The Princess Stallion | FULL MOVIE | 1996 | Drama, Adventure, Family

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long ago in the highlands of the north there lived a princess who owned all the finest things that her father's riches could buy sparkling Jewels fine dresses and pieces of gold but among all that her greatest treasure was a horse now this horse was like no other he was wild and beautiful with a spirit that was strong and free each Dawn the princess would wait for the stallion and each morning he would appear but one morning the stallion waited and waited but the princess never came and some say that to this very day the stallion returns to the same place every morning just waiting for the princess to appear good night Sarah [Music] next in line please you on your own it's very brave of you Sarah I'm going to Scotland to stay with my father Scotland it's a long way from Los Angeles yeah it is still I bet you can't wait to see your dad I don't know him that well lives out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of sheep well there's nothing wrong with sheep nothing at all okay you're done now thanks dear Sarah there are so many things I want to say to you and I hope I have the chance to say them all but if my time comes too soon I want you to have this letter to keep with you always as a reminder of just how much I love you coping with death is not easy but I know how strong you are and that however hard it gets you'll pull through and don't believe all the things I said about your father he's a good man even if he is impossible Sarah Darling I can only hope that you find something to love in life as much as I love you be brave love Mom [Music] thank you Sarah hi well you really have grown yeah it happens I'm sorry I wasn't here to meet you I thought it's okay we're getting in later we got an earlier Connection in London welcome to Scotland thanks shall we go yeah I think I pretty much done the airport I'm okay all right it's this way all right this is it Mrs Brown we'll have supper ready I hope you're not one of these girls that starves themselves down to skin and bone sorry I'm sure it's really good but I don't eat meat I see so Mrs Brown's been to a great deal of trouble not to worry the dogs will enjoy it they most certainly do eat meat do you have dogs I can't very well have a sheep farm without sheep dogs where are they in the barn can I bring them in no we don't allow animals in the house everyone has their place on a farm you can take this out to them okay they're not always good with strangers you better have Alice to go with them come on follow me this is my boy Alistar Alistair this is Sarah good now that the formalities are over I want you two to take this out to the dogs are you not going to say hello hi hi I wasn't finished it'll be here when you get back foreign how come you guys were eating in the kitchen is that an Upstairs Downstairs thing mom thought you and your dad should balloon for the first night said you'd have a lot to talk about she was wrong so you're from California yeah Hollywood didn't all that Glendale actually it's in the valley oh they're beautiful foreign with animals it'll be great to have you around why because I have a way with animals no what I mean is it'll be great to have you around do you ride sure would you like to come up to the North Field when you're waking up where's that uh well Alistar can give you instructions in the morning put her on Billy all right okay I'll show you around maybe even put you to work great [Music] well that's me a little bit a little rise good night Austin good night Mr Stewart good night Sarah good night Mr Stewart foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I'll be fine suit yourself don't worry belly won't give you any problems Billy are you ready I guess so okay up you go long foot it's been a long time since I rode a really long time [Music] oh okay you see that road going up into the house if you go to the top of that road you'll find a rock that looks like a fish a fish yeah what kind of fish I'm just kidding well when you get to the dock there's a fork in the trail take the left Trail straight up the dirt road and you turn up there and you'll find the Northfield 100 yards on your left I'll find it okay give them a cake I know I was just getting the feel oh [Music] [Music] yeah Beauty dear where do you like smoking but we can't eat deer tracks no we can't if you hurry up and get the traps and we'll be eating real deer before nightfall [Music] foreign [Music] you don't mind looking after me then okay you're my baby brother it's going to be wonderful having you around okay okay I can teach you things look around you this place is full of animals I love animals people give you money for them and they taste brilliant you and I can work less land together but you're really going to have to help me out a bit more okay what shall I do put your foot there and release the spring what was that monkey what was what a horse I heard the horse there are no horses here all right let's try that again shall we all right but I definitely heard the horse somebody should put some signs up around here what do you think belly foreign [Music] wait Billy come back [Music] [Applause] get everybody fed yes fix the Barn Door yep stable knocked out yep good luck come on let's go and get some grub that is Sarah get on with Billy what I with me hand it off to the Northfield like you said get just settled hey is there anybody out there you'll probably find it on our way back all right probably foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] you shouldn't be wandering around out here all alone I I've got it last I I heard you calling that was quite a tumble you took I'm okay well you don't look okay can you walk I don't think so well I'm told to carry you you can't stay down here all night so you'll just have to here try this out for size come on pull yourself up on that [Music] uh it's too steep to go that way we need to take the long way around I have to get back you're not going down the mountain tonight not in this weather you'll need to stay up on the cottage with me till morning better follow me [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] oh leave it open would you the night shift will be wondering where I've been foreign [Music] are they all yours oh no they all just come and go as they please I suppose we look after each other just like a family I find him when he was just a cub left for dead after a hunt passed through this fella here shot by a farmer um damn is his wing come on that's enough no no and that's Osborne what's the fox called well just the fox it doesn't have a name I don't give the Wild Ones names it takes away their dignity but you can call me Fergus because that's my name Sarah Oh happy to make your acquaintance said no just warm yourself while I make you some special tea what's special about it Heather and dobre made with my own Fair hands oh not as Fair as they used to be you're not from these parts I'm from California oh A Long Walk no wonder you're tired I'm staying with my father Owen who might that be Ian Stewart huh a controller why'd you call him that well because he likes every living creature to be in that place on time and in order I sometimes sit and watch him herding the Sheep you know you could set the sunset and the sunrise by him do you mind if I call him well do you need a healthy pet along for that because it's four miles down as the crow flies no I meant on the phone hon don't use them give me a headache but I have to let my father know where I am he'll be worried oh everybody for sure but there isn't much we can do about it all right come on walk towards me what for if you can reassure me that you can walk safely on that leg of yours you can take my raincoat there and I'll walk you down the mountain ah you're going nowhere else you'll go one damage them and I'm not going to let you get another my conscience just won't allow it and as far as your father's concerned he'll have one night of worry but I'm sure he'd prefer that to see newly up in hospital for weeks and end sit down here foreign [Applause] look we'll do what we can and for tonight but the helicopter will have to wait until tomorrow I can't ask the boys to fly in there no quite don't worry we'll find her she'll be soaked to the skin and a bit embarrassed but none of us for wear I'll go with you no you stay here I don't want to be worried about you as well whatever I hope you're as hungry as the clan I'm famished good because you're about to taste my vegetable stew guaranteed a cure for all else but it won't be anything like you're used to in California you know why why because those vegetables were in the ground this morning that's why uh and civilization has a way of taking the flavor out of anything that passes through it ever been to California never been out of Scotland well maybe someday oh I reckon I'm too old to go wandering off into the world now I started life on this mountain so I guess it's the place to finish it too no dinner [Music] Sarah [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'd better serve you a wee bit more before you scrape through the bottom of my ball oh no I couldn't really forget and stuff was incredible I and every ingredient came from then spitting distance tough ball from the woods lost mushrooms from the meadow sand fire from The Cliffs Watercress salad from the bun all finished off with a hint of Elderberry sauce I've never tasted anything like it and you wouldn't either every meal here is unique not like in your fancy restaurant he likes you have you got pets I used to I had a tortoise once named Horus but he got squashed by a motorcycle I was shattered mm-hmm Lucky Old Horus lucky much easier to be the one squashed and the one shut up yes Fergus I hope you don't mind but I was looking at your drawings the ones of the horse you are very talented oh well modesty prevents me from agreeing did you do it from life oh I know imagination well strictly imagination because I think I saw it what the horse I tried to follow it and that's how I got lost but it looks exactly like you're drawing you must have seen it before [Music] well these mountains are tricky people sometimes see things that aren't really there just get some sleep now and I'll take you down in the morning [Music] foreign [Music] you want to go out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] smelly air have you ever seen a day like this one no I don't think I have it looks too good to be real hey it's a great place all right look you can almost see the Viking horde coming over the hill Fergus hi I heard something what a horse from over there behind the house did you know you must have heard it although my ears and what they used to be right are you funny enough to walk yeah I think so why are we going somewhere well back down the mountain of course I see oh come on us well this is as far as I need to go you can see your father's house from the bottom of the hill don't you want to meet my father thanks all the same but I think it's best if I go Fergus thanks for everything I'm glad to be your service goodbye Ozzy have you any idea how much trouble you've caused what 10 good men spent their night on a Cold Mountain because of your selfishness this well then let me make it perfectly clear I'm not prepared to have you wandering off wherever you choose whenever you choose wait a minute and I expected you cheat for a Nightfall not wandering around the Mountainside visiting any old Tom Dick and Harry look I fell I hurt my ankle and Fergus rescued me all right so why did you tell me you knew how to ride when clearly you don't it was an accident could have happened to anyone even you uh I've not finished yet well I have and don't you think it's a little late to start playing father hi oh hi come on you know the trouble she's over flanking come on what over flying King driving the ship around in a circle come on get come back hey tries to sit at the top of the flock just behind at 12 o'clock not too close not too far just to drive them in a straight line hey she's just a weaver over ambitious that so come by come on come on come on come on come on come on you're good at it not as good as your father he's a master of gentle persuasion say I noticed ahead Luke said I wanted to apologize which four I shouldn't have let you go up there on your own it's not your fault if it's anyone's fault it's his but if you think that rock looks anything like a fish then you've got a very strange imagination so you couldn't tell me about Hollywood then I've been dying to hear I bet you've made hundreds of movie stars well not exactly hundreds have you ever made anybody famous I did see Bruce Willis once really yeah he was ordering an ice cream for his kid double fudge Ripple that's amazing Bruce Willis ordered an ice cream seems A Million Miles Away Alistair what are there any wild horses in the mountains no not in Scotland I see why I'm just wondering [Music] thank you [Music] good morning going somewhere for a ride and don't worry I won't get lost you won't have to put any trouble what happens again don't worry I won't Sarah what don't you think I should know where you're going to see Fergus I'm not sure that's a very good idea I don't know what it is you harmless old man who happens to be very confused no I don't think he is Sarah Sarah come back foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] so what do you think [Music] beautiful ah here's that [Music] hi he's coming look he's coming to see us [Music] [Applause] oh look at him you go look [Music] where did he come from is he Wild as Wild and Free as your imagination do you think he'd let me ride him he might but I don't think that's a good idea one it would be dangerous two he's wild and he's free and I think as best he stays that way don't you yeah I suppose why did you tell me there was no horse I said no such thing you said I was seeing things no I said sometimes people see things in the mountains that aren't really there but he's there all right what are you going to do I don't know whatever I do seems to be wrong I suppose I'll just have to go off and get her if you think that's the right thing to do well you obviously don't what do you suggest she'll be back before the day's out I promise you this is just so damn stubborn I wonder where she gets that from there's a book my mother used to read it to me when I was a kid it's about a Scottish legend ah well Scotland's full of Legends it's about a horse the princess stallion according to the legend he's been waiting for a princess to come back for over 500 years sounds like a good Legend to me I guess it sounds pretty silly not in the slightest I don't really believe it I mean I know it's just a kid's story well he's real enough you're selling for yourself but why didn't you want me to know come on I'll show you something a long time ago before even I was born these mountains were covered in forests a bit by bit they've been taking them away who have potatoes they've been closing in on this place for years and the mountain just seems to get smaller and smaller who are the takers people just like you and me except they have to come up the mountain and take whatever they can sell Ozzy look at that quick foreign oh my God it looks like we arrived just in time you know what it's all right she's too weak to mind do you think she'll be all right I don't know Maybe a little bit of help from us oh yeah poor girl you know what monkey well it's the peace that attracts me to this place if you listen hard enough you can hear Mother Earth breathing to peace to peace Sunday tranquility peace and tranquility what's that I hope it's not what I think it is come on same to go to work come on follow me quietly it's the only way to say Smokey boy yeah whatever you do don't let me see you on the phone [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] why money breathe [Music] I never had it so long they won't stop till there's nothing left somebody has to stop them I promise you this if ever I stand face to face with these villains because that's what they are I'll [Music] the detonators of God somebody is going to have to pay for this we didn't no but there were others and we have to make sure that this doesn't happen again but we don't know who did it I've got a pretty good idea who did it this sort of thing has happened before so what we're going to do we are going to we are going to do what we are going to do come on quietly yeah I don't worry she'll be fine well I fixed your leg up didn't I yeah you did and she'll need to be getting home soon our parents have worried I don't want to go back Fergus oh I can see that so what's the problem I don't know it's just he doesn't understand things the way you do that's because the controller has lost their child in him it's not uncommon with adults everyone's got a child's stored away somewhere as you get older you build walls to keep the child safe from the world and you lose some of the joy that life has to offer but you haven't that's because I don't need walls I've got my mountain which your father wants what for he wants to graze his animals here but he does already I up at the North Field but that's Baron land he wants to use The Meadows she wouldn't hurt not on their own no but with the Sheep would come the fences to keep them in the roads to reach them attract us to transport them the buildings to keep them safe at night how do you think our stallion would feel about all that eh he wouldn't come no he wouldn't or if only your father would spend the time to see what was really up here you know he too has a child locked away somewhere behind his own walls and I don't think it would be fair to let it stay there [Music] do you [Music] wish me luck good luck [Music] [Music] hi oh hello good day great day you're so lucky to live here yes I suppose I am you really should try to get up into the mountains more there's streams to swim in Meadows to run through and there are creatures absolutely everywhere Fergus knows all the best places Sarah I know what's up there but some of us have to work you know but not tonight eh you've not eaten no am I late a little sorry not to worry besides I thought we'd wait until we got home before we had dinner anything particularly fancy would Mrs Brown mind if I cooked nope sure should be delighted gentlemen if you will direct your attention this way let me introduce direct from the colonies the land that gave you MTV and Mickey Mouse now brings you dinner take your seats Mrs Brown well this is a treat are you ready I'm dying of suspense I'm dying of hunger [Music] veggie burgers veggie burgers yes go ahead try one you won't be able to tell the difference foreign [Music] good and chips french fries this is a 100 red white and blue American pickup and windy golden French flags never mind what you call them when do we eat them in America you help yourself all right well this is a first I don't think I've ever had a veggie burger before yeah Sarah get out of here oh don't be so indispensable we are just a couple of starving Travelers down and unlock oh malki look what I found a little pigs that was lucky we were just talking about how much we love a tasting venison Burger let her go and you know what's monkey what's that wrap this little fellow [Music] get the sack because this little fellow is going to make somebody a lovely little doormat oh yeah it would be so possessive I love plenty more where he came from monkey what get the part no will it bite no but look at that I'm telling you it won't be but what if it comes get that monkey we don't need to the dog have you got the message leave the traps alone [Music] thank you come on I never thought I'd see the day when your father did to wash it up perhaps you should cook the dinner more often all done unless there are any other household duties to perform what do you think Mrs Brown maybe some dusting I wouldn't push her luck well on my way to bed night no Mrs Brown night I enjoyed that I think we all did thanks Sarah yeah I'm sorry about the things I said me too I was just I said it's okay I don't know how much your mother told you about us and well about me she said you were stubborn and reasonable and old-fashioned but did she say anything bad about me I just want to say that not sure I quite know how to put it just say it right well I loved your mother very much and I think she loved me too but she never felt that she belonged here I tried to persuade her maybe that was a mistake I don't know but in the end we just drifted apart from me so why did you never keep in touch with me I wrote Christmas and birthdays do you think that's enough no I don't which is why I came to visit you twice in nearly 10 years Sarah listen you don't know what it's like to visit somebody that you love dearly knowing full well that in a couple of days time you'll be waving goodbye to them across an airport barrier broke my heart but I tried again I booked my ticket made arrangements for the running of the farm and then your mother phoned and said that it might be better if I waited for a while and maybe she was right you were doing so well at school and it just seemed best if if you're allowed to get on with your life without me and so I just carried on here hoping and praying that maybe things would change and look up from the shearing one day and see the pair of you walking towards me across the field no I know that the whole of that dream can never become a reality but that day when I met you at the airport I felt that I got a good half of it oh sorry I didn't mean to upset you it's okay it's just that I miss her so much I know [Music] okay [Music] I know you look very like your mother she's a pretty smile too dad laughs what we gonna say if I tell you something it's really hard to believe will you believe me I don't know I'll try there's a wild horse in the mountain he's Pure White and Powerful and every morning he comes to the middle seen him no but I've heard of him I've heard the stories but I don't believe he actually exists true this is Fergus isn't it first he keeps you out all night and now he's filling your head with rubbish not rubbish I've seen the stallion Sarah Fergus lives up there on his own he has no job no friends nothing to occupy his mind all he can do is invent stories he's paranoid paranoid yeah he thinks everybody's ganging up against him trying to steal his mountain and spoil his little world but they are they are kill the animals Sarah there are no poachers there are why won't you believe me because I know that he's been putting ideas in your head oh Fergus had been trying to do is protect the mountain from being ruined it's all he's got and everyone's been trying to take it away from him including you why what's he been saying you've been trying to use his land I've been trying to buy it but Fergus won't budge I mean I'm a fair offer too if I was as poor as Fergus I'd have jumped at the chance to sell no Fergus is not the one who's poor you are right that's enough young lady because you can't open your eyes wide enough to see what's right in front of you I don't want to discuss it why would you good night Sarah Fergus Osborne this one won't be causing any more damage [Applause] you know what that means yeah we caught a stick no monkey what that means it's War oh do we have to hurt the old man again I think so don't you but but he might have some more pets we could have no you don't understand monkey I like cutting him come on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I'm sorry you're frightened them Sarah Fergus I'm sorry he's wild Sarah I'm sorry I didn't think you would mind he can't beat him I really am sorry I believe you what happened to your head oh I fell there's nothing where's the fun let's just say the checkers came and took her and the fox and the boat they can't they did let me see your head I just like to be on my own I've had a busy couple of days and I've got work to do what work it's my battle Sarah well it's mine now too and I'm staying Sarah please I want you to go thank you it's not stealing it's borrowing we take it back after we sell the horse yeah well maybe look nobody's going to mess it it's a wreck he'll probably thank guys for taking off their hands okay hey come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] come on boy come on [Music] come on don't worry the Rope still attached it'll get caught up eventually but what if he gets caught up and starves before we find him well we'll sell him for glue let's go [Music] here we go okay I guess monkey [Music] go on your head [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] foreign [Music] oh no trouble no not really [Music] eyes on the road must drive carefully hasn't leave just wonderful [Music] it's the kid [Music] this place is full of hot lovers and Champion now [Music] oh my God Burgess Fergus what happened you should have let me stay with you Fergus hold on for God's sake hold on [Music] [Music] I'm asking you simply I think I locked it I'm sure foreign money never came easy Fergus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go boy hi go hi Sarah what is it what's happened foreign I'm afraid he suffered a mild heart attack also with some takers what takers they come to the mountain and take whatever they can sell Burgers probably Sarah please probably be all right well he's old and very weak we'll just have to keep an eye on him and see that's the best we can do can we see him yeah it's all right but just a short visit room 107 down the hall turn left keep going thanks doctor no you go in I'll wait over here [Music] [Music] foreign you're awake yes try not to worry I'm sure it'll be all right how about you I'm okay dad I tried to ride him and he got scared Santa the takers were after him Fergus tried to stop them that's when he got injured old as the doctor said he he probably fell over and his heart gave out they'll all they can to help him I don't understand why even now when Fergus is lying in the hospital you can't no you won't believe me all right maybe there's a horse and maybe there are poachers and maybe they did a type of Fergus but there's nothing you can do about it now so I suggest you get a good night's sleep hmm everything will seem better in the morning always does good night monkey wrong one go back to sleep if you want here we go so how are you going to get hurt to help us watch me watch and learn Ian Stewart hello Jeff uh-huh that was Jeff at the police station Fergus has regained consciousness well that's good news isn't it apparently he was run down by putras did anyone want to do a thing like that to fear Gus trying to stop them stealing a horse it's maybe just another of his stories well it could be except that Jeremy McDonald's just had his horse box stolen in broad daylight Sarah Sarah [Music] have you seen Sarah she's gone up into the mountains right come with me Mrs Brown can you get Jeff quickly as you can please I'm telling that if Sarah is only half as stubborn as her father she'll have gone to the mountains to protect that horse in person [Music] come on Ozzy foreign [Music] [Music] come on boy [Music] Ozzy [Applause] nice dog eh put him down oh can't I pet him a little I said put him down okay okay [Music] I like the dog say hello to your friends no we are looking for a horse oh good luck no no you don't understand we want you to help us to find the horse you see this particular horse seems to like you not surprising you seem like a nice person so we thought that you would help us to catch the horse why should I oh because if you don't then Ozzy will end up as doggy chow mein I'm not helping you or anyone else catch that horse he's wild and he belongs in the mountains and if you don't let Ozzie go right now I'll report you to the police [Music] you can either help us to catch the horse or you can help us to catch the horse let's go with me [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold on [Music] Alistair you can drive can't you uh-huh right now's your chance what I'm waiting to keep us close to the pickup as possible [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign stop stop Sarah yes [Applause] please tell him to back off I said tell him to back off come here okay and I are leaving there Sarah's coming with us don't worry she'll be fine but if I see so much as a glimpse of any of you she Takes a Tumble and if we let you go you'll release her oh I can't make any promises about that no [Applause] hello okay I can't remember how you do it Rob wrap help me all right all right I'm here I'm here oh yeah don't stop the dangerous map of course that's dangerous and yet I've only had nothing to me I'm not listening to you anymore Bob you shouldn't set trapped it's cruel come on how are we feeling I don't know how we are feeling just fine once I go to this torture well I'm afraid you're gonna have to put up with us a little while longer oh thanks but no thanks I didn't live my life to die in a room full of wires we're going to start doing some tests tomorrow oh no nothing to worry about just you get some rest and I'll see you in the morning you won't get your cold hands on me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign that was the hospital on the phone Fergus has discharged himself do you know what he's likely to have gone I think so what are we waiting for [Applause] is that it then no just one last time after all these years oh [Music] well look at this glorious morning smelly yeah have you ever seen a day as beautiful as this one [Music] Fergus Fergus he's not there [Music] Ozzy [Music] [Music] no no thank you [Music] [Music] oh hello buddy oh that's my good boy he's coming to see me and the princess I knew he would [Music] foreign [Music] long ago in the highlands to the north there was a horse he was not like any other horse he was wild and beautiful with a spirit that was strong and free some people say that the horse still lives at the top of the mountain others say the princess stallion is only a myth but I know better [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Chicken Soup for the Soul TV
Views: 2,906,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken soup for the soul, princess stallion full movie, the princess stallion full movie, princess stallion, family adventure movies free, family adventure movies from the 90s, family adventure movies free on youtube, adventure movies, horse movies, horse movies free on youtube, horse movies for kids, horse movies free, horse movies for free full movie, fantasy adventure movies full length english, fantasy adventure movies free, Ariana Richards, david robb
Id: 5nZ1KKDnY_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 11sec (5351 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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