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hello my old school soul food fans follow Stoppers chef Geoffrey back with another video here if you saw by the queen bee screen today we'll be making time I definitely we all grew up on if you old school so food old-school country but just all school back in the day kids these days don't know about this dish today I'll be making some old-school culottes I think I had this couple of times in my corner because I think it's a way to stretch food and feed a lot of people with very few ingredients so all is really ground meat and macaroni something you because it chili mac you can make yours today I'm gonna just show y'all or the stove method I'm not gonna bake mine in the oven at the end it with cheese if you can do that so what I'm gonna do right man will put my console not use blow like elbow spaghetti not like to see the macaroni in mind Jason so I always by the Lord's elbow macaroni pasta so I got a pasta pot eaten up back here at all kind of get them sweating up a little you don't have to use it you go out and get you want to back that there's no problem here look yeah I don't know a lot about it I just don't like a pity service everybody's different you man taught it to yours if you want I'm just tired of got it right okay now all of my ground meat here I want to brown this all [Music] one of my favorite needles and macaroni who doesn't like macaroni going up is appeal way back in the day to just let your meat or maybe both lovers the pasta you know pasta was one of the main staples I just like beans and rice that was the staple growing up cause gonna fill you up and it goes a long way go anyway we won't let this ground off here just bound me it takes about 15 minutes let it brown up and I'm gonna be right back when it's brown off and I'm gonna interesting ingredient we're gonna show you how this meal coming together but we'll be right back I'll be back here brown meat is browned up here now what we gonna do we're gonna add our thanks to made us to this up the cans tomato sauce on my head to this to call it tomato goodness in here stir this up here really slowly and I don't drain it because I don't have a lot of grease in my people asked me that you don't drain no because I knew four 80/20 blend and it's very long to it my ground meat is 80/20 so I don't I don't know drain my grounding me I don't have a lot of oil in the bottom okay now we're gonna I don't know I had my tomato paste for the for the body digging it up give it a nice color no way to tomato paint making that way it's not so loose and watery because you want the sauce to clean to the pasta never eating pasta with a pot the sauce is so watery then you just just go along it doesn't cling to the pasta you don't have a sauce with every bite my sauce when I add it to the pasta run all over the place which is cooked off here I can say the meat is completely done so all we doing is bringing Tomatoes up the temperature add a little salt up in here people asked about my salt and pepper all gives us one point pepper in three parts salt so for instance you might use a tablespoon of white pepper I'm gonna use three tablespoons of kosher salt when I make my big batches I make a I get uh so in custody I use afford a cup of white pepper 9 use 3/4 cups of kosher salt I make big batches of it at a time let me taste this now last thing on my head but I add kernel corn tomorrow and I love corn y'all know be positive enough you know I love me some corn my favorite vegetable I love calling in mind ok what we gonna do I'm gonna let this simmer about 10-15 minutes all the flavors get together then we're gonna come back we'll go ahead our pasta to this little hand out some awesome goulash so we'll be right back ok y'all we back in it's been cooking my 15 minutes this plate was all good and married together I'm gonna taste it one more 10 I play at the pasta oh yeah another tip you want to slightly over season not what you want to slightly over salty just slightly because what's gonna happen when I have this pot sitting there and have all these waters stuff killing it it's gonna balance out the salt and pepper in this evening you don't want to have it too I can see there even though you can go back and see them again but you can hunt down the whole bus leaving it and it up when you add your pasta get a bounce it off ok now but uh oh yeah pastas ready here we're gonna drain get this out of the way turn this off yeah shoot this is a meal in itself right here and then we eat that out the bowl right okay now we're gonna add our pasta dish let's roll it over there and go wrong with it big old pot of goulash that that pasta soak up all that meat Oh don't want like the big noodles see the big pasta noodles you can see what you got all night you wanna make my mac and cheese that y'all know I like a lot and I like the beat pasta definitely will all fit in there my friends and neighbors come over this whole party's gonna be a pletely gong what I'm doing just staring it over and under get all me tonight make sure all the meat is incorporated I'm gonna check my seasoning one more time like I say with the heart like I say when I had the pasta it kind of balances it off to the seasoning I want to taste it one more time here let's see here we'll be down here what's your rope like that so pretty awesome good knack I say you can bake this off to another with some cheese if you want to keep mine just like this hmm all right now try this has to be this is recipe thumbs up please comment very easy very simple until next time have a blessed go through so food day you
Views: 20,203
Rating: 4.9558501 out of 5
Id: OI4gUdjb46s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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