Minecraft Mobs if they were Spies

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careful guys this video might self-destruct because today we're checking out minecraft mobs if they were spies these james bond wannabes are hiding entry codes needed to make it into a secret bunker filled with all sorts of spy equipment and to gain access we'll need to take them on and grab those codes however it's not going to be easy because they've all come equipped with some secret agent tools of their own and they plan to use them against us can we break it to the bunker let's find out so here's where the secret bunker is see it said he right here on this side we're gonna need a bunch of secret codes in order to be able to get inside this place is tnt and pickaxe proof so maybe our first spy mob the saboteur creeper can give us some of these codes creepers in general are very dangerous be careful oh thank you saboteur creepers are agents that like to use sticky bombs to do their work rather than self-destructing and if a bomb gets stuck to you be careful remove it as soon as possible let's see what he's about boom whoa trench coat mafia oh my gosh i like the little juggling on the hat too bad bad is he about to throw oh he got it's on me okay bad bad bad bad oh yep that does some massive damage okay so we don't want to get too close to this guy because he'll legit put a bomb on top of us so we just got rid of it right there my goodness yeah we're gonna go ahead and just take him out as soon as we can and get rid of that one too man that was close oh he dropped the codes yes good he also dropped some cool shades hey hey can i put these things on or what yo i look good we can actually use these shades to see different agents from a distance and the sticky bombs can be dropped on top of mobs hold on a second i want to see what that's about okay big boy drop on him yes it's legit on his head and it's get uh oh oh boy hey that's a nice hatch you got on there homie be shame if uh something happened to it you know never accept hats as a present from me by the way next up is the agent pillager another mob spy the agent pillage is a fairly dangerous mob but rather than shooting arrows it shoots sleep darts quick like action well we'll see how quick he is exactly what's up mr pillager what's good whoa it looks like neo oh my gosh oh boy i've literally been put to sleep you can't even hit me anymore poor guy uh drowsy for numerous seconds and we slow down we can't really move can't hardly deal damage man are we legit in the matrix right now yo he's about to wire me down literally his body is starting to disappear there is something inside of this tranquilizer i gotta be honest but we don't need to worry about it because we got ourselves more secret codes let's take that oh we're good and speaking of spies i spotted a sponsor frag pro shooter known by countless fans as the best shooter game of 2021 frag boasts over 80 million players with more than one million actively playing every single day and because it's been designed for mobile devices you can play it wherever you go so what makes it so exciting to play well the rules are super easy simply create a deck and then devise a strategy to destroy your opponent's buildings there are three different game modes payload 2v2 and street frag my favorite is payload which is all about being the first player to escort your card to victory by bringing it to the center of the map while slowing down your opponent's carts slow down their carts by destroying their target or stay in defensive mode to make yours go faster best of all there's always new content coming to frag the latest release brings us two new characters wave and dole make sure to check out some of their exciting backstory and all of their awesome new powers and frag has decided to let me give you all some free in-game rewards even if you've already installed frag before oh and don't forget to search for log dot zip under the club tab on frag to join my club or hey you can make your own club once you've earned 1 000 coins but most importantly grab yourself those super exclusive rewards by clicking the link in the description of today's video and thanks again to frag for sponsoring us we also got our hands on some sleep darts which we can actually use on other mobs this sandy area should keep mobs who fall safe well i don't see the sand but you know i'm not gonna ask any questions about you know what i'm saying okay so why don't we go ahead and sleep dot on this sucka oh gosh you'll literally put down right away don't mind if i do look at these silly little guys oh look they're sleeping together it's a slumber party uh i don't know if they're gonna be best friends uh you know hanging out with each other like that so yeah i'm gonna let them do their thing but sleep darts will also instantly defeat phantoms so maybe there's a phantom up in here somewhere let me see no there's a sheep but well i want to see what the sheep looks like on the ground yeah my white oh i love there's a phantom die die instant love stay down bedtime baby our next spy mob is the assassin enderman ooh this enderman is like a regular enemy but they're attacked with blink blades i killed you so it is much stronger than usual be careful okay let's see i don't know useful error is going to be against homeboy here but we'll give it a shot huh let's see what it's about hey whoa whoa it glows it he's legit got glowing blades on top of his glowing eyes whoa yo i'm gonna kill you you suck guys gotta die oh boy wow strong very strong don't blink oh no one of the bombs i had on me accidentally the enderman try this again in the daytime blink blades huh where you going homeboy i ain't done with you yet yeah yeah all right as he turns around think so not today playa so he's got our hands on some codes and this thing blink blades let you sprint to teleport behind enemy mobs what hold on nice where where am i what is it whoa legit anytime a maze amazed and very strong too yo big fan of this hold on a second bruh oh my gosh it's just teleport me all over the watch it's the place okay okay big boy apparently we can also use the blade to right-click trees to teleport them out of existence yo i love that hold on a second that is cool wow axis no more last time i asked you for anything our next spy mob is the mob boss iron golem spies need a villain right well say hello to this guy this mob is not only very strong but it will summon in minions to fight oh my gosh we're gonna have to get loaded up on some serious armor for this battle you must be joking me i'm ready for it though baby yeah i hope i'm ready i got my cool guy shades on and also subscribe okay perfect let's see what you're about whoa cool guy yo he's got the rose flower and everything big boy what's up i guess i'll attack you okay oh gosh eat the apples i'll turn it on keep inventory yeah i can actually handle these guys now that we don't have the mob boss on us at all times in fact we could probably hit him with one of those real quick yes indeed very very strong hey hey hey oh gosh stay back no one likes think about take out homie from a distance instead that seems to make more sense to me i like that idea a lot more whoa i love him he he crosses his arms and everything get out of the way pigs look at him meandering pondering all right now you're gonna die there we go handled except his uh cronie over there but he's stuck so ain't no problem so we just got our hands on a mob boss hat can't wait for that and we also got even more codes oh and we got a flower here you go buddy when we wear this hat apparently it will turn cows into minions of ours what oh i got the rose in my mouth too oh i love oh my gosh i'm like a regular suave suavecito so we're gonna put the hat on after summoning in these guys okay so we got a couple betsy's yeah do i think now we gonna put this puppy on yes yes ah-ha i love i love now check this out summon in some baddies get them boys hey well i don't even have to lift a finger no literally they're just kind of walking around [Laughter] my new favorite henchmen they're uh a henchwomen i suppose our next spy mob is a field agent villager the field agent villager rides a minecart all over the place and because a minecart is made of iron it is very dangerous so we're going to get some more information on the items soon enough but for now we got this guy oh yeah well he's placing rails down and then rides him with the minecart that is hilarity oh my gosh good thing he's not a good minecart instructor engineer whatever you call them i don't know he can't even reach me poor little guy yeah we're gonna go and take you out step at a time codes sunglasses of course naturally and an item called a minecart destroyer wow if you place a minecart destroyer on the ground and then a rail on the side you want you can use it to travel and go in that direction continuously and it will pull in nearby mobs sneak and it will blow up well first and foremost let's line the area huh yeah don't mind if i and now we're going to place this down let's see boom and then sneak and it blows up wow wow i do declare so good so good oh you never said chance did you boom boom and what apparently can go up blocks as well can we just stop and yes well kind of stick around to the end of the video guys because we got some serious plans for all of these different codes i gotta see what's in that bunker hi shulker moles the next spy mop get out my way the shulker mole has ditched its shell for an invincible box and after some time it will drop the box to attack you these moles are hungry for any info they can gather but they often get distracted by gold dollars by gold dollars that sounds lovely i would be distracted by gold dollars as well if i'm being totally obvious with yourself hey nice just looking out of the cardboard box okay you gonna do something to me big boy think you gotta got going on bossa nova nothing okay well he's like legit invincible oh oh gosh whoa hi yeah that's that is uh nightmare fuel actually what was that i loved that well we got codes we also got shulker bullets never seen those as an item and we even got ourselves another pair of sunglasses but we didn't distract them so let's see how do we can we just what did he say did he just say did you say tasty tasty uh huh yeah okay well he don't want the gold anymore when we wear this box it will confuse mobs a bit and it will also drop shulker bullets that hone in on anime moms okay well i'm gonna wear this box really quick let me see oh goodness oh hilarity ensues biggest box wow what am i doing like a youtube challenge or something okay well hold on mobs are apparently confused are you confused are you confused big guy he looks a little confused he doesn't know what to do with me oh he's trying to live in my box not today sucka take on this shulker bullet boom hit him with that levitation no breathing okay you gonna do your thing up there i hope so why don't we fire off another one just for good measure get him get him oh well you missed something you know that's how it happens sometimes up nope got him i prefer the flower if i'm being perfectly honest with you so you just hang out up there and we'll call it a day huh oh okay spider i get it now the spider is like a regular spider but it has a special force field that destroys incoming arrows okay i'd like to see that one in action huh let's see how this really works whoa what the heck he's like a robot looking guy i don't love oh my gosh and he's got like spy powers on him that thing is nasty looking let me try and shoot him oh yeah it definitely don't work well you know we'll just have to do it the regular way either stopping with feet or with the blade yes yes you gots to go my friend and so we actually got the spider as a drop and even more code only got one more code left would be making that bug baby now hold on it drops itself which can be worn as a hat and it gives you the same aeroforce field effect as well as night vision and makes it easier to detect mobs all right let's see nice yo we got some night vision some spider vision and this guy ain't going to be able to jack against this look at him just trying one more time for good measure for posture meanwhile though you can enjoy this nice shulker bullet it's got your name right on it why don't you take a couple punches on your way up huh homie yeah thank you very much now the final spy mob before we break our way into that bunker the undercover pig yes this pig is one of the only non-hostiles here it uses advanced technology rather than fighting wow pacifist pig figures pacific anyways if you go far away from them they will turn invisible also if you go far away they will initiate a drone strike bro my new favorite type of pig originally it was bacon but this is a new pig that i enjoy far more whoa whoa oh wow that's amazing looking dude he's floating about okay let's get really far i want to see the drone strike to be honest drone strike undercover pig has initiated a drone strike my goodness can hardly see the oh i know he's going for me oh well in that case mr passive not today you will become a pig in a blanket if i've had my way with you all right let's see we got the final set of codes and we also got a cloak it looks partially invisible i can only assume that's because it makes me invisible wow nice i'm legit invisible you can't even see my hand right now when we're far enough away from mobs we can sneak to initiate a drone strike oh yeah oh yeah i ain't mad about that in this light i'ma just keep holding down sneak baby the drone track is going crazy all right ladies and gentlemen it's time i hear there's some awesome toys inside of this secret spy bunker and we now have everything we need all we gotta do is place these different codes into the reader although it looks like there's a very specific order that they need to go in okay there we go wow maybe maybe there wasn't a specific order but we made it in i'm ready whoa welcome to the armory each hallway explains the ability of these whoa we got even we got clones we got scatter missiles pixelizers and obsidian busters yo best spy stuff ever call me double07 pixelizer instantly dissolves mobs i want to see that for a quick second let me fix eliza get pixelized whoa whoa that's so cool hold on i'ma grab all these things real quick lag yes yes yes what's this one do obsidian buster sends mobs flying also destroys blocks stone obsidian even bedrock what obsidian buster imma do it bust it out bust it out bust it out oh that's kind of what i meant to do whoa breaking it all i love it scatter missiles will home in on nearby targets and then explode sorry betsy it's nothing personal i just uh i don't like you that much awesome is it going for me i think it's going for me okay quick use it on betsy use it on betsy oh gosh it's all coming for me and the final item here is the holographic decoy place it on the ground to distract mobs okay you've been placed down there's the decoy you do your thing okay homie hey you need to be distracted go buy the decoy instead oh yeah it works baby's going right through them it's kind of weird kind of prefer the scatter missile if i'm being perfectly honest guys let us know in the comment section which spy weapon was your favorite and thanks for subscribing
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,134,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, mob, new mobs, villager, new weapons, new items, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, minecraft update, mob update, hilarious, funny mobs, custom mobs, custom, meme, memes, minecraft memes, creeper, minecraft meme, enderman, skeleton, zombie, wolf, new minecraft mobs, spies, spies in disguise, spies in minecraft, minecraft spies, mob spies, creeper spie, spie, secret agent, secret agent man, secret, secret base, secret mobs in minecraft, secret mobs, 007, james bond
Id: QnAVYaZmqZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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