Chess960 Titled Arena ft. Magnus Carlsen as DrNykterstein | March 2019

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bleach has titled arena march a 9 60 arena okay first opponent former player the doctor should have lost this game here oh it was a i remember the doctor was up a rook okay this is a this is looking pretty normal-ish at least on the queen side here kicking off with the f pawn playing it like it's a i guess a dutch makes sense for the knight for the rook bishops bishop and queen's eyes are pointing at these two i imagine both knights will end up on these two squares considering what to do with this guy can't go here there's queen takes pawn so symmetrical so far where will play deviate there it is okay so this is a big gap but there are two black pieces that are supporting this advance all right that's shot down so we're back in uh symmetrical territory this knight may want to go elsewhere yeah knight e6 so this bishop's eyes stay opened so it is it is a little bit different the decision with both knights here is it okay to allow knight takes night okay he's taking out the night giving up the bishop for a knight it is a static position considering an in-between move right now is white can you get away with this bishop takes pawn pawn here bishop takes knight [Music] he's running the numbers on that one otherwise i i don't think you'd be thinking that long about which of these two to go with i think he was calculating bishop takes pawn there so in the end a strong knight on e4 for team black this is a strong pawn for white may have similar soon if this guy is on toler intolerable where does this bishop go maybe right here or is it necessary to support the pawn on d5 huge time difference after just these seven moves take towards the center or is there a reason to do this to have an open line for the bishop black would want to make sure this pawn doesn't get too crazy there is a cost if a push right now he's still going for it i guess looking for some activity on the dark squares now rapid development hitting the knight the queen could take up a strong post on e4 check that d4 where does the knight go yeah these dark squares could yeah this could be a problem right queen coming out night coming out pressure on c7 opposite color bishops slight lead in development the rook will soon occupy this file with one move right queenside castles yeah queenside castles the white rook would end up on d1 biggest thing so far this move 10 for carlson punch at b2 conveniently defended so the knight not even giving this pawn an opportunity to move here maybe expand you probably want to trade that queen it's not easy to do that though there's always this move okay fine keto okay now ready to queenside castle black is up upon and it seems like it's a controlled position queenside castles it is call it 30 seconds a piece there's some space here given time will go like that both players are aware of knights jumping into c4 c5 this is ruled out with the b pawns tough to call it's definitely a strong pose for the queen some space for white what to do from here okay serious pressure on d5 a lot of attention all pieces basically focus there some pressure on c7 now coordination between queen and bishop under 20 for carlson queen finally takes a step no bishop here anymore the knight returns the queen has to find a new square she's short on squares queen exchange queen here you could have kicked her again all right rook is defended this was maybe a threat taking advantage of some pin they will be living off of the increment bishop takes now it's definitely better for team black it's clear no problem with king safety the pawn will move box out the night and the king will have an easier time moving forward undermining the pawns now knight to g4 king is pinned tied down to d uh e3 hmm can you break it down further if the knight moves this guy oh yeah now now this is hitting right why is that move not played much sooner oh because of that check that's why white would get the pawn right back you probably want to avoid opposite color bishop ending so you got to save the night now it's trading nights what a fancy move let me just let me insert that check first i guess it was also aimed at preventing the king from inching up maybe a little bit too soon oh could win this right bishop right here watch over the queening square and this is fast enough i think he's going to be fast enough oh it doesn't matter he dropped on time again whoa what a start to this tournament okay international master of love loss against the doctor okay what kind of setup are we working with here not too bad here on the king side i guess we still call this the king side playing it like it's a scandinavian with a messed up queen side [Laughter] all right not really a better spot for the knight is there this position is already opened up so rapid development and we have just that queenside castles i imagine the knight will be the one to recapture this is the better improvement than rook takes just asking for development with tempo if you take with the rook so where to go from here night most likely here is there's some other move maybe considering a setup like this i don't know about that this seems like it would be a good reply looking to maybe fiend keto this is a interesting thing just going conservative solid opening up the bishop's eyes and you know what controlling the knight so this guy's gonna go elsewhere all right and this guy has a lot of options still maybe work on the night maybe expand with the h pawn this knight could be kicked at any moment so if the knight goes here this could be a little bit annoying actually this here knight here the bishop can get trapped so actually isn't this a winning move no the knight would have to go here hmm okay there is a new square for a knight it seemed like this move could have uh caused these two a little bit of a problem maybe get trapped maybe end up in a fork i like white's position seems very solid i like having the fourth ring pawn versus the third ranked pawn there's something to bite out maybe ensuing pressure with the bishop remain solid this is a nice jumping point for the knight may want to rule that out all right let's see okay so here we go right here is this a good in-betweener no not oh he's going for it though he's allowing this fork i think he missed that this knight could go into pac-man mode maybe he was just seeing that this pawn targets these is this not going to get trapped at the end ah he just takes this one he's ready to take the bishop he's coming out ahead here big time white resigns miscalculation a little bit too fast pulling the trigger on c5 okay where do we stand we have a couple eights in there so two guys with a few games in flawless the doctor has four pairing now against the boss international master okay oh these bishops are awkward for sure how do we start here open up the queen's eyes immediately now going with this if there is ever a bishop here that would definitely make me think twice about moving this pawn so going with a knight first i think you will be seeing uh f6 to open up the bishop's eyes and control the knight this is under control maybe maybe you could do with this if white is preparing to get an e4 if there's enough support for it it's creating a lot of room over here for the queen with these advances this is prepped so it is stopped don't want to see upon duo because before you know it that duo can be converted into some space advantage pieces start getting kicked around so it stopped before it's even there c5 rook takes this a lot of work would be necessary for the bishop to even see c5 and what to do from here not a fun square for the knight not ideal but it stays out of the bishop's way stays out of the center pawns way the bishop needs to move before kingside castles okay here we go some coordination between queen and bishop the white queen notice is not yet playing this is an open position it's not a good sign if the queen is still stuck in the corner call it just a useless queen not even a legal move okay now there is white's ready excuse me black's ready now castle you have that i like black's position here b4 okay this does open up quite a bit i like that b4 move this is a solid structure a jumping point on c4 possibly this one pawn restricts these two this extra pawn you know in the center it's not yet contributing okay wow that's a really big decision huh shutting down the bishop allowing some structural damage on the king's side bishop takes knight being considered if this queen could somehow get over here right this would be a little crazy to do something like this if the queen was the white queen was over here knight g5 looking for the queen h7 this is opening up a new square for the night this knight can't go too far there is this pressure against g2 under 40 for white oh big decision i imagine we will have a capture i was thinking take on poisson but that is dropping upon isn't it black does have three pieces on it only two defending e4 under 30. double the time for the doctor huge position for team black now bishop is out of play queen is nice and central black is up a pawn what more do you want and slow steady progress from here advancing the pawns everything is under control there's not a good check these are covered they continue to march this bishop is still cooked don't let this pawn get too far are you prepared to move this knight and we drop the pawn you're ready to kick the knight and then crash through here something more forceful it does give up a square to the night maybe kick the knight and then take here here here takes takes we're having this line maybe who's gonna budge okay the knight hops in the center this is covered the bishop is still having a tough time and for as long as it remains here there isn't a flight square yet for team white this is a problem okay now this is getting cracked open the king is vulnerable everything is hit g2 h5 you could simplify i imagine the queen's going to try to slip into h4 pick off this pawn with check stay central open file consolidate there's a pin can't go here this is covered oh i think he's getting this pawn back that was a miss let him back in the ball game okay now you could take here why didn't the king come over here i think he should have oh he's pushing through where is he it's rook is there in time to defend this isn't this is not a win you can't take here but the rook i think just stays on this file only one second oh he it is it is a win excuse me because of the rook getting over here it is a win he's down on time but this was a win for black rook right here and push okay missed that not the only thing i've missed okay and with that whoa tgk-59 down 17 12 a bunch of eights top eight or flawless okay nm opponent zelerex is ready to say this was a queen pawn opening okay this is as normal as you're gonna get i guess for chess 960. it's just the king and queen switcherood okay uh so we'll just call it a queen pond game yeah queen this is a queen pun opening okay queen pawn opening queen side castle the rook will be on d1 okay control e4 knight here bishop to one of these two not here is a start right no wants the c pawn contributing okay so when this knight drops in there he's gonna be a beast that's what he's saying with this move when the knight's there he's a beast and if he's taken the c pawn will take and i'll have some pressure one day against your c7 pawn so time well spent seems like it it's not a you know you could afford to do that invest one tempo develop and defend the knight i don't think the idea is to take the bishop you could hunt the bishop pair but it isn't consistent with the c4 move okay maybe now this and then takes because these would end up doubled and isolated so this is maybe something he's going to react to that he ducks king side castles no queen side castles here okay where's this night gonna go seems like this is the best square why is the queen there carlson why are you putting that queen there he's gonna move the queen somewhere else or just yeah he is gonna move the queen somewhere else the knight loves c3 okay knight c3 knight d5 very good control over this position for white nice space advantage i like this combating the knight where's their pawn break oh he's going hunting for the queen he has f5 in mind as well for the knight taking towards the center and maybe there's play along the g file it's a committal move but the queen is not having a tough is not having the easy time it's a queen here maybe this and then here so you could take with the g pawn although no the queen would just be trapped let's say queen g5 knight f5 bishop takes pawn takes the queen is dead under 10 gotta go queen h3 asking for trouble no matter where the queen goes this is just too much control over here on the king side black understands this tries to give up some material he's getting two pawns for the piece looking for a third pawn he may get that huh there is check queen block you could take and then take here three pawns for the minor piece wasn't the whoa okay fancy way to exchange queens black is picking up in the process of fourth pawn there may be some accident happening soon on g7 is he calculating a rook takes right here knight f5 okay knight takes bishop or knight g7 is in the air oh the old lateral movement missed that and then he's gonna save it now two pieces versus four pawns is that where we're at a knight in a bishop versus four pawns i think so oh yeah i have this as my um this is my crutch i'm just so used to counting the material all the time on the board anyhow two knights versus four pawns in bounds okay if this pawn falls these become weak we have a check right here fork rook is a goner and there's nothing exciting happening with the rook and bishop black resigns where do we stand here first has twenty second seventeen the doctors in there with twelve the top five flawless 21 now tgk 59 who are you some beast we still have a lot of time remaining okay and just as i say that we have the number one versus the number three tgk 59 somebody dive into that profile see who this who this player is okay what do we do here do that no you do this tuck the knife behind the pawn yes what's going to be the story for this cornered knight here and then here trying for this this has to uh catch your attention though yes interfering once more it's like in an earlier game preventing the opponent from establishing a pawn duo so nice control over this square killer fork lined up queen scoot over now the bishop will watch over that square some development black's going to do without playing with the e-pawn for the time being challenge this knight one way or the other oh it's getting very sharp right now with this last move is trying to one day kick this bishop away and yeah there can be a killer move very soon he's trying for that but you could pull the knight away get the knight here controlling the square how's black in a castle in order to castle king side you have to move these two in order to castle queen side you have to move these two what's he considering right here knight here throwing a punch a bishop move defending here yes okay a queen move and you're ready to castle kingside meanwhile this pawn is coming under fire i don't know that you can save it in the end if if white is getting this pawn back white's gonna be better this pawn is ill half dead e7 pawn killer fork back on white's in the driver's seat okay oh this is defending and preparing queen side castles black king queenside castle king would be here rook would be here may go for that next or first exchange bishops exchanging bishops and then queenside castle there'd be queen takes pawn queenside castle drops a7 can't do that shouldn't do that i don't think maybe the queen steps up no the queen grabs a pawn didn't see that both knights are hit pressure on the queen side as well king side h2 it's knight still in the corner though open position it's either queenside castle or the king stays here he's gonna have to queenside castle knight here is nearby maybe losing castling privilege yeah this rook may be stuck in this in this corner for a little bit if white wants to land a check he could do just that he's doing it and he's maybe just going to return oh very nice continuation this is a problem a serious problem you could threaten mate but white is hitting first ooh checkmate in two if queen to b4 i think he might throw in the towel yeah he's giving up the queen okay what kind of imbalance we have two tricky knights is he going to keep this guy around land a check two nights versus a queen position two nights in a pond versus a queen can he stay coordinated somehow gonna rip the heart out he's gonna keep this pawn around okay this would be interesting if you could come back from this these guys are pesky and they're coordinated let's see what kind of magic he can work with these guys two nights and two pawns it's actually not well this pawn is gonna fall any second he's staying in the center here queen takes knight you have to go here okay is the rick going to play anytime soon there's no check here a repetition [Laughter] ah 22 seconds can't take the queen there's a pin he's going after this guy if you step over you're asking for these checks okay he's gonna save the pawn no he's setting up this and then this winning the rook queen takes pawn check here check win the rook another check he wants this check he might throw this pawn up yeah there aren't any great checks okay there was a check there he's saving the b-pawn 14 seconds one moment away from a check get out of the line of fire king it's dangerous on c4 oh clamp down in this structure he's just he's crawling into a ball these knights are going to do something dangerous i'm telling you right now it's going to get to c4 knight on c5 watch out rook takes pawn the queen is hit here do you have to go rook here no knight here hits the queen there's checks there's forks look out the queen is hit again there's other checks on the d2 oh man i check the rook is gone if he wants that does he want more he wants more is it mate it might be might he have to give the queen queen here it's gonna get made oh man oh it's so early what a stunning game two knights two puns are greater than a queen [Laughter] wow tgk 59 wild game okay the slippery one is next get ready oh man what a game two and a half hours more of this wow this is too much fun i might have to cut it short okay oh how many times have we seen this right how you know the queen is the queen's mobility is addressed very early just get a couple pawns out of the queen's way she wants to see the world okay no takes here this guy is now unprotected after that move all righty let's slow down here catch my breath what do we have going in serious attention on c4 i like this last move okay white is getting out of the pin i'm placing black in a pin okay what's this door here more pressure on c4 black is prepared to take with the knight for sure he's gonna dive into this square maybe not for sure oh he would drop this pawn okay so bishop takes pawn there's a cost with knight takes generally you would do that but it is dropping upon he's in the tank this slippery penguin he's taking with the bishop throwing a punch making sure this pawn doesn't fall this is an important pawn to be sure no way pawn this guy is passed okay we gotta get some more development in here get the knight out he's out and about queen has to move before this guy or are you gonna do something like that this guy needs to play okay bishop c3 maybe you don't even castle what about throwing the yapon up there or working on the knight first maybe knight here and knight here kicked you can't go forward i don't think takes takes is there anything great happening against the queen we might be seeing something like that is he really going to go backwards no he's going forwards he can make use of a5 pressure against the bishop plenty of defense forgetting that there is this battery there okay bishop pair for team white offering a queen exchange as well just a couple moves out from connecting rooks if we have a queenless end game excuse me a queenless end game and it's this guy here that is the x factor bishop let's say to castle next queenside castles no controlling the knight first i guess all right the knight is eyeing up e6 there'll be some nice jumping points roundabout way to get to f4 just a moment out now in a castle team black ooh queen short on squares a little bit oh trapped queen trapped trapped the queen that penguin [Laughter] oh not so fast let's see what happens here look at this boom check here discovery and in the end you get a fork how are you seeing this so fast okay there should still be a way though right the queen has a square oh queen here queen takes knight bishop here what is what a stunning move right okay 20 to 20 seconds to 40. giving up the queen wouldn't be the first time isn't that just a full queen though no it's still it's still dangerous on d7 under 10 seconds for the penguin to figure it out okay he's queenside castle this is defended now i think he's gonna get two minor pieces for the queen we've been there before just a cable just a game ago okay he's gonna find a way to um get a couple pieces for the queen let's see what he decides on okay knight takes d7 he's gonna free the queen okay so he's getting a pawn for a piece still has the bishop pair and both players will be living off of the increment from here the pin is on board it's taking it the queen takes you take twice here light square weaknesses in black's camp a nice spot for the rook controls some weaknesses over near the king and puts pressure right on the heart ooh i missed that move queen to c8 queen takes pawn check bishop can't move there is a pin under 5 under 10 each consolidating move oh he's taking advantage of the pin i think it is gunner he has to do something here yeah there's nothing here penguin has consolidated yep not oh you're gonna take why did he allow that he's giving him a chance to consolidate now the bishop is a very good defender and a take like this i think this is a draw and it could be a loss if penguin's not careful it's trying to oh this might be a loss this king he's gonna grab these two all right this pawn he's gonna have two past pawns okay now okay it is a draw it's a draw rook pawn is not going to be enough and draw on board look at how he caused some chaos there right it just looked like ah queen's gonna be trapped but no in comes a dangerous night what was that he's in pause mode for right now that night what was it knight c5 right here your queen's trap nope knight c5 and then a huge think he's in pause mode maybe a very quick bathroom break all right let's have a look at the standings very quick here 240 are in there this is what your top page is looking like he's still in pause mode what an awesome game really tough to follow there in the middle game page one page two what's it looking like night king is not on the front page yet baba ramdev eric rosen eddie marsala is he in there yet he's still in pause mode okay maybe we could check out the slippery penguin while we wait oh he berserked so keep in mind if you berserk i was saying this before the tournament began when you berserk your time is cut in half and since you're playing with increment you lose the increment so penguin has 42 seconds to win the game no increment this guy has a minute 15 and he still gains a second when you make a move okay is the doctor back the doctor is still in pause mode let's see how this one plays out if pawn takes knight that night would fall okay nice light square control better bishop for a penguin and i guess black is gearing up for d5 looking for a5 okay d5 on board i'm going to cut away if the doctor's playing he's not playing he's not in there yet breaking down the king side here black's king's position he could take and plant upon here no he's doing some useful moves tucking the king in no not quite maybe king up and rook over here there we go can break like this as well where's the king going i don't know if uh no black can't castle he's stuck right here is he still in pause he's still in pause mode you logged in under 30 but has increment team black king is running where nobody knows pawn takes queen takes can you get away with this okay check now at least there's a check if the rick does something exciting king's trying to duck what about the queen swinging over here looking at a7 exchange oh that's a blunder rook takes rook he missed that third he was on that 13 seconds without increment okay mate threat next this this square is covered yeah just exchanging check check and you don't want to get to a point where he could pre-move out and i think we're at that point yeah it's going to be made very soon 6.8 is just way too much for a penguin that's me okay um and the doctor is back in a game what did we miss two moves perfect timing okay so d4 and e4 a quick queen exchange not quite this is the number one no it's not number one number two the doctor is in sixth it's playing against the number two okay things opened up very fast here open c file queens will remain in tension each side wants the other to take their queen okay so that the rook can be improved on the recapture where's the night going better spot than there no other legal move okay king side castles for each fairly symmetrical i like that this pawn is advanced though has a support point now if he jumps into a5 it's on the edge but it exerts some nice pressure on the queen side this queen maybe eyeing up this square at some point if that guy goes elsewhere okay check winning the queen was there controlling the night now i don't like these knights the white knights are better positioned for sure this guy and now there's a new square for this knight on c5 yeah he's getting pushed around h5 h6 breaking down the king side structure is a possibility knight to c5 making a bishop move i don't think we'll be taking here this would just improve the knight what else is he maybe considering bishop d2 it is okay now white needs to be prepared to take like this okay needs some support has to take with the queen if pawn takes pawn there are a couple checks but neither of them are good no checks against the white king in this position okay knight is challenged get this rook out of here yes open file and this row can't do similar so easily at least maybe maybe because of this pressure here queen takes knight takes and then there's bishop here so it was maybe considering that first he's taking with the knight so what's the story here he's ready to take like this and then that and divert the bishop away or divert the queen away from defending here bishop takes pawn knight takes bishop pawn takes knight takes check queen takes queen takes bishop so that's why you can't take here wow there's a serious problem going on over here by the way still wasn't there because of knight takes bishop with check and the bishop is there covering d3 wow okay is it a threat yet no it's still not a threat bishop is there covering it there's a threat now against this guy maybe a battery here maybe first h5 b5 what an annoying pawn just one upon how to consolidate queen remains in a good position this isn't the healthiest of pawns it's a pass pawn it's a center pawn but it's still kind of weak for as long as as it's sitting on this third rank 15 seconds to 40. and you get the bishop knight d5 it is it's getting more than that this is threatening me okay somewhere where you're defending the bishop consolidate consolidate threaten me no it's not quite me but you're threatening f7 yeah completely defensive the queen is defending what is the queen not defending okay black is going after what's not defended meanwhile piling away against all second call it seventh ranked pawns they're all going to fall and watch out for some battery nice move nice move just getting off of the back rank and here comes this pawn continues to march everything is guarded yeah interfered with the queen defending f7 this is collapsing we're gonna have a resigner a resigner it is and where do we stand right rook takes queen takes mate no other great moves okay i don't want i want to be i want to be here and i want to be here so this is where we stand the doctor has 20 still waiting for a game 25 is in first tgk 59 okay another opponent love you and you love me fm opponent opening stage doesn't look too bad from the regular regular chess yeah big fight over d4 at the moment it's going to be able to sneak that in it'll go here okay queen stepping over what does this feel like it feels like roy lopez with the queens slightly misplaced yeah shoot for this maybe challenge the bishop if this that's not really a big problem the bishop's already there he's he's giving up the bishop pair pretty easily taking out a big defender of this point he's going to try and circle in there get ready for the f pawn position is ready to crack open the queen will probably go to this natural square d8 f5 nearby also watches over h4 h uh f5 right now oh it's just dropping a pawn a5 is a gunner take with the pawn secure this square if bishop takes and also doesn't give white time to take on a7 knight is secure okay we're playing with an extra pawn here team black up a b pawn it's past but very far back x factor bishop not yet contributing really just a mr defender for right now for the king oh no it is contributing excuse me it is contributing he's giving up the exchange blasting open the king's side now pinpointing f3 h3 as well oh one of these are going to fall right he's going with the in-betweener king here you could take here with check and then recapture he's just getting the material back but it is a strong night three pawns versus five but yeah doesn't feel now this knight is very strong still has some work to do team black even though he's up two pawns this knight is enormous and this rook is very active the queen is guarding the sensitive points in white's camp this knight cannot be removed how do you make some progress here stopping this for the moment it's prepped now b2 is pinpointed b7 it's defended probably the best square for the rook is f7 maybe the king is best placed on g7 something like this an improvement this is under fire back the bishop up gotta watch out for a check how to defend this bishop f8 it is 102 to 109 pressure here but it's defended king's ready to step over you want to get out of these night checks i think the king belongs here but there's going to be pins too rook is really well placed on g3 this rook is unprotected and knight move and there's a punch queen is hit deflecting trying to deflect the queen from this point you don't want this exchange this pawn is much more valuable than b5 queen d3 it is if here the knight can take okay bishop eyeing up f4 dislodging the rook from a strong post may try for this stuff i still think the king wants to be here okay going for a rook exchange if the rooks and queens are off the king won't be in any trouble and black will find it much easier to kind of sneak the king over here and escort the pawn to victory lane we have some checks now let's see queen maybe ready to go here oh is he getting a pawn back he is getting a pawn back there isn't a move that defends both of these points if you get the queen here can't do that though saw that's so fast i could give up the b pawn and then play here and get one of these two and there's nothing you can do 54 seconds for the doctor under 10 for team white once this pawn is gone this knight is going to have a tough time so checks he's going to try to pick up another pawn with check if possible um he's getting out of a pin for starters this bishop defends the checks backdoor checks it's going to give some more checks gain some time you could take this pawn there is no night move with check white isn't a pin gets out go here there's a check it's guarded and yeah now this knight is fianchetto that's a that's not a good sign yeah it's pawn races that's going to do it no knight here okay throws in the towel the fm goes down tough fight 26 24 24 24 night king is in there the doctor has 22 4 back from first okay tgk 59 okay next opponent another fm let's see what we have here two knights in the corner two bishops okay so central play one of these two are gonna move i think this one get the knight behind one of these two oh none of the above staying flexible okay now now this guy needs to get going no he's going for fianchetto call it it's already a fee and kettled bishop so what needs to happen in order to castle king's side this guy needs to move this guy needs to move and then you could castle you don't need to move this guy i still think this pawn wants to be here before this but it could be a little bit annoying right that bishop eyeing up c4 maybe maybe white is waiting for a move like this and once there's a blindfold over the bishop and it's not seeing c4 then c4 is in there so he's making some useful moves in the meantime a big thing for team black really big think what's he considering moving a knight he's moving a knight out of the corner same story for the knights knight to d2 okay so still prepping this okay there's a there's a punch thrown here one or two with the pawn probably two you have enough support over e4 with two minor pieces two it is bishop's eyes stay open light square bishop exchange okay they want to go here no just take i thought maybe there and then maybe even take with the pawn pawn or knight okay strong pawn presence for team white and now it is converted into some space pawn duo pawn on d5 where does it go it doesn't really have a great square no a5 b4 you're gonna get kicked this is excellent for white a bishop move kingside castles here bishop here yeah a bishop on this square and kingside castles nearby queen c3 also nearby forming a nice battery this is a sensitive point yep you could take and now there's no castles king side this is a lot of information to give white now how do you save these two allowing a fork really ah how slick knight e3 queen c3 he has it all figured out doesn't miss a trick oh man what's the story with this he's trying to get at the king he's trying to clog up the queen side yeah what a cool pawn sack here the queen here and there's going to be difficulties defending the dark squares e-file is going to be ripped open 23 seconds whoa e4 right away no queen c3 let's open up the e file black still needs a couple of moves let's open it up black needs to move the queen before queen site castles it's opened up there's going to be a very serious pin with the queen and now rook takes pawn this knight is going to fall with check there is no connecting this is watched over you could hit the queen she have anything exciting to do no you could offer a queen exchange but you win the night this is a goner the king is stuck in the center less than three oh boy get ready we're gonna have uh something exciting where's the flashy moves knight takes with checking here there's a pressure there's pressure against g3 under a minute for the doctor up you'd like to just go here i think this is nearby he's going to jump in without calculating no he's on here that seemed that seemed fun okay black resigned 25 mover yes 25 mover and that jumps them up to third place still two hours in change to go 28 28 26 is where the doctor stands and yeah a couple other 26s look at the top page only four separating the first and the front page js martinez next opponent okay what do we have here what do we start with yes okay pawn up tuck the knight behind there's pressure here imagine you defend that somehow how do you want to do it more pressure here okay maybe this maybe that two nights out i like this move get that queen some air gonna go queen side i think he's gonna go queen side get that queen some air he's going to go here at some point at some point there we go g5 give the queen some air let the bishop maybe go here one day king is cozy over here at some point this maybe some more development first also queen guards this square so there is no queen side castles for white important detail now white was also maybe looking to go here shoe the queen away and then queenside castle so this interferes with this this developing move interferes with white completing development okay trying to give the knight a kick it's going to grab some space here and then a follow-up knight here looking at these weak squares or this one weak square b6 this guy needs to play he's going to strike here this opens up the bishop to see the knight oh rook left okay it feels like white is in a way already castled with this move the rook is contributing i think this is a cozy home for the king the rooks are not connected though that could be a problem also tactically vulnerable maybe the rook on a4 the rook is hit can you take here first he is taking there first he's winning some material is he going to be okay on the dark squares extremely sensitive guess who's not around to defend kingside committed bishop b6 you really want the the bishop out of the way so the queen could get to a7 knight here it's going to be tough to defend is he prepared to run over here give up the exchange no queen activity i think queen right here get the queen over here queen d2 to b4 pressure on the knight keeps pressure on the pawn this is a nice link knight c4 there's a check in the air two checks oh so fast and even see that the queen had that lateral movement after the knight moves pawn takes queen takes knight so fast there's some checks here grab the light square bishop yeah black definitely in the driver's seat here he's going after the dark square bishop knight here you could take just take the queen and then run away no because in the end there's this move ah very nice queen check and then you're getting the queen that'll do it that was a pretty quick one 22 moves js martinez goes down and with that the doctor jumps into first 30 with fire two hours four minutes to go okay these games are wild okay who do we have here our r stand 23 feed a master let's see are we gonna have a mover yes i like this move knight here give the queen some air is there a problem with the knight jumping here any quick strikes no c5 it is tuck the knight in be behind that pawn pawn duo there is this check it's easily blocked though right no ensuing pressure against this pinned piece in a fianchetto you know what the pawn trio what do you want to do with this okay maybe grab the bishop pair early on see what white gives us okay nothing spawn rather be on a6 than a7 maybe there's some ensuing b5 kind of justify this move put it put it to use okay position is opening up this guy needs some work i want to go one or two imagine here i almost feel like black maybe doesn't have to castle like me oh yeah you're not getting this move and forget about that there's two minor pieces there kingside castle let's work on this guy he's out and about he's gonna still take a step maybe drift over towards the king side now he's looking for a central expansion probably should hit it right in the center right now before it's too late c4 okay for the moment preventing e5 there's a pin still do this you know may not want to go here now maybe knight to h4 kicking the bishop away sneak the queen over here no why not do it with a punch and then drift over here the knight is unprotected there we go this guy needs some work now these squares are weakened will this bishop's eyes open up he's going for a dark square bishop exchange playing uh you know trying to eliminate the bad bishop for a good bishop now if only this knight could get here in a blink well there's pressure here was that a that was a mistake there no no no you take you take with the knight and then the bishop's eyes are watching this what else is he considering maybe taking here first would you much rather than i hear or hear i think it's an improvement if you're taking here the knight is two steps away from getting to d4 one minute i think this is the move no why is that move not being played i must be missing something it's logged in okay knight takes e5 let's see not sure what else was being considered there oh maybe the other night no no because bishop takes there would have been a skewer okay anyhow here and then here push you could take this is really sensitive now what was once a very bad piece is now a best piece in the corner pocket yep f4 may also be nearby oh what am i talking about queen here this queen here as well this would have to be met with f3 seems like it's defending shutting down the diagonal for the moment and snide is not unprotected okay rook takes queen here yeah bishop f3 oh so slick not even allowing this f3 resource so queen here now takes and then knight on f3 is brutal and this knight is way out there in left field right field okay um what do we do bishop takes and then queen here seems like a nice defense you definitely need some security over f3 right here right now will have to be met with f3 at some point f4 on board okay maybe this rook's eyes are opened up to f3 okay rook takes knight takes around the queen he's getting some material knight here to here look at the difference with the knights can he pick up this pawn is there a mating idea if the king steps up i don't think it's there okay he's in a pin there is this check mate in two threat queen f3 knight h3 watch out don't improve your knight check and then mate queen come back to defend to one of these two two seconds stops queen f3 there's this check oh there's also this is a mate or that you have your choice queen corner pocket for checkmate night there was looking sweet as well okay you had your pick two cool checkmates to finish that one off [Laughter] you only needed a bishop on that diagonal on the knight on h3 okay queen has some air it's looking like the king's gonna be committed on the king side after this start and where do we go from here um two pawns out looking for this knight on f3 very soon control this little setup no knight g3 first he's gonna go here too this pawn probably here these two bishops need to move in order to castle king's side okay more air for the queen are you seeing the patterns some new squares for the queen conservative approach with both e pawns square for the bishop there's not yet enough support for this the queen the pawn the knight are there and there's only two supporters these two for e5 so another step here maybe first to this and then that or maybe he'll be all right with going here and then kicking the knight away no first clamp down on this structure and oh ooh ooh he's eyeing up c6 this is serious he was doing this in the last game he's eyeing it up again okay yeah this is very good having this one pawn restricted these two nice positive there okay where does the night go in exchange we have a check fee and cut of the night are going castled uncastled it is get the king castled something direct here it's this really strong piece how do you dislodge that bishop snipe can't go too far he's he's looking to dislodge the knight give the knight a kick and then skewer what happens after captures he's still going there position is cracked open now the queen has to watch this and this pressure here pressure here yeah it's a tiny investment to have the position opened up in the center uncastled and more pressure here nice rook lift talking about the queen having some air but what about the rook with these advances a very nice rook lift you could grab this pawn at any point the rook the knight i'm thinking the night you're right already ready to castle king side that is you have this pawn right now yeah the king will the king could sneak away over here but in the end these these guys yeah it seems like they're just forever targets it's backward pawn on a7 it's not fun move him and then a7 falls he's hanging onto this guy okay are we going to have this move bishop to d4 pointing it g7 44 sec oh these they had some great games in the last arena really great games let's see how to get at the black king buying up this move investing another pawn right here maybe take first okay he's eyeing up the dark squares under 30 for team black he's closing it knight takes bishop is a threat now dark squares dark squares dark squares put the bishop here knight there queen takes pawn defends okay oh get the queen over here somehow drop the rook can you get in on the dark squares some air for the king first king on h2 i still think the queen wants to kind of zigzag her way all the way over there the king's gonna be lured out they were doing i tell you what there was a game like this in the last tournament that they played is this a killer shot you have to take the rook what's going to happen rook takes queen takes and then of queen blocks yeah it is gone queen blocks you take the rook at the end you have to take the rook bishop blocks you take the bishop and queen blocks you take the rook dark square weaknesses wow very nice material not nearly as big a factor as bishop mobility in opposite colored bishop positions 38 with fire 34 boss in second js martinez next opponent not too bad of a setup i imagine this guy will be here and we'll be looking at a very some kind of uh accelerated english or catalan i don't know c4 will be in there and maybe even this there's time for a block if this knight moves it's not anything bad are you gonna grab some space take a take away a key square from the knight support it none of the above development b5 now so there is no c6 for the knight so what's this guy gonna do okay symmetrical here with the center pawn some space for white this is the big difference right here what the a and b pawns are doing and right now a6 is nearby the bishop can be flushed off of this diagonal but white is going to keep this tension keep open the option to maybe take and then enter black's camp black is never really in a position to take like this this pawn will likely fall in those cases so keep this tension for a while and if knight takes this and then put a rook right here some exchange sacrifice get a piece here pretty sure this is one of one of the things his eye is looking at right now the c6 square just go right in there not yet after first to capture just dive in nope pressure on g or a d6 some consolidating moves king to g2 the structure is frozen okay i don't know about jumping in here next yeah still going for it even though it has opened up a little bit on the king side so on a capture i imagine you take with this pawn connected passer there is some pin one of these two bishops and now this pawn has pressure on it the thread is that and then this that is stopped with rook on the seventh there's a pin here maybe eyeing up f4 the queen's ready to sneak into d5 no the queen is ready to grab a rook [Laughter] js martinez missed that one and so did i yep wow just like that a rook is a gunner has he lost a game he hasn't lost the game the only one to yeah be a speed bump is the slippery penguin who is in second and also has fire 42 39 is the penguin just under two hours to go one hour 50 minutes okay that queen was wicked in that game still possible to go undefeated that would be something i'm i'm not sure how many games he lost in the in the last titled arena when they did the 960. um i was thinking night here and then the other night here what am i what am i talking about it's gonna take some work in order to get the other night here all righty uh what do we have this knight will go here and probably there next this bishop most likely here functions well with the queen okay not going here not keeping open one of these two okay maybe the bishop on this square ah bishop is very good on f3 especially with b3 in there weakening a dark square so now this is serious maybe forming a battery queen here now you're ready to castle kingside very nice organization of the pieces in the end i do not like this knight on g3 need some work black's knight is much better i feel in this half open position this is a way to pry open the position some more get the pawn to a4 taking with the pawn that's interesting looking for some space e4 and then knight on e5 i don't think this you're giving up a really big square maybe now however at some point this advance could be in there okay e4 it is queen's off black stands better in this ending strong knight more space exchange one rook but i imagine wants to keep another rook on board get the king here and to do something over on the king side or is that even necessary i think the king still wants to be over here i think this knight is so strong it must be challenged this f pawn needs to get rolling f3 f4 king is is better over here so you're going to take or just maintain the structure he's going to try and maintain the structure so he's going to go on the defensive he'll be able to kick the rook away if it tries to get active so here here here and then the rook has to go away so it'd be short-lived if it went to the seventh rank so this is secure one day black would love to target this point d3 and he's opening up a file for the rook now it's going to have an active rook versus a passive rook well it looks active but there are no great entry points nice square for the knight and maybe even targeting this a lot of pieces are now converging on these squares there's a check in the air watch out get to the seventh the second not sure what that's doing okay maybe prepping b5 at some point oh he's just dropping that pawn he's forgetting that he's getting this guy back yeah looks like he's getting that guy back no not quite not quite because there are tricks check and then the rook is one try to target this guy we're gonna have some kind of perpetual attack or check against this bishop combination of the two consolidating to go after this pawn and in the meantime do we have some tricks there is a check now that there is this pin and throw in a check there's a check for white as well what's the follow-up here check hitting the bishop and now can you take yes this pawn will run there is no getting behind and so after the bishop moves this pawn will fall hang on though you could still take there's no look at how quick there's no good rook move that's going to wins material i don't care where you go there's no great square for this discovered check everything is protected you can't get at these guys this is a base point it's covered double check king here now what maybe if only this pawn was here double check and then mate not quite though this pond's a little fast yeah there's a fork how do you stop this pawn stop this pawn and it is clean okay well he's grabbing another pawn so maybe he could just afford to give up the knight for the pawn is that what he's gonna go for knight here got a check here here oh he's just advancing okay so three puns versus the bishop can he win this i'm going to get moving this guy's falling this king has some work to do it should be a draw if you go one step the bishop is going to take and you really don't want to go okay now you could go one step at least king here there's bishop takes pawn you'd be going into a pin 38 seconds look here to defend get away maybe throw in check no pressure on the bishop still can't go here okay now walking into another discovery but there's no good discoveries second time now advancing again king b4 nearby under four under three under two under 2.2 now here you win upon with the discovered check can you take here and be winning is he calculating that here here here check yeah king here no that's not working it's king on d3 really fast pressure on the bishop and then push through he's getting it he's getting the bishop is this a win though i don't think it is a win not a lot of time though the king is cut off yeah i think white has the draw 5.3 have increment stay right here rook if rook here you could exchange and it's a draw yep it's going to be a draw okay second draw of the tournament for carlson still undefeated oh penguin slipped up 44 39 38 37 36 the money area top five get some dough all right hello it's dimitri next opponent international master starting with the crazy h-pawn advance wanted to grab a tempo against that knight okay air for the queen and bishop and knight i feel this knight will be under control i think whip the e6 pawn right now no this pawn will be responsible for controlling the knight the e pawn wanted to do something else control this bishop's influence on the dark squares okay makes sense bishop on f6 and where do we go from here knight has a very nice square here and the center is collapsing fast it seems there are a lot of pressure is placed on black's position really fast and he's gonna have to go without castling or under develop no going here there's this queen is also defending the bishop so can we get a knight here how to do that dark square bishop exchange nearby no i don't know how serious that would really be the bishop is controlling g4 i didn't even see that h4 is attacked yeah as soon as king h2 okay the king can be lured out maybe queen here is a problem maybe oh yeah queen on f4 is giving up the rook queen f2 knight here takes knight takes h4 knight moves h3 gonna have that he's just gonna pick up the bishop first now he's taking on e4 threatening mate knight takes pawn rook takes and then we have knight or bishop to g3 and rook h3 just a clearance move knight takes rook takes rook here check and then checkmate it's really close to checkmate if this rook is here it's defended g2 that is i didn't even see that this rook was hanging after bishop takes pawn there okay now he's getting the piece back one two three four five six okay this is the imbalance bishop in two pawns for the rook 50 seconds 53 now for white getting at f7 where does the queen go he's taking the knight first and then queen to d4 wants a central square wants this oh rook take look at how slick rook takes pawn bishop takes pawn and then queen here is mate [Music] it's still there bishop takes pawn and then mate do it oh there's queen here trading queens he's still going for it yeah you have to play that otherwise it's mate okay so we still have okay it's plus one three pawns and a knight for a rook no he's getting a pawn back imbalanced still these nights what are they doing has either night moved yet is this the starting position can i check real quick it is okay i went away for a second and night dropped knight in a bishop for a rook there is a passer on c7 40 seconds to 30 pressure on g2 okay this knight is defending here important uh the bishop wants to be here yes the bishop here and then the knight could do whatever it wants if you get this pawn things are going to look pretty good okay first to check is there a checkmate nearby it's close it's really close uh here drops this can the king weasel around okay he's defending the knight it's going into a pin here there's a check and then here and the rook falls okay here right away there's already this are we close to mate there's going to be a mate king here there's checkmate and king there checkmate mate no matter what wow ooh and a very fast pairing quickly 46 4140 okay next opponent the wizard the wizard 98. okay air for the queen at some point maybe a4 is now that time nope okay this is hit it's defended now the bishop his eyes are opened and where do we go from here play in the center okay is this that's kind of turning out to be a little bit of a waste of time is it not this maneuver helping white develop some so pawn exchanges are likely welcome uh okay this is permitting the knight to rest on the c4 square and go unchallenged for a little bit so a5 it is opening up this bishop needs to move before king side castles black is ready to kingside castle what to do what to do what to do taking with the pawn first why what's the story here follow-up check on a1 king here is that really a big problem he's gonna scoop this pawn up with the bishop not sure why he needed to initiate that exchange first instead of grabbing here must be missing something maybe maybe maybe the bishop coming out there not quite seeing it i didn't see the great downfall with taking on b4 there okay there is a fork now uncastled team black see up some material he's up a pawn i think he's getting b4 very good square for the knight on f5 i think this is a number one priority though grab that b4 pawn castle and then everybody's happy this knight is offset by the night time to castle go on castle there's this if the dark sword bishop wasn't around i think king f2 instead of castles but no reason not to castle here and because of this capture this night could stay here indefinitely can only be can only be challenged let's say by the black knights okay no pins on the g file no checks by the bishop some defense now of c2 most active piece is challenged exchange now probably would not mind more exchanges ooh walks right into a fork that's painful a 21 mover the wizard goes down the doctor remains flawless 48 with fire 42 41 40 an hour and a half to go okay gm opponent let's see we get here two knights in the corner c4 knight c3 nearby uh what more well this could be a problem it's pressure against this pawn what's flexible so let's maybe non-committal it's going with this maybe this knight c2 tucking the knights behind the pawn so these guys are free to move now what do we do with these guys one step bishop here black is ready for this move okay he's opening up this bishop size takes the knight and he's gonna win a pawn he's going upon hunting with this sequence removing a key defender of d5 so the knight's gonna have to find a new square if you take here it's gonna be kicked nope could tolerate the night e3 knight takes bishop takes white is up upon this is defended a check first oh very nice in-betweener he's uncastled if i'm going to move my knight i'm going to make sure you're uncastled first this is a great inconvenience for black to be sure a lot of pieces on board all pieces still on board all white's pieces on board expand open up the center yes why not let's get at the king open lines clear the pawns his pawn is pinned maybe may still be able to do this you have pressure on the knight i think this is nearby with a piece jumping in there next not yet sensible much cozier in the corner pressure against b6 queen d2 and a push some defense minute 18 for black okay d5 straight away series of exchanges b6 would fall on the end a new square for the night maybe this night welcome a rook exchange no is looking at the e6 square right now was he considering taking with the knight or the queen okay rook takes jump into e6 not quite there is a pin here queen's unprotected the queen flush the night away watch out for back ranks black doesn't have that problem under 40. okay this is the extra pawn that white has it's not really contributor just yet some pressure c6 how to move forward here for black kick the knight away g5 knight is challenged this bishop has a responsibility there's this pin i can't move just yet d4 is a big square you know the dark squares are sensitive in white's camp this is the big one f4 there is no knight takes the pin is still there he's out of it what kind of flight square do you want to make is white i don't think any flight square just did okay now the a pawn this extra pawn is finally contributing it's a passer it's dropping a pawn material is balanced connected passer for black just a passer for white this passer is blockaded it's going to be able to get it and get in there one more step a6 has support okay can this queen get activated here do you make a flight square now i still don't know what kind of flight square you would want it's tough call normally this but this guy scares me queen has just improved greatly d6 he's hitting a lot of squares his pawn falling he's taking the knight knight back on b4 queen takes pawn no bishop takes bishop first the bishop was hanging queen here gets the queens off the queens nope queens are not coming off queen b7 queen takes c5 ah this is this is winning can you exchange yeah you're fast enough no no no no queen takes queen takes knight takes the pawn moves the king doesn't take back right away two queens on the board and this one's a goner knight takes queen takes six seconds seven seconds where's the mate there's the mate queen to f1 i almost thought i would need to be more specific what queen to f1 for me queen f1 is mate carlson remains undefeated halfway through the tournament 52 with fire wow 52 43 42 watneg next opponent this is probably the most entertaining opponent last tournament this tournament right here um they have some really wild games multiple games where the kings are just running around running for their lives okay treating it like a sicilian some accelerated dragon imagine this pawn will go too at some point some more development no it's going one making me eat my words again okay now we get some more development in knight on e6 is instructive very instructive ready to kingside castle wants to maybe jump here before doing something with the e-pawn there's not enough support for this just yet where do we go from here here feels like a nothing move this is a nice follow-up i think for white f4 okay some some slower move tiny improvement for the bishop so that when the knight moves the king can move forward and recapture sure there are other reasons but that's just a quick one to know this knight will be challenged very soon it's not stable neither night one of these two can hit okay he is going for this pawn advance so is he gonna he's playing it as a gamut takes here and if c4 he's prepared to challenge it with e6 and then if d6 knight here and i think eventually he'll he'll be able to round up the pawn he's trying to exchange dark or extremely light square bishops weaken the white king position wow he's throwing a piece trying to get out the king open some lines and giving some great weight i would say to the pawn on d4 that currently restricts this bishop i think he'd like to have that pawn up there on b4 really shuts the bishop down so breaking d4 very sensible there's a new square for the night i think this one is definitely in white's favor however white has yet to win a game against carlson so there may be uh that factoring in you know can i do it i haven't yet after six games can i can i finally get that win in there is it possible okay black has something to bite out on d3 not the greatest knight around on g2 avoids the rook exchange normally we'd go here wants to keep some material on nearby is 96. maybe this but the knight is always there this is basically a nothing move dark square bishop's gun the pawn up to a4 doubling up on d3 this knight yes stopping knight c4 b5 don't want to let the knight get there okay oh very nice shot looking for a fork can take there yeah we're getting some exchanges here queen has to go where oh she can move forward and still be defending the knight yes and this this will be this should definitely be a win i don't know i don't i just don't see black coming back from this these nights are just excellent now i don't see it doubled up on the clock will he finally go down he's in the tank okay looking for this some more exchanges okay this knight has a square okay okay okay the rook's gonna get active you should white should be able to neutralize all of this making them work for it it's call it even on the clock no checks for black at the moment there is a check for white don't go here for many reasons okay is he trying to weave a mate the b-pawn falls where'd he go king oh boy it's looking dangerous it's looking very dangerous what's with these king walks i think half of their games are the king the king's just running for their lives okay watch out watch out tricky nights everywhere okay another check you have to take otherwise would be made on f8 yeah this is this is going to be a king here and there's checks yeah that's going to do it he resigned the first loss for carlson minus 49 okay it took over an hour and a half but first loss ooh and the big one it is 52 51 penguin right on his heels penguin has fire okay next opponent never enough not their first time playing alrighty what do we have here how often do we see this little setup take notes it's a good setup okay knight's ready to move queen is opposite the bishop also space for the queen all right what's going here one or two with this pawn i'm thinking one this square is very strong for white you may want to take it away preparing to castle kingside take with the rook kingside castles kingside castles it is how did this how does this position open up oh he's dropping oh what was what was going on there there was some gonna be an accident on e4 yeah but still two minor pieces for the rook that might have been a mistake anyhow i'm not gonna i'm not gonna turn back last time i went back a night a night fell we can't let that happen again okay d5 is prepped d5 on board pawn takes knight takes this this rook wants to have his eyes opened major piece specific end game coming up where black is better this pawn is a target in the end and try for d4 rook here huge pressure against d4 yeah nothing nothing happening here symmetrical on the king side entirely well let's look elsewhere okay trying to take advantage of the pin c4 now okay this pawn needs to be challenged this yeah this there's going to be some problem here yeah excellent rook excellent rook defends the base point great security great coordination and now constantly have to watch over this guy now i could slowly improve ah b4 is under fire queen here still think the queen needs to be somewhere in the dark squares defending yeah may need to have the queens come off nope he's playing with the pawn once the queen's around maybe the queen gets over here yeah setting up a discovery watch out oh he missed it he had a blind spot there whoops he was just thinking this was primarily defense against the rook move to a5 it happens okay whoa the slippery one is in there 55 with fire 54 the doctor penguin is in a game and the boss is nearby as well this is far from a runaway needless to say land chester one okay what do we have here this is not unprotected it's gonna go with what kind of duo this is hit defense it's gonna look for f4 i imagine the queen wants some air hang on is there something that can get here maybe a little bit too soon no it's not too soon if there was a bishop here it would maybe be too soon takes takes bishop there i think in general you would want to take with the pawn and maintain the duo but there is always this option if you wanted to keep the jeep on there anyhow how do we complete development this is maybe something you might want to go to with this pawn get it all the way up there i think there's a little prize on b5 clamp down on these two pawns do you do that now no grabbing some space not allowing black to strike at the center with f5 and there's some really nice control now i've ever captured the knight's gonna love this square do you go two i think you could go too oof serious problem now on c7 this is this is not turning out very well this opening stage for team black after just five moves i think this one's gone really superior position for white yeah it's going uncastled now okay challenging a strong knight he's gonna be reinforced and he's taking the underdeveloped queenside castle oh man this bishop is having a really tough time this pawn gets here well you cannot allow that yeah this bishop has no good moves this is alpha zero stuff right here quick trap the bishop and uh black's gonna try to get there but white says not so fast i'll hit you with the fork yeah space invaders everywhere tough day at the office for this guy and this knight might be fianceed before you know it and this bishop will be suffocated oh god the minor pieces are having a tough time oh man watch out for checks can't castle you already can't castle yeah this is rough this was this is really rough i don't know how you untangle is it even possible fiend keto night and dead knight if this pawn is protected queen here pawn push ah there's so many ways to do it you could play it slow this bishop is never playing as soon as this knight goes here b4 is there and this knight is dead snike goes here this is dead again wherever this knight turns it's just absolutely dead b4 oh god i feel really bad for that guy this knight that is the knight on b7 is having a tough time and still has a tough time slow death is what it is that's what we're staring at here a slow death for team black this king could uh get some exercise run over here and then run back and then do something as all day is what i'm getting at this is defended this rook needs to play no needs is not the right word preventing c6 right now this is the only active plan for black i almost feel like you could go here and still be winning it's that strong of a position defend the knight this queen is basically boxed out too oof setting up some tricks here that's why the rook moved any night move is throwing a punch now king here queen here just squeeze the life out of black where's the nikon i mean knight d8 and then knight back to b7 that's just that's just the situation black is in could exchange queens go upon hunting yeah whether you're here or here these pawns are going to embarrass you that's just how it is this is the rest of this that's the night's life for the rest of the game b7 or d8 and get stared down by a pawn entry points a push crunch okay finally a resigner the 49 mover but that one was over i think before move 10. i'm being honest 56 with fire oh the penguin again slipping up right when the doctor is nearby okay the penguin is back just one the doctor has fire hello it's dimitri again that first game go oh yeah that was a pretty wild game okay i already like white what happened here white three pawn moves and then says i have space and you're gonna feel it bishop on g7 and the pieces just get tucked in behind the pawns queenside castles on board the bishops are already playing maybe this and a rook up and over one day useful move maybe that in the rook lift more space kick the knight away oh this is this is shattered now i think no not not quite not quite i was i was thinking you have to do this or when you play this you'd have to go here but that would be dropping d5 so he eliminates this and only then kicks now the knight is on the edge this is secure space for white remains you could go with this as well and work on crunching the bishop on g8 you would open up this bishop's eyes what do you want queen here threatens the pawn sack or sneak the queen in this is secure probably will maintain this structure control the dark square bishop in this case the unopposed bishop so a rook lift possibly or a pawn break multi-purpose move one of these two prepped okay preparing to meet this with that okay definitely emphasizing control over the dark squares with the pawns you could slip by with this move or just keep it as is do something else this is useful queen c4 to a4 looking for mate maybe even getting this pawn up here first what about queen a4 and then push or a4 first how do you want to do it okay g files opened up something might happen here this and then that so maybe a5 or it should be h5 by white yes so a square for the bishop threatening mate defended oh while the queen is way over here this pawn is basically already worth a bishop queen into b7 is eyed up uh can you take take and then queen here no because rook takes rook queen takes queen here queen there you don't have to take though oh the follow-up however is knight here threatening mate oh you do have to take that bishop knight hears yeah i think it's just gone then yeah if you if you have to allow a pawn here and you can't put pressure on it let's see how black tries to put pressure on it this is maybe the only way i think you have to put immediate pressure on it bishop there what buying time in what way i don't uh oh yeah i don't know what bishop c4 was about yeah the knight is still getting here in checkmate in two threat you're not gonna stop that this bishop is cooked just like in the last game notice how the pawns are doing a number on the enemy minor pieces it's the second game in a row now okay the doctor moves up a big four the penguin goes down back-to-back games 55 for the penguin the boss is in there at 50. the doctor is not in a game not in timeout either still no game front page right here are we going to get a game are we there yet okay we have a game of vova chess their third time playing let's see is he gonna get some more space in this game let's see how we get to that point how does it come to be that one of these guys ends up just completely out of play okay i don't think we're gonna have that in this game i don't see the black pawns being able to restrict any of the minor pieces this is a nice pawn presence in the center for white black is ready to challenge it one of two ways first some development where's this knight going ah they're gonna follow in each other's footsteps maybe first with f5 dutch-like f5 and only then knight f6 i really think we'll be seeing f5 now white can try to challenge e4 this knight will move and then f3 may not be a bad idea okay g3 do you have time for this i think you do or do you want to just play within this cozy structure keep this guy home or not i think that's maybe one of the things he's wearing knight here or f5 f5 it is f5 and then knight f6 strong control over e4 what more do you want two miners upon you won't be seeing e4 anytime soon by white here kingside castle next you could take this square away from the knights this bishop is already developed i don't think you i don't know that you want to move this pawn too fast castles this queen probably wants to go somewhere else why am i saying not to well there could be some pressure here here and then this white has something to bite out maybe gunning for this oh wow didn't really see that move didn't consider that move it's committal grabs a little bit more space doesn't even want that knight eyeing up a square get out of there don't even look at e6 he says he's looking at e6 and then next he's ready to secure an outpost but it's just flushed away and now i guess we can say a minority attack on the queen side with this pawn advance it's not a threat sometimes forget that that knight on e4 is you know defending that g5 advance dark square bishop's gun this night wait wasn't i saying early on that i don't think uh the black pawns will be able to restrict a minor piece we have that going on right here this knight is having a tough day all of a sudden knight on h2 vs knight on e4 black is better here space better knight has a weak pawn black black is also doubled up on the clock not easily kicked either g3 will fall prepping a4 at some point ooh nice shot by white undermining the knight on e4 takes this guy falls well you missed that he's going to try to make something happen on the g file nice move he's going for it okay it's down upon major piece specific one key point for white to watch over f2 white is better for sure are there any accidents that can happen on this square maybe i don't see it though now queens are exchanged oh oh you probably wanted to be able to take with the piece now this is no longer a backward pawn okay this is um this is going to be difficult to win i like oh he's getting to the file this this these two pawns restrict these three i don't know that white is better anymore is he's able to challenge it's a one king upon ending i don't know here here one two three four five six seven eight who knows who's winning that race oh this rook is so slick where's the king gonna go there's no great progress over here and i think the white rook is always able to offset the black rook he's gonna have to try to come over here oh he's dropping a pawn oh this is no good waiting to see how fast these pawns go and this rook oh boy this pawn is flying there's no stopping this pawn check oh he's ready to promote this should not be fast enough you get behind the bonds uh he's gonna trying to pick up this one king back the king improves and is in spot to track these pawns down yeah okay he's got this one that having to capture like that with the pawn really clogged things up huh yeah the rooks were just inactive on that recapture and the space that black hat has started to show and black didn't have to babysit the pawn on d6 anymore once there was a pawn a white pawn on d5 okay another game quick look 64 with fire 57 52 50 50 top five the money area pro move 2500 next opponent gm f5 bishop's eyes are opened eyeing up this advance maybe some support first no both knights on great squares first it's gonna under develop try to work on these squares now maybe this maybe that maybe a knight move you know h excuse me a5 i'd like to get this in can white be greedy maybe he does this first and then that he's okay with giving that pawn up let's see how greedy white wants to be maybe he didn't see it maybe he didn't want to go for it one of the two oh okay knight e4 is nearby that may be a little bit too greedy to do that okay f3 is stopping knight e4 but big question where is this where's this king gonna live where is the cozy home for the king be challenged one way or the other bishop on d4 nearby c5 if black can get the dark square bishop he's still gonna go for that look at how fast i love that takes takes you take my knight i take your rook and he's a goner and in this open position this guy is an absolute beast on h8 doesn't even have to move he's already a beast okay what's this guy doing what does white have to look forward to here what's white going to look forward to here knight on c3 you lose a pawn if you take the knight force loss of a pawn the koi and rook here i guess defends this the rook is hit pawn is hit he's winning a pawn seems like he grabbed that in is there any downside with grabbing that pawn maybe this ah just as the move was played he wants to maybe get over here maybe maybe uh this pawn is a target in the end oh that's what it was yeah the rook coming over here i guess you could come over and give check but he doesn't even want to allow any kind of counter play so queen is hit take the knight and survive on the light squares win upon and why not why not do that you could take the rook and then win the queen i think you'd want more though keep the queens on if you can a thinker for pro move right now okay trying to give mate b7 just under a minute for carlson castle no d5 oh watch out rook takes queen check there goes the rook with check oh did he see that one is he gonna take here no he is taking here takes promote and then go back oh he's on the oh my god now you have to give up the two rooks for the queen i love that continuation okay don't go backwards ever rook takes pawn is necessary okay here here we're gonna have mate soon right check and then checkmate how many moves do you need one two he's going for it he's gonna go here oh there's no stopping it okay i got a little too excited there oh there's no stopping it oh man i love that [Laughter] killer pigs watch out for the two rooks on the second rank they're hungry for the king in that game tgk 59 next opponent okay ooh this guy was in first early on probably about the first half hour he was up there he has dropped back into page two land okay oh man you want to go two with this guy no pawn duo first maybe this maybe this put the knight here you want to play with this pawn maybe i'm gonna say no in this case not to f5 too many too many pieces watching over that square to create a hole on e5 he could be prepping this yeah there's there's some if he gets this in that next step is establishing upon maybe on this square he's getting some more development in first okay knight here knight here get the queen somewhere else huh or maybe not if takes after recapture then the queen is there to support e5 when it's in okay white has grabbed some space on the on the king side of the board this side and if kicked the knight's ready to jump in and win the piece win the bishop i should say bishop pair doesn't have to take it just yet a bishop wasn't going anywhere he does anyhow nice move given a move white would be advancing a little bit a game of inches not super dynamic just yet it could be cracked open at any moment i think both will maintain these two pawns right here i don't think either side benefits by initiating the exchange so i'm looking at this advance for white at some point maybe an improvement for white okay e4 is hitting right now and i imagine the knight's going to jump in the center open position you want to keep these guys forward in the center if possible now some space for black this is a good defender for the king i would say a very nice multi-purpose move multi-purpose piece defense of the king and activity on this diagonal but not anymore okay this may be a move queen is watching over that this is secure nothing really happening over on the king side direction turning towards the king's side now strong as peace for black is being challenged uh what is he considering okay save the bishop give up the pawn and try and do something in the light square so this is the extra the c pawn is the extra pawn for white in this position this is under fire queen h3 or a push or extreme queen a3 defense what more is the queen doing looking for this stuff i don't know about that queen would be trapped short on squares i don't know if that was really the greatest idea but i guess if you did this there would be bishop to b6 okay strong peace bishop right here how to get activated this knight will find activity here i think well if you move the queen then this pawn drops tough spot for team black down upon and i think there's a clear plan to put the knight on b4 black trying to interfere with this id i believe seeing that the knight would be too strong on b4 what's the follow-up after the queen is here it's a strong post but it seems unconnected with any other black piece and this pawn upon here the queen is running out of air could force the queens off after a5 queen queen b4 things are looking very good for team y this is the more dangerous bishop if it gets behind maybe track down h4 f4 so giving up what was that he's he's giving up the b pawn he's gonna try to do something active here with the bishops ah this may be a way to do it takes takes it almost feels like black isn't down well yeah he is down upon is he gonna be there in time is he to be there in time he is there in time wow the night moves this this may fall and this is going to be a draw if the king tries to come over here to assist with h3 i think it's just too slow because the king tracks down the f pawn he found a way to draw that wow okay man what a hold 55 minutes to go it's not a runaway the top what six the top seven none with fire 70 62 is where we stand 56 the penguin is eight back okay what a start e4 e4 and then f3 oh okay just clearing this away to play with the d4 normally you know you do this if there's pressure on e4 there wasn't any pressure on e4 so this was to support d4 that's the pawn duo well i wanted some space for black here yeah did something similar earlier the queen was eventually here and then came back eventually put the knight on c3 okay both of these squares are good i think this one though this doesn't get in the way of the bishop maybe at some point c5 could be in there some dark square weaknesses probably put something on this square soon huh first knight here huh okay there's one good square for black right now e5 don't know that you want to try to control that because you give black something to bite at with h4 weasel the bishop around get the rook playing the rook is playing half open file a little bit more space there's two attackers here you prepared to meet h3 with g3 or maybe even h3 h3 is met with g4 more aggressive with the bishop g3 no much more solid pawn on g3 controlling the knight king probably wants to come back over here as an improvement i don't know what am i why exactly that i was thinking there's a bishop here wrong diagonal scratch that you'd be running into a fork maybe one day the king would like to be on f2 now this knight can be kicked when though when is the best time i think it is nearby oh no here could be met with this and then the knight slips into g4 if you're playing f4 and the knight ends up getting to g4 that's not that's not something you want so you could exchange and put the knight on d6 this is a weak square may look to circle in right now right now i think white uh can look forward to giving up the exchange the knight can be maintained on this square i think i think he's gonna go for that is there some other way that this knight can move and defend d4 i think he's gonna go for here and prepare to give up the exchange okay now it's gonna allow this knight to exist for a little bit knight takes pawn no knight takes pawn queen here the knight has to go back okay black is up a pawn but position is open the rooks are disconnected and now looking for a pawn break f5 nearby open up the position black is the one who's uncoordinated and more tactically vulnerable okay f5 it is avoid the queen exchange of pawn takes queen takes be a little bit careful of this diagonal okay black would love a queen exchange ooh [Music] okay there goes a very valuable pawn huge thorn is exchanged and now the knights will be exchanged clean check there's block okay white stands better i believe because this pawn is soon to fall and the white queen is far more active now at some point one of these will turn weak with this h uh a4 move but for the moment yeah black seems to be defending okay eyeing up this stuff h7 in a push there's queen f6 and mate next these checks are just ducked king g1 and what are we doing from here the king preparing to run preparing to run rook here queen check just winning some material rook have to come over here okay are there tricks rook takes pawn he's calculating he's calculating is it there it's there it must be there i'm gonna trust that it's there oh man look at how quick queen there and if you go back to these two you drop the rook rook takes f6 nice shot very nice he's running for his life now and there goes more material i imagine a resigner right about here nope just going to play on a little bit more this is two too many pawns double up and what's the simple way to do it there it is queen b5 mate move 43 okay 72 64 with fire penguin we're not getting many i think we're getting that pairing next he's not in a game we're getting the one versus two oh and especially right now he just finished this is a big one penguin wins and penguin would be in first under 50. okay this is a big one i'm getting i'm getting like nervous i'm getting nervous for uh the penguin here [Laughter] don't be nervous penguin uh i'm nervous for you okay anyhow a big moment for this tournament two hours 11 minutes in and it is not a runaway their first game was a draw okay some quick pawn play all pawn moves so far five moves in and some space for team white these knights will stand really well on the third rank i think black's minor pieces are going to suffer i think do you want to stop that pawn from going any further or are you okay working with that he says i'll be okay okay king side castles does he want to just over protect at this point right here no he just continues to push forward and how to capture towards the center trying to get into check he's just to move away from castling okay so now this diagonal may be something and also there's a majority created on the queen side two to one right here four to three tipping in black's favor but this one this majority is in motion and from here offering a queen exchange oof this knight is also in the queen's crosshairs queen exchange yes or no to that knight takes pawn can you get away with that what's the downside pawn takes queen takes knight bishop takes pawn queen takes pawn or queen takes knight and he's able to crash through here unprotected knight on f5 miss that did he miss that seems like white is winning upon can improve the night but it's uh it's under control at the end by this guy knight takes knight queen takes knight mmm there's no way to trap the queen like bishop here there is a square for the queen okay knight f4 interesting very interesting follow-up bishop is hit move the queen defend the bishop and get out of any discoveries against the queen okay bishop e2 still okay with any bishop move huh he's okay with this he'll get this pawn and end up with two connected passers plenty of compensation also this is under fire but i imagine bishop c4 would be met with queen takes d7 then these pawns are enormous under 30 for the penguin bishop takes a2 queen takes e5 trying to break open the king side now penguin putting a dent in the structure g2 track down the dark square bishop knight is hit bishop pair for black queen is hit okay we're gonna get a bishop off queen here you have to watch over this square bishop takes here as otherwise there's a skewer or excuse me a pin this is this pawn is annoying white really wants this pawn don't want to allow queen h4 and then queen takes pawn it's eyeing up the back rank squares how to consolidate queen here to here king f1 it's king f1 this looked really good wow okay he's relying on this knight to shield the king oh man this is looking a little scary for the king no i guess the knight has uh these squares under control knight on light defending these dark squares we got some checks we have a check a checkmate mate in three threat less than two what's the trick here queen takes bishop and then there's queen checks queen check on e2 under 30 for carlson he's thinking this one through this doesn't really do anything king steps up may repeat one he's just coming back cutting off the communication oh he dropped on time oh a painful end for the penguin oh man he dropped on time so rare okay 74 with fire a huge game wow wow okay i didn't see that idea coming at all this i'll just move towards the center and put my knight on e4 okay anyhow 74 was fire 69.62 penguin could have been up one point had he won that okay maybe one day we see d4 d4 right now doesn't need any more support pawn duo and maybe next we see some space something that will restrict a bishop or a knight maybe both strong center now let's get the pieces right behind the pawns a bishop here okay there we go space multi-purpose this bishop is out of play this knight is out of play just because of this one little pawn can you believe it black is going to suffer it's just how it is space invader pawns right here is the big one and maybe more nearby okay get all the pieces playing both the knights are playing i think the action will follow on the king's side eventually this is where black is strong this is where black has some space it's not out of the question to see a couple captures here in the knight c4 he is going for that this is a huge square for the night well the other night as well this one is very good yeah hard to argue with the knight on ethering okay this bishop will act as a good defender of the king if necessary if their second rank pressure these pawns have gone elsewhere elsewhere more aggressive approach with these guys bishop f2 there is a knight f5 this knight is under control by the knight on c4 this guy is passed this guy's passed it's connected in past i don't see either one is a threat white's prepared to double and what next if it becomes a bit more simplified i think this queen is going to find it easier to get active get at the black position okay we might be having that soon queen's gonna be on a5 not yet he took with the bishop he'll look to get this pawn working okay occupies the open file first challenges a strong knight good move where do you want to go knight black has a very good square for this knight okay and this pawn can't get rolling so easily offering an exchange is going to make it easier for this pawn to advance yeah i was saying that this knight is going to be excellent exerting pressure on f3 and then if somehow the queen could get here something to shoot for will the queens be exchanged still 40 minutes to go okay king f8 he's back on the clock the doctor maybe this wasn't the wisest choice to go for the uh you know granting the white pieces access to c4 okay queen is whipping around here to the king side black is up a pawn tough to get it rolling this guy where are the tricks how do you break down black structure further not sure what this does exactly maybe this at some point within this to follow that might be the way g pawn falls there's no getting at the kings this is an excellent shield the bishop on f2 okay now now he's eyeing up c6 so on a capture there's something more white can try to work with you know pawn on c6 get the queen right here feels like this bishop can fall any day unprotected 22 seconds each his pawn gets rolling he's gonna dive right in he's owning it up get the queen on d7 this queen is all in on an attack that is not there and there's no coordination ooh or is there a queen here to here killer combo oh no no no no no black is there first do you have to go for a perpetual he has to go for a perpetual oh he's he's allowing this piece to fall and he's gonna use this knight as no this isn't working he's getting mated he went for too much black is winning king here it's mate queen here and yeah that one got away from carlson i think he yeah i think he went for too much definitely went for too much there at the end it's not registering that he okay now the zero is showing okay and another big game against the penguin who is five back neither player now with fire penguin with white okay yeah that looked really good for carlson the early stage maybe i i don't know it definitely went for too much at the very end but that idea again to get the piece on c4 maybe maybe in the end not the not the best way to show that space advantage was something okay anyhow where do we stand in this game working with an ideal pawn center hmm trying to scare the night away will it be allowed knight c4 maybe okay this is stopped we have this this was in the last game he had he had the pawns like this some uh does this have a name this structure i'm familiar with the core grip some kind of expanded court grip center pawns are out there all right anyhow b6 some control over the knight best piece for white on f5 maybe challenged like this yes this knight wasn't a great piece at all under control so you would take like this or maybe even challenge the knight i think challenge the night this could be a pretty nice recapture okay an exchange of knight taking the third ranked knight you'll notice not this second ranked knight and now playing in the center this is sharpening fast a big game to get back in there just five back not much it's not a runaway 36 minutes to go g4 how are we defending that is this nearby as well both sides can still castle i imagine white will want to go in this direction there's no pawn cover over here this pawn may be vulnerable if light goes in this direction so something to keep an eye on but this bishop is a nice piece it's just staring at a couple pawns but they're important buttons to watch over the center pawn for sure f4 is a big square ooh okay this knight will exist on f4 for at least a move so he's going to try to make some magic happen he is making some magic happen g4 not just the threat of a pawn but a skewer any great discoveries i don't think so you could afford to take here right and just duck yeah the knight might jump in takes rook takes okay you win a pawn oh very nice very nice find oh what was wrong with what was wrong with knight here defending the pawn oh there'd be a check and the queen would fall whoa okay that was the problem nice resource to save upon this little maneuver with the knight by the penguin black one upon there was a discovery there so once more penguin is down upon but has this thorn pawn in black's camp was over here in the other game now there's one here what's happening on the king's side it's pressure on the bishop there's a nice jumping point here really solid bishop aggressive and defensive best piece maybe for white is this bishop right here this knight might have a something to say about that too knight g5 is looking pretty serious i think i like this position for for white he's winning the exchange i didn't see that move maybe i don't like this position for white what's the follow-up here it's a little scary no bishop there huh bishop takes bishop and rook here and there's no way to defend the seventh the second rank really would that be the follow-up must be missing something this seemed like one out of the blue move okay now it is simplifying oh the bishop is defended i'm not even seeing that the bishop is defended by this pun i'm thinking that this is a white pawn still it's not a white pawn [Laughter] okay i was thinking that this was a white pawn penguin goes down again those are some big losses he's had his opportunities a couple now to fight back against the the top dog here the doctor watneg next opponent this was carlson's no not carlson's only loss he lost against that nm i think it was anyhow let us see what to do what to do knight on e3 pawn on c3 or no bishop here first maybe a dark square bishop exchange now i think bishop c3 knight here would be played maybe you still go here no okay so he's going to control the knight the bishop from getting into d4 get some more development in something slow okay has changed a little bit if this is challenged this duo gives up a big square on d5 queen on c2 bishop on d2 queen c2 queen side castle drops this but it may it might be poison b3 follow-up okay what's black going to do maybe similar prepare to king side castle and yeah it's looking like he wants to go king side if he's going with this pawn and i think white is prepared to go king's side now both players will probably go king side right now right now or not yes king side castles for both move 11 e4 knight is pinned f5 thematic pawn sacrifice clog up e5 and now break down the king side this square cannot be made use of now by any of the black minor pieces and we have e4 as a follow-up this might be nearby okay h6 h6 h6 it is covered he may still jump in there and he's picking up the bishop pair this is looking excellent for team white killer bishop it seems like mating nuts are maybe nearby white pieces are swarming in bishop e4 nearby g6 seems like it will collapse and the queen well she does have some influence along that sixth rank let's not forget with a knight move but where does that knight move can that knight move maybe but there's there's nothing close to the king just yet takes takes takes bishop takes no time to take on f6 bishop would be hitting the queen um what do we do then 50 seconds [Music] gotta do something here knight takes knight um i don't know about that move slide the queen over okay he is going for this with the fall of bishop e4 no why not bishop to e4 that seems strong this this seems like an excellent piece i guess oh this is going to be difficult to defend also bishop here is looking strong as well yeah there's there's mate threats nearby we're just the win of a pawn this is really close to some mate with the bishops scissoring in there under 30 for carlson bishop d bishop d5 as a start open file for the rook getting the queens off want to keep the queens on or just enter an end game enters an endgame save the a pawn or is there something direct hmm oh rick takes he could take the knight and then go here leading to mate his pawn is poison he's dropping this rook he missed that he missed that his rook was hanging he's trying for me um okay he's getting some material back but yeah that wasn't in on purpose can he hold this one what's the material count it's a dark square bishop versus a rook this guy's passed sneaky pawn takes the bishop falls he's gonna try to advance this pawn here is he ready to bolt with this pawn what's the story oh my god he just won the rook oh he's a wizard [Laughter] he's a wizard there's a wizard in the tournament wizard98 oh this is this is the world champion wizard [Laughter] you'll have to forgive me i don't know what i'm talking about uh silly town okay grug meyer sorry about the sniffles it happens okay e5 e5 on board oh man i don't know how he how he pulls this stuff off okay an immediate fight for the dark squares what are these knights going to do here there maybe here i don't know about this night okay george meyer wants the light square bishops off he's he's playing with this positional idea get rid of my bad bishop he's gonna he's gonna try to embarrass this guy one day white is going to try to demonstrate this guy's a dummy on d8 two pawns in this guy's way this guy has clear sight of black pawns and he's gonna put a knight here i think black has to try and get this advance in if this nike get here it's gonna be excellent control for white i like white's position i like this pawn better than this one but i like overall white's position better knight here and then maybe f4 if there's a capture the knight circles into d5 black may scoot over here and look for f5 wyken castle black blackened castle after this knight has moved a big think by york meyer okay light square control watches over the f5 break black has some squares to work with d4 and f4 if white wants control over these squares the knight has to move and e3 needs to be in there weakest square in black's camp is d5 knight f5 pawn takes if knight takes and maybe something on the g file some space in the meantime for carlson and the queen side the structure does a good job controlling both minor pieces knight on d3 bishop in the corner strongest piece for white on f5 not easily kicked i don't know that it even has to budge if challenged there may be some peace sacrifices i don't know that white wants to castle even can white still castle and castle queenside yeah this pawn is reminding white that that could be a problem although this bishop i think is an excellent defender i like how white is playing this so far he's taking with the queen now because there are night moves with the discovery queen side castle okay maybe did this ricardi move okay anyhow king g2 that's where he's going and now f5 is supporting rook e4 yeah he's losing control now he's losing control rook g4 e4 first looking to take and then take on d2 the rook is challenged rook takes with or rook g4 with checked no time to take on d5 with check king on f2 he's taking the queen could enter what's this bishop doing this bishop remains the better minor piece but this rook is very active restricts the rook to defense of h4 under 40 for carlson looking to peel the f-file open now rook g3 rook d3 wow queen here another kick a maybe push right now and then here oh man he's just toast all of a sudden who queen here wrote here wow and i think it opened up a little bit too soon and uh the white rooks seemed to be out of play they weren't able to adapt to that open position okay where do we stand by the way 82 with fire 7167 11 back penguin okay hello it's dimitri again third game between these two what was the last one oh yeah the last one was painful yeah the last one was a squeeze you gotta block with the bishop otherwise you go uncastled we'll be taking with the rook so now kingside castle or stay there no queenside castle ah this isn't out of the question i like white's position these guys are killers setting up a discovery white's now ready to castle kingside what's this queen going to do time for this what is the story here wow is this really yeah this is this is really going to get the piece back there's trouble at the end though rook is hit pawn is hit yeah he's up the exchange queen is cornered that'll be resolved soon flight square queen h2 uh he doesn't care about the queen it's just just still working on uh opening up some files for the rooks that's all okay h4 doesn't care about securing g4 he wants a couple squares for the queen unless it was a mouse slip okay the queen is now activated and there's a flight flight square rook here uh check rook there stay on a dark square the knight is in a pin move the queen hit a pawn the knight is hit h7 is hit there's a problem a big problem knight here there's check there this might be a resigner grab a pawn why not more checks more checks rook falls these two are not going to weave any mate against the king we might have a resigner right now nope mate in two though that'll do it goes down 82 now with fire penguins having a tough stretch here losing six out of the last seven okay we have the wizard versus wizard98 all right what do we do here as a start bishop's eyes are opened how do we control this guy okay b6 c5 structure f6 or not maybe more aggressive he snips the knight damages the structure so where do we go from here what piece do you want to control this guy the unopposed light square bishop two squares right here seems like this guy's going to have some activity huh i don't know if you can i don't think it's a wise choice to put another pawn on a light square you can't do this so the light square bishop's gonna have some nice mobility it feels in this game i don't think you ever really control this guy he's okay with damaged f pawns similar structure white wants to kill the structure here on the king side can do that right on g3 there's no queen side castles does white still have the option to castle yes we see that right now the queen is once more just like in the last game stuck in the corner has no legal moves rook h4 it's gonna fall in this queen watch the queens may be never gonna move and just assist this pawn it's soon to be passed all right is there a way to save the pawn that's out rick takes pawn h5 h4 h3 okay oh this knight is pinned now there is no take king over stops the queen from getting there uh queen here king there get the king in the corner oh nice move nice move you he he could have captured i think rook takes was there because rook takes knight pawn takes the queen was defending the rook i don't know maybe he uh wants more wants something else bishop is hit knight c4 can be kicked um nice activity for the queen maybe the queen gets active now queen c3 knight a4 under a minute for carlson 17 minutes to go in the tournament queen is hit ah nice knight d5 knight c3 too strong knight on c3 would be gives up the exchange gets a pawn knight in pawn versus a rook this is bound to fall it's gonna have some good squares for the night i want the knight here i think pawn takes queen here nope just picks up the h6 pawn f5 is gone i think you want this move in so the king could hide okay where does the queen go there is a check it's offering a queen exchange it's taking with the pawn taking with the knight the rook has some activity here yeah this is covered maybe before king hear this i think the king would like to be on b3 okay keeping a pawn on board it's looking for some activity oh this is very scary for black couple night checks the king ducks both this is under fire does the bishop have to go all the way back can you afford to drop this pawn probably not 40 seconds for carlson two steps away can't let it get here okay how does the night get here here we go it's gonna hit a lot uh it's pushing through he's pushing through i think the wizard98 is gonna get this one perfect coordination this is very easy to play as white perfect coordination nothing to target and this one's going down yeah well the king's gonna get a little active can he save this one wow it's going after this one now it's defense step up improve you know white should have this white really should have this block and then take here you might wait might end up seeing uh the night knight in bishop versus king mate yeah that's a very nice regrouping it's not even going to get to that point excellent post for the bishop so forget about knight versus bishop mate i'm surprised he's not resigning really at this point well no maybe not the wizard has yet to put a dent in the doctor here it's 5-0 score so show me carlson says show me that you can win i don't believe you yep two steps away two steps away you go with this guy and then here if okay yeah not the cleanest technique i don't think but it will be enough just stay coordinated in your golden there's no stalemate tricks are there bishop here oh man okay are we there yet two here here and then here okay finally black resigned oh there was also this okay anyhow 86 he goes down for only the third time in the tournament 13 minutes to go 86.76 okay penguin will probably be in some berserk mode i don't know about his next game though okay i thought we were going to get that pairing js martinez versus the doctor and see if penguin could get a win in there it's tough to berserk and win losing uh half your time in the increment is a bit much okay important square to control f5 may try for h4 especially now that the king is committed so early yeah flushed back or forward he's probably going to go forward no he had some jumping points no here to here knight into this square even as a pawn sacrifice you get this open file maybe that knight drops in there giving up this light square bishop this guy increases in value this guy increases in value with the h pawn ganzo okay light square pressure simple no aggressive d5 striking at the light squares immediately here gives up a big square you might want to kick this knight away with b5 no d4 and then knight d5 queenside castle prepped yeah white's already anticipating that giving up a pawn though and giving up giving up c3 yeah i don't i don't think he uh i don't think that that was the best choice there this is a big square there's no compensation for the pawn it's a huge outpost square knight is hit now it's cut off probably jump in this is ooh this is a threat as well no you don't want to jump in this is a threat to win the queen can't do this this is a really nice move it's defending against the the fork and defending the knight okay white will be looking for something on the king side this this seems to be well under control knight g4 now rook is hit not too many safe squares for the rook these knights are controlling a lot f5 prepare to give up the exchange bishop here i don't know how far you want to go with that bishop there's still a responsibility on f6 so here here there's this fork at the end okay gives up the exchange how about you castle does he have that option to castle okay he does he wants to go without castles he would drop this pawn maybe i think he still had the option to castle anyhow there's a pin and a passer oh this guy's flying pawn takes king takes they're coordinated more exchanges nearby 50-second mark knight is hit stops this guy however check here check is dangerous for black oh well we're going to see how dangerous oh he doesn't have to take the pun okay didn't see that one coming so i guess this pawn is going to fly is that the plan takes takes rook takes and watch out this is covered important detail what are we going to have here oh it's not it's not fast enough having to he this is too slow because of check and then here so he has to try for some perpetual i guess he's going to have to go for a perpetual block okay what's the story here instructors queen takes knight then queen takes pawn this knight is pinned so sneaky how many of you wanted to take the rook raise your hand oh there's queen takes knight okay he's oh okay fork nearby he's dropping a pawn this pond still lives though down on the clock a little bit this pawn could fall in time pressure this pawn could become past um he's trying to shoo the night away and then promote give him a kick take here check and then here he's going hunting can the knight stop this pond they hate stopping this pawn they can't stop this pun knights hate past rook pawns oh man i don't know how he does it he's a magician 88 no fire 78 penguin 88 78 75 7 minutes to go it seems like it is locked only a couple more games to go it'll be a fight for second third place not first i don't think winner oleg feed a master okay best buy test how do we follow up knight on f3 and where will this guy go okay playing in the center pawn takes knight takes and then this bishop can come out f3 or f4 that's the way f3 right now yes bishop can see do we once more have this no not quite there's pressure against the knights c3 queen d2 i like queen d2 unnecessary to make this kind of weakness on the queen side okay so playing within this nice structure you can't do better than knight e3 can you beautiful square on e3 dark square won't be challenged by this guy this bishop is a struggling piece exchange so still struggles this structure negates the knight exchange rooks advance the apon no queenside castle what can the rook do what about this and then that here and then that light square weaknesses provoking light square weaknesses seems like it okay so isn't this winning now this rook is way too active these guys are still uh yeah this is a clean palm not sure just consolidate flush the night away and the pieces spring to life it's a big pawn these guys are now isolated rook d5 seems like a nice follow up tracking down the a pawn and waiting to see how fast this guy goes that a pawn is a runner under 50. kick the knight give a check here challenge the knights go after the weak pawns another pawn is going to fall it's not even a clear way to get the rook active here gives up this it is resignable down two pawns no counter play 30 second mark four minutes to go in the tournament yup the old rook up and over it's not gonna cut it there's a pin and it's gonna lose a piece king here bishop takes knight oh he's defending like that well a piece will fall oh that's mate i was going to say you could win the bishop go after the king okay under 4 90 with fire penguin has 78. wattnag has 76 with fire penguin is berserking the doctor who is not berserking back he goes for a pun a quick pawn grab greedy this can be uh you know there's a big downside with that pawn grab sometimes in these fisher random games you lose some time right black is able to develop with tempo so can the position be cracked open soon this would be impressive okay yeah black black just resigns here okay he's gonna try his luck with some other player oh it's two minutes to go dimitri next opponent it's still a big fight for second these two and who knows maybe the boss is in berserk mode okay anyhow final game most likely two and change we're gonna see what the final standings are okay can the penguin hang on to second it's locked first place let us see on some space with tempo oh he's just wanting a piece i didn't see that he wants more than space he wants a piece a seven move kill back to tournament he might hit the 100 mark two minutes to go the standings are still i think the same just soogie 99 i think one of carlson's losses is maybe gonna take second fantastic result is he in pause mode he's not in pause mode um maybe the pairings have been closed that could also be the case no we have this one here in all likelihood the final game of this leaches titled arena march 2019 let's see okay grabs a quick pawn now i think the standings are going to change a little bit uh this is still you know they're already in a game those second third fourth place guys i think it's gonna change a little bit anyhow black is up upon doesn't have the greatest knights he's behind in development oh he's going hunting for more pawns he swipes the h2 pawn he did that against penguin and what else he grabbed an h pawn against penguin okay establishing some strong point in the center that is immediately challenged this is a strong white pawn black is up two pawns but the white pieces are very active this bishop is very good on f6 is pretty good any checks there's one check not a good one 17 15 seconds in the tournament looking for some trades welcoming a queen exchange you may end up losing a pawn he is a pawn to give back though he wants to keep the queens on he's still offering up this pawn okay this can be a little bit scary now i think this is a best piece for white how do you get the king safe ah that's how stop this and you have a square for the king that makes a lot of sense now that i see it rook here threatens that might be a very annoying move to me right because you want this and then here rook b3 setting this up annoying move yeah this is an annoying move what do you do what do you do you can't control this you move the king you gotta move the queen move the queen knight here king here queen isn't seeing the knight king here look at this little zigzag it's gonna run away here and then here not right now oh nice oh no no no no no you could take the knight because there's a pin you're getting the queen back what's the material count black is still up material he's gonna get a pawn one two three four five up upon forgetting you could still look over here okay black is up upon up a second pawn and will be consolidating very soon yes very soon bishop here everything is wonderful and now it should be squeaky clean look at that perfect coordination throw the rook behind the pawn and get ready to roll this rook has to go on the defensive bishop takes pawn is there pawn bolts was there before the king move this works as well passive versus active rook material plus for carlson white resigns and with that the final standings ooh jesus 99 national master took second wow what a result 98 in first doctor nichterstein magnus carlson 98 jazugi 99 with the 23.75 performance fantastic 80 78 76 75 these are the five who walk away with some cash 1250 one twenty five seventy five and fifty wow what a tournament let's see all the pages see who competed and who entered and didn't want to play a game night king i don't think we saw a single game between the doctor and night king they had a few in there last tournament not this time though that's page two page three let me go back to page one for a second that uh early game against former players did former player compete in the whole tournament it's a grand master who yeah there he is who really enjoys playing the uh the 960. all right see everybody else 262 it says but how many actually played some games let's find out okay we are almost there yeah not too many games right around this point yes and i'm not going to go any further it seems like 199 ended up competing and zeros zero games for the rest so plenty of people entered and didn't play for whatever the reason okay performance 2666 for the doctor 23.75 and 2406. penguin did uh 26 berserk yeah and 83 win rate for first 74 for jizugi 99 and penguin had a 60 win rate 36 games 34 42 yeah it makes sense if you're berserking some of those games okay to the 199 of you good games all wow fantastic performance you
Channel: ChessNetwork
Views: 321,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnus carlsen, chess960 titled arena, chess960, chess 960, fischerandom, fischer random chess, world chess champion, magnus carlsen bullet chess, lichess titled tournament, chessnetwork, chess network, chess, bullet chess, speed chess tournament, lichess titled arena, lichess
Id: AvObX1_HkLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 21sec (11121 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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