Safe Harbour | Free Romantic Drama Movie | Full HD | Full Movie | Danielle Steel | RMC

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] I could make some sandwiches I'm not really hungry you need to eat there's still some solad left from last week out of that are you going to eat no I'm not really that hungry either I guess I'm going to take Mead again well stay close it's getting late come on moose [Music] how do you draw the boats if they aren really there imagine them like you draw sometimes I can draw my dog would you like to try so what's your dog's name miss moose he doesn't look like a moose it's a dessert it's French and it's chocolate just like him so you speak French yes my mom's French that's good really it's very good can I show you a little trick with the legs I always have trouble with the legs okay look draw a little line like that and then draw in a m imary line right above it and then bring the lower legs down see how it makes it look like he's walking like that here you try that's awesome you're an awesome artist you're an artist too [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] Sweet let's move you over [Music] here come [Music] on so what have you been doing to distract yourself out here just escaping nothing that's it that's what I need right now well it's been over a year I think that's enough time for some signs of Life washing your hair might be good for a start I still feel like I'm floating around in space I'm so guilty about pip she's a solid kid I but you're right sooner or later you are going to have to move front and center especially once you move back home with all those memories waiting I can't think about that now I can't I have group tomorrow I don't know how much it helps but oh yeah room full of grief stricken people nice well the facilitator seems very skilled uh Blake Thompson Blake single well I just thought maybe he could help you move things forward I think maybe you should go check on William I think I should go check on the surface [Music] [Music] I know I'm wa it's just the traffic was bad I'm sorry it's it's okay just keep an eye on pip I don't want to wandering off hi is Mark home so it seems to me as if you're saying you don't have any goals no I do have a goal um I want to do something for my daughter for pip I want to be connected with her again I don't know it sounds so simple but maybe the best way to do something for pip is to do something for yourself that's an excellent thought and if I may I'd like to make a suggestion the Wexler Center they run some terrific Assistance programs for the homeless they could use you and it would give you some really positive structure later when the Summer's over and the time comes to return home moose come here moose hi hi yourself how are you and moose we're fine what have you been up to my godmother came to visit with William her baby he's really cute he doesn't have a father oh that's too bad why is that I'm not sure Andre never talks to me about it but I heard it tell Mom she got him from some kind of weird bank I see this is really good by the way are you hungry no thank you my mom doesn't eat she's really fun well how come she been sick no just sad it's because my dad's plane crashed he died and my brother they both died it exploded half our family's gone where have you been for a walk with Mosey and now we're starved oh I'm sorry I forgot to go to this store we'll go out and get something to eat later oh these are very good it's fun to draw I know a trick to do mosey's back legs oh yes it's very good how did you learn that well I haven't completely learned it I could still get better I'm going to go lie down for a while that's my house right over there wow it's beautiful why are you watching my daughter just making sure she's safe she's a lovely girl you must be very proud she's lovely and what exactly does that mean are you aware that she is only 11 years old uh yes she told me Mrs McKenzie you've spoken with her mom this is Matt Matt BS I told you never to talk to strangers never to onon Philippa J tenter D he's my friend go to your room there are names for this sort of thing very ugly names you stay away from her or I will call the police I just saw him drawing he's a good person you don't know anything about him he's a stranger pip did he ever ask you to go to his house he doesn't want to kill me he just showed me how to draw Moose's back legs he's my friend and you were horrible to him I want you to stay away from him I forbid you to leave this house without a grownup go ahead I'll just lock myself in my room forever like you pip pip I am off to the post office as we speak surely his mug shot is posted up there with the top 10 most wanted it's not a joking matter who knows what his intentions are he has no business befriending a little girl she is a total innocent boy leave it to pip to get you all worked actually it sounds quite promising well she put herself at Great risk and she knows better too oh fa she's lonely I know but I don't know what to do about it Chad's gone my father's gone I'm a basket case anything ever happened to her no no she absolutely cannot be friends with some strange man that you met on the beach oh my God he's here I I'll call you back bye Mrs McKenzie I am really very sorry and I regret if have caused you any distress [Music] goodbye pip when you're ready to talk I am too [Music] m m come for coffee she wants you to she's sorry [Music] she hang on hang on let me see let me [Music] see ouch I locked myself in my room and refused to come out she was so rude Deo I'm sorry she's different than she used to be she worries ouch sorry sorry almost done she worries about everything and gets mad about stupid stuff but other times she doesn't care about anything it's obvious she cares about you all right Miss pip I think we better give your mom a call are you all right yeah I'm fine it's just a little okay um so do I owe you uh an extravagant thank you or an object apology how about just that cup of coffee okay okay pip tells me your French you'd never know about your English I came here for college and I Married An American one of my professors Ted McKenzie Pip's father I'm very sorry about your loss pip told me she's such a wonderful child and I I really want to thank you for reconsidering painting is a wonderful catharsis for me but as you know it's very solitary and being able to include pip makes it seem more purposeful she has such Vitality such enthusiasm it's a gift you miss your daughter very much obviously pip has given us both a head start yes I'm Miss Vanessa she's 18 now my son would have been 16 in April birthdays special occasions holidays they can be very difficult Pip's birthday is in October just after the plane crashed so needless to say anyway it's especially nice to see her enjoy drawing with you well she's back on her feet again maybe you can bring her down for another lesson which reminds me all of my things are still on the beach so I better get going thank you for the coffee you're welcome [Music] moosey no no no no he's he's fine hello moose I'm sorry well um pip is ever so angry with you and rightly so you know I I should have come by a visit and uh and I didn't um I just you know I didn't want to be a bother so please tell her I'm sorry why don't you tell her yourself come Jo us for dinner the food is terrible but we would both enjoy the company well I'd be I'd be delighted can I bring anything pencils erasers wine no no no just yourself 7:00 sounds great good oh these are very impressive thank you especially the PTO is that your daughter yes it is she's beautiful I'm very proud of that I just had a Christmas card to go by family photo at that Vanessa and her half siblings well they live in New Zealand now my wife Sally and I ran an ad agency in the city New York was very successful the business marriage not so much she fell in love with a business associate of mine an old friend from [ __ ] some friend yeah Amish terrific guy really except he destroyed my family with a lot of help from Sally anyway I was saying they live in New Zealand now where he's from and every year they send me a Christmas card has a photo of Vanessa in it I guess to let me know what she looks like or more to remind me that I'm no longer a part of the family well I ate them both just listening to you and you haven't seen your daughter since the divorce the first four years I actually commuted to Ackland but each trip I saw less and less of her she was busy she was skiing with friends as I say in your country I felt like a hair on the soup of course I I still write I just don't actually send the letters anymore Sally's made it quite clear that Vanessa has moved on from me that's an awful story awful your ex-wife obviously has done nothing to keep your daughter in your life you know it's funny I've reconciled the divorce I'm glad to have sold the business I like it here I love to paint but I just can't get over the loss of my child so every holiday season I wait for the photo it's all I've got maybe I should have tried harder what more could you have done no no no no I admire your commitment you see my husband Ted he was a genius with Incredible Vision but it made it difficult for him to relate to our children especially my son Chad was maned oppressive bipolar oh he had great courage and patience and love but it was hard for him and twice he tried to kill himself uh the first time I found him he had slid his wrists the second time pip found him in his room he tried doing himself Ted completely withdrew from him after that you he couldn't accept the fact that his son was less than perfect Chad knew he him so I tried to keep Ted involved in Chad's life I took every opportunity even when there's a divorce you're still Partners in parenting your children I think it's deplorable that your ex-wife has ignored [Music] that Matt your mom was nice enough to invite me over for dinner has a foot really dumb it's a stupid foot I'm Miss drawing with you I've how to do the back legs no problem it's for you thank you let's see here I wish we didn't have to go back to the city I wish we could just live here yeah but you might end up missing all your friends maybe even school I'm the weird kid now why is that well some of my friends parents are divorced but none of them have lost a father everybody's going to feel so sorry for me treat me so nice then avoid me before the father daughter her dinner CU I have nobody to take well if it's okay with your mom hey and you uh you can take me I'd go with you if you want that's very nice if you met for real you do it I'll even put on a suit [Music] we are very lucky to have each other because really it's just pip and me we have some distant cousins in France but well what about friends in San Francisco I mean tent wasn't very sociable he was so engrossed in his work and just had became so all consuming the last few years it was hard to keep friendships I suppose when Pip goes back to school I'll be spending a lot of time with moose well he's a good dog but the conversation might get a little dull don't you think Blake my group leader thinks that I should do volunteer work I think that's a good idea but what you should do is get PIP to set you up with some drawing lessons It's a Wonderful distraction and sometimes you get to meet some really interesting [Music] people [Music] B mom I thought you'd need a good breakfast your first day back on the beach are you coming no you and Matt have plenty to catch up on do you like him Mom yes I do I mean like a guy your father was the only guy for me eat so you're finally out how's the foot it's okay I'm just glad to be outside again and I'm very glad to see you but we got to hurry because we have plans sit down and take it easy plan land I'm going to sketch you you want to sketch me when's your mom's birthday December 10th maybe she'd like a portrait of you as a present you think cool all right we got to hurry though we've only got 2 weeks left before school starts don't remind me you're not still worried about school are you what then the robot after Daddy and Chad died it was like somebody took Mom away and left a robot instead see all [Music] right well his X sounds like a real number unless of course you ruined him for everyone else we may have to keep looking oh you're worse than people you two been conspiring because ganging up on me is not going to change anything I don't want another man in my life I had Ted who wasn't exactly a saint you have to admit you had your problems with Ted you know it that happened one time it was a mistake and I forgave him he was difficult especially with Chad I mean that man never cared for anybody except for himself and you know that you were the only woman that could have put up with him for as long as you did I loved him for 20 years that's not going to change now or ever and he loved you too in his own selfish narcissistic way the point is you can't cling to that forever at some point you're going to have to let go besides you're too much of a hottie to stay single [Music] you know it's going to be awfully quiet around here with that Che and pip I was just thinking how much better I feel than when I first got here it's done us both good pip seems happier too thanks to you you've made her summer she's made mine too so of you need friends sometimes I forget that well you lead a solitary life out here Matt I hope you come visit us often in spite of my cooking well I'll tell you what if you're really adventurous how about if I make us do Josh Josh are you okay Josh what what is [Music] it Max Jos Matt be careful [Music] Josh oh gosh baby okay let me have him come on [Music] all right all right all right baby baby mommy here thank you than you [Music] [Music] I'd like to propose a toast a toast to drawing M's back legs and watching where you run on the beach and frozen pizza and to Friendship to [Music] Friendship why don't you like him I do what are you talking about I mean like like like I mean like a boyfriend well that's an awful lot of likes and I'm already a married woman no you're not you're a widow you are you're a widow and you're outrageous he is our friend we don't want to spoil that why would it spoil it well because if we got involved then someone would get hurt or upset and then it would be all over does somebody always have to get hurt no but almost always and then you don't like each other anymore and you can't be friends and you couldn't see him you think how sad that would be what if you got married none of that would happen I don't want to get married again and neither does he did he tell you that more or less he told me all about his marriage and his divorce it sounded very traumatic yeah but he really likes you P please stop I am already married to your father it was not very good company phipa sorry I just never thought I'd have that much fun this summer I know it was more than I could have imagine yeah and maybe next summer you and mat will fall in love and get married on the beach and you are a little monster [Music] [Music] I ate it here so do I what it's our home [Music] I hope I hope I like my teachers oh you will well some of them at least can I come that when I get home in a while we don't want to pestor him when can we call him soon okay you have a good day Chicken Go for [Music] hey Mouse need to go up way where's mom mom mom come on hey it's Blake we missed a group today hope everything's okay give me a call Mom Mom [Music] [Music] mom eat I'm not hungry after all that man from her group called I guess you didn't go today I didn't feel up to it I'm going to go lie down for a while please don't go in there Mom it will just make you sad mom don't please [Music] hello hi Matt is that you miss pip I was wondering when you'd call we need your help the robots back [Music] pip why couldn't you tell them we are busy I I I'm in no shape for company well too late Matt I'm so happy to see you all right kiddo right oh my gosh I love them I got him a little store right down the beach just before you left you thought they'd come in handy it's my formula for getting rid of the Blues eat something fun wear something silly play Loud Music well if you ask me you're a genius speaking of loud music this is a little loud isn't it I'm going to turn it down what how's the portrait going for [Music] [Music] we used to love this house now it's so empty I I thought about selling but I didn't want to make any hasty decisions I think you're smart not to make any changes too soon I can't seem to make any changes at all dad's clothes are still in the closet Chad's room is exactly as it always was Andrea says it's unhealthy well give it time I'm just so afraid of falling into that dark hole for Pip's sake if it wasn't for her it would be so much easier just to not go on would have been such a blessing to I've been on that plane with him no no no don't please don't say that you don't understand nobody does how could you I sent Chad on that airplane with his father I needed a break um some quiet time with without worrying about Chad he he needed so much attention oh and I I told Ted they needed some f sometime but I know that I sent Chad with him to give myself a breather no matter how long I live or how many groups I go to I Will Never for forgive myself o le you had no one here to help you you had all the responsibility on your shoulders no don't I would give anything to have him back to think that I didn't treasure every moment with him I'm a horrible mother horrible I don't deserve you I'm sorry you don't need to hear all this you remember the boy on the beach when I pulled him up and out of the surf I was was exhausted there was nothing more that I could do for him and if you hadn't been [Music] there and then I saw the way that you looked at his mother and I know the thought that was in your mind and for you of all people oh that had to be tough but you pushed your emotions aside and you did what you had to do you saved that woman's son you did it you saved him because you had the skills you took the time to learn them because responding to people that are in need is a big part of who you are maybe that's a part of you that can now help you maybe you should take Blake's suggestion go to the Wexler Center Pitch in help out if you can get that part of you breathing again if you can do that [Music] and you don't need to go back to that dark hole [Music] yo right over here you the new volunteer wow I'm Jeff what's your name O but o who that that's too hard Opie that's your name now let's kick it Opie we got a lot more stuff to load Bob and Millie they're around here somewhere their ex cops me I'm 9 years Navy SEAL so together we got you back here you go thank we do more in one shift than this place does in a whole week come on we're going to take a spin around the grid thank you here you go you can drive but but nothing new guy drives hey hey hey hey hey Jefferson what are you doing with my 10:00 interview huh Opie no she's with us no don't mind Jefferson he's our resident tornado I'm Louise Anderson director at the wexo center come on I call them my to guns cuz five nights a week they are on the streets looking for people who are too sick to come to us they give out food blankets medical supplies clothing oh that sounds fairly dangerous there have been a few close calls are they armed only with their heads in their hearts I mean you have to want to be out there but you wouldn't have to worry about that because there's plenty you can do for us in the office if you're still myed I'm not sure what I would be good at I mean I have two children I was married for 18 years I I can drive shop uh clean do laundry and I do have some experience dealing with family members who have mental illness now that could be useful to us um are you going through a divorce at the moment I noticed that you said was married no my husband died a year ago oh and my son I a widow I will never take a hot bath for granted again I can't believe people really sleep on the street oh I know you know you hear about it and you know it's out there but see it it's so shocking but it's nice to help them yes yes it is but also it is upsetting but somebody has to help them and staying in the house all day that's upsetting too yes I know pep I know I have to go back [Music] thank you now don't worry we are going to take good care of you and I will see you soon you stay safe I've been hearing good things about you thank you it has been an amazing week think so you ain't seen nothing till you've been out with Bob Millie and me or is that just a little bit too real for you oh I'd probably be too scared to get out of the van no for about 5 minutes look what are you doing tonight you got a date no I don't date but I have a daughter she's 11 years old and I promise to take her to a movie well no just take her tomorrow look I want you to come out with us Millie and me we were talking about this last night you should see it at least once you will never be the same especially if I get get hurt or killed I I'm all my daughter has in the world look we will keep an eye on you I I I don't have anyone to stay with her at 11: I was sitting here all five of my brothers I was hauling my mama's ass out of jail every week come on Opie once you have been out with us you will never want to sit home again besides we are man down we leave at 6:30 be here you should see her Matt she's almost like she used to be is she there can I say hi yeah thatt wants to talk to you thinks you're really cool for volunteering B hey sounds like you're setting the world on fire out there what's it like scary exciting wonderful touching sad man I love it and you gave me the push that I needed well you're an amazing woman I'm impressed oh don't be mostly I just Shuffle papers and look lost Hey listen I'm I was thinking of maybe coming up there this Saturday if that's okay or uh if you'd rather you come down here Ted and Chad's anniversary is the day before I think it's going to be tough on us I'd hate to come out there and be gloomy and depressed well listen let's just play it by ear how's that okay thank you bye [Music] bye oh look who's here well well well hello Opie hello welcome to the real world thank you Opie hello you made it down huh you sure you want to do this I mean it isn't required you know no one's going to think you're a [ __ ] if you back out now jeffo think I'm a [ __ ] yeah maybe but so what look it's your call you in or you out in all right let's go stay behind me here and be careful I don't like the mission if anything's going to happen it's going to happen here you mean something like someone shooting at no dirty needles are the weapon of [Music] choice they're so young to be out here by themselves lot of these kids have been on the streets for years parents don't care about them they just wander around until they grow up if they do and then what drugs prostitution whatever it takes yeah I went on the street i' probably be on drugs too [Music] I know it breaks my heart sometimes soon you're all right old come on let's get back to the [Music] van you really are doing God's work out here a I'm not so sure about that thanks for coming yeah you did a great job thanks we'll see you Monday you want me to come back we want you part of our team Opie we're not playing games out here I need to give it some thought I I couldn't come every night maybe twice a week my daughter if if you were dating you would spend more time out than that and you said you're not come on W you tell the lady how you really feel yeah no pressure or anything all right I need to think about it do you need to really I think you know what you want come on op I saw it we need you they they need you okay okay but only twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays all right that's it you are a tough man to [Music] resist welcome to the team Opie one of the Cowboys now I'm a cowboy [Music] come on [Music] [Music] thank you to each today love M I love him he's a very good [Music] friend I'm afraid of won't be very good company I can't speak for pip though I'm sure she'd love to see you why don't I talk to her and call you back I want to go I want to do you hear that tomorrow then mercy we're going to go see that sounds like an amazing place what exactly do you do there o f she works on the street with the Outreach team I thought you said you were shuffling papers I I guess I got a promotion so roaming through dark alleys in the middle of the night looking for desperate people and that's that's a promotion it's not as bad as it sounds well this is something that we'll have to talk about later after we've had a good meal oite is crazy you can't do do it Matt I have never felt so unafraid in all my life when I'm out there everything else doesn't feel so menacing like the empty house if I can confront the dangers on the street and survive that the rest is so much easier if you're looking for my approval don't cuz you can't have it for trying to scare the witch out of me you have for your sake in tips in mine o I know that it could be dangerous but so could a lot of things that we take for granted every day I could get hit by a bus crossing the street tomorrow or die in my heart the same thing and you know it kind a Death Wish well if something happens to me you'll just have to marry Andrea the two of you can raise pip together uh-huh you know I don't think that's amusing I really don't and I think you should go back to your shrink or to your GR group or whatever why I've already gotten the best advice of all from a very good friend he saw how I was struggling with grief and guilt and he gave me encouragement that I needed to find that useful place in myself again well I'm sure your friend never imagined you rubbing shoulders with addicts and drug dealers and dark alleys at midnight but that's where the greatest need is no okay the greatest need for you is right there trust your friend one more time gave you good advice I know and I promise if I ever feel this too dangerous I stop no no no and this is not the last word on the subject either there you go [Music] mom Matt's here Matt hi it's been 3 weeks it's like forever you've grown you grown this much you're beautiful this is for you thank you well what do you think very handsome really mhm mom look what Matt gave me she so excited to go to the dance oh well you are and you are very generous to take her what are you kidding me good food good company we [Laughter] dancing per messy so what's happening well I'm working very hard with the Outreach team um pip is okay that's not what I mean and you know it what's happening with Matt well I can tell you that he's not thrilled I'm working with the Outreach team wait but didn't he encourage you yes and no yes to get involved no not to lay your life on the line exactly well he's right that leads us to a problem are you going to let this guy just slip away from you he's come out of a shell he comes up to the city more often than ever he takes you guys out to eat he's at a school dance right now for crying out loud somebody is going to spot him and eat for lunch M has been um very helpful to us and and if we've helped him in any way that's I let me ask you something if it had been you that died instead do you think that Ted would be carrying a torch for you for the rest of his life what what is it you just just have to understand you don't owe Ted your happiness you don't have to live a lonely life I I promise I will not bring this up again if you can tell me that you have honestly never imagine Matt as your lover I'm afraid that my imagination was in a plane crash your daughter is a terrific dancer she wore me out she gets that from me I used to love to dance no more well it's been years Ted didn't enjoy it you know Ted doesn't sound like an altogether easy person Geniuses are like that I mean I don't know personally I just heard that I always loved him from the moment I met him but Andrea thinks that I deserved better and she intends to save me from myself as usual she was trying to push me into bed tonight with wait the waiter the bus boy Blake Thompson you you okay Andre and I have been best friends for 20 years but we couldn't be more different on that front her current lover is 10 years younger than she is he's married and his wife is expecting sounds a lot like Sally she was very uh sensual no that's not the right word uh sexual right up until the end maybe that's why I didn't see it coming when she left me for Hamish anyway tell pip I had a wonderful time time good night good night um oh I I I almost forgot uh what are you doing for Thanksgiving oh same as always trying to ignore it I don't believe in turkeys or Santa anymore you know baham but well why don't you try and change that Andrea and pip are going to be here why don't you join us well that's sweet it really is it's just more manly to cry alone good night good [Music] night Dad Vanessa oh my God Nessie [Music] H what are you doing here I go to Stanford I've been looking for you for months but um I lost your address and Mom said she didn't have it she said what when you stopped writing mom lost track of you Nessie your mom sends me a Christmas card every year she knows where I am your mom said that uh you didn't want me in your life I've been writing to you 3 years by then eventually she asked if HH could adopt you and I said no you're my daughter and you always will be but after 3 years of Silence I finally gave up it's been 3 years since then but your mother and I always stayed in touch and she said that you were happier without me in your life and that you wanted it that way she never gave me any of your letters I never understood why you abandoned me and I was so afraid you wouldn't want to see me now no no don't know I'm so mad at her I'm so mad I'll never forgive her you know she's coming back heish died of a heart attack God when 3 months ago she's coming back to look for a place over Christmas I don't think I can bear to see her can I spend Christmas with you of course you can of course you can but I I don't think you you should avoid your mother no I'm far from it Mom's definitely going to hear from me I missed you I missed you too I haven't told you about my very good friend pip and her mother o there you go oh thanks yeah spent the summer here in Safe Harbor she's a widow o le that's a pretty name is she your girlfriend no now we're just friends they've had a really tough time they're very important to me and I'd love for you to meet him cool I'm uh pretty flat out with finals coming up but uh Christmas yeah you still ski brilliantly well I want to see I was thinking uh about squa Valley all of us you know give us a chance to get away catch up be good for you and I and for pip Ando Fe Lee too I'm there dad yay okay wait wait it's for both of us right Matt we've been scheming a long time on this since this summer when I met you don't forget he was my friend first can I sh when you Delight in reminding me I'm intrigued come on open it open it come on Matt how did how did you oh my God I'm a [Music] kleptomaniac I wondered was that went do you like it oh like it no I love it [Music] good thank you so much it's the most beautiful present I've ever had really hope that you'll meet Nessa and I in Squad Valley for Christmas won't she object to having strangers come after not seeing you for so long no she knows all about you and pip she can't wait to meet you I told her that you're like family you're always so good to us it's easy to be good to you [Music] yeah what are we doing this is crazy no it's not crazy I felt this way for a long time longer than I knew I was just afraid I'd frighten you off if I said something you've been hurt so badly we B [Music] happy [Music] birthday Opie wait up teams remember I'm sorry do not get too comfortable out here that's why we make mistakes give me the blankets back to the van all right Matt it's 4:30 in the morning yeah that's the point I just can't deal with the thought of something happening to you here it's cold put this on you okay yes I think so you think so should I panic no no I'm I'm just scared a little that's all of what of of you of me of Life fate good things bad things you dying me dying I do I have to go on give me a chance to to try and change that I don't know that you can at least give us a chance [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hey Matt it's Sally would you hate very much having dinner with me tonight I don't want anything from you I just want to bury the hatchet it sounds like she has an agenda getting back together no no no she's she's bored she doesn't know what to do with herself I know her Matt I know how some women can operate hey she left me remember for another guy with more money and more toys and yes but now she has the money and he's gone and and she's scared and lonely and I think she has something up her sleeve if you want me to cancel I will be happy to cancel yes I do but it can't be that easy sure it can H with her I'm not going I don't want to go I don't want to see her no if you don't see her face to face you're going to see her in your mind's eye I want you to go it's important for you it's important for us but I thought the two of you were just friends why do you care if he sees his ex-wife don't be horrible you know I'm far too attached to met now oh God what if he falls in love with her again oh after the way she screwed him over now yes but he told me that she was very sexual really they're hot huh do The Bitter End she's going to try and seduce him I know it well you only have yourself to blame Little Miss grieving Widow and uh when you see him lose the jacket it's good to see you boy you don't look a day older well uh I feel it thanks neither do you got your favorite drink oh no no thank you okay so why have you never remarried you cured me I'm a recluse please sit down so have you ever thought about going back to New York uh never how about Paris then London Maybe I know it's crazy but I was wondering if if I'd go with you if we could turn the clock bag fall in love all over again man that'd be something wouldn't it that's all I've wanted for the last six years that's all I've thought about you know the funny thing is now that I think about it I just can't do it you are beautiful my God look at you just as beautiful as you always were and couple of those martinis and we'd fall back in that bed in there and I'd figured I'd died and gone to heaven but then what well then we'd see what happens Sally you'd still be you and I'd still be me and all the things that made it fall apart the first time would still be there Matt don't say that stuff what's wrong I want to be with someone who loves me and I'm not sure you ever did love is a gift I want to give it and receive it you always were such a romantic and you weren't what about an affair then oh that would be foolish and complicated don't you think so now what now we do what you said we do we declare each other friends we wish each other good luck and we say goodbye what about you Matt going to rot at the beach forever sometimes a quiet life can be a good thing is there someone else yeah yeah there is some part of me Will Always Love You Sally just not enough to try again good luck I hate you [Music] my mind is officially empty of everyone but you see you on the [Music] slopes I love them so much thank you not as much as I like my slippers uh okay if I take pip out for a test run it's okay great idea sure just bundle up all right you two be careful have fun take your [Music] time hi hi [Music] feel like I cheated you I feel like I rushed you what if I'm never ready I'll find someone else I mean we can still be good friends but I'll love you anyway I want what I need to take a step closer to you I know it doesn't sound like much but I think it's time I backed up Ted things really are you ready yes I'll help my my darling Ted I know this has come as a shock to us both and I know that this is not what you had planned nor I but oh this baby means everything to me more than anything in the world because it's yours we have so much in common and I know how hard these last few years have been at home for you nobody knows better than I she's Miss handled things for you and for Chad but more importantly between the two of you I'm not even convinced that he would have attempted suicide if she hadn't alienated him from you they were bids for your attention maybe even asking you to save him from her your life with her is over it's been over for years and maybe in the long run this is what she needs to jol her into realizing how pointless her life is how empty but it's for us I firmly believe that this is just the beginning our baby is our bond to each other our link to the future I love you with all my heart and I promise you when you come to me you will be happy as you have never been the future is ours darling with all my love Andrea [Music] oh hey come in hi you okay oh God did something happen yes something [Music] [Music] happened how could you do that and pretend to be my friend and how dare you say the things you said about Chad to manipulate his father you are Beyond pathetic you are evil you have taken away the one thing I had left the belief that de loved me how could you do this no you stay away from me and you stay away from pip don't you call us or try to contact us ever again you are dead to me As Dead As He listen to me please Ted hadn't made up his mind feel he did not die having decided to leave you I I wrote to him I tried to convince him I hate you I know you can't ever forgive me but please don't blame William o look at me it was not his [Music] fault I don't give a damn about you or your baby don't you ever speak to me again [Music] mom Matt wants to talk to you he says if you don't talk to him he's coming over everything is going to be okay I just need to get out for a while there's a letter from Matt on my dresser are you mad at him no no and I want him to stay with you but that letter is for Matt's eyes only understand what's up it's not your night I know I feel good out here I'm totally together Jeff let's kick it this is about something else it won't help us find her she didn't say anything else at all she just left she was so upset can we go look for her I'm going to try herself when my husband and my son died it was like I slipped into a a dark hole but I don't feel that way anymore Bob I don't feel so alone in the world so I'm going to start working days with Louise that's too bad cuz we'll miss you well good luck with that thank you yeah okay now I wants another coat all right I'll get it Jeff you want a sleeping bag or a blanket or Opie hey hey hey man hey don't do this man let her go what are you a pimp no no no no you're a cop no no no stop hey look we don't give a damn what you're doing and we are not cops you're cop but we used to be and I'll kick your ass if you don't let her go look like C let her go so there's this one St don't you [Music] move mom what is it hello [Music] yes yes how is she they're taking out the bullets now God stay here excuse me I'm here for o Lee [Music] Mackenzie abolished 500 cc's and then increased the dopamine [Music] drip Dr Bender Dr she's alive but we don't know what's going to happen yet the first bullet went through her lung came out of her back the second bullet exited the back of her neck but missed her spine All Things Considered she's very lucky the third bullet took out an ovary in her appendix did some damage to the stomach and small bout is she going to die she's very badly injured but she survived the trauma and the surgery she's very strong damn right thank you doctor [Music] she can see you now I feel Mommy [Music] [Music] how is she she talked to us what'd she say that she loves me [Music] [Music] [Music] she so good [Music] what do you say we go back get a shower change our clothes freshen up a little bit fing what happened I know we won't be gone that long really we're just getting cleaned up and coming right back sure thing and you're going to stay with me right Matt sure thing you know I will I'm not going anywhere I'll be right here okay [Music] oh your wife has been asking to see you stat St will you be okay by yourself for a minute I'll stay with her thanks I I quit the Outreach [Music] team I love you very much you're going to stay with us we need you I'm so sorry how is she really critical but stable no sign of infection and uh if she makes it through tonight we can all breathe easier thank you see this looks better than Frozen maybe do you love my mom yes I do will you marry her when she gets better she needs your M and I do too I want to pip but maybe we should ask her first oh you I think we should wait till she feels better might help her get better if she has something to look forward to she loves you Matt I can tell you can yeah she's probably just scared my dad wasn't always nice to her maybe if you tell her you'd be nice to her she'd say yes you ask her Matt I will pit I promise [Music] she's okay she's okay she just wants to see both of you again you hear that pip she's okay come on come [Music] on hey I'm so scared I'll never get shot [Music] again I do my best she's her mother's daughter I got the guy Mom that's good Jeff tells me that everyone at the Outreach Center is going to be armed from nowah and no more [Music] volunteers if I can tear pip away we're going to let you get some sleep okay okay come on Bye Mom [Music] about the thing you were going to ask mom don't you think I should wait till she feels a little better she might be more receptive she's on drugs you can take advantage of that so now she has to be on drugs to marry me it can't hurt you're the biggest chicken ever I am not chicken right I'm a little chicken and you promised okay fine okay now right now go okay that was fast I forgot to tell you something I love you oy I love you too enough to marry me did you say what I think you just said or is that they drust could be both how did it sound it sounds good I love you very [Music] much I'm sorry she really does need a rest almost done so can I tell pip will you marry me yes I will [Music] come here [Music] did you check it out nope well what you say she said yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello Matt I'm Andrea do you think ailia will see me I'm sure she will please come in I'm so sorry I would not have come here but I need your help I heard that you got shot and I would have at least written but I was in the hospital too I have cancer just ignored all the signs you know just apparently it started in my ovaries and then spread to my lungs and now it's in my bones done chemo now we're doing radiation and um I'm really just going to pass that now I don't really have long I think it's God's punishment for what I did to you and I know that I'm sorry doesn't even begin to cover but you've always been so forgiving that's why people like Tad and I needed you so much and I'm really counting on that now because I need you I don't have anyone to take William oh failey will you take him for me will you take him he's so innocent take William now when can I [Music] die yes of course we will take you thank you you have no idea what that means to me God bless you God bless [Music] you it's going to be okay [Music] and do you oili take this man for the rest of your life I do I do [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] a [Music]
Channel: Romance Movie Central
Views: 2,693,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Romantic Movies, Chick Flicks, Free Rom Coms, Free Romcoms, Full Hallmark Movies, Full Romantic Comedy, Movie Central, Romance, Romance Movie Central, Romance Movie Channel, Romantic, Romantic Movies, full free Movies, latest Movies 2022, movies about love, hollywood movies, best romantic movies 2023, Melissa Gilbert, Brad Johnson, Liana Liberato, Danielle Steel, love, hd, full, free, latest, romance, romcom, drama, romantic, movie, movies, film, cinema, safe harbour, youtube, stories
Id: bm8jvtqJq2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 15sec (6375 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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