Beating Every Souls Boss With A Different Weapon

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hello everybody today we're going to be doing another marathon where I kill all the bosses in all of the souls games including bloodborne and Elden ring though Elden ring is all remembrances and not all bosses and in this run we have a special rule where every time I kill a boss I need to discard my current weapon and change to a new one there's over 150 bosses in all the games so as you can tell there's a lot of weapons that I need to use but it was a ton of fun trying to use stuff that I normally wouldn't and that's about all there is to the challenge run so I hope you enjoy the video and be sure to subscribe for more content in the future the full run is also available on my vods channel which is linked in the description and comments below thanks there are enough weapons for this challenge in bloodborne there is barely all right we're in business chat let's go all right [Music] I'm gonna die this guy I'm gonna die oh dude this he is like so tanky for a intro boss [Music] oh he stomped on me all right goodbye Brock sword so I could discard the weapon goodbye broadsword so we're gonna use the short spear for uh Phalanx and then after that I don't know what I'm gonna use to be honest all right come on let's get the ball roll oh yeah we still got it baby all right we got a scimitar now so we could well I guess since we started using the short spear we can keep it but I killing like random enemies obviously does not make me have to switch or anything time to poke oh ah that does a lot of damage foreign imagine dying the failings easy fight goodbye short spear all right well we got a scimitar isn't there a claymore here as well uh I believe so I can't remember where though is it is it on the way to Tower night uh we can get the Crescent falchin as well I think I'm just gonna go kill armored spider and Flame lurker we'll buy the sharp Stone oh I could buy a pickaxe I need 13 strength 12 decks for that foreign no I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I love this game how long will this Marathon take I'd rather not think about it so only specific types of weapons are like good against these enemies they're very weak to uh thrusting attacks for example they're also very strong with thrusting attacks oh my God just pull the lever I do not want to die here Jesus Christ okay so armored spider with the Falcon plus one should be should be pretty pretty okay I think hopefully this damage is okay all that damage is just [ __ ] terrible [Music] alrighty dude oh my God this is gonna be a four cycle foreign [Music] goodbye Scimitar plus one all right now we use the dagger and some sticky white slime I need to kill the bad guy all right we got our slime [Music] thanks God stop jumping around so much foreign you're being so annoying [ __ ] well we got a lot of levels maybe I should get more offensive stats got the stats to use the battle ax though battle ax is fun all right well we could go kill Dragon God it's gonna be kind of slow but don't waste a good weapon on Dragon God yeah we could use the pickaxe I guess I've played this game for a long [ __ ] time and I still really don't understand how this fight works nice this might take a little wild Chad oh no we're doing good damage now we got him maybe what a fight so what is the next weapon we are going to use chat I actually don't really know well I have the battle ax I can still use the battle ax but we need more weapons I guess we could buy the short sword yeah mail breaker could be good for Tower night you know what let's actually go do Tower night right now it's 6 000 holy [ __ ] we have the stats right 20 strength okay nice okay we should be good here one damage we just gotta knock him down there we go now right in the head oh yeah that's screen check holy [ __ ] you dead go to lottery I guess I don't want I don't know if I want to do penetrator right now yeah I guess we can try to do the skip here holy [ __ ] we did it all right what weapon should I use for uh Fool's Idol I'm not really sure I'm thinking maybe battle ax IBO weapons so we have Bastard Sword Claymore battle ax we also have the short sword should probably set up rtsr here I guess [Music] [Laughter] oh foreign oh no oh [ __ ] man oh my God that is like the worst spot to die ever hmm God damn it oh God this marathon is this is must might be like one of the cleanest marathons I've had what weapon do we use for man eaters I need heels chat I don't have very many heels I feel like maybe I should go fight adjudicator let's just go kill adjudicator we'll get the Crescent falchin on the way to adjudicator and then we can use I don't know we can use like the Claymore or something for adjudicator I need more resin though oh god dude a first try skip oh yeah that felt good at least hey big damage baby all right not bad oh no he's gonna pin me against the wall okay not too bad all right goodbye Bastard Sword upgrade the Claymore also I know that the vendor lady is up here right okay what do you have oh she does have black pine resin okay hell yeah nice oh she also has a halberd and a mace all right well we'll buy the halberd oh we can also buy the war pick uh I guess we're gonna use the halberd here I don't know I mean leech Monger is pretty easy so the damage here will be good just because of the Black Pine resin like look at that [ __ ] dude foreign I'll probably save the dragon bone Smasher for like a lot I guess I'm not sure what I should use for made in Australia could use the war Scythe I guess I've ever used this weapon before oh God what what what the [ __ ] just happened did they bounce off the wall and hit me or did they did they turn what the [ __ ] is happening that R2 is such [ __ ] finish him what do I use for uh for Maiden Australia chat let's go try astray I guess with the war Pig 112 plus 35 guys that's not very good oh yeah right in the butt [Music] thank you all right I think I'm gonna go I'm gonna go kill old hero and I'll use the white bow for Storm King not great damage but like I want to use rtsr it's such a long run back damage is not bad though it's a little scary we're good though all right wipeo time chat this thing is quite strong by the way okay that's four [Music] [Music] the damage I told you guys Wipeout was [ __ ] white foe is strong dude I'm not sure what I want to use on penetrator I don't know if I should use the short sword here on man-eaters damages pretty good all right so glad they didn't change this boss's AI all right good fight [Laughter] we have what penetrator and a wand after this only just use the Falcon here [Music] man from software really has come a long way with their boss fights though I guess I think the meat cleaver is better for a lawn and use the bone Smasher for penetrator I guess can I use resin on this thing oh yeah this thing is gonna shred chat not with the slow ass weapon all right seems like a running attack is actually safe after the grab nice I'm excited to do to do this run in bloodborne though I gotta say this is it's gonna be tough in bloodborne but it should be fun foreign [Music] oh yeah why does that do so much counter yeah maybe excuse me all right all right let's go down all right Chad what ending do we go for what the hell is going on with the dialogue all right we got the great sword [Music] don't go for two attacks I think that's the first time I've ever well actually no I think I've died of that guy before as well going for rtsr [Laughter] I wanted to greet there but I'm not going to all right let's give her a nice fist oh all right Juju Chad all right trap bloodborne most normal disc character in ages I know what is going on are there enough weapons for each boss yes I believe so it's like the hunter sacks because we're gonna need to get the stake driver anyways I'm gonna grab the torch also going to grab the oil urns the dude torch gas line yeah thinking about it I don't think I need to but if anything it would probably be better to do BSB with like the Hunter's torch until I lean to get the blades I don't think I want to try to kill her right now I think I'd rather go well actually if I don't kill her right now she's gonna move yeah I could kill her with Henrik I guess fists only for rum yeah I don't know I don't know if I want I don't think I want to use the sock lever for uh gas going but let's use the hunter sacks I also have Oilers and model tops foreign foreign I guess I could have used the transformed version of the ax I feel like maybe I should have used the hunters toward or like the torch here but it would have been I don't know would it take a really long time porch is pretty horrible I do want to go get the flame sprayer now though after we killed BSB we probably also want to take a trip to um get the radiant sword Hunter badge so the question is what do we use for BSB do I go should I go buy the cane Maybe I could also try Hunter's torch I suppose and then we can go kill cleric Beast with the Hunter's torch I actually think it won't be that bad well that damage isn't bad [Applause] he's dead oh we can get the kirkhammer now chat oh I'm gonna get gascoigne's armor as well gascoigne's armor is sick I think I'm gonna use Kane for BSB and then maybe flame sprayer for uh vicar Amelia if I get the radiant sword Hunter badge I can get uh Ludwig's holy blade back all right we're going to use the flame sprayer for Amelia because it's actually pretty good for her we can get and we'll get it to plus two I'm definitely not going plus three no damage ain't bad [ __ ] dude I'm getting [ __ ] [Music] God I'm dead oh my God we opened up the shortcut so it's fine I do not oh there we go oh my God I was going away all right just burn you [ __ ] oh my God no okay we're fine we're not fine she promise sheep I'm so annoyed dude I cannot [ __ ] believe that I don't even know what just happened I like she hit me once and then like her foot hit me and then she hit me again and then her foot hit me like she just hit me five times in a row oh yeah take that we saved the sauce beer in the cleaver we did we've also got the Kirk hammer I guess I'll run to Forbidden Woods first though oh I need to go get the rifle spear as well I don't know what weapon I'm gonna use for Shadows actually all right let's go rifle The Hags no oh my God the other Witch Is Gonna respawn dude this is not good Chad and we're in a good position here at least no well there she is [Applause] I think I'm gonna do Shadows next come on let the let the plebs free oh God foreign get over here God saw spirit is so good all right not too bad if there's any fight to use it on I like I feel I feel like Shadows is a good one we still have the cleaver too I gotta make sure to get rid of the gems so I don't sell them on accident okay uh what should we use for ROM we need to go to Cathedral Ward I need to go get the radiant sword Hunter badge stake driver to oh you know tinnitus would be good for ROM actually yeah we could go kill Paul and then get to nitrous I also need to get the Magdalene arm I'll use like a plus one weapon for parl I guess sure why not seems good foreign keep hitting the legs foreign we could use cost parasite it's gonna be pretty bad though we don't really have many easy bosses left so not sure what I could even really use cost parasite on where it's not going to be terrible we have the tonightress now or yeah sure that's fine maybe I balded years ago pretty good damage God going for the cool so I think I'm gonna use whirlygig saw for wonderborn I think that's a good idea chat I think I'm gonna use boom hammer on a Celestial emissary the dumbass bug in my room again flying again Jesus it's right by my head oh my God [ __ ] out of here oh my God this [ __ ] stupid ass bug we gotta go fast foreign oh yeah oh my God all right slow and steady chat all right what am I gonna use for Mikko Beast cutter Maybe yeah sure let's just do Beast cutter [ __ ] it yeah the weapon looks cool it's kind of [ __ ] though Miko come here [ __ ] foreign I feel like that would be a pretty fun challenge right oh man I really thought I could just snag that and then roll away but they [ __ ] comboed me oh my God why foreign [ __ ] you I might actually go do Celestial now and then get the tier 3 Moon rune that looks good boom Hammer plus three all right let's uh let's level up a bit too I think the boom Hammer should actually I think the boom Hammer is a good choice here because I believe they're weak to fire you know what I actually feel like this boom Hammer here mate you just killed me in one attack foreign foreign I'd like to review that hitbox got a big hit in there good foreign for one attack and then I get [ __ ] [ __ ] completely stun comboed nailed it let's do the writer polish for logarius I guess chat that is not what I meant to do foreign oh really you're gonna just miss me like that we're gonna get the Chicago but we're not gonna upgrade it we're just gonna use unupgraded for wet wet nurse all right are you ready for this chat are you ready for the big damage oh look at that damage foreign rapid poison is really freaking good at least against wet nurse she's like really weak to it we could do amygdala with the arm I guess all right guys this is actually probably going to be horrible this fight amygdalon arm is kind of [ __ ] and it's plus four foreign oh that's actually a good attack for hitting the head though I should have went for a post there foreign foreign I feel like I might want to upgrade higher for abratus here guys but foreign nailed it I think I'm going to use Scythe or Ludwig I guess this damage is totally fine by the way it's good [Applause] no nice should be big damage not bad foreign please I don't even have a weapon for living failures what am I gonna use for failures actually I'm going to use the wheel for Moon presence because Moon presence is like pretty easy if anything I I think Ludwig's holy blade might actually be a good choice [Applause] foreign [Applause] I guess we can use holy Moonlight sword for Maria [ __ ] I don't know if that's going to be very good though [Music] this is not bad at all I'm sorry Maria h yeah that was too early rip [Applause] all right settle down thank you can't get the backstab man I can't do it oh my God I believe we have four bosses left so we are gonna use Cleaver for Orphan foreign [Applause] good foreign for Lawrence I'm going to use the church pick that follow-up is strong you know how to fight Lauren's face too it's actually like a really I don't know I I think Lawrence is a really good boss fight he's dead just gotta kill gearman and moon presence tonight joins the hot come on [Music] foreign [Music] oh yeah get down whoa thank you come on let me get the repost oh yeah all right guys Dark Souls one up next red pyromancer all right let's do it I guess I'll use the hand ax here Big Boy down all right I'm gonna get the fire bombs over here oh if I remember this vihander is it's right here I think oh no oh it's this one I think Undead Merchant sells a few weapons and drops you yeah I don't think I'm gonna kill Undead Merchant but I do know that he has a lot of weapons all right come here [ __ ] Isaiah uh come on no no sword either damn it can Farm shards infinitely in Blighttown off the worms Oh yeah that sounds great yeah let's just Farm [ __ ] worms foreign star is good come on baby damn it all right 999 Humanity perfect break sword for gargs I mean I think Drake's sword for gargs makes the most sense right [Music] blasted cover your Virgin Eyes it's fine chap I don't even know which of these weapons I'm gonna use chat but I want to have them all upgraded I guess Quail lag is probably better I kind of wish I had something you know maybe I should have done Capper and gaping though because then I could have I could have bought poison Moss okay so what weapon should I use for quelag play more is probably good [Music] all right not bad our pick was pretty good there though warpic might have been better to keep for uh Iron Golem but we have a lot of weapons yeah I'm using my fists for this fight and this fight only here you go buddy all right lava has been drained now we should go to Iron Golem I would say and get a little bit more health more strength I don't know I kind of feel like going here right now is a bad idea but it's I guess it's fine gargoyle tail acts for uh for Iron Golem wait is that a remaster thing I'll be honest my brain when I when I went to the right I was thinking like am I gonna die here yeah so I think if you go to the left he can't hit you yeah he's gonna fall for sure all right I think I'm gonna use the crystal halberd for on us probably the best weapon I could I could get for them I do also like I don't know the crystal halbert's really [ __ ] good though I'm tempted to save it for the DLC oh my God foreign man why you gotta do that in my face like that playing this like a no hit runner dude [Music] I'm gonna go kill Cameron gaping I think let's use a long sword for Capper I guess holy [ __ ] that plunge attack base tank straps all I get now he dies to a rat not a chance dude foreign played it safe but hey we got him we're honestly making really good progress on DS1 though I I feel like this run is going to be pretty quick we already killed Catherine gaping 2 which is good I'm gonna go kill Sif and butterfly with my plus and weapons I guess we can just use Bastard Sword for butterfly [Music] [Applause] oh we did get it nice [Music] [Music] what's he doing he's spinning in circles we could go do seeth I suppose God I hate this segment I feel like maybe I just should not use our TSR [Music] we got him all right let's try the Scimitar here Chad dude I got [ __ ] cucked again man give me that ass man rtsr is so good in this game I'm thinking we go to stray stray pinwheel and Nito I guess one more oh isn't that beautiful all right let's go ahead and use let's just use the battle ax for Neato now we go for the rtsr heads oh my God please die [Music] kind of scary all right we should go do gwyndolin and Priscilla not bad can we poison Priscilla so I will cut off her tail with this tail what the hell yeah oh my God it kind of sucks chat the weapon is so bad [Music] okay all right we chilling [Music] all right didn't get to whip Priscilla but that's that's okay we're gonna go do Four Kings and Bed of Chaos and then we'll finish we'll finish the run with DLC boss is brain dead yeah they really like Asylum Demon oh come on man give me rtsr you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh you pushed me a little he gave me it no don't [Applause] I've never used this weapon before I didn't [ __ ] know oh my God oh yeah Four Kings DLC and Gwen After Bed of Chaos that is you got him running ballad used a fist for ceaseless discharge I know I was I was waiting for somebody to say that all right so what weapon for artorius this thing I feel like this thing's gonna be too slow that's actually made and it's I am not whipping Artorias Chad that damage is not great bro I did not want to go for an extra attack [Music] yeah I knew I shouldn't have went for that you know maybe lightning Greatsword is not the best idea for this guy I I think a normal great sword would be better so the thing is I can use resin on this now I guess not sure if it's really gonna help much but oh okay it actually is what [Music] ah less orangey baby all right let's go I killed arctorius Sharon foreign so what weapon are we using for madness can you bleed Manus chat that damage is pretty good oh foreign foreign should do pretty good damage it attacks really fast as well foreign foreign we go yeah we can use the crystal grade sword I guess might be okay goodbye Glenn 11 hours 22 minutes 53 seconds that looks pretty good start as The Swordsman then I have to upgrade a lot of weapons for this one I think this is the first time I've ever started as The Swordsman class I guess I'll use the gold pioneer you guys didn't see anything all right got the silver serpent ring oh I'm ballisting this man oh redness Duke if only you could stack silver serpent rings all right guys are you ready for the door skip oh look at that we still got it baby all right we need to buy some weapons chat we need to load up I am not doing Covenant of Champions gravity a weapon for Dragon Rider yes all right I'm thinking like I'm trying to think where I want to go right now I guess skeleton Lords is probably fine I could just go buy the mace Kelly Lords we Pro yeah we'll probably just Kill Rotten oh dude vanilla DS2 is just so chill people buy the Rapier what what should I use I guess I could use a spear for rotten laughs all right we'll just Kill Rotten and then we can get the bonfire aesthetic after that we're gonna lose out on quite a few Souls because we don't have Mullins set but well the damages and you know it's not a Rapier but it'll it'll get the job done oh God stop that you know let's just go kill skeleton Lords foreign we're going to burn an aesthetic here all right what am I going to find next we could go kill flexile I guess go get the butterfly armor I do want to get Flynn's ring as well all right butterfly skirt beautiful oh wait we also need to murder maulin oh thank you all right guys are you ready for cheats uh there we go all right yeah baby so we are still gonna go in here for the Flynn's ring though all right we're gonna go kill flexile now okay short sword for flexile holy crap this short sword is busted foreign we should probably go kill uh hornstein I guess damage is still acceptable oh look at that damage all right I need to get more health decks Man level ups are so [ __ ] cheap in this game my God guess we could kill najka dude even like plus one weapons just destroy bosses in this game or not very tough fight that one I guess we could just use the S stock for uh evidence I want to use the crossbow on uh on Covetous but there's definitely not enough bolts to kill him that's fine there's a ton of good weapons in this game honestly all right let's go kill Freya and even even a plus two Club is just so small [Applause] so we have Sentinels guards and sinner plus one great Club should be good damage ain't bad it's a little slow that's not good foreign I'll just kill you let's use the bone Scythe for mytha early it'll be great I want to use the B cage let's upgrade it once all right time for smelty acceptable dude the R2 follow-up is so fast I don't know what weapon to use for Iron King this the spiders fang chat this thing doesn't seem very good well it's not the best but it's probably good to use it here look at that look at that consumption what is that yeah resins in this game are really good ah amazing dude pre-upgraded weapons are so nice all right we are going to drink Lake Castle I feel like we have enough weapons to kill like every boss that's left in the game right now what weapon do we use for Double Dragon Rider but just use the normal Greatsword guys I do not appreciate those bullying man this weapon is slow it's pretty hard so it's not even upgraded I think we should just use the Plus 8 says this for uh the mirror night maybe all right so you run under his legs like this then you get close and you bait out the attack and now he'll do like now he'll do lightning like three times in a row foreign it's not the worst foreign let's use oh yeah I was gonna use cestis that's why I'm tripping here God please I just need to decide my weapon ah let's use the plus seven sight oh my God okay this thing is strong oh that's gonna happen Honestly though we're making pretty good Pace in DS2 like we've got Guardian Dragon ancient dragon giant Lord Vendrick dark lurker and then like DLC we'll use the Blue Moon grade sword for this guy ah okay well I'm glad I got the bonfire the damage isn't that bad it's just you can barely hit this boss I don't know what this dragon is doing right now come on [ __ ] that was not a very enjoyable fight but uh we we got it all right we need a decent weapon for ancient dragon we definitely need upgrades otherwise ancient dragon is going to take like 10 minutes long okay what weapon should we use for ancient dragon Lost Sinner's Sword I suppose oh oh my God what is that durability loss this damage is not bad though with plus two oh we got rtsr at the end oh yeah off to Giant Lord foreign I guess we have to go do Vendrick yeah I need to go get all the giant souls though [Music] foreign boss fight let's go kill Rat Vanguard great video game Scully Lords Halbert ain't bad well we basically just have DLCs and dark lurker left chat I think damn this thing shreds pigs no pigs and this weapon is this weapon is insane damage is really good can you poison sin no I don't think so there's any boss you could poison it would not be him probably oh the black steel katana has re has 150 counter rating foreign I'll use two weapons for smelter yeah oh how do you like that [ __ ] goodbye all right that felt good damage Chad plus two and we're shredding in this field foreign foreign that was sick totally meant to do that man I wish there was more bosses left I'm not going to be able to use all these weapons okay here we go [Applause] foreign if you kill him when he jumps he'll Ragdoll and his body will just like go flying we'll use a long sword for the cat can you bleed the cat foreign oh God I guess we're using this one as well that's cheating I mean I'm gonna throw both the weapons away foreign s are dead we are gonna use red Iron Twin Blade here foreign foreign all right we just gotta go do dark lurker now and then the run is done foreign [Music] here's the wrathful ax for duo holy crap this thing is [Music] foreign yeah I'm gonna switch weapons for Nashandra I can use the key I guess oh there's a follow-up isn't it one weapon per boss I mean guys it doesn't really matter like we're just having fun it's the end of the Run time to Bonk all the uh weapon kind of sucks Chad York spear oh yeah now that's what I'm talking about baby like what is that multi hit it hits like seven times foreign thing is insane PS2 is done oh we could start Vagabond it has The Sword and the halberd I gotta say Eldon ring is actually probably one of the harder games to do this challenge in just because I mean you can get a lot of materials in this game but the scaling of late game bosses an album ring is [ __ ] up dude I'm sorry I'm just gonna do the typical start of the Run stuff I'm gonna get this golden seed kill the kill the knights Cavalry and then after that we should be good to go well I guess I'll I'll get radagon Source seal and then we'll kill Margaret and godric oh no there we go all right time for the big parries baby foreign I guess we're just gonna use long sword for godric not the most exciting weapon but plus one long sword here we go baby it's done [Applause] thank you holy [ __ ] that I just like doing in the dick why did that do 400 damage the Lord all right I am gonna go get godric's gray run I think I think it's a good idea I'm not sure what weapon to use for uh the red wool let's just use the Lord's the Lord sworn's great sword damn you remember Loretta all right I'm done messing with you screw you oh yeah we still need to kill Ronaldo let's use godric's axon right now [Music] should get a stung here oh yeah all right now we're gonna make her kneel oh come on no no no no no no no no that can damage the per the projectiles can damage you while they're in the air I actually didn't know that I love how we went from having like such we were that was like such a clean fight and then now we've devolved into this I need to go kill the crystalline for the smithing Stone badge or the bell I mean oh yeah fist in time baby now we can get some upgrades okay grab me please [Music] it's Perry time Chad lots and lots of parries [Music] [Music] I feel like I'm destined to die to every single boss in this Marathon today dude this is just all right all right you should be dead here I think we're gonna get a bleep proc ESS nope lead proc no it was coming all right we are just gonna use the serpent Hunter for this fight shaft because why not honestly it's done Morehead all right so what do we have next chat radon I guess we also need to kill virgin abductors you know what it worked though well we can go to Altus tunnel we can get a smithing stone three and four over there all right nice now we can get somber threes and fours that is perfect all right plus four reduvia for Radon wow foreign we need to go kill draconic tree Sentinel now [Music] looks like that's decent I'm not sure if I should do Margate right now or I could go do gargs and moose I don't think guards is going to be very fun right now so this damage isn't great [Music] plus five for morgant should be okayish I've never summoned her before I'm gonna do a chat let's go girl foreign I would like another deal please thank you [Music] foreign let's go to the whole chat yeah we're doing uh the deer next all right [Music] foreign I don't know what weapon to use for moose moose is pretty weak but we do want decent damage uh how do you like that chat oh [Music] what should I use for fire Giants Giants Crusher foreign right in the [ __ ] eye oh no how are you [ __ ] all right so the question is what do we kill duo with we definitely want to use a bleed weapon like 100 percent honestly I should just get Bloodhounds Fang and use that for duo [Music] [Music] foreign I think we should go do that now I guess I didn't need to upgrade this weapon as much as I did I think he's gonna die from this hole foreign [Music] all right you know it works got the job done oh wow okay that actually does a lot you can vacuum slicing half bath uh we can we can vacuum slice his head here Chad are you ready beautiful Let's see we can go do Estelle I guess foreign this thing has really good Poise damage I guess leave Croc man this thing has bleed right there we go I guess we can go do Loretta in the hailing tree hmm all right so you go you come up this rock if you drop down here okay there we go all right and then you can take this portal and you're basically in the in the clear [ __ ] you buddy foreign are you ready for this damage is gonna be insane Chad 1100 I mean not bad oh yeah get in the corner that's right where I want you I think you're gonna do an attack against me there's like something's making sound for my room oh right this weapon bleeds no fog guys rivers of blood time rivers of blood foreign [Music] I know I shouldn't have went for that hit foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign what do we have left we can do Moog with let's do mogu with the morgots bro you just threw that behind yourself foreign foreign I knew I was gonna get hit there but I thought I could tank it at least die I'm not messing around anymore let's go kill Placida sex [Music] [Music] are you getting so many staggers sharks are too spam nebula to the face good night uh what weapon do I want to use for Malachi got the charger too so bad [Music] foreign just tell me [Music] all right [ __ ] I think I'm gonna use or blade for horror Loop foreign [Music] [Music] tarnished just gonna blast this boss's butt open there we go Jesus booting up Dark Souls 3. all right we're just gonna start as assassins so we can get spook so we can go fast all right well gun deer with s stock obviously foreign there's not that many bosses in PS3 and there's a lot of weapons we can get so I think it'll be okay I will grab the Broad Sword yeah look at that so short down there too I never knew the Deep battle action was so good on board all right are you ready for this Chad playing this attack you can stun him vort's hammer and I guess we can also get Alice there Greatsword all right I think I might just go kill Abyss Watchers I could just use broadsword would be pretty good [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] to be honest I probably could use something else instead of boards here but it'll be good for Bowl mirror it should break the bracelets quite fast this weapon is so good the five boards Hammer I love you all right we're gonna go beat dancer with our ass I'm gonna just kill I'm gonna kill dancer just so I can get a lot of level UPS I guess all right bleed resin damage is not great but just wait for the bleed procs chat not work on her anymore there we go oh my God foreign [Music] [Music] 80 000 Souls from that not bad yeah bleed resin kind of sucks dude took like 25 hits to bleed her once lost three dagger for sage it's not Perry Sage I guess foreign what should we use for beacons [Music] so we've got pontiff pontiff and yorm that we gotta kill I guess we should go do yarn first foreign please don't be terrible [Music] fine we got bleeds on our side Chad foreign [Music] stop running around hopefully this damage should be decent I think it should be okay oh yeah that's acceptable we probably could have rolled with plus one even but oh yeah [Music] [Music] goodbye goodbye plus three Scimitar for Aldrich I guess this is gonna be awful I mean it's not the worst damage I've seen foreign [Music] foreign do many things I give 50 extra Souls let's go kill wyvern [ __ ] YouTube oh yeah we are getting so many Souls now oh that's so good all right we have to go do dragon slayer armor oh let's let's let's beat dragon slayer armor with some hammers let's just get 27 health I just I'm gonna play it safe honestly foreign [Music] foreign [Music] we're gonna go kill princess and then nameless and then we just have DLCs [Applause] [Music] foreign this weapon is actually really good for hitting uh actually really good for hitting the princes thank you all right nameless King I guess we're using the Black Blade foreign foreign there we go [Music] all right so we've got the twin blades Frida we've got astoras for Half-Life we've got the Black Knight greatax for demon princes tipped feet I've seen I'm sorry [Applause] [Music] foreign just not yet oh my God better than men's all right are you guys ready for this damage Black Knight greatax is really good against uh demon princes because it is used to face chaos demons it gets like I think it's a 20 damage buff against demons I actually don't want to kill the other guy although I probably could get away with it but [Music] [Music] wow the Stagger again already holy crap I was pretty good for demon princes all right I have a great ax I can use let's go let's go kill grave tender with this thing yeah that's right that's right first one hit at a time one [Music] foreign [Music] if you would think after playing these games for like 10 000 hours you would maybe learned nope I guess we could use Dragon surf great ax for this guy we have madeir Half-Life Gale and soul of Cinder half light's going to be really easy chat just you wait how much does the weapon Arc do my faith isn't that nice [Music] knew he was one hit away dude for it is there any other side bosses I didn't do I think we got all of them are you guys ready to see the power of this weapon [Music] halflight does deserve that foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] foreign God all right parade blade for soul of Cinder foreign foreign foreign [Music] we did a chat we did it [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Distortion2
Views: 826,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Distortion2, Distortion2 elden ring, distortion2 sekiro, distortion2 dark souls, distortion2 dark souls 3, distortion2 dark souls iii, distortion2 bloodborne, distortion2 marathon, distortion2 souls marathon, beating every souls game boss, beating every souls game boss with a different weapon, dark souls all weapons run, distortion2 dark souls marathon, dist2 elden ring, dist2 dark souls, dist2 dark souls 3, dist2 souls marathon, dist2 marathon, speedrun marathon, dark souls
Id: KpJeubPInng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 54sec (8574 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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