The ALPHA Wolf's FAMILY In Minecraft!

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Lily will you marry me wait what's going on huh yeah I I will wait a minute did you guys just get married yay oh my yo no no no what is happening rocks you you can't get married huh well too bad I just did oh my yo my two best friends just got married it's not official until I give her the ring oh wait I can't I can't take this just yet wait why can't you take the diamond ring it's super duper shiny because we don't have anywhere to get married oh yeah you're totally right where are you guys gonna get married Roxy just doing the grass yeah Lily why don't we just do it in the grass I need a pretty wedding area oh my yo Roxy she's not gonna accept her ring until we get her a pretty wedding area what are you gonna do uh I'm gonna cry no no no no Roxy don't cry here take your diamond ring back and you're not gonna cry you're gonna get married today my friend Roxy Roxy Roxy you don't you get it man you are gonna build a pretty area really you would help me of course I would Roxy anything for love what are you guys talking about ah nothing we're not building anything for you right Roxy no we're not doing anything yeah we're just doing like a normal build battle yeah that's a good line let's do a build battle T she has no idea yeah we're gonna do a build battle I'll go on the big side we're gonna go on the red side see ya all right I'm going for you I can't believe that worked but Lily we need to build a wall in between us okay uh oh whoa why because um what's a good line what's a good lie I don't know oh gosh um because I don't want you picking on our bills haha I'm not gonna peek at your build what yes you are Lily so we have to make a super giant wall so you can't see on the other side sorry so let me put the wall in yeah Lily you can't see this anymore uh I'll see you in like on 10 minutes okay all right that's weird I'm super excited but what are we gonna build out of oh I mean I've never really been to a wedding because you know I haven't ever had a girlfriend or actually ever spoken to a girl other than Lily you're such a baby no no no Roxy I'm not a baby it's just like oh whatever never mind but I think wedding Alters are made out of quartz blocks right they're always white because it's like a lot of and stuff awesome and I think it's like a super big building and then a bunch of rows of seats for everyone to watch the marriage right yeah that sounds that's all right so let's get started with that outline and I think it should be pretty big without the too crazy so I think these are good Dimensions right yeah that's perfect so instead of building it by hand let's just use our magical wand and build up a couple of blocks and then set some chords block just like that and Kaboom we now have the shape of it and the way weddings work is the people who are getting married walk down the red carpet then they go up the stairs over here and then this is the super giant stage where they say they're like vowels like I love you and I won't poop in your face and stuff right that's exactly what they say perfect so we have to make a bunch of room on stage and to do that we can just use our magic one again and then make it all turn into air perfect and the stage is complete now let's replace these blocks with some quartz stairs just like that and boom we have the stairs set up so you guys could climb up do you like it Roxy I love it oh my yo yes yes yes perfect at home we didn't make a carpet for you guys to walk on right yeah we do but um what color should we make it out of because normally it's a red carpet but if we make it only red what if Lily doesn't like it how about we 've been red and pink wool oh my yo Roxy that is a genius idea we'll make it out of both colors so both of you love it so let's grab some red carpets and then let's grab some big carpets and we're gonna make this side out of all red carpets just like that perfect that this side out of all pink carp is just like that and Kaboom the carpets are complete it looks awesome I know right it's so cool and the way weddings work is the people who are getting married don't see each other until the actual wedding so you're gonna come from over here and she's gonna come from over there so let's make the red carpet lead this way and it's going to lead to a building where you're gonna get ready and then this way for Lily and it's going to lead to where Lily's gonna get ready just like that there's nowhere to get ready it's empty Oh no you're completely right we need to make an area to get ready so let's grab some Oak Flakes and we're gonna make a super big room so you can get ready okay all right let's build it so let me make the dimensions just like this and then grab a magic wand and then fill it all with some Oak plates with some magic baby oh yeah now let me use it again to make the inside air so it's not filled up and Kaboom it is now empty on the inside and perfect this is where you're going to get set up but wait a minute Roxy OB I don't mean to be rude by uh your outfit you don't get married in an outfit like this you need some armor yeah and I have a really really awesome idea we're gonna make an automatic armor stand shooter that sounds awesome but how do we do it I have no idea but I know it's gonna be really hard but we have a bigger problem what armor are you gonna use we need to decide that first for the chest plate I want another race all right I got you another ride chest plate this is super expensive what about for your pants I like gold pants all right let's get some gold pants and finally your booties what do you want for your booties I want some iron ones all right here is your outfit it's gonna be some nice iron booties another one chest plate and some golden pants do you like them of it yay perfect but now it's time to make the armor stand shooter and uh this is gonna be hard oh God oh no I don't know if I can but if I don't I'm gonna film my best friend um please find a way oh no Roxy sounds like he's about to cry okay okay Roxy uh trust me I'll find a way okay oh gosh oh gosh I have no idea how to do this but I guess we'll just try first let's grab some diamond blocks to outline where the armor stands are gonna pop up which is right over here then next we're gonna need an armor stand and what I want to happen is this block over here to disappear at the arbor stand with all the armor pop up to here um how do I do this how do I do this well first Armor's day needs to be down over here and it needs to shoot up and huh what items can do that I know we could use a sticky piston at a slide block so let me grab a sticky piston and the sly block now we need to make a mechanism over here that's gonna shoot it up so let's clear up some area by breaking everything just like that perfect now let's put the armor stand on the slime block just like that and let's test it out if I get a lever and I put it next to it and flick it it oh I know it actually works it shoots it up but all we have to do now is make sure that the block comes over here and that's gonna take even more Redstone oh my yo this is going going to be a really hard project wait wait no no Roxy I can't do it I promise you oh gosh oh gosh Roxy thinks I can't do it Roxy I picky promise I'll do it for you okay thank you promise right now all right let me pick he promised this is this working I don't know how to pick a promise so I can't break it down oh my yo this is a lot of pressure but I'm gonna make it work so the first thing we need to do is grab some Redstone and connect it to the Piston like this and make it go up a staircase all the way around to the top just like that and then we're gonna add a lever over here so when we flick it it activates the Piston perfect oh my yo that works so well well only half of it were a proxy I don't know if the rest is going to gosh I did don't worry Roxy don't worry I'll get it done so the next step is we need this block to shoot forward so the armor stand is stuck up there and to do this we have to break back over here and then add a sticky piston like that and then add some Redstone back over here just like this and then make it go around like that and then we need to make a redstone torch elevator I think so let's put a block like that and then our redstone torch on top that a redstone torch like that and yeah that works perfectly so that we could add a quartz block like that then let's grab a repeater and then connect it to the back of this block over here and then make the Redstone go around and since this needs to activate after this slime block we have to add some delay on the repeater so let's make it two ticks and now it's time for test number one you ready yeah I hope it works all right let me flick the lever and oh wait a minute what um Roxy we have a problem what it didn't work oh my God wait where did the armor stand go did it just get deleted oh my yo wait let me get another one come on please work so let me flick the lever and oh my yo it doesn't work oh gosh the delay is completely off oh no oh no let me change the delay and let me make it so there's no delay let's see if this works oh gosh Roxy please don't cry oh gosh no no Roxy look at me please do not be sad how can I peace out if nothing's going to plan oh gosh oh no no no Roxy's right nothing is going to plan but wait a minute Roxy I have a good idea what's your idea maybe if we dance on the Redstone it's gonna work wait that's a great idea all right let's dance dance Redstone work Redstone work please work okay it should work now and hello how do you do that I have no idea but yes yes yes let's test it out one more time so right now there's no armor stand and we have to get ready for the wedding so we flick it in oh my yo it is perfect thank you so much now all we have to do is grab your armor and put it on the armor stand just like that and now if you want to get ready all we have to do is come into this room lick the lever and oh my yo there is your outfit oh my God I can't believe it Roxy is so happy wow so for now let's close this up and it's now ready for whenever Roxy needs it I want fireworks to explode when I leave the door oh my yo that is literally genius so after you get your super awesome armor on you walk out and then this door automatically opens and then come boom fireworks everywhere right yep exactly well that sounds um kind of hard I'm gonna be honest I don't think I could do that oh no oh no Roxy seems really sad about that um um I mean yeah I could do I could tell do that Pinkie Pie oh my God I have to think he promised when I don't even know if I could do this uh do I have to yeah you oh my oh okay Pinky Promise and is this even a pinky promise Roxy we're just like bumping our heads up yes this is a pinky promise oh my y'all all right whatever just move out of the way well I guess the first step is to make an automatic door do you have any ideas on how to do that Roxy because I don't want no just use your big head oh my yo my head is not that big stop being rude yes it is oh my y'all really Roxy whatever but I guess I can make you a cool door and the first thing we need is some sticky pistons then we need some Redstone and some repeaters I hope I think I don't even know um just try your best all right I guess and I'm gonna make it so that the blocks come out of the ground and then go directly up I know right so let me break it like that and make some more room over here and we're gonna need a lot more room because we're gonna be working with some slime blocks so let's break all of this just like that perfect then let's place a sticky piston over here and then another one next to it with two slime blocks on top and what we need to happen is first this piston gets activated then this one does so it covers up the wall then it pulls back like that and um wait a minute Roxy we have a problem Joshua what happened the walls got pulled down with it oh my yo I forgot slime blocks stick to everything so we have to break all of that and grab some unmovable indestructible blocks like bedrock and put it all around where the slime blocks are gonna be okay that's so smart thank you Roxy so just like that let's add bedrock and now let's test it out so first this gets activated then the next one does and nothing got taken away now let's add two blocks for the door and then two more Bedrock like that and let's see if we pull it back did everything get pulled down correctly and yes it did yay let's go so are we done um not even close Roxy I didn't do any Redstone yet oh no no no no Roxy do not cry I think I have an idea all right let's see oh gosh I don't have an idea I just said that so rocks could feel good but um how should we do this first we need a repeater going into one of these and then a power source would hit that and then we need another Redstone current to go this way then up a block like that and no that doesn't work we need it to go up first then like this and then into a block like that and wait does this work no it doesn't work oh no oh this is so difficult maybe if we add another repeater with more delay will this work now let's activate it with a torch and wait it closes and does it open no it doesn't open oh my yo why does it not open oh my yo what the hecka oh it's because this sticky piston is activating too early but I have a good idea if we go all the way around here and then put some redstone on this side like that and then go into this way and then make a hole like that and then connect this Redstone all the way this way and put a block over here so these two don't connect but it still brings the current over here then we make it lead into the sticky piston like this will it work now come on please just work for once so let's put the torch down and then break it and oh my God wait wait it's so close to working wait we have to add more delay like this and this should work oh this is it gonna oh I hope so Roxy don't worry I think it will so let me activate it and it closes then activated again and it works oh my yo wait I think I just broke it I don't know it's not turning on huh what is happening oh my yo wait the what is connected to the Slime oh my God I completely forgot so now it should work let's test it out and if I activate it it goes nah up what the hell is happening it's because you have to add Bedrock oh yeah you're right because we need a block to be in between both of these like that and yes it works let's try it out again so let's break the torch and oh my yellow gets pulled down then hit it and oh my zone gets pushed up holy guacamole we just made a floor up here from thin air this might be my best Redstone creation ever great job now all we have to do is make it so we can activate it with some pressure plates so let's add a redstone dust over here then break over here and make a connect this way then grab a stone slab and then put it on this side like that and then connect some Redstone over here and now if we cover it all up just like this grab a pressure plate this should work are you ready Roxy yeah I'm ready all right let me step on it and oh wait um nothing's happening um what's wrong I don't know wait you said on the pressure plate and I'll go down and see what's happening okay all right I'm on it and um oh I see what's wrong wait the Redstone was supposed to connect oh my God I'm so silly let me break this block and let me break that one and wait it works and yeah it works uh oh this is not working anymore oh no wait I think I broke too much let me put a block over here and uh it still doesn't work Roxy what did we do idea oh my yo this is so bad what is happening I don't know I don't know neither do I wait let me see if I replace that with some normal Redstone it still doesn't work Roxy we messed up everything no no no Roxy don't cry I'm gonna keep trying my best okay maybe this will work and wait wait oh yes it works it works it works okay okay it works like this wait but it works opposite oh wait you're right when we stand on the pressure plate it's supposed to open not close oh my yo how am I gonna fix this huh do you promise okay okay I'll try my best and wait a minute I don't think this is gonna be too hard all we really have to do is switch this out with a redstone torch then go on this side and switch this out with another one and wait does this actually work let's try it out so let me fill up all of this just like that perfect now Roxy move and step on the pressure plate all right I'll try it out let's see come on and wait it works and does it automatically close and it does yes yes thank you so much you're welcome Roxy this is awesome but um wait a minute we have a problem how do we go oh my uh we have to add a button for that oh one second let's climb back in like this let's get a button put it right over here and for this we're gonna do something really special we're going to use a command block so let's break this block over here then put a command block down with a button and then type out this command so it automatically sets a redstone block to activate it so let's make this work so when we hit the button it goes down and then it automatically goes back up oh yeah thank you so much Roxy oh my yeah we have a working door that appears from thin air oh my oh yeah I did forget about the fireworks oh my gosh do we really have to do fireworks um do you want me I mean married oh well I do want you to get married but like do we really have to can you just like get married to this um I guess I did pinky promise okay fine I'll make the fireworks but this is gonna be super duper hard huh it doesn't okay fine and I have a really good idea let's make a row of fireworks shoot out like this and it's all gonna happen one after each other how does that sound so all you want is gonna go pew pew pew pew pew all around you let's do it so first let's break some space for the fireworks just like that perfect now let's grab some dispensers and let's test out how a rocket would look so let's put one of the normal rockets inside and a button next to it in that sucks right yeah the water what's that called Kaboom oh my other ones that go Kaboom but this one is like good enough right it's oh wow that's terrible oh my yo you're right I did but I do know a secret way to make Mega big awesome fireworks what how do you do that oh my oh I guess I'll show you my secret first we need to get a crafting table and we need a lot of items so let's clear out our inventory for this we're gonna need some red dye some magenta dye some pink dye some diamonds some fire charges and finally some Gunpowder what in the hell are we making we're making something awesome baby then let's put down a crafting table and put them all inside in this particular order it has to be like this Roxy huh why because it just does and now we could make a firework star what do we do with that well first we gotta craft 64 of them then we need to get more materials we need to get some white tie and then some purple dye and then craft that as well with the firework star and finally we need some paper and some Gunpowder and this is going to make the ultimate fireworks oh it comes to be that cool is it Roxy Roxy Roxy don't be silly I call this rocket the OM specialty baby all right of it put in the dispenser alrighty let me put it inside get these trash Rockets out of here and let's put one of the ohms ones and wait before we activate it let's make it nighttime oh yeah so we can see it uh-huh so it's now night at in three two one combo I know right oh my yo that's so cool all right let's do a bunch oh my yo number two holy guacamole that's so cool you so much now we have to add a row of dispensers but we're gonna make it down so it's a little bit hidden like that and let's do the same on the other side just like this and wait a minute there's Redstone over here from the other build so we have to break down like that and then give some room so yeah that works yeah this is perfect and now it's time to do all the Redstone wiring um can you do it uh I mean I think so I've been doing pretty good so far today so let me just try my best and let's see what happens so first let's go mining down over here and put our repeater on each one of them just like that and since we're gonna make them go boom boom boom boom boom we need to put some DeLay So the first one could have one tick then the second one two then the third one three then the fourth one maximum then the fifth one maximum plus one and now let's connect some Redstone to it and oh my yo wait there's even more Redstone interfering so let's put that down there and then block it off with a block oh no no no that doesn't work oh gosh how are we gonna make this work this is gonna be really what if I make it go back like this then down like that and then will this still work for the other machine and yes it does nice so now I could hook up Redstone to all of these repeaters just like that perfect and now let's put the fireworks inside so let's put one in each one just like this and perfect they are now completely filled with the ohm special rocket nice trouble so let's make a staircase up to me and then add some Redstone and it's now time for test number one you ready yum let's grab a lever and in three two one boom and oh my yo that was awesome right yeah oh my gosh now all we have to do is cover this up and um wait a minute Roxy oh even if we cover up the wall we're still gonna see the dispensers that's ugly yeah I wish there was a way that I could just shoot at from nothing and I know exactly how how all we need to do is grab some ghost blocks and put them all on top just like this so now let's test it out and oh my yo that is so cool it's literally shooting fireworks through the ground that's awesome right cool holy guacamole so now let's break that crap a pressure plate put it in the middle like this then connect Redstone to this side just like that and then break over here so we can connect the Redstone to this side as well and we have to make it the exact same time we have the other side so it looks super cool right yeah we have to do it exactly all right so let me make the same pattern for the staircase down just like that put the Redstone down over here Perfecto then let's add the first repeater at one tick the second at two the third at three the fourth at four then the fifth one let's make it fully and then we have to go back even more and then add one and then connect Redstone to it all now let's fill them all up with the ohm special fireworks and Kaboom they are all completely filled and let's put some of our ghost blocks on top and now it's time to test it so if I walk over it oh my yo that is awesome Roxy you try that out I want to see that from the side all right and oh no and oh my yo that is beautiful it has all of our colors red pink and blue I love it I know but we still need to cover up all this evidence so let's place blocks over here just like that and wait for over here we're gonna have to put a ghost block so the Redstone still works and then do the same on the other side like that and come boom it is now done I love it so much me too oh my yo this is the greatest creation we've ever done oh wait a minute what's the problem gift for Lily oh my yo you're totally right at a wedding you're supposed to get her a gift will you make her a gift right now and quick what gift should we get her I know exactly what we should get or we should make her a super duper giant statue of herself right over here and we can make it in a giant gift box and then we can make it when you hit a button the gift box automatically opens up and reveals her presence so are you smart enough to do that really Roxy yeah of course I am come follow me and let's build a statue of Lily and uh wait do you remember what Lily looks like I completely forgot I think bodies made of pink oh yeah she looks basically like us but like in pink with like pear right am I right on this yeah yeah oh my gosh how do you not even know what she looks like when you're trying to get married to her you're so silly Roxy sorry I haven't oh my God okay whatever but first let's make our little legs just like this and perfect this should be tall enough because Lily's not that tall she's kind of short then let's make her waist over here and then we're gonna start building up for her body just like that and I think that's good for her body size right yeah that's perfect now instead of using my hand for the rest of this let me just grab a magical wand then set some Bank wall just like that oh yeah perfect next let's add our arms down just like that and perfect that looks awesome and wait a minute do we have hands or is it just like a sleeve we have like fingers oh yeah we have like those little white thingies so let's add our nails over here on each side then let's go on this side and add her arm just like that perfect and it's just the right length yep it's perfect and let's build up just like that and boom both arms are done now let's do the fingernail on that side and the fingernail on that side and oh my yo that's awesome her body's complaining but we still need a head oh yeah we need our hat and um I do not remember what she looks like so I'm just gonna make myself but like a girl version I think okay first you need some cakes all right let me grab some cheeks and I'm gonna make it out of red wool then we're gonna need some Sandstone for the skin and let's just go based off that you know what I'm just gonna look at your face so it is two red blocks on the side like that and wait that does not fit ohms make it one only all right let me just make it one and then put her face like that okay then we have to build up one then we build her eyes which is white on the outside like that then let's grab some black wool and then make the black on the inside like this and then make the middle of her face and um wait a minute I made it too high we have to lower it by one just like that and perfect and now she looks um extra silly wait wait let's just shave the top of that off and then move it like this and that looks so much better then next let's get her hair and she has black hair right yeah that's just the color alrighty so let's make our hair like that and she kinda has a big forehead but that's really silly let's make our hair go down all the way because I remember she had long hair right yeah she has alrighty perfect let's make it just like that Roxy are you sure this looks like Lily yeah totally but um something's off and I know what we didn't put the top of her like Mass thingy because she's a cat oh yeah so let's grab some gray whoa look and make her little nose right over here and then pink wool for her head and yes this is starting to look more like Lily this is the Lily I remember oh my yo that's so much better then let's make the rest of her head out of pink wool just like that and you know what we have a magic wand so let's use it just like that and boom the rest of her head is complete then we need to add her little eyes and cheeks on the side so let's make it one block like that and then the eyes like this perfect then let's do the same on the other side the eye then the gray like that nice and then underneath we're gonna have to add some red for the cheeks on her mask and perfect her cat mask has gone blue awesome I know right but it's now time to get her gift wrapping so we literally need to make a gift but um how are we gonna do that either do I oh my yo this is gonna be difficult don't worry let's make the gift wrap out of greed oh wow that's a great idea so let's grab some lime green wool and put the first quarter over here like that and since we have a magic wand let's just do this so it's so much quicker then put the next side over here but let's build super high up like this and then make a whole wall just like that perfect then let's get this corner go all the way down over here then put the second corner and come boom we now have the next side then let's go up over here and then do this side just like this and perfect and now let's do the final side all the way up over here and boom she's completely wrapped all righty and instead of doing it by hand let's just do it with our magic one like that come out oh yeah great job but we're missing a bow so let's put a bow on top and I've never built one before so I'm gonna try my best to make it even so let's make it go up and then do like a little spinny twirl thingy then make it go back down like that and make it go up over here and then up again and wait does this look good um wait Roxy this is so uneven oh my gosh Roxy stop being rude I'm trying my absolute hardest does that look better that looks like way worse oh my gosh Roxy I'm trying I don't know how to do this oh maybe if I do that and then that and then maybe make it go up one like that oh my God that's too high come on I'm trying I'm trying and wait oh that looks really good right yeah you just go thank you so much and whoa this present is huge oh my yo that is a really good question we need a command block to make all of this disappear but how what if you replay all the green with air that is a great idea so let me grab my command block and let's go all the way down over here so you can do the review with the one button so let's place the command block over here and the first command is to make this wall disappear so let's use our magic wand and we now have the positions and let's put it in and make it turn it into air just like that so now when this command block is activated this entire wall is going to disappear and now let's grab some repeaters and put one over here at maximum delay then another one at maximum delay then put the next command block and let's grab the coordinates for this wall and perfect and let's put it in the next command and make it turn into air and then let's do the same thing with the repeaters by putting two and a command block at the end of it then getting the chords for the next side and then let's fly back and put it inside and make it air and then finally let's do the last wall so let's add the repeaters first and the command block over here and then get the core coordinates and boom we got that let's put it in the last command block and make it into air baby oh yeah and now they're all gonna turn into air what about the bathroom oh yeah I completely forgot about the belt we have to make that disappear as well so let's grab the commands and then go all the way back down and then add one last command block over here and put it in and make it turn into air and boom they're all ready but we're not gonna test it out we're gonna test it out when Lily's here all right that's gonna be intense I can't wait so let's grab a lever and put it on the command block and we will not hit it until Lily's here okay okay away for Roxy does that mean that we're done no we need a place to display the Diamonds oh yeah you're totally right we have to have it on display and wait since this gift kind of destroyed the stairs we have to move the stairs over here so we have to make it like go this way and then up like that and then like make it turn sorry guys it's gonna be a little awkward but here is where the diamond's gonna be so let's grab a bunch of diamond blocks and put it all around it like this then let's grab it item frame but not a normal one we're gonna get it with the glowiness so let's put it right over here and Roxy put the diamond inside okay oh nice and that looks so pretty and this is all for Lily oh my yo that's awesome and now are we done yeah now we're done let's go Lily wait a minute um Roxy we totally were doing a build battle oh yeah pretend to rebuild all right let's go Lily let's rate your build are you guys ready ready oh my yo yeah this is awesome wait Roxy she actually like built something crazy oh my gosh she explain how your build what is this house whoa this is awesome you have a giant tree over here and then another one over here I don't want it oh my water fountain Let Me swim in it oh please that is gross water yeah it's sewer water yeah like from toilets huh exactly from toilet oh my oh that is gross but wait can we climb up this street to the house yeah climb up right here all righty let's go up and oh my yeah we're now up on top of the tree and we can enter a house and uh Lily um where's the door I don't think you out of the door just follow me wait what follow you we have to fly to get to the door where's the door right here oh my y'all she used ghost blocks but you can't even reach it because it's in the middle of the sky isn't it awesome oh yeah I guess whatever but whoa this inside is awesome holy guacamole we have a bunch of toys there are so many and they're all on top of trampolines that's such a cool touch and whoa you even have a cool table with all of our colors and some is that a flamingo pink flamingos oh my yo that's awesome and Away you have blue red and pink chairs all for us right yeah awesome and wait a minute there's stairs where does this lead to and well wait it leads to nothing no keep going wait a minute did you owe my own no way she added ghost blocks and whoa you have a top floor yeah it's awesome it's like an outdoor kitchen has a fridge and some sinks and a bunch of super delicious tasty looking cake this is awesome and whoa there's Balloons with each one of our colors huh it's great isn't it and there's a bunch of balloons over there oh my y'all so many I love it so much Lily and um since this is a build battle right Roxy ya yes totally a build battle yeah this is not anything else that we're covering up for we're gonna give you a 9 out of 10. oh my God sure whatever Lily but now would you like to come to our side oh yeah I'll follow you come on let's go and Lillian for our side you're gonna have to stand right over here if you don't mind uh okay and Roxy come over here we have to get you ready come follow me follow me it's time so flick the lever and get your armor oh my God and grab all of your armor oh my yellow yes and then put it on you're gonna look so amazing oh yeah Roxy's looking awesome nice excited now hit the pressure plate to go to the other side and activate these pressure plates to activate the fireworks ah fireworks aha Roxy activate them okay okay and oh my yo is that awesome or what Lily that's all of our colors it's amazing and now Lily if you wouldn't mind would you like to start walking for your marriage uh marriage yeah this is what you wanted right uh talking about Lily Lily Lily don't act silly with me just walk down the aisle and stand right over here okay and Roxy walk next to her room all right I'm next here then Roxy flicked the leopard to give Lily her gift okay here and Bob Lily is this awesome or what what the hell is that it's you do you like it my hair isn't even black oh Roxy her hair is not black how did you mess that up I thought her eyes aren't even the same color We Made It Black and she doesn't even have blush on her face oh my y'all we're the only ones with blush oh God actually messed up um Lily this isn't you this is like uh your cousin or somebody I don't have ah oh gosh what do we say Roxy what do we say you just do you like the gift though yeah I guess anyways now you could walk up the stairs and here is your diamond ring you're getting married to Roxy wait what what do you mean wait what are you excited or what Roxy are you excited I'm so what about you Lily joking in the beginning wait what what do you mean you were just joking I see Roxy Roxy oh oh Roxy this is a little awkward whoa Lily uh are you sure you just see him as a friend because we set this whole thing up for you we got like an extremely expensive diamond just for you and uh you don't want it no I don't wanna thank you oh my gosh ah well what do we do now Roxy let's blow up all right let's do it let's replace all the quartz blocks near us with TNT and guys it's about exploding three two one combo oh and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to go on our next one and click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 1,091,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cash and nico, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, noob vs pro, nico and cash and zoey and shady, shady tv, mizen, zoeytv, mikey and jayjay, nico and cash and zoey and shady and mia, wudu and mongo, mike and j. j., build challenge, cash face reveal, nico and zoey, neco and cash, monkey and jj, cash one block, mike and jay jay, notnico and cash, mikey and j., mikey and gigi, cash lucky block, cash and nico build battle, cash nico zoey shady, omz, roxy, lily, nico, cash
Id: WoxWp-l82ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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