Turtle Cheesecake in the Ninja Foodi

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hi there and welcome to the salty pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple and today we are gonna make a super delicious and very easy cheesecake in the Ninja foodie this is an any kind of cheesecake this is a turtle cheesecake so that's right we've got caramel chocolate and cheesecake what more can you ask for how about brownies so we're gonna make some brownies the brownie is gonna be the bottom of our cheesecake this is absolutely delicious recipe the first thing we need to do is get started with our caramel making and now you don't have to make your own caramel if you don't want to you can buy the bags the little square caramel I think they're from Brock's maybe and you could melt those in the bottom of the ninja foodie with just about a tablespoon or two of cream until you get a liquid consistency but honestly making caramel is pretty easy to do and I'm gonna show you how alright so the first thing you want to do is turn them into foodie on we're gonna go to sear sautee and we're gonna keep it on high for right now and we're gonna go ahead and hit the start button what I have here is one and a half cups of plain white sugar and I'm just going to dump that in to the bottom of the pot now the thing with making caramel is it does require you to be right here you can't walk away I mean this is not the time to check the mail or anything or you will burn your caramel so as the pots heating up I don't really have to do much so I don't have to keep stirring it but as soon as it gets hot there I'm gonna have to continuously stir this and what's gonna happen is it's going to crystallize and you're gonna think you ruined it because I thought I ruined it the first couple times I made homemade caramel as well it doesn't it's not ruined you just take it a little bit past that and it all melts then we add in the butter and a little bit of cream and we have caramel sauce okay so the sugars been in the bottom of the pot here for just about a minute or so and it's not even starting to do anything and it won't for a while but when it starts it goes fast so you do need to just stand here and as soon as it starts heating up I will start to stir it continuously and you'll see like little clumps start to form which I'm kind of seeing right now so I'm gonna go ahead and start stirring I'm just moving it around the pot the reason why you do this is so that the sugar doesn't start to scorch because burnt caramel does not taste very good so we want to keep it from scorching it's gonna turn this beautiful amber color though it's really really amazing to watch the other thing you want to make sure that you're using is a spatula that is heat resistant up to like 450 degrees or more because sugar melted sugar is super hot and you don't want it to melt your silicon spatula you could also use wood if you don't have a heat a high heat-resistant spatula this one I have from pampered chef I love it I'll link to that below in the video description but any a wooden spoon or any high heat-resistant spatula will work I think this is called a mixin scrape which is exactly what I'm doing with it right now I'm scraping the bottom of the pot and mixing the sugar around ok the crystals are starting to form I've got one right here and it just looks like like like hard sugar like rock sugar or something and it also starts to darken up so as it forms these crystals and you're gonna see more and more of them it darkens up that's what gives the caramel its flavor if you feel like your heat is getting too hot you can always go down to medium high and I might do that but right now it seems like everything is just working great at on high and I'm making sure that I scrape the bottom of the pot because that's where the sugar is kind of melting and then it'll form those crystals and if you don't scrape them off they will just burn on the bottom and we don't want burnt caramel all right I think for the rest of the crystals I'm gonna go ahead and bump this heat down just to the medium medium-high I don't want to go too far down or we'll just really slow down the process but medium high cuz like you can also smell this so if you smell anything that's smelling like it's burning then turn the heat down some I've made caramel in a stainless steel pan on the stove many times and I'm telling you it was a lot trickier than using the ninja foodie so I was really pleasantly surprised to see how easy this came together I have a gas stove and it's hard sometimes to regulate the heat so it was either too hot or too or not hot enough and it was it just took me a while to get it right but it's an interpreter you just set it and it manages the heat for you so it's great so you can see how we're getting very very crystallized now as soon as all of the sugar clumps and forms these crystals then it will begin to melt and you'll see this dark amber syrup that we call caramel we add in some butter to it and then we add in some cream the reason why we're gonna add in the heavy whipping cream is to keep it in a liquid a thick liquid state because we don't want it to become a hard brittle caramel if we didn't add the cream it would become a very hard at caramel we don't want that one more biting into our cheesecake isn't that cool the way it's just plumping up and turning dark and you can start to smell it now and it smells so good and this is when you want to give up your like this didn't work trust me keep going it works okay so it has kind of slowed down with forming those crystals so the pot may not be hot enough so I'm gonna go ahead and bring it back up to the height and that's just something you're gonna have to use your judgment on and I usually adjust from high to medium high two to three times through this process because I really don't want to burn the sugar but it does have to be hot enough that it melts all right you can see the change is happening they're getting thicker it's starting to melt more we're seeing spread we are making caramel oh it's just amazing isn't it it's so much fun when you can make things yourself out of simple ingredients I mean sugar cream and butter that's all we need now if you wanted to make a salted caramel you could also put in some salt but I would urge you to use like a coarser kind of salt you wouldn't want to use just table salt or even sea salt you'd want it to be a little bit coarser than that but salted caramels delicious I don't recommend going any more than um increasing the amount of sugar to 2 cups I don't recommend like trying to do 4 cups it's just not gonna work out as well for you so either keep it with one and a half cups or two cups and adjust your other measurements accordingly the first time I made the cake I did 1 cup of sugar and I felt like we were just like skimping a little bit so that's why I've increased it to one and a half cups all right so you see we're getting that nice amber color we still have some crystals here they everything needs to melt before you put in the butter because what's gonna happen when we put in the butter is gonna cool it down really fast and you're gonna see it boil up which is another reason why I really like making caramel in the ninja foodie versus on the stove because it's a little scary when you've got a little frying pan with a short you got a short lip and all of a sudden you know it starts bubbling up you think oh no it's gonna bubble over usually doesn't but you know it's still a little scary alright soon as these last few melt we just look like we've got maybe two or three in there okay so I'm gonna go ahead and turn the heat down to medium right now it's darkening up very fast and I don't want it to darken too much because that's gonna burn it now we're going now be careful when you do this put all the butter in all at once see how it bubbles up you do not want to touch this with your hands or anything you don't want to splatter it so when you're when you're stirring it keep it down in the pot don't try it don't fling it out there is nothing like burning yourself with melted hot sugar and caramel trust me all right so now we want to cook this for about one minute we want to incorporate the butter into the caramel you can see it's sort of it's not quite incorporating all the way but it will so now if we stopped here and we poured this out it would be it would become rock-hard as it cooled and that's why we're gonna add in the cream in just a minute no it smells so good all right now I don't usually add in the whole amount of cream at once I have a half of a cup of cream here and I usually do about a tablespoon or two at a time and and then you know I'll end up using all of it though and it will boil up as well isn't that fun I just think it's so much fun when it boils up and you know you're making candy you're making caramel it's so good when you pour this heavy cream into the steam that comes up is hot so what I don't know if you've noticed this or not but I'm pulling my hand back a little bit just so that I don't get a steam burn all right last little bit now I can turn that ninja foodie off we have made caramel whatever you do do not try to taste this right now it is so super hot you would burn your mouth terribly this is not one that we just have to trust that we did it right I can tell by the color it's beautiful color it's perfect now it'll seem like it's a lot thinner in the beginning but as it cools it thickens so what I've decided to do I usually wear my little finger mints not this time I am suiting up in Mickey Mickey Mouse gloves because these are really heat resistant if any of this caramel happens to spill over I will be okay so I urge you when you're pouring this caramel out to make sure that you do it with something substantial on your hands because I can pick this whole pot up like this I don't feel a thing I can leave my hands here I can touch the bottom these gloves are amazing and I will link to them below I think they're on my Amazon store but I'm not positive about it so I will link to them below look at that alright so I'm gonna switch hands here so I can I'm right-handed and I'm not playing around with this heat I want to make sure I'm using my dominant hand to get in here so you're gonna not see what I'm doing for a second I'm just scraping out the rest gorgeous all right that's it we have made caramel isn't that awesome alright so this is just gonna sit I'm going to wash the pot out and then we're gonna make the brownie mix and get that baked and then we'll make the cheesecake mixture get it all assembled and pressure cooked and we'll finish up our cheesecake okay so that didn't take any time at all to play in that pot out even though you might say oh it's sticky it's gonna take a long time it didn't at all because under hot water that caramel just melts so it was super easy to do so now we're gonna make our brownie mixture now this is a very fudgy brownie mixture doesn't have a lot of rise so it makes a perfect crust if you wanted to skip this step and use a box mix just get one that says you know for super fudgy brownies because you don't want a lot of rise and then you're not gonna use the whole box mix either because that would be too much we're looking for about a half of an inch of a crust so to do this I have one egg I mean there's this takes only a few ingredients I really urge you to try to make them yourself because they are so good so one egg and I'm just gonna give that like a little bit of a scramble here half of a teaspoon of vanilla quarter cup of melted salted butter this is two ounces of melted dark chocolate now you could use semi-sweet you could use milk chocolate if you're not a fan of dark chocolate but I love dark chocolate that's my favorite put that in and around a third of a cup of all-purpose flour and a third of a cup of cocoa and this is the Garin deli brand which happens to be one of my favorites I got it off of Amazon so I will link to it below it's 100% cocoa and I just love it all right so you just want to mix I'm gonna go ahead and switch over to my spatula here so you don't need any kind of a mix or anything to make these brownies just mix them up now if you said oh is that sounds good they look good I'm gonna make them in a pan just to eat as brownies just know they do not rise there's no baking powder so you could add in probably about a teaspoon or so of baking powder and you might get a little bit better of a rise all right so alls I'm doing is just combining this all together and the one last thing I do want to add even though it's salted butter I want to add just a quarter teaspoon of sea salt the salt really brings out the chocolate flavor so it's important when you're making brownies to add that a little bit of salt all right this looks great so as I'm mixing this up I'm thinking something is not right something is missing and it's the sugar I was supposed to put the sugar in with the egg in the beginning so that is the proper way to do it so you mix the sugar and the egg and you whip that up but you know what things happen when you're cooking in the kitchen let's see how it works out I'm just gonna incorporate the sugar in now it's two thirds of a cup of white sugar and we're gonna see what happens I think it's gonna be fine but you'll do it the right way so yours will turn out perfect so because this is dry what I'm gonna do is just add in I'm gonna add in a little bit of heavy cream just to kind of loosen it up that's not gonna hurt the recipe at all this is just heavy whipping cream and it's about a tablespoon probably gonna put half in this is not normally in the ingredients of the brownies but because I made a boo-boo we're gonna fix it that's what I love about cooking really you can fix anything almost and sometimes when you make mistakes and you add something or forget something you find out that it's better the way that you and see you make something new so this might be better than the last couple ones I made all right now while I'm mixing this up I'm gonna preheat the ninja foodie we're gonna preheat it on the bake roast 375 for five minutes so I'm gonna let that start to heat up and I'm just gonna incorporate the rest of this sugar in by just stirring it just for a few more minutes once I can no longer see the white sugar I'll put it in the bottom of this pan no need to grease the pan or anything because the brownies will slide out they've got enough fat in them that they don't stick all right it looks really great I mean it looks perfect so I think we're gonna be fine just move that all out of the way any time I work with chocolate I always end up with chocolate all over my hands all right so let's just dump this out and spread it around in the bottom of the pan you want to try to get it as even as you can as it heats up it'll spread around but I try to just get it as even as I can in the bottom from the beginning all right that's perfect so it's down in the bottom of our springform pan this is a 7-inch pampered chef springform pan you could get away with using an 8-inch springform pan and not make any changes to the recipe because the brownie layer is thick enough that if you did increase the diameter by an inch you'd still be fine it'll just be a little bit shorter of a cheesecake the filling of the cheesecake also puffs up a good amount so it'll be fine if you want to use an 8-inch but this is a seven inch pan I'm gonna use the rack in the low position I'm just gonna get that ready when this hits five minutes I'm gonna put it in on 375 and go for nine minutes and then we'll take it out and we will make up our cream cheese batter for the turtle cheesecake the brownie baked at 375 for nine minutes and now I'm gonna bring it out here and move this over here I just gonna take it off the rack so that I can get it on to this cooling rack we want it to cool down some but by the time we're done making our cheesecake mixture it'll be cool enough to go ahead and talk with the cheesecake and then we'll get it under pressure so I'm just gonna move this out of the way here a little bit and it smells wonderful so I'm pretty sure that we salvaged the brownie okay so I have two packages of cream cheese and these are room temperature that's one of the most important things when making a cheesecake is you do want your ingredients room temperature so the eggs are room temperature as well as the cream cheese so I'm just putting 16 ounces 2 packages of cream cheese in there with the sugar there are very few ingredients in a cheesecake so it's pretty quick and easy and this is the half of a cup of white sugar and we're just gonna put this down and go ahead and turn it on low medium and I'm gonna scrape down the sides a couple of times but we want this to be well incorporated and kind of whipped up a little bit fluffy [Applause] okay I'm just gonna scrape down the sides here you know as a kid I never used to like cheesecake except for the little teeny ones that my mom made a little um the little cheesecake tarts with that really syrupy cherry mixture on top I used to like those but over the years I've actually become quite fond of cheesecake all right that looks perfect so now with the mixer on low I'm gonna go ahead and crack in one of the room temperature eggs and you want that to incorporate completely but you don't want to over beat the mixture so I'm gonna turn it up just a little bit [Applause] and once I can no longer see the egg I'm gonna turn it off and scrape around those sides again before I add in a second egg looking good looking good add in a second egg now you can do this with a hand mixer as well you don't have to have a stand mixer or a hand mixer works great turn it up just a tad just to me it's like no longer see the egg some of it some of the eggs Brown the side but that's why we scrape down all right it looks good okay the last ingredient I'm going to add in is one teaspoon of vanilla extract [Applause] ok and that is it our cheesecake mixture is done I'm gonna go ahead and scrape this off all right so the brownie has cooled down enough for us to get our next layer which is going to be that delicious caramel that we made which has had a chance to cool down quite a bit so the consistency is now thicker but it's still spreadable isn't that gorgeous so you don't want to put all of it on but we're gonna put probably a good scoop scoop or two if I can get this out without I don't wanna make a mess here I've really like this little container I don't like it for a lot of other things but I love it for when I'm making caramel because it it can hold the heat but it's also flexible alright so just go right over there now what you want to do when you're putting your layer of caramel on top of the brownie is try not to go all the way to the edge and the reason is because we don't want it to get stuck on the edge and make it difficult for you to release the Cheesecake at the end all right that looks good we're gonna reserve the rest for the top so we're just gonna spread this around and probably leave about about a half of an inch at the edge all right that looks really good all right now for the Cheesecake all right so you just pour the cheesecake right on top the cheesecake will push it out some but I'm gonna try to get the cheesecake around the edges so that it gets down there before the caramel eases its way over to the edge which it looks like it did a little bit that's okay it'll work because we'll use a cake release er to release it if we need to all right all right just let the rest of that come off the spatula I kind of smooth it around just a little bit but you don't have to do too much of that all right perfect now the next thing that we need to do is cover it because we're gonna be going under pressure and that's a wet environment in there and we don't want all the water and condensation to get on top of our cheesecake I've tried a couple of different ways to do this and found that the best way is to put a paper towel on top and then a piece of foil now I know a lot of people do not like to use aluminum foil and I understand that that's fine there is another option it does not work as well but it does work this came with I don't even remember what I bought what accessory I bought but it's just like a little flat silicone they care you can put this over top of with the paper towel and then if you have one of those graffiti bands just kind of you know put it around there but I will tell you that water did get into the Cheesecake when I did it that way it wasn't ruined or anything but it just wasn't didn't work as well as the foil did so I'm gonna stick with the foil and I just make a nice tight seal around the edges kind of tucking that paper towel up underneath that just helps to absorb any water that does get in cuz believe it or not water will still get in here all right perfect all right that's good now we'll grab our rock the rock goes into low position the Cheesecake on open up the lid we need to put some water in there I have a cup of water that's all you need is a cup Center Rock in and we're gonna put it on high pressure for 25 minutes make sure your valve is to the seal position so we're gonna let this pressure cook for 25 minutes now it will come up to pressure very quick it'll just take a few minutes maybe 5 minutes to come up to pressure it'll go under high pressure for 25 minutes and then we'll do a 15-minute natural release which honestly is almost a complete natural release with this recipe so we'll let it sit in there for 15 minutes even if your red button depresses before the 15 minutes is up which sometimes happens just leave the cheesecake alone in there for the 15 minutes it needs that extra time to completely set up all right and that's it and then we'll get it out and we'll get it chilling all right so we went under pressure high pressure for 25 minutes and then we did a 15-minute natural release and at 15 minutes I released the pressure and there was like nothing there I mean just a little tiny little puff of steam came out so now we can get the cake out okay perfect now no matter what covering you use you're gonna have a little bit of water on the top so what I suggest is just to take it off from one side and I like to move it off the rack to do this I've found that this rack has caused me to drop things quite often they slip off so I like to move it off the rack to be able to have it on a steady surface here to remove it so that you can try to dump the water off of the top now the aluminum foil if that's what you choose to use it cools down really fast so you can do this right away and we just peel it back and it looks gorgeous look at that and that is dry so I'm real happy about that when I used the other thing when I tested the recipe before I use this the paper towel was completely drenched now I'll be honest you didn't affect the cake it still tasted delicious but this one is completely dry so that's good now there is just a tiny bit of what I think is a little condensation right there so I'm just gonna set this down and just let it absorb any any bit of steam that's on there I don't leave it on very long I don't want to put an imprint but we're gonna cover this with caramel anyway after it cools so now that's the next thing we need to do is get it into the refrigerator for at least 4 hours it needs to cool completely before we put the caramel on top and decorate it with chocolate so the cheesecake has been chilling for four hours and one thing I wanted to mention is when you put it in the refrigerator when it's hot don't cover it because you don't want condensation to build up and drip back down on the cheesecake so just put it in the refrigerator and you can let it come to room temperature too before you refrigerate it for the four hours that would work out fine alright so sometimes your cheesecake will come back from the pan this one did not spring back so I'm just going to take the flat end of my cake tester or any instrument that you have safe for your nonstick springform pan and I'm just gonna go around the edges and I'm gonna try to get down to where that brownie is too now this is gonna make kind of a little bit of a messy edge but we don't need to worry about that because we're gonna be decorating it with the caramel I just want to make sure that when I when I unclamp this that it doesn't pull the Cheesecake off so that's why I'm doing this now another thing that I've read I haven't done this but you can also line the edges with parchment I'm just not sure how the parchment would work but I know people do line their springform pans with parchment okay so we've got a little bit here that's fine no problems alright so now let's release it and I give it a little turn in that will pick it up all right there we go oh wow that looks so good alright so now a turtle cheesecake is usually with caramel chocolate and pecan so we want to get our pecans toasted up because you always want to toast the nuts before you put them on anything really it just brings out the flavor and the oils and it just it's just a little bit tastier so I have the basket in with the legs on and I also preheated it on broil for about 5 minutes I'm just gonna dump those in the basket we're gonna go ahead and go on broils to turn the ninja video on to broil there's no temperature with broils so 10 minutes is gonna be fine you don't need to set the temperature what will happen is it will come up to about 425 degrees royal is the hottest temperature on the ninja foodie on with the tender crisp lid down so if you ever need to really heat something up you want a sear a steak you want to sear some breading on something use the broil you can always bump the heat down or change it to bake roast and bump the heat down err Chris pump the heat down but if you want to get that good hot seer then start off with broil so while the pecans are toasting we're gonna go ahead and get our caramel sauce poured over and so we have that caramel that beautiful caramel and what I did because after four hours it's gonna be a little bit thicker so what I did was I heated it up for about 30 seconds in the microwave but you can also heat it up in the ninja foodie if you wanted to you would put it in a baked baking pan and then just put the heat on very low so I think that's 250 and just start to heat it up so you want it to be a nice pourable consistency but you don't want it to be too thin if it's too thin what's gonna happen is it's just gonna run right over the cake and you're not gonna get the coverage that you want now this seems it's cooled down some and it's gonna cool down even a little bit more so I'm gonna go ahead and put it back in for 30 seconds so I can just get a little bit more pour ability so I will do that while the puns are toasting and also let's check out the chocolate and what I have here is about 3 ounces of a dark chocolate that I've melted you don't need a lot for the garnish because we're just gonna make a design over the top and that still seems to be in good shape so I don't need to reheat that so we'll just let that go and I'm not sure if it's gonna take 10 minutes in fact let's peek at them once nuts start to toast they go really fast and you know what we're done I mean those so that was what three minutes and they are done so I'm just gonna go ahead and turn them into foody off get this heated real quick and then we're gonna decorate and taste our turtle cheesecake so I heated the caramel up for just about 15 seconds and now it's perfect so that is exactly the consistency that you want you don't want to see big big lumps and globs coming off want it to just drip down in a nice stream so that's perfect now I am so impressed with the ninja foodie right now and those cons because when I tested the recipe I did not use pecans just because I'm not a fan I like pecans but I'm just not a fan of nuts in my dessert so I tested it without and so this is the first time I've done toasted nuts in the ninja foodie and Wow a very impressed very impressed so now we're just gonna chop them up so to do that I'm gonna grab the basket out and dump it into now you could put it into a plastic baggie and use you know any kind of a instrument to pound it out I just happen to like this gadget from pampered chef it's a manual food processor so it you don't have to have any kind of electricity for it you just set it in and then you just start to pump this down and it will crush those and this works great for salsa too I mean perfect all right maybe just weren't you more here now you can um you can actually make them as fine or as chunky as you like but I think this looks good the smell is amazing I mean there's nothing like toasted concert gosh it just smells so good okay so let's get the caramel on this is the fun part so basically and hopefully I still have this hopefully hasn't cooled down enough but too much here all right so we're just gonna pour it in the center keep pouring it the reason why I have parchment underneath is because I want to make sure that when the caramel drips off it doesn't just go right on the counter this makes for easy cleanup now I'm reserving just about a tablespoon in case I want to put any extra garnish but I don't think we're gonna need that then just swirl it around so it goes to the edge and we kind of want it to drip off the edge and just let that happen naturally the weight of the caramel will just sort of have it drip down and it just makes the most beautiful cheesecake all right it looks like it's happening perfect all right so now let's get those nuts on you want to do this while the caramels warm so they have a chance to it here this is a half a cup of pecans in case I didn't mention that if the caramel was a little bit thinner you would see more of the Cheesecake I can't see in the front but in the back it looks like it's almost covering it so I probably would have wanted it a little bit thinner you can do this so many different ways you could pour the chocolate on you could make little streaks on it you don't even have to put that whole layer of caramel on if you don't want to you could just put the nuts right on top of the cheesecake and then drizzle the caramel over top that's usually what I do but I decided that I wanted to get a full topping of the caramel it's so delicious then we're just gonna take a chocolate get a nice stream going in your bowl and then just go over the top here oh my gosh this looks amazing it looks good that was a little thick there I should have let it drip a little bit more so let's I'm gonna even it out so it looks like I did it on purpose that's what you do when you're decorating stuff something doesn't work out right you make it look like it was meant to be all right now you could put some caramel sometimes I'll do this get a little bit of the caramel and get a nice stream going and you can go this way look at that oh my gosh this looks so good it's amazing that is a turtle cheesecake if I've ever seen one perfection so what I would normally do is say plop it back in the refrigerator and let it set up but what I'm gonna do is taste it now I have a knife that is safe for non-stick pans so I can slice right into this so I'm just gonna go down I'm gonna make a very little slice because I don't know I mean and that's the thing with cheesecake is this will serve at least ten people just you don't want to serve a big slice this is so rich so delicious alright so now let's get it out of here now the first piece I think is always a little bit messier than the rest just because you're digging into the cake alright oh my gosh this looks so good alright let me get this on the plate [Music] perfect all right so it's a great ratio of crust which is our brownie that we made and the Cheesecake the caramel is looks perfect everything it just looks so good I'm so excited to try this okay so here we go it cuts like a dream now you know what I'm gonna do real quick I'm gonna taste the crust without anything because remember that little mix-up where I didn't put the sugar in until the end let's see if it matters [Music] oh my goodness that is good Wow that's like the perfect brownie - [Music] I can't believe how good this is [Music] even with the nuts like I think I'm a convert now I think I would put the toasted pecans on it from now on this is amazing Wow and it's so easy to make oh my goodness [Music] you have to give this one a try I think this is the best dessert I've ever made and I've ever had I mean it is absolutely perfect the texture of this cheesecake is unbelievable I mean it is it is absolute perfection it is creamy and you want to know a secret I didn't use Philadelphia Cream Cheese I used the store-brand from Olney I think it's like happy farmer and it is so much better and a lot less expensive so if you have an Aldi near you check that out
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 41,289
Rating: 4.9142499 out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi Recipes, The Salted Pepper, pressure cooker, ninja foodi recipes, how to make a turtle cheesecake, how to make homemade caramel sauce, how to make a cheesecake in the ninja foodi, pressure cooker cheesecake recipe, turtle cheesecake recipe, ninja foodi dessert recipes, ninja foodi cheesecake, ninja foodi cheesecake recipes, Caramel Brownie cheesecake, Easy Cheesecake in the Ninja Foodi
Id: C7UT9MjlUJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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