BECOMING WILD IN WABAKIMI - A Solo, 12 Day, 200km Journey - Part 1 Float Plane, Moose, Thunderstorm.

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[Music] [Music] [Music] i need to find myself out here 200 kilometers should do the trick [Music] well do it storm army bring it on oh man i can't stay here very special very special place [Music] that is fantastic territory oh she's on her way again uh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right guys there you go you see it that plane has left me all by myself for the next 200 kilometers it might take me 10 days it might take me 20. who knows we're gonna paddle ourselves out of here i've got my swift prospector pack boat it's 14 feet long i'm super excited for this trip i'm looking to connect with nature again i'm going to take it slow and learn a lot i cannot wait to see the adventures that i'll get up to on this roughly two week trip i am alone by myself for the next two hundred kilometers i'm in wild bikini provincial park feels good already it feels good already got a fish on i've been paddling for a half an hour or so oh the old snot rocket fish number one man that sun is hot it's pretty early in the am still and uh as soon as i turn and face the sun holy smokes like it's uh it's it's hot and this isn't even one of the hotter days it's supposed to get up to 30 in a few days here whoa that'll wake you up in the morning oh keep smoking anyway just turned on to the palisade river and i'm going to be using that river to access the rest of my trip for the next couple days and then we're on to different river systems and different lakes and things like that i have some paper maps that the outfitter bruce at wawakemi outfitters provided which are super helpful they have some campsites where the good fishing is all that stuff and the portages so on my map it's marked a 250 250 meter portage coming up soon and i imagine it's around this little bit of a waterfall a little rapid no campsites are marked here in wabakami no portages nothing like that with signs or anything so it's up to you to find them but they're always in the most common place common sense spot i can hear moving water up there so i assume i'm coming my first portage all right here we are first portage in a brand new spot see how she goes and we're walking through an old burn with a bunch of nice vegetation growing up this is really pretty really pretty dragonflies everywhere the weather has changed it's completely clouded over not even really sunny at all anymore and the black flies are out in swarms because of the cooler weather so we're just in this little section of the river right now just got past another portage got a 75 meter to come up and then i think i'm gonna be in the boat until roughly my camp tonight i'd like to get to camp before it rains it's uh it's noon i'm going for four hours or so we'll go for another couple today i think i have a decent walleye on i got something for sure i might oh he's running there's a walleye sick yes right this little end of this little fl inflow to this lake looks like a decent walleye too actually yeah i think i'm going to keep this guy to eat my first walleye here he's a decent size he's healthy and i have only two small portages until my camp so i think we're gonna keep this guy on the stringer bonus wally wally keaney this looks pretty wild in here man pretty raw as far as you can see it's just that that that there's a mouse over there it knows i'm here it's still grazing though so we'll try and get a little bit closer not too close are you coming closer it's curious about me you good girl hey you ain't scared of me that's for sure all right that's probably close enough eh um what this moose is extremely interested in me extremely interested in me it's following me down the shoreline so that's a new new thing for me there it goes that is some rather large wolf scat okay a little overgrown hey maybe i can carry it now oh look it's right here bet you there's some fishies in there see if i can't pull a little wall out of here for fun dragonflies are out i'm super happy about that we got another portage right after this right after this little pool here it's 250 meters and then i'm on to the last stretch for my uh until my camp did pretty good for time it was a short day today it is two and i started at roughly eight so it's six hours actually nine ten eleven twelve one two that's about roughly what i wanna be traveling per day six hours that's what i've worked out for this trip we're still on this river system i'll be camping on this river it's all the same water system just uh portaging around little bits of rapids and swifts and low water i think this is the next one right here still on this burn but there's some trees that haven't burned around here some taller older ones i think this is the portage here yeah i see a blaze on the tree it's a little pool in between two portages on the river and it is gorgeous i have a really weird feeling right now that there's a big animal around let's go walk this portage and be quiet quiet with the camera and see what we can see my neck here is standing up [Applause] i think it's just this area with all this fresh vegetation it's like seven feet tall all around me it's like a cornfield i can't see anything looks like really good fishing right there first cast right in this little pool after the after the waterfall wants to go that's a walleye nice some blue on it i don't know just a little green on his cheek number two with a little shine on them on the cheek there you see it so we're up two pike two walleye today see if we can pull a couple more over this hole before we head down the river a little bit i don't have any designated spots i need to be at or whatever just spots that i thought i might like to stay at and some uh exceptional sights that the outfitter bruce told me about and wrote on the map so i might as well stay at the nice ones right but i do like exploring and finding things on my own as well so that's an option too yes sir yes sir it's a bit better better of a fight than the last one it's a pike i think oh no walleye nice look at the color of his cheek there right there super green boom nice cast and catch on oh little pike it's a good thing i caught mr pike here he's got a leech on to him got a little leech on to him see if we can't help him out oh yeah there we go you're welcome bud there you go turn into a big old boy so i just left the fishing hole you can still hear the waterfall i'm sure and i come over to this little island and it's full of moose poop it's really weird it's completely full of moose poop and this are the moose cannibals are the moose cannibals unfortunate little guy that's his hips right there so you can tell the size a little bit uh and the verb right so pretty decent sized animal there i don't know if it was a moose or a caribou i would assume the moose because of the size of it cannibal moose all right it's starting to sprinkle i gotta get a move on super pretty in this is here a good little walleye hole i bet it looks to me like the burn stops right there see those trees that start to have needles and then it looks pretty decent actually just relaxing in this wider part of the river toss my little cleo my trusty little clio out yet again another fish i was starting to get worried that this place wasn't going to be super hot on fish when i didn't catch like a million in an hour but i'm good now like i'm pretty happy now this is fish six i haven't really even controlling much i've been casting more than trolling actually but that's what's different than from here in woodland caribou for those who don't know this is a one of the big three wilderness parks in ontario woodland caribou wabakami and kwetiko and i'm doing all three this year this is my first trip to start those three trips there he goes okay um i'm feeling really good the sun is behind a bunch of clouds it's not raining the sprinkling stopped i like had a feeling that i just stopped here for a minute just to relax and i've had a feeling like i should throw the lure in i'm not even really too close to shore or anything like that and i just i got a hit i like catching these little pike i don't mind it i don't mind it at all i'd like to get a couple trophy pike on this trip i'd be happy with that northern scavenger boys i watched their trip from here and they they cleaned up noah and alex freaking cleaned up the monster pike so i don't want to be left behind you know i like those guys a lot but it's been a good day you know moose on video skeleton of a moosa video tons of fish i saw a bald eagle couldn't get it on video uh loons bugs were pretty bad for a bit but that's to be expected i'm sure they'll be on and off this is the biggest trip i've ever done um by myself and that i've ever like planned and done uh regardless of with someone or alone and this is the most remote park you can get to this park gets less visitors a year than will the caribou uh to put it in their perspective algonquin say gets like maybe roughly 2 million that might be wrong this gets like 500 visitors a year um so it's all new to me here first time and very excited very excited to see what this you know almost two week trip will bring the day looks different yet again it's like 3 30. blue skies now some sun gonna pull up to that campsite looks pretty good i'm gonna have to get a tarp up for some shade but other than that looks pretty good i'm finally here i'm finally doing it day one and i'm at camp this feels good so i planned this for a long time i think this rock is my campsite no that's not it i do believe i see it right there though yep i'd say that's pretty awesome look at that landing all right let's go check out this campsite pretty open there's some shade right here actually oh my goodness it opens right up in the back oh yeah this is stellar this is on point holy smokes look how much it opens up these are all blueberries i'm a little early in the year for them but oh man look at this what a campsite thanks bruce man i can go anywhere i go all the way back in here if i want hang my hammock put my tents up oh this is cool this is cool i'm stoked on this can you tell i was expecting like everything else i saw was like pretty cramped like definitely doable one or two tent pads maybe you freaking put an army here this is insane cool cool cool cool i'm here i'm in hawaii oh man big solo trip big solo trip for joe it's firewood oh man this is cool i brought a hammock and a tent on this trip i bought a hammock that i can sleep in as well as lounge in and i brought an underquilt like a thin one to double up with my sleeping bag so i can i can sleep in the tent sleep in the hammock hang out in the hammock or tent whatever the case may be whatever i need at the time right now i'm pretty tired and i want to stay in this breeze and it's sheltered here and out of the sun so i'm just going to set this hammock up and lay in it for a little bit let my feet dry out i've already cleaned the fish up and uh it's four o'clock so lay here for maybe an hour or two hours cook up my fish and have a nice supper looks like there's bear poop right here nice i do have a pair of camp shoes that i'll put on after but for now no socks no shoes hang out in the hammock for a minute and dry everything out rest i'm gonna journal a little bit on this trip i'm gonna journal a lot on this trip all right in business now the bugs out oh she's a little low that's okay oh oh yes hammock for the wind holy smokes what a day what a day i don't imagine the rest of my trip i'm going to see anything like this firewood stacked or even this nice of a campsite so i'm definitely going to take advantage of this while i can there we go there she's going good i got cornmeal for fish crisp this time fish crisp type thing made of cornmeal i should say nice you waste my food all right folks i'm a pretty happy boy got my fish in my rice i'm gonna do some fake lemon which is all right with me uh my fish right right following then i got this all spice jar i'm gonna do some salt on the fish yes i am okay and i have some watermelon kool-aid water additive that i put in my my water i got more fish and more rice other than this but let's bite let's dig in wow that's perfect and the cornmeal uh fish crisp mix tastes fine tastes pretty good actually that's really good it's a little hot his fly just rolled up out of nowhere he wasn't here before was to fly coming time for dinner pretty rude i gotta show you this sky here that's what i'm talking about back right there oh it looks like a sheet of rain yeah it looks like a wall of rain coming down right there wow the wind is coming from that way so whatever that is is coming my way i gotta eat my food eat my food in the north like where i am every time i'm around here the weather changes like crazy i've never been to this park like i've said but this general area weather changes so quickly it's pretty daunting oh that's good that's so good what a scene oh it's pretty dark right above oh man we might be in for a treat here i just saw a lightning strike right in the middle of the frame over here it did rain for a little bit nothing crazy enough to make me put my jacket on pack up most of my stuff but there's blue sky behind me too but i certainly one million percent saw a lightning strike straight down there so i'll uh keep the the camera handy see if we can get another one [Laughter] we out you okay it's coming in we gotta get in the tent oh yeah here it is oh man i kind of need this stuff in here too though okay get in here come on i'm having fun honestly i really am i'm pretty wet now my stuff's my stuff's pretty wet too but that's okay it'll dry all out oh man i'm so happy i'm here in preparation for this trip i knew i wanted to film a lot and i didn't want to bring a lot of cameras so i bought myself a goal zero power bank it's pretty heavy i got this little small power bank but this is the new one the sherpa uh 100 it doesn't have the solar power with it because i don't need it but this is pretty darn heavy again this is a normal sized one but i pulled the joe today and left my gopro on for 45 minutes and i can delete the clip to get the the space back on the memory card but the battery power is done so i killed the battery today for the gopro so i have to plug it in and probably leave it for a few hours still some thunder going on out there okay so i got the gopro 9 the trusty gopro and i've got my nikon z6 that i'm filming on now so to charge these guys and this has the ac outlet so i can plug in my nikon the main camera charge it oh i didn't know that it happened that would have been better for transporting it silly joe and now this light is on so we're good let's keep this out of the water and the sunlight has come out and it seems like it's gone away again already i'll probably see if i can get on out of here because it's a little cramped and uh situate myself and the relax it's uh it's almost seven o'clock i imagine i'll be in bed by nine it's just thundering left and right like i'm cool i can just go lay in bed if i need to it's late enough where i feel fine about that either way but it's pretty cool being out here okay oh these black flies they're real bad right now for some reason they're swarming i'm getting this tent for a little bit oh it's raining it's raining anyways okay inside all right i think we only let 45 black flies in hey buddy how's it going a okay frederick the fly is not my friend fly fire more lightning more thunder it's pretty light out still it's uh is it 7 10. last night at the lodge it didn't even get dark until about 10 o'clock how pretty is that this is the calmest it's been since i've been here no wind and i can hear there's some moving water over there and i kind of want to go fish it it's almost 8 o'clock i just don't know about all that right there i don't want to be out in the boat if that hits that rainbow's a good sign the old first night while bikini rainbow came down pretty decent back in the tent we go good morning it's 6 30 i've been in this tent since like eight o'clock last night rained a few times uh but i slept like a champ so it's time to get up there's a lot of mosquitoes i'm messing around this morning i'm pretty chilled and i'm quite hungry i brought my big four oil 24 saw from agua gear it is a tank tearing through this wood i didn't know if i would have to clear some portages i still may i've only done one day so i wanted to bring a big capable saw and i know i have used this in the past in many many trips the 21 version this is the 24 so it's just got a little bit more oomph to it that's going through that like butter i have used this saw or a version of it for years now amazing tool pancakes are on the menu for breakfast this morning got some chocolate chips in the mix wow it's pretty windy we got some real deal maple syrup true canada fashion this is going to be good i'm not putting it in my cup i'm sorry my dish because i've already dirtied one this morning this uh frying pan so why dirty too and i could just eat out of the pan like a caveman first bite chocolate chips are always a bonus pancake not just for children not just for your kids so i'm not really sure what the plan for today is you know it's part of the fun out here i can just take it day by day i do have an end goal and i have to get picked up there at a certain specified time unless i hit them up on my inreach um but other than that i got plenty of time so it's a pretty gray day i didn't plan on just staying here having this as a rest day and i don't know that i will still it's 10 in the morning so it's a very late start already but i don't have to travel far either my only thing is this is a really nice spot and if i'm only moving a couple hours down the lake down the river i might not find a nice spot like this and what's the point but it still is early in the day as you can probably see i've decided to move along it's 11 o'clock so we'll see how far i get it's no big deal i just don't feel like sitting around just yet well it's a pretty gloomy day but i'm happy about it it means there's it's less hot i can wear my sweater always like wearing my green hoodie you know there's no bugs there's some mosquitoes at camp but no black flies at least and it's pretty windy too so keeping them down be a good day for traveling so maybe i'll i'll travel a bit later today considering i get started a little bit later we shall see what the day brings can you fish a kitchen kitchen fish a day can you catch a fish today do you like to catch a fish today do you like to catch a fish today this is a pretty nice portage ron and look at this that looks like some relatively fresh wolf poop on our way this is just another short hundred meter portage a lot of short portages for the first half of my trip then near the end it gets pretty sloggy and boggy from what i'm told look at the moss those are all logs laying down with moss on them tons and tons of thick moss back in here just at the end of this poor towers there's a inflow coming into this rapid it looks a good spot to catch a wall layer to see if we can't pull one out bam that one cool cool on the board for today pretty little spot i've been using this little uh little clio it's kind of brass and magenta colors purple if you will but i think i want to switch that off for this little jiggy guy he's got some hair on it and some tendrils so let's see if we can't get a walleye with this that looks yummy right if you were mr wally would you eat that hey i got a decent fish on here i think this is the first fish i've caught trolling on this trip i threw up my wally diver once i came around the corner i uh past some rocks and i was trolling and it hit hard and it's been on the line for a good minute i think it's going to go on another run here oh nice walleye nice walleye another walleye let's let him go i believe that's the seventh fish i've caught in another burn here it suits the day though there are some blue sky not much but some bruce told us that we were the only people in the park as far as he knows that's pretty cool this place is huge man very big i've always wanted to come here ever since i saw uh les stroud survivor man he and his that at the time wife uh did something called snowshoes and solitude and they lived here or right near here in this wabakimi area for a year through the winter and the summer and just primitive stuff that they built and a couple other things but pretty interesting and that like was one of the things that really sparked my interest in the outdoors or getting hardcore into the outdoors back early on anyways this place is rich in first nations history and trading history a lot of these portage roads that i'm walking on are not made by people for this park they've been made back in the day when there was actually needs for portaging because that's how people lived here natives and again traders fur traders and pioneers very interesting history here it's getting actually kind of bright when i woke up this morning when i first came out of my tent there was a bald eagle in the tree right above my uh tent and this i stirred them up i scared them away when i got up but pretty cool place is alive with animals and good fishing a good feeling about this place and about this trip real pretty in here looks like it burned like eight or ten years ago maybe i could be wrong on that but roughly there i got a big pike nice pike little chunker he's going back in nice that island in front of me heavily treed that's what all of this would have looked like before the burn another pike back in he goes i assume you can see the sky behind me and see how very dark it's getting and the winds uh was picking up for a minute there anyways i'm kind of like a sitting duck out here uh i'm okay with getting wet but like i do have rain jacket and rain pants i can throw on and my camera's kind of out and exposed so i want to find a spot to pull over and get all that stuff ready but on my map it says there's a portage coming up pretty soon 100 meter portage so i'm just trying to make it there excuse me so i don't have to find a spot to pull over and do all that so we're just trying to beat the whatever kind of weather is coming in here putting the pedal to the metal for the first time in this trip yeah there's the wind it's out my back which has been the case and i'm happy for that that's pretty we're at the portage now i can tell by the cut wood up there sure tell sign i have no idea what the weather's doing i don't think it knows either i'm ready for lunch this is my food bag i have two kevlar bags inside here that i have my food in plus a little bit extra it's a lot of food i could have probably done a little bit less but i didn't know i didn't know about the fishing or whatnot so i knew it was gonna be good i just i don't know every time i've relied on fish for for the majority of my food it's been a hard go so anyways i got what i need and uh i'm sure i'll eat most of it i want to make a sandwich there's some black flies here yeah that's all my food for roughly two weeks 10 15 days all right we got some montreal smoked meat on flatbread with mommy jack jalapeno cheese and i'm sure a couple of black flies will make their way in there too montreal smoked beef sandwich that's thick can't have too much mustard on your smoked meats this cheese is not long for this world i imagine so might as well put two pieces on today and live a little bit we got more cheese too come on all right that's a hearty sandwich some swifts here a little bit of moving water for me to run nothing crazy [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] got a headwind now nothing too crazy but uh you can definitely notice it this boat is way down to the max got a fish on oh my goodness he's so cute [Music] now that's a snot rocket well it's 4 30 i think i'm about done for the day i'm gonna go check out this point the map says good campsite so we'll go see looks like it was a burn but there's still a few trees holding on at the very end there so pretty windy i might need to set up my tarp for some wind and rain protection pretty decent fire pit nice and tall block the wind this is uh pretty much the only part that's actually trade right here this is the part of the reason i brought the hammock so i think this will be all right um tie off with the hammock and the tarp just kind of hang out under there for a while i could definitely still set the tent up if i want but you can just sleep in a hammock it's no big deal either way so we'll see what i want to do later on but right as of now i think i'm just going to get everything in set up the tarp and then uh go under there with the hammock maybe my chair maybe even the bush buddy and click on that tonight who knows so yeah i'll get situated here call it home the way the sky looks i'd be more in a rush to get this tarp up except for the reason it's looked like this all day long already so it's kind of normal anyways we'll get this up got a super handy dandy way of attaching this tarp this tarp is from ugq outdoor they make my top quilts my under quilts hammock supplies this tarp good people made in michigan tarp has these two little rings on it and this is my toggle from kyle's tarp one side's on either side this gets pulled taut and joe is your uncle seems good it's pretty easy to adjust this one for the most part get in your home all right not too shabby this is awesome well worth putting it up super sheltered in here nice and comfy and i can certainly feel the warmth from the uh under quilt underneath me so i have no kind of convection heat loss lots of bugs so nice and comfy i want to write in my journal that my mom got me for my birthday thanks mom appreciate it i'm gonna read my book the lonely land by sigurd f olsen and i'm going to look at my map my progress that i've made where i think i should be and where i'm going to go tomorrow that i left around 11 so for five hours five and a half hours that took me a minute that's it shouldn't have taken me that long anyways to think of it not paddle to think of it i'm losing my mind day two it's raining there's some pretty wicked wind a second ago too i'm just uh still writing in the old journal here i'm gonna keep track each day what's going on really really happy i put this hammock up with the tarp like i could chill in here all day now and i'm cool i couldn't even sleep in here which i might do i passed out it's after eight now at night when i slept for like two hours so i imagine i'll be pretty awake tonight i have to get supper and everything i just can't force myself awake it's hard for me to get up we get up here in a couple minutes and get food before it gets dark i'm sure i still have a few hours actually a light super cozy in there really happy i brought that setup [Music] so this is a piece of uh dead standing that stood through the fire forest fire very dry i'll have a nice fire get rid of some of the black flies stay up a little late hopefully get watch the sunset into some colors and uh yeah maybe even make up some food i snacked on some jerky and stuff when i got up i'm not really that hungry i don't i don't know i feel kind of weird it might be from the black fly bites i only have a few but i'm not sure i'm not too hungry though so anyways sit up for a while so i'm glad i had a nap i would have definitely been asleep already if i waited for waiting to go to bed it's uh it's almost 11. it's 20 to 11 right now there's no way i would have been able to stay up to see any kind of night times if i uh i don't switch up my sleeping schedule a little bit so i'll stay up for another couple hours probably tonight i'm gonna hit the hay wake up a little bit later tomorrow and uh maybe maybe start that schedule so that i can i don't know maybe i won't wake up later because i took the nap but maybe i'll still get up early but i'll be glad to at least see one sunset i'm sure i'll see a couple more i'm eating a meal i made myself my will's baked some chicken breasts for me and then i after they cooled down i shredded them with forks into like little tiny pieces shreds as it were and i dehydrated that then i put it with dehydrated vegetables and rice and i put in some seasoning at home and i rehydrated it here i left it a little bit wet and it's almost like a chicken soup i'll put some more seasoning here some garlic and some seasoning salt and it's really good it's really really good there's corn carrots beans peas chicken and rice i couldn't help but i had to get out for a little paddle maybe do a little bit of fishing i'm not going to go far just into this little bay next to my camp it is amazing how much different this boat performs without all that weight in it like it is a whole different boat a whole different boat hmm i found a s'more waiting for me when i got back before i walked out the door my wife handed me a pack [Applause] of things to make s'mores out of if you guys remember on my 10 day trip a couple years ago she they gave me a care package for my birthday and told me not to open it my birthday was the last day i was out there i was out there for 10 days uh i couldn't wait i opened it and i was glad that i did because inside they had given me things to make s'mores with and obviously i'm supposed to be hanging everything with food in it away from where i'm camping not sleeping with this package that was wrapped up so anyways this time they they told me it's almost midnight see that for another little bit not too tired just yet [Music] [Music] i'm going back
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 359,606
Rating: 4.9353256 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: AvfYggmepmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 53sec (3833 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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