Remaking Popular Fast Food Meals (ft. Nick DiGiovanni)

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this is a Big Mac and these are Raising Cane's chicken fingers today we're going to be recreating food items from the most popular fast food restaurants and after each round a judge will be blindfold taste testing the food to determine which one is authentic for each round that we trick the judge will be giving away 500 to you guys I have Gordon Ramsay's son on my team so there's absolutely no way we're failing this challenge the first meal we're starting with is of course Raising Canes this is one of the best chicken tenders I've ever had Raising Cane's wouldn't be Canes without the sauce I think the main thing we should focus on is nailing the sauce if we don't nail the sauce it's not going to happen we should taste test it cheers crazy insane you're the chef I'm gonna go like play video games I don't know no no come on don't do this to me Counter-Strike two just came out like I'm gonna go play I don't even know what that is all right let's get it first things first with this sauce you can already see little specks of black pepper in there most fast food sauces are gonna have a base of mayo I do also know cane sauce has Creole seasoning since the cane sauce is one of the most important parts we could work on that but I think we should start breading the chicken and start letting that cook because it obviously is going to take the longest all right so question for you do you know why we use buttermilk for chicken make it taste better sure it makes it taste better but it also breaks it down and makes it tender that's why it's the first thing we're doing these are chicken tenderloins and this is exactly what they use for Cane's Chicken so all the chicken tenderloins go into the bowl that's good and then the buttermilk is gonna break down all that protein and make these nice and tender but also really give that some good flavor go ahead take some pepper I'm gonna do the salt and then we go ahead and season that up oh is that a lot no that's perfect keep going actually a little more you want to be able to see the flavor right true the golden a little bit of salt last but not least garlic powder my favorite sprinkler and when you do that I'm just gonna mix this all up it smells so good already and we're gonna let this chicken sit here while we make the sauce when working on the sauce we need to do what a proper Chef would do and that's taste a lot so do you know all the measurements off the top of your head we're gonna eyeball it okay what the hell is the sauce bro try to pronounce it Worcester Shire Worcestershire what is this sauce it's similar to sort of the A1 steak sauce have you had that yeah of course it's kind of what it tastes like all right so to start off give it a base of mayonnaise to three quarters of a cup of mayonnaise will do just let me know in the stock perfect okay one of the things we're going for is also color even though our judges blindfolded the color matters right of course going with a little bit of ketchup we want to get somewhat close to that color oh wait that kind of looks similar it's already getting close but the Worcestershire sauce is going to help a little bit Worcestershire it is smell it super power okay so we don't want to do too much so that's going to darken it quite a bit so go ahead and stir that up oh it's looking good getting closer right yeah now we'll add in a few specks of that Creole seasoning oh now you can actually see the specks in the sauce bro that's crazy similar what all right let's taste okay [Applause] we're definitely not there yet two mayonnaise yeah it's way too much Mayo it really gets closer and closer each time you do something doesn't it we've perfectly perfectly nailed the color let's taste once more come on I think this is it right here happy with that wait that's crazy we just made cane sauce Not only would this fool someone with a blindfold on I think this would fool anybody should we throw this in the fridge while we work on the chicken let it stay cold because that's what they do at Raising Canes perfect I did not think we were gonna get even close to the sauce but it literally tastes identical all right so the next vegetable oil go ahead and fill that two-thirds of the way up or so we need to start getting our frying oil ready you just let me know when to stop I'm leaving oh you're being serious about that oh wait two-thirds is what you said what did you not three seconds two thirds oh okay okay okay okay my bad we actually need that much keep going wait you're lying no we gotta fry it oh yeah have you ever seen a deep fryer yes they're deep play mom let's go any breading for fried chicken is gonna be pretty similar I'm Gonna Fill most of this up with some flour and then you're gonna go with some cornstarch maybe just a few shakes of it okay and then we just have to season with a few different things here a little onion powder keep going you want to be able to see the seasoning like I said I'm gonna go with some paprika garlic powder goes a little bit of pepper Cayenne Cayenne go ahead this one not too much just a tiny tiny bit we don't want it to be spicy Perfect all right a little bit of salt we are going for this when we fry this chicken you see all those little crispy bits that jump up off the sides of this chicken yeah we need to get those little crackly bits take the buttermilk mixture that we have from earlier bring some of that over and into our dried dredge here is this like a life hacks video now this is a crazy life hack video so I'm gonna stir that around and it's going to make these little clumps in the batter and those clumps are what are gonna make these little crispy bits that jump up off the chicken okay oh yeah I see them see all those bits in there that is what's gonna stick onto our chicken and give us that you can already almost see it you know what I noticed lately Raising Cane's chicken has been a lot smaller look at that they're a little tiny they're mini can you temp the oil what the hell is this so what are we at looking at 140. it's got to be 350. there isn't even 350 here bro we can start dredging our chickens you kind of want to press that into there you want to make sure that you're really getting those crispy bits on there dude that's perfect that's pretty similar is it not yeah play it on the board that one's ready to fry so the way we want to drop this chicken in is very sort of slowly and gradually as we go into the oil here we go fourth drop it in boom be really careful don't hit the pan as low as you can [Music] amazing how is that nice I'm feeling really good about this we should be getting close this is what we're going for let's see bro no way this is literally the same one that's pretty good this one is perfect lit up wow these are all good too throw them out oh my God I'm proud you dredge these yourself which is the coolest part those are all ours and Mrs Kane's I genuinely can't tell the difference all right Nick I think it's safe to say we killed that let's pour the sauce into these little containers and make it perfect oh my God real Raising Canes power Raising Canes I feel good about this before we give it to the judge we should do a taste test of our own we have an extra piece of chicken right there perfectly cooked by the way okay you ready yeah let's try cheers oh my gosh it tastes like Raising Cane's genuinely pretty dead on I think it's time to present this to the judge all right Mr Noah are you ready for this I'm really excited just because it's canes we got you the sauce too of course you recreated the sauce you're gonna put the blindfold on it and you're gonna taste test each one and whichever one you think is the real canes you let us know and we'll let you know if you're right or wrong I think we killed that one Nick do you want me to feed you I would love that okay do you want me to feed you I would love that all right Noah open wide okay so off the bat you know when you're eating oh thank you got you when I'm eating a piece of Cane's Chicken I'm looking for that Crunch and that one I kind of just didn't get it I think it tasted exactly like canes but just the crunch was missed number two yeah I do the honors you may do the honors [Music] oh okay thank you phenomenal crunch that was amazing with that alone I have my decision which one do you think is the real cane number one or number two instantly number two the first one like it just wasn't there for me and I feel like when I'm eating canes I kind of know this is something I don't get everywhere else what was wrong with number one that wasn't there I would say with the first one it just wasn't as prepared as well as the second and again the bite and the overall texture of the first one just didn't match what true Keynes is you know what I mean okay so you may now take off your blindfold and look down at the chicken are you guys praying you guys just got two two boxes okay so Noah you tried this one first and you said this one was canes by the looks of it which one do you think is canes I don't know oh I genuinely don't know that's the goal bro this is Kane's I mean they look very similar but I mean I think this is a little darker it looks right you are actually wrong and we got no point baby let's go so you're telling me this is this is Kane's and this is what Nick and I prepared in the kitchen now that I do it makes a big difference you guys made the sauce I can't believe we pulled off the sauce this is our sauce this is their sauce congrats to you guys you guys killed it hey so that means 500 to you guys but we still got two more rounds we need to make you guys some more money all right let's go all right let's make animal style fries I've always wanted to see that next wait bro get out no I feel like I've been waiting outside for too long and I'm not trying to be out there all day and I want to make this a little harder too I feel like I need to pass along the blindfold to my guy Nick no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't be doing stuff like that bro I need his eyes to be focused you're throwing that on for this round you're using strictly your audio here now can you just go back outside and don't peek I'm not even tripping at all you're gonna need to help me a little bit no I got you I got you I don't know where I am all right round number two animal style fries I know in and out fries are controversial you know some people like them some people hate them I personally love them but that's the great thing about the blindfold is I don't need to see them to know that they're trash good luck I'm actually gonna go play video games now here's the ironic thing about animal style fries we're gonna need to make this recipe worse than I would normally make it to match okay I'm being completely serious we're back to our station right here we got an onion sugar butter and salt so first animal style fries has a couple different layers fries then cheese then caramelized onions and then the sauce and we need to make all those things first up caramelized onions go ahead and cut through the center of the onion and I might be able to help you a little bit now peel the onion so take off all that skin on there I'm gonna go until I feel that last layer okay it was a lot faster than me and I'm not even blindfolded bro no I'm going to trim off the end of my onion into the onion then into the onion again the fact that you're doing this blindfolded takes some serious skill we'll get my onion bro and then I'm going to slice down the onion like this with my knife then we're just going to slice forward and get these nice small bits of onion that we're going to use for our caramelized onions go ahead and mince those up a little bit more how they look they're looking good going to the stovetop and then bring that cutting board over bring the butter bring the salt and bring the sugar crank the heat up to kind of medium take about a tablespoon of butter toss it into the pan all right it's in the pan go ahead and shake the pan around let it melt you can crank the heat up to high for a minute go ahead and also grab a wooden spoon will plastic work yeah perfect it sounds like the Heat's a little too high so turn it down a bit and the butter is all melted go ahead and take the knife and The Cutting Board and just slide that right off the cutting board into the pan might make them it's gonna give a nice beautiful now can I grab the sugar here it is I'm gonna go ahead with a pinch of sugar am I over the pan Yep this is a trick for perfectly beautifully caramelized onion it's going to help them caramelize better and faster go ahead and take a little bit of salt too put them in there good yep okay bring that over to the sink it add just a tiny pinch of water can I have the handle now one of us needs to focus on these onions while the other one goes back and starts working on those potatoes bro he's literally sauteing them with a blind on I'll direct you on the potatoes while I'm over here stirring these okay yo okay I'm just making sure you're still blindfolded it seems like he's still doing some of the work bro do you think we're cheating dude I don't know this meal was too good to be true okay get outside bro go go ahead and pick the longer potatoes in the back I got two of them should I get another two or three that's all you're gonna need now you want to take that knife and cut down about the width of what one of those fries would be yo Nick can you come over and help me yeah so I've cut like three slices this is the knife got it where are they here yeah so once you have the slices you want to go on the board then using your fingers as a guide go ahead and slice down the potato and try to get these nice perfect thin strips that should be about the shape and size of the french fries this literally looks like in and out fries like at least the size of them as you cut them toss them in a bowl of nice ice cold water okay got some more fries these onions smell like they're starting to caramelize but I'm just trying to crank up the heat and speed these up just a little bit over here I'm gonna bring them here I'm gonna let this sit on low while we finish the rest of our stuff fill the oil now to about the same level we had earlier you got this yes okay gonna have to get to about 350 again again but while waiting on that let's dry off the fries just lay out some paper towels on a flat surface and then throw all the fries down and then press it all out the fries look really identical I know you can't see but you're probably going to be proud of me I can't see but I can feel them and they're pretty dead on from what I can tell what color do the In-N-Out fries look like like they're not too Brown they're actually pretty white and they're always sort of like that so we're gonna need to make sure that we fry them to the point that they're cooked through but still kind of pale there's one last step while we're waiting turn on the oven because we need something to melt the cheese when we put it on top of the fries oh man the oven okay turn it to a low broil do you know what that is absolutely not just click the broil button broil all right before you put anything into the oil put one little tester and make sure it sizzles up a little bit is it floating to the top yeah it is perfect very carefully put the rest in gotta make sure it doesn't Splash on the last few a lot of bubbles going on it's just the water escaping move them around a little bit make sure that they don't get too golden brown you just want them to cook through yo bro I think they're a little too Brown wait what did I do should I turn it off yeah definitely turn the heat off you may have let the oil get a little bit too hot this doesn't look like what we were going for bro should I take them out are they cooked through the center you think I could try one no it's too hot to taste Can I taste it you want to yeah I'll eat it thank you well you don't feel heat what are you doing actually are they cooked yeah they taste like In-N-Out fries so I think we're still in the running wait really yeah they tastes totally fine they taste a little bit like that cardboard oh my gosh definitely don't look like in and out fries but like you said the taste is all that matters good assemble yes all right put the fries in the bottom they kind of look like sweet potato fries we got them in the little cardboard container now in one slice of Kraft American Cheese is this actually What In and Out uses just a slice of cheese okay okay good yup toss it in the broiler and let them go for 30 seconds until it's melted and it goes just got it out of the oven the cheese is melted caramelized onions those from what I could smell are perfect no these are perfect okay all right so we spent so much time perfecting the fries I don't want to make the sauce bro so I'm just going to use the actual in and out sauce it's fine we made so many things homemade just now and on top of it like we're trying to win money for my fans so I feel like this is fair game wait they actually look so good wait low key can I take the blindfold off yeah I mean we're done cookie you could take this is the most light I've ever seen this is our finished product versus in and out it looks really good it looks really good except for how burnt the fries are but let's do a taste test bro I'm gonna taste regular how's it going wait I think we might have round two in the bag I'm not kidding I'm not just saying it it's perfect no that literally tastes like animal style fries and it's not the sauce taste the whole thing you basically did this one yourself I think what we've made so far today we made better Raising Canes Better In and Out animal style fries and now it's time for Noah to determine which one's the real in and out Mr Noah it is time for some in and out animal style fries are you ready for number one been ready I've been waiting out here for a long time here we go we'll get him a good bite open wide okay how is that it's a perfect bite the texture is a little different wow that's very hard it tastes very similar but not really at the same time let's try number two okay what the one you just fed me tastes like a Home Depot box what which is pretty similar to what in and out tastes like I think I already know which ones which all right which one is in and out the second one take off your blindfold right now man you're right I was right Nick was blindfolded definitely a huge disadvantage on my part but you still did a good job evidently this is mostly you come on G come on G you know me it's time for the final round you stay outside you don't come in and talk to us anymore don't even look in the window [Music] for the last and final round we have the famous Big Mac the most famous fast food of all time one last thing oh please one last thing stop you know it's the final one I think we throw five minutes on the timer and you see what's in my hand I am gonna also gift you guys a Big Mac open it up no oh the Buns okay the Buns because I mean you need the Buns I feel like from McDonald's to make a good Big Mac that saves us a lot of time we wouldn't have been able to make buns in five minutes yeah there's no so I always wanted to do this Nick all right ready outside go outside go please the five minutes are on the clock breaking down a Big Mac okay bottom bun cheese lettuce Patty onions middle bun sauce lettuce pickles Patty onion onions that's a lot let's go okay all right you make sauce I make the sauce if you have any pointers let me know have you made Big Mac sauce yeah you're basically gonna want to start with some French dressing go a little bit of mayonnaise that's the base right some vinegar not too much a little bit of relish tiny bit of salt is that enough yeah that's good Pinch of Sugar some chopped onions for what you chopped in the last portion and you should be good all right you get going on the patties I don't know which order but I don't think it matters the tricky part with the patties is I need to make them really really thin like basically a third of the thickness of what these are because No One's Gonna believe it if it's this thick I didn't know the sauce had relish that's crazy you said a splash of this yeah tiny splash of vinegar we don't have much time left I know I know I know okay let me mix this up and try it can you hit me with a little salt quick quick let's go let's go let's go let's go all right a little black pepper this is stressful a little bit of oil grab some onion definitely need that for the sauce that's a good looking Patty the sauce is looking pretty consistent you could kind of see it right there versus mine but let me taste it I want to say like two and a half minutes two and a half minutes all right I think I sniped it please can you taste this let me know what else it needs please please please you need to put more relish it needs to be a little bit more acidic and definitely more French dressing the color is not right at all I don't think we're gonna finish in time no no we are come on oh my gosh I don't know what else it needs it needs something else bro please please please more relish onion more onion onion and what else what else more relish I'll check on this put a slice of cheese on one of them a little more French dressing oh wow I needed a lot more okay switch switch Stir It Up look at that the color's way better look at that okay we gotta assemble I don't even have time to taste this all right I'll assemble next to you okay okay ready do you remember the order no layer one then cheese on the bottom I think there needs to be sauce at the bottom look at this oh what oh no stop come on come on come on come on shoot then Patty then onions then middle bun sauce sauce okay the lettuce okay good a little bit more a little bit more a little bit more and then what and then what the other Patty and pickles and we gotta go a few pickles and then some sauce some sauce go ahead is that it it only had one slice of cheese right and then a little more lettuce only one slice of cheese okay oh don't press it down oh wait why it's supposed to be nice and Tall that's our Big Mac it actually looks fantastic we did great for five minutes okay I pressed down like an idiot but it doesn't matter about the look The Taste we got okay let's bring these out let's go final round we did it in the five minutes that you gave us and I think we did a pretty damn good job this time I'm not gonna feed you I'll just hand you the burger oh man it kind of looks like a freaking Krabby Patty this is kind of hard because I mean I did provide the Buns so that is the perfect bite oh man that was really good but that's amazing this is number two bro this is so hard because both of them taste great how will Big Mac should taste can I get a second bite of course of course here I'll give you the first one again right there I think the one I'm holding right now is the Big Mac from McDonald's from McDonald's okay take off the blindfold do you think you made the right choice yeah do you want to just tell them it's ours okay so that's another 500 to the fans so a thousand dollars in total bro let's go we killed that I'm popping 10 100 Amazon gift cards on the screen right now okay bye
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 9,472,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: ab-E_gzEoZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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