Beauty And The Beast | Full Movie | Complete Mini-Series | Epic Drama | Hallmark

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[Music] tonight [Music] once upon a time there was a beautiful Chateau one of the most celebrated Chateau in all of France no not only for its Elegance luxury and hospitality put it over there but also for the happy fate of its master Prince Leon good morning my Lord who had everything a man could ever want you the esteem of one and all and the love of his plentiest wife [Music] foreign but as It Happened One fateful night the prince lost everything [Music] he lost his love he lost his reputation and he lost his handsome face [Music] Leon was transformed into a man full of hatred for himself and for others [Music] a man no longer capable of loving or of being he had become a fearsome creature [Music] thank you foreign but as yet I knew nothing about all that [Music] Bella where are you Bella Bella still here what about the laundry I asked you to wash I'm figuring out where father could be right now father is at Sea that's where he is even though he was supposed to be back weeks ago you'll see Evelyn father will be back soon you think so yes no one will give us any more credit and if this trip ends badly too so much for my dowry and I won't be able to marry my Olivier potatoes for lunch again today it's all we can afford I'll fix that foreign [Music] Bella you are much nicer than your sister but I just can't extend your family credit anymore father gets back you know how he and his Sailors crave fresh meat once they're off the ship what was it you said you wanted yes yes thank you very much thank you thank you what happened just take him home sorry [Music] come on father careful yeah that's good [Music] so good to see you again it's good to see you too the storm hit us off the coast of Gran Canaria all night long there were waves as big as Mountains from all sides high winds bashed our ship when I lost the mast I had no choice left to save my men I had to throw all the cargo overboard we'll have to pay it all back but I still have the barn Esperance will make it you'll see I'll go I heard that Captain Maurice Dubois has returned who's calling Prince Leon sent me [Music] I am here to collect your debt to the prince [Music] where are you thank you come on show yourself [Music] where are you hiding the servants told me I would find you here Edward so who exactly is your playmate who is it me it's me Prince Leon and by now we would have arrived at the most playful part if you hadn't interrupted us how do you intend to demand your satisfaction swords pistols I would never dare to challenge you to to a deal I've been enjoying your wife's companionship for months now you found me out you must challenge me to a duel you consider me ter me Unworthy of offending your honor foreign foreign [Music] [Music] do you wish to live down on your knees I ask you again do you wish to live down on your knees [Music] [Music] oh that's more like it my compliments to the monkeys so what did he want my ship or or what [Music] until I can pay off my debt one of my daughters must enter into the princess service that man is a cruel creature he's a wild beast how could I ever leave one of my girls in his hands I have no choice as deep the bonus brass over to him I do understand sir but as you know I have a title but now income under such circumstances how can I marry your daughter wait have lean Evelyn leave me alone don't be like this calm down all is not lost [Music] no what's left then if we're living abandons me who would ever marry me an old maid without a dowry if Olivier leaves that means he doesn't deserve you and you know what we'll do we will take father and we will leave and have a fresh start in some new place because the world is huge you're so young open free so are you what age I had you to raise father was always away I was a mother to you I sacrificed the very best years of my life all for you you'll never understand what that means [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] dear father dear of Lee as you know I've always dreamed of traveling to distant lands that you remember father you promised me your Voyage when I reached 20 so this will be my journey [Music] thank you we ain't going no further you can go that way [Music] yeah be careful thank you good luck let's get out of here quick and it doesn't matter if it's not spicy it'll be an unknown land to explore all the same fears to overcome dangers to avoid [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] and when I return because return I shall I'll be like every traveler who comes home again more alive more mature and ready for the next adventure [Music] thank you I'm Bella Dubois my father is Maurice Dubois and I'm here to offer my services to the prince my advice to you is to get out while you still care no please take me to the prince come in foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jerome failed to inform me that you were a mere child I'm not a child my Lord let me see your hands I want to feel them these hands have never done a day's housework my my sister's always done that I well then it's your sister I want if old Dubois wanted to dump on us another mouth to feed he's misjudgment no no it was my own choice I will work for you you won't last a day try me you were no daughter of our Maurices he's always so wishy-washy it's not a fluke that he's a failure [Music] I would Hazard another explanation [Music] your mother must have been quite friendly with one of his sailors or more than one [Music] [Music] foreign they'll be expecting you in the kitchen [Music] [Music] oh no no no it's not amusing dry [Music] it this way oh please Prince I beg you [Music] if you don't like it I will give it a try [Music] although I can't guarantee that you would get your daughter back in one piece oh [Applause] I overestimated your skill pity about your daughter [Laughter] now that's amusing generally speaking guests are not very amused by terrorist stricken performers it depends on the guest who's coming this evening this bill for and baron morsif she tells me she wants to talk about God but in the end I'm sure we'll end up talking about him in the bed and the baron interested in you not in me dear cousin he informed me that he wants to ask your hand I'm happy that you're happy because I intend to accept and exactly when were you thinking of telling me that's what I'm doing right now well then right now I shall respond I shan't marry him like I've never married any of my other suitors he's rich and worldly enough to tolerate all your lovers what more could you ask for a man of my own choosing shall we have an ice cream this evening Leon I'm serious I do not want to leave here don't forget I promised your father to find your husband someday we shall keep this promise to my father but not this evening foreign excuse me my Lord my lady Countess villafur and Barrymore Seth show them in dinner will not compromise you I'll give you time until the end of the year to make your choice cannot imagine how eager I was to see your chateau prince and I to have a mere taste of your ontological gift counters Enchanted can you cook a little embroidered on no I'm a servant who knows how to do nothing may I please know what I'm expected to do with her well there is always the seller the prince wants to tidy that before the Harvest when tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] father [Music] hey [Music] father [Music] what have they done to you don't worry about me I'm fine not on the Middle East you're coming home with me right now no no you mustn't lose the bonus barrels it's only a ship but it's your shape and that shape is your life and one day will be mine too boy this is my property I want to talk to you did you bring me the money you want me no teach him a lesson oh and then kick him out wait wait wait I have something better to offer the bonus you it's gonna hand over your daughter my former Opera is no longer valid that's not all I'll remain in your service on the bonus bronze as long as I live no one knows her like I do in this way Not only would I cancel my debt but also I'd handle all your trading for you until the crew proves My Dead Body overboard the only thing I ask is that you free my daughter what about if we let her decide this is your last chance grab it before I change my mind it's with me that you have an agreement I Shall Serve You until my father has paid off all his debt I'm not an air crew rule no no no no don't don't listen to her take the ship listen phone keep doing what you love get Evelyn her Dowry and one day you will pay off all the debt and you will bring me home no no you can't I can take care of myself father don't worry [Music] you will regret it I know I will go [Music] thank you God damn this cup Leon tell me who's that young girl what a young girl the latest servant to arrive a servant who held her own with you and very handily child that wanted to show off in front of her father she's no longer a child judging from the way you looked at her I can have any woman I want I certainly don't need him to chase after some scullery maid any woman yes but her I wouldn't think so so she's too proud and she'll never betray her father's trust they say that about all of you papers to the first boy who swaggers by of course if we imagine we're in love with him but that girl doesn't seem to meet the type to offer herself in exchange for some empty fantasy three weeks give me three weeks and you'll find her in my bed and to that point she will no longer indeed be a child would you be willing to bet on that if I won would you accept The Baron's proposal yes but if you lose then it's you who must propose to me it won't happen but if it were to you would never be happy with me but it's not happiness I won't Leon it's you I'm sorry for I shall have Bella and you love no one [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] answer me who's that [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing here feeling lonesome hahaha [Music] did you hear it too last night if you're awake at night it means you're not working hard enough during the day I was trying to rest but but those cries frightened me do you know something that you're not telling me some nights we hear that Corrine she might as well know it why not no what you think it's the ghost of the prince's wife the prince was married to princess Juliet I knew her I was already in service with Countess Helen how did she die there was a fire to escape the princess jumped from the window too bad her clothing showed no signs of burning Corrine that will do go upstairs I'm sure you have something to see too Bella Prince wants you [Music] did I do something wrong with him you never know [Music] I know it you asked for me can I do something for you I should ask you that thanks to you I shall be able to store today's harvest in these perils and our wine will be extraordinary we only did as I was told but with his ear like no one else oh allow me to offer you a taste it's just pressed no thank you it's better if I don't oh come on it's just juice no alcohol at all not dangerous not yet but it will be excuse me but they're waiting for me in the kitchen Bella that's your name isn't it do you know how to read they've been lying ignored here for many years I could use your Zeal to catalog and organize them all in proper order [Music] can you manage it a book remains just a book doesn't get dangerously intoxicating over time shall I take that as he is I'll do it in my free time I don't want the others to think that and being given special treatment you know how one would receive special treatment please I don't want to it's by finding a good cookbook in here and giving it to albertine oh you have no idea how that would improve my life [Music] Jerome yes sir [Music] have you done yes thank you don't you find that tiring sound about I'm always telling Leon that we need more personnel but he's such a misanthrope I'm Helen Del Ville a distant cousin of the princes my father and I have been living here for years relying on his hospitality I just entered into service I've already heard of you me my lady everyone admires you here you know I can't imagine why no one has ever stood up to my cousin not even I your father must be very proud of you I do hope so my lady you're a good girl but let me warn you the prince cannot tolerate even the idea of someone being outside of his control if he cannot break you he will bend you he's terribly skilled perhaps he's already begun to work on you no don't say a word no need to I know him too well but for you there's still time do you wish to continue to be your father's pride and joy [Music] then do not trust the prince never trust him what did they tell you to do with these books um organize them um they're on agronomy botanics and horticulture I thought I could give them to the people who take care of the plants Nobody Does that now oh well uh in that case I'll store them in the tool shed wait wait I have a better idea [Music] take those yes take them and come [Music] over there doing everything come on Guess don't you think there's already enough disorder here disorder no no there's no disorder I'm the nose what seems to be disorder is actually in perfect order now then shall we do a test you find something anything you want and put it behind your back [Music] oh my God how could I have forgot what is it three months of work gone up in smoke I'm a nose what do you mean that means that I create perfumes like this one 22 Essences I try to recreate the fragrance at the bottom but of that season all I created was this oh horrible stench of manure piles out in the fields I'll have to start all over you can go now no wait you haven't told me what I picked well you can keep it well you're obviously educated you must keep a diary or write to someone [Music] a moment I forgot I'm counting [Music] when I do one Bella you have a lovely scent dear father dear evleen there is no lack of work here at the Chateau [Music] which is good because it makes the time go faster [Music] and seems to bring the day closer when father will be able to pay off his debt [Music] but what I miss most besides you is the sea smell the sound of the waves [Music] a distant Horizon [Music] wait wait let's stop for a moment please come on the prints were already me waiting for us how long is he going to stay at the seaside who knows he decides everything according to his moods even the most absurd things like telling me to bring along someone as useless as you for example let's go Bella stay a moment albertine's expecting me you can wait please foreign [Music] are you afraid of me I'd be a fool not to be so then why am I the one struggling to find words well I suppose that's because you have nothing to say to me [Music] how about yourself there's nothing much to say I'm here as your servant but I'm not a servant that's the whole story I wouldn't have asked you for a conversation if I thought that was true I'm sorry that you didn't leave with your father that way I wouldn't have to endure the torture of seeing you every day [Music] I wanted you from the first moment I saw you I wouldn't have taken you against your will but I knew that I would lose you forever that's why you wanted me here I told myself the daughter of a sea captain I will bring her here talking in the Moonlight and then I'm a Fool all this must seem to you like a vulgar insult forgive me [Music] can go back to albertine [Music] I did enjoy seeing the sea really I can't stand it I hate it how could that be well you can tame a horse subdue a man but the sea will always be far greater that makes it so beautiful you are a horrible man horrible man [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] you're back sooner than I thought you'd be dope don't torment yourself that girl is too naive to comprehend the Allure of your attention you don't understand me he does I don't need to in order to desire you have your father make up some more give in it will make you feel better than any medicine I have several days left to get Bella into my bed if I'd wanted it to happen last night it would have I need more medicine now thank you [Music] foreign [Music] s are ironed what should I do now go up and clean the princess study aren't you afraid I might disturb him you'll need a better excuse than that the prince left this morning at dawn without saying when he'd be back and I say we enjoy his absence as long as it lasts something that must your Florian is perfect that as you can see must get busy [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I knew that was your scent did I scare you no no agitation changes the scent of one's skin did you know that you wanted to try it on and I have a dream yet to my that's not enough to understand the prince I prefer not to understand him he's my nephew forgive me I'm sorry I have no intention of justifying him I know he does terrible things but I also know he wasn't always that way come with me there's something you will see nothing more than this place will help you understand who Leon was and who he came to be [Music] this place used to be the jewel in the crown of the Chateau and you know who took care of it he did my nephew Prince Leon with the help of his wife Juliet how he loved her how everybody loved them we travel the world with my gifts Jewels for Juliet special seeds for the greenhouse exotic Essences for my perfumes gifts for the villagers and the servants and then defending with that the death of Juliet everything changed if you lay on life of the Chateau the greenhouse now I only come here to find the essence for my perfumes even though sometimes I feel I would need more and better things for my creations I'm sorry for your nephew but no degree of mourning can justify what he does sniff this oh it's horrible precisely yes [Music] I'll try it it's wonderful you see people are not that different from old perfumes sometimes it's just a matter of the right mixture something that's quite awful or horrible could turn into a part of something that's very very good [Music] I'm sorry I have to yes hey you stop it stop stop stop I've never seen you before do you live in the Chateau no stolen something haven't you no will you tell me your name no will you stop saying no will you stop asking questions where are you from that's a question come with me yeah come on that's it that's it this is it this is where I'm from I didn't know that this Village here you live in the Chateau this is no place for you [Music] come on move [Music] foreign [Music] why'd you bring her here she lets me keep this Jack today at least they'll have something to sink their teeth into really the village that pool a while back it was one of the richest improvals fertile Fields with grazing herds then the prince changed he sold the cattle and turned the fields into a hunting Reserve soon this whole place will be dead thank you it's terribly sad that's true but now that's the way things are instead of feeling sorry for themselves they should find work like I did I'd like to do something to help and the prince what would he say he doesn't need to know anything about it we don't have a soul what can we give them us nothing but there is someone who could help no no no it's not my problem I created perfumes for the king of France if we don't do something to help them soon the king of King of France will have problems too well then ask my nephew you know you won't lift a finger only you can do it the truth of the matter is I can't stand the stench of stables think of the Essences a whole village could provide [Music] foreign [Music] very well [Music] [Music] I'm really amazed so I overcame my disgust for the sense of stables so high no that Florian actually did some physical work oh you know I have to save my energy for important events Florian Florian Finn the princess back fine where were you oh good to see you again too well I was worried that I wouldn't come back how could I not I have bet to win Karine has reported to me that your bella convinced my father to give the villagers a cow and a calf your father is getting senile I'm not surprised at him but rather a lot of the other servants albertine and Florian are becoming fond of that scullery maid apparently the sweet young thing you're to seduce is instead seducing everyone else in that case something Bella [Music] Bella look Bella Bella be quiet what happened a thief my Lord I caught her stealing meat from the pantry they go to Jerome to be whipped the next time you will know to keep your hands where they belong I was looking and this I thought that maybe perfume man could use it flour that little Miss loves the smell of meat please she's just a little girl don't punish her so cruelly why shouldn't I it would be a noble oh it is ignoble to enforce Justice who's Justice yours you who would starve a little girl and then have her whipped watch out I've had people whipped bloody for words less defiant than yours fine my Lord then punish me not her let's do this we let fate decide what do you think well eggs you will be whipped until you lose consciousness tails [Music] you and the girl will go for him [Music] tails Fate has been kind to you [Music] you cheated didn't you the Lash does not strike me as the most ideal instrument of Seduction I recall occasions when you claimed precisely the opposite Bella is different when we first spoke of her you said she was like all the rest now I simply say this different from you but you can be sure that you will end up in my bed I'm beginning to think that you will end up in has my Lord as soon as she gets back I better unpack my bags and don't tell her the order came from me as you wish my Lord [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry forgive me I just yeah what are you doing here do you want to die like her all right [Music] [Music] what do you want from me huh what do you want [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you for you [Music] [Music] some happy news my beloved daughter the colonial Ministry Mission League to transport an enormous cargo of tobacco but the prophets I'll be able to repay a good part of what I owe the prince the day of your Liberation is closer I learned that I received this commission thanks to the intercession of a nobleman unfortunately I've been unable to discover his identity so all I could do to thank him was to have him sent my grandfather silver compass [Music] I was sorry to see it go but my honor required me to pay this mysterious man back in some land [Music] isn't there anywhere in my Chateau I can be at peace without having you show up excuse me my Lord I only wanted to thank you I don't recall doing anything for you that women usually thank me for Colonial Ministry commission for my father I don't know what you're referring to the silver compass you weren't supposed to find that I didn't want you to think that I did it to please you and why so you could rid of me and I have you I would know peace if you were mine but it won't happen and I shall never be worthy of you I await the day you leave here that won't bring me peace either but at least it will help me forget isn't that what you want travel wherever the wind fills your sails free who are you exactly you terrorize your subjects starve the peasants and take advantage of those in debt to you and now this act of kindness to understand I think I know how I can repay you for what you've done it's impossible you don't have to help just give me the keys you can't manage alone well I'll find someone with enough courage to help some of the plans are priceless the most incredible perfumes you'll only make a mess first she was cut to Jasmine then the Citrus meat before yeah oh yes then the lemon cut the lemon and of course then you must cut the osmantos dearest father I'm so looking forward to the day I can hug you again meanwhile don't worry about me my life at the Chateau is now not so hard [Music] the work they're giving me is lighter and the prince too although still dangerous has turned out to be different from what I feared [Music] hello why are you doing this it was Bella's idea she's conquered one and all God don't talk like that bill is such a lovely young girl and you helped her with the other servants with Leon and now even the greenhouse he's a wonderful young lady she brought a little light back to this place I would Ellen my lovely daughter you know only too well the weight I'm bearing for you only what everyone else knows has lay and seen what you're doing here right here he'll appreciate it listen to me I know that the normal Chef will ask for your hand except accept and get away from here leave Leia good eye girl does not love you never asks ah here you are at last isn't wanting to see you reason enough point [Music] a lot more if he can find the time this is just what I wanted to talk to you about my father spending more and more time with Bella in the greenhouse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look up [Music] leave us leave us come on what have you done okay you can plead to death or let yourself be helped you decide [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] do I scare you that much last night yes I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you with the work here I was just trying to thank you for what you did for my father [Music] this place holds unbearable memories for me I will never set foot in here again [Music] forgive me how is your hand now I am the one and you're dead say my Lord exactly in the cellar tell Karina and albertine to take care of her and will your cousin be joining you as well no she'll have dinner in a room I'll be advised I want everything perfect yes my Lord my lady start preparing your true Soul cousin tonight Bella will be mine if you love her I'm happy for you love he said which is spelled from which I awakened long ago all this has nothing to do with it doesn't it [Laughter] thank you but really there was no need the prince and the Countess Helen ordered us to see to you and say to you we shall beeswax for your lips I got it from milady go on try some thank you and now some of this what is it powder from Cyprus here I will do it you're both so nice this is not the only reason we're doing it if this evening turns out to be a happy one well I'd love it you could help him find his inner peace again and then everything would be better up what are you saying um I could never be there yes of course not of course not never mind don't bother your head about it you're right you have to go back to your life but first you have to wear this kitchen all according to plan my Lord the musicians already my Lord girl very good my Lord please come in albertine said I should wear this bag she chose well really it wasn't necessary I don't agree you will see and later you will understand why and so for our mind he made up this file of perfume for a certain if I can't ride and you know what I did I emptied it out and filled it with rain yes you should have seen the Vikings face when he smelled it my uncle didn't murder me only because I was a child your uncle loves you so much and so was it good I've never eaten anything so delicious all thanks to you if it had been just for me albertine would have prepared the usual Harmony ration start yes I come it's just that let's see it doesn't matter the musicians will be offended come on don't let me dance alone [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] do I shock you [Music] thank you I've not yet asked you to forgive me for what I tried to do that night that night 's far away which you would like to be as well isn't that right tonight less than before your kindness for me to you don't need to become a better person just remember who you were I remember but as a sort of malicious trick vanished Mirage you know when I was a child I used to wait for my father's return as a hero and in my eyes he always was a hero [Music] but then one day I saw him come home older tired defeated by the sea and my illusion of an invincible father I felt cold that day I wanted to hide away scream then I understood that my hero would have to be me [Music] my journey has just begun let's take it together forget all the all that go with you wherever you wish to go and then pray because I love you I love you Bubba I love you [Music] if it's really how you feel let me return to my father [Music] forever if you love me let me free you are here because of what I am but I'd like to be different so perhaps you could be persuaded to stay I'm sorry three days I give you three days by Sundown on the third day you've not come back I will know there's no chance for my love and I shall never see you again [Music] have a good trip my love a good trip [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign why did you let her go and if she doesn't return and you will win Helen you will win [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] my dear daughter Bella welcome back [Music] oh did you run away no no the prince released me the prince released you yes that dress is ravishing it's a gift from him it was entirely he's doing I did nothing to encourage it what's important is that now you're here we must celebrate yes [Music] thank you my darling you're welcome and he only drinks blood right what do you mean he's not a vampire I know that for sure he's no better or worse than us change the subject Olivier Bella's kind of touchy about the prince a toast yes to Bella who sacrificed herself for us all welcome home dear daughter cheers we've missed you I've missed you too and I've missed you most of all [Music] thank you [Music] keep on the Cape of Good Hope what the Indies [Music] will we get there rather than Cape Horn or the Cape of Good Hope I don't know [Music] you do still want to sail away with your father don't you [Music] coffee I ordered coffee not tea [Music] to get what I want around here again I ask you pardon my Lord I'll bring it at once let's pray that Bella returns thank you [Music] enough of torturing yourself Third Day Has Come and gone and Bella is not back you overestimated her she she hasn't suffered as we have [Music] she can't understand a man like you [Music] Bella [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you were you looking for something you [Music] right [Music] wait I've waited enough [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] are you certain I saw it with my own eyes [Music] I'll need you for something else Corrine Bella Bella Irene okay what is it forgive me for disturbing you but I felt I had to talk to you right away what about last night I had the prince and my lady talking about you the prince told her that well that he hadn't yet made you his but that he soon would and so win the wager waiter yes that's why I'm here I can't stand that they are using you for their stupid little game be very careful Bella don't trust the prince good morning to all good morning sir my Lord my Lord Bella not help yet my Lord shall I get I'll call her Bella Bella I'm sorry my Lord Bella left [Music] I tried to stop her but it was no use all she said was she wanted to go back to her father thank you [Music] I foresee some days of intense work for you my dear your lady was about to win the bet and will soon marry the prince [Music] that day I understood that there are two possible Journeys the journey to explore another land and the journey to discover another person [Music] both are uncertain and dangerous and both lead into the unknown [Music] why are you running away hey Gabe is that what I am to you I thought you loved me but instead I was only a pet [Music] no it's not how it seems please and yesterday even yesterday wasn't what it seemed even yesterday [Music] today everything is clear [Music] it's over you've lost I could never love you you father however hasn't yet paid off his debt to me mine and even more starkly that day I also learned that from either kind of Journey you may never return [Music] once upon a time there was a girl who dreamed of traveling of sailing the seven seas in a great ship and discovering Lands Beyond the ocean The Winds of Fate swept her in a different direction [Music] oh good morning Bella did you sleep well I had night always the same one come on eat this the first time we made it you light it thank you I'll have it a little later please you have to try you haven't eaten for days now you're going to make yourself sick come on if I could just get away from this place I'd be fine I wish I could help you but you know my hands are tied Bella the counter sent me to get you come on am I wrong do you look pale that shouldn't surprise you I wanted the way you were I won't tolerate miserable faces among my servants Leon you can't be here you know it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride's dress and even sooner I must be mad to imagine I can help to release such pain but I love him and I'm ready to sacrifice every minute I have left for him come I want you to be part of the wedding preparation there's nothing more fun for a young girl you'll see that your good mood comes right back oh please don't worry about me oh but I will I try to warn you but it was no use Leon has broken your heart you're not the first and you won't be the last no that's not how it is you can't lie to me I know the signs when a girl is lovesick no I'm sick of being imprisoned here and I can't understand why he insists on harassing me stubbornness of the princes but don't worry once I'm his wife I'll know how to change him [Music] well how do you like it you're a beautiful bride do you want to see the Veil [Music] foreign she can't leave just like that let her do what she likes it's of no interest to me [Music] [Music] Bella hello where are you going hello hello [Applause] [Music] stop bella bella bella you're not allowed to leave the estate stop Bella Gloria what's happened the horses are acting up because of the storm coming come on to the Stables quick quick [Music] foreign [Music] you're nothing but a little thief so you didn't learn last time leave me alone I didn't come to steal anything you're a liar too no it's not true I came I came he's in the village and she's terribly sick in the village yes she's very sick [Music] okay papa papa oh my God [Music] what if you die nothing my Lord we found her like that I told you what happened laughs [Music] open up don't die don't die [Music] all right do something she's burning up the fever must be very high Florence took the fire yes why didn't anyone inform me it's hardly appropriate to leave her here it was my decision we must fetch a doctor from Marseille I live immediately my Lord I'll go I forbid you it'll be night soon and a storm is coming wait until morning tomorrow could be too late lay on wait for her own good no one touches her until the prince returns [Music] [Applause] [Music] Russo open up it's Prince downhill open up the doctor's not home please don't hurt us where is he in the tavern [Applause] S I Need You Now over upper I'll kill you with my bare hands who is this scoundrel he doesn't look like the prince oh come on all right all right all right let's go that kind of doctor is please come on why do you think he'll be much use tonight [Laughter] thank you [Music] I have a nose I make perfumes not medicines told you and what if it doesn't work she can't die do you understand me do you hear me foreign [Music] [Music] are you sure of what you are doing bro you have a better idea ah how long will it take probably all nighter there is nothing we can do only wait anyway [Music] now he worries it's his fault if she's like that will you please go get me some more hot water all right away count so sorry for what I said [Music] albertine is right we all know what's going on they hurt you [Music] times it's not easy to separate things thank you take Oleander which grows spontaneously practically everywhere [Music] an enchanting scent but if you burn it that perfume could turn to poison Leon led a Wonderful Life charmingly happy and then on a night like tonight everything was consumed by fire so is it the oleander's fault the fire makes it poison what are theyhold's fault that is happiness turned to anger and hostility no no it's not his fault not entirely there's nothing more horrible than losing happiness once you've found it well she make it I don't know no one can know [Music] thank you [Music] if you exist helper [Music] I know you will not listen [Music] I swear if she survives that I will change foreign still have a fever what am I doing well you should you try to run away you lost Consciousness Leon found you and he brought you here so we could take care of you Leon yeah she was worried very very very worried about you be better that way see last night you were on the verge of an and uh oh that's incredible your fever's practically gone [Music] how do you feel better certainly better than you what happened you look like you just saw a ghost leave us alone I'll be back later it wouldn't have been hot to find someone else for your little gain why you had fun didn't you at my expense yes yes you have yes you are on my daughter I understand your anger at that idiotic bed although I know I shouldn't have made it if it wasn't for that see you what that's enough no all right all right only one last thing make a wish anything you like and I shall fulfill it you can no longer believe my words maybe you can believe in that [Music] have you done what I asked what was that make a perfume for me for my wedding day father it's in two weeks I'm about to realize my life's dream and you don't seem to care at all forgive me I'm still waiting for inspiration I want something intense sensual one that can seduce and bewitch perfume alone is not enough I would not Harbor any illusions to think that last time and we both know how that ended up I asked you to make me a perfume not to give me a lecture for me both go hand in hand there is no one who loves Leo as much as I do not Juliet not Bella someday he'll understand that and he will love me yes then he will love me back my sweet Bella since you've gone back to the Chateau I've been missing you more than ever I wonder all the time what you were doing going back there once the prince let you leave however regrets are pointless free you the only way is to pay off to the last zoo that damned debt so I will redouble my efforts even if it costs me my life [Music] foreign you're thinking what I'm thinking aren't you that would surprise me it would be marvelous to have it here the reception in the greenhouse don't you think the reception for our wedding listen you're right too countrified no the salon was better not that big deal you should know that I excuse me I've decided what to ask you for let's talk about it then alone there's no need there's nothing that cannot be said in front of your betrothed as you wish My Wish could be that you cancel my father's dead that way I no longer have an excuse to keep you here if that's what you want right thank you what a venal nature she could have had you but you preferred money so it's decided the reception will be held in the salon there is not going to be any reception [Music] [Applause] there is not going to be any wedding you gave me a word did you really think that I'd keep it you did with Bella yes yes he isn't much good that did oh so it seems [Music] my lady go go away [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on it's time to go I don't have any milk can you help us I told you we can't pay this don't pay up in a day or two I'm kicking you up with your whole family [Applause] stop sassy Bella [Applause] they told me at the Chateau that you were leaving but I didn't believe it well good luck you'll have everything you'll be fine don't worry about us [Music] my Lord my Lord Lord someone is here for you [Applause] my lord it's actually Bella what's that leave us what else do you want I couldn't leave I can see that I thought of still being useful here kept me from leaving I can manage perfectly well without you or anyone else and to have another chance I gave you another chance and you chose what is closest to your heart yes to leave but that was a small wish and selfish and if I had another wish just one more would you still be willing to Grant it you must be joking not at all it's a booming business and very profitable and the prince has given his consent you can't force me perfumes cannot be mass produced but the villagers would have worked perfumes are unique creations they're exclusive they're only for the elite this Valley would be rich again and and your name famous in all of France are you trying to corrupt me flattery will get you nowhere young lady I wouldn't dream of it but with your Creations you could perfume half the world unknown do you have any idea how many Essences it takes just to make one perfume worthy of that name you order them we will find them in all the amounts I would need we can grow them in the greenhouse we have the these are the rarest they come from the from the other side of the world my my father can bring them in his ship just just I'll find it all right but if one of them is missing I won't do it I'll write this Rose [Music] Jasmine lemon cinnamon bitter orange peel saffron [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] myself [Music] should we put these ones on the same pile all right just keep the fresh ones over there [Music] and J as in Jasmine I'm glad to see that you've separated everything properly or you can keep that still over there next to the boiler come on come on there's still so much left to do and any of you really believe that the prince has changed overnight just like that you'll see this will turn out to be just another way to cheat US count where do these go I you can put that over there I'll have to set aside 300 Lewis for the boiler and 200 for the laboratory glassware it's really astonishing I've heard that this month my allowance will be halved will someone here please tell me what's going on we're just following orders Madam the prince has decided to invest the tax revenue in the perfume Laboratory that can't be I have a sorry my lady but the prince does whatever that servant Bella tells him to do and I'm afraid that even you will be able to do much about it now after he insulted me rejected me now this fresh humiliation never mind it's your full time in this mess you favored Bella instead of your own daughter that isn't true I just wanted your happiness and marrying Leon would not bring you happiness Helen you're so young and very beautiful don't waste your life in the shadow of a man who doesn't appreciate you [Music] shame it's no longer needed exactly what I wanted [Music] [Music] dear father I wish you could be here to see how so much has changed this Valley that once seemed to me so gloomy will soon return to its former Beauty [Music] carry on with what you were doing [Music] old blush I'd like to say Belladonna each one is tied to a memory and for that I hated them but now my memories hurt less because I feel I feel hope the hope of finding the happiness I knew before that my hope will make sense it depends on you or if it is to become just a memory the most painful one of all what must I Dare for you to believe me look me in the eyes look me in the eyes oh it's true you're right I toit with you I pretended I played a role to hide my true feelings but now not that interests me remove the mask forever foreign [Music] and I love you I love you Bella I no longer want to hide [Music] and I want everyone to see to know how much I love you party for Bella here in this house yes that's what they told us it seems that Bella insisted on also inviting that ragamuffin friend of hers her father and the other villagers time she found out who Leia really is finally this house is returning to its Glory Days you were so excited because you were not the one who has to cook but you've been marvelous and not just as a cook Florian how dare you we must not set a bad example forgive me Prince is happy and uh it's contagious sorry this dress is awful yes it's really disgusting and my you look like a princess in a fairy tale foreign You Look Marvelous truly oh poor dear what a mess come let me see to it you go get some ashes to stop the bleeding don't be like that I only want to be friends to make sure you know I have no grudge against you Leon has chosen you and I can only back off and stand out of the way I'm sorry I never meant to hurt anyone we all have our share of hurt and you of course will have yours Leo is a violent man brutal capable of great cruelty I know but now he has changed a man doesn't change from one day to the next now he's enjoying a moment of euphoria but then he'll go back to being the same as ever and no one would be able to protect you anymore what do you mean I know Leon better than you perhaps it's not my place to tell you but it's important that you know before making any decision it was Leon who killed poor Juliet it's not true true how do you think he got that scar across his eye because Juliet who wounded him trying to defend herself stop it if you don't believe me why don't you try asking him [Music] foreign [Music] to marry me in front of everyone that will cause quite a scandal it doesn't matter I want it to be crystal clear to one and all that I've chosen her Leon you've made the right choice and I'm very happy for all of us [Music] counties welcome General good evening [Music] your Excellency my case foreign [Music] it's incredible I've never seen such a place it looks like a cathedral if I had known I wouldn't have come I agree dear do you detect a stench of the Stables What a fine nose your leadership but the wholesome order of the Stables is often preferable to that of a woman wearing the the wrong perfume ladies the prince he has removed the mask at last foreign there she is [Music] shall we dance and that would be her not a woman of his standing not for a second oh something happened just a little accident but it's already better all right lavender and violet the perfume of clean laundry may I have cool thank you don't even think about it servants Don't Dance why not those are the rules an exception well we are no longer the age to go around breaking the rules what do you like to dance yes how frivolous you are looking at me strangely you've never told me how you got the scar [Music] perhaps I shouldn't ask foreign [Music] now it's my turn to ask you something and I want everyone to hear may I have your attention thank you I lay on Prince Delville in the presence of all here hereby ask you Bella Dubois for your hand [Music] in marriage what do you say yes yes she accepts [Applause] enjoy yourselves Now Music you're coming with me now thank you what has gotten into you why didn't you say anything it was so unexpected with good news that shouldn't be a problem I have to ask you a question what could you get [Music] yes I would have done anything for her I loved her more than I love myself and she and she repaid me with betrayal there that's the truth that was up to you to answer [Music] why don't you marry me [Music] go get out I own weight how long are you going to think it over you killed Juliet yes with these hands and if you find me too terrifying to love keep away from me now divided into like me one side Prince the other wild beast if you want me you must take them both go and come back only when you know that your love will be able to endure all this [Music] foreign [Music] keep it until you have made your decision [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] seeing you suffer it will pass with me there's no need for you to try to be strong show that you're in control I know you I understand you Karine I know what you need that Ella Evelyn how are you you look run down I'm better that I'm at home how are you oh my little girl I'm sorry I'm sorry but if we had known that you were coming back we'd have prepared a proper welcome it was unexpected for me too I don't understand what convinced the prince pencil my debt I told you [Music] he is no better or worse than anyone else he just needed some good advice Bella did he take advantage of you be honest no not in any way so you've brought your clothes this time you've returned for good I really don't know that's enough questions otherwise she'll want to leave again please come your room is waiting for you how beautiful oh yes it is did the prince give it to you it's nothing important no false modesty Bella but Emerald is as big as a walnut not even a prince would give such a thing for no reason honestly it's a just a souvenir yes Evelyn yes will you go and prepare a nice meal for us please yes captain let me see to it you yes making dinner I had some practice at the Chateau and no one ever died oh what have we got in the house I guess potatoes in some months the Bon Esperance will be back with a cargo of spices and we'd be rich again yes Father thank you [Music] Bella I'll be right down father foreign father's waiting for you outside yes [Music] [Music] awesome otherwise [Music] Andre how come you're here yes in a sense yes then you can go with us as your father told you his idea for the next spice you've met a different route to the Americas that would be so beautiful then what's stopping you I don't know hey what you doing you can load up here at Lisbon go by the Azores and then head for Santo Domingo I thought that the best route at this time of year was but but by way of the canaries canaries and then Brazil we'll take on coffee to sell in New Orleans at your command captain Evelyn please cannot do this your sister of course we can she's been lucky with the prince and now it's my turn it's so beautiful what a shame we have to sell it now it's up to you try and get as much as you can for it [Music] definitely what if we get caught we'll deny everything oh come on we can't wait forever for my father's business to come around this this will get us enough money to get married and live together it's our last chance [Music] come on interesting how much can you offer there's an issues LD what do they stand for I can't tell you more than that 80 Louis fine Amino 90 oh forget it 85 90. 95 100. it's yours not now follow me in 21 days a Family Jewelry you were saying I found you [Music] all right [Music] you're beautiful I love you do you see this face it's divided into like me one side Prince the other wild beast if you want me you must take them both [Music] foreign we have an announcement to make Olivier and I are getting married we've sent the wedding date next Saturday Saturday but how what about the dowry where are you getting the money it's all taken care of a distant Uncle of Olivier's left him a small Nest Egg not much but enough well aren't you going to congratulate me of course my daughter congratulations I'm very happy for you yes my darling Leon all I do is think about us [Music] Leon I feel as if I'm in the middle of a storm the port very far away even though I can't stop thinking about you [Music] hello are you there give this to Countess alone I'm sure she'll find it interesting [Music] I learned only today that this Saturday my sister is getting married so I'll stay in Marseille for that allow me just these few more days [Music] then I'll give you my answer give it to me I'll take it to him as you wish foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's more than a week if she doesn't come back it's because she's just fine because she is what do you know about it oh nothing let's just pretend I didn't say a word are you sure well Bella was seen at the port with her father and his Master at Arms an attractive young man so they say the same age as she is I see nothing strange in that they were looking for funding to leave for the Americans and I have good reason to believe that Bella would be going with them my primary reason is this how did you get it it was sold to the port to someone who recognized your initials oh I forgot she settled for a hundred Louis a mere pittance obviously in a very great hurry to get away [Music] okay [Music] [Music] foreign are you ready father [Music] yes all set [Music] everybody a toast to the newlyweds to their happy cups [Applause] excuse me so as I was saying you look absolutely radiant and I really honestly think we have every chance in the world of making it together come on Bella the ship has arrived from the Indies thank you they save you from that wolf Shall We Dance come on no no please why not just one Dance come on all right for just one one all right [Music] he was light as a feather you allow me to dance and then you feel sad let's make this fun you're right all right will you give me another chance [Music] for a moment whatever's worrying you [Music] oh come on one more no yes just one more [Music] voice the ring I gave you I don't know I don't know I swear you are nothing like so many others how dare you let it go at least they don't steal you betrayed me and you rubbed me too take that back oh wow [Applause] no no I beg you no I beg you so much leave him stop stop [Music] just let him rest and if he suffers Nothing Better then a little cognac This Way doctor [Music] it's like a nightmare but I can't wake up from a nightmare how drove you into [Music] it's all my doing allowing myself to be the secret a wolf is always it can't change my child promise me something father that we will leave when Andre is well enough you will never mention Leon again [Music] I promise all right [Music] good [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] what's going on it's a precaution against a possible disaster why isn't Bella back yet you sweet thing I think you'll have to change your mind about that I sincerely doubt if Bella will ever come back here again [Music] thank you I knew she would make you suffer but you are you certain ah [Music] there we could have been so happy together and said look at us so close and yet so far apart [Music] both alone utterly without hope [Music] it's all your fault only yours [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] your sister be careful sorry your sister could come and help since getting married she hasn't lifted a finger father it's all right after all it's a honeymoon Bella I have something to say it's about that ring now I don't know for sure but I have my doubts father you promised me we wouldn't talk about that anymore yes but uh I think no I'm practically certain that it was your sister I don't want to know even if it's true at least the ring was good for something hi Bella what a surprise what brings you here we came to take you home right Papa yes that's right Bella you can't leave us with you not there the prince will go back to being like before and the valley too well come on let's go sassy sassy wait I can't I'm going to stay here you know how I've always dreamed of sailing the seed with my father well pretty soon my dream is going to come true you're going away we're going to the Americas a huge land on the other side of the ocean when I come back I'll bring you lots of presents I don't want your presence you can keep them sassy zazzy wait sazi we must we can no longer maintain the situation Helen close the laboratory very well I'll close the Greener house I don't want anyone going in there ever again I want to see those plants die one by one what's going on [Music] books [Music] I'm going to teach her a lesson right now [Music] let's see if she'll still feel like rebelling afterwards [Music] [Applause] [Applause] come on no to the Chateau let's teach the prince a lesson [Music] [Applause] nothing ever happened [Applause] never again why I don't understand what have these poor plants done to him his orders there's no point in thwarting him over something so silly it's not so silly get busy instead make up a good supply of you know what for me you can no longer count on me for that don't you meddle now too you know that Leon is larger and larger doses he's an addict and you made him that way I will not allow you to commit another crime you talk as if you had nothing to do with it as if you weren't my accomplice it's true but I will no longer be your accomplice father wait [Music] [Music] my dearest Bella before it's too late I must confess to you that I witnessed the events of the night I was Juliet my own's wife father you have to know that he didn't kill her but the one who killed Juliet was father what are you planning on doing with my unwitting complicity [Music] Helen had asked me for a strong dose of tranquilizer said the Leon was not feeling well Leon had discovered that his wife was betraying him it was Helen who told him they all seem to have lost his mind which is why I agreed to give him that powerful tranquilizer [Music] oh [Music] okay thank you [Music] you look very agitated I'll give you something for it come [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] remembered nothing at all from at night it was easy for Elaine to make him think that it was he who father what are you doing nothing I was organizing my samples show me no Helen what do you think you're doing you're talking to your father no show me I said [Music] what is this oh 15 of wait yes eight of beans yes you're not being much help let me Daydream for just a moment my greatest wish is about to come true mine too it's I can hardly believe it this is your greatest wish yes traveling with you truly yes ever since we were little and you tried to stow away don't you remember truth is I have an even greater wish ing you sir are you looking for a deckhand I'm ready to go right away what do you do I quit things are going badly there badly The Peasants have gone crazy and took it out on me I also heard they are going to storm the Shadow and make the prince pay technology [Music] to first get those and then the others we put them straight on both yes Father I'm not coming with you I must go back to Leon I'm sorry [Music] you owe him nothing [Music] Bella Bella what are you doing you have to stop her you think I should fine I'll stop by myself I friends we put up with him for long enough it's time to take back what the long story everyone to the Chateau oh my God [Applause] [Music] what do you want to do we want justice as he only Justice we stay at home where it's safer [Music] let's go let's go [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] do you see that what should we do they'll tear us live from limb they want me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] get to the monster monster [Applause] you don't scare us anymore kill him bastard here I am kill the monster [Applause] the prince must pay for what he's done not like this or you will become the same as him is that what you want Bastian right in front of your own daughter Bella what have you got to do with him he's not the monster you all think and even if he was I still love him who cares the prince deserves to die out of the way leave him to us [Applause] if you want him quiet if you want him you have to take me too foreign [Music] I'm not going to abandon you not this time I didn't defeat yourself [Music] I want them to kill you how else is gonna be sure it's love [Music] are you all right I'm going to go look for some ashes to dresses let me see [Music] you're coming with me and then please please please what's taking Bella so long perhaps she's looking for can't Harmon go and get him help him I got him [Music] what what what are you doing ah my my Lord where are you going [Music] oh my God how could they [Music] count count our mold count can you hear me can't can you hear me hello I've waited for years no one has ever loved land as much as I have to you not idiot that's stupid tussy stunning I did it for you don't you understand we could have been so happy if she hadn't come along and spoil it all stop waiting better has nothing to do with this I am the one who got you came away [Music] you murder me so why what don't do it kill me only me just do it stay back you're dead [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] I want to make a toast long live the newlyweds [Applause] everything I'm so happy for you little sister um about the ring I I wanted to tell you that don't worry ah may I kiss the bride thank you wish me a good journey have a ship of my own now I'm a captain very proud very proud and I'm very proud of you bye better I've tasted the cakes Heavenly thank you who made them because that's what you are oh you were impossible and you're adorable when you get mad came close to sinking but you got into port congratulations I had the bravest ige [Music] this is all your perfume [Music] excuse me can I have your attention please today a new life Begins for me and for all of us this woman showed me that even for me there is still hope and if there is hope for me there is hope for you and for our entire Valley it will bloom again and eat flowers a perfume all the world foreign [Applause] of my story that for things to become lovable they must first be loved [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign foreign
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Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, beauty and the beast, Blanca Suárez, Alessandro Preziosi, beauty and the beast series
Id: fGxX1iJjRmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 25sec (11905 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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