52 Day Wild North Atlantic Island Camping Adventure - E.1 - Piercing Untamed Wilderness.

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it's a warm summer's evening a burning sunset paints the sky wood smoke fills the nose fresh trout sizzle a lonely moose stirs my passion is long trips in the wilderness i do it to explore to move to feel a part of it to utilize it and to live close with animals i do to see if i can i'm drawn to rarely seen country i crave the joys and hardships of getting there i'm justin berber and this is saku come follow us through the woods [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're headed for newfoundland's vader nord wilderness reserve at 2895 square kilometers it is one of the last great untamed areas on the island and far from civilization a place where one can enjoy the outdoors to their hearts content [Music] it's july and we've been dropped off on the fringes by an old friend steve garrett for the next two months my dog sacked you and i are alone to explore this vast area [Music] the plan is to penetrate the reserve deep to its heart but it won't be easy there we go our pursuit begins climbing up river and crossing big lakes however the payoff we'll be seeing parts of the province few have seen and a swift ride down to the atlantic ocean to end the trip now the fun begins [Music] we can only carry limited rations for the long journey so i'll need fish to thicken the grub bag early on they bite that's a nice one buddy beauty sack it's a nice trout sec look at the size of this thing speckled trout that's what we want we're off to a good start saki boy let's go fill our bellies now [Music] only a short distance in and our pots full with trout i've made camp now it's time to light the fire sit back and have a feast for ourselves so good stuff is an attack you can't beat that part of the goal is just to slow down to take life calmly and simply and enjoy the woods on my own terms we won't be eating kilometers as much as we'll be closely examining the land [Music] between us we have 150 pounds of food that is stored in a large dry pack and a harnessed plastic barrel over half that wave is mine saku's food is dense and hearty while my diet is a variety of mainly dried foods pair it with fish and we shouldn't get too hungry [Music] okay we're in the beta nord wilderness reserve we're tickled to be here it's one of the finest wilderness areas in newfoundland lots to see it's very diverse zach was back in action again now he's four years old and he's in his prime ready to go we're moving by canoe and we got a lot of gear with us she's loaded to the gunnels oh there's a little swell on out here now with the canoe heavy waves are only inches away from coming aboard and there's not much room for air on a lake as big as this wind can quickly cause trouble we inch ahead carefully so we just made it up our first big lake there the donaghanex lake it was about a seven kilometer paddle now the wind was whipping and biting at us from uh behind there coming hard southwest i thought we're going to have to pull in and take a break a couple times little swells came up and put some water here in the canoe but we feared okay and now we're on to cascade lake if the winds are bad out on this next little lake portion i don't know if i'll set camp so i found a nice beach here to camp on uh but water levels are down a fair bit and i ground it out with the canoe trying to get in so i have to drag it the rest of the way but a beautiful little beach and there's a river running into the pond here not far away good spot to catch fish for sure so we'll get set up and then we'll make our way over there and try our luck i'm going with the classic red devil here and i brought a few worms along too [Applause] wow [Applause] do [Music] what a gorgeous evening here such a beautiful little setting here sun's going down so it was a great day it's nice to be back on the move this will be a different trip for me an old sacco boy we're going to be covering a lot of ground but over a long period of time but it's going to be insane i got goosebumps thinking about it i can't wait to keep going looks like there's some weather coming tomorrow so we could be stalled out here time will tell but now time is gonna tell us to have a cup of coffee and a bit of supper a sack so that's it for this evening [Music] it's been a terribly dry summer so any rain will improve river travel as it passes we lay low and investigate our route ahead i'm not disappointed in the delay i welcome it [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this morning we awoke to a better day we're gonna get geared up right we say i'm just breaking down camp the plan is just to go a little ways here and we're gonna lift up a ledge it's about 50 yards in the next lake cascade cody and we're going to tour around there it's going to be a good day another big one looking forward to it the rain was appreciated because as we move on into the wilderness area here there's going to be some some upriver slogging for a little bit before we do some downriver later in the trip the water levels are down now and around here it's been a dry summer so if you can get some rain lift things up a little bit it should make life easier for us there's tumbleweeds the sacko here coming out of their side hey we could knit a sweater at a sacrifice doctor that we collect throughout the trip guaranteed though i want fish if i catch enough i can be picky about it brook trout and one an ish the french indigenous term we use for landlocked salmon both swim in these waters the brookies are the taste here of the two that's a nice one in ishmael i've got a few of those already over the last few days so i'm going to put them back just missed the caribou he just ran in there i looked over the left and seen him skirting along the grass on shore come back out where's the look at you don't be shy i could have began this trip inland with a bush plane drop but instead i chose to first go upriver before descending some of the excitement lies and having a challenge to reach for now we'll work hard to climb a river then go down one in this way we can have some of the same experiences as the indigenous peoples and early explorers who often travel the land like this long ago [Music] i feel like if dawn went to heaven being out here today sacks up there and joining us he's all stimulated looking around this way that way up down perfect day out here the wind's helping us from behind coming straight north at our backs now so i paddle a few strokes and i glide and they look around check out the shore just like saku up there looking around everywhere it's relaxing we approach a thin sliver of an island it is no more than a kilometer long and looks like a needle on the mat in 1887 while creating the first detailed maps of newfoundland early explorer james patrick howley ascended the same road as us in his journal he noted concentrated breeding of the handsome caspian turn on this island the world's largest turn so given that information we have a look for ourselves not much to the old island 50 yards wide that's it haven't seen a bird's nest yet look beautiful little birch over here cool there's caribou here on the island i've seen fur everywhere that's a bit more so could be a safe place i guess maybe to get away from the wolves from the coyotes or the beers i don't know casual code is the migma name for this lake it translates to mackerel gull lake a local name for the caspian turn and more proof of their existence here at some point they are a species that aggressively defend their colony known to attack predatory birds and even humans however times have changed and on this day none are to be found only the common snipe swoops by for a visit [Music] [Music] after an enchanting visit to the island we push off the canoe and we're on our way again [Music] get something deep water here and i'll say got another fish on the troll here oh got a him little trout i'm going to keep it for a snack this evening that looks like a nice spot to call home up there for the night sack and what an evening out there now we spooked the young caribou there when we were up i was just whacking through the woods to find a campsite here on this peninsula i heard something splashing through the water he must have took off and came down down along the shore he's still over having a drink sorry to disturb you what do you say sec you sorry now this is what you call a great campsite we're sheltered from the bitter wind that's coming from behind us we're on this beautiful little spot a little ledge up off the lake looking out fantastic view panoramic view of this lake perfect level spot lots of firewood you can't complain yes sir a little bigger than the last one i got coming up the lake now we got a meal number two off the rock let's see if we can get a third they're biting every now and then they're out there pecking rain out there not much wind though it's glassy calm almost here's our fuel morning sag what's going on buddy how does loon out there hey [Music] do [Music] so the three trout that i got yesterday and i caught one more this morning so i'm gonna have them now for a little snack me and sacko i have bacon grease that's i think four days old i saved it it's been out of the sun it's fine so i'm going to fry them up in that but i'm also going to put a bit of batter on them fish crisp and some spices a bit of camp spice you know everything in the cupboard salt and pepper works and we'll fry them up and have a little feed [Music] mmm crispy skin wicket [Music] this nice little pan sized speckled trout [Music] so i'm just breaking down camp i had the tent here perfect spot for a two-person tank you wouldn't get any much bigger of a ten-tenders than that sec you're the king of the castle man [Music] um [Music] [Music] so that was cool i just seen the doe and then we got a little closer and the stag must have scented us hurt us he popped up then wow just to set antlers rose up from the tall grasses it was pretty cool [Music] that was wonderful [Music] what a great start to the day not a real phone again zach had a voice set good hops and just like that we made it gotta go back and get the canoe now so right now we're at the beginning of our our real upriver pursuit on this trip we're headed for uh the height of land a specific lake it's about 40 or so kilometers away from right here it's actually a bit of a blessing now write a section where we could take there's five separate little streams running down from up above and you know i could have used any one of them there was only one that i could get the canoe off but it was dicey and i was in the mood to flip the canoe over or nothing what i did was i picked the one with the lowest amount of water because i could walk right up the little small brook bed hop in the rocks but it's still treacherous some of them are slippery and sometimes there's a loose rock under your foot really easy to go down and bite the dust so saku's bag is brought up he brought that up and i brought up all of my bags the only thing left now is the canoe i'm just gonna boil the kettle have a quick cup of coffee here spike me up and then we'll be onward i think i'm for rocks again are you sexy [Applause] okay we got that hundred yard stint over with it was four trips two trips with the two food bags a trip with the equipment bag the canoe number four second carried his own bag there and that's it took us oh put the boil up in a little snack included hour and 15 minutes now it's time to load up okay we're just here on the steady now flat section of water is scarcely a kilometer long i can just see the next section of river up there we got about three kilometers up that little less that's going to take us to jubilee lake beautiful country off to the left here of us our west nice high hill and the map it reads 942 feet fair size another one an ish i want some rookie hope they can go though there we go that's what we want nice nice size too i'm trying to land him in on shore here here we go zack yes sir sack that's a beauty yes sir all that portage and heavy lifting paid off nice brook trout for dinner tonight after catching a fine supper we're right back into the river which is getting more complicated to navigate so i bought the barrel up a couple hundred yards and now i'm going to line the canoe with the rest of the gear up for the rapids but there's certainly a couple deep holes i'm going to have to watch every step i'm going to have to keep an eye on sacco 2 along the shore of the river [Music] [Music] all right made it on up to the barrel i want to load that up front and we should be able to get up through here half sensible now it doesn't really drop off it's just kind of gradual so we're just about a kilometer in and uh how long were you out of about an hour so a kilometer an hour that's not bad pace up river we'll take it i'll be up in a minute take your easy way feeling the movement today we just pull in now that nice little camp set up another lovely one wonderful campsites along this route they've all been great as you can see the river right there behind us tents right there behind the camera oh the feeling of wet feet i miss it i miss wet feet it reminds me of moving through the outdoors which is what i love to do i wouldn't go up river um boulders sometimes they're wet you know slimy i wouldn't deal with anything but a big set of boots like this they might be waterlogged but i'll take that because the stability and support the grip and the boots uh a nice big boot like this is what you need in those situations that's my opinion anyways that's why i got these nice little camp shoes put on now looks like a neoprene booty i've used these before also great to have i don't think i do a trip without him mom got me these ones thanks mom you're deadly nice to slip your feet into those at the end of the day i could have used them going up the river but they just don't got they got nothing on the bottom yeah just slipping around on rocks don't get that good grip not like you know a boot like this does you don't get that slip i'm confident to jump from a rock to a rocking it's like the build almost bites into it i suppose today we've covered about seven kilometers not bad i'm just kind of picking around we're halfway up this three kilometer river section i could have finished the other one and a half kilometers up to jubilee lake but around six o'clock i pulled in and that was enough i'm in no rush not at all this is a nice tour i have my time and i'm going to take my time a sec sacked on well jump on the rocks didn't you sack yeah he was cruising ahead beside me the whole time he's seen a mink that was hissing at him it wasn't attack you got it there pretty quick oh i could hear him i didn't see the main sack it was a ways up for me he made a little sack made a little lunge at the mink foot i can hear him you remember that don't you oh my wonderful day now i got some nice delicious brook trout fillets i'm gonna fry them up that was a dandy trout i caught back there anyways that's a wrap from us this evening we'll catch you soon enough good night [Music] true [Music] [Music] so few mashed potatoes on the side that's false this concludes the episode we're just hitting our stride join us next time when we travel deeper into the heart of this beta nord wilderness reserve [Music] this is the river it gets pretty rough here rapids rapids waterfall here [Music] so this morning i got a little trick for you number two oh back to the canoe me you
Channel: Justin Barbour
Views: 481,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Camping adventure, camping, nature, justin barbour, adventure, survival, bushcraft, self reliance, wilderness, nl explorer, woods, how to camp, camping with dogs, justin barber, canoe, outdoors, fishing, off grid, alone in the wilderness, solo, dog, canoeing, wilderness living, foraging, outdoor cooking, barbour and saku, white water, canadian wilderness, newfoundland, solo camping, wild north Atlantic island, north atlantic, untamed, explore, north Atlantic ocean, island, island camping, wild
Id: iiS_QnO0Pp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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