Based On A True Story: Quest for Justice (1994)

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although fictionalized this film is inspired by three decades of the life and career of hazel Brannon Smith [Music] she's gonna be off the time she stopped overnight in New York London in Paris and Rome I'd give anything to see Rome respect mr. Jones and mr. Wiley gonna show up hardly expected still off licking their wounds somewheres huh Clarence was a good catch to know who say miss Brannon been in more laps than Annette hey close your mouth for all the plans escape what you think you look great you sure do miss fanny Oh Riley I'm afraid you can't call me that anymore I'm married now what and Riley I meet my husband Walter dies me all right my friends call me Smitty well hallelujah and amen brother I've never thought I'd see the day yeah so you must be in huh well it's very nice to meet you hazel says you're the next best thing since pasteurized milk how's Smitty next thing you know she'll be asking for a raise how did you do it every man in this county has been trying for near decade well I convinced her marriage was a noble institution and that she should be institutionalized don't start now Smitty besides we're in love and there's only one cure for that marriage he stole I said she wouldn't be complete until she was married and with my toes and some dancing her [Music] [Music] accident up ahead look like that truck took it head-on oh my lord it's available stop the car Oh [Music] your airway dammit man you're right sweetheart where's the ambulance somewheres wait Batman's drunk it says aids in the wrong lane boy a fool can see that's a lie Bob take Ned's word over some poor white trash any day I don't care you're not fooling arrest him I'll conduct an investigation how'd you sleep at night with my eyes closed I don't think you understand what [Music] get that image in here [Music] [Music] Q's here today [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] my husband Smitty I've been waiting 20 years to throw you a wedding and you going eat look you're gonna love him one more person to cook for but no kitchen hi oh we're gonna get us our dream house we're gonna have lunches and barbecues and cocktail parties I might even join the bridge club I married now is I'm gonna settle down hard time to be nice and I might give you the ear box about your parents hey he's six years younger than her he was a porter you know he was a purser and who cares she's married man well at least our men are finally safe Phoebe that is not fair hazel has never gone after a married man she sure went after all the single ones though I wonder if it was a shotgun win mom I use a burden which one of you flibbertigibbet is talking about me now we just love your hair hazel isn't that one of those new perms you know it just curled up like that after Smitty ravish me down the engine room how could you stand those two hypocrites kissing up like that oh I think she envies them those jealous old tongue ladders sure hazel pretends that she likes to be different deep down she just wants to belong just like everybody else is supporting boys everybody posing for a poetry gentleman to spot the lemonade if he isn't he did it we'll have to hire an organ player miss Hayes I've put the suitcases in your room thanks Riley I'll stop by the kitchen for your leave Reese fix you a plate thank you storm is gathering the time back just before it strikes right is this the same storm it was gathered before I left town I'd have thought you'd taken care of it by now Earl my kids will stay home before I'll see him go to school with [ __ ] oh wow it's strong a vulva like all the rest hmm I don't believe it will boy everybody's gotta believe in something and I believe I'll have another drink it's supposed to be a party in many good news well you got the county prison contract does that count [Music] you must be some kind of man to take basil panna oh I didn't say more I hope I never do must be hard giving everything up moving to a strange place I'd follow that woman into Hell itself mississippi shouldn't be too bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll take it nice to me night fine land bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] want to marry [Music] meddler BAM three years in the building corn why'd you want to paper out Sam sure you can find something down than that no Mac ain't you taking some odd jobs here and there but I got a family to feed I need some steady work well it's a sorry state when a war hero can't even find work I'm doing renovation on the old Harper mansion I'll give you minimum wage plus 10% oversee it man I take it yes ma'am yes ma'am I am someone named Jackson warned me to run a man you told me no it's Jackson's barbecue stand out on the highway but anyway mr. Rollins gonna call you right back Thank You hazel but I'm gonna sit well with our regular advertisers you know Jackson says colored well he's money screaming so I think the best rates aside Mississippi mr. Jackson is Anson clear of advertiser we'd be happy to run that ad for you so if you can provide the ad space we're hoping to be able to raise enough money to replant the riverbanks park before the fourth of July gala I'd love to then in the mean time but hazel you buy too generous not at all I love what the Historical Society's been doing can you keep a secret you have been nominated for membership honey must be desperate for new blood I thought hell it froze over they let me join but you married now there are a few detractors who think you're a little bit bohemian but you're a dear friend and I want to sponsor you personally I guess I have to have respectable now damn bad reputation so much easy to maintain this roast is turning into jerky I can't imagine what's keeping him I'll clean up you want to take Swain on huh oho Mama's gonna pick us up on her way anything that is mad if I'm pretty Selena you been practicing yes ma'am now for a dime oh is it for President George watching that's too easy for someone so smart now for a quarter we invented the light bulb well I will put this quarter rock face and when you know the answer you can have it hey my new cherry girl got me a great deal what do you think just a cup of toast for Memorial Hospital's new administrator what how was worried you would end up drinking beer and chasing bar girls with all the old veterans I still have my evenings free you are not leaving until you've had something to eat my daughter's here see you tomorrow hey Ruth nice Elena let her bring a little girl here while she works huh her mother's working late tonight integration will never succeed not down here I don't think you're in any immediate danger Oh someone should probably tell the Supreme Court Yankee intellectuals and never set foot south of the mason-dixon no offense oh don't worry no one ever accused me of being intellectual they got the NAACP organize them in Atlanta Little Rock now here we need our own committee if we're gonna find him well if the hospital supply white sheet suddenly dwindles you'll know where to find him I'm not talking about morale hooligans I'm talking about concerned citizens trying to preserve this county I think I'll leave local politics to you locals getting in on the ground floor wouldn't hurt you ambitions hazel well if I attend it would be in my capacity as a journalist you come to the first meet then you make your decision [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't you dare go to sleep latitudes of lovely Langer that asana then your Willis describe Mississippi you can drip honey better than any man I ever knew I have a feeling we're talking big numbers doesn't matter how many men you dance with Sally who takes you home you happy here I'm happier than I have ever been in my whole life no more wonder list lost the wander part [Music] probably sermoning you know I realized this before that July but was that a sermon or a filibuster Reverend Moffitt it takes him IFI to say hello he's right though communism so threat to Christianity not as long as we've got Joe McCarthy you always talk a raids on to the band I was starting to feel conspicuous in this joyous see y'all picnic come on ladies let's go home [Music] u-dor I can't get over the Java Society sent over the rest home has never looked better it's due in large part to the generous donation to me I thought it might help when the membership vote came up your social contributions will count for a lot more than your monetary ones taste well nobody's not social me I enjoyed your special fan and Father's Day edition hazel well everybody's so full of ancestor worship around here I knew can lose Hank that you could have done just a tiny bit more on the Confederacy I remember next year don't forget my party of course I don't know you do a leopard and change spots just because it's found a mate she made me a little while but she's honest I find them refreshing [Music] Oh your power some more apples and a campaign and politician it's good for business bull you wash their feet and drink the water to get in there silly club there's no need to act ugly there wait I just hate seeing you grovel to those window I mean if they were fish every one of them would have been thrown back in they don't deserve you I just want to be long Smitty right and then what maybe I'll run for office [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no trying to cause an accident no sir boys drunk 8000 so we're just celebrating a bit that's all don't flatter me boy I heard you're hollering half a block away just having a little fun but I suggest you get your black butts out of here before I have to hold him in fun like ever what did you say [Music] yeah I'm able for four to eight please thank you hi nice to me I know and I'm fine could you come down here for a second no no there's just something that I would like you to see okay thank you what's the big secret anyway no secret I just want you to see this for yourself [Applause] [Music] Marsh I feel a little better I want you to tell her exactly what you told me that's all right she's my wife [Music] it's just not attention I've been defending this town for the last 10 minutes hazel I have not made one accusation all right I don't know what you thinking well excuse me for thinking so well there are a few hateful men in any town Smitty sure we'll just have us lead the pack here are you referring to him roomie bring him in here his hand is going this man is critical I said yet dot cannon I'll be right there excuse me doctor maybe you didn't hear me didn't I just say I'd be right there and while you finished with your white patient that Negro is gonna bleed to death well since I'm in charge of emergency why not let me worry about that because I'm in charge of this hospital doctor now get over there it's what I need some newcomer you only got the job because of his wife telling me how to handle emergency thank you [Music] I'm here about sheriff Cole I need your help Earl yeah yeah we all heard about that incident yesterday he was resisting arrest mr. Lyle there was no crime no charges made sheriff Cole is just in a bad mood and it wasn't the first time he's been reprimanded Warner restrain himself in the future I see that's his punishment we are bigger fish to fry let me remind you the Supreme Court outlawed segregation in the schools this week the coloreds are real cocky it's not point you're one of us they'll just spare us the liberal hogwash sheriff Cole 1 us Cole said those boards are agitators NAACP probably you start defended them gonna make some enemies damn it Earl that even you talking I can't get away with this scot-free you've known each other a long time but I can't help you not on this I see it mean matters will track talking to a stump buddy they were smart enough to join NAACP I got three colored hands working my farm if they try to send their kids to the white school our farm [Applause] another thing half my customers are coming now if I cut off their credit they'll come around you better believe wait a minute we can't fight integration with more ranting we need a plan well I plan to stop it with a boat if I have to have you bodily remove appreciate don't you sit down now does anybody have a more intelligent suggestion y'all know that I've always supported segregation at the time has come to face the facts the colors have lousy schools lousy wages and no opportunity they've accepted this so far but they won't sit still if they can't even expect equal protection under the law or in some cases from the law itself all hell's gonna break loose unless we start making some changes and the first one should be the removal of that man from office between them and us it's his job to uphold the law what are they gonna break if we fire him they'll think they won is this what we're becoming since Brown versus the Board of Education there's been more than a hundred racially motivated arsons and bombings in the South decent church-going citizens have been driven from their homes in the middle of the night the children terrorized simply because they're colored well we don't speak out against the trash during this then where our complices the ministers who fail to preach the teachers who fail to teach the law bayonet judges who fail to uphold the law and the plain informed citizens who knows what's going on is wrong but don't speak out we are all to blame [Music] this meeting is adjourned [Music] I hope you're talking about it without you can expect trouble we've already well I tell you we've just begun mrs. Smith so it's too soon for anything to go wrong this here is my oldest boy rain wants to be in carpentry oh I had me in still what is something miss man your daddy says he will be a competent how you giving the name of one famous carbon and I'll give you this corner Jesus was a carpenter now you come up with one of the main but for the next time I see him I'll give you a dog thanks esmi now listen I'm Oh Billy that closet upstairs and I'm gonna land the whole thing in cedar I'm setting that room for all those dancing shoes do dress the kid I'm not don't shake hooks that way I got a load of flowers I need a head planet this weekend you know anyone needs to work we hung out in the Smith you know I could use the extra money but why do you want to do all that work uptown when you're gonna be moving down here in a couple of months I'm gonna have a big party she's trying to impress the bunch of old biddy she can't stand the first no so which is it I got a husband now so I'm respectable this is my coming-out party it's time sheriff Cole learned we are all limbs of the same human race perhaps his removal will result in more serious consideration being held for the personal rights of all man white or black well I don't know miss hazal you always been one for causes but this is like poking at a bad tooth with a bobby pin it's gonna cost us advertisers I know you wanna help but it's just gonna make things worse I'm not doing this to help this is the truth in it this is a newspaper right now run it she's biting off more than she can chew this time Oh [Music] oh they should have heard so to speak if you bet my lane which is playing you're expecting a medal I wouldn't expect you play God my mouth is dry as an old man's kiss I'd written tonight's meet the flowers : see what roses are gonna be another fifty damn fine I want this party to be special I want them to be thinking about it for months Colin babe [Music] I don't deserve you you're right [Laughter] [Music] nothing that Sheriff even Huskies are allowed in church this is a private meaning besides your name ain't on the list I want to speak with Earl Clyburn he's the one who gave the orders well you tell earth the better men on him have tried to stop the press and failed you think you can remember all that I should I write it down [Music] darn that Lily Claver she's responsible for this yes I'm so sorry that Lau couldn't made it he was coming down with the flu or something I guess we should feel lucky the epidemic hasn't reached us yet why don't we get this whole loaded up send it on to the orphanage you think you're helping but you only stir things up I didn't create a situation Ruth you tell that to them decent folk who stood you up today they're just scared I'd rather face the devil they know and the devil they don't know scared they've been trying to scare us 400 years you don't know what it's like waiting for your man to come home at night worried he'd be lynch beat to death shot in the back that's not just scared that snakes and the piteous stomach what the sheriff did was wrong where you been that isn't the first time a white man has done something like this well what do you want me to do you do what you want to do like always but in it many time your friends were spitting on my feet like I put you up to all of this you want me to hush up too times I change like it or not and for the first time in my life I got hoped maybe things will be better if not for me maybe for my granddaughter all right [Music] [Music] everybody hi miss Claiborne but I hear that hazel had some trouble out here we last night well boys will be boys do you put him up to it what if I did now you let me make one thing perfectly clear I don't cotton to vandals I don't condone petty harassment and I can't abide lawlessness and by god I won't tolerate it from any member of the Citizens Committee either we supposed to sit around like a bunch old ladies huh they had a meeting last week to over 200 I've showed up really devise an intelligent and effective strategy we're not a mob now you conform to the dictates of this committee to go out count me out [Music] well you got to do something hazel they destroyed your property what call the pipes how about if you call the marshal this kind of conduct on the part of our highest elected peace officer has done serious injury to relations between the races I just thank God we got men like him around here to keep them folks in line not really Carl I use mine to launder cap box people would be ashamed to show their face some people keep their stupid opinions to themselves thanks for the free advice I guess you get what you pay for maybe you should write an article about commie trash Reba I see you've finally developed a sense of humor this is a private conversation oh yeah it's just too bad your IQ and as big as those falsies I am don't go getting into a battle of wits with these women they're not on the reign of terror must be stopped along with the countless floggings assaults bombings cross burnings and other acts of intimidation it is not enough to remain aloof from the mob we must create a climate of public opinion in which they cannot operate what do you think I'm not the one that you can visit let it be miss hazel you ought to go on home your eyes look like two chairs in the snow I'm almost done thanks Riley for everything let me reiterate the man was critical and in my opinion dr. Barnes here was miss directing his energies only incident you keep mentioning other incidents other complaints well what were they and who made them because certainly no one has confronted me directly we're not at liberty to say you are not at liberty to say and how am I supposed to answer these charges you're not we have taken a vote who decided to terminate your position yeah effective immediately [Music] god help the man who holds up a mirror to this town you get two weeks severance [Music] it's ironic isn't it the greatest democracy in the history of mankind has produced this pathetic room full of bumps we all know what this is about there's nothing to do with my performance now if any of you had an ounce of guts you would have called it like it was and spared me to this silly little kangaroo court [Music] me sorry [Music] veggies a cat I've been hearing things on that what's wrong they fired me isn't about you you know yeah a little cares that wasn't cut out for a desk job anyway [Music] [Music] it's a blessed another way now you can supervise the renovation [Applause] this is my dad's desk he gave it to me when I got the loan to buy the paper it's all I had left of him [Applause] Thanks paper glass wood it's all right now all right 20 years of your life was in that disk don't mean a thing you weren't partner hey how's the pretty quick I'm gonna need a lot of new parts but I think I can save mr. Smith could you loan me a hand at the back though it's kind of stuck we'll be okay [Music] some Maine folks in this world spec we ought to call the sheriff what for spend about five minutes on his investigation of our fire they were good worse or getting it better help me get this down before his disease [Music] I think that's a great idea look what I found good hey right do you think any more famous carpenters yes ma'am my dad why don't you go down to Lucy Lucy pick up some burgers a sauna straightaway I keep a dollar for you sale I'm ray get surprised too well well you hit a helper just a clunk just passing by how's the investigation coming any new leads stay looking into of course you stopped to think the property owner is always the prime suspect in any awesome don't stop to think sheriff he might never get started again but you've been advertising with us for 14 years dela business is double you said so yourself I don't want to give him any excuse to shop in those new stores open jacks you're not just hurting hazel della you're hurting everybody that works at the paper and honey I'm sorry the committee is organizing a boycott no one's gonna advertise no one's gonna subscribe I just can't go against my own husband committees organize a boycott tell us at least 60% of my advertising what kind of people are these we sure do appreciate what you're doing for us miss Smith don't break me how to be so noble Sam I'll put it in the same thing if Morse Jones have been wild well it wouldn't happen if he had it been what well one bad apple gonna spoil the whole bunch [Music] what do you want sheriff got something for you hazel wanted to deliver it myself have an aspect he just filed a libel suit against me for $100,000 case things can't get much worse yes they can my sister's coming to visit wow really what a surprise hey I haven't seen you lately I hope you haven't come down with that flu that's been going around I was gonna call you but um I just been through all that's all right it seems I'm very difficult to reach lately yeah now that flus left you looking a bit peevish or is it the hair yeah just start dragging the face down when you get older maybe you should consider wearing it up something a bit like this yes that's lovely thank you oh by the way I'm afraid I'm gonna have to withdraw my membership at the Historical Society I'm sure everyone will be devastated can't be helped but with rebuilding the paper and all I just don't have a minute ah [Music] [Music] we the jury find for the plaintiff yeah of cold reliable damages awarded in the mount $10,000 [Music] justice that Maya needs to bully Hawaii for he needs a dog you can appeal Constitution guarantees freedom at a price done it but I'd rather eat birds and give that Paris a dad dad but everyone here we'd love to see me dragged over hot coals how do you fortune ladle bills word can I call you right back what's wrong Sam's wife Henry just called he was arrested this morning for stealing the saddle suckers Sam's as honest as they come I'll arrange bail I'll get a lawyer it's too late miss Haysom the man that had him arrested posted his bond about an hour ago where's he now nobody's seen him since t let him go [Music] boo hate isn't it hey arrow can I do you for well you know I've been thinking that give me a instead of those white walls well now you can't buy a sign your tiger huh and then I'm gonna need me a new battery for my tractor the problem is Lyle you're still advertising and Hazel's paper I never thought you'd line up with lamb laughs oh you know that ain't true it's just maybe you happen to forget I sell advertising for Hazel's paper not much from what I hear you all certainly made sure that happens you sneaking around like rats nobody's sneaking around what we doing is completely aboveboard what is blackmailing people and forcing them to join you nobody's forcing you you don't want to join go ahead look girl I got to advertise whether I like it or not she's the only game in town it's your choice laughs no you're right laughs Lexington needs an alternative to hazel Smith sorry this town can't sport one paper much less - he'll be back in a month looking for the jobs citizens Chronicle who they think the kid they're scared they just want to make sure they have a job in another year and you're not I got enough choice hazel if I don't take the new job they're gonna put well out of business savvy breath I understand you so you can't win spare me the lecture on I've already heard it a dozen twice hazel I'll let you know Judas not you Jew no no never miss hazal they found Sam's body in a river he was beaten to death it's my fault [Music] this is just a hearing mrs. Burke what we wanted just the facts tell us what happened after mr. Dodson paid his bail Sam oh and what did your husband say he said mr. Dodd was getting him out was so that he could settle things personally for stealing a saddle Sam didn't take this settle they found it on two kids a week late and you never saw or heard from your husband again I know I saw you a few it was so brave of you to come I never got to tell you personally how sorry I am Sam's family you're talking to this woman she's under a gag order that's what you're in contempt and you're coming with me for your information a gag order means you can't talk to witness I was unaware that she was in the custody of the court I was talking to his my friend even if I chose to believe you which I don't ignorant is no excuse therefore I find you in contempt of court and all of you to pay a $50 fine and serve 15 days in the county jail [Applause] sentence is suspended provided you behave yourself for the next two years the Smith I'm gonna be frank with you and speak my mind well why don't you got nothing to lose before you go trying to clean up somebody else's house you best look after your own there are so few pure of us left dismissed at least it's only 15 days hey take your shoes off the county higher than that pompous idiot there isn't another Court in the country that I won't hold it you're gonna peel this one to the Supreme Court - he's already seated it's not gonna make any difference these people are so narrow-minded they do not want to change these people happen to be my people and this is still my home all right I'm on your side remember so is my appendix hazel wait wait I'm wrong you're right is it good enough hazel I cannot stand to see them hurt you like this I would much rather if they hurt me damn can I buy you a drink drink he'll buy me the body and Ottilia watt south refuses to tolerate the Bauman's the shootings the beatings and murders southerners will continue to be hailed in scorn as barbarians to the rest of the nation it's brilliant what do we have to lose but now [Applause] you can't see our printing contracts all of them I don't know how much longer I could pay you Ruth you should probably start looking for something else I don't want to look for nothing else I'm too old dead to spoil don't be stunned how you don't pay the wind trying to tell you for 20 years but you don't listen the Lord will provide oh hi and here she is I've been so looking forward to the Smitty's told us such wonderful things events not that he had to anyone who could I came after 36 years had to be pretty special well he's told me so much about you too and I can't wait to find out how much of its true Smitty's been telling us about some of the troubles you've been having lately the violence and harassment are bad enough but to have it be done by the very people you go to church with and to lose your friends none that really mattered it's the best argument there is for better education you can't end racism until you end ignorant he all landed all your social ills in Massachusetts no weren't there protests in Boston last year yes what about the rats in Philadelphia I'm sure we're not all a bunch of potential hi CTU I'll go see ya the coffee's doing [Music] Smitty sorry if I embarrassed you John just doesn't know when to shut up I guess that makes two of us he'll get over it stop bad it's the printing contract [Music] we'll figure something out what there's nothing left paper can't go on without money well we'll get a loan or sell the car maybe we should move on as a paper if you sail Arizona you've never run from a fight in your life maybe it's time that I did it's not a fight I'm afraid of being should I have not having any friends I my steps movie they're not gonna run us off hazel this is our home too he'll come around you'll see besides I just can't see you and I got away too bad we gotta go all the way to Jackson for a loan mortgage to killed still haven't finish the renovation yeah that'll teach me to marry for money my name is Davis Franklin I called Riley Sims this morning he told me where I could find you why'd you want to find me um the church just down the way the pastor's letters used it for a meeting place maybe we can talk there about what that's a group of us well we want to publish our own newspaper we got the financial backing only you can't find it one print what makes you think I will Riley said you were fair-minded and you need the business that's right about that why not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but if we think the present situation is serious we should take a long hard look at the future it can and will get infinitely worse unless we find the character and guts to change things that need changing no man white or black should live in fear I'd be compelled to sleep with a loaded gun by his bedside that one racism happens your paper say word now we're at it's time to stand up and be counted in [Music] Oh pictures my god [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] I think Laura Stewart of being named deputy of the year getting hired a band from New Orleans - everyone will be there let's do something special maybe up in machine yo Shinyoung in that nest little braids that the pickaninnies wear that's another I have always been proud to say I come from Mississippi you make me change silence in these times it's just as ugly as their words I apologize I'd like for you and Smitty to come to the bowl it's my personal guess thank you you don't but we already have another invitation for tonight you have dignity and grace under pressure hazel that's a quality very few ladies have these days [Music] hi all right this is ed lane of the American Civil Liberties Union and Brewster Conway of the n-double a-c-p hazel and Smitty Eugene these two people drive I took my martini in the Scotch oh please so you're the ones cousin every cracker in the South Laurel ooh sales you know more like fraternity boys the revolutionaries to me you hardly look the crusading editor ha ha no Crusader that's so when it goes out looking for trouble I can barely keep up the trouble coming to my door we appreciate your printing our paper no one else would touch you on being paid well regardless is that we are awfully glad you're on our team I love journalists boys I don't take sides like it or not I'd say you have gentlemen if you will excuse us I'm about full up on politics I would like to cut loose and dance with my wife sugar put it away in the next couple hours I want the carefree crowd I'm Harry [Music] [Music] oh forget those some shirts back on maybe this is livin read this [Music] before you put down payment on that lake house you've been eyeballing you better listen to this today the Mississippi State Supreme Court held that editor Hazel Smith's right to publish the truth with good motives and just ands is inherent in the Constitution looks like telling the truth falls under my First Amendment rights score one for the [ __ ] lovers get useful my brother sent this from Ohio now they are printing Hazel's editorials in hair and that's not the only place Baltimore Wilmington they've tried to make her high money and I looked like a bunch of food she's gone too far well what do you suggest I or advertisers gone she's got no subscriptions the county contracts are dried up six months ago how did she keep printing then I don't know I'm tired of waiting if you got a rotten tooth but I want hazel Smith out of business as much as anybody you go to breaking the law you're no better than those newspapers say yeah Errol's right we're not ruling it now let's just see if we can figure out how she's staying in bidness wake up sleep Hey I sure do appreciate you that's no problem we had to come up for a meeting with the bank anyway okay [Music] there you go [Music] isn't this [Music] they couldn't afford the premiums they don't let up for one minute do they I would use a picture that makes my behind look as big as a truck I'll get him flan first I'm gonna get us a couple of beers we're gonna be here all night well but in my dear friend Earl play God hazel I want you to know I had absolutely nothing to do with this you had everything to do with it hazel I'm not a barbarian I'd never be a party to anything like this of course not Earl that'd be the slimy tactics of the downtown plan and everybody knows you're strictly uptown claim [Music] I do an arrow here I'll call you a brute and a bully and this whole town stood up to defend me I stood up to defend you what the hell you talking about last night you proved her right so who cares this whole town's gonna care I'm gonna see to that you nothing but us people hypocrite you and all your Bruno's friends that may be but you shouldn't have made us so aware of it [Music] you really gave them a run for your money miss hazal no one could ever say you went out without a fight I'm not out Riley and I'm not about to give up the fat we can't print without a press and then I will beg I will borrow ours steal until I have enough money to buy a new one hey can we can boycott they can tear me down a hundred times but if they want to stop me from telling the truth uh-huh sad personal note well he Atlanta Herald New Orleans Times manic-trip they're all running our editorials okay well how about hazel on the 23rd will arrange transportation it's highway robbery make it prime time percent done so far well people must be reading your article because I've got eight speaking engagements lined up that's at least what another 5,000 I hate this I feel like I'm standing on a street corner with a couple behind a congregation that my church took this up yesterday two thousand eight hundred and thirty-two dollars I won't cry promised hold it crap this doesn't work May the new boycott wheel cuts knew about it they'd be boycotted me for months not that boycott we figure two could play at this game now the colored person in this town gonna buy from anybody boycott you well those people have to drive all the way to Jackson to shop expected doing what they think is right just like you [Music] even if we can sell this house is just not enough well fine work we've been through that no one's gonna hire you besides I'll need your help if we're going to scrape together enough to rebuild yeah what happened to win oh that's just nothing left right yeah depletion what new part makes me yes of course right I know where that is half an hour who was that I don't know man what do you want say he wanted to help me I'm gonna meet him down the old cotton mill what he said I've been following our story fine I'll go with you look he said it had to be anonymous I have to go along you're actually planning to go he mentioned other journalists I know people I've worked with so what he did his research this could be one of the sheriff's thugs this man is no thug he was too intelligent he was too senior no way I won't allow it I was alone for 20 years before I met you mr. and I took care of myself just fine those are entirely different circumstances don't you walk out that door I'm a big girl Vinny and I'm sick and tired of everyone telling me what to do you are acting like a lunatic it's to prove how tough you are get out of my way Smitty don't let me prove how mean I am to it's coming all right please don't go he'll be a trap how can you know that female intuition [Music] [Music] who are you a friend of your friends I can count the friends I got left in one hand and none of them knows you your friends are over Miss Smith people you don't even know harsh to call people quit making me out it with some kind of Crusader and ever wonder this day in battle in the first place [Music] for your frog why are you doing this let's just say I'm somebody who doesn't want the bad guys to win what's with all the cloak-and-dagger sir perhaps I just don't have the courage you do [Music] your newspaper mine like Miss Smith [Music] [Music] Oh what are you doing here she followed me actually I was just running into town for some bread don't bother we got all the bread we need hey juice thousand Sousa doll it's ready [Music] it goes nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the song I don't know any Thanksgiving songs do you gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble [Laughter] how about a joke how do you know when the politicians line watch out yes all right don't this just beat all we've been bombed burn boycott and bankrupt it but I have to go and die in a laughter oh sure that you're getting away from leave and you see you come forget it mister think of some really clever last words okay [Music] [Music] Carol I supposed to be a picket line outside Hazel's paper should we cancel what do you think JimBob thinks we're gonna have a meeting this afternoon instead think of a new plan maybe write a new editorial do whatever you like I got other plans for this afternoon [Music] and he shall strengthen your heart for just as troubles and earthly suffering are over for our brother Walter [Music] [Music] okay miss Manning no miss Aysen they came for you [Music] as surely as he gave us light heaven awaits us after death place where hunger is their fear forgotten hatred all God's children let us pray father charger hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation [Music] the line is the kingdom the power and [Music] in 1964 hazel Brandon Smith became the first woman to receive the nation's highest honor an editorial record the police arrives [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Rare Films
Views: 680,769
Rating: 4.7323885 out of 5
Id: vdQpswhw7Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 40sec (5260 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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