My eyes could KILL YOU in Minecraft!

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this is a really great Halloween [Music] [Applause] I'm so sorry Jack O'Lantern cat join us for our Halloween celebrations with our new collection of females coming October 1st to our website [Music] something is wrong with aphmau everything seems fine until she looks into someone's eye while trying to help a hurt creature my eyes begin to change but when anyone looks directly into them there's a chance they may die okay get away gotta get over here just get out of here huh yes the absolute this wolf is full of danger and power so much power whatever hey no no a wolf what are you doing uh um hey there I wasn't trying to hurt you I promise I just uh I I huh what's happening what what's going on it's gone and I'm what happened to me what is going huh oh those zombies just disappear after I looked at them I maybe that was just a coincidence maybe it's nothing's wrong with my eyes right I mean they're just uh okay oh those zombies are disappearing okay I need to go back I shouldn't be around you guys bye I can't believe that horrible but what about me oh my God oh my gosh if it isn't dumb little aphmau yeah what's with that outfit oh my gosh yeah and also you look tired like what is going on none of your business I just want to be left alone don't make me feel my feelings I really don't have time for this okay I've had a hard day and you guys always just pick on me well yeah because it's fun how about we give you a little hand fine come on aphmau with what yeah you look like you need some wood right no I'm fine nice little fireplace get curled up by the time why don't you help her out with that yeah exactly wow you're right oh look at her eyes so red and puffy maybe you should take that nap maybe you should just leave me leave me alone what oh m g i i i i can't meet you I'm sorry my eyes so I can't control them I can't control my eyes I gotta get out of here I think Michi is just gone forever and then I oh no this is really bad wait a minute I have a way I can I can cover them I just need to over here I crafted this the other day use this bandana put it on and okay I'll just live like this for right now I'll just uh I'll just stay right here I can hide my eyes behind the bandana but I can't hide my ears and tail what am I gonna do and then the evil Ultima attacked me I just barely got away but it it ate aphmau oh yes I know very sad but I'm so brave actually Ian I'm alive right here aphmau right explain my ears it was the Ultima it hurt you and you know what I swear I oh I'm down every last wolf and make sure nothing bad ever happens to you again wait a minute I thought you were evil and you were uh trying to hurt the wolf are you trying no no no no I was trying to protect you and my encounter with the wolf changed me up now I won't let that happen to anyone else ever again oh that's nice but wait a minute I have to fix my ass what was that uh nothing nothing nothing don't worry about me I didn't have fears of tail or anything I'm good okay uh same I I need this bandage for like a scratch yeah I can bring it to my lab and patch that up oh cool I'm with you no you don't need to don't worry anything just come here okay okay come on in what if the wolf comes back to finish you off I don't think the wolf is gonna come back to finish me off but still sail still I'll make sure to stay here and make sure nothing bad happens to you um right which actually can you help me with something another citizen needs my protection all right what does he need s thank you Casey okay now that he's gone aphmau can you tell me what's really going on so look don't don't freak out but something weird happened to my eyes that ultimate that in attacked well it wasn't evil I believe but it he killed it before it Vanishing it looks right into my eyes and it gave me these strange Powers oh it can't be that strange let me see um are you sure I'm positive F you can trust me on this okay so see these are my eyes um and oh wait what's going on oh no what thing bud that's really bad oh no okay thank you [Music] um okay uh Casey I I can explain but oh oh no hey why'd you run up to I better go see her what are these lawyer oh these wolves are up to no good that tell us that you need guards guards uh yes guards it's good thing ah that I got these special powers after getting thrown off that Cliff oh no I'm here uh why is he here yeah nothing nothing uh he's here to help take care of you and you may notice he looks a little different yeah you looked a little different there for a moment too but oh yeah I got some cool new powers from that Ultima from our fights I don't really know how how it works but you know we got you why is he different he's talking weird is what are you talking about aphmau um we require cookies [Music] you're safe with us are you guys gonna lock me in here it's it's not bad but it's not enough it has to be perfect to protect aphmau all right you know I think we're gonna need some more help with this um put your eyes green huh what the noise eyes are also green I told you it's the power I got from the Ultima the power you want from the ultimate who's this oh see that's your new guard um this is Gregory he's gonna watch after you make sure everything's fine while we go get more stuff in fact we're gonna need more help why yes hello Ian how can I help you yes yes also watch out for the spike trap we need to go get more supplies so we can protect talk about more time Gregory we'll watch the door for you so uh let's go everyone uh okay also watch the spike track I'm excited to follow you and you hit the spike chat he also had this bike come on guys easy with the jump wow uh that was actually really easy uh did you stay away from me I don't think right right okay what was him getting away I just gotta jump and jump over here right okay uh you stay down there oh okay uh I guess they gave you that little device okay uh this is bad get out of here um okay maybe just here we go [Music] [Music] don't leave me here where are we going this wow let's do this this is interesting is this where you guys live now [Music] what is this oh wait what what's happening to me oh okay wolves this is amazing I think we can go Howl at the Moon now let's go all right now that I've got these Powers Zayn Casey come on we can go and convince Ian that wolves aren't a threat I mean like you know I don't even know what happened originally but still I wait what happened I think we did a good job with these thanks minions this will keep aphmau safe yes we did good today [Applause] there are wolves there wait a bag no don't wait let's protect [Music] are you with those wolves it's complicated Ian I am when you when you kill that wolf and gave me these eyes you're the one who needs to be taken down what no all right everyone I I know you're already attacking but keep attacking yes sir I will summon my zombie minions one gregories [Music] wait what what'd she say whoa hey stop it stop it right there um actually I don't want to sink to your level oh yeah yeah you're running away ha run away you can run but you can escape from any of them my zombies will find you mark my way okay let's get out of here your zombies have been guided again it's going again I'm sorry so don't look at me okay maybe maybe this won't do anything at all at all what ow you did it yeah you guys are back being normal people I mean sort of uh yeah yeah but what happened to my ears I wonder why they're gone maybe I have to prove myself um how do I do that hmm now that we have these neuters behind us what get back oh no there's so many get out of here I'm just gonna get away from here and what are you doing flooding the cave he's probably not here come on let's get out of here come on before he summons down more zombies to come get us I see watch out fine this Ian wanted to bring that fight to us how about we take our fight to him come on let's go oh that's a great idea we'll meet you pay for this since we are wolves start singing let's go right underneath we're out of there guys gotta be real sneaky come on don't be sneaky Wolves yeah this way and I think oh Pierce nice have you ever seen such a glorious Army before um yes I don't know compliment me better okay right over here 's what do you think I do not know but I will not question Ian I think I oh my ears there are zombies here Ian yes I I know they're part of our parties oh oh my gosh it's okay they're getting attacked by their own zombies now ow oh no oh yeah okay you decided to come back we'll teach you not to invade our hop okay zombies get over here and attack her thank you okay now where'd you go uh let's see okay she's jumping around real fast like can't catch me and also bam whoa no hey what's going on uh long story you've been under control for a long time so it's not this way um oh I'm here I think she went to go about let's leave her more wait huh what I see watch it oh there we go wait what what's happening oh it's been broken moves I don't want to become a jerky and Oh no you're not under my control anymore are you yeah what are you gonna do what do you think about it huh do you think we are it's not fair [Music] well for your fear what you weren't fair to us at all yeah okay okay okay and I think that was the last one okay Oh you mean this power I haven't even begun to use his power taco can I hear you I think it might be time to ride I will destroy this summer laser eye fight [Music] yeah just give up what are the places uh sorry fam but that sounds more fun to hang out with just give it up Ian wow give it up Ian I'm the most powerful person on the server and I think you're supposed to listen to me okay all right uh maybe if I use this [Laughter] y'all use it against you that's it time for you to get out of here wait what no you can't stop me what's happening to me oh what is that how about what's happening wait what oh not so much Emerald see I can use the power and wait wait I don't have any hands to hold the emerald and I have the emerald well uh I'm just gonna sorry Ian you're ready welcome to the saving of this Hub I was gonna give him a bone but oh well more for us can we give him that way he's kind of adorable yeah we're gonna try to keep him that way but look I'm sorry that I didn't tell you guys sooner but no matter what ever happens but I guess none of my friends could really look into my eyes now that I've upgraded my Powers I don't want you to look into my eyes to get a case okay I'm gonna go take a nap hopefully to stop all right I'll never mind Guy contact with anyone ever again hey Pierce take a look at my eyes no
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,296,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau ultima eyes, aphmau ultima, minecraft but no one can look into my eyes, dont look at aphmaus eyes, dont look at aphmau, aphmau werewolf, aphmau death eyes, custom eyes minecraft, minecraft ultima mod, minecraft wolf mod, playing as a cute mob, playing as a dangerous mob, aphmau eyes, ein, ein werewolf hunter, monster hunters minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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