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the instant pot duo crisp and airfryer brand-new on the market just released or I just got it today just released in the last few days against my all-time favorite ninja foodie deluxe both of them are 8 quart devices I've got to pretty much identical racks of baby back ribs and we're fixing to find out which one of those doing best or if there's any difference I'm John Sanders also known as jelly double-oh-seven let's cook some baby back ribs okay so there's a lot of videos on YouTube on how to do this but you have to remove the silver skin in my opinion to cook ribs right and all you really do is you just start it somewhere and then you take a paper towel or something you can grip that silver skin with and then sometimes you got to do it more than once but you see you get the idea right there just kind of keep up with it and it comes off like that and it is that simple and I don't like I said my last video you can't cook that enough to be able to eat so I'm gonna get the other one cleaned up and then we're gonna I'm gonna go over what we're going to do here and I'll be right back okay so I got them cut up I'm going to use my avocado oil and just to help that butt rub stick a little bit and I'll just do one side of the time but it's common sense I'm going to do this and then I'll probably put I'll show you I'm one of them about that much on this side of both of them I'm not trying to cover them it's a fairly and say it before it's a fairly strong seasoning it's made for bugs but it works really well on ribs so that right there is what all that side is getting I'll give them a minute to sit there clip them over do the same thing and then I've got the trivets in both of these pots and that we're going to put three ribs in each right in each pot I'm going to pour one 12-ounce beer now if you watch my other video I used to use water and vinegar well I really did I found I think beer just works better now I use this or Bud Light the two kinds I normally drink and what normally have I don't go after anything special just whatever you got to work and I do think it helps on the taste of flavor maybe the tenderness so and it just does works good so we're going to do that once we get them in I'll go over how long we're going to cook them and each one of them and I'll be right back okay so the two 12 ounce beers are already in here the the ribs have been lightly sprayed with olive oil and coated with the butt rub now what I normally do in the Ninja I've never done it in here I take this end piece kinda and I lay it in the middle and then I stack these two pieces kind of let them stand against them that's what I've always and every time you do it it's a little different so it's not like a given but I'll try and stand them up if they'll go but we're going to use one of the middle cuts on in one of the pots and one of the ant you know we're going to we're going to make it even in other words so it's what we're doing and all I got to do now is fine I got the lids right behind me and I'll try to show you what all I'm doing is try to make them stand and kind of be separated where they'll get you know where I feel butter in that's in that pot and it full of steam it don't matter how you put them if they're gonna get cooked so drive my hands off right here and now we'll put the ninja lid on first in fact I'll show you and like I said there's what they look like in there and it's just you know like I said there's a lot going on in there it's not just heat it's steam pressure so if everything's not just perfect it won't matter all right let's say this is the ninja and I'm going to put it on lock it turn that one on same thing with the instant pot duo crisp whoops I got that one backwards my bad alright now what I'm going to do is I'm going to set this one to pressure on high for 20 minutes set that to 10 20 and then we're gonna try and start them both at the same time so we're gonna hit pressure cook here we're gonna it's already on high we're gonna move that to 20 and I've already learned in the other video that you only have a few seconds on this one it'll turn off I'm gonna hit start we've got that one's the that one's sealed automatically I've got this one to seal gonna press that button right there we're off and running and for the record let's see if I can get a timer going we'll hit the fact you have my glasses on it with hell all right there goes a timer and that'll tell us where they're both at they're both running both of them are sealed we're waiting on them coming to pressure and cook those ribs see how they're gonna be way back okay so at 10 minutes this pin came up with this this was gonna be a head out of it a little bit but I just noticed you couldn't see those very well well this because I didn't pull that protective wrapping off I hope you can see it better now so this one's about two minutes the instant parts two minutes ahead of the ninja no big deal but now you know okay so the instant pot is almost complete it's down to one minute again it doesn't do seconds so you kind of gotta guess but we're at 27 minutes and 25 well there it goes at 27 minutes and 29 seconds that ended so what we're going to do is quick release the ribs and once that's done we're gonna bring them out here I'm gonna bring them here to salsa but I'll show you all that in a minute but now what we're gonna do is that right there which is a quick release and once that's done we'll get those out of there and these are like 2 minutes and 10 seconds over here is in the ninja ok the pin just dropped on the insta pot so we're gonna get those out of there where I can pour that liquid off right I'll set this in the sink right there put these gloves on because I want to pour you may not have to and I don't always but I pouring the liquid out of the can out of that liner is a kind of a good idea I think it helps it Brown so when I move these are right here I make sure they don't fall through because I'm going to put those in there and then salsa me with me I'm going to pour this liquid out the beer and the which would make up you could probably do a lot with what was in there but obviously not going to do that I'm down to 12 seconds right here some piece and started to bleeding down make sure you can see what else is going on here and we'll let that countdown and I'll start this bleed down right there goes say they're not that pretty right now but they're going to be so all I have to do to these well they an stuff I mean while the Ninja is still bleeding down and I just got to put these back in there in fact I can probably handle that it's not that hot right now now these might be so I want these facing in a direction now I'm gonna I'm only gonna do I probably should just do one because I'm only going to eat more than that there's no reason for me to cook all of these and it's one of the great things about pressure cooking you can put these in a container put them in the refrigerator and all you got to do tomorrow is air crisp them and then put some sauce home just like we're fixing to do here just tomorrow so that's gotta have about 10 minutes and then you know something I did that wrong - and y'all have to bear with me I'm sorry I want them in this air frying basket I am there's a lot when I got two pots going I can get confused at obviously so all I'm gonna do is put these in here and I'll show you what they look like right there's how I'm gonna do them just just in there I mean they're kind of leaning over where I get surface you know that this surface right here will get some air on them I got to get that out of there it might still be hot the pan still has it dropped on the ninja so we're still good and I'm gonna make that right there to lay just a little bit different I'm gonna try and lean them on each other for the decides I want to get air Kris will be exposed to the air yeah I got ahead of myself two or three times hey I've done it before it'll happen again this was going in in a container for tomorrow we don't need this anymore I'll put that in the sink there goes the lid on it I mean there goes a pin on that so for right now I'm just just to kind of get my act together I'm gonna go ahead and set that lid on and you see it's flashing live because I'm still on pressure cook all right this one's ready so I'm gonna pull it out and now that I've done one maybe I can do it a little better than I did last night all right so we're going to take one of these this would be a lot better way than what I did the first half and we're going to put that right there and this in here and then this one's gonna also go in the refrigerator there's no way I'll be able to eat all four racks these ribs are not what my point is I want to see how it does to rats because that's probably how most people would do it you know that's really about it and we'll get this one turned over because it's not turned in the direction I want I want the top side up at least so I got to pour the liquid out of that but here's how those look I kind of got the top side of the rack up I'm going to pull this line this up prove it out put it in the sink I'm going to pour this liquid out and that try not for it on anything I don't want to go that worked out alright so now all we got to do is put this again so now and all that happening I got kind of busy I can tell you it's a little confusing with more than one thing running we're gonna do 400 degrees right here I'm gonna take that to ten minutes and you have to start it right now or it'll act or it'll clear itself so that was off and running by the way we're at thirty pretty much thirty five minutes this one we're going to air Chris we're going to take that temp to 400 we're gonna take that time to we're gonna set the other one for 10 minutes wouldn't yeah I think so and we're going to hit start so we're all for running on both of them and whatever that is 35 22 so this one didn't preheat this one's having a preheat but it's not gonna be a crisis either way I'm gonna get these in a container and into the refrigerator I got to wash this again and when those come out then we're going to put this home which I almost did too early any I'll be right back okay so we're coming up on six seconds here that still got we're now on airfryer it does switch it's a second so you can see there so let's take a look at these and I think they're good and we're going to move those to the plate we're going to move those to the this side of the plate we'll put those because they're ready in thirty seven seconds we're going to get those out where we can put some Fox Brothers on them as a providing they look okay I feel positive they will but we're going to make sure and I ain't gotta tell you the way the bones pulled back right there I mean that's a those are good looking ribs that's that's what you want that's but it looks perfect and they always do in the ninja now we got 11 seconds right there so before I try and do any of this I'm going to let that timeout I've got this thing sitting here where I can sit that lid right here so let's do that off comes the lid we'll set it right there I'll let you see those also before I remove them and I don't know how well the light is there but you kind of get the idea and put that back right there and pull these ribs out and we're gonna keep them whoops on that side we'll put those right there and this one right there so this is gonna take me a minute to get them the way I want them but those are those look perfect to me there's there's nothing wrong with those ribs and they look almost identical I mean if you think about it we're doing the same thing it's just two different devices I I just say that this is the best thing that's ever happened when they made this since the microwave I say it all the time I got a feeling this is going to follow suit so I'm about to put some of yourself put some of this support on them and then brush it around and get them ready and we're gonna set them back in there and do another five minutes so I'll be back when I get some of that done okay they're there they are now I'm not gonna get real picky about the way they go back in here I might rather them be this side up obviously but if they don't it just you saw how they look one go top and bottom they work they look fantastic I mean in fact those went in there perfect - all right am i trying to stand them to where they'll that surface will get you know both the top surface will get most of the heat and whatnot so I almost went there it was close what we're going to do it I'm going to show you what it was like in here and I might be burning a little time on the camera and I'd rather it be perfect like the other one but it ain't gonna and that's no big deal I've got a wash that dish that Fox Brothers is absolutely fantastic again I'm not affiliated with anybody any way shape form or fashion to pay for all this in my pocket so I'm gonna put this on just like that and press it down like they asked him back right there at that plug is probably the best place and I guess I could have showed you but I'll show you this one I mean it really doesn't matter you just want them in there to where they cannot get some heat and we're going to put it I'm gonna put it on say we'll go with 10 minutes but I'm not going to leave it 10 I'm gonna watch it both of them I'm gonna lift this off and look at it and open that one and look at it so airfryer we're gonna change the temp here to 400 because I think that works best time will equal I tell you what we'll take it to 10 we'll take this one to 10 minutes and press Start the same thing over here airfryer 10 at 400 it's already there hit start so once those run a little bit we're gonna do a little sneak and peek and see how they're looking i'll get this cleaned up and we're gonna resource them again and they'll be ready to eat I'll be back okay so with everything going on I got everything cleaned up let's take a look at the ones in the Ninja that are right at 5 minutes and you can see that sizzle going on and I'm about to call those done you know what let's look at these we can let's do oh they're the same way they are the same way and like I said right there's what you do with the lid you sit it down and then you put it back on and it automatically starts back up so same thing as a ninja it's just not on the hinge but I'm about to shut those down and pull those out and then I'm gonna let them rest and then we're gonna take a better look at them and maybe eat some up in fact let's do that I'm going to hit you know what I'll just raise this ones lid and pull that ones lids off I think I think they're done I had washed it I hadn't dried it yet there's a thing so the instant pots will be on the right absolutely nothing looking wrong with those and the ninjas will be on the left now I'm going to let them rest i'ma let them rest I want them to cool off and I got a couple of them so right there they are and I don't think you will agree there's nothing wrong with those right there either set they're identical I mean they are literally identical the only thing you might run into is which one may be clean the best or something but we're at identical times so I mean you know well I'll show you what time it took total time to cook oh now my battery needs a one hour and one minute and 26 seconds so mmm put these lids on there shut these down where they'll quit beeping we're done I'm gonna let those rest and we're back minute cut one open so it looks okay so to keep from getting them confused by moving it somewhere to eat or something I'm gonna do them right here and that's the instant pots and there's the ninjas I don't think there's gonna be a nickels worth of difference but obviously if you were serving these you know pour something that in a cup and let them have at it but let's just see let's just see what they look like on the inside go right down the middle of this one and right there that one goes and we'll go ahead and cut this and when I got the knife in my hand and let's see what they look like all right here's a stewpot well that's not the thicker one here this is the thicker side and there's the ninja I don't know how you would get that much better that real bright there still has texture if you knew what I mean it's not fall off the bone but that is not what I'm looking for either I'm gonna see if I can get the light so I'm a little bit better I don't want fall off the bone and that's just my opinion again there maintenance instead of 20 and they would be but if you won't buy it through texture believe me that is a perfectly cooked rib that's the instant pots and I'm probably like to that up but nothing absolutely nothing at all wrong with that real I'm making tell by looking and same way here I just cook ribs on my green egg this Sunday I cooked them three and a half hours I want to say something the texture was probably not that good that is perfect texture hmm right now I let them sit a little longer than normal you could have served them 15 minutes ago so pretty much an hour versus three and a half hours along with all those stuff you got to do with the green eggs and I'm telling you that if you ask me it's competition style worry about you haven't hooked up will internet in the competition from a pressure cooker because a lot of people would have a problem with that but as far as taste I don't think so okay I can't get my big head in that picture I'm gonna try hey I love y'all I'm gonna put my big head my other head my picture of my head right here for y'all to touch and subscribe the the ninja or the instant pot duo crisp airfryer are the best things this happened to the kitchen since a microwave either one of them I guarantee you this is gonna do as good as that if you've got that it works if you got if you don't have one you can get this or that they're the same thing they are literally the same thing if you ask me this one does do sous vide and I will be checking that out before long and other than that they're pretty much identical ribs are fantastic hey thank y'all for watching y'all come back to send me love you all bye bye
Channel: John Sanders
Views: 342,763
Rating: 4.8026366 out of 5
Keywords: Instant pot, instant pot duo crisp and air fryer, instant pot duo crisp, jelly007, john sanders, mrjelly007, NinJa foodi
Id: YDLdMpy7mCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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