Goulash - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making goulash Oh a goulash has three basic ingredients it has ground beef and I have about two pounds of fresh ground chuck here it has elbow macaroni noodles and I've got 2 cups of those and some kind of tomato and I have some fresh tomatoes out of the garden I just chopped those up and that's what I'm going to use but you can use canned tomatoes chopped Camp tomatoes tomato sauce tomato paste whatever you got just some kind of tomato and there are as many ways to season this as there are noodles in this cup here but I had a lot of fresh stuff because the garden is coming in and some of it I just happen to have on hand I'm using bell peppers to season mine I have a large onion here that I diced up and I diced the peppers up these are just a green peppers mostly at one small red one and I have one clove of garlic that I minced up really fine and I had some parsley and I chopped some of that up kind of fine and I'm going to put that in it and just to use salt and pepper so let's get this over the stove and start cooking this hamburger I'm gonna start it up damn about medium-high guess and I'm going to go ahead and put in my onions and my garlic and my peppers and I'm going to let all that cook until the hamburger meat gets brown now I'm putting salt and pepper in here for all these peppers and onions and also for all the meat and I may even add a little more it'll kind of depend on how it looks and I'll taste it when the meat starts to get into I want to make sure I get enough salt and pepper in the meat because otherwise the finished product won't taste good but as this cooks stir it kind of keep an eye on it and they say we're just going to let it cook until the meat gets brown and then I'm going to drain off any grease that's on it okay it's been about 15 minutes now and my hamburger meat is browned my onions are starting to get opaque even my peppers are starting to get a little bit of paste so I'm going to take this over to the sink and drain the grease off and then we're going to add our tomatoes now that I've got all the grease off I'm going to add my tomatoes and like I said you can use canned chopped tomatoes tomato sauce tomato paste whatever just as long as you've got some tomatoes in here and when you're cooking with Tomatoes I thought you do want to add just a little bit of sugar because they're really a city and it improves the flavor it brings out the flavor that's made us so I only got maybe you wanting to have tablespoons here for all these Tomatoes and that'll be a plenty I'm going to add just a tiny bit more salt and pepper for mice Tomatoes not too much and I'm going to go ahead and dump this parsley and here money cook up alright I'm just going to cover this and I'm going to turn it down now to about medium I'm going to keep an eye on it but I'm going to let it simmer until the juice comes out of the tomatoes and then I'll add my news well this has been simmering for about 15-20 minutes now and I've got a pretty good amount of liquid in here out of my tomatoes and I'm just going to add the noodles right to this now these noodles say that they will cook in seven minutes but they're not going to cook that fast in this and I'm not sure why that is maybe just because it's not plain water I don't know but they don't cook as fast as they do if you're just boiling them in water so what you're going to do at this point is you're going to keep an eye on it stir it a little and just check the noodles until they get tender and how long you cook it will depend on what kind of noodle you use I am going to cover mine again because I don't want all this liquid to evaporate off of it and then I'll have enough for my noodles so just leave it on medium keep an eye on it stir it you can see why tomatoes are picked up here you can still see the skins in them but that's perfectly fine it actually took about 12 minutes to cook my noodles which was twice as long as the package said and you can see my liquid is pretty much gone but the noodles are tender now all the onions and peppers and the garlic and all that stuff is well cooked and the flavors are blended and that's really what you want when you make goulash is you just want your flavors well blended now when I serve this I always serve it with sour cream and shredded cheese on the side because Brett does not like cheese in it but the kids all do and he's not a sour cream fan either but some of the kids put sour cream on just about everything especially Alex she loves her sour cream so I just serve this with some kind of bread and put the cheese and sour cream on the side goulash is a great one pot meal and if you use like canned tomatoes and stuff you can do it quite a bit faster this only took me about an hour to cook it's wonderful in the winter time and like I said you can season it different ways it's good season like chili or something but I hope you enjoy your goulash as much as we do around here don't forget to put a little sour cream and cheese on the side thanks for joining us in the hillbilly kitchen don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and we'll see you next time
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 218,355
Rating: 4.9226503 out of 5
Keywords: Goulash (Dish), Food (TV Genre), the hillbilly kitchen, cooking, how to make goulash, hungarian goulash, hamburger goulash, beef goulash, best goulash, goulash recipe, how to make hungarian goulash, how to make beef goulash, dave's kitchen, another amateur, one pot meal, Pasta (Food), Food Wishes, Hamburger (Food), Polly Pocket (Fictional Character), Grandmaw's Goulash, Slumgullion, ground beef recipe, comfort food, pasta recipe, tomato recipe, soup recipe
Id: w2Mk3dJtnIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2015
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