BBC Watch Magic Grandad - Florence Nightingale

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Gary had an accident the other day had to be taken to hospital near an ambulance hello young man oh you look as if you've been in the wars he got knocked off his bike oh dear nasty he's lucky he could have been very much worse can you do something for me can you sit this under your arm I just want to take your temperature why see gods have his tilt which taken to make sure he hasn't got a fever cuz if he's got a fever it means there's infection an infection means of the red germs living somewhere in the body usually in the part that's been hurt and they can make you very ill and they like dirty places that's why we keep hospitals so clean well this boy hasn't got any infection Stanley now can go home no doctor says you've got to stay in overnight so we can make sure your head's all right I don't want said that I wish I was staying I like hospitals I'm going to be nurse microp are you that's nice that is nice Kimberly nurses do a very useful job but you know girls weren't always allowed to be nurses there was a time when your mum and dad would have done anything to stop you being a nurse why because hospitals weren't always like this they were horrible dirty places nobody went anywhere near the hospital if they could help it room they were looked after at home you see people didn't like ladies but they didn't know looking after men or even little boys when they were ill he thought it was rude did die hmm wish we could see an old hospital well doubtless that could be arranged but I don't think you'd like it Oh would I water like you bare here where we can't start to crank that how many years ago we're going to go back a hundred and forty years to meet a very special lady who wanted to be a nurse so badly that her parents finally let her what was her name her name was Florence Nightingale but she was known as the lady with the lamp why just you wait and see but Florence Nightingale was an English lady but we're not going to meet her in England we're going to a place called scoot alley thousands of miles away at a time when there was a war on a real war a real war now we are going to a hospital where the British soldiers were brought when they were injured and I tell you Gary when you've seen this you'll be glad to come back here and spend the night in this ward here what some of the don'ts in granddad's I'm gonna sing a song that everybody was seeing them when they said goodbye to their families and went off to the war so close your eyes and wish hard farewell England much as we may love thee will dry the tears which we have shared before why should we weep and sail in search of fortune so farewell England farewell for Grandad's this is awful it can't be a hospital it is it smells more waxed toilet yes because there aren't enough people to clean the toilets and into the chamber pots I told you it'd be terrible it's filthy there must be lots of germs here yeah most of the soldiers don't die from their wounds they died from illness and infection and half these poor people haven't even got beds granddad you look boy I'd sure to wear to work not many did but there were a few boys in the army as drummer boys they played the drums for the men to march too but when there was a battle they had to take messages from one part of the battleground to the other and unless I'm very much mistaken this is William Mikkel WA berry sir the mates call me Billy what happened to him can you talk to us Billy tell us what happened I don't really remember all I know is I was running through a lot of smoke next thing on you I was carrying me here and I've lost my leg lost your leg a cannon ball shared it let's soar off above the knee did it hurt would you think William I'll miss hello miss its nightingale how do you do it's an honor to meet you Jordan this is Miss Florence Nightingale how do you do excuse me mr. nightingales just arrived from England with her nurses she hasn't had time to do much yet how are you feeling today William not good miss feeling dizzy and miss dumped so hot throbbing what's he mean is stumped granddad's he stumps the part of his leg that's left after they've cut off the back bit you have a fever William that means his wounds infected how long is it since you had your bandages changed they ain't changed him since they brought me a miss I'll see if I can find someone to help you with him but why doesn't she do it herself I thought she was a nurse she can't do it herself the doctors of toda she mustn't she's fine they'll put her outside the hospital altogether she doesn't do she's don't try and drinks Arthur soup William it will build up your strength that's good miss I can't eat this other stuff they give me do you want it what is it I don't know bored might expect huh usually is no thanks it looks horrible granddad's oh you see until miss Nightingale arrived no one thought of cooking special food for people who weren't feeling well miss Nightingale may I have a word with you please I certainly dr. minis take your time with the soup William I'll be back to see you later we'll listen to this I hope you feel better soon Billy but if his wounds infected in a filthy place like this only a miracle can save him madam I thought I had made it clear to you that I do not want ladies in the wards but I was not nursing or bandaging sir I was merely giving the men some soup I think you do not understand me miss Nightingale I do not want ladies in the wards as you wish sir Ward such as these are not a place for ladies like you so before you leave there is something else yes the men have no clothes sir no toothbrushes no combs no knives no Forks there are no bandages no crutches there is not even soap to wash the sheets oh don't you worry I heard about that miss Nightingale everything is being taken care of but everything is not being taken care of that is exactly the point you see how difficult it is but we'll see we'll see one day these silly men will realize how much we can help them one day God willing my nurses will not just make soup and scrub floors one day they will dress rooms and put splints on broken limbs this hospital will be a place fit for brave men and did things get better grandad yes they did because soon afterwards there was another big battle which meant lots more wounded soldiers so the doctors had to ask miss Nightingale to help them and she did would you like to see how much better this hospital was by the end of the war what more magic well I love it so come close and close your eyes yeah well Scutari horrible and dirty farewell to rats and beds of dirty hey let's see the change when Nightingale got working let's see what happened when Florence got her the smell was gone is copied same place it is the same place but it's been cleaned and painted and mattresses so clean sheets France Nightingale do this well not on their own she got other people to scrub the floors and paint the walls but she was the person that made it happen how did she do it she wrote lots and lots of letters to people back home telling them how all free was getting them to change the rules hello use the ones come to see me when I'm sewing hey you see he told - oh I pulled for all right thanks to the bird faster hmm mr. nightingale of course why do you call her the bird cuz nightingale bird nightingales a bird in it thank you sure holes Lyman here she comes people I was very get into bed she don't lock people that bed don't miss Nightingale the lady with the lamp now you see why they called her that she used to pass each bed in the hospital every single light sometimes his latest 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning I have comfortable William yes miss thank you miss you see he's kissing her shadow she saved his life is he god bless you mom gary was alright so the doctor said he's go home the next day on our way to the bus granddad took sea statue of Florence Nightingale just outside the hospital yeah yeah she's the lady with the lamp she looks just like the lady we saw yeah but the lamp trom she's got the wrong sort of lamp well-spotted going now why do you think that is was it because the person who made the statue didn't know what sort of luck she had so they just kiss exactly that's what happens when it comes to history people don't work hard enough to find out exactly what things were like you don't ask enough questions well home we go cheer poised cheer a most determined lady chair goes cheer the Florence Nightingale she led the way for women to be nurses all thanks to her king house today Oh
Channel: ntvproductions
Views: 551,812
Rating: 4.6738706 out of 5
Keywords: florence nightingale, magic grandad, bbc, watch, education, schools, geoffrey bayldon
Id: XkoaMawiZ-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sun May 25 2014
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