The Life Of Preston Before He Died…

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this is preston and he's a youtuber have you ever wondered what his life was like in minecraft from our first underwater date to our wedding and his death here's the story of crested welcome to our underwater date are you ready preston i am ready i gotta say this before we start guys i am made of lava so please let's just be careful i didn't think about that you know what that means i'm gonna keep you on land and give you none other than three two one oh let's go isn't it romantic oh jeez hello was this a part of the date night i have literally been kidnapped by a whale no it wasn't that was definitely not the plan and also i need to find something before you drown are you able to breathe yeah kind of i'm inside of the whale this is like jonah i'm literally using the oxygen of the whale to survive right now so my body doesn't solidify into obsidian that's okay i have found a scuba mask in a random abandoned uh villager house yeah that would have been a little bit nice to have prior to me getting sucked up why the whale though why me preston i told you i did not plan this i'm coming to rescue though aren't date night supposed to be normally planned i'm just saying you know i love you but i feel like they're supposed to be a little bit playable they are but you know i can't plan for a tragedy like a whale with seaweed through his head sir give me back my husband he's a mean whale of meanness i can let preston go if you give me something beautiful why you can have me then will just give him anything free let's see preston i found it i found it somehow there is a underwater uh blue flower and red flower okay can you give it a whale i'm gonna get the whale the blue wow this flower is very pretty is that all he has to say here preston where are you where are you i what do you oh here we go take this flower i ca take it you oh yes oh my gosh finally okay so uh we are under the sea and we have found something what is this preston bri you know what this is right please tell me you know what this location is if you know the craftsy crab the crusty gray oh yes a tender of the bar this is not squidward squidward would normally be the bartender but that's okay i'll let this one pass what you can't trust that mustache that's all i'm saying this is not romantic hello are you from the land yes young squire we have we have legs not murphins i have a drink that you can turn to into a mermaid do you want it oh yes yes no wait no i dream i'm kind of happy being uh you know with legs i don't know if i would like to be a fish my kind does not like them guys in order to turn preston into a mermaid make sure you look under this video and subscribe go no i don't want to be a mermaid i'm hurting i'm hurting i'm we look ridiculous yo respect the drip though karen my fin is beautiful look at this karen oh yeah look at that movement thank you charles everyone who has a mustache like this is named charles i figured that out let's go he said there's a cute restaurant nearby oh preston look in your inventory do you see this oh thank god okay so he gave us human drinks to turn us back once we're ready yeah don't use it yet we can breathe underwater see we no longer have scuba mass oh wait i didn't even realize that that's actually kind of sick yeah yeah look at this it's not even going down anymore let's go let's go i think this is a restaurant oh quick i need this fish stop it stop it sorry sorry attendant if that is your real name what's up hello attendant how are you doing today yes you have finn you have beautiful mermaid tail welcome can i help you dinner for two please daniel this looks like a daniel for sure i think it looks like a zachary like he's got two of your piercings that's the zachary has he really yes follow me i love this by the way this detail look it's nemo weemo it's memo not nemo meno please sit there yes i mean you brought us here that's kind of uh it's a little hard to sit under water i'm gonna be honest i'm not i'm not i'm struggling with the sitting but it's working we have the menu what's it what is it okay not a lot of items what is taco yaki hakayaki babe it's like the little fried octopus balls and sushi so we got lobster stew takayaki and sushi how do you drink lemonade under water they probably know how to do it you know i don't understand you know what i am going to have thanks if you want while i prepare the dishes you can search for memo wait i didn't even tell him what i wanted oh hold on i would like i would like the lobster he apparently knew that already so apparently somewhere inside the restaurant mino is here that seems morbid are we gonna cook mimo no no no you don't eat me no but i do eat this one i don't know which one this is but calm down you know what this is a competition little friendly competition whoever can find nemo first okay friendly competition oh wait is this me no one said it's inside the restaurant yeah i am struggling to find this mino fish is this him is this him oh it's not nemo yeah this is so difficult oh my gosh where could this mino fish be it does tell you if it is memo or not i will let you know yeah have you found him outside yet bree cause i've been looking all inside and i can't find him wait wait i think this is him ah not me no pretty would you like me to show you something what what i've been sitting next to mino the entire time are you kidding me yeah hover look like a hover above him look at hoverboard his name you can see his name tag see he's me no nemo this one right here the orange and blue one hover your uh crosshairs above him oh did you click on him i got the credit wait wait a second all right that's it i'm gonna eat me no no no no no no don't you i'm eating me though i literally been staring at his face for like ten years frick i didn't know i was supposed to do it that way let's go back to the table and let's get seated this is supposed to be relatively romantic these are your dishes i ordered the lost wait i got the lobster yeah you traded me trade me what did he give you wow this is for a lobster stew it's literally just a lobster in a bowl bro i got sushi should we eat this in front of the fish of course holla that's how you assert your dominance you actually want to eat it directly in front of the fish so they know that their life is always being threatened i'm gonna eat in the corner yum let's go on an adventure let's swim around here this is an underwater date wait is it romantic to find an underwater shipwreck this can actually be mega romantic if we can find like something of value like pearls or emeralds or rubies or something like that then yeah i mean that's pretty romantic oh a matey oh wait bree bravery yes yes yes i found um a math i found a three minus seven i found a talking fish wait that's way cooler than math oh sorry i'm playing hide seek with my friends he blends in because he's a brown fish in a brown boat does he say anything else hello do you want to be eaten i can eat you so the fish who uh will remain nameless is apparently playing hide and seek that probably means something is hiding in here preston don't say that i'm gonna eat him i'm gonna if i find that fish again he is one punch away from being sushi if they're playing hide and seek in here that definitely means something is hiding in here already i'm telling you okay so i saw this math right like i don't know what it means but i found this see we have a on three minus seven i'm gonna write that one down there's like hidden signs so what if there is pirate's booty buried within this i don't wanna see a pirate's booty that's all i'm saying brie i found the pirate's butt wait what where look why don't you sound like that wait what where are you right now let's see it's looking like so we got a chest with a code we gotta insert so we've got one minus four three minus seven one minus four okay that's too many options so the first code is one out of four that means there has to be four numbers in the code so the first oh sorry i found another one two zero we're just looking for the fourth one now so so far it is four zero seven but where's the hidden the last one it is it's four is one so it means four zero seven one let's try it yes oh my freaking gosh mate i'm smart what is it what do you mean what is it it's brie oh wait wait wait wait wait wait so this is a date and you found a necklace and you didn't give it to your wife you just wore it on yours i like it though can i have it i kind of like where is it where'd it go all right bree bree listen i will give you this necklace as long as everybody is watching leave a like down below there you go i will keep the diamond though i'm keeping this diamond because this thing is swank dank this necklace is so large it's now a t-shirt yo somebody please editors put a roblox character next to bree you look like you're playing roblox right now it's beautiful i got the booty and i'm writing a movie i was cringy hey preston hello brianna so we haven't that was unnecessary we haven't rested at all during this so i have a picnic basket and we're just going to relax for a little bit all right let me clear some space get out of here squid you're in my way oh they're inking what all right hold on let me just give me okay pl pretty uh something's happening um something's happening why do i have nausea breathe the squids are attacking run run i prepared lunch for you oh yeah oh you're getting kind of sick this makes me feel really bad viewers close your eyes don't look it's too sick oh i'm fine now wait where'd my basket go where'd my basket go did they take your basket i think they took my basket i prepared you food you monsters you're lucky i don't turn you into calamari one of them has my basket i'm sure of it all right maybe it's this one hold on look at this one he's the derpiest looking squid he's sketchy don't trust that squid wait the squids that took your basket lily said see you later tater but i had food we shall hunt down the squids and make them into calamaris no no no let's find my basket it's gonna wait is this it i found it this says apple it's i think it's apple juice but it's literally just called apple i made the apple it's only made at royally by the hand of chuckles oh i love that little handsome chicken oh man he'd make grape chicken nuggets hello oh don't hit on the mermaid she was coming on to me first all right i'm just gonna go and say that she saw me she was like oh my gosh look at that merman and i was like whoa listen look i'm married even though i don't wear a ring you wear the ring but okay sorry listen i took you here because i heard there's a really cool pet shop underwater you don't really like eloise so we need you to have your own pet well unfortunately there isn't any pets available only a baby shark i give me the baby shark if you really want this pet you need to complete some tasks the baby sharks need a lot of care i want him i want him i'll do anything oh whoa oh oh this is a quiz what is the biggest shark whale shark giant shark whale shark oh yes rested you took it away from me listen i want this shark so bad um how many teeth can a shark have thousands everybody knows that definitely what are baby sharks called pups i think you're right 100 pups i know my animals is there more no that's it second task is to transverse through the cave that it has a guardian swimming around to protect the baby shark you must be able to protect yourself okay first of all you said transverse and it's traversed but that's okay well same thing right that means the same thing i'll allow it library follow me follow me i've lost you did you go left okay i see your name tag i found you cue the intense uh intense we needed to intense music right now no i can get you copyright strike be careful where are you where preston you're going too fast for me somebody switched my heart keys i don't even know where i am right now tony baloney there's a guardian under here by the way didn't you hear her oh okay okay we found magma blocks okay that's good right not necessarily because magma sucks down oh no the guardian that means the guardian is close by that's okay goes run run swim wait briefly it's this way it's this way it's this way i'm dying which way i keep getting sucked down here we've got to be getting close we're going to swim as fast as that little look at how colorful it is it's so beautiful oh gosh i know we're close wait bree i see the caretaker yay let's go preston she has the shark give me the shark all right listen bree we must name him jerry for the p b and j the fans have been asking us if we have a child to literally name it jay well we can start with baby shark that that's good enough maybe he's jason jason the show no i don't like that i like jerry do you want a ball gift does sharks play with balls i'm confused oh that's actually so cool okay brittany throw yours he's okay he's legit no he's trying to get the ball through this one get it oh he's going you realize what's happening right he's following me he's following you look at that oh my god that's like the sickest thing ever whoa he's fast he loves you look at this oh my gosh it's actually kind of creepy because i literally have a shark following me no but it's baby shark wait look okay i throw the ball and get a boy oh my gosh that's cool i literally plays fetch why would you ever want a dog or cat when you can have a shark as a pet although sharks are not very soft where are we so i planned this part of the date i feel like every date has bowling involved haven't you noticed that i love bowling from attendant hello attendant how are you he's not saying anything so i think that means we should just start you know let's just go bowling wait i have a puffer fish ball oh oh you missed all right give me that give me that ravens wait i did not even throw it what okay we're throwing a puffer fish and then the pens are also wait did i throw it over there i didn't even touch it all right listen wait for it wait a second wait a second yay whoa okay this puffer fish all right he does not mind i think this is rigged i think this game is rigged how about this oh where'd it even go hold on can we just appreciate this for a moment that bree has a score of three and i have a score of one i don't know i think it's because of my thoughtfulness that i actually play in this part of the day okay what do you want you slimy zachary what would you like tb and our wife is the winner we want to give you a trophy here you take the puffer fish because i lost the necklace and i don't want to tell you about it no no no we'll sell the golden puffer fish to get a new necklace oh no better yet i feeded the jerry jerry eat the puffer fish welcome to what do you think this is before we go in guess i don't know i don't know what's it look like coliseum is this like where the fish go to fight and we bet on them no this is a museum oh i kind of want to feed this one to jerry hold on yeah i fee there you go jerry like this little tropical fish i just killed for you fish i just realized what you said yep jerry ate one so look look at all these sculptures they're made of like quartz and marble oh it's so pretty i love me a museum what does oh there's a painter hi do you want a painting yes i do is that legal can you just sell us a painting from the museum the price is 200 diamonds oh my goodness okay absolutely not we cannot afford preston look behind you um what is this i'll get the other one yes all right i got him i got him wait there's the police officer thanks for stopping them i'll get them to jail i like how they just willingly walk out with the police officer can we appreciate the fact that i fed jerry this tropical fish and it's still in his mouth he's a vegetarian okay he doesn't want to eat the fish i don't think i've ever known of a shark that's a vegetarian he's special his name's jerry thanks a lot for saving the museum she's being sweet you're welcome free things can i do a painting with you two to expose at the end what that sounds weird does that mean we have to go in the nude i don't that's kind of what it sounds like it will be ready in a moment stand still press and stand still i'm i can't jerry was pushing me jerry did you take something oh that is cool i love this the new mona lisa ladies and gentlemen if we don't see this on our twitters and our instagrams us being tagged in these i will quit youtube we definitely need some freeze frames of this this is cool on to the festival i found out there's like a carnival down here hold on break joe give me the fish jerry you're embarrassing me give me the fish get all right fine whatever he only follows you this is like how you feel with eloise welcome to the festival before we get started we need a snack is this popcorn there's popcorn right here preston i think this is sasuke is this a man or a woman it's sasuke hi do you want some popcorn do your best anime voice susquehanna we have been given popcorn do you want to eat it this is a very large kernel this is a huge corner cornell okay preston you go to the first game i'll be right there hello first game hey can you meet preston i don't know where it'll be our little secret yes this room will require a while okay okay all right preston i'm coming ah yes press yes i can't hear you in discord i was playing the game well let's go to the next wait i'm playing a game it's called whack the fish oh that sounds fun while i'm whacking the fish give me a sec let's play together i don't see the fish one needs to pop up over here i get wagging did i get it no i still got that one i keep hitting the smoker wagon tv north frags what of course you did you've won two how to flex my oh that sounds inappropriate preston thank you what is this game the game of barrels oh wait wait okay yellow wait yellow say it started you found a yellow egg what does that mean i won i don't know what that means okay i found a grenade i found a green egg i found a pink egg oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh give me that blue egg you beat me and all of this it's like little like underwater carnival games let's go guys i might have done it just to make him feel better it's probably what it was what'd you say to me just come this way oh look at the cake that's actually really cool thank you chef ohayo jose moss thank you sasuke i always liked you better than naruto anyways so preston it's time for dinner i mean i feel like we should have gotten the cake afterwards but it was like a before dinner snack okay and a mooj boosh whoa there are a lot of fish this is overwhelming i think this is a restaurant and do you see all the fish floating around hi mermaid these are two harpoon guns to hunt the fishes i'm a vegetarian in minecraft well i've always wanted to say this hasta la vista preston i don't know how to use the harpoon please help me i think you hold right click you load it up and then you shoot it i can't hit it preston help me learn i don't know how to make it work preston we don't have much time i got one got one one fish down baby it's not working preston free i just think it's a user error i love you soon art but i think you've got some serious user here it's not i am a vegetarian in minecraft so i'm just going to la la la i'm gonna sing to the fish play with the fish all you want i already have 14 so i think we have enough to feed the entire restaurant are they the ones floating towards the surface i literally have so much fish i'm i'm definitely not going to win this challenge but oh there you go don't shoot jerry i'm not you shot jerry with harpoon breeze no i did not yes you did did anybody see that one an instant replay clearly we know who is the hunter and who is the gatherer oh these are really good fishes i'll cook two plates for you why thank you you did such a hard job right now mermaid i'm really impressed these are two fish cakes enjoy your meal oh my gosh it's like a it looks like a giant fish cake it's kind of cute i'd bring cheers to me and three two one kanpai cheers uh very delicious very delicious honestly i didn't mean to burp the character just did it in minecraft okay this happens you know it's okay it does it's okay sometimes you like to do it and you know it's jerry stop you're making me fall down the stairs like you're more in love with the shark than me jade stop it you're being a bully okay preston what happens after dinner dessert well we already had our dessert so what happens after dessert that's very tough question and i would prefer not to be asked it and told it sunset oh let's go human drink i just drink i'm changing oh oh i have legs again jerry jerry it's gonna be okay you can't follow us on land this might be the saddest moment i've ever experienced we can find a bucket i have a bucket wait do i put him in the bucket yeah put him in the bucket he fit in the bucket bucket with baby shark here you carry him i don't want the responsibility okay fine i will have mr jerry so preston on a scale of zero to ten what would you rate the underwater date i will give it a nine out of ten before you finish what if i give you this to end the date a 1980 sedan huh yeah um i'm still gonna have to leave it it's a nice car it doesn't even drive it's jerry's first car okay it's not even drivable okay well i'm gonna try to figure out how to drive out of here you all have a blessed day i will see you in my next video and preston what kind of date should we go on next one where i plan it now let me tell you how preston and i broke up youtube stop it why do you have to break up with me what are you doing it is almost our wedding anniversary that is so messed up preston blaine now it's time for you in 24 hours to permanently be broken up oh granny thank you what are you doing you can't splash shield potions you can't um you didn't see that no dang it where's my carpet yeah you might want your carpet it's up a little ways okay so that first ingredient looks like a bazoor um i'm learning new things today but i think that could be in the temple i saw earlier this way noob we've got this this looks like it's it right noop so we're going to go on this adventure together noob's my buddy and he wants me and preston to stay together so we're gonna ow okay i literally have three and a half hearts and i've been poisoned noob are you okay okay so there's a chest here a lantern help help the spiders and the arrows craft a lantern and log into redstone hopefully you can live vlog then we'll just get redstone we just need to lantern we already have that vlog lantern whoa what is this a wall scanner whoa it's showing us where all the traps are so we just need to scan out because if i run in the wrong place those arrows will fly at us oh no speaking of scary we have lava oh my gosh noob i love you but what are you doing no oh geez there are arrows flying in lava this is a first febree ow ow everything's fine so far so oh the pressure plates throw arrows duh we cannot do that anymore speaking of more more rhymes with door and i found the door what's this a bazaar more dorbzor that looks like that potion is made out of sea glass and if you guys remember me and preston went on an underwater date before and i remember that being in a mermaid village cowabunga oh my gosh i have asthma and i do not have water breathing ah that looks like the mermaid village it's beautiful this looks just like i remember it no no no no oh my god who are you really quick i need a new subscriber on my channel could you just do that really fast all right i did it i am looking for a potion that is trapped in sea glass you know what i have the exact thing you might need that's convenient okay things are kind of a mess so it's somewhere in here you you know what you're just gonna have to take this okay and i'm gonna go up top and i'm gonna throw down all the trash i have because it's somewhere in there if you miss one piece you might die oh my gosh that was terrifying well we gotta clean up some trash to get what we need all right i'm just gonna start throwing things down remember better catch everything how do you fly i'm fascinated oh oh geez i got it ow no i took damage hold on you're throwing a little faster you said throw faster okay did he find it as a matter of fact okay you guys let's see what's next a heart that could symbolize our first date and whatever the heck that feather hair thing is i'm gonna head towards where we had our very first minecraft date yes i remember this first date it was so romantic we had a picnic maybe there's like a heart somewhere eloise hi buddy i miss you okay me and preston are breaking up in minecraft and i just i really need help i think i need some fuzz from you some hair could i just take what are you doing wait that's right preston and eloise do not get along whoa this place looks like a strawberry eloise what are you doing missy moo is this like your secret hide oh we have an enchanted iron eloise shears don't worry i won't make you bald it's okay it's okay ella just come back just really quick and excuse me hello okay she has an invisibility potion that is not fair i i what the heck is [Applause] but i just need a little bit of oh no she's bald oh no she looks so sad she disappeared but hey i got eloise here you too sir okay yes this looks like the evil players base now how do we get in i bet it's like really heavily oh hi chuckles how are you shh don't squawk okay don't make any sort of bach or squawk or careful with the lava sir okay this is so easy oh my gosh like this is ridiculous is it oh jesus save [Music] stop it i literally in real life i'm going to cry that was literally the saddest thing that's ever happened to me in my wait preston broke up with me i shouldn't be sadder about a chicken there she is i'm coming oh geez okay we're putting map part one and two together oh my lantern okay we have the very large map and we have one more thing we need to find it looks like berries which i have no idea what they are in a money sign who has a lot of money mr beast let's find mr beast he loves preston so i'm sure he'll want to help us oh that looks like mr beast if i've ever seen him although he's kind of blonde okay what's up guys today we're doing the last to leave the red circle whoever wins and is the last to leave you get pink can i have some glowberries uh only if you can be the last to leave the red circle are we ready i'm ready all right let's just jump into it starting with zombies oh geez noob you're in this too i don't want to fight against you oh oh oh oh hit the villagers out we got two oh geez oh i know skeleton throw him in no no no no no i have two hearts this is not going to go well let's spawn in some lightning no no no no no i can't last much we got witches okay we have this villager left where did noob go is he still oh you're still in the circle go buddy did somebody say lava no oh no no no get out get out just walk out oh my atlanta does that mean i win oh yeah you win these psych if you can win the next challenge transition where am i i have quite a few where are you going you just woke up in a mysterious mansion yeah are you ready to get these pink glowberries yes well all you have to do is adopt every single dog in this mansion spawn in the dogs please oh my gosh here's some bones this should be super easy i'm like the animal whisperer no come back oh did you say easy i should probably mention there's gonna be evokers trying to kill you at every step oh my gosh i'm losing time so quickly okay i taped one two the vexes are getting a little strong did was that five ding ding ding that was five oh quick just take your gloveberries get out of here wait noob come on come on why are you in here run we have made it back to the evil players base oh no that's a guard hey boys i just whoa whoa whoa who do you think you are coming up in here you need to stay back the sun is setting and we only have like two hours until me and preston break up forever so we cannot mess this up i heard an old wives tale that you can yes you can use a tree root found in this biome uh to make a sleeping potion all we have to do is cook this up in a furnace and sleeping drought that's not even me hey boys i just got something really really yummy from the store i just decided to leave here oh no no no no here just try it it'll be so nice for you refreshing my favorite that worked immediately okay non-suspicious liquid acquired and where's the shield oh and i got a shield okay this is perfect preston i'm coming for you all i have to do is just splash how do you feel why are you shaking your head at me did it not work here let me do it one more time that potion won't work unless he sheds the tears of a human permanent breakout there is the break up here it's do this wait can man is better than you he's crying yay this feels weird but do you feel better can man now let me tell you how preston and i got married for the first time underwater so we are getting married in less than 24 hours and i'm bringing you to our beautiful underwater wedding venue this is insane what is right there's no decorations there's no flowers are you guys still getting married in 24 hours i mean unless she's planning to stand me up at the altar you don't have your wedding invites sent you don't have your wedding rings you don't have your wedding decorations you don't have your wedding dress and you don't have a wedding cake or a minister you guys are not ready if you guys don't do this in 24 hours you lose this spot so good luck that's our invitations what are you doing preston i can't get any where'd they go bri you got to swim and find them i'm trying i don't want just seven people to come to our wedding i think the first thing we need to do is send out our invites so people actually show up tomorrow okay well how many wedding invites do you want because i have seven so i could copy them in the meantime 456 haven't you seen squid game well i'm glad your dad's paying for the wedding we have to head to the post office wait i think i see the postman's carriage preston do you see that oh yeah i see it why is there a robotic shark preston try not to panic i know you are freaking out so bad right now yes look for something um like some sort of weapon we can use or all right i'm looking in the barrels i have an electric harpoon gun let me see if this works oh that was not romantic he's chasing me in the kelp wait he can't fit in this oh my god bree's trying to fit inside preston i just found you yeah oh my god oh oh burrito i killed him you better like the video for that i just almost was eaten by a shark preston follow the glowing light i bet the sea horses are in here free there's another shark go look for the seahorse i'll take the shark down stay away from my wife i was a seahorse i would be somewhere in here yeah oh breeze got me you bit me leg preston keep it up i found my first seahorse i don't know how long i can hold this bad boy off for did that hurt him i'm trying it desperately to keep him away from you bri are you close to being done maybe sometime soon it's harder to put a seahorse in a net than you would imagine preston i mean i'm literally having to juke the shark okay one more preston i think i found some sort of secret passageway i'm gonna find the remote you stand guard preston find it quick he's coming towards me i found it i'm on my way private i clicked it oh look at how close he was yeah not so dumb now are you buddy okay he's a little too close for comfort preston i have the seahorses you have the invitations i think it's time to invite our guests they have less than 24 hours to prepare bree look the post dragon is back babe it's a seahorse we don't have much time we need to put our invitations in the carriage all right hold on i've got a lot in this barrel i know you wanted like 400 but your dad told me that was too expensive all right make sure you're catching them take care of our wedding invites mr dragon you can do this sheldon this is the man's job in a wedding you do not have a ring i do not have a ring we need the ring i know just the place all right let's go get those metal rings of endearment that say you can never leave each other randy's that's literally my uncle's name is this my uncle's ring shop how can i help you i'm looking for a ring of endearment for myself and my future bride-to-be but i'm a little too tired to make rings today you need to make this work okay she's a little bit of a bridezilla i'm right here you have to gather the material for a wedding ring two of them you will need coral seaweed and this little thing called the pearl of the ocean it's gonna be in a giant clam but there might be some pirates around so good luck if we're gonna get coral do we need to make trades are there underwater mermaid villagers or should i just go on a mining experience i feel like there's got to be like a coral reef somewhere oh the chum bucket no we don't go to the chum bucket okay plankton is probably there we have a ton of coral in our inventory it is very pretty over here and do you see what i see the clam oh this thing is massive and rumor hasn't all you have to do is hit it like your subscribe button which you should do like this whoa wait breathe there's no pearl oh no bree look at the pirate ship oh geez pirate submarines holy cow do you still have your harpoon gun yes i do brie i will take care of these guys oh my god wait they're shooting back at us i'm glad i have a harpoon gun too i'll get the ones over here we need to destroy all of these pirates yo this one got out of his pirate boat where's he going you're trying to you got out of your boat wrong decision mikey i'm gonna defeat this last pirate preston and then i have a plan a pirate has taken me hostage in a submarine all i know to do is shoot it thank you oh that was terrifying fend off the rest preston i have to go in the ship i think these people definitely stole the pearl preston there's a lot of pirates in here please join me what about behind us maybe we should go behind us no no no i definitely think the pearl's this way i'm a little bit worried there's tnt all over the ship it's over here too what if they're raking this to blow it up did you get the pearl oh the barrel of the ocean guess what else i got run why would you do that before we're even close to getting out i don't know where the exit is free it's blowing up just find an exit anywhere oh we made it out alive just barely though let's go back to randy's randy we have made it back do you have this stuff too i ever bri don't give him the harpoon oh no no no randy that's not yours look at me randy mother of pearl she actually got it i thought you guys were going to be screwed let me just work on this ring real quick there we go do you guys think i can go to the wedding yeah actually we should give him an invite here he's actually been kind of nice there you go buddy but hey there is a dress code randy dress code these nuts we have to get out of here we have to figure out how to decorate our venue it was looking atrocious earlier we need a decorator preston where have you taken us listen bree science is always the answer this is a scientist and i think he can help us with our decorating problem that makes no sense what is it oh hello there we're about to get married and we need the best decoration for our wedding venue ever can you help us funny you ask i actually am working on a wedding designing prototype robot is that what this is it will renovate any wedding to make look beautiful how much is it well it's a little priceless right now but i have a missing fish named mimo nemo no meemo nemo with an inn how do we get her she was taken to the krusty krab so you're going to have to i don't know apply to work there maybe break her out of her prison if we save nemo do we get this decorating robot for our wedding consider it a deal hurry mimo doesn't have much time hello welcome to the krusty krab how can i help you i just wanted to see if you have any job applications my wife and i are looking to raise money for our wedding if you show me you know how to make a crappy patty then you can work here easy we got this preston here's the recipe we need onions cup of love seaweed sauce dried kelp squid ink and table salt okay i got the ink i got the seaweed sauce i found cup of love in dried kelp oh i got the onion how do i catch the sea salt ah come here little salt it's running away don't worry brie i got this ouch you hit me i got the sea salt preston this is not the right kind of ink you realize that right oh no don't tell me hello fine sir may i ink you um i'm not very ah i know that was uncomfortable but we needed your ink for the krabby patty i hate my job oh i got the onion boom onion in there and cook oh wow you made a gravy patty maybe if we give this a squidward we'll be hired good word [Music] that really went over his head huh wait but preston i thought we needed like a secret something on a krabby patty right we do and i think that secret thing that we need for the krabby patty might be memo i don't know if you've noticed this but there's a tiny fish i saw floating in the kelp aquarium hey squidward how was the krabby patty huh it looks like it's gone i ate it it made my hips a little uh large speaking of large you have a large customer coming into the restaurant right now you might need to go help him patrick what do you want okay let's go through the back door come on sir yes have memo nemo my baby hey a deal's a deal come on designer robot oh my gosh look how cute he is he follows you come on little robot we got a wedding venue to decorate why are you laughing like that no it was a cough preston tell him to sit right here i need you to sit where brianna's sitting please if you can make our venue look beautiful sparkling like cinderella do you have any other requirements presents no i just want this place to be and span i don't want no excuses hey be careful where you punch there tony baloney preston we have to go you don't have a tux and i don't have a wedding dress you are totally right how could i forget about my clothes again it looks like we found the shop it says clothes hello oh it's youtube youtube never paid for your wedding dress and talks so i threw it away that's aggressive wait a second bree did molly not pay it that was our assistant we're sorry is there anything we could do to make it up to you well i threw away it in the trash and the trash is directly above us that was a lot of money do you realize right now that there's a company team c's trying to remove trash that's not my problem mr beast hey are you trying to clean up the seas well not really we're trying to find my wedding dress in his tux but sure i'm down all right mr bass you're on larry mr beast you took us here for a reason do we have to get on this boat what if these aren't giant trash bags and they're actually sea mines um like you know if you touch it yeah they explode he just confirmed my nightmare okay pick up the trash to be fair preston we need to do this together breathe stop hitting the mind i'm not if you're not hitting the minds then my name is grandma jones i'm trying it's a difficult task marrying you is a difficult task i'm getting a ton of trash right now though we've got this some of the trash is so close to the mines i know hence why bree kept hitting them look at the bar though we're almost done bree i just can't wait for you to be mine forever well i mean we are already married that's right i just try to make a cute we're almost to our goal yes we did it do you want the trash back i have like just a couple things in my inventory uh bree you saw that flint and steel because i think you should burn the trash because this is disgusting listen van we did the best we could okay i mean i had brienne on my teeth hey that's me all the trash has been removed from the ocean now did you see a wedding dress in a tux floating i think something's wrong with your wedding dress it's really dirty ew yours is dirty too oh this is disgusting okay do we have to go to a dry cleaner what that's nice of you here i'm gonna hand you this and this yeah let me just d-rope for you buddy the next task is going to be one of your favorites can you guess what it is it's cake time is it because i got a large cake okay preston follow me this is the bakery hello how can i help you too lovely people we're picking up our wedding cake are you preston and brianna brianna but yeah well your wedding cake um was with my assistant and he was swallowed up by a whale so um what do you mean whale i have a thought we passed by the chum bucket earlier what would a whale eat plankton oh bri you are a beyond beautiful blonde let's head to the chum bucket get plankton get eaten by a whale and hopefully save our wedding cake and make it not covered in snot we made it do you have your net i've got my net pretty on the count of three we break in and we steal those plankton one two three go come here plankton oh bree don't worry i got one i got one look at him oh hello there guys whoa there's three just chilling up here i have two that was like catching pokemon wait i've got two as well this should be enough hopefully for the whale to swallow us this is definitely something i never thought i would want to do what are we gonna do with these can we put them on the ground no preston we have been swallowed by a whale oh my gosh breed you tell me you still have your harpoon i do i do wait bri remember we gotta look for the cake oh i only see skeleton heads dude this is it's called the guava should i push it no no that's how you escape the whale we want to do this once we've gotten the cake do you see the sign it says level one and then this room is locked up here so i think we have to make it through somehow okay so brie i found a stick earlier and there was a cobblestone in this barrel which means we can make a lever look at you oh geez just be careful there are skeletons everywhere but i am a master shot okay we've made it to level two preston i'll break parkour bree i did all the parkour at the very tippity top there's a lever in the chest so we can go to the next room i guess okay before we go on brie just make sure there's no cake in any of these barrels i don't see anything turn around i see a cake oh my gosh i'm just kidding it's flat like cardboard [Applause] okay oh geez bow and arrow i assume we need that now i played enough legend of zelda games to know where this is going yay something opened up wait right here oh my gosh you're good at this preston oh preston we made it to another room wait okay i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming this is level four wait and there was a diamond pickaxe at the top of this did you see this oh wait bri you have to break this block it's an obsidian block this might open the next door but there's also um redstone that is not connected oh preston i open the door run wait no nobody what if we can use this block of obsidian look see look now we both can go final level really i see our wedding cake wait it looks so pretty we have to get it back so i can eat that cake there's more parkour don't worry i believe in you all right buddy we have wooden planks are we supposed to make a trap door this is a really cool thing let me give you one of these trapdoors place it on this right here this block so like you want to place it down at the bottom because look watch this we did it we found our wedding cake it is so big why is noob here excuse me are you the assistant pastry chef that explains why our cake got eaten by a whale no your job is to work for us noob i'm taking our cake think about what you have done if you do this to other people's cakes they will be more upset than me don't light him on fire you're right bree we shouldn't light him on fire we should harp him he probably respawned right i have the wedding cake now we have to get out of here somehow remember we saw the ugula i think we got a tickle see bree i told you he would respawn i don't know why you set a spawn point in a whale but uh are you going to let us get out by tickling the uglava stand in here this is for his blowhole [Applause] preston i think we should go back check on the robot see if mr beast has our clothes and then go from there okay let's check on the menu preston what's happening this looks worse than before what are you doing little robot you were supposed to help us my guy this was not what was in the programming designing robot this is not what we want this is unacceptable i love you though you're cute and small but you're just not good at decorating maybe you have another thing you're good at what is my purpose this is a perfect time to tell everybody be yourself you're beautiful and amazing comment be you down below if you want to be featured in a video like these people just be you oh hi mr beast oh this looks so much better yo from dud to stud preston how do i look bree oh my god you're actually glowing so much that it hurts my eyes oh thank you i'll take that mr bees could you help us redecorate this venue by tomorrow when our wedding is preston where are you going you remember we still need a minister well where are we gonna find a minister at these times uh wait is there like an underwater church isn't there a rule that the captain of a ship can marry people preston i know this captain well this is captain fishy let's see if he's nice this time hello captain fishy we meet again it's me third mate brienne you want me to wed you too i see well i can do that only if you help me out we need to do something for you to marry us what is it i have a pet whale that's not feeling very good after swallowing get this stupid person wait bree um moment please i think he's talking about noob i know exactly who you're talking about you do are you two okay are you sure you want to get wedded yes we do we can save him he's our friend actually all right will you bring him out and then i'll wed you too thank you captain fishy you won't regret this we love you all seriously invite to our wedding you'll need it i don't need this and here's this one too it's really good for fish preston we have the healing potion and i have an idea do you remember earlier we were swallowed by the whale once we got plankton he needs to take his medicine so what if we use our robot friend to hold on to plankton and give him the medicine sounds logical robot friend hi robot friend i can see the whale plankton oh we have to hurry we don't want to get swallowed oh my gosh i put the potion of healing on plankton in the robot so hopefully he'll feel better he doesn't look like he feels too good free it works hi noob noob will you follow us we have a friend who wants to see you is that the guy in my whale you saved my will i'll wed you too and he might be a good ring bear he looks like a child we have two hours until we get married i have to go back to the venue make sure the running is ready to go and you captain fishy need to review the vows he's actually here he has the rings oh no bri dory i got this the seahorses from earlier are here we can ride them to chase the shark good idea bree oh wow yeah these guys are fast i've never operated a seahorse before this is very difficult i think i see the shark in the distance good boy i have the rings do you still have the remote can you deactivate the shark yes what no three two one click no no no no stop it you fluffy the scientist was behind it the whole time wait preston it's coming after us now what do i do you said you were gonna deactivate it i think the remote died oh my gosh what the whale he just defeated the shark and we got both of the wedding rings back so that means we officially got married underwater no we kiss now let me tell you how preston meets his end or so we think do you think you could try to find a snack for us potentially all right let me see if i can go find us a snack i found the snow cone it literally says perfectly normal snow cone okay it actually wasn't bad preston don't look down what oh i do not like this what's on my foot bree i think that's tnt do you see something at the top of your screen brie i think this still coach was poisoned president i love you i didn't know everybody gets sick at the carnival there's definitely a nurse okay just i'm a nurse so i have nurse senses yeah but you're out of practice and you never really were that good of a nurse do you want to die no oh i do not trust this guy breathing i know this is definitely a black market surgeon yeah what's going to be the problem oh goodness oh well there was so much we gotta why does chase look like that hey guys what's what's up i i've been in here for like 24 hours i don't know what's going on brie i do not want to end up like him let him die but save me i'm going to die or not chill there i'm gonna i'm gonna think of a plan okay hold on i'll be i'll be back in a sec so let's just go up this way i can barely see him from here he looks like he's holding up though oh there's buttons release one two three four five six all i have to do is get in there push the correct button and it will release my husband that's that's all we need to do then we can take him home he'll take a bubble bath and he'll feel better just need a disguise hmm yes yes this mustache looks very good on me this is my new voice hello sir your medical paperwork is not up to code could you please bring me your paperwork i knew they would find me i'll get that paperwork right away for you it worked all i have to do is get back here and go are you out no oh no oh no oh no really why did you let him out oh no preston the nurse doctor has died did you see that and guess whose fault that is now we've got murder on our hands uh we're gonna have more death on our hands if we don't fix you in less than 24 hours so can you help yeah yeah actually there's some supplies back here i'm pretty sure let's go yeah that's what he said uh we don't even know how to what is this what cure ingredient list bree i told you he was actually trying to help us take a look at this oh it's all the prizes from before before he died he told me this is the cure machine so if we can get all the ingredients to put in this dispenser i think i can be turned back to normal i know just what to do we have to play a series of all of the carnival games in order to uh turn you back to normal so we don't have time to chit chat what's up what's happening in my face what's happening to my face preston you look thick oh no no no no it's on my hip it's on my break breathe i think the infection is spreading we gotta go fast we gotta go let's get that robot battery to the park call course would you guys like to participate i mean is that what we have to do to get that battery if you want a battery you must jump into this two-seater and parkour together all the way up top and land right above you whoa i can't see anything whoa brie i think you are controlling the jumps and i'm controlling the movement oh okay jump jump jump jump nice there we go there we go okay get ready and jump nice jump we can skip this blue one let's go straight up jump okay nice oh we're good at this wait what if we just do a triple jump okay we're gonna try to away straight to this green one you ready no way okay and jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump we're just going to sidestep this okay only two jumps are necessary and go jump jump congratulations you guys did it next up is an enchanted snowball which can be found at a water gun brace no no no no bri i don't know whatever you said but i think you triggered it oh my gosh i have tinted nipples it's okay you look beautiful hey guys please subscribe so my husband doesn't die i would really appreciate that using my death to gain subscribers you know what i gotta do something the mechanics are simple for this one ladies and gentlemen all you have to do is throw the snowball at your armor stand and make it reach the end are we ready yup take your places just push the button please go for the iron go for the iron okay iron get it before it comes out get it get it nice preston you can do this and you're not hitting it you gotta hit it i don't know what i'm really looking for i'm trying to get ahead of it you know oh this is close bree this is close keep going keep going keep going yes no we were first we were first that was a buzzer beater but it was on the text on first i didn't get a playback let me get a playback free play my producers the winner of the snowball water gun race armor stand fiasco iron later bozos quick we need ghost toes at the ghost hunters game are you ready to hunt some ghosts if you can reach a thousand ghost tokens your ghost toes will be yours now here are your blasters when you're ready hop into the cart okay preston i'll go in the back you go in the front oh there we go thank you thank you i told you i wasn't that heavy preston this reminds me of that game we played at disney world this is a really good you're missing a lot of shots i mean it's because you complimented me i think and now i'm really nervous yeah get these ones oh my gosh there's so many right here oh my gosh we have to fill the bar fast we're getting i know i know the ride's almost over the ride's almost over keep going keep going sir just take us to the next game uh we're looking for pig lipstick oh no preston no oh whoa my arm is infected i know hey this is bad this is bad it's okay we're close to the end of the list um halfway there you guys are the worst just okay if you can defend the pig then the prize is yours wait defend the pig from what just grab your knockback sticks and you'll know i mean the only thing you need to defend it from is me because i'm a bacon no no no no no preston do you want to die or live all right summon the end of dragons wait the what okay why do these look like little tiny freaky dinosaurs these are horrible oh these are terrifying looking these are just chilling over here i don't know what's scarier me are these freaking indoor dinosaurs guys this might be the creepiest thing i've ever seen in minecraft sorry you're in my way you're getting faster we're almost done like ten more seconds ten more seconds i gotta lose if you're trying to get his butt back stay away from that pig's body fine so many bra you gotta watch that oh my gosh free breathe help thank you oh directly from the pig present that's messed up now we need to head to a painting game calm the frick down who gave this man a stick oh preston edible paint i just want to eat it do not eat paint wait it's edible exactly oh no not this do you just run every single game by yourself do not have any other employees do you think noob has enough money listen i'm tr i'm trying to keep this place float okay you two are gonna participate in a painting party oh you guys will have to draw one of two mobs and if it's not perfect you don't get the edible paint oh jeez okay send in the artist wait the models the models okay the truck calm down preston it's not shrek it's shrubs hey don't touch the model please okay i don't know um either pencil okay yo dude hold on let me get a yo model can you come stand a little bit closer it's like microsoft paint hey chuckles buddy could you come here okay just could you do a little spin just really fast just okay beautiful love the spin uh best model walk right now just a little bit of a love that love that looking great all right actually my drawing is coming together mine is pretty good actually bree it's happening to me i'm transparent no no no no no no yeah it just happened it just happened i'm almost done i'm almost done we had very different tactics for this oh choco's has a nest weight this is the cutest thing i've seen in my entire life yo how does yours look so good i don't think i did i'm confused like how this happened to be honest like that what the frick how did you do yours like that let's take a look um actually that looks pretty good this is amazing oh thank you can i can i purchase this anywhere only on oh my goodness all right excuse me sir what is this hey that's uh shrek brianna you win the edible paint yay and now preston you need to go take artistic lessons before i just do that yeah i was gonna say thanks free but i probably should take some art lessons okay we have one more game preston um a battleship game and i think the only way that we can win with this one is if chuckles comes with us as moral support battleship if you two can defend this battleship against all the pirates you win a sailor's hat bree that's the final ingredient we need for this cure and then hopefully i can go back i know it's getting pretty serious preston we have to hurry handsome tell me i'm handsome you're handsome you're fiery hot because you're about to explode i am the hottest man alive you're the the hottest all right there's a chance around this park please take your places go go why is my boat sinking oh please sir lose some weight dude okay lily i've got a sinking feeling about this brief i don't know what's happening juggles is following me bring my boat here i'll come pick you pick me up come pick me up there you go all right do we go up here chuckles is here for emotional support hi buddy oh i'll take an ice cannon i don't know what's happening i think there's something wrong with my body i think i couldn't climb the ladder earlier calm down here i will just i'll just do this for you oh thank you thank you wait do i shoot this yes don't waste your magma sorry sorry you're right okay so the pirates are approaching uh you take this side i'll take the other oh prepare to meet your maker for my name is monkey de luffy i got a lot of pirates on this side and i don't know why but they're not being dude they're like super immune to my magma i have no it oh wait preston we have to do it together fire and ice yo hey whoa breathe breathe get this one get this one okay they're all lit up use your eyes use your eyes snooze i'm spamming roy jones right to us okay bree i'm gonna do my job i'm just gonna ignite all of them and then as soon as they're ignited is when you can use your froze frost my elsa technique oh i'm close to death i am near death i can't even see anything that was icy oh that was hot wait if you ice them first then i can explode them as well yes this is some really good teamwork right here oh no brie no no i'm morphing again i'm morphing again oh i'm on my last stage oh my gosh we have to go we can't wait for this game to finish we have to go well okay well how are you supposed to get the uh the sailor's hat if you don't finish the game let's use our fire and ice powers on uh the game dude how about that three two one wait the game's not over wait wait you dropped it i see the hat did you get it no i got the mustache oh my gosh breath look for the hat where's the hat it's gotta be in the smoke go go i have it let's run to the tent okay go go go we have no idea i can literally ignite at any moment in time we gotta get back to the cure machine where where is he this is the only option take me to the tent this is just how i got her to marry me here's what we're gonna do listen listen put all the ingredients in that dispenser here take all of them okay got it be got it everything i'm going inside oh i'm stressed please please work please work please work put them in and press the button and little paint lipstick sailor hat just put them in the trees what else was there how many things were there press the button press the button oh i think it's working good good good it looks you're looking great you're looking the same uh press in are you sure you put the right ingredients in i promise i pushed the right button whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa free i'm trapped i literally can't break the tnt hey guys no put that flynn steel down don't do it not no no no no no no you put that flint no run run run run run run run run run go go oh [Music]
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 2,054,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: U94G0wjClR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 25sec (3985 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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