Becoming the WILD PRINCESS in Minecraft!

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deep in the Twilight Forest humans have invaded and are threatening to destroy everything but this wild princess will stop at nothing to save her home but what will it cost her there they are perfect just wait and and got him come on let's see what they got hmm no stop you don't want to pee on them okay if we do they're gonna track our scent you have more Ironwood still I'll take this too as well all right they keep finding more where are they finding it from hmm hey she's here everyone go okay that was close we were almost discovered I found her oh you've bothered us for the last time oh no get her come on we need it again come on don't let her Escape after her to the top of the mountain you two run ahead it's okay I've got this go you're surrounded there's nowhere to run come give up now oh no made it ah okay it's still going off up there perfect oh I got away for now finding these ingots and everything I better get back to huh what's that noise what the what is that what uh what is this hmm brother sister oh that's a snack we can eat it no it's a human baby why is it out here alone come on let's eat it no not I thought you didn't like human sis we shouldn't eat something that can't even run besides the humans abandoned it so it must not be as tasty our sister's so smart let's leave it here by itself um you know what I'm gonna toss it in the water you two go ahead okay sounds good see you at home see you later you know I was lost once too I'm not really gonna throw you in the water but make one long move and I'll consider it come on let's get you the human badge hopefully those humans won't see me hey you need to walk um here let me help you a little bit hey what's that noise out there quiet it's oh no okay uh shoot the cards are uh let's see gotta get up who goes there oh no don't worry I'll take you to the Village I'll put you in a home um let's see it's where the guards up there uh maybe if I do this ah what um here are you going through hey and jump hey almost got caught there quiet there is a there's a open house over there all right let me get you from that house there we go no one is here Perfect all right there you are safe and sound perfect um all right well I'll see you later I have to go before somebody comes in the guard that's not my job anyway he got lost in the woods and what what it's the Wolf princess sound the alarm I need to get out of here maybe in here I'd have to hide really quick let's go The Village we got away um I thought I saw her coming here wherever you are you're surrounded we haven't seen her in the village oh we've been trying to capture you and you just ran into our hands now then let's see I know you're in here oh this is bad tired of you disrupting our mining operation well let's see how you do with some explosions [Laughter] oh everyone did you see what the Wolf princess did she exploded our Armory gotta get out of here the armory [Music] I made it out the right thing to do shouldn't have gotten involved aphmau mom my child why did you go into the human Village I I just wanted to see if I could take them out from the inside oh you know it's dangerous to invade them alone I know but I had to try I know you hate the humans as much as we do they don't belong in this land and yet they're hurting it destroying it I know it's getting late it's best we rest for the night what were you even doing up here your brother hasn't come back to the den but knowing him he'll be back soon come let's go yes Mother aha what's that noise huh um everyone's asleep but hold on let's see The Village it's on fire what's going on Guardian firing everyone it'll get rid of those humans once and for all he'll get out of our forest and wait a minute oh no the little human you have to do something you have to go save the little human what takes care of it her Armory wasn't destroyed I have some more let's see here she is right help me Commander she's back I'm not gonna help you all right little one come on let's get out of here let's huh please mother fine I'll help you out thank you take a little one and get out of here right thank you come on little one why even bother you from this one oh well could we come out of here it's really her huh yep and finally not only did we drive off the euroghast we've captured the Wolf princess [Music] out of here it's simple huh hold on who said that this woman says that she helped her and her baby escape the fire she did she saved Our Lives after I thought I'd lost my baby so what are you trying to say saying that killing her isn't our decision anymore we should let the Lord decide so be it take her away what don't worry this won't hurt what's going on oh she's waking up she's coming too are you sure this is a human and that she's not some kind of Beast what's going on here quiet you you're in court you are the Wolf princess correct I don't talk to humans ah objection does she not even realize that she is a human I am silence you are in Court's day because you have stolen from humans hurt guards and have tried to attack us on countless occasions because you're hurting the force and its creatures we are creatures not of the forest and you are being attacked by the ergas because you keep stealing the iron wood from him enough hey look let me just speak to her Woman to Woman hello friend I am a merchant you seem like a reasonable girl who can listen to reasons we're getting somewhere okay now look we're here in the Twilight Forest because of how amazing the Ironwood material is we just need it well she can't be reasonable fine if she won't listen to reason I'll never listen to a reason with you then maybe she'll listen to this huh what brother no no is this a good enough reason keep running your mouth and he pays with his life [Music] fine what do you want ah you know these Woods better than anyone you will take my guards and you will show them where to find the Twilight Lich the ergast and the Night Phantom what how's the wolf we see you run with will die if you don't know um [Music] Ian see to it that she leads you and Wolf princess if anything happens to one of my guards your wolf is good as dead this is it yeah but this is a dark Forest this better not be some kind of trick no the Night Phantom lives here and just remember what's on the line ah yes don't worry now if you follow me this way Mom my child what has happened are you all right no humans are horrible they captured brother and they're gonna kill him unless I lead them to the three Guardians [Laughter] I like to see them try to take out the Guardians fine lead them see what happens to the human what what do you mean listen the humans are weak they have no idea what they are in for lead them and see what happens but your brother's life is on the line do what they ask I'll make sure the Guardians are warm we trust you mother anyone see you here so dark out yet I'm I'm over here I'm sorry I was just scouting ahead come on follow me this way it's okay you just stay close the night Phantom's down there all right get ready man she's leading us into a trap do you oh don't worry we're gonna have her go first oh sounds good Phantom Run please run all right boys pull out the big guns huh yes go ahead go all right let's go okay hahaha oh these new tools of ours with the iron water soyuz what was that oh no oh you know just a trick humans came up with now on to the Lich oh no it's got it so stand a chance up here this is where the Twilight glitches good luck oh we finally found it all right all right men this time we used the bigger guns what yes sir wait what already take out the heavier artillery and fur wait what can't get in the tower without a bigger door let's run hey whose side are you on after all not I don't think we have much of a door to go through at this point wait I think I see something there it is all right let's get in there all right come on yeah wait where do you go whoa right behind you care for the bridge right how do we get down there he's going back up let's go find him is Phantom should get rid of him right I think I see the real one get him in good work yes and all thanks to our new wolf friend where is she oh these you like what you see no what sort of terrible magic is that this horrible magic is called technology and thanks to those Ironwood ingots we get here the merchant can turn them into these no you can't do this quiet all right everyone it's getting dark we'll Camp here for now restrain her don't worry this won't hurt take the forest and that's all they want to do [Music] Daddy [Music] I can't believe you I'm trying to set you free why no one should see their home destroyed without having a chance to fight back fine spare you for now trick is this a trap huh oh there you are my child this can't be the night hella Lynch are gone I don't understand what has happened the humans they have these weapons that can kill Guardians oh no oh no this is bad if they kill the other guest then they'll summon the Hydra who will destroy us all we need we need to run the orgas but but brother you head to the Earth Gast I'll take care of your brother stay safe my child I gotta get up there hey are defended they have weapons weapons [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] oh and look looks like you're back little traitor I don't know how you escaped but we took care of everything why did you kill the ergas that ergas has given us trouble at our village for too long and now it's gone that's right so now that it's gone our fastest guard has gone to deliver the treasure we got as well as the news no no the items that we got from the mobs if they're together they'll summon the Hydra wait no what the Hydra it's an ancient monster that'll be summoned when the Guardians are gone what will they do they'll destroy everyone and everything oh that sounds bad where will it come from where religious chapter is as long as the three Guardians are gone it'll spawn uh deceptor wait that's going to town do we have to stop it wait no no listen to me why should we the Lord knows what he's doing but we have families there I'm going no one is going anywhere you all are gonna listen to me captain get rid of them all right let's go come on all right quickly to the Village [Laughter] don't do this oh wolf girl you're just in time now that my soldiers have brought me everything I need the scepter and those pesky Guardians are out of the way you're just in time to see us summon the Hydra no you don't understand and take everything for my son wait what what the who now he's to the Village what wow what this wasn't supposed to happen like this Hydra come on prepare yourself for death this monster you humans would understand those Guardians are in place for a reason why didn't you tell us I tried to go huh thank you my baby where is she huh oh my goodness whether she was hot they were too late yeah defend the village come on guys help use those weapons to get rid of the Hydra on it I hit it with oh my God I got a little bit of this left come on it's not working the Lord betrayed us he took the scepter from himself and he turned into that monstrous Beast come on come on boys we've done it we didn't talk Victory Is Ours oh oh boy ah sis so good to see you again wait less chatting more running boys let's get out of here yes mother ah this isn't over yet the humans still can't be trusted the Guardians Aren't Dead they're just in spirit we'll be watching and waiting we will protect the forest yes let's go
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,004,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, wild princess, aphmau is a wild princess, princess mononoke, raised by wolves, gaming, gamer, wild, living in a forest, forest, adventure, fantasy, fairytale, royal, royalty, enchanted, medieval, narrative, story, survival, creative, becoming a wild princess, playing as a wild princess
Id: TWc-pHDZ7_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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