BBC Watch Magic Grandad - Elizabeth I

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hello it's me again Kimberly Chadwick I'm the one with the magic granddad he's magic because he knows how to go back in time once he took us back to see when I have so just been built and we met the people who lived in it then and just the other day we did something even more exciting what lies ahead Tony can you remember your friend Zach hmm oh that's nice came here that's very nice let me say what is there it's a puzzle princess who shut up in the tower what's she doing she's letting down her hair so the fritz can climb up the stupid no it's not sis it is he can climb up her hair yes he could he did didn't he granddad that's what the story says there's a stupid story then you're stupid if you believe it I know now come now stop that you get me in trouble with your mum if you fight like that well I'm not stupid oh come now how would you like me to tell you a true story of a princess who was shut up in the tower yes okay all right huh her name was Princess Elizabeth and she lived 400 years ago and she was locked up in the Tower of London why she locked up in the Tower of London well there were lots of reasons one reason was that she didn't get on with her elder sister Mary and his sister Mary was queen of England that meant she was boss of the whole of the country so when she thought her little sister wasn't behaving herself she had a shut up in the tower we're shocked do that with Gary hmm you're making this up oh no I'm not this is history it really happened look there's a picture of Princess Elizabeth it was painted by someone who lived then did she really wear clothes like that yes but I expect these were four best granddad's years can we could we go back in time and meets her oh I don't know about that Kimberly it was a long time ago 400 years I've never been that far back in time oh please no I wouldn't know how to go back that far anyway suppose I couldn't get home again we'd be locked in the tower with the Princess Elizabeth lovely wood looks you gets us back here you think so I know you would know we can try but for my magic to work we have to have a song any song no it has to be a song that people would have known them I know walks it might work I'm not promising anything what are you going to sing it's called Greensleeves and some people think that it was written by Elizabeth's father King Henry the eighth sing some granddad's any well come in close and close your eyes who we dance needs a real princess we hope so Greensleeves was all my joy Greensleeves was my light-green sneeze was my heart I picked these for the Princess Elizabeth sunny blow me down so we have Gwen don't look what that boys waving your stockings and funny because she's there go give it to my lady sir yes it's leg man yes wait wait the God sees us he won't if I don't want people to see us they don't it's magic it's lighting the painting see you milady my sweetest little ned do flowers still bloom outside yes ma'am the sun is shining on the growths or flowers and you bring some to me I never said it lucky it does brings a little sunshine into this dark room I think you note I cannot stay they will not let me I know but I thank you from the bottom of my heart never will I forget your kindness I try and come again tomorrow if you can only if you can she's crying well it's not surprising me she's very lonely and frightened who are you oh don't you worry about us man we can't hurt you we are from the future my name is Albert and this is Mary great granddaughter Kimberly let's see Kimberly say hello to the princess you should call her my lady princess my lady princess lissa no one ever taught you to curtsy properly child and no never clutched one one before and this is high time you were taught come here the back straight and then deeply into the curtsy and there you wait until I tell you to rise yes miss ma'am um yes ma'am so pray show me we'll have to do but if you are to be at court child then you must practice and you Vlad this is my great grandson Gary and you must bow Gary to the princess like you saw Ned do just now she's waiting for you to kiss her why because that's what people did but I want to that repeat Andheri why are you here well granddad was telling us all about you and I said I wanted to go back and son and meet you to see what it was really like so now you see a princess of England a king's daughter imprisoned like a traitor in the Tower of London I am kept from all company I don't understand what she's talking about grandad she says she's not allowed to speak to anyone why not for fear I plot with them against my lady's sister the Queen were you planning to make yourself Queen Mum certainly not my sister is the rightful Queen grande tada she don't like your sister no we didn't Gary he said that she and Mary didn't get on what mean you buy that sir I merely meant ma'am that you and your sister well things are difficult between you which isn't surprising really when so many people like you more than they're like Mary and want you to be queen instead of her be careful sir these are dangerous words men have lost their heads for saying less what does she mean lost their heads how could they lose their heads she means had their heads chopped off with an axe really you mean ever killed yes that's what happened to people who plotted against the Queen who knocks Sir John gage my lady stuff to tell my jailer quick hide behind a tapestry just Robin hide pree enter Sir John I'm killed you wish to speak to me your grace yes I wish to write to my sister the Queen madam I told you before that cannot be My Orders are that you may write Her Majesty no more letters why not sir I demand you not know I only obey orders and are your orders that I should have nothing to do I'm tired of sitting alone in this room sir you are allowed to walk by the walls outside a few pieces up and down I am used to hunt and ride my horse the whole long day sir here I must live caged like a bird even the shutters must remain closed Posey mater where did it come from it was the gift of a child what child My Orders are that no man no woman new child comes here faith give it me child's gift you would take even that from me let me see those flowers be careful sir you will break them I want to know who this boy is pray why he is but a baby sir the son of one of your own officers what harm can there be in an infant's flowers the message may be hidden in an infant's flower there is no message I swear shall see this room will be searched madam thoroughly you'll find nothing unless you put it there grandad what's going to happen you must leave at once if they find you it will be my death they are only looking for an excuse to murder me do not worry we're going song hope it works Kimberly no you're going to have to thank you for having us yes ready 1 2 3 oh we made it thank heaven what happened huh I hope the girls didn't find anything in a room no they didn't did she had to get out of the tower oh yes she got out all right in fact a few years later when her sister Mary died she became Queen Elizabeth the first and everyone was very happy because they're lighter but they were scared of her too she didn't stand any nonsense she was a very strong Queen look here's a picture of him when she was Queen Wow no it's a dress thing grandad hmm what is the difference between history and the story a story is something that's made up history is something that really happened how do we know cuz it's a painting silly yes that's one way but there are lots of other ways we know the story of the little boy and the flowers and how he wasn't allowed to see Elizabeth again because someone who was there at the time wrote it down so it really happened it really happened it is a Beth was in the tar a little boy came vzt he brought her Flores which gave her joy but the Jayla sick never again boy
Channel: ntvproductions
Views: 437,355
Rating: 4.7048664 out of 5
Keywords: elizabeth I, magic grandad, bbc, watch, education, schools, geoffrey bayldon
Id: 62vn-W9IXpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sun May 25 2014
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