How to make American Goulash | Easy weeknight meal

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hey ladies and gents it's trying gene here with a cook with me vlog today i'm gonna be cooking some goulash i haven't made it in a really long time so i'm gonna make it because it's very easy you know it's a quick meal on a weeknight so i hope you guys you know will stay tuned and watch me get this goulash made for my family alright so let's get into it all right so first things first i have my paint on the stove let's go ahead and turn the stove on and then our ingredients i'm going to be using today i have like a pound and a half of ground beef which is here so i'm using a pound and a half of that i have an onion and a green pepper i also have some minced garlic and two jars of sauce i prefer ragu so i'm using this is my favorite social the mama's um special garden sauce is my all-time favorite sauce i also like the six cheese sauce by ragu that's really good as well um so and then i'm using the mushroom and green pepper um as well half that let's see what else i have i have a can of diced tomatoes and a box of elbow noodles so yep that's all we need for this dish and i'll probably make a homemade salad to go with it so all right you guys let's go ahead and get started first thing i'm gonna do i'm not adding any oil or anything to the pan because we all know that um ground beef you know makes its own grease um this is 80 20 i prefer 80 20. i'm not really you know i'm not into the whole using the 93 percent lean i don't like that kind it's like i don't know that i just don't like the texture so i went ahead and threw that in there let me go ahead throw this away and wash my hands let me wash my hands real quick i have this water already here with some bleach wash that off and dry my hands all right so let me get my favorite wooden little spatula which i don't see it and my water is really boiling oh so let me go ahead and put these noodles in here boiling so i'm gonna go ahead and open my noodles up and drop my noodles in and bam that's in and then i need to find my favorite um wooden spoon so i got my favorite wooden spoon which is here for my ground beef and then we'll use this spoon to stir our macaroni noodles all right that's that and we need to go ahead and season our meat we don't need to use a lot of seasoning because we're putting sauce in it you know what i'm saying so i'm going to go ahead and use some seasonal just like that put some seasoning all up in there and you guys i'm gonna have to reach above because i forgot to grab my seasons out the cabinets beforehand we're gonna also use garlic powder even though we're gonna use garlic i'm still gonna use some garlic powder so put that in there i'm gonna grab some let's see i'm gonna grab the turmeric this is good for your belly you guys sneak it in your food so add some turmeric to that we're gonna add some black pepper okay and let me find the parsley so i have some parsley here let's throw some parsley up in there if i can open the container all right and that's good enough for me usually i would add it um italian seasoning but i don't feel like looking for it in the cabinet because let me tell y'all i got tons and tons and tons and tons of seasoning it's like insane because i love trying different seasons all the time so yep but go ahead and break your meat up just like that and make sure you know keep a watchful eye on your um your pasta noodles you don't want those to overcook or stick to your pot um or you know even stick together so kind of like stir those elbows around that's what i'm doing just turn them around and then oh and if you guys probably she always has my t-shirt inside i work from home yeah i get up in the morning i take a lot of school do all that stuff but i work from home so usually when i wasn't working home i dressed up every day like in you know dress clothes um because i am working home i don't do that so it's tight t-shirt and today i have on my um let me see my little dollar tree slides um because they're so comfortable so yeah that's what i have on today but yeah cuz i'm home all day there's no need to mess up good clothes if you're just gonna be home on a computer for eight to ten hours so yeah all right so now you always want to kind of add your garlic last when your meat is pretty much almost done you don't really need to add that right away but what we need to go ahead and do is get our pepper and our onion cut up so let me bring you guys in a little closer so we can get that cut up [Music] so [Music] so right now this is what our um hamburger pepper and onion mixture is looking like it still has some cooking to do but i'm just giving you a little close-up look of what that's looking like here's our noodles um i'm gonna add and i like my noodles al dente so i don't want them all soft and mushy you want your sorry about the steam but you want your noodles al dente so i'm gonna go ahead and add some sauce to these all right so first things first trying to do this with one hand we're gonna add our tomatoes just like that so we added our tomatoes let's go ahead and stir that around just like so and now let's go ahead and add our sauce to our mixture as well so pour that in put our sauce in and let's stir that around okay and now all we have to do is wait for our hamburger meat to get done yep telling you guys something very simple very easy for you hard-working moms and dads out there kids they love pasta and i went ahead and added my garlic i'm gonna get that all mixed around in here because like i said add your garlic towards the end of your cook time yep all right we're gonna go ahead and do a salad i have some romaine salad here that we're going to be using and then i went ahead and washed off some of these mini peppers so let's go ahead and get these cut up so i'm just going to cut um oh darn y'all can't even see see if i can do this without knocking the whole camera over so let's go ahead and get these mini peppers cut up i just kind of cut the tips off just like that cut the tips off and cut the bottoms we'll cut the bottom why did i add it i asked onto that i do not know but yeah just do like that and then grab your other one and go like that so that's like your your little trash pile here let me fix this camera y'all i'm not filling it all right i hope you guys can see good um and then just this is what they look like in the inside just kind of split it down the middle like that and i like to wash the inside of mine as well so i'm just taking this stuff out with my fingers sitting it on this plate and then we're just going to wash the center of them as well i mean what you choose to do in your house is your business so i know some people you know once they wash the outside that's it i don't know for me i just go ahead and wash the inside as well so yeah so i went ahead and cut that one up and you can just pull these little seeds right out of it it's really easy on these small ones all right so let me wash them off and i've washed these off so let's go ahead get them cut up i cannot stress enough to people i see a lot of youtubers they cut their pepper like this from the outside that makes it a lot more challenging and difficult for you don't cut your pepper from the outside as much as you want to cut it from the inside because it's a lot more tender on the inside which makes it easier to cut so you can just cut it right like that i mean it's very simple very easy do not cut your pepper from the outside cut it from the inside i cannot stress that enough i see so many people cutting their pepper from the outside don't do that cut it from the inside so it makes it so much more easier you'll fly right through cutting peppers so i've been cooking for a long time um i was raised by my dad and my job in the house was to cook so i've literally been cooking since i was 12 years old i've watched a lot of cooking shows as a kid um and i learned a lot from my aunt who's now deceased but yeah i learned a lot of stuff just you know watching cooking shows as a kid and then a lot just experimental on my own and just learn as you go there are moments where i do not like to cook i have my days it's like sometimes i feel like doing it and then other days i'm just like i don't want to do it and i think a big part of it is cooking for so long for so many years i just got tired some you know sometimes um so i have my days i wouldn't say cooking is like a passion um i think it used to be um but i think as i get older i'm getting away from that because i'm telling you right now if i had it my way i probably would only cook twice a week all the other days i would just go out to eat somewhere but now our peppers are all cut up so let's go ahead and move our um salad bowl over so i have that here and i don't know if all this salad is gonna actually fit in here but let's see how much salad we're gonna get in this bowl so for your for your salad right in your bowl just like that i don't want any brown pieces of lettuce so that's that looks good pour your salad in your bowl add a little bit more all right and then we need to go ahead um and add some of our peppers so we have our peppers here and let's go ahead and add some peppers to our salad maybe some veggies in there so you would go just like that kind of move it all around just like that i love peppers in my salad i also like sweet pickles in my salad um hold on let me check my hamburger all right and i also we have some fiesta blend cheese so let's go ahead and add some of that to our salad [Music] not gonna add a lot but enough so let's add some cheese to our salad and if they want to add more i'll just there's a little bit more left for them to be able to add more to their salad add that and then the next thing we're going to add to our homemade salad is oh i almost forgot to show you guys we have some garlic pepper crispy onions so in case you guys want to buy these i get them at walmart um but that's what they look like i don't know it's not focusing but yeah they're garlic pepper um onions so we're gonna go ahead and i'm gonna just sprinkle some of these on top just like that but yeah i think that's good enough close this bag up and then i'll bring you guys well maybe i can just hold it up so you guys can see but this is the finished product of our salad so let's go ahead and drain our so here's our meat our meat is draining um let's go ahead and get this in the pan um in the pot with the noodles and don't drain the um grease in your sink put a bowl under it i have a bowl under under um see there's the grease because don't put that in your sink it'll clog your scene all right so let's go ahead oh i didn't take the snowball y'all so let's go ahead and start adding um where's my other pasta sauce all right so let's go ahead and add our meat to our um to our noodles so i'm gonna go ahead and add the ground meat just like that and this is plenty of real meat plenty like look at that so i have that in there let me put this in the sink let me get up some of this grease i put that on the stove and then let's go ahead and mix this up this is gonna definitely last us for like two days because this is a lot all right we're just mixing it up a little bit before i add the other sauce so go just like that all right so let's go ahead and um let's add our other uh pasta sauce to this okay so we have our mushroom and green pepper we're i'm just gonna add half and then i'll add the other half once i get it mixed around so let's stir this up just like that all right and let's go ahead and add the rest so add the rest of your your pasta sauce shake it all out get it all out of that jar put the lid back on and go ahead and finish mixing it together just like that and i know some people like to add sugar i let people add sugar to their own bowl because my dad does have diabetes so i don't want to add a bunch of sugar to stuff or a bunch of salt either because of his high blood pressure and stuff so yep so we're just gonna stir this really well just like that very simple weeknight dinner that can last you like two days depending on how much you make very very very simple but yep oh that hurt my arm you guys but here's a close-up of our goulash the peppers onions tomatoes yep all right let me get it plated up for you guys here's our salad simple salad um i have owls in there and and sweet pickles if they want to add that to their own plate but this is going to be our dinner tonight this is the finished product this is what our dinner is looking like tonight we have our goulash and our salad i'm gonna put salad dressing on in just a few but i wanted to share with you guys so yep um this is an easy quick night meal i hope you guys try it out but make sure you comment like and subscribe and i'll see you guys on my next video bye
Channel: Twanya Jean
Views: 35,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v6qN-rERKtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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