Playing as the MOON DRAGON in Minecraft!

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Minecraft player but under the moon she's reborn as the Moonlight dragon now she must become strong to protect the other dragons from being hunted but can she manage to save them all oh here we go you I have no idea where the dragon is oh no idea huh no you've never seen a dragon before with large wings and big claws like like that one behind you Dragon you submit to me or I will take her life my life wow hi dragon um nice to meet you what huh what the huh okay I don't know how to process all of this one first I was being chased by a wizard and then a dragon in the meteors um huh wait wait Village I gotta go I don't know what's going on but I have wings right oh why don't they work come on oh no what's happening oh no you you [Music] know so I was right then you're the one the dragon protected let's see out of here ah my guess was perfect I wait a minute bonded with you I need that power to cast my spell of Darkness over the world you will give it to me now do this let's see maybe can I do anything Dragon wise come on stay right where you are huh did I do that that's amazing um oh no where'd he go get out of here 's power you actually what did I do power wheel being mine one way or another what You Haven't Seen the Last of Me what is that wait what what's happening oh hey don't die get up huh wait where am I my cave thanks horn swings were you that dragon from before yeah oh I I've never met a dragon I didn't know that they had caves and a chest oh hey was where I was hiding until you made me made me feel myself fall I had no idea what was going on no idea then why were you fighting that sorcerer um what's happening wait a minute huh what's going on what are you doing I don't know hey you don't look too close do that again uh I'm careful sorry it might just save us what I don't think that's right I couldn't even save my own village by the way by the way a dragon now well you are and you're not what oh I'm giving you more questions than answers we need to fly to the owners why why like oh all right you aren't Dragonborn here follow me can't okay fine I'll teach you jump in the air three times third time fly like this okay [Music] all right that wasn't three jumps I got this okay let's try it [Music] one two three I'm doing it I'm bad wait wait look hey I was gonna fly by myself I had it I don't think you did besides you know you don't look so good oh you don't look so good either you tried being a dragon for the first time and then trying to be good at this okay okay let's take a break oh this should help what is this it's healing water healing dragons leave these little pools behind they left the pools like these all over the place I gotta drink them wait you're supposed to swim in it I wouldn't drink that oh you know what I'll be fine oh it is okay let's get going we need to meet the others uh the others I've got two now dragons I'll slow him down just hurry up and run yeah I forgot I'll take care of him I know your tricks dragons you can't take me down he's immune wait a minute maybe I can help huh Dragon dude Dragon things what should I say I don't know it hurt me all right come on we go there hop back on where are you okay where did you go where do we go where do we go close there's a what is this where are we it's just a field of nothing to you it's nothing but if you do this see it had a barrier what what this is our village [Music] it's hidden huh this is so cool oh uh what oh that's not good um it just destroyed my house do you know how much work I had to do to build this house I'm sorry you're fine don't mind him okay my house who is she a stranger worry about it later we're busy right now come on okay Aaron Aaron there you are hey who's this is she a new dragon in the village she is we'll talk later we have important matters right now uh yeah sure I'll see you around I guess hi Casey who's this uh I'm aphmau listen she might be the dragon from has she met the guardian look I'm working on it come on this way okay amazing job I've been doing uh keeps things tidy yeah yeah look I think I found her what do you mean wait the moon dragon the one we've been waiting for this whole time yes moon dragon huh she doesn't look all that special to me uh should you I need to do something special I mean we're at the Moon tracking then you could open the gates oh yeah yeah open the gates open the gates please please please please please what's happening whoa whoa oh oh it's so gross in there hold on I gotta clean this up yeah hey here we go here we go uh my bad okay there we go oh look at this what what's going on in here the prophecy but the prophecy what does that mean there's shrines like all over the place all right let's go select like this with the sorcerer with blue scars appears Dragon kind will come to an end and only the moon dragon will be able to save us something like that I don't know I'm just gonna sorcerer with Bluetooth I've never seen wait a minute oh no wait the sorcerer he's here see you're lying listen I solved my own eyes wait really we gotta be high on high alert do I need to find the shrines uh yeah they're not that far from the village okay yeah look uh Kevin and I have been awaiting the Moonlight dragons return we're the Guardians and our job is to guide you where you need to go Tim we gotta be with her yeah will protect you as best we can but these shrines are only something you can do what happens when we get to them oh uh this door over here open giving you the lunar Crown which of which you'll be unbeatable I think it's what it says anyway okay um what about you I'm gonna go try and buy some all right all right let's go all right let's do it Dragon time how do I do that oh she's not even Dragonborn come on but Legend doesn't say she has to it's fine I got this uh three jumps one two three and ah let's go come on to the trials guys that are you dead yes okay uh sure why not yes yeah maybe good job mutant Dragon I guess yeah yeah we believe in you where's the next trial I should just be over um I knew I'd find you dragons the wizard oh you think you think potions can take me out I played without jumping three times oh great great okay let's get over here what are those things okay so this is the uh this is the second trial you just gotta probably beat up these Moon guys okay but how am I supposed to bite them well obviously with your cool boat Dragon Powers what else but isn't this whole trial how I get my moon dragon horse oh yeah huh well good luck with it whoa what is that I got a sword oh whoa get him okay um I also can you do that too oh see I knew you had it didn't you god I'll clean this up for you don't worry about that come on it got brighter again wait and then I can I can send wow yes again cool tell me tell me next time baby amazing all right where we go wait what the hey okay I've got a few potions could stop me ah hey uh why don't you keep going oh I'll take care of this are you sure yep make sure you get inside show me what you've got probably not but I'm gonna try I gotta help the dragons I think it's the next trial all right let's see um let's see maybe I could do something here um maybe I should fill my hunger bar before anything else um okay let's see uh on okay on I mean how many dragons do I need to turn these things on and keep them on maybe I can do this we're really proud of you also this you're out of friends to protect you Dragon girl don't just make this easy both of us no no no hey don't shoot dare no I thought maybe it would work the reason I'm logic if that would be something that you'd actually understand and comprehend and maybe we could have some compassion [Laughter] compassion per se exist Ence okay what no meteors to take me out uh no I just have two dragons got him whoa you're making this that's a good time to run keep so many meteors oh let's get going let's move eventually you guys hey yeah actually guys hey I I don't feel so good oh I'm awake wait what's wrong oh wait where'd Kim go hey you're finally awake uh where's Kim oh uh she said she just needed to go ahead or something I don't know right we defeated the sorcerer right my meteors took him out uh yeah I think so we don't know really where he went though hey maybe we should get back to the village now you're awake okay all right let's go um yeah yeah let's just get up here I can transform completely oh good job look at you go got full Powers that's great all right let's head back the shrine is probably open too well this is I bet so I bet you it's gonna be great wait uh Hey are they cooking stuff without us wait is is it on fire that's uh that's a lot of fire maybe did I leave the oven on again oh no no this this is bad Dragon hey what's happening what happened here oh sorry I couldn't stop him someone so much bottom here someone brought in here what what are you talking about yeah it up now oh my God I have to go ahead okay [Music] where is it Thanks for opening the shrine for me moon dragon now the lunar Crown is mine what have you done my evil plan is coming true what oh no now that I have this I'll be able to get rid of you dragons once and for all hang on [Music] why to get some dark all of a sudden you're not good this isn't good at all um you know everyone I bet you were the one who told the sorcerer where we all live trade us hey how caught you betrayed she just got yo guys oh no oh no don't track it don't try it I'm so glad I found you where are you oh there you are wow oh you're fast yeah I'm quiet uh hey I I don't think you betrayed anyone it's true I mean wait you're watching me and then Kim left and then oh no yeah I was watching the whole time and we we were trying to help people and we came here it's just a way you could have done any of this stuff what am I supposed to do all of the dragons don't believe me oh then you're the one who can stop him well the only way we can prove that you're innocent is if we just take on the sorcerer ourselves I mean well mostly you but but hey we're here to support you okay okay we have to find out who all right you're right let's get going come on all right let's do it um so does this place look like it might be where he's at it looks like where an evil person would be yeah it's got like a fire and flames and spiders all right let's start at the top maybe work our way down and see if we can find him okay uh yeah we'll fly around wait and see what we can see you found him welcome welcome well thank you for having me but I think I'll be having that crown back about now oh not so fast um surprise [Music] I know about that could you trade all of the you might be a jerk she was weak a regular Dragon could never stand by myself a regular Dragon yes well then what about a dragon that was a murderer that you know was maybe me wait if you yeah right about it think about it really hard right because think about it a regular dragon can never stand by your side but what about a not so regular dragon that has Moon powers that can complement your moon powers that might be able to work with you you know right that Arrangement after all dangerous now it's it's mine I did do it good job still alive um yes I am now take it I do think he was bad I'll hold still give me that crown back and we heard about what happened Tim yes I know we'll talk about it later [Music] I got him or just do it that works too guys I think he's gone I was like I was wrong about you aphmau I'm sorry so so can the trade y'all did y'all we know that now yeah we figured it out well I learned that being greedy is wrong but I am a dragon where did you come on I guess I can restore the moon back to normal now let's see what I can do you did it so what are you gonna do now back to your village or live with us yeah you know you guys go sounds like a plan
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,342,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: T3rgTlmPOsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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