3 Days Solo Survival Camping An Island, NO WATER, NO FOOD, NO SHELTER - Part 1

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[Music] [Music] come on [Music] yes oh [Music] oh how is it just around the corner from that headland it is heaven hopefully it remains heaven for me over the next couple of days let's pick one of these little alcoves it's either this one or the one at the very point one of the very points probably better to get closer to better fishing but fishing might not be the focus this trip days that one looks good doesn't it that could be the one we'll have one more look at the one around the corner and then we'll make a decision and we'll talk about what we're doing today or over the next three days oh look at these look at all these gts wow how cool was that big school of them little mini gts right they are perfect eating size for me maybe we'll go ashore and just check this out because once i make a decision that's where the boat remains for the next three days it's quite shallow here all right oh it's heaven on this side so protected from the wind so there we go let's get her a bit higher and drier it's nice and safe for now we've got a little bit higher in a sec okay so this is the spot you can see i just took a quick walk up and uh checked it out we'll have a chat about what the deal is first and then uh we'll uh go through what we've brought and how it's all gonna run and how i think it's gonna run anyway so i've been avoiding this video for a long time because i've always thought it was a little bit of a little bit of a cop out a little too fake or gimmicky but then i put a little bit of thought in and i was going through this in the live feed recently as well about doing some kind of survival video but if i do it it has to be legit it's never really a life and death situation so i can always cruise back if i need to but i'd like it to be a challenge for me and that would make it a legitimate uh kind of thing to do and if it's an actual challenge for me it's gonna be worthwhile for me doing if it's just me faking some survival and doing some tips that i've seen on youtube then that's not gonna cut it and a lot of people have asked me before what what item would you bring and a lot of people say knife and a lot of people say fishing rod but what i've always maintained is the one thing i'd definitely bring is water or some way to make water because in australia i don't know like like everywhere in the world but especially a lot of these sort of isolated places and the islands i go to if you've got no water you're you're in big trouble you're kind of screwed really so water is like the most important thing and i thought if i bring water that's too much that makes it too easy as well because i can go three days without eating no problems and you know i'll be hungry but i'll be fine so to make it hard i've done no water no food end no shelter and three items so that's the challenge and we've got three days to do it in before the weather turns bad so we've got an extra day where the window will make a decision i thought maybe on the last day maybe i could that's why i've brought these fishing rods is because i'm not planning on using them on the trip uh except at the very last day i thought maybe i could catch try and catch a big spanish while i'm up here for the family and bring it home so camera gear and stuff like that isn't counted so tripod isn't counted and this also goes in the bag this is the oh my god i'm wigging out and i can't do this anymore challenge it's only three days but after three days if you're that thirsty you should be pretty thirsty by then so we've got a bag of chips a bug spray and a bottle of water and that can only be opened on the last day when i'm going fishing for spanish so we should put that in here actually okay so that gets locked up now i know i'm the no shoe guy but i happen to know that this place up here is riddled and you can see i don't know if you can see it from here but we'll have a look later all up there that's all prickly pear but they are all over the place as soon as you get into the green area there and i last time i was here ages ago i came here with timmy and i just i stood on one he hurt his hand on one and um i just thought just in case it's as bad as i remember um i'm gonna bring some thongs so i've got some kind of footwear just to stop me from getting the prickly pears apart from that i might not even need them but we'll see how we go okay so here are our items we have plastic bags we have a basic like a basic old antique hand line which i had at home and a leatherman so this leatherman has been with me for a long time quite a few guys have seen these in the video show up here and there which is a good multi-tool and cuts really well and that's it so i've got plans obviously the reason why i've got the bags is that's my one water device i bought just a big pack like that was a 50 pack i did probably don't need 50 and i bought these ones in particular because they're clear because i've got a plan with them to make water i wasn't going to include the fishing kit as one of the items i was just going to come with these two things but then i thought just for movies sake and just for the video and just for entertainment sake i thought it would be more fun to have the fishing kit with me look i think i'll be able to scrounge up enough food without it without it uh but i thought without a fish or something or a chance to catch a fish it's probably not going to be as entertaining and there's going to be a lot of scrounging around so i thought we'll throw in the basic fishing kit hopefully i'm allowed to and that's not breaking the rules too much yeah all these little things you learn um growing up i uh really enjoyed all of this outdoor stuff and practicing little things like lighting fires and all these little things um that you do but i don't think i've ever put myself to a test of actually having to do them you know in some kind of situation where it's kind of something at least something's writing on it there's going to be things i'm going to need to go and hunt around for obviously i think the first thing i'll do is i might even set a few of these bags up to see if we can get some water because i don't want to waste this sun the longer i get the bags in the more chance i've got of making enough water for today hopefully i can make enough each day to get me by i'm going to be super honest about how it's all going and we'll just uh yeah we'll see how it goes hopefully we just have a bit of fun and it's entertaining enough should have brought a little bag that i could carry stuff in maybe we can come up with something for that it's a bottle we'll definitely keep that mr muscle so here's the prickly pear feels oh okay so put the thongs on because see there's lots of little ones like this one see that one there i can avoid no problems these ones down here you've got to watch and that's a big one that's laying low to the ground so you get these ones and these spikes they look like they're sort of smooth and they would go in quite smoothly and out but once they go in they've got little burrs on them so they don't come out very easily which i found out you know what's really cool is they're all fruiting wow so there's the first meal right there like look at this one here that is beauty but see with the prickly pear it's not just the big spikes you gotta watch out for it's all of the little see the little nubs they're all packed with tiny little hairy spines so i'll have to be super careful it's like a port bottle or something so it's been here for a while what does it say suntory reserve oh there's an ansel over it yeah let's chuck this down here that looks like a perfect water bottle as well that's a find actually that's quite a nice bottle i'll feel very pirate-ish something stuck in my thumb already look at that look at that i just stepped on that and i felt it poked through a little bit that's pretty epic look at that i wouldn't want that to go through you would yeah yeah thongs turned out to be a good idea all of a sudden mmm that pandanus smell all right oh coconut oh it's light as though so that's they'll be empty what will be good though is this is great uh kindling so maybe i can chuck this back over to where those bottles are pretty crappy throw man there is a lot of prickly pear here it's everywhere so i'm looking forward to trying the fruits i've only tried it once before there is plenty of trees that are suitable but they're all a bit high i can't really reach any of them around this side so what i might do is i might head back around this way on this side they've got to wait till the sun gets over and they're typically taller it seems and none of the ones that i can reach on this side are big enough because they're getting so much shade i guess over this side they might actually be more so we'll get over there see if we have a bit more luck here we go oh look javiana as well fancy thongs it's pretty much my size actually see if i found another one of them i'd be in business i probably will find another one at some point thongs and crocs they're all very common here in our pile of potential that items still seems intact oh look a little army man who's looking a little worse for wear it's been a tough life there's a tub there i don't know if i'd have much use for that we'll see there's another part of a thong so there are things like around here it's actually pretty good considering how much plastic gets washed up in other parts of the world i was watching one of those young bloods and uh he was at christmas island and it's just it's brutal how much plastic is getting washed up on that uh little island it's just hard to watch actually yeah like just it's that bad like and they said they cleaned out the beach one day and he came back and this just like the same amount there the next day it's like wow that's terrible another thong kids thong hey look there's two kids songs so if you're a kid you've actually got a set of shoes right there hear that that would work this bit of wood looks nice and dry and it's got some char in it so that uh might keep that as well see that one and get you that's nasty just tucked away in there just we're not expecting to step one one that bit of char there will light a little bit easier than um then just drilling into other bits of wood so we'll keep that all right let's get these bags up all right this is what we're looking for we can reach that one there's one there and there's some up there they're not getting as much sun though maybe we'll start with that one but we'll go a bit higher watch the prickly pear bloody everywhere lots of small ones little landmines oh here we go what's this one this looks nice and low so not sure really how much water i'm gonna get oh that's funny it's two different trees look i saw these these leaves are what i'm looking for this is not what i'm looking for but uh it's two stems the two trunks growing straight right next to each other so it's sort of milled it into one tree let's get the leatherman out cut it down so we don't want to sell ourselves too short so that is actually surprisingly strong when it's not really that surprising is it but that'll make a nice tie now we're doing transpiration method so we want to cover a nice big branch and just let the tree do all the work for me basically i'm going to do a bow because i want to be able to reuse the top bit okay there's another one in okay someone's left a bit of rope on this tree that could come in handy if we get desperate unfortunately it's that super slippery kind of rope but if we get desperate we might be able to use that for making fire as well if i can get it undone you know what i've got a pair of pliers in my pocket i'm wasting my time for there we go it's not a lot but it could actually be a valuable item yeah all these little things like uh you know if you were stuck here for a couple of weeks you'd accumulate a lot of good little things whether it's from nature or things that are washed up which would make the whole job a lot easier so as you progress you get a lot better at it and you'd be a bit more prepared especially when it comes to lighting the fires but to do it all in one big go on the first date could be a little trickier geez that doesn't look snakey at all does it just look a whole big low-lying bush i think i'll walk around that it's the right type of tree though isn't it ah isn't it interesting how it's growing so flat i guess you just take whatever you can get in this kind of environment you get around this side and it gets a lot windier out on the point the trees are changing though more casuarinas and pandanus which aren't really what i'm after because they won't release much water at all they're a lot more efficient at holding onto their water hmm dude down there looks nice doesn't it you can feel that's windier on the other side coming over was quite windy as soon as i got around this corner it's super protected this time so that's nice it's a nice spot but all of a sudden i'm starting to think i might need to work a little harder to make sure i've got enough water all right get up here and find a few more trees this guy here this guy if i stand up on this ledge he seems to be just asking for it as well look at this yeah we'll definitely try and get one on him nice and close to camp as well oh i'm very excited about this one very excited indeed look at that caught so much foliage it's hanging down just perfectly into this little v but just as i've walked up here i've noticed that there's a grass tree here this is exactly what we're looking for these guys here now what i'm looking for is this stem here these guys have already broken themselves off this one looks really good has a lot of potential because we're right up the top here we should get uh some nice solid wood for me to make a drill a hand drill out of some slightly thicker stems down the bottom which we could make a base plate for there's another one over here oh that was easy look everything's sort of here i see that's i want it still not to be see how it's all crunchy a little bit too soft so i don't want it to fall apart when i start drilling into it this is going to be a interesting it's not as easy as it seems all right one more that tree there with this bag here let's do that that one should be a good one as well actually so we've got five bags out the first two bags aren't as good as uh the last two that's for sure but there was you know there's something happening there so hopefully we can get enough water for today we'll see how we go with five bags today and and see if we need to put more bags out tomorrow or we need to start thinking about other options like solar steel don't really want to do solar steel now i guess at some point we'll have to think of some kind of shelter look the bugs don't seem that bad so i'm not really fussed actually it doesn't really have to be a rain shelter but maybe just something because i don't want to just be sleeping out something that you can actually just keep off the wind and try and hold some heat i guess there's going to be the most important thing it's a nautilus shell how cool is that it was a big spider in it like look at the spider's still in its web there i wonder what kind of spider it is you go up here cool shell though nautilus it's like the name of every apartment blocks built near the sea here we go that looks like a mattress or something to me foam that'll that'll insulate me from the ground that's for sure because he's in kangaroo tracks coming inside see his tail resting in his big feet so the kangaroos are coming down onto the beach here there's some more these ones are a bit more weathered okay just heading back with all my upgrades wow there's one fish in there look at him darting around i don't know if you can see him in there he's just up and near that cave one lonely fish i wonder how long he's been in there for all right be back surely we can do something with that every time we go back we'll take another bit of wood we do get managed to get a fire going we'll need it all so okay these things are spiky ass you gotta watch out for those spikes so she still doesn't really look like much obviously i could put you know like better fronds green fronds but i don't want to cut green fronds you know what i mean this is just for a video so i don't want to cut proper branches down i could put like you know struts across and on the inside and lash it all down to make it all nice and tight there's so many things i could do to make it so much better but it's just not worth it so you get the idea we got somewhere to sleep and uh yeah we'll get inside and have a look so basically i didn't bring my hoochie so i've made a hoochie it actually doesn't look so bad inside yeah and with a bit more effort you could actually make this quite nice hey yeah it's actually quite cozy in there so with a bit more effort we could turn that into a much more viable and long-term shelter but i'm not really willing to you know destroy the uh area just for the sake of a video so that will do let's break these down flat all right i know isn't it ridiculous the irony the irony is not lost on me that i'm using all this plastic in plastics exactly the problem but plastics are also exactly what can save you i'll try not to use too many plastic bags actually because how many have i used six seven eight i've used eight so far yeah so eight to survive and i'll try not to use too many more and uh when i'm finished with all this i'll pack it all up and i'll put it in the bag and i'll take it with me and try and uh yeah clean up everything that i've sort of collected [Music] okay something a bit like that it'll run itself down as well pretty quickly just a little bit of an edge on it just for now just like that okay and how long do we want to probably want it about that long maybe ah that sort very quickly and very well you can see how porous and crumbly they are inside so sometimes they're too crumbly seems pretty solid down the bottom here though so hopefully that's fine and it's nice and straight so that's definitely a positive knife there okay just got a few other little bits this might be a bit hard you know what that bit might actually be big enough let's just have a little go at it only one way to find out and this is just a test day we're not counting on it lighting today because we don't need a fire necessarily just need some rest in the status unreal probably made the little board a bit small but hey what am i going to do now nothing so this first step is just called the burning it's just to char a hole into it before we cut any kind of groove you know what that looks like it's charring up straight away or is it my imagination i think we're actually getting some smoke there yeah we're definitely getting smoke [Music] i should have taken the camera off so you can see it yeah yeah no we got some smoke there look at that all right that's working you can see that's chartered proper nice hole in there so this wood these pieces these work okay so we'll keep those so grass tree drill with uh those bits seems to work if i can get that kind of that amount of smoke straight up let's just keep that because it'll go up a bit quicker now we'll cut a groove in here a notch and then i might as well give it a go nice and dry those little needles should make good uh tinder and we might rip a little bit of that coconut up that'll actually be the best okay make a little nest and that's what our little tinder ball is going to go a little piece of little ember once we get our ember going we'll put that into here and then we'll just wrap it up in there so we'll just have that's in there maybe we'll use a bit of this uh [Music] just to go underneath just to give us a little base just under here like that now we've got to cut a notch into here so basically one little v in here so when we're twizzling around the ember builds up on the edges of that notch and fall into the notch in that super heated uh material will eventually become a smoking little coal sometimes that's what the difficult part is just finding the right materials to actually have a go properly go at it so we start with just some nice twizzles just building up heat it doesn't have to be overly uh hard pressure at this stage just slowly work my way down and i'm actually trying to conserve my energy see how much quicker it's smoking though it's already smoking so i went oh sugar okay now once i start to get a little bit more smoke i'll start putting some serious pressure on like now okay have we done enough we haven't done enough damn we need more seems to be going through the board a bit too quick yeah it's a work in progress we'll have another shot of that it's part of the reason why i wanted to have a couple of guys at it today because nothing is riding on it today but tomorrow i really want to get it going on and if i can't see that's almost all the way through the board what does that mean does that mean that this is too soft it's definitely smoking it's kind of grinding its way through though isn't it a bit maybe we need a board that's a bit harder okay let's have another crack they're definitely getting smart oh okay ah we just had we had a darkened little spot there see that there that was the start of an ember yeah we almost had it i just need a little bit more gas i think all right i think i'll leave it at that but i'll get it tomorrow for sure it's pouring apart but that's all right because all we need it for is a little bit of a fruit harvesting i might just give it a quick rinse let's see if we can grab some of these pear prickly pear fruits oh that water feels nice how good it would be if you could just drink that let's cut them off first look at that beautiful okay that's probably enough and they're full of liquid as well look that one's just oozing so this will help the situation start with that many we don't want to go too crazy on the old fruit straight up because that could cause another kind of problem maybe you will get this bit of wood you can use it as a chopping board look at that set a great big grasshopper you can see him there just hiding out come on mate it's not a grasshopper it's some kind of insect not going anywhere there look at him there you go mate there you go okay so basically i just want to skim these down i've only tried these i've never really tried to eat a whole one so this is a bit of a new thing for me as well geez they look juicy though now i've seen guys on videos eat the actual uh whole uh leaf as well and i'd give that a go except it looks like it's easier to burn off all the spurs probably could burn the outside of these quickly to get some of the little hairs off as well it's very stainy but that looks pretty darn good doesn't it quite delicious looking okay hmm sour lots of pips but uh sort of like a pomegranate but you can eat the pips it's almost like i'm drinking something it's so thick and juicy mate i will smash all of those no problems bit sour but um what do they taste like it's like really tangy but still sweet and super juicy little bit acidic but yeah no super tangy and really quite really refreshing it's almost like i'm having a nice fresh juice or something but um yeah no no no i'm gonna eat all of those and i might even get one or two more because um that's basically like i'm drinking something almost they're so juicy like look how juicy they are i don't know if you can see that they're they're surprisingly good i could live off them for a week gotta admit though i am hoping that those plastic bags are collecting a bit of water because i do need a bit of water to wash that down i think that might be dinner for today sun's starting to get a little lower we'll check the bags as soon as it just gets a little bit lower i might go and wash my hands off and i'll clear all this up tell you what though the amount of liquid and the juiciness of those fruit you could probably go a while on those especially when there's so many you probably get the runs after a little while but it's better than dying isn't it getting closer to sunset so i guess it's time to go check the bags and see what kind of water we got uh i was going to use that other bottle but you can't really see a whole lot of what's in it but that's a bit uh dodgy i meant this one feels pretty good cut it up here but i think that might be a bit ambitious rinse it off make sure we give this thing a good rinse out who knows where it's been seen how long it's been doing it for okay okay the moment of truth i'd like to know that i've got at least something to drink now because i've got to admit pretty thirsty i felt a lot more thirsty before the cactus fruit but now that i've had the fruit i actually feel pretty refreshed and fine to go on i probably could go to sleep tonight without having another drink but let's start fresh with these bags tomorrow so i know some of them are better than others okay bag number one there's definitely some water down the bottom there though that was pretty good this is one of the late bags so oh no it's not this is one that i had high hopes for but then realized that it wasn't going to be in uh in the sun long enough so it didn't turn out to be quite as good as i'd hoped just try and shake all that water down though definitely don't want to miss out on any little tiny little hole and i think my haul might be too tiny come on there we go look at that water it doesn't look like much but it is important now particular trees are obviously safe to drink and particularly ones aren't so don't do this on trees that you don't know what's gonna you know what's gonna happen all right well have a look here that's not a lot of water but it is something it will be a little bit cloudy you could filter it but i'm not going to worry about it just to pretend it's like tea oh let's let it collect there and then we'll use this corner tomorrow nice okay this one's pretty much a non-event this is the one that i did very late oh look there is water in there but it's it's not a lot i think we'll just leave that until tomorrow maybe that'll get a bit more morning sun yeah there's only a tiny amount of water in there so we won't bother with that one okay this is the best bag this one here look at that that one has a significant amount of water in it so let's do the shake down carefully put this somewhere where it's not going to tip and look at all that moisture on top there's plenty more moisture to get down the bottom sun's going to be a bit tricky to show on camera because they're kind of balancing on the edge of this rock wall but we'll do the same thing put a little tear in the bottom okay so we just ripped a bit a little hole in that bit there and then i'll just down the bottom anywhere we go water could make you go faster there we go it's going a bit faster now [Applause] there's a bit of water in that one i'm getting somewhere oh no we've got a hole in our container that's what's going on okay what is it coming out of ah damn okay we've got a hole in the container you know what i'm gonna do i might just drink it right now so that's the best two containers but look it's leaking quite fast unfortunately so probably could filter it through some sand and a bit of charcoal and all of that kind of thing but to be honest it's no worse than a cup of tea oh if that's not the best tasting water ever you know what it tastes like it tastes like um like it's got a slight kind of watery or eucalyptus-y taste it's actually like it tastes like tea that is good it's very good in fact trying not to stir it up too much but surprising amount of water actually that was you know i don't know what would we call that 300 mils or something that's really good that would save you that would definitely save you for a day if you had you know and if you're in a crazy situation where you needed to if you had bags for some reason you could definitely survive this way all right we'll tie this bag up we'll get the little bit that's in that bag as well we'll go and check on the other bags if i can get a little bit more that'll be a bonus but that wore that amount of water was enough to sort of keep me going for today yeah considering that this tree like this bag was put on after i re like i reconsidered that first tree considering that uh this one only had that amount of time this uh this tree has been very productive it's not even that big a tree okay very good very good so this one is working so i think tomorrow that would actually be sort of a maybe a semi-productive tree but i think i'll just leave that tonight there's no point in getting that out it's not really worth doing this one this one up here this is our last bag this one has a decent amount in it so we'll shake that one down we'll definitely drink that today seems like such slim pickings but it's definitely enough to keep you going whether or not i wonder if this is more productive than solar steel i might put a solar still out tomorrow as well and we'll give it a test and see which one's actually more productive spoils of the day oh sugar we're leaking again here i hold it that way i think we're all right well that looks particularly nice doesn't it well just going to sit up on these rocks enjoy this last uh little bit to drink and then i think we'll call it a day it's a twig but yeah no that water tastes delicious it's got such an australian taste so that'll definitely keep me going definitely keep me going for you know quite a while but it's not perfect you know what i mean like i'd be slowly uh i'd slowly be deteriorating but i think the real key to all of this is you wouldn't just stay here and just cop it sweet you'd you'd start looking for a better place you'd look for better trees that'd get much more i think if i found better trees that sort of had a bit more light around them and were bigger kind of trees with a lot more foliage in them i think you know you could double this yield no problems and then you'd actually have enough water you could actually start stockpiling as well but i think um yeah i think because it's only a three day uh you know same with the shelter it's not worth you know worrying too much about it but you can see how it is possible like it isn't it's an interesting sort of uh test for me because i haven't done it for so long i mean i'm interested to see if i could actually make enough water and it seems like i could you know with a bit of tinkering and a bit of moving spots and i guess the ultimate goal would be to move to somewhere where there was like a freshwater creek or something if you were there for a long a long period of time if you're on an island or something you'd have a lot less choices then you would have to start looking at other things like solar stills and all that kind of thing but yeah because there's a lot less foliage to give up water this easily i'm just lucky that there's a couple of trees that actually are suitable so good it's so good better than eating see you in the next one
Channel: RoKKiT KiT
Views: 343,110
Rating: 4.901732 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 6sec (2826 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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