We The Jury (1996)

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[Music] [Music] that's it this is what they sent us and shut this craft bunch of cops standing around staring at each other with us Oh Frankie biggest murder story since LJ and we're shooting other crews [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's good that's good keep that got the audio on that my captured like us [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay what about the killer we got anything on the killer that's nice it's nice little ragged but keep that that's nice it's great okay now forward slowly I just okay slowly okay freeze it there beautiful zoom it man Jeff you're a genius what else you got she got it at me for that show okay back to the arrest [Music] [Applause] [Music] she goes what about the body beloved husband good happier days Ernie thank a lot on that you want irony or tragic tragedy definitely haven't ready for a level [Music] [Music] [Music] wait a speculator might be today is jury selection which we will begin to give us a sense of the way that way [Music] and they say this thing's gonna last about a month a month in I have you know they get me in on that say you must have a fascinating life who can afford it past this one that's my point they left this one off for shooting a guy just cuz he's getting a little something on the side I'm gonna have to live in another country if he found her with a man and shot her that would be okay right well you got a look at what's involved right I'm trying to say is we shouldn't be talking oh yeah you heard anybody who hasn't talked about this in the last month that I have I understand but we might be selected for the jury I guess what you gotta ask yourself is what do you do if your husband was running around I'd do what she did in a short minute no I'd like to anyway you know something stop me hey more power to it oh I'll say that much what about you you'll never cheat on you never you know that yes I do how about you my husband's dead all right this is what they sent you saw you on TV in that one look good [Music] look it is is my wife with another man if I ever been with another woman look I don't tell this stuff to my face excuse me sir you want to just fill in the form please fill in the form this in yourself is personal will answer what you want to discuss the rest with the judge I'm going to talk to him boy this is between me and my wife okay you don't pay me enough for this kind of stuff we've got to take a long hard look at women married over ten years all our survey say that's where we're getting our best response probably wishing they'd done it themselves I suspect that's precisely what we're tapping into something else when we ask the same subjects to rate their marriage as one to ten at the extremes we correlate very well with a positive attitude toward our client well which extremes high or low both very good marriages very bad marriages interesting huh Wayne come on in just surveys this young ladies come up with some very interesting demographics carry on infidelity it gives us some very tricky correlations that could cut either way obviously the more we know about these people the better as soon as we start getting some names from the jury pool I want neighbors talk to beauticians and beauty parlors and teachers of their children's schools their husbands are running around Seminole know what about men on the jury the women jurors are gonna give us the most options so far um I haven't well we haven't been able to ice any man that doesn't want to see me hanged well locked up for the rest of your life but yeah that's the general picture is it alright if I sit here please lose it thank you the other thing that drives me crazy about jury duty forget all these people same room together and the one thing they have in common they can't talk about why don't we just go around the table and introduce ourselves my name is Fletcher Fletcher low I'm Naomi Budden no.1 James I'm Alice Bell uh I was wondering about was that in the newspaper this morning they said they might sequester us well I don't think they mean us I think it means the jury once they're selected uh I heard it might be that place down on South Street wait a second a hotel oh he's a good one if it's a problem for you I'm sure you could talk to somebody well how long are we gonna be here well all I know is if I get to stay in a hotel my wife's gonna kill me I haven't taken her anyplace in 10 years [Laughter] [Music] when I call your name please take your coats and all your belongings and precedes the door the officer there will take you to court Winston Barnes Alfred Choo Naomi Budden Alice Bell [Music] look at number don't stare [Music] there's a fair likelihood when this trial commences that the jury will be sequestered our best estimate at this time is that the trial will take about a month so I need a show of hands from those of you for whom this could prove to be an undue burden the evidence may show that the defendant's husband was having an affair would this affect your decision whether she was guilty or not guilty of murder mr. Weber no North tech if a man cheats on his wife do you think that justifies her killing him yes button no no I wouldn't mrs. Bell his marital fidelity important to you yes it is so that if a man cheated on his wife something happened you might say that he had it coming I wouldn't say so now juror number eight college student very timid has trouble making up her mind impressionable you're saying bump her tough calls she seems to take her cue from the woman in a two-seat who's an interesting case tell Isabel I don't give that much of a damn about interesting what I'm saying is if we get the one we get the other she makes me nervous I like the way she looked at me I trust her [Applause] [Music] how many of you have watched when AdWords show on television did you form an opinion what she's like mrs. Carlucci I think she's terrific I would consider it a privilege to serve on without words jury did you form an opinion miss vinaigrette no not really mr. Lowe well she seems kind of smart I guess so you like her well III don't usually watch that kind of show sometimes it just comes on you want to accept number three are you kidding she kept looking at the defense table I thought she was gonna ask if she could take that with home with her what about number seven snapped off her answers she seems solid she's great guaranteed they'll throw her off I'm not sure about the black guy number nine not kicking any men off this jury why not mr. James have you read about this case yeah no well that's alright we're not contesting the fact that mrs. Attwood shot her husband in fact it was mrs. Atwood who calls the police Your Honor is he testifying yes ask a question mr. Franciscus and mr. James the circumstances under which the shooting occurred and the state of mind of miss Atwood at the time are essential elements in determining whether it's first-degree murder second-degree murder or manslaughter now will you be able to follow the courts instructions on that I'll try but basically you think murder is murder pretty much yeah so if the judge instruct already said he would try to follow the courts instructions your honor approach I guess I gave him something to think about him don't say how the bias could be clearer your honor he said he could follow the court's orders he knows how to answer the question that's all I mean it's the Francis coz nothing precludes a juror from having opinions as long as they're not fixed opinions murder is murder it sounds fixed to me you keep your voice down he said he would follow the courts instructions raise your right hand [Music] do you and each of you solemnly swear that you will well and truly try the cause now pending before this court and render it true and just verdict therein according to the evidence and instructions of the court so help you God I do [Music] let me tell you what this is and what this isn't this is a murder trial and we the prosecution have to prove to you that on May 18th when at would the defendant sitting right over there shot and killed Gregory Toland the man to whom she was married for 10 years the evidence will show that when at word premeditated this murder she made a plan she went ahead with this plan and she knew what she was doing the law recognizes that even in the taking of life there are degrees to a crime one of the sacred foundations our system of justice is the principle before we can decide what punishment an act deserves we must attempt to learn what was in the mind person who committed that act you're gonna hear testimony about Gregory Donald about how little he cared for his marriage vows he dismantled her self-esteem he cut her off from her family he threatened humiliated and physically degraded her Gregory Toland isn't on trial here when Atwood is Gregory tow pull that trigger he's sold and he reaped it's about murder premeditated cold-blooded first-degree murder and when you've all heard the evidence I promise you you will know beyond any doubt that when Atwood cannot be convicted of murder in non-technical terms it means a single bullet penetrated the cheekbone just below the left eye and entered the brain where it produced massive and fatal damage what death have been instantaneous or instantaneous yes and did the bullet that killed Gregory Toland come from this unregistered handgun that the police took from the defendant state's exhibit 11 yes it did she was standing with a uniformed officer she approached me when I entered the room she said my name is win Atwood I shot my husband he's right in there in their bedroom he was in the bed naked dead oh yeah naked in debt was there anyone else present in the apartment besides the defendant there was another white female her name was Jane Carlyle this was her apartment what was she doing here sitting on the sofa she appeared to be crying did the defendant appear to be crying Oh ma'am she appeared calm and would you say that you and the defendant were close friends we were very close friends so she confided in you oh yes did she ever talk to you about her marriage all the time what did she tell you objection hearsay I've been having an affair for years there's Donatella when you hear an objection don't answer the question and live ruled and this is hearsay miss Bosco I'm not offering this for the truth of it just to show the defendants state of mind all right witnesses answer will stand but the jury will not consider this statement in determining the truth of whether or not mr. Tolin was having an affair but only in determining whether or not such a statement was made to the witness by defendant when the defendant told you about her husband's infidelity which time so she brought the subject up more than once lots of times did you ever offer her any advice at these times she didn't ask for it but I gave it I told her she should divorce them and what if anything was the defendants response to this she said she wasn't gonna let him and his bimbo girlfriend walk away with her for money I'm correct and stating that you consider yourself a friend of when at work yes I do does testifying against such a good friend bother you at all I didn't volunteer to do this mister Franciscus I was subpoenaed and were you subpoenaed when you gave this interview for next week's edition of inside look magazine how much were you paid for this interview mrs. Donatello answer the question please I I believe it was ten thousand dollars buy a lot of new friends for that objection wrong all I'm saying is when you get that kind of money for your story you tell them what they want to hear come on you know you're not supposed to be discussing those like I wasn't discussing testimony this is testimony no it isn't all I said was if somebody sells a story doesn't mean they're gonna lie I don't think so a minute never mind about that lady in there what I want to know are they gonna give us that kind of money for our stories well they might but does it mean you're gonna lie so what do you say you're gonna concentrate on making money instead of a fair verdict is that it did I say that did I say anything like hello can we please just chill out so we can get out of here thank you we had all those police bank guys and you know the thief Reznick experts you know being a a doorman doesn't give you much expertise is that what you are doesn't that get boring well it's a job you know magnet crazy the wife's begun hearing intruders window five to ten years miss Belle you can make your call now really you did all eight this is a wonderful sweetheart yeah well listen we'll think of something really special to do when I get back okay oh we did Lorraine Bart did you wear your life jacket no no I can't this is something I just have to do I'll call you every day you take the care of daddy for me okay well if you have to go hey god I love you [Music] Scala when you started your relationship with Gregory Tolan did you know that he was married yes I did but you continued the relationship anyway it was mutual he'd been happily married I don't imagine that would have happened did you ever discuss marriage with Gregory told him yes he your honor we're getting into a delicate area here she had the conversations there's nothing improper about that counsel knows what I'm talking about we have to discuss this is there an objection I don't hear any grounds how about probative inflammatory hearsay you want an objection I'll give you a dozen all right all right bailiff we'll take a 10-minute recess this stuff gets me I mean what's going on that stuff secret honey if he's talking to his girlfriend about getting married then you've got to believe that he's talking to his wife about getting a divorce you're trying to suggest that the man wanted to get out of the marriage unless I misunderstood your opening statement aren't you alleging that's why she killed him exactly which is why I knew why you can't permit it your honor and we're gonna hardly cross-examine the deceased on whether these conversations took place or not Cameron your client should have thought of that before she killed them man Franciscus is going to win this round no way that lady lawyer isn't gonna let him get away with nothing I bet you 50 bucks first question back ain't about marriage you are on huh what yes miss Carlyle I'm gonna take you back to the night of the murder in your own words please tell us what happened well Gregg had already gone to bed I was just coming out of the bathroom when the doorbell rang I answered the door and it was his wife the defendant yes the defendant we're not wood did you know her I know who she was we never met please continue she came in I didn't even get a chance to say anything Greg called she pushed past me and headed for the bedroom I ran after her I told her to leave she didn't stop she got to the bedroom door and I was writing back of her I never even saw her take out the gun maybe she had an array in the whole time are you alright fine Gregg was just getting out of bed I guess because of the commotion I could see him I could see his face he saw her and he met the same gun at the same time he put his hands up he tried to duck it happened so fast she shot him in the face did miss Atwood say anything at the time she said relax I was going to kill you too but I won't [Music] and then she went to the phone and she called the police yeah yeah nice lady oppan I heard that a nobody was talking to you I don't care who you're talking to I want to hear it again no just because you got a problem don't mean you can jump on me for it why don't you just both sit down we have a long way to go in time everyone will get a chance to talk you just piss because it's so damn clear that your pretty little lady's a stone killer and you're just gonna take the word of her husband's girlfriend all right that's enough [Music] all right everyone out don't finish your lot somewhere else that was bad very bad she was mighty convincing with the jury about your husband wanting out of the marriage what do you expect her to say of course she's going to say something like that how do you listen to me very carefully I'm not going to ask you anything now but once you take the stand I will help to help your answer who let the jury know that if your husband ever talked to that woman about marriage he was lying he didn't want the divorce you did how is that clear yes [Music] [Music] you're an attorney specializing in the field of divorce is that so mr. Rogers yes I am may I approach this is defense 14 for identification Your Honor do you recognize this volume it's my appointment calendar directing your attention to the afternoon of August 11th could you tell us what your two o'clock appointment was I had an appointment with Wynn Atwood and did mrs. Atwood keep that appointment yes she did no further questions your witness mr. Otis when you saw the defendant did she ask you what a divorce settlement would cost her Your Honor I respectfully decline to answer that question on the grounds of attorney-client privilege your honor I was very careful not to break that privilege runner mr. Francis does he is your witness only to effect that she consulted an attorney the state thinks she didn't they can cross-examine on that don't be absurd we moved to strike all this man's testimony once I'm inclined to agree with you for technical reasons you are not to concern yourselves with or speculate about the testimony of mr. Otis which has been stricken from the record there are many forms of abuse I don't believe that physical abuse is either the most prevalent or the most destructive did you in your professional capacity examine when at word I conducted numerous therapeutic interviews over the last six months at the County Jail I also administered a battery of tests did you reach a conclusion a diagnosis yes mrs. Atwood is unmistakeably a victim of severe and chronic abuse and would this abuse she experienced have affected her ability to form rational judgments of to make premeditated decisions yes completely this woman was so weakened she couldn't plan anything let alone make any judgment that we would call rational in moments of stress she would be in a state of atomic ism like a sleepwalker dr. Susan Trueblood who's the chief theorist in the field has pointed out that survivors of life abuse closely resembles psychologically survivors of prison camps dr. Quintero what is your fee to testify today for the defense my standard fee twenty five hundred dollars a day and on how many occasions have you testified in a court of law on issues of psychological abuse maybe 15 15 20 times always for the defense well that's because he's answered the question doctor yes for the defense the defendant looks very together wouldn't you say I don't think that I would use those words but yes she puts up a good front dr. Quintero this front included hosting a television show in front of millions of people every day wouldn't you say that it's hard to believe that a woman who could do that [Applause] [Music] that's been playing the bull houses since it first opened people have been lining up this morning since 6 o'clock for a chance to get into the courtroom today you dressed what your client understands even when your client is win at least Freddy Franciscus doesn't have any choice to beat the murder charge he has to get the jury to see it from her point of view right now that looks tough but who knows Bob she may have some deep dark secrets to reveal it's better be good mateys you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God it did would you say you were happily married in the beginning we were in love and what happened to change that my career took off his floundered he was an architect but he couldn't make it work he had to close his firm my show got an Emmy he started making jokes about being mr. Atwoods and then I found out he was having an affair how did you find out I saw him out with a girl at first he denied everything even that he was there and then he just blew up it was like an eruption he screamed at me for hours about the show and our sex life and then what he said that I was frigid and that I had been from the start and that he didn't holding his feelings in forever and then he threw me down the bed and we had sex did you consent to this he was my husband I suppose I would have he was very very upset you did consent I wasn't asked after this incident did relations with your husband change please you must answer for the record yes in what way it was like that from that on all the time I had to go away we did the show from London for a month one night I called home and a woman answered the phone our times this here was back to in the morning a 2:00 in the morning a woman answered the telephone in your house in the bedroom was private number there's no extension on that line she put Greg on the phone he was laughing laughing I said he had to stop seeing other women and that we should see a marriage counselor what was his reaction to that he locked me in the bedroom he made me call the studio and say I was sick he took out the phone he kept me there for a week he brought other women to the house and he made me watch while they had sex and then he he made me have sex with him together if my mother called or my sister he'd stand it over me until I hung up the phone and then he'd yell at me about them he said I was too close to my family I couldn't have anything to do with him that they disturbed me too much and did you obey Him yes eventually I lost all contact with them and he became quite alone and you never considered a divorce yes I did by then I just wanted to get away I went to see a lawyer were you able to discuss this with your husband yes I got up my courage and I told him I wanted to divorce and what did he say he didn't say anything he left and when he came back he had a gun I never brought it up again so you were no longer having sexual relations not often he moved out of the bedroom he was sleeping guest room when he was at home sometimes that wake up and they'd be on top of me we'd have sex and when he was finished you tell me how much better Jane Carla was than me and how could I expect a woman my age to make him feel anything and then what would happen and then they'd go into one of us all-night rages except now it was changing he started saying he couldn't fight off the urge to kill me he began telling me that we couldn't go on like this that it wasn't a stable situation that's what he said a stable situation and what did you take that to mean that he was gonna kill me yeah one night I couldn't stand being afraid anymore so you'll know where you were going yes I found out where she lived so it's true you went there with the intention to kill your husband no not at all well why else would you bring a loaded gun I don't know I just you just went there with it on a whim I didn't think I hadn't slept for a week I remember I went to my closet and I got the gun out to use it isn't that true I probably felt that if I got the gun it would make him understand that I meant it that he had to let me go that this could not go on that had had to stop or you would stop it by killing him no I never wanted to kill him it just happened it just happened yes I got to the door and she opened the door and I was shaking there was as if I was outside my body watching it or more like my body was moving without me I followed his voice and then I saw he was in her bed [Music] and he was he was very surprised and he was left and then I heard this exposure [Music] you want to take a break miss applet now I'm sorry [Music] if the gun went off and he was dead [Music] if you need anything have your Foreman put it in writing some will be just outside the door for as long as it takes [Music] it's okay unless you get right I mean there's no particular who is our Foreman for person the judge said we're supposed to elect someone who wants to bother with it let's just make it the dude in the number one chair yeah that's you pal you know it's gonna come in handy that's not how you elect someone all right so I nominate uh Carl there what's his name in the first chair hey second that this is ridiculous this is something we should talk about so you can elect some lady that was crying in there when she was understand no way Sisson about men against women I think barrel has a point I think Alice should be foreperson or barrel are you kidding she had her mind made up before this thing even started I don't see what gives you the right mr. Ramos that's uncalled for all right man I'm sorry to her yeah I'm sorry I think we're gonna have enough to argue about why don't we just let mr. Weber be Foreman I mean he's in the first chair and then I won't be a victory for anyone I won't fight it but if he can't let's just cross that bridge and we get to it come on let's all sit down I don't know why I'm saying this sorry mr. Weber your purse and carry on all right well that's a good idea let's do it mrs. Bell says and everybody um sir it is imperative that we follow the judges instructions therefore not guilty is not an option since the defendant admitted to the shooting we have to find a guilty of something you better believe it I think we should be orderly Carl and I suggest that if someone has something to say they should raise her well that's a good idea and I think we should do that all right according to the judges instructions then our choices would be between first-degree murder second-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter manslaughter that's like nothing she'd probably get off with time served excuse me ieave yeah look she's been in the joint almost a year right they gave her two years you take off the good time in a month or two she's gonna walk right out of there we're pretty saying wait a minute according to the judge we are not supposed to consider this thing hey come on that's what this is all about either the lady does sometime or she walks okay they didn't go for lethal injection that's the only question there is here [Music] no we said no raising our hands would be the thing I think the secret ballot we should abandon that it's a waste of paper everybody's gonna have to really say what they think at some point we might as well start that right now I think we'll go around the table you look at a problem with that mrs. Bell would you be good enough to start us on well um I don't think it was first-degree murder because I don't think that the state proved that she premeditated her intent to kill him and when she bring the gun for then to turn the hedges sister in I think she was pushed beyond a breaking point and by the night of the shooting she wasn't capable of forming any meaningful intent so I I would say it's manslaughter that's exactly the point manslaughter not guilty what what is this no no baby not guilty is not an option we covered that already we don't have to obey the judge's instructions we can follow our conscience that's not true we took an oath according to the evidence and the instructions of the court it also said a true and just verdict those might not be the same and who decides that I'm sorry I have to agree with horse we got to do what the judge said a jury can do whatever it wants its called jury nullification oh she's a lawyer I'm not a lawyer sure as hell ain't no judge not even a judge can overturn our verdict come on why do you think they gave us that power and what we're gonna say that she didn't do nothing mr. Ramos are you saying that we can say that she didn't do nothing I'm just pointing out that the judge does not tell us everything I don't think that we should be talking about this now why not because we may get to a point where it never even matters let's just see where we stand first exactly let's get back to the vote oh wait that's true well I kinda think what Alice said before was right so manslaughter that's right manslaughter there was no intent not like somebody planning something all right well I I'm the foreman I'm going to abstain plus I have made up my mind um mr. wolf well I just hope this doesn't come down to a boy-girl thing because move a dozen hi I kind of agree with some women manslaughter manslaughter we all crazy she didn't plan nothing and she put one right between his eyes it's murder one no two ways I don't know if things were as simple as Rafael says there may be it's second degree murder second degree how could be second degree hearing I'm sure it was premeditated I don't know I'm just not comfortable with first but it is murder that's what I'm saying it's a second yeah I think it's sorry I think it's immense lot well I guess is my time like Carl I'm not decided I am fairly certain that it's not murder one oh god man these ladies are dead but I'm pretty certain that it could be murdered too but if I had to vote right now I couldn't vote for manslaughter so where does that leave us what's all that second we have one for outright acquittal seven for manslaughter one for first-degree two per second and one undecided so what do we do now mr. Weber try to understand the issue this isn't an issue it's a murder that's the whole point it isn't you have to understand no we don't have to understand nothing the only thing we have to understand are the facts I know it must be hard for you but if you put yourself in her shoes nobody's shopping for shoes here that's pretty cool man shopping for shoes don't be so strict right it's all right no it's not all right you're so smug and superior we have to at least make an effort to understand her state of mind hey I don't give a damn about her state of mind the only thing we're supposed to understand are the facts that's a sort of myopic idiocy I expect from him but you could show a little more initiative excuse me Farrell can I talk to you over here for a minute [Music] you know when you talk to them like that you only make them dig their heels in deeper they're already dug in over their heads are you gonna change it do you really think that you can get through to Raphael by talking to him like that he'll come around when Horace and Noland do you know what tough guys are like it's not all write them over they're talking by themselves about that I think maybe we should have a smoking policy in place she's right and the way the judge explained the difference in the charges is in her frame of mind oh man don't you start that too I don't agree with him that's not what I'm saying but we have to examine what she was thinking it's exactly what the defense wants you to do they want you to forget the facts yeah you know what they all think they're abused now if we let this one get away with it they're all gonna have guns is that what you want is that what this is about hmm keeping our women in line isn't it we're just wasting time people she went in there she killed him and that's murderer killing isn't necessarily murder don't win your Nobel Peace Prize there okay no one takes that coffee pot things it hits me in the head I die that's murder not if you've provoked her so badly it drives her nuts and everyone else she can't stand any more she picks up the coffeepot she hits you over the head and it accidentally kills you that's manslaughter she should just make him drink it that would do it listen Nolan like this morning at breakfast she decided that first chance she got you alone beat you to death with a coffee pot don't you get it that's what state of mind means okay but you can't ever know that what she meant to do but it sounds as though you agreed that her state of mind is important yeah well great now you all right we want to know what a state of mind was right so let's reconstruct what happened from her point of view and what we're gonna get in touch with our inner feelings we should get the floor plans the gun everything okay it's the night of the crime she's getting ready for bed she's just had a shower so she's coming out of the bathroom I'm trying not to think about him okay about where he is oh man this is so lame no it's not shut up I'm thinking I'm all alone she looks in the closet she's got this nice nightgown only what if he comes home and sees her in it that could set him off she's thinking how he makes her hate being pretty you're making this all up he's got nothing to do with it yes it does keep going and then she suddenly knows she just can't take it anymore she just has to make him understand that it has to stop she goes to his room and gets the gun plus I'm I'm in a nice sort of days I don't I was told a gun was in heracross we don't remember that you know I don't think the side conversations are appropriate I think if somebody has something to say that you say it's almost in here okay thank you actually I think that Yvonne has something to say she said the gun was in her closet I remember that because I wondered then why his gun was in her closet maybe because he put it in there what difference does it make I don't know all right then let's move on okay she can wait a minute this is bothering me too hey you know what maybe she said that closet like so I got it from the closet yeah I know I remember what she said she said my closet why else would you bring a loaded gun answer I don't know I just questioned you went there with it on a whim answer I didn't think I hadn't slept for a week I remember I went to my closet and I got the gun app [Music] I understand any of this her closet his closet what difference does it make I think we should get back to going through it her state of mind yeah you would look what I want to know is are we supposed to talk about this closet but no it is not necessary to insult everyone okay it just so happens that Yvonne was right and you was wrong I wasn't insulting nobody I just said it was a stupid point no you're a stupid man I'm sick and tired of him pushing everyone around what is pushing anybody around except for maybe this one with her he makes me hate myself for being pretty all right mister how come you never do anything why do the foreman you just sit there you let him fight like that where am I supposed to go it's not my job you're not even trying you just sit there you write all the time one with her make me hate pretty be Oh mister fact didn't have his facts right I'm allowed to take boobs Yvonne heavily accented English old-fashioned hairdo your love take notes if you're on a jury you can take notes it's not about the trial is it what are you doing I mean what am i doing what are you getting your stuff together for the big bestseller is that it don't you start picking on me is that what you are doing there's not one person in this room who hasn't thought the same thing as me and that is the truth [Music] want my book here sewer catchy it's the waiver I've had the opportunity to examine your notebook and I'd like you to explain the purpose of these notes purpose I would I thought they would help me help you in reaching a verdict may I remind you mr. Weber that you could face perjury charges if you knowingly give false answers to this court I know all's it is is like I was led to believe that if I could take notes [Music] look I've never been involved in anything like this this is an opportunity everybody knows the people who get involved in be big cases they become famous so why not me I wasn't gonna do anything they would I don't know I'm sorry your honor [Music] I'd like to stay really blew it man you know that was like he was spying on us okay Hey what did you get for us huh they're gonna throw us off right excuse me yeah thanks get a bunch of strangers cooped up together you're doing great look how you confronted Carl oh yeah that but I can't I mean you think it all through you know and you're smart but sometimes I just can't follow at all you have this much right to your thoughts as anyone else in that room what thoughts I'm just confused all confused don't sell yourself short yeah I know but barely you know she she's got it all straight in her head and you you you can analyze these things Neverland Harris and all the others I just I just I can't do the kind of analyzation you're a good and decent man that's what being on a jury is about [Music] [Music] [Music] okay looks like you got a new Foreman maybe now we can get this thing settled I'm Larry Millan I like to run a pretty tight ship and the first thing I think we got to do is get ourselves up to speed I'm not certain your as a foreman mr. Moran well this little Carl was and I'm his replacement we've made a mistake before we're not going to make it again I nominate Ellis Bell oh come on there's only one person in this room who has not best everybody else office sometime or not the come on let's do those fans thank you okay thank you hey yeah I just want to say one thing I'll shut up all of you have talked a lot about this you all know where you stand I just want to tell you where I stand I'm married I have two kids and on occasion I have cheated on my wife I know if it's okay to shoot a man for that I'm gonna help a lot of trouble anyone else have any confessions they want to make I don't have confession but I do have a question and since you seem to have some experience with infidelity I guess you're the one I should ask okay far away have you ever had a really big fight with your wife Pope Catholic you ever moved into a spare room yeah I have been known to do that on occasion where's this going counselor do you take your things let me explain something together madam Foreman when you move out of your wife's bedroom it's a big deal I mean it's very dramatic you are making a point so believe me if you go through an act like that you don't want to come crawling back in the morning looking for your socks yeah damn right you take your stuff don't you take your gun the gun that you've threatened her with would you leave it in the closet no no of course I don't weigh all right she said she was confused maybe she went into his room what difference does it make possible but she seemed pretty clear about the closet even when she was confused I don't understand I mean did you just say that you couldn't have the gun in her closet uh-huh when he moved out of their room he would have taken his gun you're saying he wouldn't have left his gun in the closet but he did leave it in the closet that doesn't make any sense look Nolan he would have taken this gun when he moved out of the room right but now we know that he didn't take his gun so what you think that means that must mean one out of two things either he never moved out of the room or it wasn't his guy so then all that stuff about him bringing a gun home and threatening her with it that isn't true can it's possible that Larry here's theories on male behavior aren't binding on everyone Yeah right it could be he threatened to kill her with a gun and then left it for her in the closet [Applause] now look it could be that this man was just playing games with her head right I mean that's what she said and if that's right then what happened couldn't be helped that's what I keep telling you yes barrel but that is only one could be it could also be that this woman just wanted out of a lousy marriage and in no way was she gonna pay him no alimony excuse me yes Siobhan I had an uncle back home everybody said he ran around on his wife but I lived with them and I knew the man was a saint Oh what is this we're not talking about another country there was a trial in this country we're the jury the judge said Vicki drawing on our own personal experiences what experienced some Saint in the old country I don't want to hear about it he was a good man that's all what I'm saying people say things about someone but but it doesn't it doesn't make it true that doesn't mean anything now why don't we all just agree to shut up if we don't have anything to say it's got something to do with what's going on here look at that what the hell is the matter with you treating her like that Oh mr. tact talking it's not the same thing why isn't it because I don't have to be tactful I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything excuse me are you saying that we all have to cater to yourself that's what it comes down to lady I'm even more solid for murder one than I was before so you girls are gonna have to convince me or we're gonna be here one damn long time maybe you're gonna have to convince us girls if I want to do but I don't it's not my thing that is the most typical arrogant infuriating to shoot him what I would vote on that one it's not funny I'm not sure she could hit him anyway what are you talking about I mean when Atwood we're trying to get into her state of mind right well she said she was upset and shaking but she hit him right below the eye with only one shot he's not so hard it ain't easy you want to hit a bull's eye your arms gotta be fully extended and steady it could take me a whole clip you gotta be cool calm and collected that's a very good point Fletcher no it's not it's irrelevant all she had to do is point and shoot Oh could you do it she was only 15 feet away so do it here pick up the gun you shoot me what come on it's not loaded wait a minute I don't know any of them you don't touch it you think it's so easy come on put your money where your damn mouth ah you idiot right here we go I'm in the bed you come in the room I see you I put up my hands you shoot come on go for it this is stupid come on do it [Music] to me okay so you shut the lamp you shot my knee you shot my girlfriend's pussycat but you missed my head [Music] you okay yes so to kill him in one shot she hadn't heard she was doing it's like I said before she's a stone killer No [Music] on a Sally dr. Quintero said she was in a state of atomic ISM and when herself said she left her body you know it's like a car accident things happen in slow motion and everything's very clear [Music] murder first-degree miss Edgewood is not telling us the truth is that first-degree murder first-degree you know where I stand I don't think anything's changed I'm still with manslaughter I think it's first degree [Music] well before I was I was convinced she was abused but now I'm not so sure I'd have to say I'm leaning towards murder that's definitely all and now woman's story I don't think I could vote for manslaughter now I don't know maybe Alice is right Oh can't you think for yourself I don't believe her story anymore that's for me for myself okay nothing's changed for me same with me manslaughter murder one okay and get pretty rough in there can it at least with rough I know where I stand it's not personal we're all just trying to do the right thing you know something when a woman gets messed over everybody turns honor the women the first selfie you think is going on in there look I'm not saying she has a right to kill anyone I'm saying when a woman is pushed far enough sometimes she breaks and we can't judge people have suffered like that the way that we judge people haven't that's right yeah but what if she hasn't what if she's lying barrel then that she's cheating every single woman who is abused no okay maybe she didn't tell the whole truth about the gun no maybe she exaggerated a few other things but if she shot the man you know he gave her a good reason now maybe you're prepared to forget that but I am not hit her pattern let's get at her okay let me ask you guys a question how can you just ignore what he did to her oh man here we go again because you don't know if it's true how do you know it isn't how do you ever know for sure if I had to guess um I'm not talking about guesses I'm talking about what you know beyond a reasonable doubt reasonable doubt do you really believe that woman proved that she was so abused she doesn't have to prove a thing the burden of proof is on the state she's right the judgment was very clear on that oh that's a bunch of garbage the burden of proof is garbage no I mean that they already proved that she offed him huh she even said so now she wants to come to us say oh I had a reason well she's damn well got to prove that I think we all have to decide whether the abuse really happened because if she's lying then she intended to kill him in its murder that's right but if she was so traumatized by him that she didn't know what she was doing when she shot him then it's manslaughter so whose side are you on not on anybody's side just lay off her she's just doing what we're supposed to do so who are you now her big protector or something what's that supposed to mean come on guys let's not get into this you act like you don't even care whether she was abused or not well I don't all I know is that she planned the whole thing out like I can't know that you can't know whether she intended to kill him no no no I don't have to know it not like if I saw it come on the judge heat he had to work for it you know it's like when you see that the sidewalks wet but you didn't actually see it raining infer that's it all right so here we go she gets herself a piece right I infer she's got a mind to shoot him she puts it in her pocket I am first she's gonna shoot him that off she gets in her car she drives over to where this other lady lives I am first she's gonna shoot him right now she goes in the bedroom she shoots him bang right between the eyes I am for premeditation and that's murder one [Music] but why [Music] she wasn't abused why did she do it why would a woman who had she had risk everything she can't want to give him a divorce Oh she'd rather risk going to prison I mean think about it so she had to give him half of money big deal what is that compared to having your life destroyed anyway she went to a divorce lawyer no Naomi we're not allowed to consider that testimony Horace is right judge said so we have to ignore that testimony he pretend you don't know something it's kind of weird I mean how could a woman like that kill her husband there is only one reason because he drove her crazy with Tara Tasha if she was so abused why didn't mr. Franciscus have any other family or a friend testified that they know something about didn't you listen to dr. Quintero when you were abused like that you don't talk to anyone you're isolated because you're so ashamed he kind of see it any way you want it's really confusing I had a friend she was beaten up a lot by her boyfriend and I didn't know but I knew you know you see that's what I'm talking about right there I don't care how isolated you are somebody has got to know something maybe what you don't know is the secret hell she know we don't but listen this is where I'm coming from okay we people have got to agree that we are not gonna kill each other you know what I'm saying and is it's just basic it is basic to being a human being am i right so if I go to somebody now and I say hey I just killed the guy but you can't blame me cuz I was so messed up in my head that I was no longer functioning person well honey then I have got to show that you know I'm saying I have got to prove it honey because either he got pain she got pain pretty soon we all be shooting and killing each other because baby everybody got Hey [Music] excuse me I'm changing my verdict first-degree murder [Music] there's just the two of them left Berlin the one with the kneading why don't we zero in on the one with the Knitting no in man I'm just trying to get us out of here this isn't result to reasonable discussion excuse me gentlemen if you care to join us we could get started yesterday mr. Ramos Ramos Ramos said he was in the minority and the rest of us had to convince him things have moved around a lot since then I think Braille and I should just sit here and listen to what the rest you have to say okay I don't think a crack at the gunner closet not his gun the fact she was in control nailed him with one shot the mistress testified at what said she was gonna kill her too I can't trust her word okay okay when atwood testified she implied that her husband was sleeping with all kinds of women but when the mistress testified she said that their relationship had been going on for like more than three years he has a mistress for three years and you make it sound like it's something good he did no no that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is they didn't cross-examine her they didn't ask her about other women yeah but she knew believe me when you cheat on your mistress she knows just like your wife but the point is if the defense didn't ask her is because they didn't want us to hear the answer so simple fact is he may not have been faithful to his wife but he was not as I say sleek around where are you protecting that man's reputation she was in that tramps apartment when he was shot she was a useless cheating deceiving hey what is it with you you haven't you don't you or something what's your problem her husband's dead oh geez hey I'm sorry I didn't mean I mean I didn't know hey look I'm sorry okay well you talk to women you should be ashamed they've been married for 27 years and I it's wrong well we were married 41 years I was 16 years old when I met him I never knew another man he was a good husband a good provider we tried to have children but didn't work so we settled into that just George and me that was all we needed really in 41 years they never once gave me cause to doubt I'm just always shooting off my mouth you know I didn't mean nothing year and a half ago he had a stroke it's very bad all he can do is light look into my eyes thank God he had another and he was gone but I still had that to hold on to I still had those 41 years mr. Mouse you know what I found out he was running around you want to know when [Music] at his funeral [Music] she came to his funeral woman because she loved him she said because he loved her she said she hated all these years and she didn't want to hide it anymore as if she had some rights here what right what right did she have to take away those 41 years and what could I do to her she was dipped [Music] yeah [Music] it's murder [Music] god help it's what I would have done but it's still murder [Music] doesn't it bother you that she lied about the gun some that she was telling the truth about the relationship none of her friends know anything about it I told you when people are treated like that they don't want anyone to know Beryl you've been had you just don't want to hear no you've been had all of you men can do whatever they want we're supposed to take it some drunken slob beats his wife to death that's sudden anger whatever the lawyers call it but when she can't stand it anymore crouching in a corner terrified waiting that makes what she does premeditated and she goes to jail for the rest of her life I am sick of it and this is my chance to put it right this isn't a political trial Oh God of course it is and what's the political message you're trying to send you can only push a woman so far how's that fine I can see that if her story's true it is and if you don't buy that then we go into that court and we tell the judge we are a hung jury it's fine [ __ ] don't listen to anything anyway ade Bailey sit down and watch your mouth you just remember from the very beginning I've been where you people are just getting to yes but for all the wrong reasons we have all been sitting here struggling to find the truth while you had your mind made up from the start and even though we've come to the same verdict as you does not make your behavior acceptable it's alright we're fine I want to know something Beryl is this a crusade with you are you sticking with not guilty because some women are abused no because she was and if she wasn't I just want to know where we stand if she was making it up and it is murder okay look I'm sorry for Mickey will go through this what you don't seem to get is what women experience it is like being in a concentration camp just like that psychologist said the one dr. Quintero quoted dr. Susan Trueblood and I don't understand why you can't see that how did you remember that her name she was on TV she's like this huge woman she was on Oprah when Atwood on Donahue I think the woman whose theories Quintero's work is based on was on the win at wood shelf about a year ago and Donna you before he was canceled what did she say on when Edward well it was about the tragedy of wife abuse one woman ran over her husband and dr. Trueblood said I don't know whatever dr. Quintero said you know like self-esteem and all that sleepwalking stuff I like that that's why I heard it she talked to her barrel she would have had her books done the research she would have known exactly what to say maybe when she did that show it was a chance to understand more about what she was going through barrel if she could understand that meant she was rational she wasn't lost in despair she had alternatives I think you know that I can't betray every woman not this is one very specific woman lied [Music] as the jury reached a verdict yes your honor we have as to the charge of murder in the first degree I'll say we find the defendant guilty as charged [Music] Ellis Bell is this your verdict yes it is Fletcher Lowe is this your verdict yes yes it is Naomi button is this your verdict yes Raphael Ramos is this your verdict yeah yes Noland James is this your verdict that's my verdict he's gone mahalik is this your verdict yes Horace the Fanus is this your verdict yes it is first-degree murder guilty Lawrence Milan is this your verdict murder first-degree yes Gladys McKenzie is this your verdict is it is Beryl Granger is this your verdict yes Stephani true is this your verdict that's right yeah Evelyn Harris is this your verdict first degree murder yes [Music] well it was totally crazy everybody was smiling and stuff [Music] so people were really had weird attitudes if it wasn't for me they were gonna free but arrested the story I was hard you know I felt for a bit [Music] hey Alice hey maybe I'll see you sometime [Music] yeah maybe [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rare Films
Views: 136,035
Rating: 4.6170211 out of 5
Id: IkuW6BOv4bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 27sec (5247 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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