My Husband's Double Life | Full Movie | Lifetime

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[dramatic music] [music continues] You should've stayed in New York. -[grunts] -[gasps] [woman screaming] -[panting] -[body thuds] [car horn honking] [man] Hey, girls, I'm home! Mm, in the kitchen. Dinner's almost ready. Zoe, I asked you to set the table ten minutes ago. Yeah. And you saw I was doing homework. I've thought that takes precedent over setting a table. -[Sabrina] Precedence. -Hey, hey, hey, Come on, you two. Ahh! Smells good. Me or the food? [chuckles] Shouldn't have waited for me, honey. You know I'm leaving for Paris tonight. You didn't say anything about leaving yesterday. Oh, it can't already be that time. Do we have to do this every time? It's like clockwork, okay? This new development means I have to be in Paris every other month. I know, I know, it just... snuck up on me, I guess. [sighs] [Zoe] You're leaving? What about my game? I'm playing Washington Central this week, and if we beat them, we advance to the quarter-finals. You didn't tell me Zoe had a basketball game. Zoe has a basketball game every Friday night. And practice five times a week, and violin lessons every Sunday. Everything is on the calendar. Between both your schedules and my new clients, I can barely keep it all straight. Sounds like a pretty important game to me. [laughs] Well, I'm sorry. I am doing my best here. [scoffs] It's fine, honey. Just make sure you send me the highlights, okay? You know, or take me with you? Pretty please? [whispers] Next time. Oh, I forgot to ask. I got an alert that someone spent $500 at a store called La Femme Boutique. Well, Zoe said it wasn't her, which means our card information must have been stolen. Unless it was you. No, I've never heard of it. I'll give 'em a call tomorrow and make sure they remove the charge. Oh, you'll be travelling. I can do that. It's okay, honey. I got it. You got a lot on your plate right now. What? Look, I've just been thinking, you know... maybe you ought to drop some of your accounting clients. Where is that coming from? Well, you just seem a little overwhelmed. Because I didn't remember you were leaving? [sighs] Look, you've just come through a really difficult experience. [scoffs] Why would you bring up that again? Huh? I've been through counselling, I've-- Because last year was a really tough year. I took every dose of my medication. You didn't just go through a miscarriage, honey, you almost died. I'm fine. I actually feel great. Okay? And I love my work. You love being an accountant? I actually do. Numbers, I get. Teenage girls, not so much. [cell phone dings] Who's that? Oh, it's just my car confirmation. We're not gonna finish this conversation? Yeah, I can't miss this flight. Let's talk about this on the phone in the morning. Oh, okay. Well, have a safe flight. Hey. Yeah, of course. I miss you, too, honey. Oh, your watch! Fletcher... [Fletcher] Yeah, well, I'm gonna go to the office first and then I'll see you after that. Okay. [chuckles] Okay. Sure, no problem. [indistinct chatter] [instrumental music] [sighs] $500 on lingerie. [keys clacking] What the heck? Paris? [dramatic music] <i> Merci.</i> [Bridgette] Fletcher? [chuckles] [laughs] [Fletcher grunts] Mwah! I didn't expect to see you until tonight. Oh, I couldn't wait. I rode in with papa, so I could see you before he whisks you away for work. No rest for the wicked, huh? I'm so glad you're home. -Why can't I go too? -Oh, we've been over this. You have school and your basketball tournament. Are you really gonna miss that? -This is bullshit. -Language, Zoe! So, directly after practice, you go home with Taylor, okay? Why are you going, anyway? Does dad even know you're coming? Your father and I are working through something at the moment. What does that even mean? -Mom! -This family is my life. It means I'm doing this for us, Zoe. Way to be cryptic. Just take that one. Looks better on you. Thank you. [instrumental music] Well, we're still on target for 2019 unveiling. Of course, that's all the shareholders are concerned about. [cell phone ringing] Do you think I care about your shareholders? [scoffs] Well-well, you should care. This expansion into the European Union could lead to new and emerging territories all around the world. [sighs] Let's close this deal. Big ground... and then you can move on to world domination. The deal is all but closed. I just need reassurance that you'll be able to come up with your end of the bargain. Your local influence. That's the only way this deal works. But, in success... To success, then. [glasses clink] Oh, nice. And don't worry. You're family now. I never let family down. [dramatic music] [cell phone keys clacking] [cell phone ringing] Hey, honey. You're up late. You having trouble sleeping? Actually, I'm right on time. I'm in Paris. What? What are you talking about? I decided to surprise you. You're in Paris? Yes. But, I'm on my way to the city now. Well, ....., Sabrina. Why didn't you tell me? [Sabrina]<i> Well, that defeats the purpose of a surprise.</i> You couldn't have picked a worse time, honey. What hotel are you staying at? I'll have the cab take me there. Can you call and let them know I'm staying with you? [sighs] Uhh, sure, yeah. I'll, uh, text you the details. Um... [Fletcher]<i> I have to go, honey, someone's just jumped</i> <i> into my office, okay?</i> Did you just hang up on me? -Diane? -Yes? Uh, I need you to book a hotel room for me immediately, please. -Okay. What city? -Uh, here, in Paris. Um, checking in now, and through to the end of the week. -For yourself? -[sighs] Put it in my name, but it's for a friend of mine. She's just arrived from New York. Of course. And can you reschedule my meetings for the rest of the afternoon, please? -Got it. -Okay. [sighs] [door opens] You're here! You're here! Now is not a good time, Sabrina. Well, it might not be a good time, but it's important that I'm here. [sighs] Yeah, but what about Zoe? [scoffs] I mean, who's watching her? Now we're both missing her big game. I've figured it all out, Fletch. She's staying with Taylor. And I already spoke to her mother Marion. She's even promised to video the game for us. I've never liked Taylor. I-I think her and her mother are bad influence on Zoe. [scoffs] Have you seen the way she lets Taylor dress? Do you not want me here? No, no. No, it's-it's not that I don't want you here, it's just... It's unexpected. Oh, you haven't unpacked yet? No, I-I haven't really left the office since I got here. -Oh. -[sighs] I have to get back to work. Oh, wait. Before you go, let's call Zoe. I said I would when we were together. Yeah, but it's-it's a bit early, isn't it? Yeah, she's gotta get up for school, anyway. Come on. [tablet ringing] Hi, honey! <i> Do you have any idea how early it is?</i> I miss you, honey. <i> Miss you too, Dad.</i> <i> So, what are you guys doing today?</i> Well, um, I'm gonna head back to the office and I think your mom's probably gonna pass out, so it's gonna be an early night for her and some room service. I thought we could go for a nice dinner. [Zoe]<i> You're pathetic, Dad.</i> <i> Take your wife out.</i> Yeah, Dad. It's my first night in the city of lights. Plus, I gotta stay up, right, or I'll never get over this jet lag. Okay, okay. I know when I'm being ganged up on. A nice dinner out it is. Uh, I'll have Diane book somewhere fancy. -[Zoe]<i> Ooh, fancy pants.</i> -[chuckles] [Sabrina] I love you, Zoe-bear. Text me if you need anything, okay? -[Zoe]<i> Okay. Bye.</i> -Bye. Love you, honey. Bye-bye! [Sabrina giggles] -[sighs] -Who's Diane? My assistant. Okay! Gotta run. [instrumental music] [door opens] So, what's happening with all your clients, then? They all know how to reach me if there's a sudden tax emergency. It's a bit irresponsible, isn't it, to abandon your clients so last minute? Seriously? It's not even tax season yet. Weren't you telling me to drop some clients, anyway? [indistinct chatter] You know what I was thinking? Why don't you get the train to London tomorrow? You-you always wanted to visit the Globe Theater. I'm here to see you, though. I wanna see where you work. How about I come to the office tomorrow and meet your team? Look, I-I'm gonna be stuck in meetings all day. I am not really gonna have time to walk you around. I-I don't want you wasting your days here. You'll have so much more fun in London. More fun than Paris? You always used to talk about wanting to see more theatre, and London's perfect for that. [Sergey] Fletcher. Fancy seeing you here. A little late night for you. Well, you know what they say, "Business keeps one busy." I was just remarking to some friends over there. Good company makes the time fly. Uh, Sergey, this is Sabrina. Hi, it's nice to meet you. -Oh, an American? -Hm. Yeah, Sabrina just came in from New York this morning. She's heading off to London tomorrow. Didn't you just get in from New York yourself? Uh, you know me, always travelling. -So, what brings you to Paris? -Oh, I'm just visiting-- Yeah, li-like I was saying, Sabrina's actually heading off to London to, to take in the theatre scene tomorrow. -Oh! I'm so sorry. -Oh, my Gosh. -I'm so sorry. -Oh! That will be a nasty stain, hm? Excuse me, I, I need to clean this up. [dramatic music] [water running] [sighing] [sighs] Who was that man? Business associate. Felt awfully awkward. I-I don't like mixing my personal life with my business. He's really important in commercial construction here. I can't screw this up, Sabrina. I need to be on my game. I completely understand. But I'm not going to London. But I'll hire a car tomorrow to tour the city, and when you're done with your meetings, we can meet each other after. All right. I-I'll get Diane to arrange the car. You know, Fletch, I just want us to be happy again. I know. Me, too, and I-I promise you, as soon as this deal is done, we'll spend some more time together, I promise. We could go back to the hotel and make use of the rest of this evening. Do you know what, I-I'd love to do that, but since I took the day off for you, I'm gonna have to get back to the office. I'm sorry. [sighs] Well, like you said, "A lot more time soon." [intense music] [dramatic music] [Fletcher] Okay. [telephone ringing] Yeah? Uh, I have to go. Sergey. [Sergey]<i> Good day to you.</i> What can I do for you? [Sergey]<i> How's your friend?</i> <i> Sabrina, is it?</i> She's on her way out. [Sergey]<i> Well, if she's friend of yours,</i> <i> she's friend of mine.</i> <i>I'm sending Jacques to take her to the station.</i> Well, that's not necessary. She's not going to London now. [Sergey]<i> We like to take care of our friends.</i> <i> You know that.</i> You shouldn't have done that. [Sergey]<i> I don't like complications,</i> <i> and she seems like one.</i> Overstepped. [Sergey]<i> I don't like it.</i> Well, you don't have to like it. I will handle my friends as I see fit. [dialing] -[line ringing] -[elevator bell dings] [intense music] [Sabrina on voicemail]<i> This is Sabrina. Leave a message.</i> Hi, honey. Uh, it's me. Listen, I've been thinking about last night, and, you know what, I can get some time off after all. I don't want you going sightseeing by yourself, okay? I'll see you soon, honey. Bye. [Sabrina on voicemail]<i> This is Sabrina. Leave a message.</i> Sabrina, don't get in the car. I'm coming to get you. [Jacques] Sabrina? -Yes. -This way. -Oh, thank you. -[cell phone ringing] Oh, excuse me. Hi, honey. I'm about to go sightseeing. [Fletcher]<i> Don't get in the car.</i> -What's wrong? Why?<i> -Uh, N-nothing's wrong.</i> <i> I just wanted to catch you before you left.</i> <i> I-I can take the day off now, I've got a better idea.</i> Oh? What do you have planned? [Fletcher]<i> It's a surprise.</i> <i> I'll meet you at the hotel.</i> Okay. I'll see you soon, then. [gasps] I'm so sorry. My plans have changed. This is an unexpected surprise. Is everything all right? The voicemail and text seemed urgent. Yeah, everything's fine. [sighs] I just didn't want you spending your day on your own. You look amazing. Y-you know what? What? I don't wanna leave the hotel room at all now. Oh, really? And what do you have in mind, my dear husband? [Fletcher] Same thing you had on your mind last night. I missed you while you worked. Well, let's make up for that. [chuckles] This is much better than London. [chuckles] [dramatic music] [door closes] Fletcher? [sighs] So much for a day in bed. [sighs] Um, would you like anything else, ma'am? Oh, no, thank you. I'm full. But, would you mind giving me some directions? I wanted to walk over to my husband's office. -Uh, where is his office? -It's on Rue de Gramont. So, that is in 2nd arrondissement. Um, Rue de Gramont is... there. Uh, it's very walkable from here. Um, just two lefts and you're there. [Sabrina] Thanks. Oh, one more thing. You wouldn't happen to know where La Femme Boutique is? Oh, uh, that's a lovely shop. Um, it is actually not so far, uh, from your husband's office. Um, if you head this way, you can stop there. This road get into Gramont. Thank you so much. [dramatic music] <i> Bonjour.</i> Hi. Hi. May I help you? I'm just looking. [chuckles] That is one of our most popular pieces. Husbands buy this for their women all the time. Uh, I used to wear stuff like this. And you want something to spice up your marriage. Oh, it-it would look better on a much younger woman. We have, uh, more conservative items that might be better suited for you. No, thank you. [dramatic music] [Fletcher on voicemail]<i> Hey, this is Fletcher.</i> <i> Please leave a message.</i> [sighs] [music continues] [cell phone dings] [birds chirping] [cell phone dings] [sighs] [music continues] <i> -Bonsoir,</i> madam. -Hi. How can I help you? Uh, I'm here to see Fletcher. Um, he left an hour ago. Oh, okay. Uh, is Diane around? No, she's gone as well. Do you know if he had a dinner with clients or... I'm sorry, madam. I don't keep the calendar. I must've misunderstood. -Have a good night. -You, too. Oh, one last thing. Do you know Diane's last name? It's Martin. Ah! Thank you. [line disconnects] [dramatic music] [sighs] [sighs] Hmm. Well, there must be some mistake, Sabrina. [sighs] What about you, Diane Martin? [music continues] [sighs] [car engine rumbling] Should I point out that it's not finished? [Fletcher] Uh, one outstanding permit is in the hands of Mr. Bernard. He will not, hmm? Ah, he's been pain in my ass for months. Well, it should have been done by now. I thought you said your specialty was applying acute pressure. Well, I'm going to need more funds for that kind of pressure. [exhales] How much are you gonna need? -Fifty thousand. -[laughs] [sighs] It's gonna be hard to cover that. Isn't that your specialty? Oh... You should probably be heading home. You've been away a month. Bridgette understands. There is a difference between understanding and liking it. When are the trips back to New York gonna stop? [sighs] Look, bringing Zoe over isn't easy. Judges in America, they don't like giving fathers full-time custody. It's been a battle. I know Bridgette is looking forward to being in a real family. And you not leaving every other month. Oh, I am, too. You'll have your 50K by the end of the month. [dramatic music] [car engine starts] [groans] Just get coffee. [sighs] [sighs] Perfect, then. [instrumental music] [cutlery clinking] [dramatic music] Thank you. -How may I assist you? -Yeah, I need a rental car. Of course, we can help you arrange that. -What time will you require it? -Now. -And can they bring it here? -Of course. -Right. I'll wait here. -Absolutely. [dramatic music] [music continues] [music continues] [doorbell buzzing] [door opens] <i> Oui?</i> Diane? There's no Diane here. Oh. I'm sorry, I must be at the wrong house. Not a problem. Uh, is, uh, Fletcher here? You just missed him. -Probably at the office by now. -[baby crying] It's okay! Mama will be there in a second. [dramatic music] Can I help you with something? This can't be happening. -[exhales] -Wait a minute. You're American? How do you know Fletcher? I know who you are. Stay away from us. And don't ever come back here again! [engine starts] Fletcher? [Bridgette speaking in foreign language] [sighs] ..... [engine rumbling] [sighs] [breathing heavily] Breathe. Breathe. [sobbing] Breathe. [exhales] -[line ringing] -Come on. Z-Zoe? Zoe, hi, it's dad. I know it's early. -I'm sorry to wake you up. -[Zoe]<i> Is everything okay, Dad?</i> Yeah, everything's fine. Listen, um... I've got a little surprise for you, honey. I'm gonna book you a ticket to come to Paris today. [Zoe]<i> Oh, my God. Are you serious?</i> Yeah. Yeah, um, listen, when you get in, I'm gonna be in a meeting, so you're gonna go straight to my friend Bridgette's house. She's gonna help you get settled. [Zoe]<i> Where's mom gonna be?</i> Uh... Let's let that be a surprise. [intense music] -[indistinct chatter] -[Sabrina] You bastard! Sabrina? -What's going on here? -What are you doing here? -Come on. On your way out. -Ow. Can you calm down, please? What is wrong with you? I went to your house. Explain this! -It's not what you think. -I met her, Fletcher. Your mistress. Is that your child, too? Okay, you need to lower your voice, Sabrina. Sorry. Is everything okay? Should I call for someone? -Everything's fine, Diane. -Okay. Oh, so you're Diane? Are you screwing her, too? [sighs] I'm sorry about that. Just give me a minute, okay? Okay. All this time... All this time, you have been playing house with someone else while I was recovering from the loss of our child. -Is that what this is? -Okay, I asked you once before. -You need to lower your voice. -I will not! It's not what you think! Listen, honey, I-I love you, and Zoe. I would never do anything to hurt you two. Then how would you explain your name on the envelope? That means you live there! Your house, that woman. [sighs] Look, right now isn't the time or the place. [scoffs] It's never the time. You have been avoiding me since I got here, and now I know why. L-look, we'll have a conversation. Oh, so it's a whole conversation? [gasps] You really think I'm gonna give you the time to wiggle your way out of this one, Fletcher? That's not what I meant! You can't just come in here guns blazing, screaming at the top of your lungs. I work here! Our entire financial well-being rests on me doing my job here. It's always all about you. [sighs] Well, the moment you earn enough from your handful of clients than-- Wow! I cannot believe you just said that. [sighs] I left my career to raise our daughter. We both made that decision, and now I am constantly being punished for it. Zoe hates me, and you've got a mistress. -I don't have a mistress! -[Sabrina] Oh! She knew your name, Fletcher. She said you just left this morning. Listen, I will explain everything to you tonight, okay? There is a very simple explanation for all of this. We'll have a conversation tonight, okay? I'm done with this. [dramatic music] [line ringing] [woman on phone]<i> Euro Airways. May I help you?</i> Yeah, I need to change my ticket. I need a flight out of Paris now, tonight. My reservation number is F-K-I-9-9-1. [woman]<i> I'm sorry. Can you repeat that?</i> F-K-I-9-9-1! [woman]<i> I'm showing that you bought</i> <i> one of our discount fares,</i> <i> so there will be some substantial change fees.</i> [sighs] Well... Fine. I don't care. Whatever you have that gets me out of here tonight. [woman]<i> I'm sorry, ma'am, but we only have two direct flights</i> <i> leaving tonight, and both are showing as sold out.</i> <i> I can always put you on the stand-by list.</i> Sure. Yeah. Do that, then I'll wait. [woman]<i> I do have to warn you that there are at least</i> <i> twenty people ahead of you on that list.</i> <i> So, chances are, you'd spend the night in the airport.</i> <i> I can try to get you out tomorrow.</i> <i>Should I look at those options?</i> <i> Ma'am?</i> <i> Ma'am, are you there?</i> [dramatic music] [woman on phone]<i> Hello?</i> <i> Ma'am?</i> <i> Are you there? Hello? Hello?</i> [car engine starts] Excuse me, Sabrina? You look like you could use a drink. [Fletcher] Well, this is unexpected. I'm troubled, Fletcher. There's nothing to be troubled about, Sergey. I heard there was an American visitor at the house this morning. That's a personal matter. You forget there is no line between personal and business between us now. And you forget that I have taken your organization to another level with this deal. [sighs] We're partners in more ways than one now, Sergey. Partners take care of each other. And partner doesn't do things that upset other one's daughter. I really don't know how to put this, but-- He's cheating on me. I know. I think I always suspected. The longer he's here, the more distant he's grown. But I came here to fight for my family. It's funny, I thought he was cheating on me with you. I'm sorry I accused you earlier. -I was so angry. -Wait... You're not divorced? What, no. I'm his wife. But he's married to Bridgette. I'm trying to handle this in my own way. I was going to help you with that. Take care of it, before you intervened. I'm not gonna let you kill her. Everything has changed, Fletcher. Everything. How do you think Bridgette will react when she finds out that your divorce isn't finalized? If I'd have known that... I know it's not ideal. My marriage has been over for a very long time. Does she know that? You two seemed awfully cozy at dinner. Listen, Sabrina, she... She's not the most mentally-stable person. Oh, for God's sake, she's already shown up at your home. I won't have my daughter tangled up in all this. Look, I'm trying to take care of this, all right? When Zoe arrives, Sabrina will realize that she has lost that battle. Ah, you better be right. It happened so quickly. In one minute, he's contracted with the Novak Group with this new development. And the next, he's spending time with Sergey and his daughter. Wait, who is Sergey and the Novak Group? Sergey Novak runs a construction company. He immigrated here years ago, and now, he's very well connected. But what does he have to do with Fletcher and this woman? Bridgette, Fletcher's new wife, is Sergey's daughter. Fletcher's married into this family. Listen, if I were you, I would leave now and don't look back. You have a life back in New York. Go back to that. File for divorce. Get as far away from him as you can. No. No, I'm not running from this. I need to make him pay. I want you to clear this up before Bridgette finds out the truth. That would kill her. I have no intention of making this any harder on Bridgette. Well, let me be perfectly blunt, Fletcher. My daughter's happiness is the only thing that matters to me. Just like, I'm sure, your daughter's happiness is paramount to you. You're meeting with Bernard tonight, right? Yeah, we're going over the final requirements for approval from the city. I'm glad Bernard finally came around. Hmm? That's nice. Sergey's main operation is extortion and money laundering. And if he and Fletcher are doing that on this project, the proof of it would be in the office, but I-I don't know what I'm looking for yet. Okay, there's always a money trail. Are they laundering money through the real estate company? I don't know, but this project was fast-tracked. It couldn't have happened without lining some pockets, you know? Oh, they must be scheming from this project to pay off city officials. Yes, I think so. If you could get your hands on the project budget, we could see where the money is going. That would implicate them? Not necessarily. That would just show his questionable expenditures. Knowing Fletcher, he'd be keeping track of any pay-offs separately. That's what we really need. I can find it. I can't ask you to take any risks for me. No. That would be for both of us. I'm going tonight after the cleaning crew are gone. -Are you sure? -Absolutely. Let's meet back here at 3:00 a.m., okay? Will this place still be open then? My darling, you're in Paris. It's an all-night city. -Okay. -[sighs] We're really doing this? Yeah. We are. [glasses clink] Thanks. [exhales] I hope you like the room. Is my mom here? No, she's not. Are you hungry? Is my dad here? He had a business dinner tonight. But he'll be back soon. I know he wanted to talk to you. [car horn honking] [inaudible conversation] [mellow music] I knew you wouldn't show. Coward. [sighs] [Fletcher] Where's Zoe? She's sleeping. What'd you guys do tonight? I showed her the designs for the pool house. She'll love the pool in the summer. [chuckles] Uh, thanks for being here when she arrived. [sighs] Am I gonna get it from you, too? That was your first wife, wasn't it? I'm taking care of it. You promised me that your past wouldn't affect us here. Well, it affected me this morning. She came to our house. I said I'm handling it. If this is you handling it, you're failing miserably. [inhales] Okay, that's enough, Bridgette. Why did she come here? Look, I underestimated how unstable she is. Her coming to Paris made me realize how dangerous she could be. Why do you think I brought Zoe here last minute? Everything's gonna be all right, okay? I'll take care of it. Let's get some sleep, huh? Come on. [dramatic music] [computer beeps] [cell phone dings] [dramatic music] What's going on? Go back to sleep, honey. Did something happen? It's okay, I just, uh, left something at the office. I won't be long. Love you. [printer whirring] Oh, I'm just waiting for a friend, she's late. Ten more minutes, then we need you to leave. Closing soon. [intense music] [indistinct chatter] [music continues] [music continues] Gotcha. [car honking] [music continues] -[exhales] -[cell phone dings] [music continues] [music continues] [indistinct chatter] [keys clacking] [exhales] [clattering] [dramatic music] [door creaks] [line ringing] [creaking] [footsteps] [dramatic music] [breathing heavily] [intense music] Oh... You should have stayed in New York. [Diane gasps] [Diane screaming] -[body thuds] -[gasps] [whimpering] [shuddering] [sobbing] [cell phone vibrates] [siren wailing in distance] [indistinct chatter] [dramatic music] [sighs] [music continues] [speaking in foreign language] [indistinct radio chatter] [speaking in foreign language] [door closes] [speaking in foreign language] [door closes] [panting] [Zoe on voicemail]<i> Hey, it's Zoe. Leave a message.</i> <i> Zoe's voicemail forward.</i> Zoe, it's your mother. Why don't you ever pick up when I call you? Listen, something bad has happened. I don't know when I'm gonna get back to New York. Just know that I would do anything for you. Okay? I love you. So much. Marion, it's Sabrina. Is Zoe there? -I've been trying to reach her. -[Marion on phone]<i> Sabrina?</i> <i> I-it's late there. Is everything okay?</i> No, everything is not okay. I need to speak with Zoe immediately. [Marion]<i> Uh, slow down. Calm down.</i> <i> Tell me what's going on.</i> Please don't tell me to calm down! Just tell me where she is! [Marion]<i> She's not with you?</i> O-of course, she's not with me. I'm still in Paris. [Marion]<i> Yeah, I know. Zoe's in Paris.</i> <i> Or she should be by now, anyway.</i> What do you mean she's in Paris? [Marion on phone]<i> Fletcher called this morning.</i> <i> He said it was a surprise for you.</i> <i> So I took her to the airport myself.</i> <i> Is she really not with you?</i> -Oh, God. He's got my baby. -[Marion]<i> Who has Zoe?</i> <i> Sabrina?</i> [breathing heavily] [dramatic music] Oh, shit, you're in deep. [camera shutter clicks] [car engine cranking] [shuddering] [knocking] I heard there was, um, unfortunate accident tonight. What's done is done. What's done is done, hm? I'm not sure I like your way of doing things... as one father to another. You have nothing to worry about, Sergey. I had to do it to protect Bridgette. Or was it to protect yourself? I would never do anything to hurt them. They mean the world to me. Do I have your word? You do. [breathing heavily] I heard the car. Where were you? I... Just putting car in the garage. You're shaking? -Are you okay? -Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine. Where were you? It was her, wasn't it? Yeah. Sabrina's not gonna be a problem anymore. -Fletcher... -It's okay, honey. Go to sleep. We'll talk about it in the morning. Okay? [dramatic music] [birds chirping] [cell phone vibrating] [doorbell buzzing] -[footsteps] -[door opens] [Sabrina] You need to tell me where my daughter is right now! [Bridgette] You said she wouldn't be coming here anymore. I can't handle this! [shatters] You fix this! You son of a bitch. -You killed her! -What... Get... Hey! Get your hands off of me! -Get your hands off of me! -[Fletcher] Shut up! [Sabrina] Get your hands off me! -[door shuts] -You killed her. T-this is not happening. How could you kill someone? I don't know what you're talking about. I saw you. I was on the roof. You pushed Diane off the building. Wait... That was Diane? You're a murderer, a cold-blooded murderer. [sighs] This can't be happening. And so help me God, you will never lay another hand on me or my daughter again. I thought it was you. What? -[Fletcher] Yeah. -You, you thought it was me? But here you are. [scoffs] You see, I-I had a plan to divorce you. Your constant depressive state was my get-out-of-jail-free card. You have no right to bring that up anymore. Oh. And who could blame me for wanting to get out? [laughs] I... I-I'd ask for a divorce, y-you wouldn't have the stamina to fight me. I found a new life here. But you just had to come to Paris and snoop around. And... finding you on the roof, it's like providence. -What? -That was perfect. My wife... still suffering from a deep depression throws herself off the top of my office building. No messy divorce, no custody battle... You're a monster. My, my marriage to, to Bridgette would still stand, Zoe would come to live with us here. It might be a little difficult for her first, but she'd get used to it. She'd never believe that I'd take my own life. [Sabrina] I gave up everything for this family. Well, you haven't exactly been a stabilizing influence, have you? -Where is my daughter? -[door opens] Mom. [Sabrina] Oh, baby! Okay. Mom, I need to breathe. -Are you all right? -Of course, I'm all right. Just let your mom and I finish our conversation, honey. Go back to your room. -I'll make some coffee. -No, sweetie. No. It's okay, honey. Go. Mom... Zoe, go back to your room. Do not leave this room, Zoe. Seriously, I'm not gonna be a pawn between you two. Okay, you want a divorce? I'll give you a divorce. But I swear, you will never see Zoe ever again. And believe me when I say I am gonna make you pay for what you have done. Don't you ever threaten me. It's not a threat. [chuckles] Okay. Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. I'll concede to a no-fault divorce. You go back to New York, you can keep the apartment. You just have to guarantee that there are no more copies of this floating around. And what about Zoe? Zoe stays here. Now, you're the crazy one if you think I'm leaving my daughter with you and that bitch. [slams table] I have invested everything in this life. I'm not gonna let you ruin it. [dramatic music] Okay, we're gonna go. We're gonna go very quietly, okay? Where're you taking me? Get off me! Papa, she's here again. No. I need you here. [Zoe] What's going on? Marriage is, it's complicated. Sit down. I'll get you some breakfast? Your father... mentioned that your mom wasn't feeling well for a while. My own mother suffered from depression, too. What you need to remember is that your father will do whatever it takes to protect you. Where are they going? [Bridgette] What's that,<i> chérie?</i> Why are they going out back? Hey! Get off! What are you doing? -Ow! -Sit! Why? What's your plan here, Fletcher? Stay put! You won't agree to a no-fault divorce like a civilized person? This is my only option. [Sabrina] What's your only option? Fletcher? [Fletcher] I have a new life here, Sabrina. I'm not gonna let you screw it up. Have you lost your mind? How will you explain this to our daughter? [Fletcher] Oh. She'll believe everything I tell her. Anyway, she's ready for a fresh start away from you. She knows that I would never hurt myself. You so sure about that? [screaming] She knows that I would never leave her without saying goodbye. Well, that's just one more thing she can resent you for when you take your own life. How could you do this to Zoe? I'm not doing this to Zoe. I'm doing this to you. She'll never forgive you. Oh, she wouldn't know I had a hand in it. She'll think you did it all yourself! Oh! Dad! What are you doing? ....., Zoe. Go back into the house please. -[Zoe] Mom, what's going on? -Zoe, go back into the house. [grunts] -[Zoe] Mom! -[Sabrina] Call the police, Zoe. Oh, my God, Mom, what did you do? Call the police! I don't know how. Dial 1-1-2. Tell them your father had an accident, and he's hurt. [Zoe] It's ringing. Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Go outside and wait for them to arrive. And when they get here, bring them back here as quickly as you can, okay? Now, Zoe! Go! Your father and I have some things to discuss. -[groaning] -[Sabrina] Okay. Shall we try this again? You just, just leave. Please. Just... just take-take whatever you want. You... You want Zo... You want Zoe, take her. Just leave me and my life here, please. [Sabrina] You think it's that easy? You were gonna kill me and tell Zoe that I took my own life. You were gonna carry on with a new life and let that girl be a mother to my daughter. I'm, I'm not, I'm not gonna contest anything, okay? [sobbing] Just take everything. Take the apartment in New York. Just take it all. Just leave me, my life here, please! Oh, no. It's too late for that, Fletcher. What do you mean? You have to answer for Diane now. -No. -Yes. -[Sabrina] Up. -No. -[Sabrina] Get up! -No. Get up! Outside. Now! [grunts] [intense music] Well, well, well. Nice family re-union we have here. Zoe, are you okay? I haven't hurt the girl. And I don't think you hit him hard enough if he can still walk. You've brought a pile of shit down on my house. Sergey, you have to understand-- I don't have to understand anything else you try to tell me. We're partners, okay? We are in this together. Not anymore. Daddy... It's okay, baby. Stay calm. You don't need to stay calm. You can get very upset now. God knows I am. Your father married my only daughter while he was still married to your mother! And she can have him. You keep quiet! Daddy, what's he talking about? It's okay, baby. Stay calm. Do you wanna fill her in? Your daddy has another family, my darling. He's been living parallel life here with Bridgette and Nathan. [stammers] I never meant for it to get this far, honey. Can you stop talking? At some point, he must have realized that he couldn't keep both wives happy. So he decided to get rid of one of them. I was never gonna leave you behind. I promise. You didn't even bother divorcing your first wife. You tried to kill her instead. Is that true? Don't say anything! He killed his assistant last night thinking it was your mother. Oh, my God! What is happening, Mom? Please, let her go. [Fletcher] Stop talking. I have no intention of hurting her. Come on. Come here, Zoe. -Come here. -No! What happens now? You two should leave. Fletcher and I have a lot to discuss. [grunts] Go back in the house, please. Go back in the house! This is all your fault! -Hey. Keep your ha.. -[grunts] -I'm gonna kill you! -Please, stop it! -No! -Hey, girl. Go away. Stay away. Stay away! [groaning] [grunts] Please. [screaming] -[body thuds] -[gasps] [gasps] You bitch. -You killed him! You killed him! -Calm down. -[Sergey] Calm down. -[Bridgette] You killed him! [Sergey] Let them go. Let them go. -Go. -[sobbing] I'll handle this. [Sabrina] What about the police? Now is your one chance to leave with your daughter. I think he's paid for whatever else he has done. [dramatic music] I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. No. Dad made his own choices. So did I. I'm sorry, Mom. All that matters now is that we're together. You will always have me. We'll always have each other. Let's go home. [music continues] [instrumental music] [music continues] [music continues] [music continues]
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 2,037,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, tragic, mystery, free movie, Lifetime movies, Lifetime movie, movies, MY HUSBAND'S DOUBLE LIFE, my husbands double life, my husbands double life full movie, my husbands double life movie, affair, My Husband's Double Life, Lifetime, lifetime full movies, lifetime drama, drama, relationships, marriage, movie, Amy Nuttall, Daniel Lapaine, Dragan Micanovic, full movies online, watch full lifetime movies, free Lifetime movies, free movies
Id: Ewigydr5Afs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 42sec (5202 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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