Beating Dark Souls 3 by Incredibly Stupid Means

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good news guys uh we beat all of the DLC and all of the end game bosses uh now it's time to fight our first Lord of Cinder because we literally can't go anywhere else and we're level 92. oh wait hang on I've got a fat roll hang on dang oh don't don't come in oh no you have 95 of your health ow guys please all right let's see what you got that's face one done oh we've completely broken the rest of this we've broken the progression in this game so bad Dark Souls 3 is for I don't know what they were thinking with this one they dropped the prepared to Daddy slogan he's almost dead what a boss oh there's our first uh Cinders of the Lord this guy's just watching from the door it's like holy [ __ ] hey bud how you doing this is gonna be a really casual walk through this area this is basically Kirby difficulty now hang on this feels appropriate for the level we're now playing the game at just having fun exploring look at this guy you see him hey bud bye bud don't get up there's some Logic for which ones hurt you here don't be dab divido hey bud I'll get up yeah it still counts as a kill it's a big sword I even got that bigger sword [Music] good fight what do you really [Music] I finally have my first one and the Dark Soul it's very menacing with the Kirby music just playing over this oh [Music] um and I need to give this a smack hey fellas how you doing all right oh this is embarrassing let's go gang's all made it there and how's it going fellas good to have you here awesome scary looking boys here Gary is a strong term you alive oh you're alive oh you're YouTube kidding me no come on what was that okay Walter White should be well acquainted with the depths of hell oh Bezos that's a different Jeff Bezos character trusty patches wait I feel like we can trust trusty patches get him in [Music] G golly I wonder who that could be I wonder this particular profit wait a minute what an inconspicuous statue patches I love you man but like yeah I don't think the environment is helping you this time [Music] do you think he saw me wait wait wait I have a plan for her hang on let me just uh we just clean up Henry's friend here this will just take a moment fellas Iris has been hushed oh we've really we really need to go back to the bonfire we really shouldn't be here behold I am hidden I am hit like this this is a terrible idea this is a really bad idea behold oh oh thank you Walter thank you and Walter was just chipping away at him thank you for guiding me through the depths of Hell only bald men would be acquainted with just like do it oh I will give you we'll give you an honorable burial hang on give him the Febreze can't believe Amazon is canonically dead I think patches is still in here somewhere too how did Walter leave a pirate and gift he did dunk oh no no it wasn't Walter oh look at him he's so chuffed with himself yeah it's time time to clean up another boss with uh the only way we know how slap some Febreze on you this guy doesn't know how to walk that well oh a little more clean and product for you we're Caster build the objective I I think he's just dead he really didn't know how to walk so he really didn't stand a chance [Music] yeah he's dead he had like a bald Army that actually killed him and I sprayed for breeze on him until his skin burned don't worry his corpse is very clean I know I shouldn't touch it but it feels like this boss boarded most is quite preventable ah sweet a free [ __ ] I don't think I can kill this one Febreze this this is like a puzzle boss hey Fred how you doing so I got a hit his nice little bracelets here [Music] that's gonna cause him to slip and slide there we go puzzle blast moment not much going on here well [Music] the Adventure Continues oh hello okay yeah you want to see my spell oh they are just destroying me thank god oh hello there let's see treasure ahead at least the NPC that has a quest but you keep walking fast a traveler all right traveler please I love an important message for you [Music] hey dark Spirit funny references here hey how's it going bud oh that's a much more commanding I've just shouting much we get Wario the wide and on the on the hay action get another one no Warriors too wide Wario no average RT fat is also invaded this okay yeah how's it going what's this I think this is worse than the hay it works of Katarina offer my deepest strategy just fine well that I'm good he's gonna have a nap boys he's gonna have a nap is a nice toast God forbid we interrupt your sleep Secret is this even Dark Souls anymore well I can't tell who's who can't tell like every color of the rainbow in here the elevators just got a mind of its own yeah everyone on fellas everyone on gonna be quick no no stop he's going in for a hug okay everyone on boys everyone on okay we'll just go fellas no no go up please okay there we go up I can't go back down I'm trying to get him to go up oh God damn it I I don't I don't want to hit the Mad Phantom oh CEO no Waluigi no CEO passes I'm sorry I didn't know you were here um I can make my way back to pontiff but I need to reload um I don't know if the gang wants to leave real quick so I could um just spend my Souls it's up in half of the patches pontiff Sullivan it's one of the coolest like set pieces and just kind of bosses lore wise this guy's from the peanut world I I really need to use my Estus buddy oh my God doesn't give you a chance I don't think I'm gonna have much chance to use magic here oh unless he stands perfectly still unless he okay this is it's quite the clan pontiff hey is is clones are almost dead we just work away on that clone again oh he's alive there we go it was so bad down here we got some Beastie Boys so what I'm gonna see and try and attempt get some good old Febreze to give these dogs a nice bat okay that they they might know I'm here they might know I'm here but that's honestly not that much of a problem oh God foreign the size of these arrows like that's just like through probably several organs I was wondering like my foot too I didn't even get me there oh no why did I bounce he hold his eye disappear okay he knows he knows he knows oh yeah we're supposed to get married or something I forgot about this hang on hey how's it going right of a vowel yeah so this this is like uh a real Dark Souls moment where it's like what is going on and no one really knows like I I really don't know what's going on in this moment unfortunately as you might guess um Pearson Henry true the skull does fail her questline so we're not going to be able to advance that anymore are you doing Henry she's just she's gonna take some some time out like me and the missus on our wedding night who's the best man apparently I mean apparently this guy with like the rock on his back but I have to guess he's the only other person about oh no wait no they're dead now as well okay this this is like a real oh [ __ ] moment when you're playing it through the first time welcome back to Anna Orlando case you didn't couldn't tell before Big Boy Aldrich he might look a little familiar uh that's because he's currently eating gwyndolin Superstar hack it away at him is the Mist gonna be good here okay it's not gonna work if he's just immediately running he keeps just running it's just on the Run I've never seen him like teleport away this much really fears you apparently oh my God foreign just get peppers and he's he's not that tricky thankfully especially that we've got like armor and Estes like we're just like a damaging tank you just can't get through us we're too bulky oh you're gray rat by the way he now wants to go into Lottery castle if you send him there he will simply die I have a little fate no no you you can't save him this time no he just dies you do get new items if he dies though oh hang on okay yeah no Dark Souls NPC logic yeah okay see you later hang on I heard you have a shiny new collectible if you uh die out in the field there thank you placing your training yeah no problem I'll uh I'll collect it later oh I forgot about you I completely forgot just random jump scares as you go through this one these guys if they look at you uh they reduce your maximum HP and try and murder you that way so you gotta be really careful [Applause] guys please this is the worst Mage I've ever seen look I cast a fire spell fire on a stick hey oh look it's a friendly fellow wait does he drop anything if you kill him oh I feel bad though I shouldn't be doing that I'm gonna just lose Max health why'd I do that this guy's just gonna like drink my health again [Music] oh God [Music] oh why you sentient on the worst thank you [Music] oh my God I'm so injured holy YouTube these draining everything I've got you need to stop you cook damaged at those crazy only some sort of raged attacker magic mods time that person out for a personal attack or 10 seconds please thank god oh I I don't think I want to drop down there can I get him with the Mist no it's it's not it's not quite working that was just a febreze closet on this floor I don't I don't think I want to do this no no I don't I really don't thank you I don't want to be here I really need to go open the door open the door [Music] okay no apparently he was in agony that entire time we just couldn't see the progress for some reason God I'm really badly hurt now I gotta have to clean up the rats a bit let me just started taking some pot shots oh they noticed they're like just turned into whichever one of them dies sorry now we can sneakily kill the jailers they're not gonna know what hits them okay they're still gonna drain my help but I can drain theirs too oh my God there's a lot of them holy YouTube it's the get some of that down yep hello around it boys huddle around it and now [Music] pick them off foreign defeated [Music] [Applause] so unnecessary like why I know what happens when you cross the bridge but I'm curious if I just cast hidden body okay no he still knows hey but does he no he didn't know magic build by the way yeah there's just a weird reference here you remember the Dark Souls 2 ladder guy he's just here for some reason not sure either apparently popped out of a lot of ladders before you went he died doing what he loved something good up there but we need to fight the the demon babies first you know a bit of Febreze should clean him up nice and easy [Music] I think that's what those are supposed to be kind of demon baby though Port sorcerer outfit that's cool for magic user as myself it could be something to consider no more Febreze we gotta do a little bit of cleaning there oh no I'm actually out of magic [Music] Court sorcerer's staff holy YouTube did we get like a is it good oh my God it's a scaling it's actually good I don't have any magic this time okay I have one thing I missed I don't think the baby can fit through the door oh we're in a world of trouble now it's a lot of demon babies in there [Music] maybe if I just go slow they won't notice [Music] run oh wait no but that one dropped the ax the other ones might have something oh I think I need to kill him okay all right oh mistake yeah the the others literally only have YouTube it's unfortunate I'm driving crazy oh YouTube this is the Caster ring oh no I okay I have to actually wear this as a sorcerer or like this is just actually offensive at this point I have to put this on which means I need to change some of my armor around do you remember back when we killed Osiris and we got a uh gesture in the room past him uh well this is finally the spot in the game where you are supposed to use it so I gotta have a nice little meditation here have a little sleep surprise the Hat's staying on yeah this is another optional kind of secret area so difficulty wise um you're supposed to visit here presumably after Osiris and also for being here it kind of presumes well you've only just killed like the dancer which um you might remember we did in our second stream I have a workers oh I forgot about you you underestimate my capabilities oh Young old friend I gotta make sure he doesn't stand in the Febreze just gotta be careful with positioning come on secret oh perfect he can do it behold don't underestimate my magic get them sing words don't forget me and my magical capabilities I'm helping too Adam's Secret shut up Secret okay the problem there is we didn't use enough magic he had to take to take phone oh sorry my mom's calling I gotta pick up I gotta pick up behold by spells a box of tricks if you you're please look at me please just stop killing them oh my God he's already dead he just didn't pay it okay we'll we'll just die just reset it just reset it it just immediately died oh no he's still dead no see well this is okay we'll avenge him let me get this one for onion bro step into my trap There Is No Escape From the Febreze you cannot persist against my magic yeah we are a sorcerer shall persist is that the storm rules could only defeat you if you forgot that's which cleans the blade you cannot overcome my sorcery I am too strong for New York there's nothing you can do foreign we are a sorcerer he's the second storm rule as well so this is actually a puzzle boss you're supposed to use this sword to beat him um but we have something stronger than the sword can I wield his armor I think it's gonna be way too heavy but mostly there are mostly there Caster build by the way can you fight this boss normally I might be able to Febreze hang on this is a puzzle Boss by the way you're supposed to go around the arena and there's a way to like just stab him in the heart or something the Febreze works well guess what we're doing boys sorcerer build like this is better than a lot of other things we could be doing better ones down astroville actually shocking I think I struggle for quite some time fighting this boss melee I honestly the Febreze is where it's at there's even a message here plunge and attack games like trying to direct you remember pry a plungent attack weakness head plungeon attack please please for the love of God try a plunge and attack you have to wonder how things went with the play testers like I like to assume that imagine there's a world where it's like they just didn't know it's like what do I do against the dragon and so Miyazaki like last minute was like just just write the message everywhere they can't miss it there's the Dragon Boy there he is okay I was wondering can't be good can't be good okay all right let's let's try the new spell that's really bad oh table oh my God wait I have a new Strat against Havel soak some of that up it's good for you come on [Music] all right just it's leaving bait make sure we hit that real quick I will please have all please [Music] there we go he's been outplayed okay ready to Febreze the nameless King how is it going I think I'm supposed to hit him in the head rather than the ankle wait I can hit him a different way all right just positioning in general the perspective is a bit drank on this one thank you like the perspective is all over the place there we go okay round two he doesn't stagger this isn't like freedom but Jesus we're doing pretty well all things considered [Applause] considering he's not that hard of a boss it doesn't seem it there we go oh God this might be a little scary oh we can get a cool finish on him there we go yeah he's really not that bad nameless King is kind of just like not as good Gail Canberra is the awful bit of it yeah so so this is what was locking us you have to wait for this guy to just show up dead and he conveniently has the key so you can progress which is just really annoying we could have been in here so much earlier Better Dark Souls mechanic press a to dunk your head in wax this is apparently something that you want to do I think that's what the wax protects you from I can't remember my god I've just tried I just want to get the item down there no stop oh my god oh I'm gonna enjoy killing you guys please oh my God please I just want to get up go for it where are you thank God Z can't respawn I don't have to deal with him anymore all these sorceries and you see even he knows I'm a sorcerer I can check on hawkwood real quick I think for him it's just um It's gotta go to the abyss Watchers there he is he's now just hostile and he wants to be a dragon so depending on how you go through archdragon Peak um there's a summon sign where you can see him doing like the right and stuff like that um but for whatever reason he just decided to pack up and leave oh he's dead now there you go you can now play in Dragon mode if you so choose I think I have to die to get rid of this now as well good Lord it's too many I'm dead so yeah that that's Dragon form oh my God oh hey great ride how you doing oh no he's not fared well hey bud oh God okay you're a little scarier when you got a friend thankfully I think he immediately abandoned you I have no idea where he went oh there's like a band of adventurous take care of them wait but we're not done okay that's really not that good consider it is it time for the owl decoy that's gonna work against the boss I I I could fool him by transforming to something inconspicuous become a Master of Disguise they're not gonna know we're trying to cross the bridge kill the twin princess no one will notice just play it cool play it cool no there's nothing to see here there's nothing to do oh no okay this is the final Lord of Cinder come to claim what is rightfully mine welcome and killed old one her loin Earth symbols and you the mantle of Lord interests me none the fire linking curse the legacy of Lords let it all fade into nothing you've done quite enough now have your rest yeah so the reason this game's part is even set in motion is because lothric didn't want to link fire believe it is oh god oh jeez so that kind of started a mass event where everyone had to come back from across the ages like a mad scramble to get someone pretty much anyone just to link it I guess I just died oh my God they can't stagger them I keep thinking it's like a sister Frida case oh you can there we go before that is our curse I think it's actually one of the few ins of the Soul Series where a character's lips move I I really need the heel oh God okay all right everything's a two for an house the prop if I get hurt that's it oh wait why did he do that he accidentally clicked her once so that kind of feels like here we go okay you can lock on to help you with this one stop kicking them don't move I want to see what he does [Music] that's it that's an interesting discovery he's almost dead oh I'm actually kind of shocked that's even a thing that works I should have got the Mist in oh dear brother he holds My ultimate power it's just himself there we go I'm dealing most of his health there in the first phase before he just poppled over to me really made a difference I can't believe that's a thing okay let's gear on up for this time for the Lord to take their Thrones here's lothric in the main one severed head it will do it's just one of the Abyss Watchers here is yorm Big Boy Head Noble Lords of Cinder Waluigi has become all-powerful he's looking a bit more human isn't he this was jerky last we saw him I have another mask on to the Kiln of the first flame attack sign is well in the sky see welcome back to the drag keep this is where the DLC takes place that's why I was shocked that like we could do it so early so this is when you're really supposed to start dlc2 shout out of course to the NPC summon gang we have not seen them today but I hope you've all enjoyed the adventure too shout out to the wonderful cast of characters like Mr Clean sad Bezos Pope Wario wide Wario another Wario the other Wario different Wario Luigi Mario Daisy I think another Wario in there I mean this is this is it for the for the soul series as well I think it was sneaky when we entered the fight he might not notice us for a bit longer and this might give us a bit of a head start hoping I can get in here with the Febreze I know no he's he's absolutely noticed there he is [Music] oh foreign go go my magic we are Sorcerers oh I'm out of magic [Music] thank you Febreze off foreign thank you sorcerer build by the way oh God okay one more Febreze for good measure I'll miss you friend most powerful magic of them all is this right oh no well I think it might be yeah no okay we got it this is like the secret ending this is the hardest one to get while Luigi has absorbed the flame oh most powerful Sorcerer of them all he has become John Dark Soul foreign [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 347,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, rtgamecrowd, rt gaming, funny, video games, games, gameplay, rt game, dark souls, dark souls 3, dark souls dancer, dark souls 3 funny, dark souls funny, dark souls magic, dark souls 3 magic, dark souls 3 bosses, dark souls 3 let's play, ds3, dark souls 3 aldritch, dark souls 3 lore, dark souls 3 pontiff, dark souls 3 lothric, dark souls 3 abyss watchers, dark souls 3 siegeward, dark souls 3 yhorm, dark souls 3 mist
Id: 1X7dIMm9YUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 50sec (2630 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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