My Best Chess Tournament of 2020

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okay tournament is about to start in less than three minutes uh anyone can join it's yeah it's free for everyone and there's there are prizes yeah special things to wrote to chess master for putting this together um it should be it should be a yeah a very competitive field oh ho means i in spanish i think also okay good luck to my opponents um ah what to play let's play london let's stick with my main fun repertoire um i've been playing a lot of london recently so bishop d6 this is playable i don't know if i've seen like this exact move order i'll play knight e5 like right away this is a follow-up plan too conflicted f6 i'm already out of opening prep this is very rare for me especially so early bishop d6 was a new move i'm sure it's been played before but at least new for me it's like i'm considering g4 it takes take or um takes takes with a the d-pawn it probably doesn't work bishop e4 gets murky um so let's play this yeah very very strange opening so far i don't mind the position though because black's committed to e6 and there's ideas bishop d3 knight t2 maybe some idea of g4 as well actually g4 could be a threat because after this i take on e6 and queen e7 fair move also has idea of queen b4 check so let's play let's play knight c3 knight c3 might be threatening the knight e5 would be so sweet if it works now there's g6 though so maybe i can check first provoke g6 and then just move back and then the bishop will be a little bit more stuck and back to something else like if i play this i might consider taking on d5 because after it takes takes takes 5 knight g7 winning the bishop ah the problem is g6 still yeah let's let's be a little bit careful i'm gonna be solid too knight defends the queen the bishop attacks the bishop oh it's probably close to just balanced here i want to use the c file uh rook c1 [Music] now rook c1 knight b5 is one of the main ideas you can need two ideas as well this is a position where the king is just better in the center to just support the pawns no need to castle also some idea knight knight a4 to c5 if black ever plays b6 and the c6 is a bit more vulnerable ooh that's interesting i'll start with king d2 because c7 is hanging so i'm happy with this trade the idea is probably h4 at some point so basically i'm trying to play on both sides of the board i target weaknesses on the queen side and on the king side it's very very positional now here i'll take rook f1 and i'm finally winning material as e6 will fall and now this is a fork this is nice this is a nice kind of positional game um good take on i'll just take on f8 and still target the c file now the five is the main idea okay i'll have to check that opening that's a weird um definitely a weird opening that i should be prepared for okay thanks for the game nazar cuttin um i'll open the analysis board we'll go back to tournament so yeah some games still going i think it should be possible to late join a few rounds in so if you're just joining the stream uh you can use the join command and play play this tournament it's ten rounds of three plus one so it should take probably about 90 minutes um i'll watch some of the games but first things first let's quickly analyze what was this opening bishop d6 oh this has been played at like top level what did kovsky play the the london og very calm bishop g3 uh so it just plays like a queen's gambit set up i like what komski did i built kind of a stone wall engine is not too impressed check what buzzy did means magnus yeah it looks like a solid position okay let's watch some games um oh yeah just click the link from nightbot that's easier uh the link is in the chat i have to have to gauge the competition so penguin won creep 31 let's check out this game oh it's i barely know the rules ooh this is interesting it's a time scramble so yeah time scrambles with a one second increment are not easy because really you have to play on pure instincts [Music] i think white was worse earlier like there was definitely potential for an upset but now white's probably better oh i forgot to change the chat thing oops do do people should i leave the chat thing on let me ask the chat no okay i'll get rid of the chat uh there we go okay back to normal i completely forgot about that sorry chat sorry to the the 41 of you oh some people upset maybe once in a while is that that's actually pretty close so once in a while i'll probably have it on maybe when i do like blindfold because some some people oh let me go back to oops oh that was really close i almost forfeited oh that was really close yeah like three more seconds i would have i would have forfeited and then i would have had to blame chat oh f4 um i was showing this to a student the other day so there's a very specific move order to play against the stone wall which involves exactly this i think it's just castling here queen e1 is a main move that's also possible pretty sure bishop f5 yeah it's very important like in these especially when white plays the swing wall to have the lightweight bishop outside the pawn chain to trade it for white's good bishop because then white's left with a very bad bishop and i really don't mind the structure um because the f1 is not weak could already consider knight e4 i think i'll start with rookie h most flexible and then eventually like eventually i want to play this in f6 and queen b6 is a move i'll play queen b6 just applying some some pressure there's some x-ray vision against the king there's a line takes takes and then i just take everything on e5 so king h2 is very logical um [Music] probably now knight e4 always have to be aware of this move i don't think it really does much and the main problem for white when playing the stonewall is this bishop on uh on c1 which at least for the foreseeable future it's not really going to have a purpose in life okay oh oh that's tricky it's probably good for me but there's a line to calculate f6 knight d7 queen d8 because i have to defend the pawn and then knight c5 um probably bishop c5 bc5 queen d3 looks nice i'd be down the pawn but just a really nice position there's also a knight c4 here but we're probably gonna get a situation where it's like it's a knight versus a really bad bishop it could be a very good knight if i get to d3 played chickened once before so yeah those were the only two candidate moves oh this is actually a clever i guess it allows this and stuff happens so queen c7 yeah at this point it's very positional i want to be aware of time and not flag and probably go for realizing it's hard to get the knight to d3 hmm what to do i could take yeah the night wasn't doing anything here because it was just like blocked by the ponds so i'm not sure i'm not sure what the future is for the night let's get the queen off the d file so i'm hitting the b2 pawn i want to go for rook d8 i'll start with rook t8 maybe rook ca queen a6 so hitting this pawn some idea of queen e2 queen e2 rook d2 queen a4 tricky move basically hitting the rook so white can't take the pawn and b3 i take a3 i want to double up what i could do i'll consider it is just shutting down the whole position like c4 knight d5 queen b3 but then it might be hard to break through g4 oh [Music] okay let's actually shift let's shift focus to the king side you just have to play quick moves knight d5 should come soon oh oh that was a mouse slip not a bad mouse slip though i had to fight knight d5 okay let's go for this and rook d2 coming rook d2 is still coming [Music] move this rook and didn't see the breakthrough oh that's a fork that's a nice fork okay that's close i was gonna say if this was hikaru's chat there there'd be a lot of yup clock only one yup clock in this chat okay i've risen 300 rating points since i started watching your stream oh nice thanks for the awesome content i'll take all the credits thank you who is that that was drewskis yeah keep it up and thanks for subbing for five months you like my shirt oh the jacket this is it's technically a jacket yeah hikaru was funny we interviewed hikaru on stream today and he was wearing the same the same jacket it's um yeah it's a st louis rapid and blitz uh what year was it i don't think it says the year maybe 20 2018 or 2019. um i can see if they're still selling it it would be cubotique parallel hmm i'm not seeing it oh they have they have a very similar one huboutique if you google cue boutique st louis uh i think this is a similar one this is the world chats hall of fame jacket anyway um opponent almost didn't show up but it's here okay so this is this is a title player playing taco fall i'm gonna play london so this is the thing about swiss pairings is like as you keep winning opponents will keep getting more difficult because i'm playing someone who also won their first two games okay this is one way of playing um go for this line early bishop h6 black is not afraid i usually play a position like this without the knight committed to f3 i i more often play this position with castling but this still looks enjoyable yeah c5 is a move hmm c5 is a good move i'm wondering if i can castle here and then takes and we could just get in like a dragon structure with a knight misplaced on d7 i think i'll do that because if takes takes we basically have a sicilian dragon resembling some yugoslav where like more often than that comes to c6 i haven't committed to bishop c4 yet which is probably good so let's just go for the attack going for h5 yeah there's a nifty idea let's imagine v5 h5 knight takes h5 i would have rook h5 gh5 queen g5 wouldn't just force me this is a classic very classic attack against the kingside fianchetto because the combination of pawn bishop oh are we going into it oh i probably should not have allowed that but now i have to live with the consequences i could take i could take taken in queen h6 but then knight g4 it's getting weird i've kind of committed myself because knight okay there's also knight d5 95 might be the way to go g594 queen e3 and then there's takes takes takes takes i think that's good it's gonna yeah it's getting very wild so i sacked upon but the knights kind of hanging there's still attack on the king side um i'm very willing to sack a rook or two rooks assuming i'm just mating and then that in d5 is actually very useful because in some cases i hit e7 like if knight f6 oh wait is this just winning so knight takes e7 i should start with 97. it's very close to winning why considering this there's a really cool line um i think i want to play it i can start by taking and there's takes king here here uh does it work is queen e7 queen e7 might defend for black let's take here first because there's 96 possibilities [Music] i'm looking for force mates okay i can win the queen where's my mate though okay winning the queen is good enough yeah this is completely winning i'm pretty sure i missed some kind of horse mates um what do i want to do here this is horse mates and then queen f7 okay that was a nice game that was a nice kind of attacking game um yeah i basically got everything i wanted i spent a lot of time almost flagged but uh there's a really cool line open analysis board there's a cool line um i spent a lot of time here because i wanted to take and then queen h6 like sac the queen and it's very close to working it might actually work because if takes takes king here uh knight f5 this is mating this would be a really sweet mate i just didn't fully calculate this move uh because after knight f5 there's king g5 it seems really close but even like looking at this position i'm not seeing it i could take bishop e2 f4 i think white's going to run out of fuel here it takes you could stack everything and it might be made but it might not be so let's check with the engine so first of all is white winning here wow engine is so cold-blooded this is minus minus 5.7 so let's go back so this position is winning uh what did i play oh yeah i took on yeah like this is uh oh so stockfish not finding force mate yeah i thought there could be something like with meta five but this is simple enough okay that was nice this is a quick game too um oh penguin also three out of three i could very possibly be playing penguin very soon i should check my game with penguin he beat me in this uh this arena this game i think it was this game yeah you played this knight c3 move so if i run into this i'll play because e6 i played i played knight c6 and this is losing probably just a6 it takes okay queen a5 looks simple bishop g4 also maybe i'll play bishop g4 play this line oh next round starts in 10 seconds okay let's focus closing tabs okay oh i'm playing full down good luck pull down i've played pool dan many times full-time beat me the last time we played every time i play full dance we play like some crazy opening oh it's it's going to be crazy again i guess usually a3 is intending b4 but now b4 is not possible so it's basically a dragon with white committing to a3 interesting i guess the queen queen can find a home here bishop d2 probably queen v6 now hitting b2 keep developing i think d6 is very logical yeah kind of one of these uh these dragon positions the center is stronger than usual i might want to play vision a6 dance around with the queen at some point the queen might swing over looking at bishop g4 yeah maybe bishop g4 is the way to go try and provoke f3 and then bishop e6 not sure if i'm achieving so much i am allowing my d5 here probably have to play queen d8 between c5 there's there's bishop e3 it could be trading or not i want to keep my bishop yeah it's kind of a game of cat and mouse like this knight not sure if the knight is happy on f4 because it's kind of restricted by pawns but they work on b8 so there's a clear target for the work in the bishop potential ideas of queen b6 i should really be considering e5 e5 looks really nice because knight h3 now i can take a knight h5 and this square is so juicy queen h4 coming e5 it's a type of move that is very rarely good in the dragon but yeah here it was was justified hitting h3 white's probably debating between these moves still takes work like i don't really want to play knight f4 even though it's probably not a bad move there's f5 which is it's very ambitious oh what to do i'm gonna play this first because i might wanna play f5 the king is just better on on h8 anyway if queen g4 i'd probably probably avoid the queen trade maybe the queen just goes all the way back i mean overall i like the position queen d8 so now f5 is actually prevented how to continue the queen found a new home rook is pinned king is tied down to the rook this rook is stuck defending the pawn there's no bishop e3 some idea of eventually using the bishop interesting hmm i mean i'm playing a5 to prevent b4 or at least discourage b4 key e2 delayed bond cloud really like to make a 5 work let's start with a4 i got to be very cognizant of time i'm probably going for d5 next because the king's in the center and if if it takes i have f5 first and then takes back and i'll have a nice wall of center pawns but actually if takes here takes i probably just want to take back and then then play f5 okay time is ticking bishop d2 safe move hmm like we need seven okay time scramble time oh i think f4 is a panic move let's take first and then f5 coming okay that took work good fights i mean i thought it was gonna be easier after i took on h3 but maybe not quite okay um yeah i was close back to tournaments so four out of four penguin is also four out of four what alexa wanted to chime in there anyway um what oh no no no no alexa quiet no no no alexa quiet wait did you really huh okay um oh games are still going so penguin keeps winning i could very well so there's eight there's eight people with perfect scores you could very well play penguin soon oh also i barely know the rules okay man it's turning into a long stream but it's fun um this is probably the last round to late join i think if it's not too late already yeah i was going to use opening tree from penguin but it's really i've played penguin so many times but i've no pretty much his whole repertoire at least against my openings so really the only thing i wanted to check was what i already checked in this was kind of a jobavo london so there's 10 rounds total we are almost halfway through i guess we can watch the final game here so rook ending hey it's anonymous it's anonymous gifting a sub to lunar eclipse so i saw i saw an eclipse once you guys want to see an eclipse photo this game could take a while you go to flickr alexa what's the difference between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse a solar eclipse is when the moon aligns between the sun and the earth blocking the sun's light and causing total or semi darkness in the daytime on the earth's surface a lunar eclipse is when the earth aligns between the sun and the moon casting the earth's shadow on the moon causing it to turn a dark red during the night time interesting lunar eclipses occur every few months but solar eclipses are about a year and a half apart so this was um so two years ago 2017 um there is like this big rage about the the solar eclipse and uh st louis was like on the path of totality actually just outside st louis so i went to like this uh this kind of nature park and took photos um it lasted lasted close to two minutes and yeah to look at the at least for like this shot this was a nice shot because the cloud was acting as a filter um but to look at the partial eclipse you needed special glasses i didn't really have i just had like my my camera and the zoom lens um but there were a lot of people like in this nature park like very advanced photography equipment this game is still going oh they're playing out group versus rook i'd rather revisit eclipse photos oh yeah this one this was with a wide angle lens um i had i actually had a couple cameras i had i had a drone too i have to find the drone footage from that day oh yeah then this like when there's an eclipse the shadows are not like they're they're in the crescent shape if you look closely at the shadows they're like they're kind of a different shape than in typical shadows anyway how did that start oh that started from anonymous gifting a subtle lunar eclipse 100 wow so many moves what oh ouch who did that why did that ouch that was probably a mouse slip that's so tragic but so hilarious is this going to be 200 moves no boxing i made before then that's a long game though wow what a sad finish what a very sad finish okay next round starting okay king boris good luck let's play stick with the main i mean repertoire now this is my kind of this new london idea um i don't know much beyond this uh but it's an interesting position i think g4 so g4 is a very typical idea here a simple idea just pawn swarming and yeah with d5 now the bishop's plot so i'm not scared about my queen i could play this right away i think i'll play 92 first just support my bishop and it's a situation where it looks very dangerous for galactic castle kingside because i'm in very good shape to attack so black might end up casting sign but i'm still ready to push actually queen d7 g5 then i would have to go back to g8 there's some knight b5 potential that's logical that move enables this because uh bishop supports let's just keep pushing i have knight e4 i'm probably okay with trading queen g3 i'm kind of discouraging knight g6 because h5 will be in the air yeah this queen of three line i think it was like a lila innovation but stockfish also approves it it's a move that i think has become more known recently okay this is still going to be a fight so this pawn is kind of overextended but it's defended really not easy to exploit black going for trades so h5 is actually very tempting here i think we'll play knight h5 the black has to make some concession to defend the pawn like either this this or castling castling is probably the best move now the question is what to do i really want to play h5 but my knight's in the way i think he's just king b1 like what else to do and see what black does bishop g2 actually bishop g2 f4 is an idea yeah and i'll connect the rooks so then king b1 the rook's not undefended so c5 won't be playable uh queen d5 may be expected but thinking b1 it's going to be sharp really a matter of who can attack who more quickly f5 wow f5 is playable kind of like f4 here or maybe f3 even i'll play f3 i realize f4 like just kind of closes things down i want to open things up okay with the trade like takes takes yeah we trade everything oh i don't really want to trade queens but i probably have to [Music] hmm so g5 might not be better here if i take i probably want to play g5 i could be slightly worse here actually depending what black does it's still unclear okay that move makes me really happy f4 was like the the key idea for black i was probably in trouble after f4 [Music] i guess i'll play h5 why not that's a good move [Music] oh that's actually a really good move playbook h3 first b3 oh getting forked now it's just a matter of playing quickly hmm i'm down upon some fight interesting definitely some fights play c4 here we go a meeting attack is real again threading meat turning meat there we go okay man that's close that's probably worse somehow some way uh back to tournament okay yeah opponents played well um i got low on time uh yeah this maneuver is very typical like the knight loves to come to e4 and like i couldn't really stop it and like when it comes to e4 it attacks this this and this so like i'm already in some danger here did not play the right move probably had to play rook g1 here and then when i was down the pawn but one upon back and rookie five kind of saved me i thought black should black should take and take probably the best approach but anything could have happened anyway why do i have the most points oh because math there's some kind of tiebreaker system i think the penguin yeah i mean i'm gonna be playing a very strong player next round um curious maybe there's someone else that can join we played normal one yeah i played down the finest wasn't our first game that was like the crab i think have i ever been to norway i've never been to norway i wanted to go there was a chess event scheduled for may the chess party in norway but it kind of got cancelled or postponed but uh it's a country that's high on my my bucket list i've been to iceland which is probably the closest i've been to norway whoa i think bishop d5 should still be oh bishop d5 there's this move wow yeah these endings could be tricky okay playing green arrow who is this this is someone i know this person oh jovava london time or whatever this is yeah i played against this before i think b5 is a move here and then just develop try and develop normally some idea of h6 knight h5 also ideas of knight b6 to c4 that's really the only only idea with this knight um unless i maybe have e5 too not sure sorry with this let's be safe let's be solid thanks for subbing rookie mistakes welcome back something for 11 months the e5 is actually looking attractive knight b6 is just b3 and hit me hit me 645. solving with prime thanks for that e3 okay i'm just going to play a quick simple move rookie will be useful assuming the e5 break comes in general you want to put your books on files which are most likely to open if there's no open files in the position already so this is actually really interesting it's kind of a pawn sacrifice but maybe it's worth it let's just do it because b5 might fall on the end but the center is opening up this is the type of move like if it was a longer game i'd have to calculate but here it's just pure intuition a lot of choices for white oh doesn't take anything so first move that comes to mind is b4 let's do it bishop on b4 would be very nice center is defended the knight's now pinned but so is this knight and queen a5 is an idea probably have to take back unless i can throw in queen a5 queen a5 might be a really nice inclusion so i'm threatening queen a1 knight b1 and i win the queen and the main idea i'm unpainting my knight so king b1 i can take with the knight leaving the bishop is a a less purposeful piece and i exert more pressure here rook b8 is probably the move i want to play now i can i can also take on there's so many options here you can take an e5 with a rook maybe threatening this the rook b1 looks looks difficult for white to deal with because normally the king wants to hide in the corner but that's not possible this pin combined with the potential pin on the b file i'm looking for a move for white i'm not seeing anything which is probably a good sign because the simple thread is just take okay this is probably desperation oh there's queen d3 i wonder if i can be cheesy and just play king h8 would be the ultimate cheese it's risky but let's do it because i just don't allow queen d3 because uh i think this is just more powerful i mean this was probably objectively good but i'm more interested in winning the night amendment meeting eventually so okay i should calculate like queen d3 but then just takes takes takes and then there's no b3 i guess there's queen d3 takes king c1 okay okay here i'm winning the queen anything better let's win the queen bishop is still attacked and so is a knight i'll take the knight a pawn is hanging too okay this is pleasant what to do i'm enjoying this position too much take this thing and then oh my brook is hanging play this move i need to take and take and bishop five coming this is also an idea d3 it's nice being up a queen yeah i'm i'm happy with that game it was kind of a confusing middle game position uh but this kind of paid off and so i was more expecting okay 35 games still going so that was quick as mark spending takes and then i eventually lose this pawn i was probably going to take the knight i don't think i would have i don't know maybe i would have considered this um yeah this is actually a nice in-between move i was mainly looking at this takes um and then taking the queen i mean there's so many branches to this line the casting queen side was a really risky move because the attack came like very very quickly okay so i feel like i'm in good form i've had some smoothie games i feel like watching so watching like this uh these carlson and hikaru games it definitely helps put me in better form oh penguin's still playing hey i finished before penguin oh it's a time scramble oh penguin in some trouble but penguin's like very tricky in these situations and very fast oh wait i i miscounted penguin penguins down or up a bishop i just saw black's attack yeah penguin's gonna win hey it's crosby 87 goat gifting a sub to zodlack okay so i'm definitely playing penguin next i'll probably be i'll probably be white what does penguin play penguin what does penguin play he plays like french i think i should i should really check his yeah what is he playing uh games i'm pretty much guaranteed to play him with white oh so he plays e4 e5 so it's a question he also plays french let's see this chew likes french oh i played them in the slime before so maybe i'll play i don't know i'll figure it out i'll play e4 so he plays e5 do i play nagminson i play spanish i don't want a spanish repertoire though let's play spanish i think he plays i assume he plays mainline i could be wrong though oh he plays this stuff oh let's play some vague memory of this line i think it's d4 there's some cool idea it takes knight d5 oh does this not work this probably doesn't work at all oh d4 is a terrible move oh you played that against 97. okay this is completely butchered opening crap yeah the whole idea was 95 bishop g5 ah okay i've just down the pawn i'm just down upon i got confused this is bad opening preparation but maybe i can win a pond back accidental gambit yeah i guess i was more looking at pawn takes knight d5 immediately with the knights on c6 but at least he's thinking he's probably just confused might be watching the stream i don't think he's streaming shout out to penguin people should follow him on on twitch very strong player play c6 i'm tempted to sack a bishop and then get a knight to d6 probably doesn't work though so yeah there's there's a few ways to defend the pawn they all have their drawbacks though there's always c3 like yeah maybe this isn't so bad like the more he's thinking the more confidence i'm getting uh i can take here bishop b oh pawn b5 wow that's very sneaky oh so he wants to play c5 i can play c4 here this reminds me of go and it's like the cutting points it's confusing anyway i want a pawn back so it's equal material bishop a4 doesn't work my pawn's still in danger though knight f4 [Music] probably not f4 mcqueen e7 actually queen e7 queen e2 i take with king promise bishop b7 is coming and have to deal with it i guess queen yeah there should be seven queen b3 rook b8 maybe b4 here i i can't i can't sit not doing anything so the idea is takes in bishop b2 and then this pawn is weak if i can win this pawn it's easier to defend this pawn interesting you can take languages bishop b2 coming so there's a line here here uh queen g6 i take on d4 oh but takes hits the bishop oh does that work i can play this move i'm holding on to both pawns now i don't care about my rook your bishop's more valuable than my rook and this pawn should be much more of a weakness yeah so it's kind of an exchange sack oh that's tricky maybe f3 no that's really tricky maybe f to do here queen c2 ah i don't know what to do just take that oh that doesn't work though there's a panic move wow i want a time oh that was a very slow time scramble man oh man it's so it's so hard with the increments i never thought i would flag penguin with increments because usually penguins unflaggable without all you do oh thank you she you nine shoe9 i appreciate that and hello to finney finney okay yeah that game will deserve further analysis in the future but i just have to like mentally regroup honestly i i don't think that was a great quality game i had i messed up the opening but somehow somehow is interesting actually let me check i'm just curious if i stumbled into like some known thing oh thanks for that yeah thanks g cook the 1000 bits and things down dd the smash bits yeah d4 is is not a move even though okay it's been played by lower level masters i got confused because i had a game once with knight e7 where this position and d4 is uh is really interesting um and the bishop's not yet committed and after it takes knight d5 it's a really cool line and black's not careful there's mating ideas but uh i really just got confused anyway yeah i don't want to like accidentally forfeit the game by being in a different tab so games are wrapping up um whoa it's a hundred dollars thanks for the great content thanks so much uh i really appreciate that i'm glad you're enjoying it thanks so much okay playing ricky rich okay i have to focus spanish penguin to the arctic oh that's where penguins live can you banish someone to their natural habitat i saw penguins in australia c3 is a tricky move gg oh thanks um i'm debating what line to to play here because if i if i play this there's there's takes and i'm not sure let's go for it um okay that's what i was hoping for now i'm back in my main prop queen b3 c4 is the main line um i think knight a3 is a playable move queen c1 also playable play bishop f5 yeah the drawback of queen c1 is like i just have nice development i might want to play h6 before e6 the event of knight h4 and then rook rook c1 will come eventually ruxiates to align with the queen i'm curious if probably don't want to allow knight h4 so i'll play h6 yeah it's kind of like a reverse queen's gambit or i've the one i've been the one like pushing the c pawn white has a semi-slav kind of triangle setup i probably just want a complete development at some point it's probably going to take i always have to be careful of this move but yeah the general plan put the rooks in the center be solid rook c8 will maybe threaten to take twice on on d4 because of the pin hmm yeah we might end up trading probably take with pawn that way i can take and play c5 again i should still consider this move too except not anymore okay so now there's no more knight d7 bishop d3 good move yeah very much positional game so maybe what i can do we can just trade and then get in c5 hey look it's hail krishnan oh hey hail how's it going i take bishop takes yeah white has some annoying control here not thrilled with this position actually put the queen back on c7 maybe some idea knight d7 bishop f6 because white has very good control over e5 there's a funny line so i'm going to allow this oh forgot f4 i was thinking bishop g5 i'm kind of gambling upon okay f4 right away is less scary bishop c5 here okay with trades that's a terrifying move i could play f5 i probably will end up playing f5 unless oh f6 is f6 takes knight e4 oh that's so nifty yeah knight e4 is nice because the queen defends g7 i'll watch out for time again if the light gets to e4 then i'll be very happy the bishop won't be so so menacing with the pawn here if if white takes oh that's a tricky move let's start with this defend everything still want to play this take with queen and then probably double up these pawns will be targets here's an acrostic during your time pressure e4 are you single and discreet lust for the streamers i think i just want to double up so c4 could come but then d4 e5 ge5 might be in the main plan anyway oh that's a good move let's play d4 and then take and hopefully win back upon simplifying a little bit objectively it's very close to equal this is what i was hoping for because now the king just gets to the square rook defends everything hmm it's all about the furthest pushed past pawn um oh no i'm losing oh that's so sad ah oh so close queening would have been stalemate oh it's so sad i i had the stalemate trap set up well played ricky rich well played um there there were opportunities for a draw there uh i kind of over pushed a lot yeah h5 was a bad move um if i wanted to play for a win i don't know what i should have done anyway life goes on um i'm probably still tied for first i don't know though what round is this i even know they're round oh i'm still okay i still said i'm in first place so that's nice so maybe still controlling my own destiny okay playing this line against the modern going for the early e5 i think e5 can be played right away and then as far as i know it's useful to include h3 to then castle and now i don't have to worry about bishop g4 and there's some idea eventually bishop a6 interesting so if i play a4 bishop a6 is kind of annoying but maybe not too annoying like worst case i have c4 i just want to play rook team one [Music] so maybe bishop c4 also thanks for subbing to do you said a4 [Music] bishop a4 c4 let's go for this oh as we're expecting bishop a6 there okay so these are like rook d1 and c4 are the moves i want to get in um play c4 right away bishop a6 is probably playable reminiscent of like a scotch opening it might be six expected yeah i think i'm okay giving away this bishop it wasn't doing too much anyway and there's a lot of potential there's gonna say to attack knight g7 is a good move ooh it may have gone wrong i have this move hitting the rook and preparing bishop d6 it could get very crazy c6 is also hanging okay bishop d6 is nice yeah c6 falls this is very nice and then like c3 um a5 is also hanging yeah earlier i was going to say there's potential to like attack on the king side but the queen needs to to stay defending the bishop f5 wow does f5 work wow i might be in trouble here that was very resourceful now i'm actually oh no i have this move takes takes takes i think this saves me i'd better save me so this is associated but this is a counter exhibition zig in between move okay now queen h4 i still have this nice construction this is like the most solid man-made structure i don't think i care too much about takes takes maybe i do i guess i kind of do i mean white's in pretty good control here you just have to keep everything defended and knight might come to d6 because rook wants to be improved again the clock very stress inducing probably rook d3 i always have to watch out for like these weird tactics with e5 but rook d3 and rook bd1 looks like a simple plan maybe keem g2 for good measure interesting h5 idea king g2 and then rook h1 okay i was i think that was a clean game there's some complicated moments but got the job done um so that was around i was around nine so one more round left you haven't screamed in a while i missed the informative chess i stream i've been streaming almost every day but maybe i haven't streamed recently this time also welcome back reps wraps for jesus thanks for stopping for two months yeah i streamed i streamed three times yesterday and this is my second stream of today um have i been flat i guess i have been flagging a lot of people this one second increment is very deceiving because you get too comfortable and then in yeah when you're less than like five seconds it's so easy to flag i guess i haven't done one of these tournaments like play the full tournament like this oh penguin pod oh penguin oh penguin lost to ricky rich ooh yeah ricky rich is is very should maybe be renamed tricky rich now i kind of regret not taking the draw because that could ultimately affect the outcome of things so i'm going to play one of these people comsack or oh was comsack the one oh it's probably the one who won that rook ending i mean maybe that was a different game okay final round starts in five seconds giango okay i'll stick with my main rapper tour i'm just gonna try and play good moves do i know this person from canada jing's number one fan interesting generally i enjoy this move order of course it depends what black does but yeah so knight a3 is a nice uh nice idea um preparing knight c4 and also the idea semi queen b2 with wait a minute i had this earlier or i had this other day and i messed it up i think knight b5 is a move here yeah knight b5 and then eventually queen takes d4 some tricky variation yeah this is actually a really tricky variation takes takes um and something i should really just know but no one ever plays this let's take with queen so is a is a question if takes do i go for knight c7 probably not it just looks way too risky and it's probably it leads to an easy position for black to play so i probably just take and then make black decide how to defend knight c7 currently i'm threading 96 which opponent induces has to take yeah a6 was a pleasant surprise thanks for subbing eric eric kim for for five months so i have the bishop here i think i want to play c3 just extra solid this bishop is not going anywhere for the time being if it takes i might take off with the c pawn just to get the c file f6 is very logical develop a bishop so if knight b6 vision b3 the knight blocks the pawn that's hard to develop also anticipating this move the ship should be nice on c4 some future idea f4 f5 interesting let's take towards the [Music] center there might be a decision coming up if i should take the knight which i probably shouldn't should probably just keep the bishop here okay it wants to play another f5 so let's play e4 very likely see this well i can actually get some initiative here yeah a lot of moves coming with threats that's a question do i castle at a5 coming castling or rook d1 or def d5 looks nice d5 knight d4 oh yeah box fighting also this move might be the move to go for i'm just trying to keep my bishop here and consolidate king probably wants to it depends what black does because 95 and this knight is very devious hmm might end up stacking up on like a4 here even some like king e2 d6 is coming and go for b3 trying to calculate a long line with knight g2 [Music] liking d2 yeah this is probably just equal i have to watch my clock yeah i mean that can get the obstacle bishop ending which i was trying to avoid and there's still life in that position avoiding v6 [Music] um this could be a long game playing for a win oops okay easy one okay got the job done oh so the um yeah i kind of panicked in this time scramble and almost accidentally pre-moved lost but um so the the move i'm most proud of this game was d5 d5 just came at the exactly right moment because otherwise the king would walk to d5 and i could be worse um but then yeah once these pawns start rolling and start rolling it's uh it's not easy to stop anyway hey clear first nice finish person like oh thank you yeah i mean this this one second increments i was probably very close to flagging on multiple occasions well it was a fun tournament i honestly was not expecting to win it given like this um yeah very strong player creep 30 who's also a streamer and penguin kumian and uh and maybe some other yeah this magnet is is also very strong anyway that was fun i'll probably put the whole thing on youtube uh so if you're watching in the future on youtube thanks for watching uh thanks again to to wrote to chess master for for organizing this recently picked up the london because you made it look like so much fun i'm on a 13 win streak 23 24 games won and got to 1k elo thanks for the great content that's great first by the way thanks so much and thank you quirkback for subbing
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 411,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess video,, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, chess 2020, London Opening, Andrew Tang, PenguinGM, Stonewall, swiss, Endgame, lichess swiss, tournament, flag
Id: OgoNxPVmHk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 35sec (5975 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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