King Of The Hill Chess: Arena Kings

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hey what's up guys it's 6:59 monday may May 27th I should know what day it is it's a Memorial Day that was a sound meaning the Turman starts in less than a minute people are in the chat James Clark 84 is first John Dugan saying first but actually second tee calling what's up T Kong I have my my kombucha I went to Whole Foods and got the same type of kombucha I drank last arena Kings that propelled me to first place so I'm gonna try and defend my defend my honor today more people biscuit fiend John Davis now the GM John Davis wait is this not on the schedule this should be on the schedule I'm there's enough to calm /schedule we have 15 seconds oh maybe maybe because it just started that I don't know yeah actually maybe this was overlooked apologize for that okay game is starting Nicola Stoughton thanks for subbing this is king of the hill meaning I have to get the King to the center before my opponent does or I have to go for mates one of those I'm gonna try and play quickly not sure if I've heard of this guy before Turin tech I'm playing a Stafford gambit I played this line in real chess just not in king of the hill I mean my King has three squares away from achieving Nirvana King D - he's gonna play King C 3 maybe aw let's develop normally and probably Castle queenside try and punish this some nice dubious chess move maybe this move those might see four ideas might see four retreat hmm like Queen h5 doesn't quite work okay let's play this not super happy with the opening at Bishop e2 I have Mike c4 okay now we have a queenless middle game so my King is actually safe maybe traveling up the board I'm gonna try and clear the way just get to d6 how I get there there there mm that's very close help but the king on c7 first I'm actually very close to winning d5 would be a crucial mistake yeah now I'm one square away from winning yes okay I don't think my opponent realized it was king of the hill that was funny now I'm playing Hans Nieman puzzle rush phenom the king of the hill phenom yes we'll find out ah counseling's risky I could take play rook t1 okay I'm gonna be brave I might get severely punished why can I take on d5 takes takes rook t8 let's try it I Kings close to the center again which is kind of what I want he's gonna have Bishop e6 I'm queen c5 doesn't work am I already in big trouble I've Queen d5 to go for that yeah my king has closed access if I can trade Queens I'm like almost winning hey I'm first place nice but okay it's still very early okay I think I can take and play a three or I can take and run with the king it takes you just gonna have f5 that's very very close I'm gonna go for it 5i Bishop c4 stuff yeah there's this whole balance between like real chess and king of the hill chess so he knows what's up for those of you who don't know what's going on you have to get to the king you have to get the King to the center of the board to win or you have to check me normally to win or you have to flag your opponent to win so sure we'll see a lot of different ways of winning let's try this move and maybe c3 it's a solid move Wow take sticks I'll attack the rook oh the rook can't move here or here because I win I fork hmm let's take that how do I do this let's play this move for this very tricky position I can get away with this Wow ideas king c5 and then get to d5 I'm 26 seconds left this one play Bishop f8 very close as Kings cut off the fascinating position I think I'm winning takes takes on b2 I'm pretty sure I'm winning it's still complicated there we go there we go okay Maxie that's stressful so thinking like different ways I started the kombucha like maybe 20 minutes before the tournament started hopefully I'll have enough I have another one in the fridge if I run out hello to more people the fukes iya stocked this past pond 99 Nick TV diamond cutter rocky 35 good to see everyone playing resolved let's play a reverse London ooh ray is winning Oh mind the structure I for expected it spawns a bit weak yeah this is very much like a chess position not so much king of the hill okay now I'm gonna get hopefully good night versus bad bishop my knight will land on e4 not sure which pawn to take with take with that pawn wants to play Bishop a3 I just want to win on the Kings side let's play this first how do I win I'm Queen f3 I play rook f3 hmmm I think my King belongs on d7 feels weird but he wants to do play six moving way too slowly King d7 yeah King should be relatively safe can we need four is a bit scary can play this move I'm just losing be seven there way I could take on see one of two try this move Queen Queen g3 is very interesting so you gonna play Queen b6 Queen p6 okay I have this move we're gonna draw they might end up drawing of Queen c3 and this is not bad very long time but my Kings closer to the center again hmm my d5 wait does d4 win d4 on 94b for ticks okay I'm trusting intuition okay now I'm just winning GG oh okay nice next match all right I'm in first place let's play more king of the hill staffer gambit again it's gonna be a long tournament I have to stay calm keep drinking kombucha I should eat you'll H 5 H 5 yeah I'll play this line oh this is a funny line oh my Kings gonna be very close to the center at the end of this line Bishop III takes takes Queenie George III takes takes takes he's gonna have d4 and then I could be annoying okay he's not going into any of that hmm Queen e2 is a fine move let's play this put the bishop on d4 there's now ideas of lifting the rook if he castles Queen side I played this before in blitz hmm could play c5 again my Kings very close to the center and if we're trading Queens that could be a very good thing I have some time advantage this game which is nice while castling kingside so I mean Queen Queen e5 is possible threatening mate expecting Queen g3 now I'll take and play this who F takes was very risky he should have left at 4 open as an option because now 2 moves away so that was probably necessary now maybe f6 oh he has a path - you have to be very careful here could maybe try f5 let's try out five so I'm blocking these squares but for the time being I'm also blocked oh wow so we wants to play rook e1 that's take first I'm so close okay this is very risky but his night is stuck on c3 which means I have ideas of B 5 B 4 and this King can never go to e3 which would allow King be 5 so I'm down I'm down two pawns but okay pawns don't matter like this is n game technique king power I'm b5 is simple plan I mean he might play a four don't see an idea with that move creep of this alright now I see so maybe see Bishop d7 is a move tried there's a d7 94 maybe just king seasick silent he has c4 if I take takes rook there mmm this looks really close to winning oh he's gonna have c4 though c4 how do I get in maybe Bishop f5 and his rook is stuck on this file I know I want to take on d3 that's a fair move so maybe this move very tense position we go away with rookie six looks possible she wants to promote I don't have much time interesting have to go for the dirty flag No I came down to the wire I was rough I tried very complex on game playing Hans Neiman again all right let's play another one of these openings that's the same line as Lasky yeah so this is a line I was referring to earlier he's gonna play d4 just have to be careful yeah that's interesting it was very similar structure oh wow I'm losing already c5 so he wants to play e5 with Chuck put the bishop on g6 stopping listen this I want to play c5 I'm still very very tricky man if he takes g7 maybe c5 now it's still tricky because I'm threatening to take and king e5 if king of four truck F it's not entirely sure I mean he might play with chief five but that I win the night my bishop is so clutch right now drawing e4 I'm really not sure what he does so this is a massive threat and this pot is stuck so he has to play I'm 95 oh wow 95 I can take it though takes oh is this oh this is gonna get really weird because then he can take the bishop takes takes hmm let's try it oh I have workout 5 and end oh that's so nice so rook takes Bishop takes King at Fort Brooke f5 wins cuz I'll have d5 that's so nice he probably sees it too yo just add blue what's up yeah tactics are strange because like in normal chess it's about winning material simplifying into when the endgame this is about getting that came to the center so it's just another factor to keep in mind okay I still have to be careful c3 is interesting maybe I just taken c5 and nothing changed yeah that's nice thing about having CC pons I'm expecting him to take the bishop and go into this workout 5 line okay I've got five oking up for immediately let's play workout 5 huh still have to be careful I know I win this I could check oh I could take first it should be a nice move then work out five that's a different move order same ideas apply rookie seven I should win somehow he's somehow being resourceful so d4 let's play this move this is very very tricky there we go okay two wins and the Rogen's and Hans or to annul against Hans I should say can't complain about that so I'm top something top ten looks like play d4 y'all stick with London this guy is slightly low rated yeah for the most part I'm just sticking with like standard openings toilet noggin in the chat what's up toilets this is gonna be less interaction with the chat and more like serious even though this is not real chess this is king of the hill taking it seriously it's prize money on the line and pride and glory more importantly page three stopping ideas and at age five I want to do this and attack the pawn eventually I mean this looks playable my bishop controls b8 it's very important yes he has work a seven here he 500 Wow so e5 we trade everything that he walks up his King but I have like f4 [Music] you'll start with spontex because my King has asked where to eventually I became lost to e6000 I that night to d4 check also now I have ideas of night takes b7 Knight d6 also ideas of g4 not sure how much it accomplishes King e7 well start with III be flexible yeah it's not gonna be easy to like get and keep a streak I think my streak is one game right now so I want to hold on to my D pawn before playing 94 I also wanted to just walk and I came to d4 and win cuz it's hard for him to actually control the d4 square Wow yeah that's a playable move maybe not a 94 hit the bishop ideas of f4 yeah no no I block out the king - it's very prophylactic I could take the pawn I like a 4 though I fourth is g3 and I could take on c6 that actually looks very pleasant let's take on c6 so I defend the e pawn I'm stacking a piece but the play should flow very nicely it was kini to king d3 is coming oh I forgot about that move let's go back now maybe f4 I'm still very tricky for takes ticks ticks ticks let's try this have to keep up some pace I want to get rid of that knight on e4 we're expecting in the city to take on e5 with something not sure what he'll take with maybe Bishop now takes that's very dangerous okay I have an idea to check first and then take and then check and then f4 doesn't seem right though I'm going for it it's the only thing I see it's really not what I want to do at least okay I'm blocking the King from coming to e5 he was thinking here okay King off 65 or off for attacking me five not threatening to take the Knights but now time to bring my king I'll maybe I can take this that's not so comfortable hmm Eric's coming to the center oh that was a very good move oh this is not good I have check this is insane now let's take that check and blocking mouse oh no okay still fine yes okay 2.8 seconds left there I was slightly scary but I managed a few of these schemes are coming down to the wire playing Alexander Lenderman man he finished second last arena Kings right behind me let's play solidly hey it's bits from Kingston thanks Kingston Queen c2 play play c5 some theory of some sort oh it's more bits from well it subs too thanks to the new subs I'll look in the moment from toilet noggin things toilet noggin this is a scary position I'm getting distracted slightly but let's focus take stick sticks I could take on e4 this looks very scary what kind take their take sticks didn't quite work ticks ready not on the castle okay let's take your first okay I'm gonna flaking d7 if he's beating me in chess I'll try and beat him in king of the hill to centralize the King I don't care about pawns I care about King position he's gonna play Bishop d2 though and annoy me maybe I just play a five stock exchange he's winning all my pawns okay time to [Music] attack I need to train Queens I trade Queens and I have some hope it's gonna play d5 odd d5 is gonna be painful takes takes still kind of alive emphasis on kind of 20 for the king there there maybe this move it's a fancy move as I'm threatening some ideas h2 there should be six coming it was very uncomfortable 27 seconds left how do I defend my bishop I not defend the bishop that's unfortunate oh my gosh hmm okay I resign where's the resign button where's the resign button couldn't find the resign button okay good game Linderman yeah he just crushed me I tried to be creative didn't quite work oh maybe it's under the game's tab huh all right let's play more king of the hill we have another line 9 takes please take on f7 okay we just have like a Petrov I guess I don't really know any Theory here but I'll just develop normally I'm casting makes some sense and I just lose a pod just lost upon it again pawns are not too important yes Center pawns are kind of important though this is nice move as the bishop moves I take the knight now I just want to win the pawn kind of feeling a bit better and Bishop f5 probably or that now I want to go for ideas on f4 hmm I just attack each three Ivan and then Bishop f5 oh it's very close to working so maybe King King f8 it's a risk let's play and smooth now Queen c8 like almost worked in that position if it weren't for Bishop by five I guess there'd be this f1 to just win this please I'll try my best thanks for the moral support still wanna play Queen d7 pity Queen here does that make any sense takes its interesting ones very interesting to rocks versus a queen meanwhile I just want to play Queen h4 inmates from 22nd place yeah syrup g4 well let's just improve slow and steady oh wait no if he takes my bishop I take his rook maybe taking on e3 and the night of for maybe rookie six first just want to double up Wow let's take that take you wants to play Bishop c4 let's move back it's still solid position in Queen g7f five ideas winning the exchange maybe let's play that move still feel okay down material but it's mine use of Queen h6 f5 doesn't quite work the bishop on d6 my dears of bringing my king here I'm thinking of six necks there's why not they should a one bishop a one bishop a one what is this I want to play King a five what B 5 let's play that play this another time scramble don't need me I yes okay two seconds left that's why you need your king clothes to the center I thought Bishop a1 was going to be amazing kind of backfired that then it all worked out in the end a very clean win I was going to go to Target today to my cleaning supplies but after that one the whole apartment is now clean all right h4 all right we have another whatever you call this London Barry attack easy to play in Blitz yeah the Kings will still be relatively close to the center but I do want to attack like g4 ideas maybe f3 first g4 Queen h2 eventual mating ideas on each seven or eight shades hey just flow with a sub and gay bow tie and tied Walker also subbing thanks guys what's the idea behind king of the hill you want to get your king to the center Kings move like Knights right no it's hard to move up in the world I have to get a streak okay let's put the put everything on the kingside I think the strategy in this game is just to go for meets and queen so the threat is to take and then probably taking here black wants to meet me - maybe this move Queen b6 is coming the Queen b6 oh can I go away with she this is a bit annoying 19 1 let's play this move I want to take and take care Queeny three coming law was scary for both of us but I do have a time advantage whoa does this move take sticks oh he's gonna take with check [Music] that's really nasty let's take I'm not liking this I'm gonna try and weather the storm I can't my keen to the center so what subtract and I just take on g6 queen before this and there's scary stuff can you - no I can't okay let's try this first what is this position now 24 I run this way that's gonna be another time scramble but I'm not getting needed blocks running low on time maybe this move uh Gigi again I'd I'm confused how many people think like this is real chess is such an unexpected gift but I'll take it's playing Lenderman again I would like to get revenge he brutally destroys me the last game and play this line for yeah we're playing some mainline theory I'm 95 at some points trying to remember the theory here yeah that's my g5 and it's takes takes g6 Queen e2 takes h4 okay yeah this line this is like a Mont Hamilton's creation and I think the light this line will be good for me because I'll take with the King on d2 I think usually it's Queen takes to you too though I don't think yeah maybe this is better I'm not sure let's do that d4 well as d4 pre moved please c4 I also play g5 so maybe I for first okay positions closing down and I have h5 interesting we could trade Queens he's trying to clear the path for his king so takes maybe g4 here 85 is a good move though oh wait let's take that because King f7 or cage seven King e6 rookie 7 mating ideas looking out 7 I take on b4 takes 4 cage 7q6 rookie sons mates oh that's not a free Queen but it's still probably nice to take takes takes I have a 3 it's difficult position wait a minute it doesn't quite work I'm just losing I think I'm just losing yeah here's a resigned pin okay in-game lunderman strong what to do I liked my opening that game I'm playing him on Hamilton it's playing another London I just mentioned him I just played his like theoretical line he's played in like all these high-level games is he alive he's alive like knight c6 e five probably D 5 on the close position or an open position so he's sacking a piece ok I'm up a piece this looks strong knife f5 preventing Heaney seven takes and we can draw let's do it I don't think I want to draw hot but okay I'll have various options Wow that was unexpected 96 and takes okay I still have to be careful maybe f4 I just want to make him think and maybe flag I'm hitting the bishop more importantly controlling a5 so I don't think is king will be able to get to e5 it's just a matter of getting to d5 like at some point he's gonna try d4 but if he trades here and plays d4 then I play c4 I'm just about full/queen to hmm yeah it's gonna take a lot of coming back so I don't have a streak falling pretty far down in the standings but I'm trying my best and that's what matters and maybe I'll be beating a chess pro you guys like the green screen I know you can't see it shout out to chest a beautiful green screen Derek okay let's stay focused oh that's a fascinating move takes it was very fascinating move so let's play this move try and solidify everything if he takes and I probably take here and take here and that would be nice meanwhile he's flagging he can't handle my green screen or my kombucha Bishop g4 that's a good move ticks ticks ticks ticks hmm it's tricky maybe a Bishop e2 is best I'll take there while I take here some ticks oh my gosh a long time No kingi five no forgot he was fighting kini five no I still have kombucha oh what'd I miss there he played oh he played nine of three I had to take on e4 and yeah should have been a pretty straightforward win lot of teams are coming down to just this he's like time scrambles chess is rough king of the hill is rougher okay I'm being aggressive this game he wants to play Bishop a6 let's play Queenie to kill has hopes and dreams of trading off the bishops SL castle maybe f3 prevent 94 prepare the King walk promised f6 is coming that's a very big problem it's my dia have and coin off to f6 g4 go for this so there takes takes I think I'm gonna be down the exchange oh I'm down the pawn oh that's very annoying that's very unfortunate okay let's try this the bishop is supposed to be a bad bishop not a good Bishop still kind of alive way down on time yeah Bishop f4 is very painful like what do I do here I could resign I could flag or I could fight finding at least trying to my king is close to the center as usual down the exchange I don't think I'm getting needed just want to win this pond nice finish was rough this is a hard tournament their 85th place of playing this guy again I think I'd be them last time the guy was white last time let's see four okay let's play chess develop normally at least more normally than white yeah the center is gonna be very close which means it's gonna take a very long time until either of us gets Hakeem to the center also this could be a very long game so time is very important King sign with us are thanks Kingston it's a very strong move maybe I could play Queen g5 trying to win the e3 pod it's not h4 ideas I think this is okay his rook g3 takes we'll trade I'll have nine of six in the end you okay rook F one's coming then Queen h5 but that doesn't work [Music] this is actually very difficult this is gonna be very ugly hopefully I'm not getting mated like instantly a truck takes g7 could be game over let me be rep Chiat this looks really bad the Wow we're got six so fancy I played this move I just curl up into a ball and pray for the best break me yeah this doesn't work because I'll have 96 and then of course white wants the sacrifice here it's not so easy rook h3 I just take and defend and the fear it's all play g6 r5 defend with my queen Wow does this move yeah this is terrifying takes takes I can't take that maybe this move g6 I want to play f5 I think I'm okay here yeah if I took the rook I would have gone severely punished she wants to take on g6 so maybe it's still scary maybe this move and there's no center square is accessible okay that's nice just been another London system don't play this line the h5 hey Joanne latrise in the chats thanks for the bits Joanna this is not an easy tournament it's been rough so far I'm keeping my king in the center may be expecting King of seven that's also reasonable let's maybe play let's bring the knight to c5 I'm double on the e-file this is pawn as a bit backwards Queeny six ideas like rookie a Queenie six I'll cut the King off Oh Queen not four okay Queen off for all play King b19 a fate while I could take the pawn I'm liking my position the rooks attacked my rooks attacked what's going on here I mean I have to play it safe a d5 also hanging so rook - you expected and then they'd see five maybe Queen Queen c7 with idea Queen e5 and now Knight c5 I'll come back to the e-file this pawn is very tender juicy you seventh on okay that's tricky I can't take the rook I could play Knight e3 and rook c6 maybe 93 I want to chase the Queen away from defending or from attacking my rook that's a reasonable move maybe G 3 I'll get the d4 square I'll have ideas of c3 and winning has to take my queen I'm liking the structure a very easy plan now you should've played rook c6 rook see for now he's going for it probably this move two moves away pretty sure this is completely winning it's moving yeah once like play that move it's over okay that was nice next game relatively high rated player so I need a streak if I make any running in this tournament I have 24 Tournament points playing a 1545 okay let's have some fun why are people playing the C formula so confused Kingston with hundred more bits thanks Kingston I'm being aggressive f2 can't adequately be defended oh my night but he didn't take it that's nice let's take this way kingi - Wow put the bishop on d4 yeah the king should not be making any progress 92 I'll play c5 maybe I have some painting ideas some ideas about five this looks good enough actually if he takes maybe I play rip t8 yeah this looks very nice wait this is meat this is force mates okay all right Kings need some quick wins like that so nice next match hmm a bow tez is a good player have to agree we need to play this move yeah interesting line can't complain with this position though I'll have better development I'll probably castle and end up going for just normal chests I appointed not going for normal chests let's take there how do I win then keep Queens on the board that's a good move to check I like a queenside castle threatening me in one let's do that threatening me haha that's nice okay it's ironic when you Castle queenside fur to protect your own King and checkmate the other King alright play the same opening so I'm in 19th place yeah I like this opening maybe Castle queenside make a chart I'd use a 5/5 and ideas of f4 I could have played Bishop e7 but I don't want to trade pieces maybe f4 now Quincy for Queen d7 okay let's attack the Bishop h4 maybe yeah yeah I still like the position Wow g4 I could on Poisson think I'll just move back I want to take the bishop have more access to the H file I don't think this affects my real Blitz rating it should affect my king of the hill rating each file is now open not so simple though let's knock the D pawn hard for white to defend so Bishop check and takes and this looks very very strong this is very close to winning if not for Queen here real cure here wait does this make Queen d2 Queen d2 check this has got to be good are we gonna see a windmill we might see a windmill Chuck where's my mate there oh no it's just gonna be me I do have a windmill if I want it I guess rook F 2 here and then takes and then here and then me on each one or help like Queen d4 I need better move here maybe this is better those nice feels a nice like temporary queen sac Bishop e6 is very calm check and ooh didn't see that I mean there's millions of ways to win this let's do this I'll just get the King to the center okay those nice so I have some kind of streak I think a five-game streak of 36 tournament points 20 behind the leader Jack Rogers playing some Spanish name I'll spend tosh.o we have a Dutch defense okay I'll still play a London h4 idea that the son of is to play some early c5 so he's rated 1228 okay let's be aggressive I was taking it seriously me some opening as I should but sometimes I do change my like playing style based on the opponents yeah I mean earlier in the tournament I was playing a lot of like very high rated players now it seemed to calm down a little bit hey food is flying with a sub let's do this oh it's al Aspen Tahoe Aspen Tahoe yeah I don't know why pastor J I took like four years of Spanish in high school all right next game oops what just happened next match all right Oh playing this guy again I beat him last time we played of this opening again and night before is like some novelty by Larry Kaufman what do I do here efore probably and then takes takes an f5 ideas wait I can't play Queenie seven cuz you castles so there should be compensation like somewhere in this line okay so cakes problem is I don't want the King to get too close to the center but maybe it's okay yeah I won't Castle queenside I want my my King to stay close to the center not the pawn I want to bring the King just a six he can't access either of these squares be nice if I can get a quick win95 coming maybe f6 idea of g4 or g5 g for the excellency 7 I might sack the exchange maybe g5 here ambition t4 we just want to put the bishop on e5 oh wow I forgot about that move I think it's okay little bit sketchy I'm so close both of these squares while g4 so let's just take a pond because it would have been annoying if you took there now some idea of taking on d1 and then rook h3 in the end to remove the Knights but feeling this is winning I want to take rook h3 remove the light and then just wind now he's going to check from behind sneaky that's not so easy so there there may be c5 there's night this move let's try this Oh No kindiy three okay didn't see it oh so sad so so sorry what to do okay new game half hour left hopefully this is started a streak of some sort yeah my opponents low-rated I'm well aware so I'm keeping my king in the center hoping for some some sort of quick win I might have to go for some attack though I'm so far he's playing well or at least decently okay making the game sharp giving away a g7 pawn some ideas of taking if Queen takes I might end up meeting Queen g5 at least when the e5 pond yeah I'm being hyper aggressive here I'm attacking the bishop [Music] I want to somehow someday again in 92 it's not so easy to prepare let's take that Bishop i5 I take it and defend my queen okay you're head of feeling he might fall into that all right now I'm just up in night I'll keep the King cut off probably g5 that's quickest way yeah now this will come why did he not take the night earlier if this were in an arena format I would go back and look but to move on its next game I'm sure there's there's many inaccuracies in these games though playing stoic okay let's play maybe I should've played 4 let's play some aggressive line I should have five I have three is there an engine to analyze king of the hill pretty sure there is on me chess I don't know about chess calm I would imagine maybe it's not the clearest answer I can check afterwards now do all go insane and play kini to King III or h4 h5 maybe h4 h5 just go for the attack time to rock lift oh this is very nice now as the bishop will have to move and I'll take on each six and then g7 will be weak the bishop moves back maybe not h4 Wow okay let's take here first and then now I'm just going for mates I haven't had like too many checkmates on the board so how do I actually win this position oh this will be funny he'll take on c3 then I play Bishop T to check hitting the king mmm yeah let's just go for King centralization or a rope cheating one okay all right I'm I'm close to breaking the top ten playing the chess coach play another London yeah early B sixes sometimes asking to get punished it's like in this slide I'm not winning the exchange I guess we're just trading I'll try Queen a4 and bring the Knight to e5 yeah this is a strong threat my play like rook c8 or f6 the rook on d1 hmm okay some open h-file can't complain with that so it takes let's take first and open the D file I'm preventing castling because Queen takes I have a news of maybe four some funny line of taking g6 and winning back the Queen not going into it and now I'm threatening my g6 which I don't know how lock stops it's still not g6 it's a nice little tactic okay so I'm up the exchange but it's still a little bit tricky I have to make sure he 5 and d5 are covered might be able to attack from behind sort with g4 yeah we see this a lot where the the pawns are in the way and like if he pushes and I push so there's no like easy wind I don't think I was like B 5 B 3 he might go for like a 5 if he ever plays out 5 I have rookie a check I'm Bishop e7 meantime I want to run in so I think f5 was expected at some point okay this is very nice now I went five with the rook this should be completely winning Oh in d4 okay 14th place I can play in g5 maybe I could have like g5 at some points yeah but London structure I mean it's a closed centre so it's not doesn't really lead to like a quick win with getting the King to the center but it's it's more of a chess position more principles of chess apply okay playing some GM Paul from SP be playing the slide play Bishop f4 I think this is playable we can trade a bit ke7 interesting very interesting play night c4f three oh he's gonna play b5 fascinating efore ticks hmm I kind of like he for I'm sacking a piece I mean maybe I already blundered the piece but trying to get the most for my piece I'm threatening this I'm fighting this I'm controlling these squares d-file there's still tension it's hard for a box to the fence c4 and okay the king is is somewhat precarious Lee placed what's the box pieces still not developed so I feel like top-10 finish would be a good result and hopefully easy like easily jump to eighth hey it's bits from supersymmetry 200 gets let's get top 10 that's what I'm gonna try and do I have to keep up some pace yeah my king will be active wait am i meeting check what's so close to me I'm not quite lucky enough to he's gonna play c5 just activate the rook dreaming of this and then somehow meaning very very close it's so close oh I need to remove this pawn he doesn't have a be fun to play b6 she does have a bishop so take sticks this looks good I just want to get in mmm this is a nice line Bishop e6 check no he took my rook oh no I forgot he could take my rook oh my gosh are you serious oh no that's calculating this all right how do you think this this and then King g4 oh that's so unfortunate there goes my attempt for a greatness it's such a great position to heipo genetic toast thanks for subbing need to relieve the pain somehow ok I'm playing another 1100 I mean should I like control the center then walk in some funny trap takes there should be 5 c6 king d3 you can't stop king takes d4 that's what I'm hoping for now it's a bit different I'm going insane here I'm like very very tilted from asking hoping for some nice outcome yeah I don't care anymore about material or principles I just care about getting the King to d4 oh well how about Queen 64 it's actually not a bad position though we might trade Queens oh did someone clip that it's not my proudest moments this is a proud moment though no stopping king d4 okay still trying to get top ten I'm so close yet not so close we'll have a little bit of intermission here by the opponents time ticks down okay there's less than ten minutes whoa anonymous gift or gifting subs thanks from on the skiff er where these no sobs aids three five nine as he is straw go cool nine nine nine who's now who knows at and xxx ten two chests welcome to the sub Club everyone alright let's play aggressively let's play I think this time I'll just go for a quick meet like Bishop c5 be very aggressive target the III pawn I had this line a few times already he's playing it decently okay let's play can I come from behind let's come from behind I came from behind and now I'm having forks all over the place this pawn is gonna fall the rook might fall if d4c five I mean let's just take a pawn we have to be very careful Chuck maybe y'all just get my King to the center I still have to be careful okay I think this is working d5 c5 takes here and then I'll get to t5 I don't think there's any prizes for getting top ten but mean I'm within range so I'm threatening to take and play b5 in King g5 while house Neiman's winning the tournament - I beat him like twice early on life isn't fair sometimes yeah this is winning okay now it's all about time okay next match so I'm in 12th place so I'm kind of close kind of sort of waiting for next game okay let's just be aggressive grand free attack time yeah I'm just gonna throw stuff at the King and hope it works sacking and Knights a slightly questionable opening oh well good news oh man we're gonna be losing a lot of stuff unless he drops his queen like that yeah there could have been like a very bad for me yeah I'm gonna try and go for meats ASAP as possible so now I just need to gather Queen to h6 and that'll be mates there we go next game thanks Matt hey I'm number eight I'm playing Hans Neiman okay this could be the last game reverse Cambridge Springs move a six let's play this move Oh what to do take maybe other smooth looks interesting want to put the rook here let's take that take that it's slightly unpleasant and it's 3r acute there okay down upon the reasonable position what's the standings oh I am Jack Rogers it's close to catching him but I'm still taught eight he wants to draw not yet I want to try and play for a win on the play rookie seven hmm takes getting this and this I take that maybe not okay draw how do I offer a draw-game draw okay we drew next match yeah I think this happens like when you're at the end of the tournament just try and get like final points by drawing people okay I'm playing a budapest this'll be a fun line this is a very fun line 41 seconds left in the tournament it's clear this yeah it's bits offer draw hey top ten supersymmetry thanks four bits yeah the unfortunate thing is like when the tournament ends again just aborts so we don't get to finish this this masterpiece White's completely winning like Bishop d3 would you broth anyway that was fun can't complain with the finish now let me ask does a top 10 finish give me like enough points for the overall like scoring system oh maybe not oh it's just top eight oh that's unfortunate I have the window here of like the arena King points I can move over I'm not blocking it if we zoom in here so this is season four so I actually I got a hundred points last time for winning it and I guess this time I just got five points for a tenth place finish and I need 125 points so I'll have many more opportunities I mean I just have to stream I guess like for more events okay well congratulations Hans Ninan winning the whole thing you
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 60,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Online Chess Tournament, London Opening, London System, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Chess 2019, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, arena kings, king of the hill,, arena kings koth, koth, chess variant, bongcloud, season 4, 2019
Id: E4qwLupW08g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 55sec (7375 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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