Curved honey comb in a ceiling.

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hello mr head here today is november 12 2020 um in sl in lacombe louisiana back in lacombe louisiana man we've taken we've taken bees a bunch of hives out of lacombe and i'm once again with charlie we're back here today to remove hives from this house now this house i actually visited this house back in early of june of this year or is actually at the end of may beginning of june to look at some bees that were in it and when we were looking for the bees we were trying to locate the bees where they were in the house they were flying in next to the fireplace and you can see where they're flying in real easy but we went around to to with a flare trying to locate them and we just couldn't find the bees inside of the building as you will see in just a few minutes there's a big brick facade in that in that front room and the bees are located behind that facade but the flare won't penetrate the bricks to see it so we we really couldn't do anything because the homeowner didn't want to remove that that brick facade but they're doing demolition work here now and as they were doing the demolition work lo and behold they came across another hive now i know for a fact that this hive has only been here since june because that's when when when charlie and i came out for the first time was back in june and these bees were not right here so charlie show up on where these bees are coming in the bees are making the entrance where that joist is sticking out of the house there was an open area and the bees have been able to get inside that area walk down that joist and get on the interior of the house now what we're going to do is we're going to get inside and like i told you before they're already doing demo on this house and that's when these this high was discovered when they're taking the sheetrock down off off of the house and it is a very impressive high very in fact they've done so much demo that if wreck-it ralph was with us today and he's not uh he wouldn't have any job to do because there's just a little bit of sheetrock left that we have to take down to finish exposing where the bees are by the grace of god these bees that are now in this house right here in lacombe they're not going to go home go home with me to the abbey hollis you all have met house before in fact i'll put a couple of links to the video that that she's worked with with us before that's hollis right there the bees are going to be going home with hollis and she'll be taking care of these bees and making her her bee yard their new yard let's go inside and wrangle some bees and this is that brick facade that i was talking about for the fireplace and the bees that i couldn't locate they are in this area somewhere right in here but we can't access them those bees right now until they get the siding removed from the house and then we'll be able to get to them so these aren't the bees that we're going to be looking at today however these are the bees that we're looking at today this is very impressive it's all white comb so you you know it's only been here for a few months and the temperature right now is right around 65 degrees so the bees they're not flying real good and they're clustered up so that's why you don't see them on the cone right now this area of comb right here this is all honey so you wouldn't expect to find a lot of bees on this area but on this section right here as we get further back and take that sheetrock down we're going to find a cluster up back there so i'm going to go ahead and pull down the sheetrock get the vacuum fired up start vacuuming these and cutting out cone of course we'll be looking for our queen as well all of our sheetrock is removed now and you can see the entire hive and i was wrong as dark as that comb is that's been there for a year you can see almost the shades of comb at this and the black here and then it gets lighter here so this section right here is probably new and of course as we extend out this is all brand new as well so brand new new and then at this end old so there probably were bees in this in this area before or this i was just being here for that long and i didn't see them they weren't here when we were here last time so my guess is they these are new bees very nice start vacuuming the bees and when we get the numbers knocked down we'll start removing that cone [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so remove those pieces of comb right there and we got to this section right here and this is really an interesting section of cone because it curves around i mean that is one very very large section of comb it's all honey let me back away and see if i can give you a real good shot of it so there you can see how big that that piece of comb is it's got to be if you put it straight aligned it's got to be well over three feet so i got to cut that in that curve before i start cutting out that longer section and i'll have to cut that out in two pieces this this comb is very brittle whereas the dirt rooster likes to say crumbly comb and so as i'm cutting it it's just cracking so as i get towards the end of this that's exactly what's going to happen it's just going to crack off that is a nice piece of cone right there [Music] [Applause] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've removed the majority of the the honeycomb is now out and we're now at the section of the high that was formally this was the brood section right here as you can see the comb is dark and as you can see it's also empty this time of the year our queen has drastically stopped laying so we're going to find a lot of empty um comb that once at one time had brewed on it everyone at some point as we go back there we are going to find some brood but at this point this is all hatched out she's not laying there and so they're not utilizing the space other than they're not even storing it the the honey stores up here at the top that's all was there when the when the brood was there so these these are just unused pieces of comb right now so what i want to do is i want to stop removing the comb from this side of the hive and then start removing this comb over here and right i can't really see exactly what's all on it but the majority of this stuff is going to be empty comb there was it was all honey at one time but now it's been eaten and a lot of it's empty i still see captain back there so as we go back then we're going to find some capped honey but the reason i want to take the comb off of this side i want to in a sense push the bees from any bees that are here and all the bees that were in this section right up in here we're pushing them we're condensing them into an area right here so which will make us instead of being all spread out there right here where we can vacuum them and our queen i know that there's no doubt mama she's in there so i'm going to go ahead and start taking all this comb out getting the bees off of this and then we'll come back on this side and start removing this all of our comb has now been removed from this section and as i removed it from this section i was noticing this really large crack right there and the bees are coming from that they're using that as a highway to move along these joists so wondering how i can block this out charlie suggested i look on the other side of this big beam right here and so we got up on the ladder and look what we saw i am going to have to spray some rubber on this side of it to keep them from coming up in here but see the bees from the outside they come in from the outside they go down the board and then they go into it from there and all that's exposed right here keep on talking i'm filming the whole thing so i think that i'm going to have to just to be on the safe side to keep the bees from coming on this side i'll spray some honey robber on this side to keep them from running out this way and they'll run out towards the cone that's what i think i'll do because there's there are a lot of bees up here but it appears that the bees that are running on that beam are the bees coming in from the outside move you honey robber there you go okay now all right so let's shoot some of this stuff up here i do want to put it kind of heavy because it's gonna it's gonna these bees are not gonna like that even right there they're gonna start running but i don't want them to run any further and you can see them moving pretty hastily right now even as far as i sprayed that away they've already cleared the beam [Music] which is what i want to do i do not want our queen to be running up in here this is what i'm trying to avoid because if she gets up in here i'm not gonna be able to get her other than with the vacuum cleaner so this is looking good let me spray a little bit more and that should keep the bees hopefully out of this area so now we're going to go ahead and start taking out the comb that's still remaining [Music] i also want to spray some honey bandit in this area too up high to prevent the bees from running from this air from this area over to this area so that should keep the bees from going up into that space and maybe even from coming into this joist area you can see them running to the hive right now they do not like this stuff let's vacuum some bees now so there she is i thank you jesus you got her how about that folks man that was a heck of a hive to find our queen and she was like on we've only got two more pieces of comb in there and she was on that one piece that i took out as i was taking the comb out i'd look at the piece that i left on the wall because if she was on there i could grab her if she's on the piece i was holding she's not going anywhere and she was on that piece i was holding caged her up and we just got a little bit more to go let's finish this thing up oh yeah thank you jesus thank you that's right well folks they ain't there no more yeah we got we got some more high high bees that are still in here we're gonna make one more vacuum around here around the windows but if you look outside the door out here let's see that's with the sunlight you can see it there's robber bees coming in right now i mean it's like on cue the bees come in and there's they're they're in here as well they're they're on our boxes right here so the robber bees are in it but we're still gonna make one more vacuum up in that area right there because those definitely are our hobbies and you can see them running down where i spray that honey bandit so we're going to go ahead and vacuum those things up and wrap this thing up come on charlie we waiting on you oh yeah well charlie how long did that one take it wasn't two hours wow uh three hours i think it was more like three and a half huh okay three and a half it was it was it was just unexpected yeah it was it was a lot of comb we actually filled four ice chests with the comb that we took out of there and hollis is going home with everything she well we're going to go up there we're going to frame everything up but she's going to go ahead and set it up at her uncle's house in one of her be yards out there but it was a it was a challenging removal for sure we got our queen yes thank you jesus and uh we all did work huh we all didn't work everybody you're tired i'm exhausted vacuuming those bees camera my arms were tired three hours of holding a vacuum cleaner above your head yeah that'll wear your arm out for sure that's an exercise this guy paid the price but that's all we got for you in this one so thanks for watching keep on watching and we'll be making more god bless mr ed hollis hollis hey good times out of here we'll see you next time good you
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 57,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Curved honey comb in a ceiling., Bees, Honey bee, Removing honey bees, Relocating honey bees, Removing honey bees from a house, using a bee vac to remove bees from a house, Bee vac, removing sheet rock, Honey Bandit, Honey Robber, Removing honey comb from a house, faming brood comb after a removal, brood comb, honey comb, queen bees, catching a queen bee, using a queen cage to capture a queen bee, curved honey comb, electrical wire, cutting around electrical wire, honey
Id: MBMT1IlGe-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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