go right there on top and two bay leaves put those in now we want to get our mushrooms in now the way to clean mushrooms properly is to you can remove the stem or if you like the stem you can leave it on but I usually remove it and then just with a lightly damp cloth you just brush off any of the dirt that's on there if you wash your mushrooms under water or soak them they are like a sponge and they will absorb that water and then guess what they can't absorb the sauce that you're cooking them in so we want them to get all of the flavor from the pot roast and the broth and the wine and they will be absolutely delicious but don't rinse them just wipe them off these are pretty clean and these are baby portobellos but you don't have to use baby portobellos you can use white button mushrooms as well any kind of mushrooms that you like whoops that one fell apart no biggie now when I first started cooking with the ninja foodie I kind of had this preconceived notion about mushrooms I thought you know they're full of like liquid they're gonna give off all of their liquid right they're gonna become nothing well actually it's the opposite they are sponges and so under pressure they absorb a ton of liquids so they stay nice and plump and so flavorful so I really encourage you to pressure cook with mushrooms it's delicious all right we are gonna have a full pot here I hope I can get all those potatoes and everything in now if you have the 8 quart you can use that no problems that will work out fine this is the six and a half quart so I'm gonna push the limits but I think we can manage I think we'll be fine I know the worst case scenario is if I couldn't fit it in I could cut those chunks of beef up a little bit smaller and kind of get a little bit more in the pot but I think we'll be fine alright perfect alright so now we're gonna get in our carrots and our potatoes now I'd peeled the carrots but I leave them as whole as you possibly can so as long as they fit in the pot keep them whole and I try to pick like larger diameter carrots if they're really tiny they're gonna overcook so I try to pick some nice big carrots there for a pot roast so I'm just gonna lay these in push down - that's perfectly fine you can push it down I forgot to hit the start button Oh No oh well it's gonna take my pot a little bit longer to come up to pressure because it hasn't been heating up like I wanted but just remember to push your Start button and your pot will be hot and you'll come to pressure a little bit quicker I do that all the time it's crazy okay now I'm just gonna push that down now I've got two pounds of Yukon Gold potatoes I really recommend using Yukon Gold instead of russet because of the way that they will cook with your pot roast russets will tend to become softer and fall apart a little bit more and the Yukon Gold really hold their shape and I'm not peeling them they are washed though I'm not peeling them and I'm not even gonna cut them and I'm just gonna lay them in here and hope I can get them all in which I think I can when you are going above the lip of the pot a little bit and going under pressure you can do that just keep everything towards the front of the pot don't impede the back part where the pressure valve is that looks good alright I think that's it guys and now we go under pressure for 30 minutes so I'm gonna put the pressure lid on turn your valve to seal high-pressure time is gonna be 30 minutes can you believe this we're gonna pressure cook pot roast in 30 minutes that's awesome alright so now I expect this to take a good 15 minutes to come up to pressure especially since I didn't have the pot turned on silly me and so it's gonna have to heat up all that liquid if you had your pot on the Syrah saute on high and your liquid was already hot it's gonna come up to pressure a little bit quicker now after the 30 minutes of pressure cooking time I am gonna allow it to natural release but not because of the reason you may think it's not because I'm worried about the meat drying out I'm not the meat is submerged in liquid and by the time the 30 minutes is up the juices from the meat will actually have it completely submerged so I'm not worried about that what I am worried about though is if I flip that switch too soon invent that I'm gonna have some beef broth and stuff kind of spewing out because it's going to be a really full pot and I had that happen the first time so I'm gonna go and let it natural release for about 5 to 10 minutes and that's about it and then we'll do an immediate release and we'll get to taste in this delicious pot roast so we're just finishing up the natural release and I just want to talk about how long it took to come up to pressure so it took a good 20 minutes I think to come up to pressure so you can cut that time down make sure you hit that start button when you're on the sear saute with the liquid in the bottom after the 30 minute pressure cook time then it counts up 5 minutes and that's the natural release period and then I went ahead and immediately released the rest of the pressure or manually manually release the rest of the pressure I should say and you can see it's taken a good 5 minutes it's still just finishing up here but within about another minute or so the red button will depress and will be able to open our lid of course always make sure you do that away from you because there is still a lot of steam built up and I don't want anyone to get burned all right so the button just depressed and I'm gonna give it another maybe a minute before I open the lid and the reason why is because when I was testing this recipe I had an issue that as soon as the red button depressed I opened up the lid fairly quickly there was still a lot of steam built up there and the lid started kind of lifting up on its own and I don't want to get splattered by anything so I'm just gonna give it another minute I don't usually do that but this is a super full pot so I just want to kind of wait and make sure that everything everything works out safely for us right all right so there we go perfect all right look at that now you can see the potatoes on top the liquid is all the way up to the top that's why I decreased to two cups so I'm actually thinking we could probably decrease to one cup of broth and one cup of wine so if you give that a try let me know and I can add that into the comments or add that into the recipe all right so let's pull these out now some of them have split but most of them are still whole they look so good and if they split in half that's fine because I would ordinarily cut them into serving size pieces anyway before putting them on the table to serve because most of the time people will only take like you know either 1/4 or 1/2 of a potato all right let's get these carrots out that one's gonna break a hat in half that's okay they look good though they look really good the smell in here is amazing I mean like it's smells so good so I'm putting it on a nice-sized platter here and then we're gonna see see if we can make some gravy that'll be cool we have to get all the way down until we get to the meat right the meats all the way on the bottom and that's the way you want it now this carrot the carrots that are kind of further down are just all falling apart a little bit more but they still they still seem like they're gonna be fine not overcooked now if you liked your carrots a little bit more on the L dente side then I would put this under pressure for 15 to 20 minutes and then add in your carrots and then go the rest of it the ten minutes looks good though I'm excited oops I don't have a place for that there we go all right so let's get some of these mushrooms out look at that and they hold their shape so nicely it's exciting all right now let's get our meat okay so the meat is breaking up beautifully look at that perfect I think for the rest of it I'm gonna go ahead and switch over to another utensil because it's gonna take me forever to get this out using tongs so let me just grab that other tool it's called the scoop and drain and it's great when you're dealing with a whole bunch of things small pieces in a big pot like this so we can get out all of the meat and all of the onions all these little little stem is left from the time you can just take out and put to the side you also want to make sure that you find your bay leaf and get that out you don't want anyone to eat the bay leaf it's great for seasoning but you don't want anyone to eat it I could have done a better job at presentation but oh well now because I'm gonna make some gravy in here I'm trying to get out all the little pieces I don't like a chunky gravy I like mine to be really smooth so I want to try to make sure I get out all of even the little pieces of garlic all right I think that's good I'll strain it again so I think that's gonna be good I think that'll be fine all right so I'm just gonna set this platter down in front of me here there we go it's pretty heavy all right perfect now that seasoning that I've had leftover is what I'm gonna use to make the gravy but if you didn't want to do that you don't have to you can just use some flour salt and pepper and whatever other seasonings that you want to make that you want to put in there all right so what I'm looking for is to see how much glistening do we have when we have glistening on the top that means that we have fat available that will absorb the flour and in order to do this the best way is they do one tablespoon at a time and I also put it through the fine sieve strainer and I'm just gonna sprinkle this over the top and let it absorb and as a matter of fact we can probably turn that into foodie on the hi-c or saute while we do this all right well I washed this bowl there's a little bit of water in there that's not gonna hurt anything but I wanted to save the seasonings because they're not gonna go through the strainer but I do want to save them because we might want to add them back in to flavor our gravy and I'm just gonna let that sit there and the reason why I like to sift the flour in is it reduces the amount of clumps that you'll get so once it has about a minute to absorb the flour absorbs the fat then we can start that process again but I'm gonna go ahead and turn this on like I said earlier and keep going here one tablespoon at a time you don't want to put too much flour in if you do you're gonna end up with kind of a flowery tasting gravy you have to have that fat available so if there's some flowers sitting on top of the pot here and I'm just waiting until I can no longer see it and then I'll whisk it [Music] all right so I have a confession to make I don't make very good gravy apparently anyway what happened was I got impatient and I stirred in the flour before it had absorbed the fat and guess what happened I have lumps now but because this is usually what I end up doing because I'm an impatient person and I want it to hurry up and get done ah I'm used to having lumps in my gravy and in fact I don't make gravy very often I'm not a huge fan etre I was like but when I have a pot roast it's sometimes nice to have a little gravy so since I am so used to having lumps in my gravy I know that all chef's do is strain it out so I'm just gonna take this here and get a little get a little spoon this is not the right utensils can take me forever but anyway we're gonna go with it and I'm just gonna strain out enough gravy for me to stir and then I'll throw out this and I'll give it a taste and see if we need to add back in some of those seasonings but I think it's gonna be fine all right let's give it a taste right now let's see I'm just go it's a good consistency it's all right kind of like it will thicken up as it cools - hmm it's perfect it does not need any seasonings whatsoever oh my gosh that is perfect and my husband was just kind enough to bring me the correct utensil so I can go a little bit faster with this now this makes probably about three or four cups of gravy so it's quite a bit here so you would definitely have left over or if you have left over pot roast use your gravy and make a beef stew out of the leftover pot roast and vegetables I do that a lot it's delicious but it looks good it tastes even better perfect all right let's cut that over there yeah and set this over here and grab up my plate and let's get to tasting the pot roast because after all that's the most important thing how does it taste all right so let me get a little chunk of meat here it's definitely tender get a little chunk of carrot see it might fall apart if I go in there nope just won't stick on there good deal definitely that mushroom mushroom is calling my name an onion and how about I even taste of garlic and a potato which I will not eat that whole potato but I will put it here and cut it perfect it hold its shape but it is nice and soft so that's good all right let's do a little bit of gravy you know what let me taste the meat and stuff without the gravy so I can really tell you you know what is the flavor of the meat and everything so first of all you know a pot roast it should just kind of fall apart look at that look at that oh my gosh that's perfect all right let's see what it tastes like [Music] Wow that's good really good and the carrot let's see how how soft is it hmm that's good wow that's impressive it really actually has a nice texture to it yeah all right garlic oh my goodness when you cook garlic for a long time it really becomes a very mild flavor and it's delicious the onions are good they're softer than I usually like but that's okay all right little potato [Music] mmm-hmm super delicious good texture on the potato and let's cut this little mushroom in half hmm I'll see that's amazing to me absolutely amazing that the mushroom is still like nice and firm oh I love pressure cooking with mushrooms all right let's put a little gravy on it's a lot agree all right let's give it a taste with gravy mm-hmm Wow that's really good yummy now of course you could add salt if you needed to or pepper or any other seasonings but for me it it's pretty well seasoned [Music] one last thing this pot roast is not as tender as the one I made before and the difference is where I got the meat from the first time I got the meat from an actual butcher it was just a better quality so quality matters when you're picking out meat so try to get the highest quality that you can afford and you'll have the best outcome
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 169,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi Recipes, The Salted Pepper, pot roast in the ninja foodi, easy pot roast instant pot, easy pot roast recipe for ninja foodi, ninja foodi pot roast, pressure cooker pot roast with carrots and potatoes, ninja foodi pot roast with vegetables, one pot meal ninja foodi, ninja foodi one pot recipes
Id: HrtnqTYbxFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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