Ninja Foodi Spaghetti Recipe

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hi there and welcome to the salted pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple and today we're gonna make a spaghetti in the Ninja Foodi and it might seem like it's pretty straightforward and quick just dump in ingredients set the pressure and go but there are a few tricks that you need to know in order to avoid that burn notice we don't want the Burn Notice so real quick about that before we get started, is thicker sauces like cream sauces cheese sauces or spaghetti sauces are not the liquid that you need to come up to pressure and that's why a lot of the recipes that you'll see will call for what you might think is a ton of liquid and I was right there with you and I thought no way I'm not putting in that much liquid into my spaghetti and guess what I got the Burn Notice so I came up with a little formula and I it works really well for me so hopefully it'll work for you as well first thing we're gonna do is get the pot started on the sear saute mode and it can be on the high that's fine and just hit start and we're gonna dump in our ground beef and our chopped onions I have about a cup of onions you can let this heat up or you just dump it in right away it doesn't make a difference it will heat up really quickly and so we're gonna dump in our cup of diced onions now this is optional but I think that onions really add a nice flavor to the spaghetti and you're just gonna let that saute and I'm going to use this Mix N Chop (link is in the description), which is good for the nonstick Ninja Foodi inner pot to kind of break up the ground beef. this is thawed ground beef that I brought to room temperature for about 30 minutes you could use frozen ground beef with this you would do it a little bit differently and I might I might do a video on that too because I know a lot of people you'll forget to take out the the ground beef and it is possible to do it from frozen so let's just let this pot come up to temperature meanwhile I have here I have one and a half teaspoons of salt one teaspoon of basil and one teaspoon of Italian seasoning and I'm just going to sprinkle that on it is important that you put your seasonings in now with the meat you want to season the meat really well and that will bring the flavor into the dish it's starting to sizzle now and that took just a few minutes and now I'm gonna use my Mix N Chop which I will link to below because this has really become a very handy kitchen gadget to use in the Ninja Foodi since you do need to make sure that you don't use any metal in this pot or you will scratch it so we're just gonna break that up into smaller pieces now this is 80/20 I will see how much fat drains off I may actually put it through a strainer real quick to remove some of that fat so I don't have an overly greasy spaghetti sauce but another thing you could do if you like mushrooms which I do I just didn't happen to have any is you could quarter up your mushrooms put those in they will absorb the fat from the ground beef add a really nice flavor to your spaghetti sauce and you won't have to strain the beef so when your hamburger meat is about 3/4 of the way done you can go ahead and add in any other vegetables that you want to use I've chosen some green peppers and also some cut-up zucchini I think it's completely optional of course but I had it in the fridge and I needed to use it up so I thought hey I was gonna add some moisture in and you know you won't even know it's in there it's a great way to add those extra vegetables for kids ok next thing I'm gonna put in is one whole bulb of roasted garlic now I roasted the garlic in the Ninja Foodi a little bit earlier and I simply put the Bake function on 325 cut the top off of the garlic put a little bit of olive oil and wrapped it in tinfoil and threw it in the Ninja Foodi on the rack and let it go for 35 minutes and I had a perfect bulb of roasted garlic this will really really give your sauce a lot of flavor without being too bitter sometimes you have to put too much garlic and it can be a little bit bitter so this will actually help to sweeten the sauce now if you want to use regular garlic that hasn't been roasted that's fine I would recommend using probably three to four cloves at the most and you could just mince those right in but I really love the way the roasted garlic enhances the sauce when you cook spaghetti sauce on the stove the more you reduce those Tomatoes the less acid that they have so the sweeter they become we're not gonna do that today because we're gonna make this a really quick dinner so I am gonna add in a teaspoon of sugar and that is my personal preference you do not have to do that I just like I like a sweet and a and a hot spaghetti sauce so I like it to be sweet but then I also added some red pepper flakes and make it a little spicy but again that's optional I'm gonna stir this in now it does not look like I need to strain this at the amount of fat that came off it's gonna be fine but of course if you want to keep it a little bit leaner please go ahead and strain it so now that that's done we just get to starting to dump the ingredients in and this is the beauty of cooking with the Ninja Foodi is you can really just dump them in and then we'll set the pressure and it'll be ready I'm not going to stir the tomatoes in I'm gonna leave them just right on top here because I don't want some of the tomatoes to get on the bottom of the pot and could create that Burn Notice so we're just gonna leave them right on top the next thing I'm gonna do is I have four cups of beef broth you can absolutely use water or if you decide to use ground turkey you could use turkey stock you want to keep this totally vegetarian you could use a vegetarian stock as well and I'm gonna pour in about three cups just kind of pour that around I'm reserving one cup and I'll show you why all right perfect that might be about 3/4 of a cup now on top of that I'm gonna put in the spaghetti sauce I'm just gonna pour that in you'll say oh it looks really really liquidy and it does right now so the reason why I kept the 1 cup out or about 1 cup was just so that we can get everything out of this jar great ok the last thing are the schedule's because this is actually you know wait, before I do the spaghetti noodles let me put in a few of these red pepper flakes, not too many but I just really love the spice that it gives ok that's enough the spaghetti noodles now I have a half a pound of spaghetti noodles which is a half of a box you could use a full box but what I found when I used a full box is it was too thick I just wasn't really happy with it so I'm going with a half of a box which is enough for four to six servings and take them and this is kind of important as well so take them break them in half cuz we're not gonna really fit totally in the Ninja Foodi whole and then just put them over top of the the top of the liquid like that you're gonna go in this direction and then you're going to go in this direction and we're gonna do that for all of them what that is going to do is prevent clumping of your spaghetti noodles so again go that way and go this way in a crisscross fashion you could break more than this at a time if you'd like but what I try to do that tends to want to go everywhere so just take little sections and the last one so now that they're all done in like a crisscross fashion just take whatever you're using and just gently push them down so that all of the noodles are underneath the liquid tomato paste I put this right on top this is going to be a thickening agent for the liquid that's in there we're not going to stir it in the same principle we want to keep this a thin sauce so that it enables the Ninja Foodi to come up to pressure but I'm gonna put that right on top now I've also seen some recipes that call for cream cheese you could do both a mixture of both one or the other whichever you prefer I just wanted to keep this a traditional spaghetti sauce all right so we got our pressure lid on and we're gonna turn this off turn the pressure on on high and we're gonna go for three minutes and turn the valve to seal make sure it's to seal I like my spaghetti noodles al dente so a little bit firm just with a little bite to it if you want your spaghetti noodles a little bit softer then go ahead and increase that time to about five minutes and hit the start button and allow the ninja foodi to come up to pressure and then we're gonna let it cook for three minutes and we're gonna slow release for another three minutes so our red button has popped up no burn notice so so far so good and it should be turning to the three minutes pretty soon now what I'm gonna do now that it's come up to pressure is I want to take this key form and press it and press it again to turn it off that way when the three minutes is up of the pressure cooking it is not going to automatically revert to the keep warm this is not you know a deal breaker if you forget to do it but I really don't want to overcook my spaghetti noodles so I'm gonna turn the keep warm off so that the pot is just naturally cooling down and it's not holding it at a temperature which I'm gonna assume is about 140 for the keep warm so our three minutes of pressure cooking is complete and you can see that the Ninja Foodi just turned off that keep warm did not go on it will default to on so you have to actually manually turn it on and turn it off after it comes up to pressure in order for it to be off when the pressure stops and now we just wait three minutes and allow it to naturally release and then we will vent it okay so we have allowed this to natural release all right so our steam is released and our red button has popped down so now I can open up the lid here don't be alarmed it's going to look really really soupy okay and we're gonna stir it and then let it sit it's important to let it sit for at least 5 minutes it will start to thicken so let's give it a stir look at that we want to get all that tomato paste in and that's gonna help to thicken our sauce oh it looks so good the noodles look perfect Wow we don't want it to cool off so after I could put a nice stir I'm going to close this lid and just let it sit for five minutes and then we're gonna plate and eat it's already starting to thicken up so perfect now I'm just gonna close the lid and we're gonna wait five minutes and then we're gonna get to taste it so it's been about five minutes and we've allowed the sauce to thicken and now we're gonna plate it taste and it looks glorious I mean it looks perfect so I'm just gonna get a nice fit out here and try to put it on my plate here without making too much of a mess looks great it's nice and saucy and you can always grab a little bit more sauce too and use not a slotted spoon like I have here because obviously the sauce is going through the middle and if you didn't know what this center section is on like a spaghetti scoop like this it's to measure about 2 ounces of spaghetti so it's a single serving size spaghetti just a little tip there now spaghetti is not complete until we get our cheese and I like either Parmesan or Asiago or the combination of both you can use any kind of cheese you'd like and I'm just gonna put a little bit on here and the cheese is also going to increase the salt taste of the spaghetti so it gives it a little bit more flavor get a little bit on there if you want it to get a little fancier you can always take a vegetable peeler and peel like thicker sections of the parmesan or Asiago this really works best for the hard cheese and it kind of adds a little interest but not necessary all right let's dig in so I can really tell that these noodles are cooked perfectly just by the way that they look they're not over bloated so they're not gonna be overdone absolutely perfect what I really love is that you can still see the zucchini in there it's very soft doesn't impart a lot of taste but it didn't dissolve with the short pressure cooking that we did all right this is absolutely delicious take one more bite here Wow it's so good and it's so quick and easy give me a thumbs up if you like this video don't forget to subscribe over there until next time see you later
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 254,799
Rating: 4.916368 out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi spaghetti, Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi spaghetti recipe, Ninja Foodie, Instant Pot spaghetti, spaghetti pressure cooker, ninja foodi spaghetti, Ninja Foodie spaghetti, Ninja Foodie recipe, Ninja Foodi recipe, Easy Ninja Foodi recipes, Easy Ninja Foodi spaghetti recipe, spaghetti recipe, Ninja foodi tips, pressure cooking tips, ninja foodi pasta recipes, Ninja foodi pasta, pressure cooker spaghetti, Ninja foodi pressure cooker, Ninja Foodi beginner recipe
Id: xR6AP3hJino
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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