Science for kids | Brilliant Brains | The Nervous System | Experiments for kids | Operation Ouch

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ah what are you doing I'm going to perform an illusion Zahn it's not a magic trick it's science it's an optical illusion can I keep wearing my cape no go and get changed our optical illusion is going to show how your brain processes visual information here we've got a lovely batch of fresh cupcakes but which of the two middle cakes is bigger first up is Grace this cake is worth a pound how much will you pay for that cake you think a pound 30 so you think it's about 30% bigger paper it is the more it should cut yummy more yumminess mallya eNOS you pay for the yumminess so you're sure that that cake is about 1/3 bigger than that cake on the left okay if this yummy cake is a pound how much would people pay for this even yummier and pay a pound fifty Wow one pound 75 do you think that one is 75 P bigger than that one I'd say 2 pounds as well it's taller bigger well if you said you'd pay more for the bigger cake on the Left you'd be out of pocket because believe it or not that the same size Gracie what would you say if I told you those two cakes are exactly the same size so why do you think that one looks bigger yep they've got it this trick is known as the piping house illusion it demonstrates that our brain doesn't see the size of things as they really are but rather as they appear compared to what's around them both cakes are exactly the same size but the one on the left appears larger because it's surrounded by smaller cakes right so let's take the trait further down the street and see if we can find some more volunteers for our experiment wait a minute the middle cakes have gone No you've got loads there surely you can spare me one ordinarily Chris I'd love to but these have got to last me all the way to lunchtime till lunchtime but you're never going to eat all those before lunchtime gone give me one all right I tell you what you can have one brilliant you can have one if you can grab it for me now I'm gonna give you a head start put your hand there your hands closer than mine and all you have to do is grab it when I say go looks like I'm gonna get my sweet after all three two one go that is an amazing trick do you think I can do it oh I think so it is an amazing trick isn't it it's great I mean you gonna try it myself all right good luck wait a minute he needs one sweet to do the trick what am I gonna eat until lunch I've headed to a town center to see how many sweets I can win time to see if I'm as good at this as doctors and and medicine mines now do you reckon you can get the sweet before me if we both go on go definitely you sure of that 3 2 1 go what am I gonna do with all my sweet so I keep winning every time go go miles away now although all these people had quick reaction times they're not gonna be and that's because there is a slight delay in the word go leaving my mouth getting into their ears being processed in their brain and then their hand moving there's my brain cuz I've said it my hand starts to move immediately without any delay no matter how small well that's my mind bent is yours your body is an amazing machine but it can't do anything without your brain now your brain is what makes you you but it also tells the different parts of your body what to do so if I want to move my fingers I have to send an electrical signal from here to here and that moves really fast it goes at over 250 miles an hour that's faster than a Formula One racing track so we want to know more about where in the brain these signals come from and in order to do that we're gonna use this multi pulse transcranial magnetic stimulator it's a big magnet but it's a cool big magnet it sends electromagnetic pulses to the brain which interfere with the brains own electrical signals and that means we can use it to work out which bit of the brain does what let's give this brain scrambler awhile Chris what I want you to do first of all to reach up with your left hand and pick your nose all right perfect did it perfectly without slobber now I'm gonna get you to do the same thing again but this time I'm gonna try and interfere with the brain scrambler so Chris when you're ready pick your nose every time Chris's finger Wiggles that's the magnet or brain scrambler interfering with his brain signals which means he can't pick his nose properly you miss but the magnetic brain scrambler is also showing us which part of Chris's brain controls his left and on the right side of Chris's body but it's his left hand that's twitching now that's because your brain is why back to front so the right side of his brain controls the left side of his body and vice-versa so let's now try it on the other side and you're ready to go so now I'm interfering that the left side of Chris's brain and look his right hand is all over the place I feel like a cup of tea sounds lovely actually it's me that's drinking the tea and it's cold tea but you'll see why I reckon we can have a bit of fun with this brain scrambled there it goes the brain scrambler is interfering with our brains normal signals and it's creating a right mess ever wondered why you have to go to sleep ever heard someone snore so loudly the room rumbles we're about to tell you why this is a case for investigation ouch you spend a third of your life doing absolutely nothing but hardly call picking my nose nothing talking with your disgusting person levels I'm talking about sleep all animals do it including us and it's essential for life so to find out more about it we're going to bed to discover what happens when we sleep we're spending the night in this special sleep clinic but first we need to get wired up by a team of sleep experts all this equipment will give us information about what our bodies do when we sleep because you're also gonna have your bear wired up course I am mr. grumble has a lot of trouble sleeping sometimes monitoring us will be sleep expert dr. Webb dammit so sleep is not just sleep there are different types of sleep absolutely and some of the types of sleep relax your brain and recharge that and other types of sleep we've charged your body basically yes and that's what we that's why we need sleep right Chris eyes on it's time for us to go to sleep doctor wah headsets the computers up to record the night ahead and I'm hoping this will prove once and for all that Xan snores he's always denied it mr. grumbles knows I never snore though mr. grumbles in a single night your brain cycles through different types of sleep every 90 minutes until you get up you'll start with a light sleep this lasts around 20 minutes and your breathing and heart rate slow down you can still be easily woken at this stage then you fall into a deep asleep it's at this stage where some people walk or talk in their sleep because their body is still active even though their brain is resting and then you start REM sleep which stands for rapid eye movement it's in this stage where your brain is organizing itself and you'll have a dream or two and then your body repeats this sleep cycle about four or five times in a night next morning and it's time to get up other people say I snore but I really maintain that I don't I think they're all liars all will be revealed shortly zart I didn't sleep very well at all we're both looking a bit weary oh dear let's find out why we're both so tired press this line here thus for when you were awake and then here you slept that's difference the stage' and then here you were awake and then you slept again and then you were awake in terms of a good night's sleep I only had what two and a half hours although I was in bed for six hours I mean he was actually asleep for two and a half and then there's just not enough and not as my body feel very tired my brain feels really thick headed and unarrested as well so how did mine compare to Chris's you had more sleep and how long did I sleep four and a half hours so I got twice as much sleep as you but even poor our sleep isn't enough for your body to rest especially when you're young children need at least eight hours because you're still growing and your body needs to work harder Chris and I are adults and we can get away with less but it still makes us feel very tired what about dreaming how do we compare on that well with Chris I don't think you had a dream at all exam jihad too although I had a full sleep cycle it was pretty restless and I just didn't dream which can happen sometime look at this section of the graph I had lots of rapid eye movements and this suggests that I was dreaming how long the dreams the dreams or one of them is half an hour was half an hour really yes an hour of dreaming what about snoring you do the snore so I did okay zoned there's the proof you do snore oh dear how much of the time was I snoring 7% of the nights not everyone snores like me but people who do snore can't move air freely through their nose or mouth during sleep so the air vibrates against the relaxed muscles in their throat and nose and that's what makes that snoring sound you sleep for a third of your life but you're not doing nothing while that's going on you're recharging your brain and you'll recharging your body so if you don't get enough sleep that's gonna affect everything you do and you'll feel absolutely rubbish accident in emergency departments doctors and nurses need to act fast especially when things like this happen in Manchester six-year-old Rosie has been brought in by ambulance with a potentially serious head injury in fact head injuries can be so serious that the hospital has a trauma team of 12 doctors and nurses on standby in case Rosie needs to have surgery or further tests speed is vital so everyone is ready for action Rosie didn't recognize me at all and really looked quite unwell it was very worrying that I wasn't able to console her because she didn't know who I was luckily she recognizes her dad now but what actually happened Rosie and her friends were playing tack in the playground she and her friend were running away in different directions to escape being tagged but they were concentrating so hard on escaping but when they changed directions they headed straight towards each other and whack they both banged heads hard time for a trip to the hospital ouch meet professor Simon Carly he's heading up the trauma team okay did you get a glucose yes it was a point for thank you very much you don't but it sounds from the paramedics that her behavior has not been normal and she's been vomiting several times what the team's worried about at the moment is whether or not she's got any bleeding inside her skull that might be pressing on the brain and causing the significant brain damage professor Simon we'll need to do a thorough examination of Rosie's head but in the meantime he prescribed some sophisticated emergency medicine cuddles and luckily there's a professor of cuddle ology on-hand dad time now for Rosie's special test on her head it's called a CT scan it's a bit like an x-ray and the images will show professor Simon the details of Rosie's brain and skull to help him check for damage that's nice and competitive nice penny dad look at this I want to take this home it's so actually the penny means dad can stay in the room with Rosie because it protects his body from the x-rays a few snaps later and the results are in this is Rosie's brain so how's it looking yeah looks like a normal skull a normal brain there's no evidence that we can see at this time of any bleeding at all and that's great yep it's a huge relief for Rosie's mum and dad and it means the reason she's been feeling unwell is because she's got concussion inside your head your brain is surrounded by fluid to protect it but sometimes when you bang your head high your brain moves about and knocks into the size of your skull this can make you feel confused unwell and be sick but in Rosie's case these symptoms soon disappear and after a few hours rest there's been a transformation yep believe it or not this is the same girl back to normal and ready to leave the hospital this has been quite an experience for Rosie and her family but thanks to the skilled trauma team she's got her groove back hi Rosie [Music] did you know there are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in your brain that's enough to go around the earth four times wow that's amazing and so's this in an ordinary city high above the streets lies the deserted urban playground waiting a prime performance ready to see some serious skills this is John Phan worth and he's a football freestyling genius he holds five World Records and can do 107 Shin keepy uppies in a minute his specialities also include Toki peopies around the world the side to side on head and he'll keep you up ease this keepy-uppy King trains for more than 40 hours a week and he's completed the London Marathon whilst keeping the ball in the air so how does Jon's amazing body do this believe it or not the secret to Jon's success lies in his brain a certain tricks are higher than others but they all require a lot of concentration to do when it comes to the brain upfront is the big lad the cerebrum that's what allows you to think make decisions and learn the cerebrum houses the motor cortex it's the midfield maestro pulling all the strings telling our muscles to move when we want them to playing at the back there's the cerebellum crucial for balance and coordination it's the big match player with a vital role in everything you're seeing right now now that's amazing we have our ball but please mister yes get off okay what about this no but get off I don't like it we all experience pain you've got over three million pain receptors throughout your body but some areas like this have more receptors than other areas like this now I know I shouldn't be pinching things on it but it was all to explain pain receptors pain receptors are specialized nerve endings there exist messengers so when they detect something painful they tell your brain your hurt pain can be really useful sometimes because it stops you accidentally damaging your body but why is it we feel pain differently in different situations sometimes you can stub your toe and be in terrible agony other times you cut yourself really badly playing football and you don't notice till the end of the match and that's because pain is in your brain this means that you can reduce the amount of pain you experience and we're gonna show you how but before I show you this clever trick I'm going to inflict a little bit of pain on sand so that we can see how a person reacts normally oh good this is heat stimulation thermo it's a pain machine I'm gonna put it on the backers arms hand and turn up the temperature and Tennie can't stand it anymore and I'm gonna do the same to him and we'll see you can take more pain dramatics this medical device is used by scientists to test people's sensitivity the end of the rod will get increasingly hot the more I turn this dial up it won't burn but let's see how much heat Zhaan can take by letting his body send pain signals to his brain just like normal get ready zond yep yet put your hand back right so that's the temperature on of the probe things start turning it out remember we can only do this because we're doctors yeah it's warm now let's turn it up a bit more I can definitely feel that there's a hot thing ah yeah yeah okay and a bit more again ah haha so that's really burning now yeah Saunders managed to stand the pain up to a temperature of forty five point two degrees it was definitely painful it wasn't just you kind of wimping out no it's painful it was getting more painful and there was definitely a moment where it just suddenly was just like oh no I won't take my hand away now that's too painful okay am I go now now I'm gonna try the same thing on press only I've got a trick up my sleeve I'm gonna distract my brain and that means I should be able to take more pain meds and so let's see how long Chris can last Chris this is gonna hurt you a lot more than just can hurt me we'll see about that I need to use the different techniques on I'm gonna distract myself and I'm gonna really pretend that this doesn't hurt and I reckon I can take real pain I'm on a beach what a really sunny beach they'd be really good you're not on a beach Chris you're in a lab with a red-hot probe sticking into your hands nor red-hot it's barely hot is it on how's that Beach feeling now the beach is quite hot now so let me tell you how you did forty eight point two degrees that meets you by three degrees no yeah really yeah there's obviously no way I could have gone another three degrees yeah really does work so next time you've got to go to the doctors and have an injection try it and see how you get on yes it's a clever trick if you think of something relaxing you'll find it easier to cope with pain don't feel a thing [Music] good morning Amy good morning you're late it's nice to meet you it's nice to meet you see where this is going yes and it's nice to meet you I didn't just bring my fake hands to fool Chris we're going to be using them for today's mind-bending trick so can you put your hand right there neck as if as if that was your other hand basically and then stick your other hand under the cloth yep that's perfect so it's next to that hand today's trick is going to show how what you see affects how you feel we're stroking the person's real hand behind the screen at the same time as stroking the fake hand which is in front of them is that plastic hand beginning to feel like your hand yeah keep the key on it it feels right are you feeling like I'm brushing your hands ready it's my hand now we've got the illusion going it's time to see how they react with a fake spider on the fake hand really nicely on your hand stay focused on our hands so [Laughter] we managed to trick plenty of people but how does it work there's a bit of your brain called the premotor cortex and that brings together your senses of touch of position and of vision so that your body can figure out what's happening in the world around it and what's so interesting about this experiment is that your sense of vision is the most important sense and so your brain actually temporarily rewires itself to adopt the plastic hand as your own amazing well Chris fooling all those people has tired me out give his hand son I'm not falling for the old fake hand trick again zhan what an earth you doing Chris now I'm about to meet two ice skaters from CBBC's eye Stars and I'm trying to figure out how they do their amazing spins you're not gonna wear that are you of course I it was very expensive don't you like it no I do I like it very much I just think you don't want to embarrass the skaters because they might not have any clothing that's quite so so sparkly sparkly exactly yeah that would be dad to embarrass them I'll go and change well that saved him from embarrassing both of us ouch meet Chloe and Alexia they start in CBBC's ice stars they can spin on the ice at incredible speeds without getting dizzy and falling over I thought you'd never ask I'm gonna come to comes inside of you okay so Bend now my problem is that I'm already dizzy and then you've got a skate off and keep that I can like maybe a little more practice will help me out I think I'd better leave this to the professionals so when you're doing your spins how many times do you think you go around maybe about 25 yeah maybe more you've got complete turns around and at the end of that do you feel dizzy at all then really half the time super dizzy yes thankfully now I know you thought I was brilliant but I actually can't compete with Alexia and Chloe on the ice so I've got a little experiment to see how we all deal with dizziness the safety of dry land right you ready we're each going to do a spin followed by the simple task of walking to the table and pouring a glass of water let's see how I fare against these - okay that wasn't very successful okay and you ready okay go let's see how the ice skaters do oh wow [Music] Wow what nothing so that's why I couldn't do the spins on the ice Bobby isn't it that's pretty the only reason when you spin around the fluid in your inner ear spins Toki when you stop spinning the fluid keeps moving but your eyes tell you that you're still and that makes you feel dizzy thus cases are brilliant at dealing with the effects of spinning but how do they do it I've come to meet dr. Barry C Mangal one of the country's top experts in dizziness now all of us know what dizziness feels like don't we but for some people it can actually be quite a serious problem Cantor if that happens to you out of the blue when you're not expecting you this can be due to problems in the inner ear or the brain I know you've done a study on ballet dancers why have you studied them ballet dancers have actually been training for most of their life and that suppresses their sensations of dizziness so what are those brain mechanisms that allow ballet dance to not feel dizzy we can understand that we can use that to treat patients this is doctor Barry's dizzy lab the most important pose of it is this a special chair that allows dr. Barry to see how different people deal with dizziness he's going to run some tests on me and the ice stars to see how differently our bodies cope this experiment will be conducted in the dark so I can't see when I'm turning after just under a minute in the chair something very strange happens I feel completely still it's really interesting like I would I would absolutely promise you that I'm not moving yeah now that's because the fluid in the canals in the inner ear and now moving together with your skull what we're going to do we're going to stop the chair it just feels like I'm definitely moving in the opposite direction the fluid in my inner ears is still spinning and you can see from my eyes flicking but my brain still thinks I'm moving now it's the girls turn let's see if when the chair stops they still think they're moving well well done okay you feel like you're spinning you don't I've never seen anyone with zero response but she just isn't getting busy at all when the chase stopped you were feeling as if you were turning for more than half a minute these guys were right they felt no sensation of self motion because their brains are better than yours and suppressing dizziness right finger finger to smug thank you Alexia and Chloe dr. Berry's research has shown that the part of the brain which deals with dizziness is actually smaller in people who train to spin like Chloe and Alexia incredible what's amazing about this is it could have very real medical benefits if dr. berry can train people's brains to cope with dismiss it could really help them live better lives right I'm off to practice my spinning around I'm not sure that's how you do it aren't here at the brain cut room at University College London and I'm about to get very close to a real human brain this is not for the squeamish we've got the exclusive access to this human brain to show you all its inner workings this organ controls every single thing you do even now your brain is busy sending messages all over your body now this brain it feels rubbish because it's been preserved but the brain inside your head right now is soft and squishy that's because our brains are actually made up of 75% water and the rest is mostly flat the average a dog brain weighs one and a half kilos that's as much as three tins of baked beans try picking them up and you'll see how much weight and neck has to carry but there's more to find out than that so let's pick the brains of a specialist meet dr. Helen Ling a brain doctor or neurologist so Helen why does the brain look like this why is it all wrinkly well the service of our brain effect you folded these phones and grooves increase the surface area of our brain so if we unfolded all this it would be enormous and we'd need a head the size of a surfboard how does the brain sit inside the skull is it just resting gently on the bones Oh our brain is like she's surrounded by a clear colorless fluid and it's like a cushion that protects the brain just like when you're at the swimming pool if you go and lie on a lie low and you feel very weightless that's the same thing the brain is doing it's just chilling out in this fluid inside your skull hey baby but it does a lot more than just chill out this big wrinkly structure is controlling your body 24/7 yes even when you're asleep there are different sections in charge of different jobs which bit does what well toward the front is the motor cortex this tells you when to move by sending signals down your spinal cord [Music] and when I'm hungry and my stomach's gurgling which bits doing that it will be the hypothalamus this bit right in the middle of the brain that's right right here so when I'm hungry this bit of the brain right in the middle sends out chemicals that tell me to eat and when I've eaten it sends up chemicals telling me I'm full and I can stop easier what about memories where they can well new memories are kept in the hippocampus which is right inside here you can actually see it over here and a hypocrite is this like a temporary drive in the computer so new memory is kept there when we're asleep the hippocampus backs up new memories so you can remember them years later so although the brain is full of fat and water it's actually one of the most amazing computers on earth not bad for something that looks like a sponge deep doing for today's mind-bending trick is and it's gonna need warm facial muscles you ready sound it's quite a complicated vocal procedure will complicated the better for me now can you say the word far far can you say they went bar ah I think you're ready seem that complicated [Music] this lot are about to get their minds bent we're showing them a video of Sun repeating a word bah bah ok what sound is doctors and making well like a sheep right ok yeah alright let's watch the next video far far far far far now what sound is doctors on making in does anyone think he's still saying bar no he's definitely saying far are you ready to play at home okay everyone look at the laughs look at this one bah whilst looking at the left hands on what word can you hear bah bah bah bah ok now who's hearing far you're all hearing far okay now everyone look at the right bar looking at the right hands on what work can you hear now bah bah bah now who thinks this bar what if we told you that only one word was being said bah in reality is and is only ever saying the word bar bar bar bar is on on the left is mining the word far bar so depending on which zone you look at you hear different words even though the only word he's saying is bar have we bent your mind yeah so what do you think is going on tell me when your brain looks up one of them it like maybe changed it Sammy's now they're really good so your lip breathing basically so even when you're hearing a sound you trust your eyes more than your ears what this trick demonstrates is the dominance of vision over all your other senses so even though the sound you're hearing the whole time is far when your eyes seasons mouth make the shape bar that's what you hear but the sound hasn't changed at all and what's amazing about this is it's a video of me and I know what sound I was making and I'm still fooled my fent think you mean bent that's what I said today's mind-bending trick is all about distraction if you're sufficiently distracted you might not notice something that's going on right in front of your eyes that's not how it works on who said that today the children at this school think they're here to learn about bones but we've got a trick up our sleeve see if you can spot it or either count all the bones that you can see in this picture go and the first team get right on it before we've even had time to arrange the scenery and stop okay how'd you do got 49 Mary's 52 48 well they were all pretty close but did anyone notice something strange let's have another look right there Sandra's replaced by a fake Sun and nobody noticed how far can we push this we give the group another task starting now count all the bones in that picture and at the same time swap fakes and with mr. Hoskins their teacher somebody they should definitely recognize ok look at me answers Haiti but amazingly still nobody notices I now want you to count their backbones go now we get extreme I'm gonna swap places with Chris there's that scenery coming through again and right there stand and I swap over and time's up ok now when you were counting did you notice anything else maybe not on the wall finally they've spotted it and all our groups fell for it he didn't notice at all have you ever seen this man before really because he was standing right in front of you a few minutes ago well why do you think it was how are we able to fill you so easy well we'll say focus like we did we weren't aware what's happening around us a man's exactly right when your brains concentrating on one thing really hard it turns out everything else that's going on around you even so that you'll miss something quite important that's happening right in front of your eyes stop that let's head back to accidents in emergency go on for another curious case go on well in accident and emergency seven-year-old Jago is in with his mum go on right how'd that happen a seat on the chair and I fell back go on he's in lack of lucozade it took a long time to fall I tried I tried to lean forward but it was heavy makes it too much Rapids okay let's find out more Jago and his pals and ER were waiting patiently to play a game of squash but they soon got bored and started climbing on their seats oh I bet they were pretending to be mountain goats Chris hmm dangerous Oh clowning around at the circus even more dangerous or maybe they were all a space walk and no sound Jay goes seek tip backwards and he bashed his head on the wall hydra-matic examining Jay goes bash bonce is dr. Helen Stewart first dr. Stewart does some tests to make sure that jegos brain is functioning correctly dude reflexes Jago brains good what about that noggin sorry that's your hair after some of jegos hair is removed the doc can finally see the wound he's got a cut that's about a centimeter and a half in length but the edges are quite straight and come together quite nicely so it's it's quite deep so I thought it might need a stitch but actually we'll probably be able to glue the wings shut nice hair Jago werewolf hair fixing jegos head is sister and a cow a short and quick clean we'll stick it back together we loom quick snap for the family album look away if you're squeamish the edges of jegos wound are held together and a few spots of special skin glue are applied let's have a look great job sister Anna Jago can go home now and his head will be better in about five days and what does Jago learned you said it mum by today's mind-bending trick is one for your eyes but to do it Zander I need to change colour remember saying you could do this you know I only ever wear green it's on calm down it won't last forever [Music] three groups of children at this school are here to play one of our mind-bending tricks we're going to show you this picture I'm going to make you look at it very card and then we're gonna switch it to a black and white picture are there any colors in this picture an order for it to work you have to keep looking at that dog and even when the picture changes and you'll want to look at the rest of the picture you still have to keep looking at the dog does that make sense you can play at home too are you ready just remember keep your eyes fixed on the dot in the middle of the picture and don't move your eyes when the picture changes keep focused on that dot keep looking ready for the change don't move your eyes do you see this photo in color now move your eyes do you see it's actually in black and white [Applause] how did this lock get on you saw us in color basically yeah and all the groups saw it so just to be clear guys at no stage is that black and white picture and for color there's no color it just goes from weird orange to black and white so why do you think we had to show you weird colors what do you mean by negative opposite color Omar's got the right idea first we showed the negative image which has the opposite colors of all those in the original as you can see on the color wheel the opposite to blue and green is orange and red so our blue and green tops have become orange --red so why do we then see color on the black-and-white picture when there is none at the back of your eyes you have cells called photoreceptors and they detect the light and you have different photoreceptors for different colors but when you've been looking at one color for a long time the photoreceptors that deal with that color get tired switch off a bit so when you're looking at our image the photoreceptors in the back of your eye that deal with orange and red get tired and they take a little break when it flips to black and white your brain isn't getting signals from the orange and red ones anymore so your blue and green receptors step in to provide that missing color Chris I'm glad you put me back to my normal color but wait a minute Stan wearing blue I'm gonna go and get my bottle of green clothes dye and I'm gonna fix this once and for all honesty just too absolutist quick [Music] this mind-bending trick is all about concentration isn't it Zant sound what are you doing I'm concentrating well that's not how the check work hey you're not fooling me these children at this school think they're here to play a simple game but we've got a trick up our sleeve so what we're going to show you is a video of a ball game and all you have to do is count the number of passes that the team in white make really good let's roll the video time to get counting [Music] [Applause] [Music] so how many passes do you think the team in white made okay Joshua 21 Charles the correct answer is 21 but did you spot anything weird did you see anything at all other than the passing just sort of passing what we didn't tell you was before the match zan dressed up as a gorilla and made an amazing ape appearance during the game let's see if anyone spots it this time [Music] nope no one seems to have noticed in fact it took three attempts and then finally a gorilla he thinks Cecilia is crazy there was no gorilla was there so just watch it again don't worry about the past is now just see if you can see a gorilla there is wait a minute there is the gorilla at the back dancing gorilla and we fooled the other groups - oh there is that gorilla so why didn't they spot it it's because you're looking up and parting the blue don't notice that's the green Cecilia is right you're so busy concentrating on the passes that you don't notice the gorilla in the room this is called inattentional blindness the failure to notice something important because your attention is engaged where so always keep your eye out for the unexpected wears on I mean you really got stuck into your part as a gorilla you know Chris whenever I'm asked to take on a part I try and really get into it at one point I was going to interview a girl's hand and ask them about their motivation suspend he's left a gorilla feet on [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,200,222
Rating: 4.6741023 out of 5
Keywords: operation ouch, operation ouch episodes, operation ouch en espaƱol, operation ouch mindbenders, cbbc operation ouch, Biology for kids, Science experiments for kids, Operation ouch brain, operation ouch full episodes, brilliant brains, Science for kids, Kids Science, Home schooling, Educational kids content, Science at home, Home Science, Science Project, Kids science experiments, human brain, how brains work
Id: GUCcsMmZVec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 56sec (2696 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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