Playing as the ELEMENTAL DRAGON in Minecraft!

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πŸ‘οΈŽοΈŽ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽοΈŽ u/JoeyMadrigal94 πŸ“…οΈŽοΈŽ Mar 23 2023 πŸ—«οΈŽ replies
The Elemental Dragon is the master of nature itself but when this ancient creature grants its power to this player she'll have to protect your secret and defend all dragons from Hunters okay I think I have everything that I need this came out well and I hope that oh guards now be careful out here we're tracking a dragon oh a dragon really yeah it's a terrifying Beast that can bet nature to its will um you know I haven't seen any but I think I heard something coming from the East maybe that Way East harder boys let's go okay good luck good luck finding nothing I don't think he was doing to the last time I was here uh they're no dragon posters whatever dragons against a bad reputation we did nothing wrong all right let's see I think he's just up here oh there he is he's still here hey how are you doing hope I didn't keep you waiting here you go do you feel better at least oh that's a good boy ow what the huh wait did you do that what what was this on my hands what what did you do huh I hope I didn't hurt you when I pet you heard something why did you [Music] make dragon where'd the dragon Go wait ah I guess it worked and he left all right I probably shouldn't sleep on the cave floor anymore I do feel weird did I get a grow taller huh all right let's just huh wait what do I feel taller um wait what no no no no no this has to be a dream or something huh okay hi look like a dragon and I have it this one whoa whoa okay okay fire that's a fire that's a cow um all right uh how do I fix this right now see what why am I blue I don't feel bad I gotta put this out somehow maybe I can use this to put out the fire oh okay that works okay I still know what's going on but I need to breathe and set sit oh I sit okay cool I'm a dragon it's okay it's okay I can handle this I've been in war situation before I one time shove my toe but huh what whoa whoa whoa this is not normal this is I why am I both colors kind of cool but okay I need to wake up from the stream if this is a dream right now um this is weird I need to get here whoa treat okay fly up okay fly away I'll just keep playing until I wake up wait what oh there it is see huh I see it we found you oh the guards oh no uh wait wait it's me [Music] no don't listen to it knows how to lie isn't that true okay [Applause] calm down keep your wits about you we'll attack it after we okay ah ferocious power is terrible yeah nice wait what I can clap okay sorry um hey I got lots of materials though cool I gotta get out of here now I'm gonna find a nice area to settle down in another cow that's nice oh what is going on with my hair uh it's kind of cool I like the outfit oh that's what that's rain and my hair is made of fire I think um okay at least I'll be fine it blew fire all around us oh it didn't really much fire it was hot and fiery done wait do you guys found the dragon wait wait wait wait hold on what happened to your hair that's not important yes we found a fearsome dragon and it may have escaped but we'll find it and slay it tomorrow yeah it was huge I had six wings and 14 eyes and I'm pretty sure were you even there when the dragon attacked my head's pretty hard of course I was I'm the greatest hunter in the village it attacked me directly because it knew I was such a threat hmm I think you understand dragons very much how dare you of course I am do you know how much time I spent where are you going I don't want to talk right now oh yeah I use that potion thing that I was borrowing and it just kind of happened oh here's your ax pack by the way oh no problem I'll have to get you a new bottle of the potion now I'll craft another one okay don't worry about it you know what's been going on here are they telling serious about the dragons and stuff yeah well you know boys we love to brag about pretending to be brave and stuff yeah so dreamy Casey snap out of it girl okay they're just North whatever they're just there's something okay I don't know you don't think no most of the stories are kind of exaggerated I think I don't think they understand the first thing about dragons like everyone talk to one it's true but I mean do you oh she mean anyways huh hey what's going on with the water oh yeah that's been going on all day something's up with the river uh you know what Casey I think I could use your help see you later oh you don't need to worry about it the best hunter is already on the job I think we weren't able to locate the problem yes but well I bet it's the dragon doing it so as long as we slay it tomorrow everything will be fine your hair will kill it and save everyone in the village yeah slay the dragon slay the dragon everybody get your torches and pitchforks perfect for dragon slaying wow they didn't even listen they don't even know dragons and they're just making assumptions about them ah being so ignorant I swear maybe there's something I can do to help the dragons there has to be right uh let's get outside the village and go investigate huh wait what's that in the distance hmm I haven't seen this area before Oh those are really cool huh what the wow those are tracks huge tracks what's going on here what is this place hmm let's see some more Dragon tracks more Dragon tracks a cave well I'm more impressed by The Village but still there's a lot of really whoa what is that that is a fire symbol um this place looks like I shouldn't be here but at the same time I'm super curious [Music] oh it's like the leg get it okay that worked um whoa that does not look good I wonder if I can make it across by like dragon wings have dragon wings well at least not in this form but I have dragons in my other form wait what I can't use that wait okay so water I guess I can't transform okay so I'm limited it's like some kind of trial or something what if I do this what oh that's cool I should be able to jump down and not hit those okay all right just get up here and make it across like that and good okay what's next let's see um is that a big key what um guess I have to get my hands dirty somehow maybe I could just um pillar do I have to like touch the key why is that pillar small okay come on I'm supposed to be a dragon or something and this isn't working I got all these cool powers and I can't hit that key come on can you transform into a dragon I had some kind of cool jump okay cool I can deal with that all right learning my power still win burst oh that is so cool okay okay uh let's see what if I jump to you and run jump up jump that is so cool okay so I have like fire water air wait the dragon from before come down here hey you're me oh it's you I see I was right to share my power with you yes but can they get past my defenses only a true Elemental like yourself can pass these tests a what are you okay oh child that is kind but not necessary leave me here I Will Survive same as I always have on your own okay I'm gonna leave you alone then farewell child oh that poor Dragon I mean he's lived this long so he should be okay right maybe I could keep them away now I swear we saw some signs over here before so we just have to keep looking okay wow so they're Dragon trackers these Footprints seem to leave maybe I can help let's see maybe I can protect the dragon from out here let's see the dragons anyone found any dragons it's too big to fit one of those but let's check out the case stay away block you okay if you fire anything else I'll shoot hey everyone get back here get in there Pierce stop oh survival dude what what he does again no what's going on the dragon isn't the problem that Dragon never heard anyone he was nice to me he gave me these amazing Powers but I'm still the same aphmau okay what are you talking about it's a ferocious priest capable of harnessing the elephants and Ian said that it impacted before it isn't exactly the best truth teller okay oh I mean yeah but but what about the water though it's all poisoning and stuff look there's no way that the dragon did this he didn't harm this whole time oh yeah well if you're so certain why don't you just go and prove it yeah prove it if I can take care of the water problem would you believe me oh yeah yeah honestly just fix the water if they were good would help us yes all right fine I guess but I've got my eye on you okay don't you betray us oh yeah don't do that I don't have any plans on it just don't betray me on the other hand okay got it but no no you're the one doing that I've been trying I'm gonna take a step back you're gonna whatever guys back me up come on check all this out on me okay good luck okay so the waterfall top should be here start at the source of the problem that's a smart thing to do all right let's see exactly what's what the what is that Earth Golems are they using it as a swimming they had little oh they got little bathing suits hey hey on you guys cannot be in the water okay it's poisoning the water um from one elemental being to another you guys gotta find a new swimming hole down there use the water maybe there might be some things that we can compromise all sing to me oh oh that's not good I did not mean to hurt them um it's okay they're Earth Elementals that go back into the Earth and respawn later let's see maybe I can do this to help that'll help the water wait wait that actually worked are you kidding me oh [Music] the water's purified we really gotta apologize to those Earth Golems maybe make them like a nice little swimming hole somewhere else all right let's see let me just bottle up the water and two maybe I can take this as proof I mean the whole river should be proof enough honestly okay let's head back this way huh oh okay we're gonna set out first thing in the morning you guys ready how early is first thing though do we have to get up that early huh right right forgot all I think yeah that's okay don't worry I don't like that I was worried you guys were gonna do something stupid but there were some Earth monsters bathing on top of the water fountain and they're a little poison if you don't know that but I managed to fix it it's gross yeah who bathes right wait what I don't know if I want an answer to that question anyway guys um so I managed to purify the water and I got this bottle so would you like to see the honors of the water bottle uh okay sure let's do it do it easy easy okay at least we'll see if it's still poisoned wait you're drinking the one oh I thought he was gonna pour it out laughs oh wait no he's back are you okay oh yeah wow thanks aphmau we got more of that stuff I want it okay here take that and save it I don't want to see someone else launch into space okay okay I'll save it for later I don't know you want me to believe that some other monsters caused the problem uh yes nope nope I don't believe it for a second what well it's a good thing you're outnumbered because honestly the river problem solved and you don't really need and what's on your side guys I don't know it's kind of proofy obviously the dragon come on sorry bud what now look okay if you don't mind I'm just gonna lie down for a bit I'm really tired after today all right fine we'll talk more in the morning all right everyone have a good night rest well sleep tight sleep well everyone huh wait what the what's going on Ian what is he doing Ian Ian Ian where are you oh good morning good morning um yeah what are you doing making sure that you don't get in my way wait a minute what hey what all right now you just stay right there while we go take care of that stupid Dragon what oh no no no no no no not the dragon guys guy oh no I have to go see the dragon um maybe if I can lose it myself didn't he really think that a rope was gonna hold me oh my gosh he didn't realize I could turn to a dragon it's fine you know what maybe if I can wake up everybody else I can fight in without having to come for him oh wait wait sorry sorry sorry yeah right what's up what's going on we have to get going he's trying to kill the other Elemental Dragon Ian is turning on all of us he wants to cause a war I don't know but it's he's a Haunter like us he's our leader I understand that but he's going behind your back he did leave us alone well he's not here this is true then we have to stop him follow me ah you couldn't have given us a ride um um come on let's see what they betrayed me and I was gonna share all this treasure with them maybe but no now that I'm gonna defeat you right myself hang on I'm almost done threatening the dragon but after I defeat you I'm Gonna Keep all the treasure to myself oh really now yes I am hmm now I knew you all would betray me but I'm here to take down the dragon myself now find me you big ugly lizard leave him alone he's sick all right you wanna fight me first yeah I do it's a good thing I brought my secret dragon slaying weapon what what what what is what is that Pitchfork a pitchfork oh no the ultimate dragon's legs come on I'm in the water it's fine oh this is actually nice water not on fire anymore okay and it's for you three you're lying again what's happening it's not even fire how about you just like that torch go oh oh I lost my pitchfork still alive that healing water isn't doing any favors for me dumb Dragon I don't even like him I'm leaving you guys should stop ditto you're the one who's running and not getting water to take out the fire but uh oh finally oh wow yes oh no man these guys are tough though wait a minute oh no poor Golems oh don't go back to the Earth don't worry Oh They'll respawn again they always do that was not really cool though here jump into the water come on it's got healing properties yep okay healing water it's cool Dragon are you okay just leave me here I shall heal in time if you are sure I'll let you be yes now go all right everyone gotta get me some of that stuff well if you stuck on that body you could probably use it for more hey guys technically it's actually me well it's also Dragon but yeah she is still a dragon yeah yes yes everyone she's the dragon she's the one who's made the problem the whole time with the water and the fire and it haven't been a problem it's your lying that's been the problem here you understand that right and you also almost died of The Elemental Dragon you can't make them go extinct we're supposed to trust you I say the water supply by taking care of the elemental golems that were at the top of the water it's true yeah every word but but I'm the best Dragon Hunter in the village you believe me uh I'm pressing exit out right about here I think it's hard to believe you after all you're lying yeah I want to try it um um well you'll be taking on the dragon protect us first
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 2,736,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, elemental dragons, fire, water, air, earth, dragon hunters, fantasy, adventure, fairytale, elder dragon, gamer girl, gaming, gamer, cute, aphmau becomes a dragon, transformation, magic, magical creatures, aphmau is a magical creature, elements, elemental
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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