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Erin: So how do you guys like the new wheels? I can't believe I'm saying this, but your car was cooler. I think I found a quarter under the backseat. You see? Our luck is changing already. Are you sure about that? Amy: Do you think he's following us? Oh, god. God. Get down. I thought you said we were safe. Amy: This is all your fault. What's he doing? Is he pulling us over? Nothing, it's okay. I can't believe this is happening. (siren blares) Oh, my god. How could you get us into this? Stay down. -(chattering) -(glass clinking) -(shushing) -Everybody, quiet. Well, first of all, I'd love to thank all of you wonderful people, family and friends, for coming here to help us celebrate our tenth anniversary. (cheers, chatter) Thank you. Well, where do I start? It was 11 years ago, I was just a... good ol' beat cop. And this young lady came zooming by me at 67... in a 30. (laughter) -Speed demon. -That is no joke, my friends. I think it was 45. -Year later, we got hitched. -Aw. Then Charlie came, and then I started law school and, well... the rest is history, and now look at me. I noticed you weren't really part of that story. -What more could I ask for? -Yeah, well it's not a fairytale if the "little lady" is a single mom. Everybody, raise your glass. This toast is to you, my love. To the most beautiful person in the world. Happy anniversary. -L'chaim! -(cheers) Congratulations! Erin: Yeah, we just had the entire place remodeled. -It's beautiful. -Thank you. This picture come with the frame? It's the perfect family. -Oh, stop. -(laughs) Aw, look at Charlie. So grown up. Oh, he's so cute. How's he liking camp? He loves it. I don't think he wants to leave. Woman: Well, I don't blame him. I know. Me neither. Woman: Well, I hope he's getting some sleep. Woman #2: Seriously, this family is just perfect. -Oh, picture perfect. -Mom, where's the bottle opener? It's in the kitchen, in the drawer. If it was there, I wouldn't be asking. Okay, well I'll come help you find it. In just a sec, okay? She looks great. Looks like she got her mom's figure. Well, I will take that as a compliment. -Thank you very much. -(laughs) It is. Amazing spread tonight, Darren. Erin really outdid herself. Well, Erin doesn't work. She takes care of the home. -You really keep her on a pretty tight leash, huh? -Yeah. Yeah, you would too if your wife looked like that. What are you trying to say, Gary? What? Nothing, I was just-- What, objectifying my wife? (chuckles) I'm just kidding, man. -Jesus, wow! -Okay. -This guy. -I had you guys. Truth is, look... Erin, she's... she's not a risk taker. Okay? She would not thrive in the work place. She's too naive. She's better at home. -(all chuckling) -Thank you. Hey there, guys. -Hi! -Hey, Frida, how are you? -Good to see you. -Good to see you. -Nancy, nice to see you. -Darren, how are you? Good. Why didn't she wear the dress I bought her? Erin: Darren, you know, girls her age like to make their own fashion choices. Do you mind if I steal my wife for a second? Not at all. Oh, and Erin, if you still want to talk about the real estate exam, just call me. Okay, thank you. What is this? -(chuckles) -I thought we talked about that. What? (sighs) It's a party, Darren. I don't care. I told you no red lipstick. I know, I'm sorry. Your daughter can dress like trash, but you... you're my wife. We have an image to uphold. Got it? (groans lightly) -(clears throat) -Mm! I love you. I love you, too. -(music plays faintly) -(chattering in distance) What's wrong? Jake: I feel like someone's there. It's nothing, come here. Hey, Jake. You guys having fun? What are you doing? Me? Uh... It's my property. My house, my pool. That's my chair. I think it's time for you to say good night. I'll text you. I'm disappointed in you. (scoffs) You're not my dad. Darren:<i> 'Cause I caught her practically having sex</i> with the kid out there in the back porch. Is that how you taught her how to express herself? (sighs) Darren... we need... (whispers) help. (speaks normally) Okay? We need to talk to somebody. Just-- Would you stop with the goddamn couples therapy? "Till death do us part." Right? Right, babe. -(door opens) -(Amy shivers) Where is your coat? I left it in my locker. Can I drive? Not in this weather. I just drove in this weather. That's what your driver's ed is for, honey. Oh, my god. Darren's right, you are afraid to take risks. When did he say that? When didn't he? If something happened last night, you can tell me. Nothing happened. He kicked Jake out because he hates him. He doesn't hate Jake. He was just-- He was just upset about the dress. Well, no one asked him to buy me an ugly yellow dress. I'm not ten. You know what, I just-- When things aren't working, sometimes you have to consider... the alternative. What are you talking about? Darren and I have been together for almost 11 years, and... people change. Are you leaving him? No. No, that's-- Mom! I am in my senior year of high school and I finally have a boyfriend. And you just want to mess that all up? I don't want to mess everything up. There are just things that you don't know. -Don't touch me. -You don't know. I hate Darren, but I do not want to go back to the way things were. I like my life the way it is right now. -I know, I know. -Don't touch me! It's okay. I'm sorry I said anything. Everything's fine. Just forget I said anything, all right? (crickets chirping) Darren: You spent over $500 at the mall. On what? Charlie needed some stuff for camp. Sleeping bag, clothes. That wasn't $500. What else did you buy? What else did you buy? Nothing. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where-- where you going? We're having a conversation. You're interrogating me. I'm not interrogating you. I'm just asking you what you bought. Just tell me what you bought. A dress, okay? I bought a dress. Ah, where is it? Let me see it. Why? Why? Because it's my money and I want to see what I bought. (sighs) You already saw it. Last night, at the party. Amy wore it. I bought her a dress. So, I-- I paid for two dresses? I just didn't want her to be embarrassed. Oh, so now I'm-- I embarrass her. -That is not what I said. -So you and your daughter deliberately disobeyed me. You went behind my back, you made me look like an absolute fool in my house with my friends -and now you spend my money? -Don't-- Darren, I'm sorry! -I'm sorry! You're hurting me! -(Darren grunts) -Ah! (groans) -(slap) -(panting) -Now look what you've done. I'll call the police. And who are they gonna believe, huh? A respected D.A. or his gold-digging wife? -(cries) -Stop being so dramatic. -Don't go back to California, I miss you. -I know, I know. I miss you too. -You look amazing. -Oh, stop it. -You look amazing. -Thank you. Well, except for that-- that Frankenstein thing on your forehead. -Oh. -What-- what is that? No. I just-- I tripped... on Charlie's toys. (laughs) You're such a klutz. I know. So, anyway, tell me about Italy. How was it? It was awesome. The food was amazing, the fashion was, like, -to die-- -The men? The men were, uh... they were kind of cheesy. -(laughs) -Super cheesy, right? I know. (laughs) -(phone vibrates) -Oh, oh, speaking of... -(phone continues vibrating) -No. It's just one of those Amber Alerts. That's a bummer. Anyway... uh, how is Darren? -He is good. Yeah. -Mm-hmm? Um, you know, he's just... gearing up for the campaign. He's just really-- He's busy with work, and... yeah. What's wrong? Nothing. What? (chuckles) Nothing. I'm just... you know, it's just, uh-- just some personal stuff. Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was your best friend. I thought we told each other personal things. I know, I totally know that. Let's talk about your trip and-- You only have one day here. Did he hit you? No. No, no, no. No, we had an argument and I fell. Oh, my god, Erin. He hit you. He didn't. Okay? Just drop it. Just drop it. Are you lying to me right now? Let's, uh-- Let's talk about Italy. Come on. Okay, whatever. Listen, fine. But listen to me, okay? If you or those kids are ever in danger, I want you to come straight to California, do you hear me? Look, we're living on Jason's boat now. It's awesome, it's beautiful. The kids would love it there. Anytime. Promise me? Everything's fine. Okay? Really. -Okay. -Okay? (water running) (dishes clinking) (water stops) How was your day? It was good. You know, just the usual. Errands, shopping. That's it. Yeah. You forgetting anything? No. Since when do you drink coffee? So, what? Are we digging through the trash now, Darren? Answer the question. My friend wanted to have coffee. I had lunch with my friend. Really? Which friend? Does that really matter? Was it a man? You think I'm having an affair? Just answer the goddamn question. I had lunch with my friend, Darren. That's all. You know, in my business, you just created reasonable doubt. I mean, the jury was willing to go along with your story, but by refusing to answer a simple question... you create doubt. Well, this is our kitchen, not a courtroom. Did you have lunch with another man? Yes or no? All you need to know is that I had lunch with a friend, Darren. -Oh, with a friend. -Get off me! Is that how you taught Amy how to be a slut? (giggles) No, who told you that? -That's just not true. -Erin: You're hurting me, stop it! -(plate shatters) -Hey, Jake, sorry, I'm gonna have to call you back. What's going on? Your mother dropped a plate. Go back to your room. Maybe I don't want to. Disrespectful little bitch. Don't use that tone with her. This is my house. I'll use whatever tone I want to. (scoffs) I'm out of here. Darren: Yeah, go. Okay. That is it. I am done with this marriage. -You're not going anywhere. -(gasps) If you ever try to leave me, I will bury you and your daughter. "Till death do us part," remember? Mm. I'm going to bed. (birds chirping) (footsteps) Good morning. Morning. I didn't see Amy this morning. Oh, she stayed at Abby's. She texted me. Hm, okay. Hey, I'm sorry, uh-- I should have told you this last night but... it was Frida that I had lunch with. I wanted to talk to her about the real estate exam and I know that you don't want me to work but I just thought it couldn't hurt to hear her out. It's okay. Have a good day, okay? ♪ ♪ Frida (through telephone):<i> Hello?</i> Frida, it's Darren Lattimer. <i> -Hey, how are you?</i> -Hi, there. Hey, listen, I'm actually calling about my wife, Erin. Darren:<i> I know you guys had lunch yesterday and you were--</i> Frida:<i> Actually, we-- we didn't have lunch.</i> You didn't? Oh. I-- I thought... You know what? Darren:<i> I think I got mixed up.</i> <i> I'm-- I'm really sorry to bother you.</i> Frida:<i> It's totally okay.</i> <i> -Sorry I couldn't help.</i> -Great. Have a great day. Frida:<i> You too. Bye.</i> (typing) (typing) (tires screech) (door closes) (engine starts) (indicator beeping) (garage door opening) Hey, Mrs. Lattimer. How are you? Hi. You're here early this month. Yeah, um, Charlie is away at summer camp. -Oh. -And he's been a little low this month, so I just want to make sure he's got enough Glucagon. Maybe like five... five shots. Well, unfortunately your shipment doesn't come in until the first. Okay. Maybe-- Maybe you've got some in the back? Maybe you could just check and see if there's any samples or anything? Let me see what I have. Okay, thanks. (sighs) (phone vibrates) (phone vibrates) (phone vibrates) (phone vibrates) I have two. (bag rustles) -I'll just add this to your account. -(phone vibrates) -(tapping on phone) -(phone vibrates) Mrs. Lattimer? Oh. Thank you, I appreciate it. Excuse me. Yeah? Do you have these in 1,000 minutes? Um, let me go check in the back. Thank you. -Gary: Erin? Erin? -(sighs) Erin? Oh, Gary. -Hey. -Hey! -How are you? -I'm good. Yeah, we didn't have any more in the back, but did you want me to ring you up with that one? You know what? You could just-- You could put it on my bill. -Okay. -Thank you. You buying a burner phone? No. (chuckles) Well, actually, it's for my-- it's for Charlie. He's at summer camp. And he just-- he's so homesick. Ah, I know that feeling all too well. Right? Hey, do me a favor and don't say anything to Darren. Just 'cause I don't want him to worry. It'll be our little secret. Thank you. All right, see you later, Gary. Amy, why aren't you picking up my-- call? (beep) Come on, baby. Answer the phone. <i> This is Amy, who's this?</i> The woman who gave birth to you. <i> Mom? What number is this?</i> That's nice that you won't pick up the phone for your own mother, but you'll answer for a complete stranger. <i> Well, if it's so important just text me.</i> Listen, I gotta tell you some things in person. I'm gonna be over at Abby's in ten minutes. Amy? I'm at Jake's. Amy: I'll call you later. Don't be mad at me. I'm not, just get in the car. Nothing happened. If you're wondering. His parents are, like, really old school. They had us sleep in separate rooms. We'll talk about it later. You just missed our turn. Where are we going? As far away as possible. (typing) (beep) (typing) Oh. You little... -(taps key) -(beep) -(pounding on keys) -(beeping) (pounds fist on desk) (sighs) Automated voice:<i> Confirmed. Hello, Mr. Darren Lattimer.</i> <i> Please say one for account information,</i> <i> two for account balance.</i> -Two.<i> -Three for--</i> <i> Would you like to hear the balance of account number 2974-9872-3489?</i> <i> Please press one to confirm.</i> <i> Your account balance is zero dollars and zero cents.</i> Amy:<i> Why can't you just get a divorce like a normal couple?</i> Yesterday, you didn't want us to split up. That was before you abducted me. Amy-- (sighs) It's between Darren and I. There's a lot of stuff that you don't know. That's because you don't talk to me about anything. I am your mother! I will tell you what you need to know when you need to know it. So what's the plan here? Are we gonna hold hands and drive off a cliff? We're gonna go get Charlie and then we're gonna stay with Stacy for a little while. -In Italy? -She's in California. -(phone vibrates) -Oh, it's Darren. You want me to tell him you're kidnapping us. (thuds) Are you insane? Did you just throw my phone out the window? Darren installed a tracking device on your phone. He uploaded it months ago. You've been tracking me? Not me. Him. If it makes you feel any better, he did it to me too. It doesn't. (car engine running) Darren:<i> His favorite pajamas are missing.</i> I thought you told me he was at camp. Yeah, he didn't take them. Okay? But there's plenty of other things missing. Even toys. So neither she nor your step-daughter are answering their phones? I installed a tracker on their phones, but it's on my computer. And she changed the password. So, we have the little missus, packs stuff and takes off. Is there any reason why? -What are you saying? -What happened to your hand? It's an accident, Lou. What are you getting at? You know what? Forget that. I'm a public figure, and I can't have my own wife clearing out our joint bank account. Now she takes the kids? This is spousal child abduction. I need you to help me! Darren, there's no custody battle going on here. She's allowed to take the kids on a trip. Is this about Martinez? What? What are you talking about? That case was closed two years ago. She doesn't know anything about that. Are you sure? Lou, I think I know my wife. All right. I want an Amber Alert. You know the rules. That can only be issued if there is a threat of violence. Then I need to show you something. Come on. (sighs) Darren: She took the gun. Does anybody else have the combo besides you or her? No, no one. I didn't say anything because I-- (sighs) She's my wife, Lou. But now she's got a loaded gun. Yeah. It's my fault, too. I should have been more careful, I should have hid it in a different place, safer place. Nah, you can't blame yourself. How are you supposed to know she'd do something like this? I just want my family back. Gotta help me, Lou. Stay right here, it's not gonna take long. (door closes) (birds chirping) -(man typing) -Hi. -Hi. -I'm Erin Lattimer. My son, Charlie, is a camper here. I brought him some medicine from home. Do you just want to leave the medicine here with me? Sure. Um, actually, it's in the car. You know what? I would love to say hi to my baby boy. Oh, yeah. Okay, well, all the campers are in the dining hall right now so I'll have to go get him. -Okay. I'll just wait. -All right. Yeah. Great. And it's, uh... Charlie? -Charlie Lattimer. -Charlie Lattimer. (phone vibrates) (campers chattering) Charlie: Mom! Charlie! Baby! -What are you doing here? -I brought you your medicine. And a care package. It's in the car. -Do you mind? -Yeah. Sure, just, uh... meet me back in the office. -Cool. Thank you. -Okay. Quickly, baby. -Come on. Come on, come on, come on.<i> -(phone ringing)</i> This is Barney. Erin Lattimer? -Oh, god. -(phone clatters) Mrs. Lattimer! Erin! No! Barney: Stop! (indistinct) -Erin! Don't you dare! -(gasps) Wait! Erin! No! No, no, no, stop! Erin! Erin! Don't you dare! -Erin! -(tires squeal) Stop! Amy: He put an Amber Alert on us, Mom. -What?! -You know how embarrassing this is for me? My friends are gonna see this. What's an Amber Alert? It means Mom's kidnapping us. -Amy! -What? He deserves to know. -Everybody else does. -We're going on a vacation. Can you at least drive normal? You're gonna get us killed. I wanna go home. We can't go home right now, honey, okay? -Put your seatbelt on. -Mommy thinks your daddy's a psycho! Amy! You are not helping! What's a psycho? Your daddy's not well right now, honey, okay? -How much longer? -Another hour. I don't know, maybe. You got a lot of security on this thing. Lou: Darren. I just got off the phone with the head counselor for the camp. And? Erin took Charlie. Okay, I'm gonna pick up some snacks and some waters, Charlie. -I need you to check your blood sugar, okay? -Okay. Where are we gonna stay tonight, Mom? We can't just keep driving. I'm gonna figure that out, alright? You just stay put and help your brother. (door closes) -Do you need my help? -No. Good. I have to pee. Mom said to wait here. I'll be right back. -(door closes) -(sighs) (objects clattering) Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am, are you okay? Oh my God! Did I really get all this energy drink? God, when you see it all laid out on the ground like that. I'm Wes, by the-- Nice to meet you, too. Where's your sister? -Bathroom. -(phone vibrates) -(phone vibrates) What's that, Mommy? It's nothing, sweetheart. -Hey! Did you check your levels? -Uh-huh. -(tapping) -(gasps) Erin: Oh my God. Hi, Officer, is there a problem? Could you please back your car up a couple of feet? I need to get to the gas pump. Oh! (chuckles) Yes, I am so sorry. -Yes, we are actually just leaving. -Alright. -Have a good night. -You too. Get in the car right now. Why did you leave your brother? I told you not to! Amy: Why would you kidnap us? So, the camp is at an intersection of two highways. She could've went in four different directions. -Any ideas? -Why don't we just throw a dart at a map? Would that help? You think she would've went out of the country? No, she would have needed her pass-- -Move. -What? She took them. She took the passports! Alright, well, I'll contact the airports and the border patrol. No, Lou. You don't understand. She took all of 'em. Mine, too. Jesus, Darren. Your passport's the only evidence she needs to link us to Martinez and the cartel! Listen, I took two trips to Juarez, okay? She thinks I went down to Texas to visit my sister. She's not capable of putting any of this together. She won't know anything. Just trust me. All we have to do is find her. Don't let the name throw ya! This baby was made in America. -Is that right? -Oh, yeah, mileage king. Little bumblebee of an engine just keeps going and going and going. You like what you see? I think I do. How much you want? For you? Ten grand. (chuckles) I'm on a bit of a budget. Well, darlin', budget's my middle name. That there's a little piece of American history. How many miles on her? 150, 160. I'll let you have it for $1,995. She gonna break down on me? Now, ma'am, all of our vehicles are inspected by my own personal mechanic. Now, of course, a vehicle this age may run into problems down the line, but that is the price of owning a classic. It's like equestrianism. It's the sport of queens. Will you take cash? Does the pope wear a funny hat? One condition though. No paperwork. I don't know. I can get in a lot of trouble for that. How about an even $3,000? -I can work with that. -Deal. By the way, I found a quarter under the backseat. You see? Our luck is changing already. Are you sure about that? Okay, duck. Duck down. -I thought you said we were safe. -We are, we are, it's fine. Just stay down. -This is all your fault. -Stay down. Amy: It stinks down here! It's alright. Amy: What's he doing? Nothing. It's okay. I can't believe this is happening. Oh my God, how could you get us into this? (siren wailing) Oh my God. Relax. It's alright. It's alright. Okay, sit up. You can sit up now. It's alright. I'm not doing that again! I found another quarter! -You did? -Yeah. This mattress is worse than camp! It's only for one night. Amy: Mom! Mom, come here! What is it? -It's just a cockroach. -Look how big it is. Well, it reminds me of Mr. Ross Roacherson. Come on! From where we lived before we met Darren. Oh my God, I forgot about that. Yeah, it was pretty crappy. We were poor, weren't we? Yeah... but we were happy. Remember we used to play Go Fish during the daytime, and then at night, we'd walk to the store. -Oh, yeah. -Those little cups of ice cream. Mint chocolate chip, yeah. Every time. -Every time! -(laughs) You used to take me everywhere. Yeah, well, I needed you to help me be an adult. I needed you-- you were a kid, but I needed you. Just as much as you needed me. We were best friends. Yeah. And we had roaches, not that big, but we had 'em. You used to name them! Hey, Charlie, come meet Albert... -Roacherstein. -Albert! -Charlie, come here! -Roacherstein? Okay. Charlie, come look at the-- Get the kit! -Where is it? -It's in my suitcase. Stay calm. Charlie? Charlie, baby! Wake up. Here. It's not here, Mom. -Are you sure you didn't leave it in the car? -No, I wouldn't have done that. Where is it? I wouldn't have left it anywhere. Where is it? -It was right here! -I can't believe you! -Amy, not now. -What-- what if I don't find it? Just keep looking for it, okay? -Where are you going? -I'm gonna go to the car and check. -Just keep him awake. -Charlie? (drops keys) (whimpers) I got it, I got it! Charlie? Hang on, baby. Hang on, I got it, baby. Just stay with me. Stay with me, okay? Charlie, it's coming, okay? I'm gonna help you out right now, baby. Stay with me, baby. Here we go. We got it. Alright. Okay, baby, I need you to wake up. Okay, I need you to wake up, alright, baby? I need you to fight right now! I need you to wake up. Come on. Please don't do this. Baby. Mom? What happened? You had a little seizure, baby, but you're okay now. -You're okay. -Oh, thank God. I just got off the phone with the Tulsa PD. I think we have a line on Erin. Bad news is she picked up a car from a lot. Purchased it without paperwork or a license plate. So, go find the car. Lou: Right. -Jake:<i> Where are you?</i> -We're at, like, the crappiest motel ever. You heard of Motel Six? This is like Motel Five. <i>You know, I've been trying to text and call you.</i> My mom threw my phone out the window. <i>Wait, what? I mean, are you kidding?</i> (chuckles) Yeah, she's being really psycho right now. She basically kidnapped us. <i> -Okay, well, does she, like, have a plan?</i> -I don't know. She said we were gonna stay with her friend, Stacy or something, but that's, like, way far away. -Jake, I gotta go. -<i> Amy, wait, I--</i> Wake up! Wake up, wake up. We gotta go. The police are here. -Come on, the police are here. -What? What is-- (panting) -Oh, sh-- -(indistinct police chatter) Charlie, get up, baby. Get up, come on. Come on, baby, let's go. Radio Dispatcher:<i> Suspect is 5'10, brunette.</i> <i> Believed to be armed and dangerous. Proceed with caution.</i> -What do you think? -I think it's late. They saw us coming and either hitched a ride, or stole another vehicle. They could be a hundred miles away by now. Well, it's official. Worst night ever. No argument here. I'm hungry. Saw a truck stop a couple miles back. They towed our car, Mom. What are we gonna do? Call an Uber? Charlie: I spy with my little eye... something brown. -Amy: The dirt? -Nope! -Erin: This might take a while. -(kids chuckle) Rust? Is it the rust? -Charlie: Yeah. -Are you serious? Nope, it's the rust. I wish we had grabbed a few things from our bags first. Still... could use a toothbrush. What? Mom, what's wrong? Did you forget Charlie's insulin kit? No... but I left the money in the car. What?! Why would you leave the money in the car? Because I didn't want to put it all in my purse. How much do we have left? -Less than $300. -Cool. No, Charlie, not cool. We just left 6,000 bucks with the cops. Come on, let's go. Come on! So, here's what we got so far. Amy calls this kid, Jake. We trace the number to this fleabag motel. When the cops got there, they're gone, but the good news is they got the car and the money. What about the passports? No, she still has 'em, but they're on foot, and they're low on options. So, why haven't we picked them up? We have several cars canvassing the area. -Go ahead and patch us through. -Yep. -Man #1:<i> Yeah, they've been looking for-- for days.</i> -Man #2:<i> Nothing yet, huh?</i> Man #1:<i> Nothing yet, except for the damn kids.</i> Amy: What are we gonna do, Mom? I don't know, Amy, I don't have all the answers. I'm just doing the best that I can here. (scoffs) If this is your best, I'd hate to see your worst. What else you want? You want some chocolate chip cookies? -Charlie: Yeah. -Me too, I can't wait. You folks lost? Uh, no, we just had some car trouble a while back, but we're good. We're good now, thanks. Where you headed? California. Just the three of you? Uh, yeah. I could take y'all. Why don't you hop in? Mom, can I talk to you? Just one second. You're not seriously considering this? -We need a ride. -With this guy?! He could be a serial killer for all we know. Amy, Darren is looking for us, and it's only a matter of time before he finds us. Good! Maybe we should let him. Look at us, Mom. We have nothing. I'm sure if you just apologize to him he would take us back. Was it really that bad? It was worse, Amy, much worse. So tell me. -(phone rings) -Now is not the time. Now is never a good time! I am trying to protect you. Oh! Oh, you call this protecting me? (phone continues ringing) Who is this? That's Jake. Called him from the motel last night. Are you serious? What is your problem? My problem is that they can trace phone calls. -It's a burner phone! -That doesn't mean they can't trace it. This phone was for emergencies only, and you wonder why I don't treat you like an adult. Man on radio:<i> Yeah, this is Officer Cheney.</i> <i> We're pulling into the truck stop just north of the motel in a moment.</i> Copy that. Mrs. Lattimer is considered a flight risk, -and armed and dangerous.<i> -Copy that, we'll let you know what we see.</i> Mom, where's Charlie? Charlie. Charlie! -Did you see which way my son went? -No. Charlie? Charlie! Where did you go? Charlie? Cheney:<i> Uh, yeah, we've got eyewitness confirmation. They're here.</i> Roger that. Let me know when you have visible confirmation. Over. (panting) Charlie! (grunts) Man #2:<i> This is Officer Dean. We have contact with the phone company.</i> -<i> They're getting a signal from her phone.</i> -Paul, call her now. (phone rings) -Who is it? -<i> Yeah, we just spoke with a trucker who claimed--</i> -Whose phone is that? Is that hers? -Shh! (phone continues ringing) -Dean:<i> Uh, we think we got 'em.</i> -Cheney:<i> They're in the trailer now.</i> <i> Closing in now. Go, go, go, go.</i> (phone ringing) I told you, you got the wrong guy. (phone continues ringing) -<i> She ditched the phone under the truck.</i> -Damn it! God! Wes (singing): ♪ Run out of road ♪ ♪ Run out of love ♪ ♪ Run across the country in my pick-up truck ♪ ♪ That's the way I live, whoo ♪ ♪ She left me ♪ Wes: What? You guys don't like country music? -Does anyone? -Well, I do. (chuckles) This feels safe, Mom. Wes, thank you for being so nice, but, um, you can just drop us off at the next stop. Thought y'all were headed to California. Well, we are, but um, I think we'll just rent a car. Out here? Good luck. The next stop will be fine... really. Tell you what, I know this little restaurant off the highway a stretch. Best food you'll find for miles. I say, we go on, grab a bite, my treat, and if you still feel like parting ways, then, uh... you should be able to find a ride there, no problem. I don't know, I don't think that's -Come on. -a very good idea. I'm hungry. (honks horn) Good. It's settled then. Charlie: Hey, they have key lime pie! -Oh, hold up. You love key lime pie? -I love it! Well, did you know my mother makes the best key lime pie in the country? It's a well-known fact. Charlie: I wanna try it. Well, when you folks get to where you're going, -I'll have her send you a piece. -Wait a second. -You can send pie in the mail? -(chuckles) Yeah. Hey, Charlie, you have to check your levels before you eat dessert. -Uh-oh. -There you go. Thank you. Whoa, buddy, complicated stuff. Not really. It just measures the blood sugar. Mm-hmm. Ah! Did that hurt? You get used to it. Yeah, well, I can't stand needles. - I don't think I could handle that. -145. Is that good? -Yeah. -Yeah? What's bad? -400. -What happens then? Too much sugar, or hyperglycemia, and you can go into shock or a coma. Too much insulin, that's hypoglycemia, you go into shock or a coma. -Either way sucks. -Yeah, sounds like it. Hey, you guys wanna go check out the pies? You know how many carbs are in a slice of pie? Amy, come on. Please just go with your brother. -Good kids. -Yeah, I like 'em. Where's Dad? Sorry. None of my business. No, it's just... it's complicated. You know whatever it is, I'm just-- I'm happy to help. -Why? -I don't know. You seem like good people. To be honest, I could use the karma. So, what's your impression of us truckers? I don't know. You're the only one I've ever met, so... And? and I think the kids are tired. I should probably... (tutting) This one is on me. Come on, you've already done plenty. I'm not gonna let you pay for our food. Rock, paper, scissors? -What? -Come on, rock, paper, scissors. What are we, eight years old? Loser pays. Come on! -(scoffs) -Ready? Go! Oh! Well, looks like this one's on me. We gotta get you to bed. Alright, here we are. Two deluxe suites. How about guys in one room, girls in the other? -I don't think so. -Oh. Or adults in one room, kids in the other room? How about kids in one room, your mom in her own room, and me out in the truck? No, Wes, please take a room. The kids and I are gonna share. I'm not sharing a room with Charlie. -And I don't want you in my room. -Erin: Guys, please. It's fine, really, I'm used to sleeping out there. Besides, y'all had a long day, and uh... deserve a nice, solid mattress. -Are you sure? -Positive. -Goodnight y'all. -Alright. -Charlie: Goodnight! -Amy: Thank you. Man on TV:<i> None of your business, Nose-ina!</i> (sighs heavily) Oh! You scared me. I'm sorry. What are you doing sneaking around here in the middle of the night? Um, well, I just-- I saw your truck light was on. Had a little trouble sleeping. Yeah, me too. Want something to drink? I got a wide variety of energy drinks and caffeinated beverages. -No, thanks. I-I just came out to say I'm sorry. -For what? Well, you've been very kind to me and my family, and I was kind of a bitch when we first met, and I just wanted to say I am sorry, and thank you. Alright, uh, good night. Wait, that-- that's it? Um, what do you mean? Rock, paper, scissors? Hmm? -For what? -You win, you go back to your room. I win, you hang out. -Thirty minutes, just talking. No funny business. -"No funny business." Promise. What do you say? Alright. -Ready? -Here we go. -Alright. -Okay. Oh! Winner, winner, chicken dinner. (both laugh) Erin: This is my second time on a roof today. I-- Heights are not my thing. Oh, come on! It's beautiful out here. -Pretty nice. -Yeah. Alright, alright. You see that big group of stars right up above us? -I think so. -That is Orion... or Pegasus or... actually, I have no idea what I'm talking about. (both laugh) I didn't think so. Does this work on all the girls you pick up at truck stops? No, you're the first. Girls at truck stops are called "Lot Lizards." Pretty hard to meet a nice girl at a truck stop. So, you think I'm a nice girl, huh? Yeah, sure, for a bank robber. Okay, I'm assuming that you're talking about the cash in my purse. Well, I'm not a bank robber. That was all mine. -Ours. -Okay. Uh, it's all gone by the way. Just in case you were thinking about stealing it. Well, nice knowing ya. Okay! Alright, so you may not be a criminal, but... you're definitely running from something. Was he really that bad? Not at first. In the beginning, it was kind of a fairy tale. He was a cop. He was very competent and strong. Made me feel safe. And the way he looked at me. It was like I was the only girl in the world. But (clears throat)... over the years, the look changed, and he became controlling, and he stopped trusting me, and... He become violent? Yeah. Yeah, my pop was the same way. My mom never had the guts to leave him. I'm sorry. That-- That must have been really hard for a kid. Yeah, but, you know, we survived. Just like you. You're a survivor. (chuckles) Is that how you see me? No, I actually see a lot more than that. You know, I should probably get back to the room. -You sure? -Yeah. I'm just gonna... head back to the old, lumpy mattress. I'm just gonna stay out here, and uh... you know, work on my constellations. Okay. -Goodnight. -Night, Erin. Hey, Wes? I locked my key in my room. Mr. Lattimer, as soon as you're ready, we're set to go. Thank you. (sighs) (instrumental music on TV) (polar bear growls on TV) Reporter:<i> Coming up in our next segment,</i> <i> the nation's Amber Alert system.</i> <i> How well is it working?</i> -<i> Can you trust it?</i> -Whoa. <i> I had an interview with District Attorney Darren Lattimer,</i> <i> who has issued an Amber Alert on his own wife.</i> Mom! Mom, Darren's gonna be on TV. What-- what-- what's wrong? Where's my mom? -What's wrong? -Oh my God. I can't believe you! Relax! It's not what it looks like. I locked myself out. I slept back here, and Wes slept up front. Do you think I'm stupid? You think you can just do whatever you want, and you're so selfish, Mom! Oh, and FYI, Darren's on TV. <i> We're talking with Darren Lattimer,</i> <i>popular District Attorney of St. Charles county, Virgina,</i> -<i> and possible Congressional candidate.</i> -Mom, look! -Daddy's on TV. -<i> Good morning, Mr. Lattimer.</i> <i> -It's good to be here. -I'm just gonna jump right in.</i> <i> Was it a difficult decision to issue an Amber Alert on your own wife and kids?</i> Darren:<i> Yes, that's an understatement. Yes.</i> <i> Um, but let's be clear. I am only doing this to protect my children.</i> <i> As you know, Amber Alerts are only sanctioned</i> <i> if there's an imminent threat on a child's safety.</i> I can't believe it. <i> -And you believe your own wife is a threat? -I'm afraid so.</i> <i> We have a gun in our house</i> <i> in a safe with a combination</i> <i> only known by my wife and myself.</i> <i> That gun is missing.</i> What-- He's lying! I didn't-- I didn't take his gun. Reporter:<i> Is that all?</i> <i> I'm sorry, uh, no, it's not.</i> <i> This is-- this is difficult to talk about.</i> <i> I love my wife,</i> <i> but she suffers from mental illness.</i> <i> She's been on and off medication for years now.</i> <i> Battling this disease, I mean, there's even been suicide attempts,</i> <i> and even threats to our own children.</i> <i> I have done everything...</i> <i> that I could to help her,</i> <i> but recently, she's gone off her meds again,</i> <i> and quite frankly, I am afraid of what--</i> <i> what she's capable of.</i> I'm gonna step outside. Darren:<i> Well, it seems to me...</i> <i> the bigger discussion here is mental health in America</i> <i> and the stigma put on that.</i> <i> My wife needs help.</i> <i> Okay, but she's afraid of what--</i> <i> of the damage that she could-- she could do.</i> <i> -To your career? -Yes.</i> <i> I'm a public figure, okay?</i> <i> Our lives, our whole lives are under a microscope.</i> Hey! Hey, listen. I'm gonna explain all of this to you later. -Okay? -Okay. Okay, pack your stuff. We gotta go. Oh, what about Amy? Keep an eye on Charlie. I gotta find Amy. Yeah, sure. Amy, you get back here right now! Amy, stop! What are you doing? Going home. Do you know what happens to teenage girls who hitchhike? They end up sleeping in a truck with a stranger? Nothing happened with Wes, Amy. I miss Jake, and I miss my friends, and I don't want to live in California. Amy, you may not realize this, but everything I ever do is because of you. Okay? I know you didn't know your dad, and I'm really sorry about that. When I met Darren, I thought he was a good man. He was a solid-- A solid man who could... give us a family we never had and take care of us. Be a father figure to you! And I knew we had problems early on, but I overlooked them, and I hid them from you. That time that I broke my arm? That was him. That was not a bicycle accident. (sighs) I didn't have the strength to leave him. He really broke your arm? Why didn't you tell me? I know, I'm sorry. I should have. I should have told you, I-- Maybe if I did, we wouldn't be standing here right now. I love you. I love you too, Mom. So, let's get your stuff together. We gotta go. -Charlie? -Wes: In here, hurry! -Charlie? -(Charlie breathing heavily) Oh my God, what happened? He was-- he was feeling weird. I tried to take a reading and-- -I think I broke the needle. -Okay, move. -Charlie? Baby? -Amy: What's his level? Level? I don't know, I don't know. -I tried checking it on the-- -Did you give him insulin? No, not yet! There's like six different kinds of medicine. (indistinct, muffled dialogue) ♪ ♪ Come on, come on, come on, come on, please, please, please. Wes, he's okay now. I am very sorry that you had to go through that. (sighs) I could've killed him! Jesus. Is there anything else I need to know? Huh? After Charlie was born... I had post-partum depression. And it lasted longer than usual. I was on anti-depressants. -So that's what he was talking about on the news. -Yes. But I'm fine now, he was just twisting it. He was just twisting it to make himself seem-- You know what, if I would have stayed there... he would have killed me. So, if you wanna part ways right now, please. Go ahead. You have done more than enough. Now, we're sure she's heading west. We're just not sure how or who she's traveling with. What? You think she's with someone else? Well, I think we have to be open to the possibility. -How sure are you that she was-- -What? Loyal? Are you saying she was having an affair? Well, she's managed to elude us thus far. It's possible someone's helping her. Is this what you do? You sit around and speculate how my wife is screwing another guy behind my back? -I'm on your side. -Are you? Throw your ego out the door, and focus on finding your wife. -'Cause if we don't... -Then you're not on my side. I'm not gonna take the fall for your mistake. -My mistake? -It's your wife. You let this happen. You listen to me, and you listen good. You let Martinez walk too. Your hands are just as dirty as mine. Whose Mexican stamps are in his passport? The one that's out there with his wife right now! That was never part of the deal. Why don't you tell me what the deal is? Okay? What's the deal, Lou? If we don't find her... I'm washing my hands, and you're gonna be all alone. ♪ Heading up north driving through the pines ♪ ♪ Making my break from the city lights ♪ ♪ My heart told me that the time was right ♪ ♪ Maybe I'll find some peace tonight ♪ Charlie, check your levels. ♪ Tell my Mama, won't sell my soul ♪ ♪ For millions of dollars, diamonds or pearls ♪ ♪ If that devil catches up with me ♪ ♪ I hope I find the strength I need ♪ ♪ 'Cause it's a long way down ♪ ♪ That cold and darkened valley ♪ ♪ I'm tired of living ♪ ♪ Through other people's journeys ♪ ♪ And I'll make my way ♪ ♪ As soon as I see the sun ♪ ♪ Now the road is calling so long ♪ (vehicle approaches) Hey, Mr. Lattimer. -What's going on? -Hey, Jake. I just came by to see how you were holding up. -I'm okay. -Hmm, and how's Amy? I don't-- I don't really know. You talked to her the other night at the motel, didn't you? Motel? I'm not sure what you're talking about, sir. Ah. Why don't you-- why don't you-- why don't you jump in the car? I think you and I need to have a little talk. I, uh, I'm good, sir. I actually have somewhere I gotta be. Get in the car, son. Talk. Okay, you-- you were right. We-- we did talk the other night, but she didn't tell me anything. -I swear. -Why'd you lie? Because I didn't want to get involved. Well, then, you talked to her the next night too, didn't you? That doesn't sound like someone who doesn't want to get involved. -Where they going? -I... I don't know, sir, I-- I--I swear she didn't tell me much. Jake, I'm the DA. My best friends are cops. For your own self-preservation, I think... I need for you to think long and hard... about what side you're on. You know in law enforcement... we're trained to not shoot unless we're in imminent danger. But sometimes people get shot. And when they do, a jury tends to believe our version. Look at me. Do you catch my drift? Stacy's. But that's all she said! She just told me that they were going to Stacy's. -You're not lying to me. -No. -You sure? -I swear. Alright. Okay, you did good tonight. -Amy: No! -Charlie: No! It's my side! Okay, you stay right here. No, you stay over there! ♪ Make 'em into melodies ♪ ♪ Play me yours and I'll play mine ♪ -No! -Arizona! Whoo! ♪ Ohio ♪ Erin: Arizona! ♪ Treat me well ♪ Pick up your feet! Ah! -Arizona! -Pick up your boots, boy. ♪ Treat me well ♪ California! Whoo! ♪ California ♪ How long until we're there? I'm starving. Four more hours. -What? -(clapping) Yay, Wes. Yay, Wes! (honks horn) My pleasure, y'all. (laughs) Stacy, Stacy... Stacy, Stacy, Stacy, Stacy, Stacy... Stacy Hansen. Boom. I remember you. You complained about the music at my wedding... bitch. Thought you were in Italy. Gotcha. -(chuckles) -Is this it? -It's so... -Amazing. -(all laughing) -Charlie: Put me down. Amy: We did it, Mom. We're finally here. Babe! Erin's here! Jason: Thank God. -Erin? -Hi, Stacy. I am so sorry I didn't call first. I just-- I didn't want anyone to know where we were. No, of course, of course. -Is your offer still good? -Oh my God, of course! I saw Darren on the news. I've been worried sick about you guys. Are you guys okay? -We are now. (laughs) -Hey, Erin. -It's been a while. -Hey, it's been too long. It's so good to see you, Jason. Okay, who are these grownups? -Come here, you! -No, I really need a shower. (laughs) Stacy: Oh my God, you are so big! Thank you. I don't know how you did it, but thank you. I just kept my eyes on the road. (both chuckling) Well, I couldn't have done it without you. So, uh... what now? I don't know. Guess I didn't really think it out too much. I guess we start some kinda life here. -Oh, you meant-- -Just a general question is all. Well, uh, I-I don't know. Look, uh, I got to get this shipment up to Sacramento, but, uh... I'll be back through in a couple days. I could swing by. Stacy: Hey, Erin! Invite him to the fireworks on Friday. Hey, rock, paper, scissors. I win, I swing by. You win... I swing by. Let's just call it you swing by. So, I guess, uh... -Okay. -Yeah? -Um, alright. -Yeah. I'll try and make it. Okay. -See you in a couple days. -Okay. Aw. -The hat? -I'm coming back for that. I get the hat. Okay. You know what? I'm gonna keep it safe for you. Please do. Alright, ladies. Dishes are done. -I'm gonna turn in. -Okay. Yeah. Erin, you and the kids can stay here as long as you'd like. Thank you, Jason. -Gosh, I really appreciate that. -It's our pleasure. Now, no skinny-dipping, you two. No promises. (Stacy chuckles) Seriously, could he be any more perfect? Oh, I know. I got lucky. Speaking of, uh, getting lucky, what's going on with you and hunky truck driver man? -Nothing! Nothing! -Uh-huh. Oh, stop. -We just met. -(chuckles) Stacy, this boat is incredible. Thank you. How are you doing? -I'm better. -Yeah? Yeah, a lot better. Jason knows a great lawyer. I can put you in touch with him whenever you're ready. The most important thing is that... you got away. You're safe here. Yeah. I feel much safer. (gun clicks) I can't believe it's been a whole week since I've used the internet. Don't post anything. We're not out of the woods yet. Duh, Mom. Mom? Yeah, baby? Are we gonna be okay? Of course. Is Daddy gonna find us? Honey, you know your father loves you very much. But if he really loved me, he'd be nice to you. Sweetie... mine and your daddy's problems... have nothing to do with you, okay? I know that's confusing, but it's complicated. It's not complicated to be nice, Mommy. It's normal. You're right. You're right. 2015. Oh my God. Jason: Again, the rabbit goes through the hole, around the bend. -Around the tree. -Uh-huh. -Through the hole. -Uh-huh. -And pull. -Pull. -Okay, now your turn. -Look at him. He's having so much fun. -Which one? -Jason: And pull. -(women chuckling) -(laughs) Yes! We really needed this. These past couple days... have been incredible. I think the kids are really starting to like it here. Well, good. I think Jason wants a son. -So, give him one! -Oh, stop. I don't know what you guys are waiting for. Diapers? It all seems so overwhelming. Anyway, taste this. Is this a little too strong? No, doesn't taste like any alcohol. Oh my God! (squeals) -Really? -Don't let Jason hear you. Don't tell Jason, don't tell Jason. It's only been two months. Don't say anything. His mom doesn't even know yet. -What's going on? -Nothing! We're just really happy to see each other. Hey, we should probably start getting ready if we wanna see the fireworks tonight. Okay, babe. -(Stacy chuckles) -I can't believe it! ♪ Row my boat to the shore, girl ♪ ♪ Row my boat to the shore ♪ ♪ Row my boat to the shore, pretty dancing girl ♪ ♪ Row my boat to the shore ♪ ♪ And you'll feel the pain no more ♪ Stacy... if I tell you something about Darren, can you keep it a secret? -At least, just for now. -Yeah, sure. I found something in his passport, and I don't know exactly what it means, but it does prove that he was lying. You mean, like an affair? No, actually, it's worse. -Hi. -Hey. Mom, I'm cold. Aw! Your sister went to get us some jackets from the boat. Actually, she's been gone a long time. Do you want me to go check on her? 'Cause there's a lot of cute distractions around here. (chuckles) I'll go check on her. Come here. You stay here. Amy. Amy? Amy! Are you down here? Amy! Hi, sweetheart. -Did you miss me? -Where's my daughter? (both grunting) Come on. How does that feel, Erin? Hmm? To lose a child? To not know where she is? To not know if she's alive or dead. Darren, please don't do this. Where is it? -I don't know what you're talking about. -My passport. Where is it? I don't know. I think it's with the other ones. Well, get it. Now. Get it! So, why don't you join me above deck? And we can watch fireworks like we used to. Darren: Who can argue with a view like this? Darren... please. Where is she? -There she is! -Amy! -I'm here! -(whimpering) (Amy yelps) Mom! Get away from her. You get away from her! No problem. I'll touch you then. Now, now, what? What? -What? Come on, what? -Mom. You like that, hmm? Just let us go. I won't say anything to anybody. Just-- just let us go, Darren. -Nah, I can't do that. -So what? -Did you come all the way out here to kill me? -Oh, I'm not gonna kill you. You're gonna do it yourself with the gun that you stole. I can see it now. "Suicidal mother abducts kids and kills herself." -You're crazy. -Yeah. I didn't plan on Amy being here. I guess you're gonna have to kill her too. If only you'd left the kids out of it. I'd ignored your little outburst, and I'd wait for you to come back home with your tail between your legs like you always do. I'm never coming home, Darren. (whimpering) -Mom! -Wait! I scanned the passports. I scanned the passports. Your passport. Your little secret. It's all in a file online. If anything happens to me, or her, Jason and Stacy are gonna make those pages public, and I'm sure Carlos Martinez doesn't want the world to know about his business with a certain District Attorney. Don't let him get it! Hey! Wes! Hey! -Stacy, how you doing? -Good, good. What's going on? -Erin around? -She went to go get Amy a little while ago. -How long they been gone? -30 minutes. (straining) You like that? Do you like that, huh? Where you goin'? Where you goin'? You wanna fight me? You gonna fight me? Oh, yeah. God! Come on, fight back. Come on, fight. -Come on. -(Erin straining) Good, you wanna go? -(grunting) -(snickering) Come here, come here. God! Ow! Freaking bitch! -Ah, you bitch! -Amy! (screaming) (whimpering) You're gonna die, you hear me? (grunting) Come on, Erin! (grunts) (Darren groans) (groans) Stay away from my family. (grunts) (gasping) Are you okay? What did he do to you? Mom, I'm fine. I'm fine. -So you're okay? -I'm okay, Mom. -I'm sorry. -(Amy crying) Erin! -Erin? -I'm here! I'm here. What the hell happened? We're okay. We're alright. Oh! (grunting, groaning) (panting) -(gunfire) -(groans) (breathing heavily) -(gun clatters) -(whimpers) (breathing heavily) (all laughing) -Hurry up! Mom! -Alright, slow down, Charlie! -They're back. -Already? Charlie: You're never gonna guess what happened! Charlie probably scared all the fish away. Jason: Hey, Charlie, did you get anything? Any luck out there, guys? Yeah, we did alright. Alright? We caught three fish, Mom! -Erin: Three fish? -You should have seen us fight this big one. It was so huge it almost tipped the boat over! It almost tipped the boat over? -Come over here. -And we saw a dolphin. Amy: A dolphin? Charlie: Full adults. The second fish which jumped in the boat, but the other one almost ate it. And the third fish-- Hey! Hey, give me my hat back! (Amy giggles) Amy: Hey! (giggles) ♪ ♪
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Id: shjPYbRahzI
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Length: 88min 41sec (5321 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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