Star Wars: Battlefront II Angry Review

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Hadn't seen Angry Joe that angry in quite a while.

👍︎︎ 370 👤︎︎ u/Exorrt 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

The part where his friend dominates the map and he comes in last place and he made only 20 less credits then his friend shows how bad the systems is. It's designed to force you to buy crates instead of earning them.

👍︎︎ 131 👤︎︎ u/SteroyJenkins 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

"You fucked it up, again" - Angry Joe 2017

👍︎︎ 182 👤︎︎ u/iTheKillaVanilla 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

I laughed hysterically when he was opening the loot boxes in the beginning and just getting crap common drops over and over.

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/Synra_Nightwalker 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

Most interesting part of the review was when he mentioned how the space combat is one of the only fun parts of the game because unlike ground combat, it had bots to help make yourself feel badass.

👍︎︎ 287 👤︎︎ u/Retloclive 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

I was laughing pretty hard when he said "they took a few steps forward ... then fell off a cliff" pretty much agree.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/Mystical_17 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

"The best part of the game isn't even made by DICE!"

Shots fired, multiple casualties.

👍︎︎ 158 👤︎︎ u/DaBendyCindy 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit, the videos he keeps cutting away to jokingly get a point across are the most accurate things I've seen about this game.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/DaBendyCindy 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

Best part was when he referenced Freespace 2. Still the best space flight sim ever released.

Also, for those of you without the time to watch, he gave the game a 6 out of 10.

👍︎︎ 135 👤︎︎ u/Admiral_Petty 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2017 🗫︎ replies
Fuck yeah, Battlefront 2 finally oh my god, man. I'm so excited What the hell is that? What happened to your good costume? Oh, look. Joe, see? I'm not gonna get burned this year. All right. Yeah, I was fucking around last year. Spent $120 on the most expensive edition, so I had to make some cutbacks. I could clearly see that I just went with a standard edition. What the fuck is this? Joe heroes, fuck Joe hi I know you gonna be mad, but I got the preorder but check out all the cool shit, I got You bought the fucking digital deluxe edition Joe you piece of shit. What the fuck? I thought they said it wasn't pay-to-win?! What do I get? It's clearly not there you win, okay? Well, then what weapon do I get started off with oh you got the standard right? Yeah? Oh? hold on let me put this stuff down This is yours I believe. What the fuck?! That is standard edition the fuck am I supposed to do with this you get what you pay for Well! What the fuck?! I'll see you on the battlefield Fuck you Joe, I don't need your pay-to-win garbage. I'll beat your ass ~ ♪♫ ~ Pew Pew Pew You fucked it up AGAIN oh My god. I can't believe here. We are once again Battlefront 2 It was sad that you were just honest and not join them And Instead of talking about improved gameplay a new added campaign mode revised Multiplayer offerings and classes and in starship battles or instead talking about huh? in greedy and stupid EA is screwing around with Star Wars to squeeze as much money out of their consumers as ridiculous microtransactions as possible because what Deposed my mind Oh it blows my mind Your fucking whales over and you're fucking the normal players over because you even have this system in the first place It foot You see what I'm saying. You're fucking up both ways. There's nothing here that makes you feel special It's literally garbage it splash Every fucking pool is trash So what's the point? Fuck EA was supposed to have turned a new leaf No more season passes. No more stupidly expensive hundred and twenty dollar editions They seem to show actual restraint this time and signs of change in all their initial marketing But then it became apparent all they did was replace all that shit with an even more sinister version loot boxes and worse they expected everyone to applaud them for it I Have brought peace freedom justice and security to my new empire If you're not with me Then you're my enemy Only a Sith deals in absolutes I will do what I must you will try But not this time the triple a Star Wars community is not one to be fucked with they pushed back and Surprisingly a dice reacted immediately by making some changes from the beta because if they hadn't it would have been a colossal Disaster at those particular numbers, but it still is a colossal disaster But at the time they said they had tweaked things and put in some restrictions that would help prevent those sort of pay2win concerns However, we started to realize that nothing significant had really changed Overall hey, it's no longer pay to win guys Only if you looked at the digital deluxe edition anyone can clearly see the game is still just that by paying in 20 more dollars here you get a Significant advantage in digital goods that are already in the game. This was the Han Solo blaster situation on steroids oh you get Han Solo's blaster instant access oh Not just one gun but a ton like for free guns for epic star card abilities stuff for Heroes and more things that would take the $60 player hundreds of hours eventually to unlock at the very least so this is the officer crate that you get there's the epic right there Joe and we get reduced recoil and An actual gun unlock so the criticisms if anybody makes a youtube video that still says it still pay to win, they're not lying They're not lying were still upon EA's early access release which ended up working against them for once a Redditor did the math and it was going to take a dedicated? 40 hours just to play with Darth Vader in the Star Wars game That's for hours of not opening crates or doing anything else But just grinding to play as everyone's favorite Star Wars villain What the fuck, but things have developed that leaves your security. I've just made a deal that will keep the Empire out of here forever We would be honored if you would join us I Had no choice there right right before you did, I'm sorry Oh, sorry Z And ei responded with oh oh this is done to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment So you can either play for months or come up some money to bypass this sense of pride and accomplishment what and Thus started the domino effect with the community? Continuing to hammer away at EA's hypocrisy Power After all this their stock started to decline they did a public AMA on reddit But perception was still following so they've changed the hero prices and and reduced it 60 to 70 percent But the damage had already been done soon Everybody was talking about EA's lewd boxes in star wars Across the internet this form of blue boxes and progressions was still there and some even Calculated that if you wanted to unlock everything it could take anywhere from 3,000 to 4,000 hours or just $2,100 to unlock it all Young Skywalker you will die What the actual fuck an Exact one-for-one mobile game economy from afree to play pay to win game Inside a full retail 260 to $80 triple-a game It can't be true we all thought All this bad press ultimately got Disney's attention, and it's reported that Disney executives put the hammer down on EA concerned about public perception especially with the last Jedi film right around the corner in response EA decided to finally remove all paid lue boxes from the game However this decision is only temporary Likely only just to turn them on again after all of this is blown over Just unwilling or unable by this time to completely remove this system that they put out in the game and it's so intricately linked to progression and That's where we are today they thought they could get away with it So many people say that they refuse to buy this game on principle right now And I can't blame them ei tried to pull a fast one on us and thankfully it failed spectacularly You got to be a fucking algebra major to figure this shit out, I have no idea what laughing I have no idea where I'm at in progression it's a damn shame because one of the big things I asked for and didn't even think EA would give a shit about is a Single-player campaign mode well here we get it and not only that it's all canon and even cooler it was Marketed to be from the perspective of the Empire. Holy shit fuck yes. Let's do this What But-but-but, what what? You just ended No, you don't you don't do that. That's dead no my worst fears Come true The game is played on Normal difficulty is only Damn you and not only that but the biggest selling point is practically I lie I Wanted to avoid major spoilers here guys, but I just have to warn you about this one particular part Okay, after practically two missions as the glorious Empire, which I was enjoying so much Fuck you rebel scum You then somehow realize that the Empire is bad And this is the first time I didn't that you're seeing this kind of stuff Really girl if you were ignorant. It is the first time you're seeing the empire of press people Special forces my ass, and you switch over to the rebel scum What the fuck? Mission fucking three I'm the fucking rebels The game then just becomes a pretty much standard ass affair would just rather ridiculous lump jumps in logic Logic to fit this this I didn't character everywhere across the Star Wars universe which hey It's amazing for this actress said since this is canon, but seriously she like saves every major Star Wars character But barely has any character herself. She's like hardcore Empire Special Forces in one mission and then then literally she's layers personal rebel bodyguard the next bull-fucking-shit The Empire's time One hour later unlimited power A few moments later those ships are headed straight for feed they're gonna attack the city What What the fuck is she doing on the fucking fucking x-wing like half a second from the meeting her twelve seconds later People like you the reason hope can prevail After you murdered. Hope all of our fans reason. We're going to win out of friends Welcome to the new or a stupid person thinks I will shake hands with you now because you are stupid five minutes later So it's chasing after an imperial fleet Is killing Imperial scaling my former friends You know just another day Another day another dollar. I laugh, haha Mean what this is just stupid her her bound face. It's so stupid You know del has a better convincing turn to the light when he comes across Luke Skywalker And is surprised by his personality being different from everything has been told it's just incredibly disappointing as Now these people can say that they've always done the Empire thing and and we may never see this Empire perspective done justice for decades more if ever Thanks ei dice Disney whoever oh I Am really disappointed in you soldiers you were supposed to be the Emperor's elite and you let a bunch of bears fucking destroy the Death Star You're lucky. I am NOT your commanding officer. I would murder you all Look at that shit It's embarrassing So in this incredibly short campaign we get some pretty uninspired objectives and repetitive missions along with some really jerky saber gameplay Just one enemy time damn it a bot no like big bug big momma bug There's a lot of Clipping going on so this this is not working. This is just too much You know you make the enemies a little bit bigger than then this would work, but With the characters kind of having Genki animations that clip into each other It's just not as convincing as it is it can be there were times when I was really legit getting immersed, and you will too Fucker I have you now This is a really inspired level, this is like Nothing like the other parts of this game The final battle of jakku who we actually get to participate in this massive battle with both ground and air Segments and and switching between each and and never cutting away, but doing it all That was a lot of fun yeah Just don't expect your AI buddies to help you like at all in fact my favorite character at one point he he just had enough And he just fucking left the game You're the one wandering off into a fucking area you can't go to Like mr.. Fuck what the fuck is she of doing and this is how she earth died? Chef chef Jim you're going the wrong way We can't reach you And that was the last anyone ever saw She that's why you've never heard of it He literally walked home Now granted sheers planet is not this planet. This is a different planet in the galaxy but Shearer found a way to walk home that day true story The campaign overall it's a mixed bag It's slightly disappointing, but look it has its moments And I am happy that they at least tried now hire a real story writer get some better Level designers and objective designers rather and and we can fix this for battlefront three easy Make sure you come back Because I love you make sure I have a ship to come back to Hey sure if I hope you survive this incredibly dangerous mission as well The additional modes include here a pretty pointless single tutorial mission that doesn't teach you anything other than you have three abilities with star cards a Custom arcade mode that lets you set parameters for your own battles, but puts far too many restrictions on things that you actually care about No adding additional AI bots like I've always wanted and asked for no cross era army battles here You're limited to two sides you you can't even put certain armies on certain maps there's no wonder There's no private servers here. It's a joke. That's a joke no okay The battle scenarios, they had potential in previous battle fronts We've gotten fun little distractions as interesting units go up against other ones like he walks verse cow troopers Tusken Raiders versus whoever stuff like that, but no instead here It's an excuse to put the same old hero units up against the same old waves of enemies, okay? kill 50 units and win kill 50 of their units in ten minutes and when Kill 50 of their units before they kill 50 of your units and win boring Uninspired and half-assed okay putting unique units or unique sections of maps that we haven't seen before Would have helped out here It's just really low effort not worth playing, but hey doing all that busy work And then 3 starring everything will get you up bearded Han Solo Yay don't bother as for the multiplayer side of things this is where Battlefront is where it's at right 5 modes total only Three of those 5 are consistent fun the other two blast is your basic Call of Duty standard team deathmatch mode The spawns are ridiculous And it's just not any fun ok and strike sounds great with two teams of a player's Objective based scenarios, but for some reason it just doesn't work out as great as you expect probably with the spawns But luckily this ones are ok everywhere else heroes and villains returns And it's now narrated by this weird announcer thing you got 4 on 4 hero arena battles, and they're pretty fun There's definitely some advantages to certain heroes Clearly over certain others but when when it works out among a team it evens out a bit better the mode isn't perfect by any means and I would get A lot of the same maps over and over, but it is certainly tense fun. You absolutely have to stay together and You know and though it does devolve into button mashing pretty quickly amongst the savory users it is worth checking out Favored combat is fucking mad There needs to be something done about saber Combat in actual blocking and and you know high low side hits can't believe they still Haven't fucking put any time and effort into fucking Actual blocking like all the other freaking Jedi games that have come out over the past Decade maybe I was wrong about this mode Is the it's the exact same type of saber combat from the first one and I already? Pointed out how I was ridiculous That's the saber combat in Star Wars Battlefront, we would like to reenact the saber fire Because your old man However this game is basically just Let's boil it down. It's two really great multiplayer modes. Okay. That's what you're getting for 60 bucks Galactic assault and the surprising Starfighter assault now in my opinion The one of the greatest additions is the new classes system, okay, but it's a start It's an improvement, but unfortunately it's not very yet because there's not much reason to cooperate when dropped in with a few random other people the incentive to stay together and earn more battle points It's ultimately ignored and everybody just runs off in their own directions ignoring teamwork And it's probably because you know battle points and rather how well you do in the match ultimately means jack shit Holy shit down, how many credits did you earn? I Earned 330 So you get 20 more credits than me? I wonder if you're getting that 20 more credits because you're so much of a better of a player Looking you're at the top 49 eliminations. Oh, yeah, I'm at the bottom dells at the top. I'm at the bottom What a better way to show off How much it matters? Whether you're good or not. It's a game this game is fucking fisher-price What did he what did he triple my score? Yeah? And he only got what 20 more credits might as well have not gotten any more credits. We had the same amount of credits Wow the only reason to do well is to grab the heroes and the vehicles and those unique units first okay? If you aren't among the top tier players then you can expect to pretty much never play these guys getting Relegated to just the unique guys. You know like the awful flame thrower or the slightly better jump troopers It's just it's a nightmare balancing heroes for sure and I don't envy dices job here, but perhaps You know having to continue to get kills or lose the hero Overtime would help or or include modes that actually give the heroes to players that are underperforming Or maybe give out random hero chances across the whole board - aside will help It's it's just it's tough. I understand It's also a big disappointment that we still have limp vehicles for whatever reason dice is just Refuses to give us multiple person vehicles and anti vehicle play meaningful play right you can hop into a clone trooper Harrier right, but only as a static turret where the plane just disappointingly flies itself like a moron Yeah, I mean, that's just Pointless I hate that that thing is on Rails And you just sit there in the fuck gun turret like with a good pilot. We could do some damage We didn't go crazy on these fools, but now I got a sit here this fucking brain-dead - part of it Not reacting to him getting hit Thankfully maps are so impressive. They're pretty good There's a few crappy ones like the initial Hoth push that first phase, but for the most part I really enjoyed all the maps. There's no doubt fit that the game is just Absolutely beautiful. Oh my god this looks beautiful Joe That look good Joe that look good those spiders where Were they coming from fucking lazy look like ants but it still looks good though. It's too relieved. There's too many The graphics ten out of ten They're as good as ever the visual spectacle is something that few other first-person shooters can compare to right now if none This is especially apparent in the star fight, or assault mode Which surprisingly turned out to be one of my favorite modes This is blowing my mind guys the best part of the game isn't even developed by Tyson The capital ships are getting in on the action. That is reminding me of free space - fucking cool Criterion takes over development duties from dice here Maybe that's why on this mode and although there's been no radical control scheme changes. We're not gonna see joysticks I guess any time soon since nobody uses them it just manages to play and feel superior to Battlefront one thankfully perhaps the more wide-open areas or the fantastic background vistas and the objectives really help immerse you in that Star Wars lore I love that there's that first-person cockpit view for each of these great iconic vehicles still It's pretty much the closest we're ever going to come to another Rogue Squadron our x-wing vs. TIE fighter these days, and I really enjoyed it I am much better at this mode than any other mode in the game I am I gonna ace pilot, and I know exactly why I loved it so much and it's interesting I don't know why I think I like the Starfighter much. There's many many reasons I solve it It's all me it's because there's bots in here There's bots so you're getting some kills. You're feeling good about yourself Then when you run into a player it turns into this intense one-on-one Let's fucking do this and sometimes it devolves into just turning left you know forever But you know I think the bots really helped the game and That's what we got on the ground battles in the original battlefront as far as I'm aware I don't see those bots on the ground in this one It does help to you know sense the scale of the game for sure yeah See you know another another thing that the bots Do is it contributes to distracting enemy players so that they're not constantly being targeted every fucking second? Yeah, you have a little bit of time to sort of gain your bearings and then get into a real fight This is what bots do why have they not put box on the ground? Is it because they just they were they just don't want to look like they're copying Pandemic is it all that pride? Unfortunately they don't combine the Starfighter assault mode with the Galactic assault mode as they did more than 12 years ago Still don't get that here So that's a major disappointment and something we'll have to wait for you know capital ship to capital ship engagements Let's see don't you think they should have put in a lot more Clone Wars content heroes locations battles than what's already in the game I wanted to play mace windu Dooku the clone commanders I know right I don't understand how a game 12 years old can have more Content in it with regards to that then then they've in this game in 2017 Well that that's really about it as for the other tabs in the menu Nothing reaches the epic legendary level of the diorama mode, which is now completely gone And you know honestly without it I was tempted to give this game a 1 out of 10 because it was the single best mode of all time But alas it will forever remain in the annals of EA Battlefront history a moment of silence for the diorama mode dollar $70 Play 30 matches This is this diorama mode is actually worse than Godzilla I Can't believe this at wait. Are you fucking serious is this? fucking for real Into this bowl Thankfully they do put in some collectibles Though if you thought the pathetic Call of Duty collectibles were awful and lazy Just wait till you see these puppies Collector okay, I didn't expect to be able to you know grab collectibles and pick up lots little different weapons though I should have I don't know I guess I was expecting bare fucking minimum, so Slightly above bare minimum right now, and then you come over to here to check them And there's no fucking collectibles and even bother with them It's either collectible is literally what you see their progress one out of two collectibles in this game are fucking crafting parts pathetic Crafting parts crafting parts crafting parts crafting parts crafting parts so that you can uh put in a fucking little box So the collectibles are loot boxes I don't know How do you manage to do that but you managed to do that and I want to punch you in the throat and? Goddamn mentioned this somehow Individual soldier appearance customization has somehow gotten worse from battlefront, okay? Battlefront one which was pretty bad, but it's worse here it makes No sense as Star Wars is one of the richest universes to mine for this kind of stuff right in this way that sometimes makes battlefront to feel as Empty beyond its two good modes as battlefront one was oh My gosh Battlefront you you you take some steps forward and Then you literally walked off a cliff I think I think that's the best way to put it you took you took some steps forward and then You took a step off the side of the cliff and you fell and you Know That's what happened here The final verdict for Star Wars Battlefront 2 is Incredibly difficult, and it's depressing Okay Dice did make some improvements okay a four-hour campaign is still longer than a zero hour Campaign and and there are lots of new things here and there in the classes and things so I have to go With a six out of ten. It is slightly above average and notice the same verdict as Battlefront won, but how is that possible if it's made improvements? it is because it's being held back by so many of the Insulting business practices that are injected into this game the digital deluxe paid a win version the fucking microtransactions and lewd boxes in Inseparably tied to progression and the lack of customization here and sort of the little bit of I Refuse to to make our game like that game to submit that that game had the solution right and you could do that game Way better okay, you can do it better than pandemic just to it tight why is it nice the two most popular modes are the ones that most resemble the 2005 game alright pull your head out of your ass and get your ego out of the way and realize what people want give them what they want bigger galactic battles and Starship battles and cross those over and you're set oh and of course completely reworking that progression in the Microtransactions, okay, we might eventually see if they do all that What battlefront is finally you know about supposed to be about okay now whether EA is even capable of giving us that? Remains to be seen all I know is that if battlefront 3 comes out exactly the same way with this same progression System and loot boxes the way they are here I may actually organize or join whatever boycott is already sure to have appeared okay, so please EA please guys Continue to listen to our feedback. It's tough. Love we love you, and it's tough okay except for EA I'm talking about dice if you implement all this for the next game. I swear I'll buy two copies or maybe even buy three make a fucking great game first Then turn it into a platform where players will come back month after month And maybe they'd be willing to drop a few more dollars into it as time goes on not the other way around All right Until then I'll see you guys on the next hangry Joe show I'm gonna send a letter right now. Okay point by point what'll work What is this get out of here you're really gonna Be A if it's a game behind a wall and sub-link back there
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 5,753,826
Rating: 4.8577642 out of 5
Keywords: angryjoe, angryjoeshow, star wars, battlefront II, EA, DICE, disney, video game, game review, preview, impressions, parody, funny, gameplay
Id: -pDcNJedoZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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