People Like Us (1990)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what do you want I just I want to talk to you Becky I told you I didn't want to see you anymore come on babe you didn't mean that we're in love I gotta go my parents are expecting me for dinner I'll come with no how many times do we have to go through this lefty things just didn't work out between us it's over how about you understood yes I understand you think you're better than me you always did that's not true I just don't love you why can't you accept that and leave me alone Becky come back I'm sorry [Music] to our wonderful daughter who's not only had her first novel FastTrack published a great critical acclaim thank you but as soul said novel as a five hour miniseries here television oh well whoever said there's no business like show business wasn't kidding you're gonna learn that's we don't I already know dad I had to listen to your war stories about how the studio's abused us writers all my life most of which he made up Viki I know that too mom all right all right enough about my trials and tribulations I'd like to make a toast to my mom for giving me life courage and the strength to survive any situation and to my dad for his support believe in inspiration I love you both very much well I always seem to be the one to call it an evening but I really am rather tired I'll get your chair you can have standard tuck you into numbers those days are over my sweet and even when we will now I always preferred sleeping alone liar what about you honey you're not still seeing that guitarist are you no mom I told you I broke up with him I'm glad to hear it you deserve better you've said that about every guy I've ever dated and all of us no I'm never wrong oh yes Gus and that's certainly true it's another immaculate will take care of me call me soon you like peach I'll walk your old man it was Kara only if you'll do the same for me [Music] all right about this breakup find it took me a while but I found out I really didn't love him after all so I'm proud of you Becky you turned into a wonderful woman and a terrific writer it was easy my father's daughter after all thank you drive carefully yeah I will [Music] my darling [Applause] [Music] [Music] was it mr. Costas Bailey yes detective Jackson LAPD I'd like to talk to you sir what's the problem I'm sorry to have disturbed you sir but I'm afraid I have some bad news if you have a daughter Rebecca need Baily living at 235 west hayden Avenue in West Los Angeles yes dear God she hasn't been in a car crash has she no sir I'm sorry to have to tell you this but your daughter's dead it appears she was murdered that can't be I was with her two hours ago has to be a mistake a neighbor reported hearing screams coming from inside your daughter's apartment our officers investigated and found the body [Music] not picky oh please that [ __ ] I'll need you to make an identification mr. Baily [Music] yes but I hope to god you're wrong you have to be wrong [Music] we have a suspect in custody sir who Francis Flint also known as Lefty [Music] I can't believe you the police took me to see happen they're not sure [Music] how did she die cus she was murdered strangled I left evening [Music] keep not my father my baby what if you choke us we don't know we make sure Flint goes away the rest of his damned life a formal arrest has been made in connection with last night's brutal slaying of Becky Bailey successful novelist and daughter of writer Augustus Bailey and his ex-wife socialite peach printable Bailey Frances lefty Flint has been charged with murder in the first degree Flint Entertainer at a Malibu restaurant and a strange boyfriend of the victim has admitted to committing the violent crime and his Ryle is expected to begin shortly until tomorrow this is Bernard slackin from focus on special assignment honey we got to go the van to the airport's waiting I'm sorry I was watching something on TV maybe you are right you look like you've just seen a ghost goodnight peach gave birth to biggie I remember thinking for the first time about my own mortality suddenly my life became more precious because of that beautiful child I had to live long enough to ensure her happiness I wanted to catch her when she tried to take her first steps I wanted to teach you how to ride a bike dribble the basketball I wanted to introduce her to the power of words and watch her discover the magic of love I wanted to walk her down the aisle into a loving marriage and I wanted to hold her first child and feel renewed most of all I wanted to protect Becky from any kind of harm goodbye my darling daughter [Music] [Music] peach I'm so sorry guys thanks for coming she's the daughter I never had when Becky was seven eight years old you brought her to the set of Memphis Belle do you remember that she told me that I should read her father's lines exactly as they were written and if I did she promised me that she would someday write a movie for me you know because of that promise I never changed a word you wrote [Music] [Music] winding up what has been a lengthy and heated trial Frances lefty Flint admitted killer of Becky Bailey has just arrived at the Santa Monica courthouse Flint's attorney has announced that his client will take to stand today and testify on his own behalf and now I see Becky's parents have arrived each friend of availing herself the victim of a cruel fate paralyzed after being thrown from a horse five years ago and Augustus Bailey the noted Hollywood screenwriter and journalist Becky told me that her parents didn't approve of me so I thought I'd make it easy Your Honor and I told her that maybe it would be better if we didn't see one another for a while are you saying that you're the one who ended this relationship yes sir not because I didn't love Becky I did because I knew it would be better for her with me out of her life and why were you at Becky Bailey's apartment that night Becky called me she said she missed me that she wanted to see me and that she didn't care what her parents thought anymore so you went to Becky's apartment at her request dissin when I arrived she asked me to spend the night but I told her I didn't think it would be right without her parents blessing it would make the love we felt for each other dirty unholy so I started to leave and Becky got hysterical she started screaming saying that if I let you do something crazy maybe even kill herself I tried to calm her down but she just kept hitting me you know just Oh over again I just wanted her to stop I loved Becky I never meant to hurt her but you did hurt Becky Bailey mr. Flint you silenced her screams forever and you used your hands as your weapon [Music] it is the judgment of this court that the defendant Francis Flint having been found guilty of the crime manslaughter by the jury of this court for the city of Santa Monica California be imprisoned for a period of three years it is also a court's judgment that since the defendant has no previous convictions he be allowed parole hearing after serving 1 and 1/2 years of his sentence mr. plate there anything you'd like to say to Becky's parents mr. Flint I just hope they can forgive me dog [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] something else I can do for you mr. month ah yes you could sit down and talk me I can't ever seem to fall asleep on these damn bad eye flights oh maybe for just a minute I thought people like you never flew commercial mr. Randhawa private jets now it's Elias and you shouldn't believe everything you read in newspapers I'm just an average guy from Chicago who's made a little money hmm I guess that's why you're on the cover of Wall Street magazine this week are you from someplace I just fly over now Mary you know I used to be my ex-wife said she didn't want to stay with a guy who we had no class my hell you could buy that you got enough money you can buy anything you want ya can even erase the past become somebody important you know admired forget all the bad things that ever happened to you did those happen that's people like me I could make it happen for you I'm sorry Elias mr. red velvet I gotta get back to work see you later hi hi my plane leaves in a couple of hours just came over to say goodbye you sure you want to move to New York I remember a time and you couldn't wait to get to Hollywood well it's not popular to write movies about people anymore only a lot of chases special effects and I have to make a living what are you gonna do in New York I have a few appointments with a couple of magazines besides there's no reason to hang around here any longer [Music] I'm proud of you where you've gotten through all this I'm proud of you two you missed your plane yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not over yet Becky [Music] I promise you it's not opening [Music] [Music] evening charlie good evening mr. Bailey [Music] what I simply cannot stand is to be born and there's never anything boring with the doers of the woods just what I was going to say thank you aren't you glad you're away from California such a synchronicity Matt dinner the movies the people so superficial such fraud well we couldn't accuse anyone who comes to your parties of being like that could we may see my parties are about people guys my parties are about conversation after coming every year you should understand that oh excuse me I see Lucas hello Justine you look beautiful absolu tell me guys do you know that man over there I'm talking to violet vestido that's Bernie slacking anchorman for focus that's why I've seen him do you know him we met you're sitting under the ring wha next to Senator marks I see I'm sitting you next to mrs. rental mrs. rental the wife of the hamburger king was in all the newspapers a dare you waste me next to her oh she tried to be nice this is the renters first New York party and I want them to feel at home I'm sure they will as long as they keep buying your paintings oh no Izzy you know perfectly well that Maisie they're dry has a genius for ceiling she absolutely agonizes over her plasma besides rich had you bothered to read my column yesterday morning you would know that Elias rainfall is the man to watch make all those millions in the past eight years from hamburger franchises to company takeovers dear so say the only respectable way to make money is to inherit it and you can put that in your column sweetie we're all wrong for this crowd Elias kid yourself baby once these people get the know walk us to leave I just about giving you two up I'm sorry we're so late I don't think you've met my wife Ruby thank you for inviting oh is that the painting you wanted me to see you live yes Monet's water well the color pink I like Maisy I think you got yourself a sale go ahead baby take a close-up I want you to see the picture but the waiters are just about to say you got the right idea maybe honey never do business on an empty stomach huh I have you sitting next to me and and you were sitting with Eddie Fenwick who's the best friend of all the ladies in New York great in connection with last night's brutal slaying of Becky Bailey successful novelist and daughter of writer Augustus Valley and his ex-wife socialite peach printable Bailey I loved Becky I never meant to hurt her but you did hurt Becky Bailey mr. Flint you silenced her screams forever and you used your hands as your weapon we make sure your flint goes away the rest of his damned life it's not over yet Becky [Music] I promise you it's not over it's been a long time mr. Bailey Burnie slacking guts I always wanted to thank you the way you handled your news coverage about my daughter you're the only reporter who didn't exploit our loss I just tried to put myself in your shoes that made it hard to be objective but we appreciated your sensitivity Gus be a dear I give you some advice I decided to take up reading as a hobby could you recommend something with short chapters about rich people what about Charlotte excuse me I think he means the author Anthony Trollope can I take him home Oh way to keep me up all night I hate to read in bed so do odd just look at that red Thor woman she absolutely won't do dress like she's going to the opening of the uplink Istanbul as you must be having a field day where did you get that dress Chicago I thought so why on earth did you ever leave well ayah says business is here now your husband's not quite as imposing as I thought he'd be mrs. rental well my husband can be very imposing when he opens his wallet mr. Fenwick library yeah good night Gus mr. Bailey my friends call me Gus my name's Ruby Nolte rental want to talk to you privately for a moment what about I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about what happened to your daughter thank you I wish I could have done something for her well you serve like your new Becky no no I didn't you don't always have to know a person to feel sorry maybe you and I could have lunch together sometime I just talked what that was going on in here just getting my coat Elias Maisie wants us to look at that picture again up close Elias this is Augustus Bailey he wrote that article you like so much on Laurens van Deegan in the Knickerbocker please the media say a nice meeting you mrs. rental my friends call me Ruby guys old enough to be your father you are old enough to be my father what the hell is this we go to our first New York party and I find you in the bedroom with that Oh calm down mr. Bailey writes about rich people like us I love that word well we made it through the first party without anyone asking us to leave oh we haven't made it to the door you will we ever fit in with this crowd Elias no problem we're important people now a team and don't you ever forget that I love you life same here now let's go look at that six million dollar monnet and make sure it's the right color pink [Music] shouldn't allow this you give him anything it's hard to pretend you have no money when you're coming into a limousine well let's go to the car would you like a ride home there's helpless you know thank you I have a driver and a car actually it's my mother's car maybe you'd like to give me a little g-well my driver doubles as my bodyguard only my thoughts will be impure [Music] do you like it my place I mean actually no I know that will crestfallen I've been brought up on Empire sofas and the neoclassic look has dictated by coromandel whose quorum and now not the doyen of decorators is that what you do for a living decorating or don't you work I'm very involved with several charities and one day a week I work at hospital as a nurse's aide sounds strenuous when do you find time to relax I'm here now aren't I and that cat that is what you offered me [Music] it's not what I was expecting they sure [Music] I don't want to miss a minute [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for meeting me I see I've never been to a show like this before I'm used to buying off the rack never not even an emergency it's better to stay home than to be seen in rags i thought they called it the rag business it's how much you pay for the right to makes a difference and nestle is very expensive [Music] yes she's matriarch of all this guru I always read about her in the society columns just such style [Music] which one do you like I'm not sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I think I like this one borrow your pen [Music] you love you look great Ruby very little Alchemist don't you think very if that's what you want well it's important for me to fit in here it's different for you guys you come from money you're used to it are you kidding peach at all the credentials I'm strictly middle-class well I'm not even that I grew up on a ranch in Montana well not really a ranch it was more like a shack with a few chickens and a mother who didn't give a damn about fashion for me but you seemed so comfortable around those people guys I'm sure they'll not well maybe it's because I don't care what they think about me and you do well if you don't care then why do you bother it's a distraction keeps my mind off worse things now look Ruby I work for a magazine that caters to those people they invite me because I write articles about them the rich love to read about themselves otherwise I wouldn't be invited well there's no harm in mingling yes as long as you don't join the club believe me all they care about is the money you donate to their charities not at all and who you are I don't want you to get hurt well thanks for the one artichokes you're so ugly guess the only thing you can do with them is eat them one year my daughter made a Christmas wreath out of them didn't look bad and after about a week started to smell that Becky was so proud of it we kept it up until Easter you must miss her terribly I'm sorry Gus maybe you don't want to talk about this it was a time that that's all I talked about you know I can do what my anger was to scream it everyone about anything then I stopped talking about it I felt no one cared as far as everyone else was concerned justice had been death subject was closed but your anger hasn't gone away I don't think it ever will [Music] this is a twenty places for the first I haven't seen you for a while Bernie it's like you've been spending your time uptown like you're like gonna be Justin Altemus Justine this is Michael Warren yo this jump thank you glad to meet you what's a nice girl like you doing with a poem like this you're trying to change my image well grab any tables no reservations necessary I like Mike but I'll have to save my review until after we eat the food because it's not quite what I'm used to I bet you Clarence is is more to your taste huh what's Haiti or is it the political people you decide the food well that makes sense no one goes there to eat anymore everyone goes there to be seen in to look at each other you're not like that I understand I'm trying hard not to be my else would I be with you mean you're you're just slumming likely cuz you're doing the same thing wanting to know how the other half you know you just want to know how the other half [Music] justine oh no no it's okay Juanito just got some bad news about a friend I said what brings you down here gonna buy a piece of our mother would never approve I think I'm getting serious about someone for the first time in my life congratulations is his name Bernard slacking and you're worried about what she'll say don't be we can't live our lives according to mother's rules or else we won't have him and God knows life is short enough as it is Tawana doh I hope his friends okay [Music] [Music] it is well meant when friends say to us I know how you feel but they can't really know how we feel only someone who has experienced that the tragedy that we have experienced can know someone liked it the total stranger sitting next to you now that person can understand our feelings of anger or rage feelings no matter what they are they're only feeling something they're not right or wrong and even the most negative fantasies are not wrong to feel it would only be wrong if we translated them into action what about justice my daughter is dead but the man who murdered her is still alive and the only punishment he received is to serve three years in jail three years compared to my child's entire life somehow the rights of the victim do not equate with the rights of the criminal that's true and I think that that's something we should all work very hard to change we have to change it we owe it to the people we loved this is the last business of their lives my son he was beaten to death in a racial encounter and I I don't know how to reconcile my feelings towards the men who did it mister what would you do if you ever saw the man who killed your child what I want to do is kill him and it scares the hell outta me [Music] but that's what I feel I want to kill him really aren't different from all the others those women I've known they are and worked and they have worked at work and you know consider what I do Korea should be this what's in it driven by it you're just there for me there just for me and not always thinking about the next power breakfast I've never known anyone like you you know I told my an astronaut the SOL about you I said that you were almost as tall as me and that you were fine looking oh is that all oh no I also told him that I was gonna marry you [Music] without asking me first that's exactly what making history yes the answers yes [Music] if you sat there and you watch live I look up that white suit and you told movie rental goodbye exactly the same one I know you did I did don't lie to me Eddie you know someone's gonna tell her what to wear forgot 6 work me tomorrow what makes you think that the average Joe will pay good money to read a book about me I wouldn't that's just silly lies so not the average Joe not any longer and please call me Lucy you've made the American dream a reality and the public wants to know how Boca I'll have to think about that I'm Lorna London and business you could reach me at the Claridge's Hotel and simply Clara's not that large isn't all the clarity of term hi hello just II haven't seen you for quite a while how you been I've been in love chick well that's wonderful what is that horribly dressed man lunching with Lord be tamiya celaya stregnth all financier oh oh I read about him and his wife in Dolly's column the new people well I'll have whatever Justine is drinking - I suppose you invited your mother to lunch to discuss mr. Bernard slacking who have you been talking to mother well Joe doesn't tell tales but you have been keeping him and the car out frightfully late I'd like to show you the ring that Bernie has given me look well that's a garnet but God's sake a lot of pokey little diamonds around it for announcer who earns as much as he's reputed to certainly can do better than bath he's an anchorman not an announcer and the ring belonged to his aunt yes I'm sure it did we'll just turn it back around so when we leave and say hello to violin Ezzie they won't notice I found someone I love mother and I'm going to marry him I hoped that you'd be happy for me you know I've always wanted you to marry Justine I would simply prefer my son-in-law to be one of us I'm sure his family feels the same Penny's parents are dead he was raised by his aunt and uncle how unfortunate for everyone well since that piece of jewelry appears to mean what I think it does we should discuss plans for the wedding well burning I want to invite family and a few friends we'd like to keep you intimate and small your ring is small enough you are my only daughter Justine and I insist on giving you a proper wedding you know I want to do this for you now please don't be difficult if you won't be when Daddy gives me away I haven't cared about anything your father has done in the last 10 years now when am I going to meet your mr. slatkin as soon as you say mother cocktails and orders with the entire family of course although I don't know how my dear brother is going to react to this news well he'll just have to keep a stiff upper lip it shouldn't be too difficult for uncle Lauren shouldn't I really like your father and you stopped mine but you never told me why your parents got divorced hmm I think you understand what you've met my mother she can be Durand for polite and charming but dered for I know all about people like your mother I'm in show business remember so why the party mother I thought you didn't approve of Bernie I can't ignore the situation so it's best just to put on an approving face and keep one's private thoughts to oneself I think you'll find a tie in your old room I'm not staying what now I can't stand the thought of being in the same room with uncle Lawrence and aunt Janet or my cousin and his dreary wife I won't hear a word against my dear brother your dear brother can't stand me either he fired me didn't approve of my lifestyle wasn't that it don't work at the bank anymore and all those pressures are behind you I love Justine and I would do absolutely anything for her but I am still going mother and one of these days you'll find the right girl and make your old mother really happy my dear Hubie you look tired wish Justine luck for me [Music] [Music] mother this is Bernard Slatkin hello how are you pleasure to meet you ma'am mr. swagger may I present my brother Lawrence van Deegan it's just [ __ ] and his wife Janet hello how are you and my father armand van deacon father this is Justine's fiance nice to meet you sir oh and yes our cousin dodo Fitzalan my father's loyal companion so happy to meet you my nephew young Lawrence mr. slack him and his wife Laura hello nice to meet you both Oh Parker tell Gerty the canapes look yummy thank you some smoked salmon mr. slap Caen max just because you're my head trader when we go back a long time doesn't mean that you can talk to me any way you want to and why not I'm the guy who soma hamburgers used to make while you dreamed about own your own franchise someday so I also remember we used to think the world would be your oyster if you had a million dinner remember you said ten million as your goal then 50 then a hundred what's your point the point is if the three billion dollars now whether you're gonna stop I can't stop max it's too damn easy you know what it's like it's like putting on hunk of red meat in front of a lion besides how else am I gonna pay for that new office building I certainly wouldn't presume to tell you what to write Gus but the family would prefer that you focus the article more on Justine's background rather than on Bernie's Jewish Bernese heritage doesn't seem to matter to Justine II live well it should matter Gus marrying an outsider can do nothing but create problems for everyone oh there's Evie and violet there's that cheap man one's always hearing about what is his name his rental the Lauren's actually wants me to invite him and his wife to Justine's wedding I mean he says that's important to us the world has gone mad mr. Bailey call me Gus I want you to meet max Lou be an old friend and associate of mine how do you do I don't believe you've met little Elvis hello hi fine thanks I know your brother we're in a couple of business deals together stuff really well I guess we'll go sit down before they give our seats away well it was nice meeting you will see you guess I simply can't imagine Lawrence doing business with that man it's ridiculous it's absolutely the doctor's hello damn it gasps I tried calling you all day but you're never in I have some information for you peach what's going on I had a call from lieutenant Jackson he wanted me to be the one to tell you the date for Flint's Tirol hearing has been moved up I see okay [Music] now what exactly do you have in mind I mean in regards this mr. Flint I want you to keep track of him if he gets out next month where he lives and what he does with his time yes at all for now yes so where you want this guy thrown out a window no I don't want anything like that it looked like an accident you wouldn't meet the person who'd do it and he'd never know your name easy not cheap what's safe no mr. Feliciano I have something else in mind hi peach how you feeling oh if you want to know what I hate it I wanted you to know I hired a detective to watch Flint if he's released after that hearing he can't be let out did bothers everyone forgotten what he did it I want to go to that parole hearing Gus I have to tell him again what he did to a beautiful daughter I have to make them remember I want them to remember they won't forget Becky peach I won't let him forget I wish you could go to the wedding too Juanito maybe if I dressed up as a loaf of white bread nope wouldn't work you would forget to cut off the crusts and then uncle Lawrence would see right through your disguise your sister said she liked me she does and if it were up to Justine she would have invited you but she's walking on eggshells as it is with this TV announcer isn't that what's called marrying beneath you you know you two are a lot alike stop that will you please I hate it when you're that way honest [ __ ] you're like my mother that's a low blow how does this look mmm never tell Cuba give it a little more of an angle you do it perfect now let's go I gotta get back to the gallery one of us has to work for a living [Music] okay I've got married someplace a little closer than Long Island Britt told us all of Justine's people get baptized married and buried in this church it's their family tradition I still think my nephew should be married in a synagogue and I say be glad that Bernie's getting married [Music] we're suppose the girl is our brides always late I wasn't this is Altemus would you look this way please thank you hello father hello it's about me okay Justine no one like Lorenzo for flowers do I look alright mother you look perfect never let his best you look beautiful Justine maybe it's time for you to take me in good luck Cheston I really want you to be happy it's nothing it's just an irritation from my aftershave [Music] space in the columns lately I see can you believe this you think I was somebody important you are [Music] I'm with farmer Wilden and stinchfield mr. Renfro they handle a lot of takeovers we do our chef let's talk later I'm real interested in takeovers [Music] if I ever strike it rich my wife and I would like to build a home in Fairfield Darien but it's hard with kids but we have two little girls I'm sure in time that could be arranged Byron for the proposal I have in mind there would be nothing risky all you would have to do is identify certain companies that retain wealth and in stinchfield in an advisory capacity you know before takeovers and mergers happen this is beautiful long day with the seventh it's the original felt Holy Smoke I'd be willing to pay five percent than any profit I make with your help Peyton cash say on getting a thousand shares of West Virginian natural gas be a very handsome amount Holy Smoke shall we go down and have another brandy okay Gus I want you to be honest with me what do you think I seem to be at a loss for words I don't know how I'm gonna begin to describe all this in my article well do me a favor try to write about our apartment and not about us lies things my pictures been in the paper too much already we got to be careful there are a lot of crazy people out there who like to read about people like this why just wants me to carry a gun it's for your own protection look at this little pearl-handled number he gave me as a stocking present it used to belong to Queen Marie of Romania oh don't be afraid I never keep it loaded it's just for show you might say that's not why I'd watch it it damn sing Ruby excuse me mr. Van vegan is on the telephone mr. rental all right tell them I'll be right there Ruby wanted to take us on a tour Hannah don't forget to show him the fool Murray yeah I'll California the first thing they do after they give you a drink they show you their closets will you stay for dinner I can't I'm leaving for the coast tonight lefty Flint the man who murdered my daughter his parole hearing is tomorrow afternoon but he's only been in prison for a year yeah Becky would have been 24 this fall is your wife going with you no I talked her out of it she's not well enough besides there's no point in our going through what we went through in court all over again well there's a chance his parole will be denied right slim one he's been a model prisoner so as far as the judicial system is concerned he will have paid his debt to society well this isn't justice no it isn't look Gus why don't we take the Grand Tour when you get back I'd miss seeing the fuel Marie no way [Music] McCumber why are you calling me here I told you number to do that I apologize mr. rainfall but I'm not in my office and this was the only number I could remember I thought all right so where's the fire Omaha fuel has hired weld an instinct field as an advisor on a proposal by try world incorporated to acquire them I thought you'd want to know as soon as possible all right but from now on you're mr. Brown and don't ever call me here again yes sir I understand good night yeah this is mr. rod Knowlton get me mr. Garrett by 180 thousand shares of Omaha natural gas the instant the market opens no that's all I'll talk to you tomorrow smoke that's why you got me this fur Murray so I wouldn't cloud up your fancy-schmancy rooms don't say fancy schmancy why not but if it's tacky what past that listen honey I forgot I'll need the plane real early tomorrow there's an auction at the California ranch and there's a couple of Remington's a couple of whoo horse sculptures I thought they might be nice for the country house okay have your secretary set it up with the pattern thank you sweetheart I Love You Elias [Music] and I can't believe the 15 months constitutes enough time to rehabilitate the man who murdered my daughter I only pray you agree with me we will consider your remarks mr. beiley thank you I now call mrs. Elias Red Dog to speak this is rent oh please my name is Ruby Nolte Wrentham and I've come here today to plead with you not to grant Francis Flynt an early release from his prison sentence who would not have checked this is a hearing not a trial mr. Fink objections are not recognized I want mrs. Randolph I had a two-year relationship with Francis Fling that ended before the murder of Becky Bailey on four separate occasions mr. Flint eat me on two separate occasions I was hospitalized as a result one secretary threw me down a stairway when I tried to escape from him another after he broke my nose and teeth black of night I fractured my jaw didn't you press charges at the time no I asked I was born not to my home that doesn't matter now all that matters is that the jury at his trial was allowed to think that Becky Bailey strangulation was one single isolated incident an accident mr. Flint is a classic abuser of women weapon is his pants sit down are you finished mrs. rent oh yeah yes mics crisp yes certainly and thank you very much why didn't you tell me because I felt so guilty it wasn't that good about Vicky's death I've lived every day knowing if I'd only go to the booth if I'd only done something Becky might still be alive why say anything now because of you good I left it years ago before he met Becky I just moved to Dallas I got a job as a waitress I played guitar at the same restaurant I know you might find this hard to believe but he could be very charming very sweet he started spending a lot of time together and after a while he moved in with me wasn't long before the beating started afterwards he'd always cry tell me how sorry he was how he never meant to hurt me well why did you ask for help I was too afraid when I did try to break it off and get away left he came after me cuz I'm sorry I am so sorry I'm sorry movie both of us there's a light help oh no I never told him I've been so ashamed I thought dirty just being alive even now I don't know if I could tell him and he's the best thing that ever happened to me someday baby don't know I'll call in a few favors keep your name out of the papers nobody will find out about this baby I promise you [Music] tell freighter will have lunch about 1:00 I think I'll leave the menu to her very good mother you see there is some justice in this world I did I miss everything well you're too late for the Easter egg hunt this wouldn't have happened without you Ruby he gave me the courage to do it Gus you remember that other woman who was at the hearing yes yeah well I had a detective do some checking and it seems like lefty has found his next victim I wasn't alive thank you my name is margarita and Rihan she started writing to him when he first went to prison and guess she believed he was born again because now she's gonna marry him after everything she heard hard to believe isn't it somehow I've got to convince her she's making a terrible mistake you have to go somehow you have to for her sake I hope again look at your enemy so beautiful Lorenz is being here I see just mrs. Ren Phil's been monopolizing all of her time with that damn ball happy Easter Janet imagine know people like that giving that kind of party and inviting all of us Lawrence feels we should play alone why may I ask because they are taking charge darling people like us in the Social Register are practically extinct Janet my brother your husband is still very much in charge the van Deegan bank the banding and foundation the banding and building they're all his we'll just see who's in charge I wouldn't dream of accepting the rentals invitation we should talk about that bill who is it come to see me who is it baby Janet loves you grandma don't you sweetheart I didn't know you two had gotten so close I bought a painting for our mind at Hubie and Juanita's gallery nice picture he'll be big colors thanks grandfather okay you'll be sure I want you to tell Gerty how much we enjoyed the crab tartlets I absolutely agree with father lights rental is the most fascinating man to come into the financial community in years unnecessary to it it's a surprise I don't think you people like this type well we have been known to make exceptions when they're forced upon us the newest member of our family long way of rain where's one unit today oh he's with some friends you'll be when are you gonna tell me well I thought that you would already guests at your wedding know what's gonna happen what eventually happens to all of us Justine please don't please don't cry Justine please don't cry not with all this family go please and you are gonna tell mother yes as soon as everyone leaves today do you want me to be with you to realize that even though I am your big brother you have always tried to take care of me I think I can do this thank you very much anymore please don't cry [Music] fun wasn't it now you know it I've had to go through all these years you didn't pick your family no but you did listen it'd be different when we have children I promise they'll want to come home for the holidays Justine you know how I feel I don't even know if I want to have kids all that responsibility you'll change your mind I know you will we won't let them even meet my family wasn't this nice you be dinner on trays and just the two of us by the fire yes knives well I bet you couldn't imagine your old mother could rustle up such a good meal with Gertie and Parker out for the evening mother there's something that I want to tell you would you like to watch television or just talk just talk good try some of Goethe's big moose I don't know how she does it's something about egg whites whether you can see that I'm not well I know they have to use ripe figs and only white figs I know that's very important I have AIDS mother it's just that your color is not good you be you eat like a sparrow I have lymphoma and not much time you be I thought you and I might take a little trip to say samer it's out of season it's just too beautiful for words and it's so healthy I might be dead by then Oh Hubie this talk is this or more better I don't know how you can do this to your family thank you for all your support mother Paris Paris that's where we should go you be Wally Simpson left all her money to the Pasteur Institute and they do marvelous things don't you think that I would have already gone there to get help it's too late but that's not why you suggested it is it mother you just want to hide me so that your friends won't know that your son is gay and has AIDS you'll be pleased Neville told me all about that disease but I never thought people like us got it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] order melbourne water Israeli melons dirty please forgive the gasoline s I made I tripped yes the fig mousse was yummy [Music] [Music] hi the Chardonnay buy the glasses are special today hi margarita I'm Gus Bailey talk you out of marrying lefty flip that's none of your business Flint is a murderer you know that he killed my daughter he was drunk when he did that he doesn't drink anymore now I think you better get out of here leave me alone oh look here's my telephone number if you're ever in any sort of trouble you called me [Music] I'm over here hi oh I bet that detective you hired doesn't know about this in Flint when he does get out of prison he wants to come and see me daughter's killer wants my forgiveness never see that man again I'll kill him whatever strength I have left are we stronger than I was peachy so you left you asked for a divorce I made you unhappy I'm not much for looking back don't be too hard on yourself gasps good father wheel me back inside will you I have to get back to bed if you don't mind peach I'd like to look for something in the basement before I go would you want to go in the basement for some letters my father sent me when I was in the army he packed all your solution set them to your apartment when we broke up well they must have been left behind bound up down there [Music] I have a russian-made weapons needed from Korea its beauty super sale no I'd like to get it into working order can you do that sure I'll me to deposit your name emergence gene merkins [Music] a birthday peach let's see how old does this make you feel younger than you would you like me to cut the cake now say you yes thank you Mac about it we'll have some more coffee as well that was very sweet of you to remember guess you could have just sent a car well I didn't want you to celebrate alone always were too sentimental that is probably true but I'm glad there are still a few occasions left to celebrate you'll make the best of everything not everything blends lawyer got him another parole hearing should take place within a couple of months and he'll get out this time Monte yes and it'll all be over justice will be satisfied but that's not how we feel is it Gus maybe we will peach someday well leave it to you not to make a big fuss over me oh you look great editor but I'll just bet if I hadn't spotted you you wouldn't have got enough to speak to me oh yeah I was waiting for the usual cover up to digest headed for Europe for New York like me big apple honey gonna be shooting Judas was a redhead how that make a good movie Gus they don't make movies or books anymore they make miniseries does yeah I was in Italy shooting a picture during the trial or you know rather would have been there yeah yes you've really kept it in control I would have shot the son of a [ __ ] yes you know the elias rentals don't you yes I do I know we're talking big bucks here but is he generous I don't think he'd finance a movie Cathy my best friend she's dying of the big a marry the guy had no idea that he was into needles you know the story I'm trying to raise money for the disease in fact big bucks I think you could help me out okay you're famous you don't need me to meet a lie his rent though he didn't return my phone calls at least not after I told his secretary what it was about I guess he's only into the safe social advancement charities look all I want is an introduction I'll see what I can do terrific we get to New York I'll take you to lunch or we'll do lunch how about we both just eat like we're an important cause Elias maybe not to some members of the social center but for thousands of people selected with AIDS okay I send a lady a check good better yet I'll invite her to the ball I give it to her there will be a love meeting they converse and you'll enjoy the good public relations it's for a worthy cause right right movie hates these things she ever tell you how we was on an airplane what's the biggie alpha-2 in Canada married man I doubt that she likes you best well the Rubies a terrific girl you're lucky then oh that's what people say about me but I've had my share of trouble so view I heard I love my wife Gus I won't let anybody hurt ever again I had to say [Music] hello hi it's me what are you doing coping coupons it's like my aunt Hester so when you coming home oh I don't think I can get out of here at least until lunch two or three oh and then again sweetheart that's the third time this week it can't be helped don't wait up for me I love you Junior feeling guilty shut up I liked you better when you were single at least then you didn't pretend to care about anybody but yourself they care about Justine sure you do that's why you're here and that's why I'm leaving [Music] it's amazing everyone we've invited is coming including your mother well I you should accept eventually mother just wouldn't be content having to hear about your fall of a nun - Clara I'll let you in on a little secret first lady is coming alive friends with the president for years they used to do business together in who's governor yeah perfectly honest I'm happier about you and Bernie being there I'm gonna need the moral support well I just her brain doesn't have to work that again that night he's he's been doing a lot of that these days oh so he's alive but he says somebody has their grant I suppose that's just well I just can't help feeling everybody's keeping something from me that there's some deep dark secret he's afraid to tell me I thought when you married someone there wouldn't be a need for secrets between the two no matter what you'd done it it wouldn't make any difference to the person who loved you I just was burnin love me enough to trust me well I does love you that's what's important right [Music] be careful do you break any of those I don't have you all bits in cement this is ready just fabulous what I have done magnificent simply magical yes I have done a wonderful job would you excuse me [Music] it sounds like World War 3 going on down there but Lorenz is winning the battle Elias there's something I want to tell you about something you lied to me about like about how much this is really costing me I've never lied to you about anything ever I know that sometimes I haven't told you everything but I've never lied to you I just don't think there should be any secrets between us I want to tell you about someone I used to know if that someone is lefty Flint I know all about him and it doesn't matter how do you know well when you took so long and deciding whether you wanted to marry me and that I figured there must be another guy so I checked out my competition you didn't have any yeah what did I know I just couldn't understand how an incredible woman like you was still unattached and even remotely interested in a guy like me Oh more than remotely you are the kindest most gentle and loving man I have ever known you mean you didn't marry me for my money money you didn't tell me with money I'm afraid I can't get to your file at the moment good but I'll make the necessary adjustment in your will eliminating the bequest to your daughter and leaving everything to your ex-wife [Music] be who is that man nothing Gus you can come back when I prepared it and we'll have it with you what's going on here those the police federal ones and that man is one of our junior lawyers Byron Macomber oh what's he done well something about an account in a Swiss bank in the Bahamas look for a very big head to roam at well done in Stanchfield oh goodness no not here Elias rimpau inside training that's Bailey versus rental there would you be back no no no message [Music] hello hi it's me I know this might upset you but it's a too late to cancel the rentals party oh you have to work late again tonight no well why don't we just go there and thought dinner and leave before the ball starts I really don't want to Justine I thought maybe we go out and get something spend some time together talking just you me I promise to be better Collin explain where do you want to go over-- works that's too noisy well how about client says I know you hate the place but it'll be empty tonight everyone that goes there will be at the rentals that's fine I'll meet you in an hour okay I love you say in a little while bye [Applause] during 4:30 and everything matches been monitoring our as parental right wrong our is from Rothschild they've already escaped sale I'm gonna turn this down I just came to see the furniture Laura told me she bought certain pieces from the palace and Yugoslavia okay mrs. Optimus I'm so happy that you came but a disappointment that Justine had to cancel the last-minute cancel well she hadn't deployed it with ball balls well I'm certain she had her reasons do you have a minute we have to talk oh here's fake converse which excuse me sorry I'm late and thanks again for doing this tonight oh no thanks necessary it's a thrill to meet you and I'm honored to contribute to such a work well done come I'll show you to see you'll be sitting next to Gus oh I love Gus he's the reason I'm here tonight I have missed you what's wrong tell me I guess there's not very easy way to say this what is it to work you're being too transparent you know I almost wish I was I might make this easier I I want a divorce why because you expect me to be a faithful husband and I'm not I never will be another woman don't always be another woman and that's a problem it's it's the way I've always been have I done something wrong no you haven't done anything wrong except maybe marry me I'm sorry if I hurt you I never I never meant to do that and I never thought you would [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you sure you're up to making dinner I have to do things you know I've always hated these chairs but then you can sell them after I'm gone drive mother insane would you like a drink sound like someone I can do it I have to do things I know but let me you see to the food I'll be bartending [Music] puntito I think you better get me to the hospital should we call your mother or Justine no they're both at the Rennes Fall Ball you wouldn't be able to reach either who needs them anyway take care of you just like always gives me an excuse to change into another one of your marvelous creations excuse me woman Duchess couldn't have handled that better what the hell are these people well seated next to you little Ord B Tamiya the publisher Lucien darling how are you I didn't see you probably thinks I'm blind drunk and to his left is mrs. Laurence Vandy Jennifer to her left is the Earl of cats Toria oh my god he looks like my third husband after the wake and need i say any more about this great stars career and the 40 pictures that she's made 60 darling not 40 well whatever anyway Fay here's the cheque towards the cure for the pestilence that is dwindling the ranks of the artistic community thank you Oh two million dollars friends we are an army fighting an enemy that has no allies however every army must enlist support financial and otherwise the rentals generosity will aid in the struggle in which we must all bear arms therefore I shall dedicate the rest of my life to this cause and I shall forever be indebted to this charitable gentleman this extraordinary humanitarian Oh ladies and gentlemen Elias Wren fall [Applause] [Music] I can walk in let me walk in don't worry UV I'm with you everything's gonna be fine [Music] these new people spend more we used to inherited my to be accepted [Music] why do repairs test a cigar [Music] it'll never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I'd like nothing better than to publish a biography of the Bann Teagan family damn good poem on your roots in this city and this nation cannot be matched by any other fund good cigar you're looking particularly well these days nothing like a good cigar the father was governor your uncle ambassador de prize I think it's time for an important work yes yes indeed I know but can it wait that's a radical change for the first lady she was coming from sorry [Music] I still want you [Music] [Applause] [Music] dance [Music] I must have a word not until I've convinced will the driver [Music] by us tea goodbye [Music] that's quite the right word and I simply refused to give it up my friends all know that I the old-fashioned way [Music] [Applause] he's dead oh this is the rule Ruby's party oh it certainly may put her down from you did you tell anyone no all right how about we don't say a word till after the first lady leaves then we call an ambulance get him back down on the freight elevator hey he was an old man it's not like it's a big tragedy all right just wait there's more to legend a little secret and 45 minutes for work see I've got an even better one I've heard that she was warned not to come here tonight the penitent Elias is under investigation by the SEC for insider trading exactly what I said even I wouldn't think that rumor [Applause] [Music] we're looking for fob if you came up here over an hour ago now what's in that room Edward the servants pool table it's off-limits Elias doesn't want the old top stain it's not but maybe he's in there old felt wouldn't mean a thing to him look so the King old dodo oh yes he's asleep right on the pool table it's too sweet I'd better get back downstairs Janet will be wondering where I am father let him sleep well don't go push the door or get one of the servants to open it maybe there's something wrong [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] like the lights turn off the lights turn off the lights I was talking about the chandeliers damnit turn the lights back [Applause] [Applause] I'll get you out of here he's going to be arrested for inside trading just read my column tomorrow the sirens I [Applause] [Music] my clothes Elias my trunks I could never get ready to leave for Europe in three hours so I have your mates pack a midship until you Europe is nothing but a big store anyway would you ask that for we can sell it and there's the money you've signed over to me you can have it back it's yours I'm all right in the money department but thank you Ruby I'll never forget that you offered here in some kind of trouble aren't you maybe what people have done before me and people will do after I'm gone why just tell me what's going on mr. Augustus Bailey is here man came to see if you were oh yeah I'm terrific the ball was a disaster so my guests are in the hospital dead butterflies everywhere and the lies is in some kind of trouble I wanted to tell you about Elias last night what have you ever heard of someone named Byron McCumber why well he was arrested for leaking inside information it's in all the morning papers Elias was mentioned not accused but the implication is unmistakable well that's illegal could be pretty bad I just wish he'd been honest with me they weren't supposed to be any more secrets between us we're leaving for Europe today look us if you need me if anything comes up about lefty you just call max loopy he'll know how to reach it I don't want you to worry especially about lefty you just take care of yourself you're a good friend Gus the only one I have I miss you I miss you too [Music] let's just miss the rent thought put me through Larry I just wanted you to know that I'm leaving the country for a while and in case you're sweating I never squealed on a friend that's very gentlemanly of your life well that's what people like us are gents right [Music] mrs. Renko did you care for something to drink coffee Dean had enough bad coffee and weak tea at 30,000 feet to last me a lifetime thanks anyway [Music] well there's no answer at the left or the gallery and the machine's not on you look terrible do you know that's simply terrible I must be such a disappointment to you mother how embarrassing to have a daughter who's so emotionally unstable Justine you don't have to over dramatize the situation Randy's left me and it hurts where'd you hurt when father left you or wasn't that proper behavior of course it hurt but in our family personal misfortunes are not fodder for public consumption I dealt with it silently and I kept my dignity how are you gonna keep your precious dignity when hubie dies your son's personal misfortune is aids not a wounded ego he does not have that disease Justine and I don't want you saying that to anyone it's just not true now you go and you pull yourself together and you meet me at Campbell's to go over some arrangements for your grandfather whatever we do it should be extremely private what else yes Jane a mr. Juanito Perez is on the phone who you his lover mother you know how I love that kind of talk Justine you answer it hello honey no it's Justine what is it [Music] with good of you guys to come by and take me out for a breath of air so nothing will the doctor prescribed something for my nerves but I honestly don't know what's to become of me I'm dying and now he'll be sealed I don't know how I could live without my son Gus I mean no one knows really what we had I adored him I absolutely adored him then no one knows more about that kind of thing than you do I'll give you a be my best tell him I'll come see him tomorrow what least your grandfather died with a smile on his face he always said that a good cigar was better than sex he was people mind it wasn't it Juanito before my mother arrived don't ask me to leave no never what would you take out your earring but you came it to me I know but the diamond is from my mother's engagement ring she gave it to me when she thought I was going to marry violent best evil what she'd never recognize it now but if it makes you happy Juanito this is my mother mother this is Juanita Perez hello how are you mrs. Altimas my word the World Trade Center just out the window prettier angle from here and from Uncle Lawrence's boat yes much by the way we're going to scouting your grandfather's ashes from his boat on the north side he had his happiest days there as a child I was dodo taking it she's coping we're all coping I'm gonna split I'll come back later by the softness I brought you some magazines and I thought you'd like that new book on the princesses of Monaco well I'm gonna let you sleep now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe you ought to call Gus ask him to do another article about us talk about our charity work now might be a good time don't think Gus is the kind of guy who will do a puff piece on us this moment in time why not your friends aren't you I called max this morning I told him to sell the plane no sense in holding on to anything that they can seize rent is my new policy whether its sales soars or screws how do I fit into that new policy am I rented I meant the plane I meant this boat I didn't mean you well I guess it's better to rent something than to steal it how does that mean I know the brains around here why don't you figure it out don't I promised myself if a man ever laid a hand on me again ever I'd kill him your information Gus explained things to me something you never bothered to do explain what about how you were paying off Byron Macomber he doesn't know about that nobody knows about that I spoke to guts yesterday he told me macabre was just a well-known tip of the well-known iceberg Elias the SEC has enough information to press charges I'm gonna need you to help me Ruby we're team remember why do you want me to do lives I swear to my lies if it comes to that No no it's not that yeah mother sends her love she'd come by but she just can't cope after her last visit it doesn't matter of course it matters heavy Justine about my inheritance you don't need money certainly mother doesn't so I'm leaving it all to Juanito you can't Hubie I never thought I would hear you say that Justine leave him five hundred thousand a year even a million but not the whole thing you be uncle Lawrence we'll just take it to court and call it undue influence by Juanito he'll use everything he can to discredit him I love Juanito and that's what I'm going to do besides I hired my own attorney one of my heart kind it won't be so easy for uncle Lawrence to win this one but all of your money you be you could leave some to medical research I know but that's just something inside of me that wants to get even with uncle Lawrence all my life he made me feel like I was worthless Juanito never made me feel that way so what's with your TV announcer as mother insists upon calling him ah well he's up to some tropical isle wherever it is you go to get quickie divorce these days are you taking it okay well I loved him and someday I hope I can forget him yeah won't be easy I'm pregnant this is burning now no and mother doesn't either are you going to have the baby oh yes and I'm gonna be a wonderful mother I know what I'm gonna name the baby that's a boy Hubert Optimus slack [Music] it has a certain thing Sushil charm and I'm being a sister human and I'm so proud of you [Music] wouldn't you think they could afford some heat in this church this mother the lilacs are loved as well thank you no mommy there Padre Andy here the spirit the Santa what is that man doing here who asked him don't have to be invited to a funeral mother the judges are public places not trying to be here honey that's the lover did you notice the whole family a Gordon who knows he died from even though they were bidden the time said cancer to not want that man at my house afterward God will never have to hear from him again well that's what you think mother he be left everything to Juanita what will you please rise there's Gus make sure you ask him to come by Justine Yes Mother no one else I repeat no one Juanita I know how high this must be for you it is for me too we both not someone we love thank you for saying that Justine how could you even speak to that man as my brother's friend and heir oh it's ridiculous my dear son would never have done anything like that and it's not only the money but those Charles the tenth chairs are from the Altemus side of the family via at many will evade well the Lawrence will just contest the will that's all it's what you'll be wanted mother can't you at least respect his last wishes and have that man think he is one of us never well Hugh me was one of us MA yes he was [Music] I want to go back to New York Elias I can't stand hiding like this any longer I want to go back and face the music noisy as it may be you know what that mean not only did I go to jail but I'd have to give back everything I made and more what does that leave you I've been for most of my life Elias I can take care of myself I wanted to take care of your Ruby [Music] you have to walk home from parties guts don't you have a limo or a private station wing I don't even have a bicycle Bernie I'm sorry to hear about you with this Dean I'm sorry too I miss Justine she's going away oh no Justine's put the apartment up for sale and she want me to get the rest of my junk out that works in the car for me hop in I'll give you a ride home Thanks according to doto lil wander the suit Juanito Lawrence thought it would be bad publicity for the family so lil dropped it levan deagan's are tough actor they're all tough those people tell me about it or Mon van Deegan dies and they stash his body so as to not spoil the first lady's entrance yeah well there's a strong indifference of death everywhere Bernie I know guys it's about time for lefty Flint to be getting out of jail isn't it so I heard ain't gonna handle it I'm gonna kill him but first I'm gonna call out his name cuz I want him looking at me know who it was you're not really gonna kill him gosh I of course I am I'm not charity Gus I heard that you've started declining invitations amazes and violets you don't return calls you don't write thank-you notes I say this is a friend Gus no one will invite you anymore I don't care you don't care I've seen enough well is it because of what's happened to your friends the rentals I know you were especially fond of what's-her-name Ruby they never would have fit in you know Gus money cannot equate with breeding well that may be my problem though I've never cared enough about either you must come to the country come to violets with me this weekend I'm sorry I can't I'm busy [Music] poor lil she's had so much tragedy in her life make the most wonderful book I suppose Gus will write it someday carefully changing all of our names to protect the guilty how disappointing [Music] this was Hugh B's jacket I always liked it it's smart why are you here mrs. Altemus you really shouldn't smoke it's bad for you what do you want I'll pay you whatever you ask for these they're not for sale they're my possessions it's really quite charming here but it's so cold now I can tell you had you bothered to speak sibling to me or offered me a seat at Hugh B's funeral or invited me back to her home afterwards or if your lawyers hadn't returned my letters unopened in which I offered to return the family heirlooms I inherited I would have given you those chairs but now there's no way ever did my son see in you please leave now [Music] fiora it's getting cold I brought you this Oh Candelaria thank you that's so sweet of you sit here oh no no no that's a cinnamon there's a woman over there she sticks there every night I see her from my bedroom you later when it gets dark I want you to give her no no no that's too much Senora no no it's not imagine what she must think every night looking after where we live oh just Dean it is so good to see you again well do you mind if I join you I'd love it I just had an urge to sit here and look up at my own house too big I've decided I was so sorry to hear about your brother thank you for the lovely flowers that was very close and her flowers never seemed enough how is your mother handling both show recover show as does just take some of us a little longer that's um well at least you have burning the head between well maybe he finally told me his deep dark secret just one wonderful thing did happen while we were together I'm gonna have a child oh how wonderful oh I've always wanted children a whole house me too but I think one's just fun for now how hard mother and the rest of the old guard tried to keep you out [Music] my life I wanted to stand up to them and made them accept me from I just around about me Justine oh I wanted them to like me but for who I'd become not for who I really was that's over now I can go back to being myself whether they like it or not why do you make it sound so easy it isn't easy at all I guess I better be going it was really very good to see it again every could love just damn it your stay in touch you do how very sweet Gus there from my Terrace I could put them in water can I get you something to drink iced tea no thanks I can't stay long I just came by to wish you luck when Elias trial starts if you need anything I'll be in the courtroom every day your good friend Gus so are you anything no is left to yours girlfriend no nothing new still behind bars take care I realize that committed a very serious crime don't say too much I can only hope that by accepting responsibility for what I've done I can ease the anguish that I've caused my friends my colleagues how much you work the present mr. Rainey comment for mrs. ripped off it's impossible for any observer not to notice the courage of mrs. Brent beau she has a model of breakfast too at her husband's side every time he's appeared in court silent supported her eyes hidden behind dark glasses betraying little emotion but Admiral his strength Ruby Renshaw must be anxiously awaiting the court's ruling as the case against her husband Elias rainfall draws to its final conclusions that wraps up this evenings edition of focus on Bernard slacking goodnight I just wanted to say good night and thanks whatever happens tomorrow happens why don't you stay in here tonight really really [Music] your Prime mister rental is too serious to forgive and forget it would be a terrible precedent for this court to allow you to go unpunished breaking the law is breaking the law I have taken into consideration the work you have done with the homeless for the last few months nevertheless I feel it is my duty to sentence you to five years in Allenwood prison I'm not gonna keep the apartment Elias why don't you move back out the Rhinelander for a while but I was thinking of moving out to the country house you miss your friends like we have been Gus is the only friend I have I will miss him maybe he'll come out for a weekend down then maybe you'll come and see me for we getting out you know I will I'm not gonna get out I can't find the words like now sorry I am that I put you through this I know you and you know that I love you Tanya I know that Elias you've been great to me I will never forget that [Music] I just Dean would anyone like me to write them a letter or call someone Justine Justine don't you recognize me do I look that bad well what do you don't I don't know how do you doing Justine well I'm counting the days till my baby arrives and I'm inviting you to the christening right now you know those Charles the tenth cherish your mother wanted back well I left them out on the sidewalk one at a time for people who take junk to furnish their places yeah 11 poor people have some priceless chairs if they only knew of it well Hubie would like that Justine about the money he left me well you know I don't care about that that was Hugh B's money and he wanted you to have it I had Hugh B's lawyer come down to the loft before I got so sick you B's money's going to a hospice someplace for people who have nobody to take care of them your brother with the only one who ever loved me in my whole life don't you have any family that you want me to get in touch with there's only my hand but she doesn't want to hear from me I'm so sorry when he does I'm afraid to die Justine he wasn't it's because he he had you and now you have me I want you to have this your father gave it to your mother and here we gave it to me I want you to give it to your child so he can give it to someone he loves thank you for loving my brother honey now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I can't bear that he's out I can't bear that you should be happy sometimes I wonder why they never searched us when we enter that courtroom what have been so easy what would have been so easy how I'm gonna call detective Jackson ever since that pleasure I want a guard put on this house I don't want you to worry peach you'll never come here I'm gonna take care of everything the geraniums are dying you can hardly kill a geranium not enough tender loving care I suppose not enough TLC you sound like you're going on a trip no Gus are you all right goodbye peach [Music] that's Bailey just go away mr. Bailey until I see Lefty [Music] I should've listened to you mr. Bailey they were just trying to help me [Music] I didn't want to hear oh my god I've gotta get you to what am I just you know be okay you know just have a place to crash for a while make it had a prison I guess I got off easy where is he oh he left about half an hour ago you don't know where he went Oh wherever Ruby rental is I guess ever since you testified against him she's all I ever talks about I've got to use your phone hello hello Candelaria this is Gus Bailey Oh mrs. rental is not at home she went to the city and I don't think she'll be back tonight she had the Rhinelander I don't know mr. baby well if you talk to her tell her mr. Flint has left town and may be coming to see her tell her to be careful very careful yes sir I'll tell her goodbye [Music] the fabulous paintings the rentals collected in record time are now being disposed of and even less time inside the prestigious Charles and Charles auction house and the vast rental apartment has been bought by an anonymous speculator who plans to divide it into three smaller dwellings [Music] [Music] nice to see you again this is rentable it's nice to see you again too my have favourite ask of you I think maybe I could take one last look at our old apartment I know it's late it's probably not allowed do you think maybe well I'm not supposed to but sure why not the electricity is still on and you can take a good long look around the place though you may not recognize it what you mean Thank You H now come with me I'll have to let you know a hero let me give you a hand with that it's like you can use it thank you again young man yo guys be happy to catch the elevator for you [Music] if you wouldn't mind just to the elevator [Music] Mike [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] imagine having your own ballroom you did good Ruby for stewardess 50 what you want your forgiveness of course I forgave you for testifying in my parole hearing and now it's your turn to forgive I want to hear you say it Ruby and if you don't I'll make you scream it I laughed at my husband when he gave me this he said to me over and over again there are crazy people in the world who are out to get people like us just man my husband that's so smart he didn't wind up in jail just like me it's one big difference he can pay back the money you can never give back the life you took don't you come another step all the lefty you can't imagine how long I've waited for this I paid my debt daily you haven't begun to pay and eye for an eye isn't that what the Bible says it also preaches forgiveness I never got to that part killing me will not bring Becky back I never thought it would [Music] right killing you would never bring her back [Music] dear peach it's rather ironic I should be sent to back a little prison where lefty Flint I'm pleased to say is remembered without affection for the first time in years I feel calm lefty is no longer in my thoughts all those nights in New York I was talking about one thing and thinking another a strange life is the way I planned it I'd probably be here 20 years for murdering lefty Flint instead I'm here for wanting to kill him intent to kill they call it you know something peach at the very end when he came at me even then I knew I couldn't kill him life never is the way you imagined it to be the good in the bed you know what I think I think it's possible to be happy again even here with love Gus I told you you don't need to keep coming back here Ruby you're always telling me that and I come anyway do you need anything nope this place isn't the Rhinelander but I'm okay how about you I told max to look out for you if you need anything anything I told you I can take care of myself you always could Ruby well I gotta go back inside I love you Ruby I love you too how's he doing he seems fine Elias want you to be happy Ruby it's all he's ever wanted I know max I want that for him too I just don't need the same things Elias needs to be happy anymore but I won't get a divorce not until he's released he's been too good to me I only lose that I understand Paris is over my dear hundreds and hundreds of dollars for one room at the Ritz and not even a suite and those ghastly common women with those horrid click little dogs having lunch at the rally Plaza and an Arab everywhere and to close our disaster skirts up to here it's just ridiculous well I have some news for you mother getting married again if you want to make your mother really happy that's what she wants to hear no I'm not I've been asked to be the executive head of the Hubert Altemus Junior Hospice well I believe that money should have been given anonymously without anyone's name being exploited is that your news yes it is well how long would this Florence Nightingale performance of yours go on as long as I'm needed what about your baby your child my child has a name mother he's six months old and you've never caught him anything but your child never Hubie that's not a very attractive tone of voice just Parker I think we'll just have to coffee in the living room and tell girls any plant souffle was yummy my god I just wish you would try to understand all my life I've been identified as Lawrence van vegans nice Oh mrs. Vandy gone out to mrs. daughter Oh or even worse the vendee Genaro says dolly eyes refers to me in her column and now you're just Justine slacking Yes Mother yes without even a terrible word socialite in front of it why can't they call it the Juanita whatever his name was Hospice you're not staying for coffee no I'm not staying for coffee I'm going home to my son to Hubie [Music] you laughing you don't you know you love me [Music] mine is open why did you tell me you were out I had to read about your release and Dalida long press : thanks a lot good to see you again Ruby same here what's all this I'm selling the apartment I'm moving on where are you going vital vodka two away maybe maybe I don't know okay I haven't decided could you guys talk outside him I can't tell you how good it feels to be alive and free I was lucky to get out in nine months good behavior how's the lights doing as well as can be expected fighting chance for any of my letters well you had enough on your mind didn't want you to worry about me you saved my life Gus yeah my own - I guess that's what Becky would have wanted I know I'm glad it's over so have you seen or heard from any of the old crowd hardly what about you no I tell you what why don't we go over the Clarence's and see what happens Bart from trading for life that's not to say he can't get somebody else to trade for him max Luba for instance with Elias calling the shots I understand but let's talk about you I hear you've been keeping Diaries you know the public loves to read about jeep-like you ever since the dreadful stock market crash no one is buying odd which of course my dears everyone knows is the most sensible investment I have Lawrence and Egon knew the stock market was going to crash because Elijah shred thought called him from prison and told him to get out of the market a week ago me just walked into this restaurant [Music] make any new friends in jail last house friends but I wrote a book is he always said she's in there I'm Maisie you know Ruby it's been ages nine months two days 14 hours and 10 seconds prison life teaches you to keep track of time I'm having a small dinner party on Thursday I'd love you to come I can't on Thursday well then you come to the country for the weekend I can't this weekend I suppose it must be difficult to melt back into society after being in after being away seeing him you did that well I thought a lot about these people and I realized all the money in the world can't protect anyone from tragedy and Adri if you look at them you think they didn't have a care they cover their feelings so well but I can't hide in that world I have to start living my life again me too welcome back hello Jake it's wonderful to see you Ruby thanks Jake listen chick we're not staying that's just what I was gonna say [Music] and I drop you somewhere along Ruby as I guess [Music] you gonna be okay and sure you know what they say about people like us what we're survivors [Music] look see [Music] stay tuned now on true movies one still small voices alternatively on true movies to take me part three and on true drama invisible child [Music]
Channel: MoviesTime
Views: 366,454
Rating: 4.6373057 out of 5
Id: opbpjbuUIgE
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Length: 183min 27sec (11007 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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