5-Day World-Class Walleye and Trout Fishing Trip | Exploration of Pukaskwa's Northern Interior

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but that's not good for the shot pakistan pakistan national park my first backcountry trip oh just had a bite right off the bat this is my first backcountry trip in about in a national park i'll be here for the next several days exploring some seldom seen lakes and rivers what more could you ask for yep fish on i guess i could ask for that unbelievable small pike whoa oh another pike chasing him this boat is well this bodes well can you see that there's a pike and there's another pike behind him oh there it goes he was small that's good oh and he's just they're just swimming around the boat like this is an aquarium holy smokes i think i'm in for a good one pulled my pants down a little though flash jig paddle tail favorite combo for casting pretty much [Applause] spider it's a glorious day i actually left two days earlier i was supposed to sleep two days from now but the weather looks horrible into next week and probably in the loudest stages of this trip so i'm getting them on my way i'm on the oscar oscar bakuda river which i'm just going to call the oski well i think i'll fish this first cast in this pool hardly any paddlers come here i spoke to the park yesterday booked my permit did the orientation mandatory orientation on the phone and it sounds like no one comes in here by canoe i posted on my ccr a forum canoeing forum about this potential road and someone replied and said they had done a section of it on the river that was it so of the wilderness that is pakka saw this is a pretty untouched part getting tapped this is a this is probably a walleye light biter pike would have smashed this bite oh just nipping at it it's got a pretty long tail this paddle tail got someone on here just switched up to a paddle tail half the size since i was evidently getting short fit yeah this is a pie you can't bet oh no it is a walleye how lovely how lovely my hands barbless hook comes right out and just a little beautiful bit of walleye gold thank you we've been a nice eater but this is my nicest day of travel on the trip i really want to cover some k's so let's keep going so same tactic there just a smaller paddle tail i could feel the fish biting the tail of this getting short bit so i just sized down and then you know it was enough that you could gobble it and get that hook you know those places where you're like okay last class and then i gotta go and then 15 minutes later you're still there this is one of those and it's another walter oh scratchy scratchy branches [Music] forced myself to leave but still had to troll as i left the pool of course pike this time only one way through this one and there's a toad that's not gonna be happy about it that's refreshing it's a hot one it's a hot one this is the trouble with rivers that have very little documentation another log jam and who knows how many more there are these things they slow you right down to a halt no trail here nothing let's hoping the canoe wouldn't move i guess i'm going for a swim oh that's cold it's really cold oh i was talking to the uh era i kept pakistan yesterday for my registration and uh he really emphasized the word horrendous when he was describing the bugs and yeah they're pretty bad deer flies and horse flies there's one on the camera but no mosquitoes and black flies yet not many anyway but i know they're biting their time for for evening so i'm back on river left just gonna drag along the shore already took the pack and barrel over log jams slide over it coming up to the first waterfall here i can hear it i can't really make it out i'm gonna go for a walk check it out don't see any kind of a trail marker portage sign wouldn't expect one not a significant waterfall but enough of an obstacle to make the go over land i could just uh slip in there hop over here but it's quite awkward and then lining down here it's not that clean at all it's quite rocky so just going to go over land which is easy enough really nice exposed rock here that's all you can hope for it's just about to drink here there's a toad you pee in the pool i'm gonna risk it truth is there's pee everywhere and poop fish poo rose poo bird poo that's why you have a filter [Applause] yep oh nice wall line okay oh that's a really nice wall [Applause] not a beast but very nice and chunky oh attempting to keep but to me that's a good spawner i'd rather keep something smaller very tempted to have a shore lunch here though if i camp on the river tonight it's not so bad if i don't make it to the lakes you know whatever see if i get a fish that's the right size here two casts two three pound walleyes beautiful that's amazing oh this guy's a little smaller could keep them but see if i can get a bit smaller one human body can only absorb 30 grams of protein in one sitting that's a lot more than 30 grams sure it's calories too but main reason you keep meat is for protein in fat oh that was it for the fish one two no more for you the good news is i've got something even better chips corn chips sent to us by our friend byrne from texas as part of a incredibly thoughtful and generous care package thank you burn so much i've never had these before chili and lime look amazing they look like takis [Applause] but i can't buy takis because they're too spicy mmm very nice i don't know if these are the walleye just caught but they're two very similar looking walleye right under the boat just chilling so there's a small set of rapids after the falls and it looks like i can snake my way through them probably with some bump and scrape aaron got me this helmet by the way for birthday christmas last year first chance i've had to use it no it was for quitting my job i quit my job to go camping and she bought me a present she's pretty amazing [Applause] oh [Applause] this little eddie here take another look a little tiny ledge here but it looks fine [Applause] water for the paddle though all right all right that was a bit of a drop probably gonna have to line this one yeah there's no running that one [Applause] every channel's got some some rocks in it [Applause] like many rivers late june is a bit late for running them not quite enough water small walleye here and there was probably a four four pound walleye right behind it oh yeah yep what this could be the one there's definite weight there yep there it is nice walleye nicest one so far oh yeah [Applause] that's a nice walleye thanks buddy people think i can't hold a fish it's a delicate hole if it goes it goes so i still haven't reached the park boundaries which means i can still use the drone within parks conservation areas are not allowed so disturb is a piece there there's there's some strong arguments against that but overall i get it and i respect it so while i still can send her up not the nicest drone filming conditions actually it really hazed over but from what i saw the lurch looks marshy along the edges not sure i'll find a good camp there so i'm not gonna be too picky i'll probably take the next decent looking thing another nice walleye just starting into the lurch i think the lakes that i'm heading into i suspect they're actually trout lakes but i really don't know oh nice look at that gold it's another pretty nice one this little guy i'm too tired to clean one now at this point i'm pretty out of steam it's a quality walleye fishery though oh goodness two pounder just got off perfect i gotta make camp [Applause] not too bad so far actually just enough water to cover the boat strap pretty spot here there's a natural clearing and i think i could get the hammock up somewhere there so i think this is it i'm pretty gassed so still a couple hours of daylight but i enjoy camp got some dry clothes on dry shoes water filtering pretty nice site hopefully i'll help with the bugs of it surprisingly not that hungry tonight so i just made a light dinner ramen and i've got some green onion that i'll throw in there as i brought it for burritos primarily but i'm really enjoying taking green onion on trips lately just freshens a lot of meals up just a bit of green onion really does a lot for it bugs were getting a little thick so i'm in the hammock and just loving it perfect night such a comfortable temperature swainson's thrush calling all around and there's even a bit of an echo off the hills there and i mentioned before that's my favorite bird call and there's one distinct memory that i associate with it and it was in killarney we were car camping i lived in toronto at that time i didn't get a lot of wilderness opportunities and it was so precious to me and i woke up one morning in the tent and it it was calling right above in the tree right above us and it was just such a beautiful call and just made me so grateful to be there and i was just so happy so i associate it with that and i'm spoiled with wilderness now i get to hear the sense winston's thrush all the time but it's still still precious awesome day fantastic campsite here uh watching the sun go down off these hills has been fantastic and the walleye fishing that was the highlight of the day but there's a lot to do on this trip a lot to see i have no idea what's coming next really it's the excitement of an undocumented route i just don't know and i love that i think like i said that the next lakes are trout lakes brookies and lakers maybe i hope but i have no idea it could be walleye likes we'll see i'm excited to find out uh [Music] [Applause] so beautiful morning here calm and pleasant bugs aren't too bad smells so sweet like really like honey and i'm heading up the lurch river easy travel so far i can hear the waterfall approaching i think there are two waterfalls in my way before i get to lurch lake but i'm now into the park and in pakistan which on a map it looks like it's pronounced picasso i believe i'm remembering correctly how i used to mispronounce it it is beautiful spot here i can hear the falls right around the corner i can't see them yet though wow that's a sweet false what a spot sun's just coming over the hill too it's going to be a tough mortage though i'm assuming there's going to be no trail so no bites kind of surprising but also not the river's very shallow like a foot or two most of the way so time to figure out how to get around this thing access is gonna be pretty rough from the base of the fall so i'm just gonna go back around the corner try and start from there there's something over by the rocks i think it's a little deeper pike just scouting this out there's some decent clearings but uh it's gonna be a climb aside from the beginning this looks like it'll be pretty feasible and there is a bit of a trail here but i suspect it's a game trail i haven't seen a cut log a flag anything like that so just beavers animals moose this is a special spot i don't know what to say it's one of the most special spots i've been to in a long time it just keeps going i think i'll put in here across it looks easier there that side the side i'm on right now looks pretty rough so wow here's the start of that beaver trail that's the start of my trail that was tough but it could have been i was expecting it to be a lot worse so i'm happy time to cross over and see what this next waterfall is going to be like to get around yeah the horse flies and uh the replies are pretty bad on the portage when your hands are occupied it's a nuisance [Music] scouting ahead to the edge of lurch lake looking good lots of exposed rock and i wish it was blueberry season because there are tons tons of wildflowers as well it's a good couple hours to get up both falls but it could have been way worse than that so i'm pretty happy i think it's about 10 30 i'm into lurch lake coming through some narrows here before the falls and it looks beautiful after that it is very scenic here at this little channel leading into lurch lake can't wait to find out what this lake has in store for me i really don't know i have no clue beaver oh no it was a mickey that little mink there he goes i feel like a kid with a new toy right now i don't know where to begin i'm very excited by this lake but i actually plan to blow by today go to the next lake birch lake birch and lurch and then make that my base camp for two nights because tomorrow's supposed to be nastier and then come here this be my last night so i might not get to play with this toy yet found an amazing spot for lunch here so i had to stop even though it's a bit early a bad habit of putting off lunch and then suddenly it's dinner so it's a good thing anyway veggie chili here nice hearty meal with some garlic naan bread or just naan and told bread means bread or non means bread so saying naan bread is like saying bread bread [Applause] is this mating or oh it looks more like he's killing it dude [Applause] that was not nice i don't want to stop them because maybe that is how they mate but it looks awful [Applause] not much to this waterfall compared to the last one very surprised to see this there's a bit of a trail here another flag well that helps a lot i'll take it beautiful lake this looks like it might be a campsite here yeah nice one [Applause] weeds growing out of the fire has been used in a bit not this season anyway [Applause] yes more than anything i just want to find out what it is what species am i fishing for because this lake is probably the same as lurch oh no oh i saw the tip of a tail there which might have been a pike ah okay mystery continues back on feels pretty small oh that's a brookie are you kidding me hook popped out right as i netted it ah no way beautiful speck nice little speck i'm keeping the net there for a sec i might actually keep that nice keeping size for one i'll decide quickly here no you know what i just don't feel like it there he goes i'm gassed this muggy heat is sucking the life right out of me so i gotta sleep before i can do anything take a nap in the hammock that is awesome to know it came on the husky jerk too not your typical brookie lure but it worked got my burrito mix rehydrated throw my cheese in there just to ensure maximum multiplication sriracha all over there not sure about this avocado if you can push in a little nipple it's usually good but this one seems sketchy smells a little off i'll still use it load it up with veggie burrito mix and the piston resistance green onion fantastic the brook trout would have been good now too but this is actually pretty much equally good fish on i'm betting it's another small speck speckled trout brook trout square tail brookie yep it sure is oh my goodness gracious you wanted to come in the boat you just had to knock oh man i sure am botching this he stayed on the hook there that was just luck [Applause] oh what a marvelous creature thanks buddy still trolling but now that i know a species size down this little live target minnow bait i can't remember what it's called but it's nice nice pattern on it just a tandem hook on the end barbless this little mic keeps peeking out at me and then racing back look they're so curious i love minx look at that little guy just to the left of the bigger rock there on top of it now i love these guys one of my favorite animals so curious like a little kitten so ah what's your game plan man got bumped it wasn't even going to come out i thought i was unpaddling for the day but it's so calm perfect though even the bugs aren't too bad this is a brookie for sure just the crazy way they roll it's distinct oh yeah oh more luck easily could have lost that fish another beautiful little trout it's amazing how hard it is for a fish to swim out of a net oh you swam back in man there you go thank you hello [Music] so filling up with some penne before i head out for the day like i said yesterday i'm going to base camp here and today i'm heading south one lake to lower birch lake i'm going to try anyway supposed to be a waterfall in between but looking at the contour lines i'd say it'll be another small waterfall like yesterday glorified rapids so it should be doable [Applause] eagle [Applause] okay i'm at the waterfall coming out of lower birch and there's not a lot to it but i'll have to go over land for it beautiful paddle to get here rocky lots of jack pine no fish yet but i'll try the base of these falls and then lower birch so i didn't notice this from the other angle but they're actually i guess eating some old scat if they're on the rock maybe a mink or water just had a bite on the troll it was off immediately came back for it off immediately no nothing another gorgeous spot here at the south end of the lake would have been perfect and you should expose rock for a short lunch but no such luck feels like i'm in killarney very cool it's almost dinner i'm getting back to camp empty-handed today i had the desire the time the appetite for shore lunch and of course that's the hardest time to actually catch a good eaters it seems to work that way anyway so i'll eat something else it's still a beautiful day [Music] uh [Music] another fantastic sleep in the drama a perfect morning plan for today head back to lurch lake set up a camp there and explore fish so [Applause] so veggie curry this morning i don't eat normal breakfasts out here i just don't find them satisfying so i have lunch and dinner again [Applause] just checking the weather on the zolio this is a satcom device and it looks pretty good today and tomorrow wednesday a little more dubious but this is pretty amazing considering i thought this was gonna be a very wet trip the bugs were supposed to be horrendous and they've been bad a few times but like right now i'm hardly any it's weird yeah so gotten really lucky so decent piece of chaga on the portage here but i'm in a park can't harvest that [Applause] [Applause] so this lake is a gem i think birch and lower birch were probably just as beautiful but the days were dreary so it was harder to tell but it's really popping under this blue sky loving it again not a bite today when i'm looking for a short lunch and tomorrow when i am trying to cover a lot of ground and won't have time for shore lunch that is probably when the fishing will become really good again trolling just isn't working so i'm trying a summer trout technique where i just cast something reasonably heavy this is a two-fifth ounce little cleo volume it out as far as i can and let it fall fall fall fall until it hits the bottom and the line goes slack and then once it's on bottom just rip jig it pause rip pause even longer pauses are good and if they're deep then that's a great way to get them doesn't have to be a little cleo it can be a wide variety of things a jig tube jig lipless crankbait but yeah if this doesn't work then i guess i'm not eating fish when i was planning this trip at home i was thinking this island might be a nice place to camp looks pretty perfect when i was scouting this trip at home on satellite and using topple maps saw this island probably a pretty good campsite evidently someone else has thought that before but this fire pit is extremely old it's covered in in lichen and this lichen grows very slowly so ah i thought it was a jar it's a bottle uh made in canada no no indication of what it is but pretty cool it's been a while since this site's been used i don't like this fire fit with all this dry liking around this is a tinder box just one spark and this whole thing will go up so i'm gonna create something just down by the water fabulous site though it smells like blueberries it's covered in blueberry shrubs it's not in season yet but it still smells like them it's time for a bath a pile of minnows down there cannonball oh actually a lot nicer than i expected cool but still no leeches so i'm just going to go ahead and get out so no fish obviously so veggie non-calzones and until those are ready dehydrated pineapple we just love this so much oh man oh fantastic place to hang here very sweet last cast just put in another hour and a half or so solid fishing and giving it my best been a tough bite on these three lakes except when i first arrived to birch lake and you got three brookies nothing since then except a bite on lower birch but anywho if i don't get this then it's instant potatoes instant potatoes can be pretty good though got butter some good one-year-old cheddar green onion sriracha and cracked pepper it's not bad [Music] uh [Music] good morning on the water before 6 30. mosquitoes were pretty bad in camp this morning probably worse they've been this trip but not bad here on the water and it's glassy calm and i'm trying to put in some good progress before some rain comes this afternoon i was expecting this to be a very wet trip and it has been actually quite nice for the most part but i'm finally getting that this afternoon it looks like it might rain quite heavily so i just want to get those waterfall portages done in particular if they're they were steep and slippery with moss so if that gets wet it'll be dangerously slippery so i'll try and get it done sooner than later so pretty in this channel out of lurch lake almost back to the waterfalls two portages around that oh i ruined his breakfast where that might have been bedding for his lodge he's doing laundry those are fresh sheets first one down [Applause] back to the big guy check this out didn't notice this before this is deep kettle here i think you would call it a kettle oh i can't even reach the bottom with this stick just a super deep round hole like it was drilled there [Music] there's this rock here for a better look at the falls around the corner but it's it looks like it could crack off sure it wouldn't but i ain't stepping there highlight of the trip for me amazing spot so finish the lurch back on the oski and fish on immediately good fighter probably decent pike or a good walleye it is a nice walleye [Music] oh yes a blue one blue tinge to this walleye just something you'll get up north sometimes nice fish nice and easy paddle tail rigged weedless nice and lightweight oh yeah see that blue in the tail [Music] and the whole body nice walleye too big for keeping oh thanks buddy another nice walleye on i'm really just looking for one and a half pounder or so for a shore lunch oh a nice fish oh that might be the thickest one yet wet my hands oh yeah it's a juicy one oh my goodness oh that might be a five it's gotta be a fiver wow nice walleye thanks buddy cool another one that feels too big to eat this is crazy never have i wanted to catch smaller walleye more in my life this one's actually a decent size for keeping it's as large as i would keep but still perfectly reasonable probably two two and a quarter i put a rock in the boat so i could dispatch right away thank you nice walleye it's got a couple of uh nasties on it basically sea lice i think see that these two little guys gross all right clean this guy up have a fry finally all right first off of a decent sized walleye you can take the cheeks out which are a delicacy a little bit of meat and on the cheeks it's beautiful and then for most fish that aren't pike start with an incision shallow incision right along one side of the spine and then shallow incision right behind the gill plate and then just hug the rig rib bones got the bottom belly meat and fins off of it too for walleye wings that's great meat as well and then this is the one part where i bring in the paddle if i have nothing else i prefer not to get fish scent all over this for fair awareness but you can't do this on rocks so you ruin ruin your edge now i'm just holding the knife fixed while i pull the fillet through it and that just hugs hugs the knife right to the fl to the skin and doesn't waste any meat i never bring a gas canister but based on how wet this trick was supposed to be i did it's nice to have right now we're just doing some rocks in the middle of the river it's just gonna be crazy good and to save dishes i'm just going to batter it over the pan [Music] let's go trying to save on dishes i'm using sticks [Applause] inhaled a little bit uber eager mmm eating the cheeks here those walleye wings are looking good um very good for cleanup i'm just boiling to sanitize those use a little spruce brush on the paddle and on those and there's a nice little pocket of sand here from my hands very hygienic [Music] hold this will you thanks [Music] so oh yeah oh i just watched it nice walleye oh what a fishery what a fishery this fish hooks out oh so gold look at that gold it's got a weird growth on him there in his back wow thanks dude poor lady well the thing about these slog trips on a linear route they're a lot more exciting going in and coming out that was a real battle to get out it seemed not that bad on the way in but man i don't know what i was thinking that was tough but an amazing trip totally worth it got to see those lakes a few brookies and some incredible walleye fishing here on the river just scratching the surface of pakistan and i'm sure i'll be back [Music] you
Channel: Lost Lakes
Views: 368,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost lakes, camping, fishing, ontario, canada, bushcraft, backcountry angling ontario, winter, wilderness
Id: o-BBCr8pD8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 40sec (3880 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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