Can You Beat MASTER MODE Terraria With ONLY FLAILS?

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hello everybody waffle time here aha I've caught you Gamers lacking you thought this is going to be an average run-of-the-mill Waffle Time introduction experience but no it's not pop quiz an eyeball within a heart within a brain that for some reason has teeth and tentacles as flying towards you at mach speed with absolutely zero regard for how you feel physically you have very few options to retaliate will you a throw a spiky ball at it B throw a chain at it or C expose its search history from 2014 when videos pertaining to passion-filled moments with Hot Pockets were relevant for some odd reason what do you choose time's a ticket the eyeballs and tentacles are getting closer and closer as we speak and you don't want to find yourself on the old animated category of a special little website we all know of unfortunately statistics show 99.8 percent of you are incorrect while you get half points for choosing option C you get full points if you answered knowing that this was in fact a trick question what you're meant to do is combine your chain and your spiky ball in order to make a flail to defend yourself from things that have no business being within breath smelling distance which is precisely what we're going to be doing today today we will find the answer to your burning question can you beat Terraria in master mode using only flails before we jump in I want to make it clear that I will not be spawning in with the flail but I'll try and get one as soon as possible then as soon as I have one it's nothing but flailing from that moment forth I'll also be using Fargo's mutant mod simply for convenience as well as a couple others which I'll put down in the description if you're interested lastly please do be advised that this was recorded before the release of 1.4.4 with all that being said let's Jump Right In shall we we instantly load into the world in great agonizing and paralyzing fear as to how in the blue [ __ ] we're going to get amazed we plot as we chop down some trees epic gamer fortnite style as we truly have two options in order to really get this play through crackalackin option one we can start digging and exploring and maybe and I mean [ __ ] maybe we have a slim chance of finding ourselves a maze to start with or if we wind up having corruption we could skip several steps ahead by finding bombs in a bit of gear and getting very very lucky with Shadow orb drops in order to get the bolo hurt that is if we have the corruption which knowing our luck is a fat [ __ ] chance having to said we 360 no scope some housing for the future NPCs to move into hoping that everyone is able to move in quickly so we can experience juicy juicy game progression at speeds that are unhealthy and jarring for our mortal flesh we run a tad bit to the left to see there's some Cactus armor sitting for the taking however it's still in plant form so we get to chopping immediately one of our first foes of vulture tries to pick our brains not just with words but instead his goddamn toes in his mouth but fails like the dumb no brain cell having Dingle dongle he is his cousin however held more than one single brain cell and somehow managed to sick his dogs on me in a way that was detrimental for my physical well-being having this said we make some Cactus armor and head out with a head full of steam in order to go explore okay we make some Cactus armor and begin carving down into the Earth where there aren't zombies that could pull my spine out and beat me to death with it we open a chest full of shell shock War flashbacks to our boomerangs only video run to the right for literally two seconds and get publicly degraded by a swarm of eaters we are not pleased with this public degradation not one bit but we are quite pleased that it was an eater publicly degrading us and not a face monster because this means we could get our hands on the old Bala hurt which as its name suggests heat seeks straight for our enemies nut sacks wherever some enemies fat nards are the ball of hurt aka the vasectomizer will find them with this information fresh in our Cranium we head over to the left instead to potentially get some bombs and have the demolitionists move in in order to get our hands on that vasectomizer and weaponize it within about five seconds we find ourselves in the jungle and are promptly sent to an appointment with Dr Bones Who Doctor bones us in a way that would certainly get me demonetized if I were to go into great detail on we go down our elevator a bit more and find some stupid [ __ ] beach loot perfect that is exactly what we needed in this flails only run a breathing read and the capability to make sand castles perfect we make ourselves a tin helmet to feel slightly more secure about our looks than go mining even more and find ourselves a cloud in a bottle traditionally loot I could not be upset about in the slightest however under the circumstances that I have been poking slimes that could eat glass without blinking with a goddamn copper stick I am not extraordinarily pleased what I am in fact extraordinarily pleased about is that we did pull some bombs from that chest resulting in our sweet tiny baby man demolitionist to move in shortly after thank the high [ __ ] heavens we have the ability to go get an awesome weapon now to truly start this playthrough we buy some bombs and immediately swing to the right where we find the actual most conveniently placed tunnel to the underground Corruption of all time we quickly barricade ourselves in to hide from the eaters who have no idea we have the capability of wielding the vasectomizer and bomb out the first Shadow orb which gives us a musket no problem no problem we knew the strap was coming first where the concern truly begins to arise is when we get a vile Thorn on our second or bursting session and while this weapon can probably give any enemy in this game an immediate urinary tract infection of upon being hit with it it is of no use to us in this playthrough we have no choice but to and I quote raw Doggett to the last orb in hopes that we get our beautiful weapon as the bomb blows up the final orb I see a band of star power drop then have quite literally one second to fear for my [ __ ] life before we inevitably get bored this playthrough is now tainted and we will be looked at differently by every single one of our NPCs as we have officially and unfortunately been [ __ ] wormed God damn it we quickly rushed back and blow up our fourth orb which gives us you guessed it another stupid idiot dumb imbecilic silly mode musket God damn it wanna guess what we got on our fifth orb yeah God damn it oh I'm gonna lose it upon our sixth ore before being warmed in a far more gruesome and potentially rated X manner than I ever once thought possible we see The Shining silhouette of a vasectomizer fall gracefully into our inventory this right here this will allow us to start slapping the balls around of the enemies that once slapped ours and brother we have some balls to slap with this being said we pile Drive our way into the cavern layer ball blasting the mobs as we go along entirely flourishing with our new weapon in order to collect some ores and potentially yummy yummy accessories to prepare for the boss battles to come we begin to stack up on loads of ores then begin to get [ __ ] boned wormed boned when will it end now that we're home cleansed from that boning we make ourselves some mixed match armor to decrease the chance of being boned in the future then go on to make ourselves a platinum pickaxe to mine a tad bit faster potentially saving our delicate smoothed over asses from the various mobs who all seem to have an infatuation for Terraria player salad tossing we run over to the left and utterly failed the piranha potion drinking at 3am challenge then make our way into the underground jungle gym get some delicious underground jungle loot ah here we go loot that is not going to help us in the slightest a radar excellent that way we can look at it and detect that we're about to die in three seconds when a mob is nearby ah a seaweed to summon a turtle that'll help us have a little turtle witness to watch us be disemboweled by Eldritch deities we also managed to find a hornet Stinger lodged directly into our frontal lobe excellent that was a fruitful Endeavor I am very happy that we ventured into the underground jungle in order to help shove these emotions down until they eventually resurface in our late 40s when we have a family to take it out on WE quickly make a shelter for our nurse and arms dealer ah yes Cactus housing excellent method of bottling it all up deep down inside after taking time to enact the healthiest method of processing emotions we make a hellevator in order to get some more oars and loot we get a flare gun that will help us light our NPC's housing on fire the next time there's a minor inconvenience that occurs resulting in US snapping entirely awesome positive mindset positive outlook on life positively [ __ ] decimate mated by a hand crafted specially wrapped red special ah it was shoe spikes we died for all right I guess I'm close Hermes boots finally thank the high [ __ ] Heavens I was one bad accessory away from turning this channel into an obnoxious vlogging Channel and losing all touch with my sense of humanity directly after that we obtain a magic mirror which sends me backwards on The evolutionary chart how did we get this good of loot in a sequence how we good loot loot we get some more Ores and loot then make a quick house for our sweet sweet smooth skin demolitionist down near hell before heading back to the safety that lies above ground we go on to finish sprucing up our armor set in order to prepare us for battle effectively dripping us out beyond measure it's as they say drip or drown and brother I have no business to do underwater or in the ocean in this playthrough so I reasonably have no suspicion of us drowning at any point in this playthrough so with that being said I am safely able to assume within great statistical probability that we are in fact equipped with the drip with our newly acquired drip drop we make a quick Arena setup for the Eye of Cthulhu which simply consists of a single row of platforms then we charge head version to the underground jungle yet again in order to hopefully find some better accessories for this battle we instead find a flail geez [ __ ] danks that's nice we also find ourselves a staff of regrowth cool I guess we find the face of God Weeping at the things we say in these Unholy playthroughs when a jungle bat replaces our vital organs then we find ourselves making NPC housing again to feel all better about this absolutely diabolically useless goddamn Endeavor this is When the Thought occurs we do in fact ball so why have we not even considered [ __ ] it we grab What potions we have and prepare to battle the Eye of Cthulhu with the dog [ __ ] accessories we currently hold why because [ __ ] it we ball this battle in its entirety was none other than a simple learning experience the first phase goes swimmingly as I see that we can directly attack the eye with the minimal range of the flail while also spinning the ever-loving [ __ ] out of the flail in order to defend ourselves from his eyeball dashes as well as his tiny online eyeball Sims that attack us for not donating our left kidney a right testicle in both eyeballs to their beloved streamer Overlord the second phases a tad bit more frightening as it is much harder to get an attack to land when this over-inflated eyeball is properly breaking it the [ __ ] down on the Dance Floor this bad boy is inflicting scoliosis on everyone who can see him with the odd curvature of his eyeball spine and the absolutely unnecessary amount of [ __ ] speed he is able to obtain with it perhaps it works as a slingshot who knows one thing I do know is I'm in great and utter fear for my life as he enters spine Blaster mode angry we have a normal spine he loses all control and dashes like a deranged animal leaving us no choice but to spin our flail as hard as humanly possible with this method he eventually dashes directly into our infinite circle of ball busting power and showers spaghetti noodle eyeball intestines all over us which in any other case I would be quite disgruntled and traumatized by but in this case I absolutely [ __ ] bask in we now have ourselves a shield of Cthulhu an accessory that will be glued to us for the vast majority of this playthrough feeling a surge of confidence we cropped up a summon for the King Slime who have apparently has had quite enough of being absolutely bullied by us slips us nine laxatives in our cafeteria lunch food and proceeds to punch Us in the throat after we [ __ ] our pants in front of our entire college class this analogy is perfection in this scenario because not only did we get our ass beat by something that should have stood no chance against us but we are also downright to the core in our heart and mind sent to the outer edge of the [ __ ] Galaxy by humiliation how did this happen why did this happen who am I with quite literally nothing left to lose we do some quick exploring and begin to Fashion an arena for the Eater of world we begin to Fashion an arena for the Eater of Worlds and sleep to physical and emotional degradation away to prepare for battle we throw down a couple of campfires for some boosted life regen and summon him up immediately now hear me out the flail Works phenomenally against the Eater of Worlds it can Pierce multiple segments of its fat cancerous disease-ridden foul smelling body and we can spin our flail around at the speed of sound in order to combat him Hawking fat [ __ ] lookies at our foreheads that he launches in hopes of feeling better about being the reason for his parents divorce what does not work phenomenally is taking any sort of damage at all from him as he kicks harder than a horse who found out about the absolute [ __ ] atrocities people draw about him on the internet we slowly chip away at his health trying not to split him into multiple equally as foul smelling segments but failing nonetheless as we eventually have several fat disgusting worms circling around our wormless body and brother they would all love to warm us it gets dangerously and I mean dangerously [ __ ] close to being a one-way ticket to wormtown but we spin our flail as hard as we can to give ourselves some time to heal and make great use of The Shield of cthulhu's Dash in order to defend our wormless bodies much to the distaste of our sense of smell we break the worm man down into very small extraordinarily less intimidating segments and take them out with our flail one by one eventually with many nose plugs and awkward shirt over nose interactions we managed to squeak out yet another epic gamer dub over the Eater of Worlds life is triple double got got combo good now because not only do we have a new sick ass accessory the worm scarf but we can now make a pickaxe strong enough to exploit of its natural resources and God damn it we have 19 car batteries to throw in that lava ocean so we get directly to business we make ourselves a nightmare Pickaxe collect an absolutely obscene amount of obsidian get some Obsidian Skin potions and plunge head first into the lava in Hell In order to collect an amount of hellstone equivalent to the amount of times that scarfaces had a clogged nose we collect an unnecessary amount of hellstone in this episode's epic gamer mowing session dodging all of the use sound like insert other content creator name here comments that make us want to eat a concrete divider then promptly head to the surface to make ourselves a full set of hellstone armor and tools drip and I cannot emphasize this enough or drown and we got the [ __ ] snorkel we take our drip and our snorkel so we don't drown a bit to the right of our base in order to make a quick Invasion defense Farm to prevent the pirates from giving us the clap and also prevent the goblins from pegging us but Waffle Time Waffle Time why would gobbles need to pay you they're dominantly men so wouldn't they just be able to no no no they wouldn't and here's why go ahead and reforge a hardmode weapon or any High tier accessory once with the Goblin tinkerer and please come back to me and just try to look me in the eyes and tell me that he has a dick and balls exactly nothing there smooth aerodynamic skin patch so yeah prevent the goblins from pegging us they don't have wieners and we do so their discussion over what's done speaking of goblins who all don't have a wiener these weinerless bastards heard the [ __ ] we were talking on them and decided to pay us a visit so we hide in our coward pyramid until the event is over with cool calm collected [ __ ] thriving now that the pesky anti-weiner crowd is out of our hair and in the lava instead we could go find the goblin stinkerer but first we have a bone to pick with a special little someone who gave us an atomic wedgie in the distant past that's right who else but King Slime every single flail swing that has landed in his fat loathsome body is one less therapy session I'm gonna need in the future which not only saves the sanctity of our credit card a small inkling of an amount but also reduces our total therapy sessions needed to only 1097 an astounding difference to where we were before this battle I feel good I feel safe sound and ready to explore the underground jungle in order to find a hive and apparently in order to get exploded into 1 000 equally annoyed and inconvenienced pieces God damn it through looting the jungle we managed to find ourselves an anklet of the wind some cute little flower boots to look cute in finally some honest to [ __ ] God Pharaoh Claws and a goblin tinkerer who is thankfully guarded by several mobs who proceed to shoot Stingers through my cerebral cortex awesome new Stingers in my esophagus and Terraria today this one's my favorite so far nice job team [ __ ] we go back down and not only find a juicy Hive right for the picking but find our beloved Goblin cuck bound on top of it who he immediately point at and make fun of and also by some size 14 or 15 rocket boots depending on the brand in order to make some sick as Specter boots after collecting a handful of Life Crystals we head up and use them all to max out our health then make our Spectra boots and immediately turn them into lightning boots this means we are now fast as [ __ ] son so we do as anyone in their right state of mind would do and grind out a couple IAM cthulhu's in order to feel the warm shower of internal organs fall over our heads to really sell celebrate our victory in getting some actually worthwhile accessories we are not sociopaths this is regular with quite literally no goddamn time to waste we lug our happy asses to the right over to the dungeon in order to take out a giant bone that learned to fly we quickly fashioned an arena in order to give this flying skull an extra bone but this one would be lodged directly into his eye socket as soon as night falls We Begin the battle we drag his big bony ass back and forth to and fro there to there right to left side to side and take out his unreasonably large Man Hands in order to put a dent and that's tremendous bald sleek and shiny Dome of his he shoots skulls at us we shoot various insults back in order to directly harm his emotions as his big ass head has a lot of Defense hey Johnny since called says he wants his hair back I'm a religious man with holistic values I don't like pornographic comparisons very much [ __ ] got him epic gamer style another thing that is quite epic about this dub is the fact that we now have access to the dungeon meaning we could potentially get a new flail as well as a shadow key to get an even better flail than that anyways we nearly immediately find ourselves a dungeon slime who void a key and use it to unlock our first chest which contains a useless goddamn magic Missile but an extraordinarily useful Shadow key we also find a mechanic free her then just leave her down in the dungeon instead of escorting a router trying to save her we get an ugly stinky miramasa a beautiful delicious smelling Cobalt shield and with this and a shadow key in our inventory we head on up in order to prepare for shadow chest hunting so we could get that juicy juicy Sun Fury we also take the time from our very busy very important and top secret insano mode schedule to build a sick ass setup for the chippy's couch we obtained from Skeletron why you ask because chippy is [ __ ] epic that's why in no time at all we begin the pillaging of the visually agonizing demon frat boy dorms where every single one has a poster of a Lamborghini and another poster of a semi nude woman on the wall to show what they like I guess having this said we begin the panty raid and start busting open chests we find ourselves a dark Lance magnet magnet magnet dark Lance flame lash magnet dark Lance a beautiful beautiful [ __ ] Sun Fury and just to wrap things up since we've almost successfully looted the entirety of Hell to get our sun Fury magnet again perfect thank the High Heavens that this is over with if I see another Shadow chest without playthrough specific loot in it I am going to throw up on my keyboard and never clean it off I'll just keep playing through the sog we quickly reforge our sun Fury and grab our items to take on none other than the great Queen P yourself we waste no time in finding a hive and clearing out a rather funking gargantuan Arena to take on the Stinger wielding insect mandible possessing infinite tiny bee producing Abomination we swiftly add some quick fixes to our Arena then summon her up immediately while we don't necessarily have to defeat Queen P to really Advance this playthrough as he drops nothing indispensable for us it is still a means to an end so we slap the perkiness right out of this Bee's thorax with the force of one demonic Sun Fury that has a thing for harming insects the sun Fury goes to Absolute [ __ ] town on the queen P partially because the sun Fury has no ears or eyes and cannot hear or see the queen P attempting to sell gamer bee urine to all of her Hive that serve as her stream servants we do not have the same gift as the sun Fury we have to see and hear all of this so we add that to the list of things to freak out and break something over at therapy in the future and keep on flailing her health down we Dodge and use our Shield of Cthulhu spin the ever-loving [ __ ] out of our flail until eventually with one giblet of luck we managed to squeak out yet another Fortnight Victory Royale this leaves us with one boss left in pre-hard mode which as you all may know by now will either go phenomenally enough to fix my marriage or bad enough to where I can no longer maintain an erection for the rest of my existence with this being said we stock up on potions do a bit of reforging make an unreasonably large arena in hell for the Wall of Flesh simply to compensate for our own size and stature we run way over to the end and seeing no other way to prepare for this battle we immediately chucked the voodoo doll into the fiery pits of Hell to sum it up the wall of flush that's right he's a toilet now because I am simply hoping he eats [ __ ] as most toilets do and dies on the first attempts always going extremely well during this battle so far we're able to maintain a healthy distance from the wall despite the fact that we're melee users which is a large perk we also do a very high amount of damage to the hungry and try our best not to get touched by them as I really don't feel like having to censor this portion of the video everyone knows exactly what happens when these things get a hold of you and we will be taking no part in it whatsoever as we chip away at his healthy begins speeding up to a speed that should quite literally be a war crime as the sound barrier is shattering 10 million times a second because this fat piece of [ __ ] doesn't know how to slow his goddamn roll relax relax relax I am in disbelief that we have made it this far but the final stretch is really what counts with our health slowly deteriorating and our ass cheeks clenched hard enough to compress a phone book into a single flat page a clutch occurs that tacked off yet another two years off my mandatory future therapy sessions and we pull through what appears to be a first try dub against a wall of flesh holy [ __ ] [ __ ] what do we do with this power everything is going far too goddamn good in this run right now when I live under crippling anxiety as to when my entire world is going to be flipped upside down and beaten to death with crowbars with no time to waste worrying about the future we instead worry about the short term and plan for nothing break a bunch of demon altars and enter what appears to be wraith hell holy [ __ ] we get Palladium or a calcum and titanium emphasizing the Titan titanium why because titanium is tight as [ __ ] and we never get it titanium tight tight tight tight we immediately go on yet another mowing session in order to collect all the yum yums starting with Palladium then to oracalcum and lastly to Titanium we spend a lot of time collecting titanium scattered all over our world and promptly go to the top in order to make a full set of titanium armor drip or [ __ ] drown God damn it we're dripping beyond measure to add to our drip we grab some Pixies by the wings and stuff them into a meat grinder to get pixie dust in order to make gas station boner pills that give anyone who takes it an immediate heart attack and also dry out the already nearly extinct population of wyvern in order to make ourselves quite literally the manliest [ __ ] set of wings anyone has ever laid eyes on that's right we make some [ __ ] fairy wings to add to our Ultimate Gamer swag collection and boy does it feel good to have some wings sick ass armor check mainlius goddamn set of wings ever check how about a sick ass weapon to clap thy Chic as a thigh enemy with we begin building an artificial infected desert biome above our normal desert in order to have biome specific mummies spawn so we could get the light and dark shards depending on how we're theming out our desert at the time all in order to obtain the Dao of pow our weapon of choice requires a small bit of grinding and God damn it my middle [ __ ] name is nose mcgrindstone so we Pace back and forth killing Hollow variant mummies first then shortly after killing corruption variant mummies it certainly takes a fair bit of time but with some luck and some soul grinding in the caverns to get both types of souls we now have all of the components that we need to make this new streamlined efficient sleek and sexy new flail we craft that [ __ ] up immediately reforge it then go on to reforge a few of our other weapons to the dismay of our wallets I hate you Goblin tinkerer I hate you and I have ill intent towards you and any future endeavors you may hold so weapons armor Wings check but how about accessories what a perfect way to conclude a ridiculous amount of grinding with more grinding we go on mimic hunting Duty which is a [ __ ] nightmare beyond belief because I hollowed out a tremendous area for it but nonetheless battle as many as we could find and gather all the components we need for a charm of myths a star Veil and a Power Glove now we are properly stacked with a badass weapon some Saucy ass armor wings that drip and accessories that we could use as a replacement for the empty void we call it personality on ourselves we quickly add a few layers onto our I have Cthulhu arena in order to turn it into a mechanical Boss Arena without skipping a goddamn beat we wait until night time and summon the destroyer immediately which conveniently spawns at the same exact time as a Blood Moon perfect on the bright side however our weapon is absolutely [ __ ] shredding this chump he didn't even stand a chance to begin with we deal with his pestilence of probes while being positively on our A-game with dodging his head which other than being overwhelmed by the probes is the only real way you can get clobber not to be on measure are in this battle we have a few close calls here and there but Above All Else our Dao Powell lays the WWE super Summer Slam SmackDown on the destroyer's [ __ ] ass which is just phenomenal as we now have access to Asphalt which we quickly begin making a long platform out of in order to fight the other mechs but we also have access to hollowed bars unfortunately however we do not have enough Hollow bars we are simply not Hollow enough on the inside must obtain the full armor set so we get the delicious set bonus of not being able to feel happiness sadness anger fear annoyance or the feeling of great dread we get when we remember that people wore outfits covered in emojis I would gladly sacrifice my ability to feel happiness if I never had to see one of those atrocities ever again in my entire life what were we thinking back then what were we thinking collectively as a unit anyways quite contrary to how Emoji clothes make me feel we summon the destroyer again when something beautiful happens just watch watch crunch get crunched [ __ ] get put into the hydraulic press Dick nose that was mind-bending and I hope you all enjoyed that as much as I did because after that I was able to sleep more than two hours at a time for the first time in years no time for Sleep however as we have hollowed armor to make and asked to eat and my brother and Yoba I already ate all of the ass thank you all so much for tuning in to today's certified ass man moment certified ass man out we make our hollowed armor sleep the day away then immediately charge up to the next mechanical boss on our list which is the twins who unfortunately are not quite as satisfying as defeating the mechanical [ __ ] sleeve Destroyer as a matter of fact it [ __ ] sucks fighting these chumps with a flail the range were able to hit the twins at is more Awkward than the silence between you and your father after he mentions how similar you look to the mailman similar to the father in this scenario we are filled to the brim with immeasurable dread and realization we are simply doing no damage at all to the Twins and it is a wacky and strangely paced fight we first Target spazmatism then laugh cheer Stomp and piss on his grave right in front of retinaser who quite literally can only express pain through an occasional tear if the weather is moist enough or through shooting laser beams and as he is a flying Abomination built for destruction in the death of mankind he chooses to laser ass blasting method of coping which he sorely pays for as we chip his health all the way down into nothingness that was miserable thank God we don't have to do that again now there's an even bigger fish to fry a bigger emotional fist so to speak as the emotions we feel when we have to summon Skeletron Prime turn entirely into a rage and descent if I had to describe what I felt knowing that Skeletron Prime is Alive and Well currently it would only be described as permanently having thorns in your shoes and you have to walk to live I can't even begin to explain the amount of Fury I have built up towards this metal Exorcist head spinning Cannon toting ball gripper wielding piece of [ __ ] as it is impossible it will take the national [ __ ] guard the entirety of the Avengers and the full might of calmer [ __ ] Taj standing against me to even get me close to stop beating his goddamn metal ass Chrome domain with rocks and Malice until the red is out of his eyes thank goodness that battle is over with now we can finally hang out for a while on AFK to have some life roots and chlorophytes spawn in I'm a happy camper yet simultaneously in great fear of our future emotional Devastation by nebula pillar no time to worry about that now however because upon entering the jungle we immediately find a bulb into which we think huh [ __ ] it and someone up the leafy MILF Plantera equipped with only hollowed armor in the Dao of pow the first half of this boss fight goes according to plan we walk in circles around the pool flexing our muscles while Plantera tries to tan which immediately brings her into phase two wine drunk mode which is absolutely petrifying to us as we had no idea she was capable of this measure of strength and prowess we are in fear for Our Lives who knew that the slaying term cougar could apply so well in this situation but not in a fun and sexy cougar sense but rather the ah I was out on a hike and a cougar bit off my [ __ ] leg type of sense nonetheless we Dodger dashes and fell swoops as much as humanly possible while the Dao of pow does our work for us thankfully since she's so gobsmackingly jaw-droppingly thick we are able to hit her twice oftentimes even more on account of one swing of our flail being a tenth of the size of her Badonkadonk we keep on dodging keep on running for our [ __ ] lives after taking a single hit that takes more than half of our health down and with the sprinkle of top shelf cologne we are able to woo Plantera successfully into giving us her juicy bag of Loot and treasure did did we just get a sugar mama I can only hope so but I truly don't know the mystery is what makes it fun what I do know right now is that there is a small puntable pile of mud named Golem that needs to be kicked hard enough to level a building immediately with this being said we begin on our hunt for chlorophyte and life roots in order to upgrade our armor sets so we don't die in Two Hits we have a field day on our epic gamer mowing session go make a full set of glorified armor and have a completely mediocre and gray time finding a completely mediocre and gray amount of Life fruits nonetheless despite the hunt for Life fruits going as successfully as Australia's feudal attempts at winning a war versus emus in the early 1930s we eventually succeed and maxed out our health after this we take to grinding out Plantera an Unholy amount of times in order to finally get our hands on the flower pal we use said flower pow to lube up the wall of flesh to get an emblem make an Avenger emblem then make a mechanical glove to really leave him Mark when slapping Gollum around silly we charge directly into the temple and are terrified when we see it resembles Instagram reels videos that send me into an enraged and panicked State the first layer consists of the clearly fake start my morning with me routines hello guys I normally wake up and start the day with an hour of working out then an hour of yoga to really clear my mind before I write my morning journal for three hours just before I make breakfast which consists of natural coconut Crepes and fruit nope nope nope no one not a soul believes these are real no [ __ ] way you don't wake up lay in bed for an hour contemplating life scratch your man balls or woman balls for that matter then get up and eat a Hot Pocket before a 12 hour work shift get [ __ ] real the second layer consists of any video ever that has the oh no oh no oh no no no no no no audio the video can be a perfectly fine video even a funny one on occasion but the second I hear that high pitched Unholy damningly overused [ __ ] audio I would like to I [ __ ] yearn to chew rocks until my teeth are ground down to the gums it makes me want to chew chips vertically until I have no more roof of my mouth that [ __ ] makes me want to swallow chips sideways so it scrapes all of my internal organs on the way down that [ __ ] makes me want to the third layer consists of the social experiments quote unquote that are done outside of stores clubs bars you name it don't get me wrong some of them are funny lighthearted and fine but Jesus Christ if I see one more of these videos interviewing someone just trying to go along with their day and asking them something like would you let the squad hit I am going to commit arson that [ __ ] makes me cringe so hard that my skin turns inside out [ __ ] last but not least we burst into the final room where we could see the shadow of Gollum performing an unspeakable act Instagram reels acting challenges there are some great actors and actresses out there don't get me wrong but some of these scenarios that are created for these acting challenges are just simply [ __ ] redundant oh yes here you are students here's an ancient tablet written by the gods only children of gods can understand the language um yeah teacher I can understand this no you can't you're so stupid you can't read that you're just a stupid ordinary kid who doesn't know anything let's see here thank you wow I can I can read it after all oh my God oh my God he can [ __ ] read it he's the chosen one everyone these tropes make me sick it makes me feel awkward second hand embarrassment I simply shrivel up and die upon seeing one of these so God damn it we deal with it the only way we can violence we swing our sexy flower power and shattered gollum's hands then go for his fat ass forehead which gleams in the sunlight because he's always sweating a little bit for some odd reason and lastly Target is man titties to finish the job we end up killing him two more times just for safe measure one kill per gallon man titty then an extra one for that five head he wields we waste absolutely no time in going down to get a truffle worm to get that special little Mount from duke fishron this is going to be extremely hard work truffle worms are elusive difficult to catch creatures who hardly spawn to begin with making the job extra difficult oh damn okay wow [ __ ] that works out we quickly prepare a large arena for dick pisser and deck it out with Buffs so we're prepared to fight him at a moment's notice we wait until morning and quickly spawn him in swinging our flower power with all the might we've been holding in our gamer Hearts the first phase goes swimmingly get it because he's a fish fish swim sometimes I think that's why the joke's funny because the second phase also goes decently all career crippling puns aside it is the third phase where our heart and soul are removed from our bodies pegged in front of us and are put back into our bodies for us to live with for the rest of our lives why we do some quick reforging to make us feel entirely deranged at the roles hopefully making us insane enough to defeat the giant flying McDonald's filet-o fish we summoned them up yet again lo and behold first phase great second phase okay Final Phase [ __ ] God damn it his [ __ ] Health we're calm we're okay let's try again shall we first base great second phase first phase great second phase mediocre nine to five office number crunching job Final Phase please please God Final Phase yes first try on our clear-cut first attempt we managed to defeat dick pistren with absolutely no struggle at all meaning we have the cute fisherman Mount to send to the mines for our Prophet we also managed to get the one thing I was an exponential fear of grinding out this entire time only on the first try the [ __ ] Flareon baby life is good and not unhinged and depressing at all with this being said we don't skip a beat on marching directly into the lunatic cultist humble abode meaning his fine ass mother's basement kisses mom on the lips in front of him and attempt to look through his search history in order to enrage him we all know that the reason the lunatic Cultus is a lunatic cultist and not just a regular average run-of-the-mill cultist is because he holds no regard at all whatsoever for simply even switching to incognito mode nor does he clear his plagued search history lunatic cultists try absolutely [ __ ] deranged cultist it doesn't matter how much hentai this guy looks up he won't clear the old history for anything which is precisely why we have to give him the Old Yeller treatment surprising enough this battle went fantastic even without a speedy Mount to assist us we pummeled the cultists with our newly implemented Flareon and makes short work of him however not all as Shiny Bright and dandy as we've immediately spawned into enemy pillar territory oh no these aren't ordinary pillars they're annoying mobile game ad pillars we start with the solar pillar which we see resembles Village and settlement building mobile games we see a crawl to be literally stabbing the infant child of a dracanian holy [ __ ] that son what is what are you doing somebody call the cops oh my god um what's the big deal I have a settlement with over 2 million power I get to be the king in my land with all this power and choose from a variety if we crush the pillar and swiftly move on to the next we quickly stumble into the Vortex pillar which we can clearly see resembles strongly suggestive content was something that has nothing to do with the picture or video on display here at the vortex pillar we could see their advertisement has an anime woman busting It Wide Open with their armpits of all things exposed and gleaming with sweat in the sunlight we can see this and immediately and safely assume oh cool hentai advertisement however when we take a closer look their silly little phrases such as complete the quest best RPG of 2022. okay okay what the [ __ ] does that have to do with an anime woman's armpits sweating onto her giant anime boobs I don't understand help me understand we quickly killed a pillar before we think ourselves to death this leads us directly over to the nebula pillar game advertisement which is a video of a gun hovering forward toward two portals one saying boost Firepower by 5 1000 and the other one saying divide Firepower by 10 million the player in question is clearly stupefied what do I do and stumbles through the clearly awful terrible game busting Choice losing the game before we see the inevitable enraging message this game is so hard I bet you can't beat it how in the [ __ ] is this game even possible to top it off even if you do install this God forsaken app you're greeted with a 30-second unskippable advertisement every 30. God damn seconds I I [ __ ] hate mobile game advertisements we destroy the pillar to void our world of this nightmare then quickly charge over to our final pillar the final pillar the Stardust pillars any game advertisement with an absolute infatuation for copying other games specifically Among Us baldi's Basics and Poppy playtime listen I don't know what the [ __ ] the deal is but for the love of God it's a bit in your Goddamn face when you're mindlessly scrolling through whatever social media you use and see an advertisement for imposter in bald head's classroom vote poopy play hour out of the ship it makes you lose half of your brain cells every single time without goddamn fail to make matters worse every texture is ripped directly from another game it is filled to the brim with ad and there are 10 million billion games that are exactly the same originality is quite scarce these days and so is our will to live because of these obnoxious downright objectionable [ __ ] mobile game advertisements soon enough the moon Lord spawns in ready to grab us with this extra large turbo strength squid man myths to the dismay of the moonlord the people watching this and eventually to my own physical well-being we make mention of how the moon Lord has fingernails that are not talked about or noticed enough man those bad boys need a cut those bad boys are claws the moon Lord got some claws in a blind state of embarrassment to enraged the moon Lord holy and entirely zaps us out of existence disintegrating not only our bodies on a physical level but also our emotional state as it was raining meaning we had every bit of a chance to defeat him as we normally do we take the time to quickly prepare a nurse box to teleport back to and heal at do some quick accessory management and family destroying debt-inducing reforging we were all beefed up with our accessories potions Buffs nurse box and pure gamer Rays at our disposal it is time we sleep until it ranged and quickly pop out of bed and use our sigil to summon up the moon Lord we begin flying in One Direction attacking the hands as much as possible and trying to keep their health at a similar level in order to hopefully not have to deal with two tremendous flying [ __ ] plasma squid eyeballs we try our best to do damage to the top eye as well but throughout taking the various eyeballs out of commission we come into many dare I say ass clenching close calls so ass clenching in fact that [ __ ] is no longer an option for us it has closed up entirely allow me to demonstrate how and why this event may have occurred ah [ __ ] please eventually we get a stupid forehand eyeball out of its stupid forehead eyeball socket and proceed to flail our way into his heart as desperately as possible the clock is ticking and so is our HP we slowly chip away the health of his heart and with a few more slightly maybe a tiny bit disgruntle in close calls [ __ ] help and some totally expert tear dodging we managed to scrape by hanging on by a [ __ ] thread and damage the calamari Moon squid enough to eventually watch him spontaneously combust which could only mean one thing we are now officially bashing in our flails only Glory as we have now crushed the moon Lord entirely we fly around screaming in Victory we have done it with the moonlord officially being defeated in this flail's only hellscape I believe that just about concludes today's challenge today we managed to conquer Terraria in master mode with only flails and if there's one thing that I've learned from doing flails only is that flails aren't that bad I'm just really really awful at using them correctly never in my life has a mini shark or any other long distance range Terraria weapon sounded better to have in my tiny terrarian man hands life feels slightly more complete with the moonlord being defeated in this run I can actually feel a little bit now but we'll see how the get fixed voice seed cares to retort to that coming somewhat soon to a theater probably near you I would hope this video did take a very long time to make so if you'd like to show your support please do be sure to drop a like And subscribe for more content like this as well as comment down in the comment section below and let me know your thoughts on this video thank you all so so much again for watching and I'll be seeing you all next time Waffle Time flailmaster Edition out [Music]
Channel: WaffleTime
Views: 1,657,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WaffleTime, Waffle, Time, Terraria, Absolute Easiest, Tutorial, Empress of Light tutorial, Beating Terraria, How to, how to beat master mode, master mode tutorial, terraria 1.4, duke fishron, terraria challenges, terraria meme, meme, terraria modded, terraria news, terraria mods, terraria hardcore, how to beat moon lord, plantera, skeletron prime, terraria 1.4.1, for the worthy terraria, yoyo, can you beat, master mode, 1.4.4, can, when, labor of love, flails, flails only, update
Id: os9Y4PDfi0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 36sec (2316 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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