A New Beginning! - Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 Let's Play | Episode 1

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so Minecraft has just released the new 1.20 Tails and Trails update loads of new features have been added to expand Minecraft's lore and the overall gameplay from awesome new Mobs to beautiful cherry biomes and mysterious remains let's explore the new update together so the update came out like a few hours ago and I just really wanted to play so yeah let's go for it I'm gonna keep an eye out for a cherry blossom biome because I really want to build my house there so I guess that might be one so we'll have a look but first let's get some wood now I can crop myself a wooden pickaxe I've got to say I love starting a new Minecraft world it's just so cozy I don't know how to explain so I might get a bit of stone like that I have all the essential tools Okay so we've got a cherry biome right here I really love the little effect there and I've got to say these little flowers there they just look perfect for the biome it would be really nice having like you know little animals running around like maybe a squirrel or something I feel it would just look perfect I'm really sorry for what I'm going to do to you yeah you as well I'm really sorry don't walk away well maybe you should yeah first night in 1.20 guys I've got to say it's pretty cozy around here oh and we've got a little skeleton here there we go oh guess what I was saying it would be nice to have plenty of animals but we've got loads of little brown rabbits oh he really reminds me of my rabbit so it's time to go get a bit of iron so I'm gonna look if I can find maybe a cave somewhere that should do it I'm gonna get a bit of coal as well oh and you know what I'm actually going to take some of this copper because I think you need copper to make a brush for Excavating sniffer eggs so of course that is something I'd like to do well I think we've reached the end of the cave it wasn't very big this looks more like a proper cave so we've got five pieces of wrought iron so I can make myself a pickaxe as well as a shield I wouldn't mind finding a spider so that I can make myself a bow but in the worst case I can just wait for the night time so of course you can't start a new Minecraft world without building a lovely dirt Hut so of course I'm gonna build a much nicer house by the end of the episode but yeah I want to start off with a dirt Hut oh I'm a bit silly I could have just made my Hut like straight into the hill yeah I think I'm actually gonna do that [Music] laughs so I can hear a spider so maybe I'm gonna have a quick look outside okay so there we've got a spider come along there's two spiders down there I'm gonna try and lure them over there perfect so now I can make myself a bow and with my bow I can kill creepers from a safe distance oh and I have no arrows left oh dear oh my gosh yeah I think it's time to head back there so yeah basically here is the beautiful dirt Hut you can clearly see all the efforts and the details I put into it so today we're going on the hunt for chickens because I really need to start getting some arrows oh no oh no I didn't see there was some dirt oh my God yeah excellent Minecraft player right here guys I think I might not leave that in the video I guess we'll see so I haven't spotted any chickens yet but I will get this sugar cane well there they are perfect so this one will be George and the other one will be Lewis yes I have two male chickens that lay eggs it's perfectly logical [Music] come on guys I don't want you to stay out in the rain I'm gonna make a little enclosure for George and Lewis and there are many many kids to come of course so I'm Gonna Leave George and Lewis with their kids and I think I might go down caving again because for the moment I only have a chest plate and I'd like to have the entire armor I was thinking I'm actually going to start a mine because I'd like to get some diamonds but if ever I find some caves I will have a look for more iron yeah right before going in the mines I've noticed I do not have a lot of food so I'm gonna go out and get some quickly I think I'm gonna make a bucket with the remaining iron I have like that I can start growing a few crops oh and you know what let's bring back some cows as well so now that I've got the cows the crops and some more food I think it's finally time to go mining and there we have it the full iron armor oh I've found diamonds already and I'm super far from level -57 by the way if you're enjoying the video you can show your support by subscribing and giving a big thumbs up so now that we're at level -57 I'm just going to do a bit of strip mining to try and find diamonds by the way guys tell me in the comments which of the two new Mobs is your favorite honestly I'm gonna get a few diamonds some iron and then we're off to find a sniffer egg oh is that a spawner well I guess we found a skeleton spawner this is really practical so there is a saddle which will be perfect for when I find a camel so I got a bit more than a stack of iron which will come in very handy I'm still gonna head back down to see if I can find maybe some diamonds but when right before that I actually got two carrots from killing zombies so I'm going to plant them as well as the melon seeds I found at the spawner and by the way I forgot to name the first two cows I got so I chose Glenn and Maggie because I think that's a good couple's name so I've just read that level -59 is actually better than -57 so I guess we have to go a little bit lower of course I quickly got fed up of mining deep slate with an iron pickaxe so I kept a near open for nearby caves we've got a zombie there in the subtitles so he must be above me there's quite a few zombies there oh my oh my God yeah there has to be a spawner this is just not possible okay yes indeed there is a spawner oh yes we've got a diamond up here oh well that's quite awesome so I'm just gonna take these three and I'll come back later on for the diamond that is up here when I've got Fortune I crafted my very first diamond pickaxe and collected some obsidian for the enchanting table I then went to look for some extra sugar cane and looted a sunken ship as well I was therefore able to craft the enchanting table as well as a brand new item the brush at that point I decided to set out on an adventure in the hopes of finding a warm ocean to get sniffer eggs sadly I didn't find one but I came across a Pillager Outpost with two alleys that I befriended and I also found some dark oak and Spruce trees and collected the saplings for building my starter house I stole a few cauldrons and some hay from a village because I wanted to make proper enclosures for my animals I still needed to get loads of leather and sugar cane for making bookshelves so I decided I would explore my world at the same time so of course I'm really sorry in advance to all the cows that are gonna have to go well that was a bit rough so we've got another Village so hopefully they have potatoes because potatoes are very important for an Irish girl we finally have our very first potato yeah this is really a big moment in the let's play I'm going to give back a few of the beetroot seeds because yeah the villagers need to eat as well so there is a jungle straight ahead so I guess we're gonna be able to see what the new bamboo wood looks like [Applause] jungle there was a lukewarm ocean so I had a look for some ruins so I've got to be careful because there are some ground guarding them oh my God I'm out of here there's actually three Trident guys so now I have to find suspicious sand so I think that is it so now we can brush it hay is not what I wanted oh my God a sniffer egg we're gonna get a sniffer guys oh my God a second sniffer egg oh I'm so happy so sniffer eggs actually hatch much quicker when they're put on a moss block so as there are some azalea trees around here I will get a little bit of moss so yeah now that we have everything let's head back while we're waiting for the sniffer eggs to hatch I was thinking it's time to build a proper starter house so I'm gonna start off by chopping down some of the cherry trees in the way and now I'm going to shape down a few layers of dirt the sniffers have hatched oh my God they are so adorable so I don't want anything to happen to them so I'm gonna put them in like a small enclosure but it's gonna be temporary so I've gone through at least six shovels but here is the result the sniffer has grown up so he's pretty big now so guys I would like you to find a name for both sniffers as for the alleys I'm gonna name one Jesse and the other Walter so for the walls of my starter house I will be needing some wool some birch logs some diorite I still was missing a bit of wool so I made a sheep farm and I also decided to make a sugar cane Farm like that I could get to enchanting pretty soon so here I'm making a staircase connecting the future starter house to the dirt Hut because that is where my mind is look at that the sniffer is actually digging up some seeds I then decided to craft the new 1.20 bookshelves as well as the pots and to be fair they are both a great addition to the game with the help of my alleys I collected some sugar cane and then I was able to make some bookshelves for enchanting oh my God guys I've got fortune 3 as my very first enchantment oh my goodness yeah I think we're gonna have a full diamond armor in the very first episode because the pickaxe is awesome I went back down to the cave to get the diamond diet found and then I had a look around so I spotted the start of a mine shaft I also found a geode but other than that I couldn't find any more diamonds so I went back strip mining I managed to find a vein of diamonds so I made a diamond ax that I Enchanted and I also used this slime I got to make leads and I brought up the two sniffers I wanted to make my house mainly out of dark oak and cherry wood so I sailed back to the dark oak forest to get loads of wood and I've got to see the alleys are really helpful for getting you know all the saplings or the logs I might have forgotten I now have a fair few stacks of dark oak logs so let's get building that starter house so we're gonna start off with a large square base and I'm going to use some dark oak to make pillars all around for the stone walls I'm actually going to use a mix between Cobblestone stone bricks maybe I'll add a bit of andesite and tough and this will just give more texture now I'm going to fill the entire floor with Spruce slabs to add a bit of extra lighting and detail I'm going to add Windows all around and then using some stairs and some trap doors we can create these really nice little arches I would really recommend you guys building your starter house on top of a simple base like that because it gives you so much extra space so now for the actual shape of the house we're gonna have a main rectangle and then a little square for the entrance for the walls as I had mentioned previously I'm going to use a mix of diorite wool and Birch so instead of having you know the house all white for example we've got a little bit of texture so now it's time to move on to the roof so for the Outer Rim I'm going to use some dark oak and I'm going to make the roof quite high and pointy and at the very top I'm going to add a wall of fence and a known bar this will actually extend the roof even more and I think it looks quite nice finally we can fill everything up using some cherry planks so now that the roof is done I'm going to fill in the rest of the walls so yeah this is what the house looks like for the moment I think it's a pretty good size for a starter house you know I didn't want to make something too big either and anyway we have you know that base for the house which will just add plenty of space for adding a few more details I was thinking I could put you know some flower pots on other sides you know right underneath the windows as for the roof I'm going to add a few slabs like this because it will kind of give you know different shapes different levels and I could also add you know a few Cherry leaves it would give a few different color tones [Music] finally the exterior is done so let's move to the inside so to get from the bottom level to the top I'm going to build a nice staircase the bedroom was quite simple I just made a little table with a flower pot and then I added some carpets around the bed downstairs I made a little smelting area you know for cooking all my stuff and I also added some shelves with barrels for storage and a few extra decorations finally all I needed to do was arrange the basement so I have been working for a few hours on the house so first of all we've got the downstairs area over here with some crops and right here we've got the start of the storage area and I use some item frames to make it easier to sort out everything so next we've got the entrance so I've used the new pots um and the new flowers from the 1.20 update and I hung up a nice little sign saying Tootsie's home so this is what the interior looks like for the moment so I made a little staircase going up and I've got my bed right here with these torch flower seats I think I could actually breed these guys well I guess I'm going to place down your egg so that you can both take care of it oh and by the way I need to present my new horse so I've decided to name her patches because she's got these really nice white patches everywhere I'm actually not done with the starter house I was thinking it could be nice to have a sort of watchtower at the very top so for the tower I'm going to be using the same tones as the house so to build the Tower I need to find the center of the roof now I'm going to build a little circle around it I'm going to build up and I'm going to leave a space on each side for the windows so now that the first Rim is done we're actually going to work on the pointy roof that's going to go up in the sky so yeah here is the tower on the house I thought it would be a good idea to have this Tower I feel it really adds something to the overall house why is there a sniffer oh no oh my God it's the baby oh my God oh my God I got so confused I'd like to actually find a camel and also gold mining for extra diamonds right before I'm gonna do that I want to make all my animals nice and comfortable so I'm gonna make each a little enclosure let's start by building patches Stables so I gave her some wheat and some water and I also put some item frames with her saddle and her lead like that she doesn't have to wear her saddle while she's in the enclosure next let's move on to the sniffers so yeah let's get these big guys in so now that we're done with the sniffers let's move on to the llamas as you can see I built a small mountain in the enclosure so now we can get the llamas in so now we're gonna do a larger enclosure for the cows and of course now we can do an enclosure for all the chickens yeah beware guys I've got my Army of chickens great I was not recording there for over 30 minutes perfect so I also sorted out the Sheep I decided to make an enclosure right next to the house I thought it would be a good idea it's time to upgrade my armor to Diamonds foreign so I decided I'm basically gonna mine in a straight line non-stop to prove that it's not that hard to find diamonds when you have the right techniques there were some diamonds here but then there was a bit of lava flowing so I have to try and carefully mine it so right here I have no choice to turn even though I've been going straight because there's some lava and it's just going to be too complicated to clear so yeah from now on I'm going to go straight this way another diamond and as you can see we're still in the same corridor foreign [Music] I was not paying attention I almost lost all my diamonds oh my god oh wow yeah basically I didn't have any blocks here and I accidentally removed the diamonds from my inventory yeah I am a bit silly sometimes I have to admit we're almost at a stack of diamonds and I hope I managed to prove my point because I've been mining in a straight line I only turned twice because of lava so your best bet is just having a diamond pickaxe with fortune 3 on it and efficiency 4 helps a bit as well and you just mind straight and then a bit on each side and that should do the trick I can promise you if you do exactly the same as I do you're gonna find plenty of diamonds in no time now it's time to craft the diamond armor and there we are guys full diamond I'm also going to make myself a full set of diamond tools oh and we've got Infinity for the bow this is perfect so guess what we're going to do now we're going to find a camel for that I was thinking we could head back to the Jungle because deserts often generates next to them oh dear now that we're back at the jungle we're gonna have a look around in the hopes of finding a Desert Shore all I could find was this never-ending Savannah Biome so I looted a ton of shipwrecks and treasure chests but finally after days and days of searching I found a desert oh my God guys look what we have here I cannot wait to see the camel oh my God he's so cute oh look at the ears so this is our new pet camels so of course you guys can give a name for the camel as well as the sniffers how do we ride it I expect I have to get onto his back and my imaginary friend can sit behind me if they want it looks really funny in first person oh and actually right before we go home I'm going to take some dead bushes as well as some cacti for making the camel's enclosure so guys I was actually following the coordinates to get back home so I'm taking a totally different way and guess what we found a mangrove I'm really regretting going this way yeah I'm actually better off just swimming so finally after all this time we are back home with the camel oh dear oh there you are so yeah I took his saddle off so that I can completely relax I still want to make a nice enclosure for the camel [Applause] foreign [Music] so the camel can walk over fences okay well that is an issue yeah I guess you'll have to stay on a lead for the moment thank you so much for watching guys I really hope you enjoyed the video and actually guess what I really enjoyed recording this video I don't know why but playing this new update just reminded me of the first time I played Minecraft I don't know if it was maybe the coziness of the Cherry biome or just how awesome the two new Mobs were but yeah it gave me a bit of nostalgia so I guess that's pretty good I hope I will see you in the next video love you
Channel: Tootsie
Views: 1,118,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's play minecraft, let's play minecraft ep 1, let's play minecraft ep 1 1.20, let's play minecraft survival, let's play minecraft bedrock, minecraft lets play episode 1, minecraft lets play 1.20, minecraft lets play ep 1, minecraft lets play aesthetic, minecraft hardcore, hardcore let's play, minecraft hardcore let's play, 100 days hardcore, house tutorial, starter house minecraft, geminitay, farzy, fwhip, ezy, wattles, waxfraud, fru, rake, minecraft 1.20 update, minecraft sniffer
Id: hQa7EVT8kVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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