For the Love of Grace (2008) | Free Drama Romance Movie | Mark Consuelos | Chandra West

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the craziest thing is happening out there all these people hanging around in formal attire waiting for something interesting happen so any chance of getting you married today yeah someone 300 to do your makeup what do I do what am I gonna do take a deep breath [Music] okay I can fix that thing you can why don't I ever let you down there was that time that you left me alone in our tent with that crazy squirrel we're Girl Scouts Jen nine years old oh yeah nice work Betsy you rest now Steve find your brother a date please no one comes between a man and his truck Murph y now what you're thinking out there today no time to wait for a ladder Captain besides I can climb faster myself you could also get yourself killed don't let it happen again it's hopeless you are speaking to the author of the trade paperback makeup disaster and their Solutions Grace is getting bigger do you think it's a sign that I shouldn't get married you know you love him and you're perfect for each other it's just the wedding day jitters I promise thank you are you planning on turning that off you know at the altar oh at least until you get the ring on your finger then everyone can watch my flying thumbs blotch now can we please get you married [Music] he saved my life I look forward to returning the favor on your wedding day [Music] thank you [Music] good morning Grace Michelle you're back how was Miami so cool I mean hot it was awesome I'm completely over with what's his name you're a new woman totally the trip actually gave me a great idea for my next book getting over a bad breakup 10 steps to picking up the pieces and finding the new you do you like it as long as the title's not longer than the book I like it good morning Alicia good morning Grace and uh what are you working on I'm proofing a copy of gardening in small spaces finishing my first draft of knitting for new moms and I'm weighing two new ideas plan perfect parties or sequel to The organized Abode called the organized workplace slacker organized workplace sequels are always a good bet I'll have something for you tomorrow I look forward to it it's me it's open hey guess where I'm going sorry I had to finish that thought iris is going somewhere Albuquerque you want me to fly out Monday Cliff that's great news I am going to close the deal on this Bidwell account I can feel it you know if I landed when you land it when I land a Grace it's going to be big huge oh it's going to be so good for us I was in Kensington here we come yeah so what are you working on my sequel to The organized Abode the organized workplace SQL cell Alicia was intrigued but my pitch has to be perfect don't forget organized so where are the happy newlyweds they close the Second Avenue Bridge and their GPS rerouted them through a Polish Street Festival maybe they stopped for kielbasa I hope not because I'm serving an exceptional Thai dinner when's the last time we had dinner with Jen and Bill our wedding reception no yes but that was seven weeks ago you're busy that's oh that's probably them no that's my exceptional Thai dinner [Music] hey uh Vic's setting up that playoff pool again you win no thanks come on you won last year you got to defend your title Frank I said no thanks mom called while you're in the shower dad went in for his annual physical doctor called him overweight he was deeply offended well maybe Dad should use that treadmill we bought him for something other than a coat rack look we gotta get a move on Captain says he wants to talk to me tonight talk you know what that means Arizona is amazing the white water rafting that was like the Highlight you guys you have to come with us next time oh white water well you all know that I like uh Blue Water okay you should come with us to the Bahamas next spring I don't know how I have three books book summer so um have you guys set a date yet oh we have a two-year plan two year plan well that's spontaneous well the first year we're concentrating on our jobs in the second year we're gonna work on the wedding and the house well sounds like a plan some exciting news [Music] why we've been looking for houses for over a year now a house congratulations thanks where St James Village oh you're staying in town it's a real family neighborhood they've got great schools just interesting people that beautiful Park right next door it's like it's it's like it's like a small little town tucked inside a big city you know well I mean you guys know right you're looking in the same area cliff and I are thinking about buying in Kensington yeah that's so far out of town here I thought you liked St John's Village can you two afford Kensington well that's why we're both working overtime is it worth it Kensington it's it's a great investment oh Grace I mean you're already working so hard I hardly ever see you we work in the same office exactly well we're seeing each other right now aren't we yes yes we are [Music] huge well well if it isn't Mr Lockwood and it's crazy kid brother I call me anything just don't call me late for dinner huh what are you making their move from meatloaf there Frank looks good actually it's lacking a little something I was hoping maybe the Iron Chef could help how about it Steve I'm good merch I'm ready thanks you're cooking at home nothing that reminds him of her I thought we were here to save lives you knew the floor was hot you knew time was running out you went back in you never go back in without your part it was my decision okay with Steve you treat this like it's some kind of solo act first that thing without the ladder then the jump between the buildings and now this what if the floor give out huh Not only would you be dead I could have lost every man that I sent back in there to get you well I'm sorry no you're not no you're not you wouldn't keep doing it all right look Steve I'll respect you I do every single man in this Firehouse they respect you but this is crazy cowboy stuff you put every one of our lives in danger is that what you want no I already know it's like to lose a man I won't lose another one Steve you need help I'm not seeing a shrink oh I can't let this Behavior slide if I can help you it's not gonna help this Firehouse [Music] [Music] I can't believe I finally dragged you here logged artery waiting to happen maybe this girl is celebrating really what no longer having to fit into my wedding dress okay vegetables aren't really their special to you want to bite no thanks just as well I came here to work that thing ever run out of batteries never get away missing calls especially at a business lunch finished um not as good as the ones your dad used to make though hey our place has a grill when are you coming by busy time you know my workload Jen so what have you got best Regional wineries it's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it maybe it'll take a while to write though yeah you're gonna eat that no and let's doggy bag it I want to get going we just got here Frank you're a terrific brother you really are you're the best I'm your only brother and I appreciate what you're trying to do I really do appreciate what you're trying to cheer me up hey I only brought you along to increase my chances of meeting girls and I told you I'm not ready come on we got prospects 12 o'clock at least one of you chased women it's just plenty of women I just don't know what to do when I catch them brother takes you out to your favorite Diner oh so you're picking up the tap I was speaking hypothetically come on at the very least you can watch me humiliate myself that'll do it excuse me ladies I just wanted you to know that there's a celebrity in the house I'm sorry is it you I don't recognize you no it's my brother Steve firefighter of the Year 2007. best propeller in Firehouse 22. gee I would have pegged you as the best repeller now we got rid of those two because you're an organizational expert and my book could use your expertise yes I recorded your morning show appearance but I have my own questions I'll be there thank you Mr church thank you so much oh sorry I never know what to do in these situations I mean you stop step aside go the other way go the original way yes yes to watch and you go the original waste plant great except I don't remember my original way wow quite the Harley Fatboy you got there nothing like the rumble of a V-Twin I know it's not mine you know you know bikes I know a lot of things that didn't sound good did it I write how two books hey where'd you go Steve you left me hanging out to oh I should go [Music] I finally found this hey you're lucky charm brona is a rookie but good it did me you're alive right so that girl from Maloney she she kind of had something didn't yes she had a diamond ring on her finger you notice that means you're interested no I'm not well you gotta rip the bandage off sometimes you let it go Frank no I won't let it go Steve I'm worried about you and I don't like worrying worrying is the older brother's job what the hell do you want me to do maybe take your own ring off ow back off [Music] look Steve I Miss Molly too but she's gone and you're still here I need you to want to be here Molly would have wanted that too I'll see you at home [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi hey Annie just aren't you sweet how's the hotel room service is hideous what'd you have for lunch Jen and I did a working lunch at coppers copper a reasonable facsimile did you get a hold of the mortgage broker yet yeah it's on my to-do list I'm pretty sure we're gonna have the rest of our down payment soon I got an interview with that organizational expert oh tomorrow three o'clock wow I've got my presentation tomorrow also at three I'll send you good luck vibes right we better get some rest you know I love you I love you too good night cliff [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey come on wake up wake up can you hear me come on don't leave me come on wake up thank you [Music] I'm gonna get you out of here Stay With Me you're gonna be just fine you need to rest now right she doing sir there's no business oh no I was the guy who brought her in oh okay I mean she was unconscious when I found her the bronka dial later now there's a possibility of fluid in her lungs I am I brought her sweater I'll give it to her thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Grace [Music] fire yeah that's right you're one lucky girl get here somebody saw the smoke and pulled you out of there an off-duty fireman from Firehouse 22. I say you are one lucky girl Grace how you feeling I feel okay that I could feel a lot better oh yeah how long have you been here oh I flew here as soon as the hospital gave me the news but your presentation it can wait let's just concentrate on getting you out of here okay hopefully you won't have to stay here that long oh what's in there that was all they were able to recover from the fire he's not quiet I'm still here [Applause] I uh replaced your laptop all your files from your office computer already loaded and that organizational expert is waiting to hear from you when you're ready to go back to work foreign for a serious upgrade from hospital food spinach salad you need your iron you know Grace I've been thinking let's pick a wedding date what about our two-year plan plants change when did you decide this sitting in the hospital that first night hoping with all my I realized I almost lost you once but I'm never gonna let that happen again when when you know I'm working on the Bidwell deal for a while so is there Saturday in April oh no April won't work if the deal happens when it happens May no May 13th I have a Scranton trip and then we're getting close to Memorial Day so early May what's wrong with May 7th nothing at all May 7th great I call the church [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey I'll be right down [Music] gem race thank goodness you're okay [Music] okay I can't read I'm just so happy to see you bill and I came and visited you at the hospital but you were pretty out of it Cliff said we should just wait till you recovered I'm recovered you look great you look like your old self you're young old self so did you pitch Alicia your Regional wineries book she loved it Bill couldn't be happier too we're just gonna spend a lot of time together checking out wineries the company's dying too life couldn't be better I'm a happily married woman my best friend didn't die in a fire how's Cliff busy I bet we set a wedding date oh my God my goodness base seven I did as your maid of honor I have some really good am I your maid of honor oh and that's a silly question what is it a poundless old picture of me and my dad it was one of the few things that survived the fire honey he's not gonna be there to walk me down the aisle or sorry a little emotional you have nothing to apologize for you want to go back to your room or I think I'll go to the firehouse and thank the firemen Who Saved My Life good idea [Music] Greg you know that guy moves in division 52 yeah seven hoagies in one sitting and then like a whole bottle of Pepto it's disgusting is his name produce or is he actually I think he is hello hi can I help you I'm looking for Steve Lockwood he's not here right now but I'm Steve's brother Frank we met you again nice to be here right after that I nearly died in a fire what where San Jose it was a bad one that was my house I'm so sorry at least you're okay thanks to your brother anyway I came by to think I'll leave them this and maybe I'll write him a note all right I'll make sure he gets it come on watch the lady it's a really nice camera be like a photographer no no I it was one of the few things that survived the fire hey get a shot of this the Manning brothers got nothing on me you got my good side ready [Music] oh you could delete that right now please great here's your picture right here see this it's the most beautiful Hoagie in the world hey sit down and have a hoagie with us oh no I should go are you sure you will love it trust me I miss Harlan Grace Harlan well miss Harlan please another Hoagie boys have a seat so I guess your brother was off duty that night actually he was suspended yeah he's been going through some stuff because his wife passed away you know thank him over the phone sure maybe you'll realize how much he's needed around here maybe even make him feel better about himself I know I'd appreciate it I'd be happy to call him dinner is served you [Music] and now a long birdie putt to take control of this match and hand the lead out right to Robinson honey I'm home I got leftovers it looked like it was going to go center cut but it would just turn right come on Steve let's eat at the table like civilized people all right any calls today uh maybe you know you might want to start answering your phone I gave your number to that woman you pulled from the standout place she came by today thank you now she wants to call me she wants to thank you properly in person probably I think it's great that she's okay but it's not necessary you should meet her she's cool she's engaged she might have a friend I'm not interested in dating right now how many times do I have to tell you I met a friend for me like my head off why don't you she wants to thank you for saving her life is that so terrible yeah yeah okay no problem smile you didn't smile because I have to fly to Washington tonight tonight well that gives us plenty of time for a walk walk or two more just to walk or he goes somewhere how about the park yeah it's kind of chilly outside we'll bundle up it'll be nice and I can take some pictures pictures pictures of what I don't know Birds trees whatever we see maybe I'll take some of you Grace when did you take up photography anyway oh when I was 10 I think I told you that my picture of that prized pumpkin that ran in the school paper I think you all day to pack no prepare they want me to meet the CFO for drinks tonight pick a day and then you don't plan anything else for that day except I have no idea when I'm coming back from Washington I get back even to go [Music] I'll call you play [Music] I understood [Music] I'm a shooter when it comes to my looks [Music] reflexes [Music] that you do too I have the courage to be brave [Music] face I went ahead and ordered I had them hold yours I'm starving Burger does Cliff know that you're cheating on his tofu yeah it's fine with it gosh how's work Alicia's cracking the whip when are you coming back Monday you're gonna walk in with three perfect pitches and I'll put all the rest of us to shame I still have a beer this burger is grilled perfection how's Bill how's the house good we love it we spent last night finishing a bottle of wine and enjoying the Twilight colors I want to visit soon well check the Cliff's schedule and let me know my schedule is wide open and I'd really love to see the place you would why wouldn't I last time you didn't seem so interested well I'm interested now look at you what you remind me of the girl I grew up with going over that night in my mind the fighter did you get to thank him no he wasn't there his younger brother was who's the one who wanted us to meet a celebrity firefighter of the year yeah what a line actually it's true his brother said he's having a rough time right now and I had a column but do it come on the guy saved your life yeah maybe he doesn't want something please every man wants to be told that he's a hero it's good to have you here Grace good to be here [Music] foreign [Music] Frank we're brothers and we're out [Music] um hi Steve or Frank are you there it's Grace Harlan from fire and stand-up place hello hello hey hey I was hoping to talk to Steve icky yeah yeah yeah you see he's right here just a second I've ever seen you move hello hi Steve it's Grace Harlan from the fire at the townhouse on Stanhope hi hi I'm calling because I wanted to say how grateful I am to you for being there and for you know saving my life well it's my job can I thank you in person [Music] oh big ketchup guy myself hey I'm so glad you came yes oh I ordered this for you oh and uh dinner's on me wow I should save your life more often just a small token of my appreciation it's not every person who would risk his life for a complete stranger so thank you for my second chance to not being dead no it's okay no it's not no it is my brother said I should get out of the house more see friends it's okay he just wants you to be happy but what's happy pretty relative term especially after what you've been through sounds like you know from experience my dad he was there for me every day of my life and then one day he wasn't anymore and then everything changed maybe she gets more fries to go with my ketchup yeah excuse me can I get some more fries please how are you a typical fireman an adrenaline junkie it's a bit of a stereotype so you don't go skydiving bungee jumping rock climbing bull riding no no and definitely no motorcycling yeah I knew it I knew it the way you were looking at that Harley outside now why do you know so much about bikes oh um I wrote a book two years ago Motorcycle Maintenance for novices well my bike definitely needs a tune-up but you should get it going again thank you starving oh wait oh yeah [Music] thank you [Music] it's good to have you back Grace thanks Alicia thanks to all of you for the emails all the flowers all right let's cut right to it pitch me your next best seller I uh I don't have a pitch ready oh okay uh where are we on the organized workplace it's been tough getting beyond the shelving chapter surprised to hear that well this is your first day back can you have a pitch ready for next week what have you got for us Michelle well getting over a bad breakup and what's the angle I'm going to interview different women who have gone through difficult breakups see how they coped SOB stories no this is inspirational like for example when my boyfriend broke up with me I nearly died but I went to Miami and found that the change of scenery the new people the new experiences it just revived me in a way so this book is going to be about positive change and how something new can just give you a new lease on life I'm pleased that you're drawing on your personal experience this time Michelle this sounds like one from the heart and that is what separates the good books from the great ones yeah good thanks I can help you with yours so open to um new experiences such as dating casual would be okay maybe you can help me with a different project hey you brought out the bike yeah well she needs a lot of work can you give me three eggs please sure whoa you know they say you can judge a man by how he takes care of his tools brother you're a mess hi Grace stop me if this is out of line but but what I was ah girl at work this is young cute not serious she's like fancy me your setups you could just go for a drink why not tonight at coppers Michelle will meet you at five okay okay it's a date don't hang up it's right there I need to ask him something uh let me see if I can find him [Music] bill and I are looking at carpet swatches that day you can come with us but it's not as interesting as it sounds then can I come by and see that Sunday and stuff yeah that'd be fantastic so how's the sequel coming it's not I scrapped it Grace I've got something else cooking does Alicia know not yet but I'm taking her advice this one is from the heart I gotta go where we're here Steve Michelle Hi how are you good did you want to grab a table sure book stories of the people who Save Our Lives I think you can convince your captain this is a good idea well you help my brother out the least I can do is return the favor thanks smell hey I showered daily it was amazing you came by just in time for dinner after you do you like live bands going to concerts depends on who it is I guess well what kind of music do you like do you like Punk wow you guys a lot of questions huh sorry occupational hazard being a writer I guess wow a fireman that sounds like an awesome job it has its moments mine too fun part is everything is research like this one time I worked on this book about tattoos and so I got one on the small on my back and my parents freaked did you want to see it no I'm good maybe some other time you know there's this band called Aztec wheel that plays at a club near here did you maybe want to check them out later Michelle listen I'm sorry um you really are great you're fantastic it's me I can't do this I'm not ready I'll take care of the drinks okay I'm sorry foreign have a lot of downtime so most of us learn to cook most of us water burner the Lockwood with all the culinary Talent is Steve he is the best chef this firehouse has ever seen must be nice living with a chef except he doesn't cook these days good hey Michelle how's your date what date he left already oh we didn't really click kind of reminded me of my older brother sorry it didn't work out huh it's no problem I'm off to see my favorite band it was a bus wasn't it fault I was trying to help him and I made things worse now you know how I feel should I go to your place talk to him or with that insult to injury he's not there I probably shouldn't be telling you this foreign hi hey Grace Frank told me I'd find you here at the soup kitchen I hope that's okay it'd be better if you rolled up your sleeves no I was I was kidding no I I want to help yeah I've noticed Michelle this is very sweet very inquisitive sorry no she was fine it was me now you can leave that there that's for Jonesy he uh gets a little anxious with all the crowds so he comes back later to eat do you volunteer a lot it's my first week back uh Molly and I we volunteered here every week for three years but when my dad died and my career kicked in I just never find the time you gotta make time I know I'm learning that more and more ever since the fire oh oh sorry oh it's okay A little dishwater never hurt anybody I have to thank you I don't know if I can accept another one of your thank yous when I first went to the fire I was to find you I was so inspired by the place that it gave me a new idea for a book so thank you you're welcome I guess you know they really miss you at the station yeah I don't I don't know when I'm going back stop by for a visit I guess so they've got dirty dishes too [Music] so you got it working so far so good how long have you got it my parents gave a twist for our wedding gift cool parents yeah they're big into bikes your parents are still together over 40 years wow how do they do it they're always planning their next vacation skiing golfing they're best friends they're meant for each other [Music] sounds like they make every day a new beginning [Music] have fun foreign [Music] that was Cliff my fiance oh yeah well I'll see you later Steve see you later [Music] thank you [Music] sorry I'm late never too late to start celebrating good well account signed sealed and delivered cliff why didn't you tell me tell Mom because I wanted to tell you in person I thought it was a special special occasion careful of the shirt it's just water actually it's Egyptian cotton I'm so happy for your clip a toast there we go to us to our future maybe now we can go to the Bahamas with Jen and Bill what oh I probably won't have time I thought you said the Bidwell stuff was over no we landed the account yeah the real works uh just beginning certainly for the next few weeks once we get up to speed by May oh in May we're getting married so there's our honeymoon to think about right it's not like you to uh be late I was helping out why why because it feels good to help people who really need it if you always give them money go a lot further give you time to do things important well feeding the homeless is important yeah sure how's the book going Grace I dropped it I'm gonna do something on firefighters I just need an angle Grace you said that the organized workplace was money maker this book is gonna sell too but doesn't it take a lot more time to start from square one it's gonna sell even more look at these pictures when these guys aren't saving lives they cook these elaborate meals together um kitchen looks a little communal the ladder company cookbook recipes and stories from a firehouse these men are passionate fun and funny the firehouse is so full of energy in life even though they deal with tragedy they somehow come together to make these meals that Celebrate life this is not your usual standard fare it's not my standard fair I'm raising my standards Alicia this book may take me a little longer to write but something I have to do you have a lot of passion for this project go for it I look forward to seeing it so what do you think Captain Ms Harlan it's a good idea also be good for company morale it's a shame Steve Lockwood can't be a part of this book I hear he's a great cook he's a great fireman too he just needs time to uh you just need some time before he can come back to this firehouse and help this community again he never stopped helping the community he's he's been volunteering at the South Street soup kitchen is that so wow Jesus he hasn't been there for a long time and if it weren't for him I wouldn't be doing this project or any project he saved my life Huarache your favorite flowers you know I remember dropping you off at your apartment after our first date I said goodbye Molly and you told me I shouldn't say goodbye because it suggested that we were never going to see each other again [Music] you told me to say see you soon instead and we never said goodbye we always said see you soon [Music] sorry I haven't visited Molly I didn't want to say goodbye [Music] [Music] you going to work today yeah I got an afternoon shift I'm gonna come with you I want to say hi to you guys [Music] Grace hey you ready I'm double parked hey Jen still warm Jonesy enjoy Grace Harlan it's my new layered look I think you look fantastic without your laptop so you blew off work to work at a soup kitchen it's not work it's a little time what's up people need more than soup I need someone to take the time to stop and really see them well I see you and I like what I see it's so good to have you back what do you mean you're like you were before your dad died I felt so helpless and lonely when he died that's why I threw myself into my work I know [Music] since the fire I feel different so many things it didn't really matter got burned away does that make sense [Music] makes a lot of sense The Prodigal firefighter returns hey guys it's good to see you Steve Steve all right I'm gonna take one of the captain yeah you do that nice suit we love you wanna toss the ball yeah go along [Applause] oh good good all right I love you too sweetie Hey Kevin I got you a double double milk courtesy of Steve thanks what's with a suit oh uh well Steve and I were just visiting Molly's grave really how about that yeah he's that's downstairs saying hi to the guys if you want oh geez [Music] what's the situation around the old Conan Hotel don't slip down the old Elevator Shaft now I'm seriously hurt and he's trapped oh geez we're gonna need our best for color on this one YouTube movie Lockwood can I trust you yes sir you can all right stuff yes sir here we go I'm 32 to dispatch we're on Route ETA one minute [Music] [Applause] well stairs collapsed we got kids trapped inside parking level four or five not sure all right listen up a couple of kids mess around on the staircase and everything gives out dropped one voice down two he thinks parking level four or five only way to get there staircase is history through the lobby here down the Elevator Shaft got it threw up as a calf Steve all right here we go hang on buddy we're coming all right let's make these two beams the uh anchor right over here when you're done I want that shackle right here right where I'm standing right there yeah once you shot this section right here from here to here all right get on let's go let's go security yes sir you'll be safe down there yes sir no cowboy stuff all right I'm gonna drop the Rope down now okay three two one all right kid I'm coming down [Music] [Music] all right buddy almost there what's your name all right Josh tell me can you move your legs yeah my ankle's killing me but you can feel it yeah that's good that's good all right just relax almost there let's get a basket in here get the basket [Music] all right cap set it down we're down getting ready [Music] thank you [Music] welcome back man [Music] all right here we go do another successful rescue band to the return of the better Lockwood brother also here's to our team to our family back together again oh I'm to our newest member me yeah you're one of us now Grace not a company 22. [Music] the thing I don't get is how you got to the scene so fast do the two of you have some kind of psychic connection or something like that actually I borrowed a shortwave radio so I could get pictures of you guys in actions sorry Josie told me you've been out in a soup kitchen a few times huh I really like it there that place could use a rescue too the owner's jacking up the rent we're gonna do a fundraiser here but uh I don't know how much longer that place can hold out is there something I can do maybe you're the expert at helping people out I'm no expert you helped me a lot I have yeah [Music] I should go why cliff and I have plans but you're coming back right I mean for the book definitely for the book I expected the whole experience to be exciting but not you know exhilarating well I just hope you weren't too close to the scene that's way back I think living in a hotel room is making you loopy what do you say we go house hunting in Kensington right now I'm in my pajamas Grace Grace come look at this come here come here huh open house tomorrow quiet cul-de-sac Huge lot private setting what do you think it was on two private our kids won't have anyone to play with all the play with the other kids at school and the nanny The Nanny yeah the nanny unless you're planning on staying at home I hadn't thought of that yeah Maybe you mean work from home right I want to be there for our kids Well we'd lose a lot of income we need to be realistic about this I don't even know why we're arguing well what four years away from having kids anyway at that house is houses but you said the fireman's cookbook is Surefire yes by donating half the proceeds to the soup kitchen what with the money from the book they could not only survive they could thrive but what about our survival Cliff I don't exactly see a set on the street corner panhandling what do you see for us kensington's very nice but maybe we could find something closer in this neighborhood Maybe you said you could come back without all the baggage fine and I guess he's not hungry [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] not bad just a little out of practice hey I got these from the table but I want you to take them home later blue flowers yeah my dad said sunflowers always make a woman smile but I think it was my mom who told me your parents seem very wise yeah you um you two plan on having kids yeah in a few years you know I uh saw a sign outside of toy shop once it said don't postpone the joy if you know what I mean it smells like heaven yeah you wanna try it no I don't want to ruin a surprise come on I need an objective opinion [Music] [Music] that may be the best thing I've ever tasted yeah just wait to see how it works with the homemade pasta wow hey hey sauce is gonna be ready in about five minutes okay all right I'm ready I'm wearing a plastic band pants [Music] oh I've never been so full in my life we may have the pump Frank's stomach for letting me photocopy your recipe book guard that with your life Chicken Cacciatore you gave it four stars is it that good yeah it's actually Molly's favorite fact that was the last thing I ever made her the night of the accident oh yeah after dinner I went to work on the night shift and she went to go visit her parents I was actually on call when the dispatch came over three car pilot you know I had the weirdest feeling something told me it was her got there as fast as I could but it was too late everything you possibly see that's the thing I my job I saved people's lives that's what I do and I couldn't save the most important person in my life think of all the ones you have saved like me well I will get this book messenger back to you tomorrow in a messenger I'm pretty much through the book I've got all the pictures I need plenty of interviews didn't get mine maybe because I feel like I know you so well already [Music] once we get an idea of the numbers then we can talk seating plan and your address alterations will be done on Wednesday so we don't worry about that anymore so flowers you got any ideas your race what flowers flowers are nice sorry I'm a little distracted it's called The Bride to be Blues you think come on I was wrecked before my wedding what am I telling you for you were there right up until you marched me to the back of those Church doors in your spotless dress listen I just want you to know no matter what happens I'm there for you we could put Martha next to David yeah I don't think colleagues and family will mix [Music] to be truthful about life but it's useless [Music] [Music] anything at all where it's love [Music] ly [Music] princesses are found emancipation [Music] and I'm all alone hey Steve Murphy some of the guys are going down to the ballpark you want to hit us some grounders come grab a bite I'm not hungry man should talk to Grace she was a good friend to all of us you too and now she's done her research and she's getting married and that's that I can't stand it here anymore I'm gonna go for a ride you coming or not I got your back [Music] where are we my number two oh what did I screw up what's wrong about this place nothing's wrong come on I had a girl excuse me that last Spirit Bar number one went right through me [Music] [Music] hey five tequila shots anything on the radar no nothing they're broken hey [Music] hey you look like a married hockey player hey they got mints in the ladies room I'm gonna get some more of them did you get your recipe book oh yeah I got it back thanks I have someone helping me on the cookbook now Michelle remember her yeah she's gonna be the last draft I needed a final edit well it doesn't sound like I'm gonna see after the wedding either you know um you made a big difference in my life I'm gonna miss you you made a difference in mine I'm gonna miss you too [Music] bye yeah bye [Music] oh we need to move on now okay Grace I'm sorry [Music] foreign [Music] are you okay yeah I've been kind of overwhelmed Grace what's going on I feel like I'm disappointing you what we're so close to the wedding and I keep changing my mind about everything I'm messing up our plans for every yeah if it's not fair to the right cliff we'll mark this out Grace no way I don't think we should Grace look at me we are going to work this out everything's going to be fine no I know how much you've been through since the fire but I love you and whatever you want I'm gonna make happen for you but a house in St James Village near gen having kids sooner trip to the Bahamas or just a walk in the park all these things you love [Music] I want to share them with you but will that make you happy yes As Long As You Are okay okay [Music] you know the craziest thing is happening out there there's all these people and formal attire waiting for something interesting to happen what do you think the chances are getting you married today you ready it's just nerves right it's upstairs it's just nerves probably just need to get through this wedding and get back to normal I really lost myself after the fire Jen we're best friends right of course I need to tell you this I don't think that you lost yourself after the fire I think you found yourself you've been fun and friendly creative giving passionate you've been you again Grace but that's just your best friend's opinion [Music] you think I should do whatever it is that's gonna make you happy that's all that matters to me [Music] I know so let's take it from the top are you ready this was him ah Grace's weddings today and we weren't invited no of course not why give me three hours I'll explain it to you why don't you explain it to him he doesn't listen to me Frank look I know that I give you a lot of grief okay but the truth of it is you you are an excellent brother to him you were the reason that Steve is still here I don't know believe it I'm gonna go talk to your brother because he only listens to you Steve come on drop the gloves huh close on why we got a wedding to stop you remember Jake the fist biggest bullying grade school used to hunt me down every morning recess and beat me up for no reason yeah I remember you asking me to deal with him like it was some scene out of The Godfather and you remember how you dealt with them he didn't even have to touch him he just took him to the side and talked to him and Jake the fist never bothered me again he did that because you're my brother I've been trying to repay you for over a year now I've tried everything and nothing's worked okay so this is it this is my last attempt to force you to step up and try to start taking care of yourself again please go talk to her [Music] all right yeah let's go truck no we're taking my bike it's faster oh no no there's no way I'm getting on that bucket of boats again let's take a truck whoa whoa the heck you think you two are going oh hey cap uh no we have two I got I got it it's an emergency it's a wedding emergency we gotta stop a wedding and uh uh I'll shove a captain we gotta go well at least make it look like you're working that was a real nice thing you did there Captain yeah I have my moments [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] Cliff Grace you look beautiful I was looking for you me too I mean I was looking for you too I mean it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what do we do now well I'm not running down the aisle yelling stop the wedding then we create a diversion we'll rush into the church fully equipped you yell fire and I'll Evacuate the place are you out of your mind we'll keep our mess down no one will even recognize us too late look at him ruined everything [Music] hey where are you going I'm walking home Frank leave me alone Steve you're a great brother but you don't have to help me anymore I'll be all right you put your whole life on hold for me you moved in with me you need to move on we both do hey Steve hey Michelle hi Michelle meet my brother Frank oh hi hey um so you're a fireman too uh yeah I'm helping Grace with your company's cookbook so cool cool I can barely boil water yeah I'm not much of a cook either so uh oh you like tattoos I was actually gonna get one [Music] foreign [Music] tells me you're not going my way you might be surprised we didn't go through with it why cliff and I both realized we're the different paths now because a great guy just not mine anymore Burger come on yeah you might want to change first probably a good idea [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] good Ness
Channel: Rallie
Views: 365,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TV, Film, Movies, For the Love of Grace, For the Love of Grace Free Movie, For the Love Of Grace Full Free Movie, Free Full Movie, For the Love of Grace Full Free Movie, For the Love of Grace Full Movie, Romance, Drama, Dramatic Movie, Love of Grace, Corbin Bernsen, Cara Pifko, Ennis Esmer, Justin Kelly, Kevin Jubinville, Mark Consuelos, Rosemary Dunsmore, Stephanie Mills, Cameron Graham, Jane Luk, Craig Pryce, Dan Petronijevic, Chandra WestCorbin Bernsen, Chandra West
Id: R5jarkiHADs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 6sec (5286 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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