Watch: Magic Grandad - 90 Years Ago (In the Kitchen) 1993

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hello my name is Kimberly Chadwick and I'm six and a half years old and guess what I've got a magic granddad what he's not really my granddad he's my mom's granddad salmon's is my great granddad - I told you I don't like bicycles will have some Frosty's for goodness sake I don't that trustees either I forgot to tell you I've got this really awful brother called Gary I don't know at frosties either man well Gary if you can't find something you like out of all that lot then I'm sorry for you what about some nice fried bacon in a for a treat I'm doing something for granddad no that's funny something wrong stove doesn't seem to be working nor the toaster nor the kettle must be a power cut looks like it I'm afraid that's the end of your bacon and egg granddad I wanted an egg Oh Gary don't start that again you just said you didn't I can't even make you a cup of tea granddad I'm sorry I'll go and have a look in the fuse box oh dear no breakfast I think this calls for a bit of magic well now think of me to take you somewhere where we can get some breakfast Wow I'll give you a clue we're going somewhere where the kettle is always boring I don't give you another clue when I was a boy your age where have we gone we haven't gone anywhere we're still in your house that we've gone back about 80 years in time it doesn't look like our house oh yes it does no the windows the same we're still in the kitchen there's no cooker in this kitchen oh yes there is I could see a cooker right there that big black thing okay they don't call it a car they call it a range and you know what that is yes a coal fire you don't turn that on by pressing a switch in the paper and sticks and a match to set that Cola light then it has to be watched all day and bring this kettle to the boil my mother always had a kettle on the hob I thought so I thought I smelled something good porridge that'll have been cooking all night that will oh my all night long my mother used to build up the fire and put the porridge in the oven before she went to bed and then when she got up in the morning he was ready for all of us now : flakes or Rye sickles for us there's someone coming yes it'll be the family who lived here then but we live here it's our house yes but it wasn't always your house it was built long before you were born in fact it was built nearly a hundred years ago and you're about to meet the Deacon family were the very first people who lived here no I told them you were coming it's a part of the magic uh-huh you must be Kimberly and Gary I've become for breakfast yes please that's right of course it's all right I've put in extra porridge specially this is Eliza by the way she's my youngest girl since her sister Nancy died and the baby's name is Freddy we can't all stand around like this what about giving your lives or a hand Kimberly all right get the frying pans down if you please Kimberly yeah that's right what about you Gary be glad like you would know how to make a pot of tea I suppose that makes a cup of tea the tea bag invented yet you keep the candy on the mantelpiece as usual that's right that turn out there huh Ian Liza doing Kimberly take Freddy lime down these pram in the backyard I'll watch the bacon watcher keep the tea leaves and I've ever seen tea leaves have now now what you do three or four teaspoon falls into the you make sure you warm the pot first it's already warm missus tea standing by the fire yeah film the teapot from this water it's quite awake and now we leave it for your poem it's the flavor out so the tea and the bacon and the porridge all get cooked on the fire that's right we'd be lost without the fire wouldn't there mrs. Dean what's that I said we'd be lost without the fire that's right he happens around the fire everything happened around the fire when Albert was an dad we had no electricity so on the rage remain don t hoax we had to hang up and hoax to roast our meat we warm the water and heat in there even our feet what that's taking lots of oxygen at you unless our mums - you're not sad sit there over oh where am I supposed to say boy don't sit what do you mean I'll be mr. Hafiz the only one out fast children who gets to sit down at the table Khushi goes out to work children don't sit there until they go out to work that's not talk like that if I were you you see this strap we had one of these one of us got out of line across our backside I'm not scared morning Albert earlier mr. d Barney children breakfast ready yes shut the oven door for me Kimberly and then get me the milk invented yet and I think a jug of milk keeping cool in the Lada this is the ladder or pensee it's a bit cooler than in the kitchen but not much so they'll keep a lot of food in it in case it goes off I think this is what you're looking for all right I sit down thank you my dear bitter this in the dripping for your father Liza thank you my dear you've done something for your mother you can do something for you and Jack and Kimberly what about me well you ain't eaten your porridge I like it no porridge no bread and dripping why not that's not fair you have a lot to say for yourself for such a little fella children speak when they're spoken to in this ass and not unless I take it bake and you won't get to see us to work oh yes and hard she does all the housework no vacuum cleaners for mrs. T she has to get down on their hands and knees and scrub the floor you tell them what you have to do Mrs T we'd be here all day if I did that please I'll just tell you about what strengthen our lysis days off from school to help me with that what we do we fill this big copper over here full of water then we light the fire beneath it when the waters good and hot we take it a little bit at a time then we rub and we scrub till the clothes are all clean that night my days on Monday mum washes the clothes all day times the merit to try and their night she brings the men and fellows ready for ironing the irons are eating by the fire she likes them put a lot that way she gets the creases out because that's what our names all about children what a lot of memories you now have made a cup of tea when there was no electricity you know that she washed with no machine got the clothes all dry now close your eyes and think of home and back again that's the power back on again it was the fuse I said that's the power back on again he lot didn't even noticed it you what have you been doing to keep them so quiet granddad's will be making some interesting discoveries about this hell yeah we met the people who lived in it and I was amazed or crude Liza and his boy Cole Jack and a baby called Fred have you been telling them grandeur is today's cooking on a vein and the man and their children didn't get any bacon all they got was red dipped in Dripping well you certainly bring it all alive for them granddad she's right there tell you what why don't you come back another day magic great-granddad's doing his magic
Channel: StreetLightOnline
Views: 19,672
Rating: 4.5609756 out of 5
Keywords: BBC, Education, Geoffrey Bayldon, video, plus
Id: JCuHnKjsA50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2017
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