The Marla Hanson Story (1991)

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you and let's get outside come on - they robbed us and pushed her up against the wall there's no plastic surgeon on duty did you get a good look at their faces now it all happened so fast did we start excuse me is she gonna be all right - settle down she's gonna be fine not anymore you you Oh get to work you again it's alright I can't sleep in the den garbage trucks we aren't the city that never sees no I know why what I don't understand is why they city's so damn dirty when all I did was find garbage over phone what's in coffee oh no thanks Lorna nothing how'd you make out Nick well the same as it ever was walking around the city like a piece of meat with legs not sexy enough not quirky enough too old too short just too big justice but other than that beloved all right I don't know sometimes I wonder what not get myself out for I gave up a decent job deaf people tell me Morris the cat has a better chance of being a model than I do right yeah look give yourself some time least another year still no go then you come back to the normal world next you know you tried I don't know if I can take another year this really don't and neither can you I can stay here as long as you want don't even think about it Wow besides I'd never have the guts to do what you're doing Marla that's the truth so having you here gives me a little like Arius thrill I'm glad one of us is getting a thrill you're gonna make it Marla trust me just don't give up get some sleep okay my father I have to be up in three hours what for I'm trying out for the Miss soft and pure soap campaign it's a cattle call I had to show up wearing all white are you getting that thrill yet good night you know Jagga car yes go on in they'll call you when they're ready you can leave your coat on the left he's fine being a room full of beautiful people only depresses me then you and I are the social life of the Loch Ness monster this is exactly what we need let's get invited to this anyway well actually I did see the rain agency does this party every year so I dictated my invitation went to the most in the Vale oh is this great or what yeah it's like being the palest girl on the beach I'm not talking about the girls don't make one like a sheet of wax paper these guys I see right through me probably to you well here's to vicarious thrills I never get tired of this view I never get tired of the city I'm nice face I don't recognize are you with Raya no I crashed woman after my own heart hi I'm Eric Warner Eric Warner the photographer yeah that's what it says on my ten for it Wow I'm a big fan yard that makes two of us really I've seen your work all over thank you John Sharon stop me when I get close sorry my lands Midwest Missouri like I said seeking fame and fortune in the Big Apple don't laugh first like me comes to a city like this anything's possible speakers if you actually believe that what does that mean I'm sorry alcohol brings out my cynical side you a model I've never seen you well there's a good reason oh I see aspiring model it's a felony only if you don't make I've got a great look it's hard to believe that you haven't worked that much well it hasn't been for lack of trying I've been going nowhere fast for months it seems that there are those who think I'm too old and too short how old are you 24 a little long in the tooth for this business credit the look you get a great face perfect skin there's no reason you shouldn't be working your age sly about it your height when you're too short for runway work you couldn't wear the clothes but you can do print work you ever heard of the poise agency no well they specialize in tiny people such as yourself you have a good card not good enough evidently I'll tell you what you decide you need a new card give me a call and I'll do a few shots this isn't in the same categories look at my edges is it uh don't flatters this is my work all right super today tomorrow yeah Stan okay after class yeah sure hey I'm early oh god is it seven Ari I I can come back another time no no no mmm okay you're here all right my card this card does nothing for you doesn't even come close Steve can you hang around for one minute uh yeah what's up this is Marla I'm doing some headshots for her do you think you can help her out she doesn't look like she needs too much help to be sure come on over Hey hmm I can definitely work with this you're beautiful but you know that don't you you must sure skin like porcelain like fine china perfect you know your face was made for this business in fact I think this face was made for me just right relax talk to me and tell me your life story 25 words or less whatever it takes I'm from Missouri independence figures broken home I'll spare you the sob story morbid details of an unhappy childhood I always wanted to get to New York I always knew I belong here I just I wanted something different I wanted to break out I'll end up like my mother broke a house full of kids nowhere to go my modeling rightfully I guess the glamour romance dress up your hair blows in the wind create your own perfect little world at least that's how I've always thought about it so illusion smoke and mirrors exactly it sure beats the hell out of real life give me your address and I'll send you some principal bass oh okay I'll give you the address of where I'm staying for now I'm trying to find a place I can afford on my own keep my eyes open for you I feel like I'm living in a perpetual slumber party what are you doing for money I'm waiting tables at Cafe Grand Central I think you're gonna work the rajma I hope so you know I have a good friend that works at poise Joely young and I think you should go see him he could be very good for you well if you say so I say so okay one thing one other thing don't be so quick to give out your dress a lot of creeps in your business okay well thanks you Eric says you're the real thing says you're a natural Eric's not often wrong that's a relief we got a great face I'll give you that where'd you get that skin how old are you twenty whatever have you done a couple of print ads for Sears the Boat Show the Convention Center a lot of pounding the pavement okay I'll tell you what we'll do a mailing for you Carter go out to everybody it's always great to be the new face in town you pay the posters you call us twice a day we'll send you on go-sees no promises no promises it's the story of my life need another round huh cheer up guys by telling me to repeat about rocks so anyway miss coconuts and I get to talk to him tell me about yourself he says well first of all not gay I think stop right there what are you doing tomorrow night get the last though not like this Hey huh welcome to the casbah I hope you don't mind no why should you see me in my natural habitat so I heard um Joel young went nuts earlier I don't know if that's the word I'd use but he did sign me know you wonder if Thanks yeah well I just shoot what I see face is gonna make you famous I think a lot of you over there I have a lot of people for tea can I get you drink not to $5 I really have to go well I almost forgot the reason I came are you still looking for an apartment sure okay you should talk to Steve Roth the makeup man right yeah oh he owns her to pull up he rents it out somebody just moved out on so it was an empty bedroom and there are two models living there but you should have some privacy and it'll give you a good deal really would have to because I'm broke well it's a three-way split it can't be that bad I'll give him a call but you should get down there look right away because it'll go fast can you go ten tonight right let's gonna have to be late no thanks I seem to be saying that a lot to you better than a lot of other things have been said to me I'll see you hey rain check on that drink oh sorry I had to be so late I just got off that's ok uh mom have a night out anyway ready six hundred one plus a La Nina a $250 deposit and you get that back when you move if you move you're gonna love it that much huh yeah well it beats the pullout how did you know oh it relax it's alright it happens every now and then I'll start right back up are you sure yeah it's huh you know you might as well see everything warts and all so Eric tells me you're doing real good yeah he's he's been helping me a lot yo maybe I could help you too you know I got a lot of contacts I guess you'd call them and with her face like yours you can't miss this arrangement could work out good for you look shouldn't we hit a button no ring a bell or something how long does this last back it's eccentric that's all it gives a character I'll tell you one thing you're gonna love about this building it's very safe but we all look out for each other in this neighborhood okay see for God's sake mm sorry I didn't know anybody was home I guess you wouldn't want to try not gain then you'd know for sure behave find a potential new roommate here this is Marla hi Marla been in sun-hi her real name is Joan oh like your name doesn't come from a shampoo bottle Tony happens to be a name handed down on my family for generations nice to meet you Marla hi please move in so the Steve doesn't make us pay the entire rent on this palace come here let me show you the room I'll take it come on Lin you're gonna love having your apartment back good mind you being here Marla I must have been like having a relative over that never leave this is all my relatives won't take you any day I think that this sit that night this is supposed to be happy what can I say I'm gonna miss you around here that's all thanks for everything Lin you're a real lifesaver okay okay just leave me all your magazines and get out huh I'm marrying state I would say ring use your imagination that's all I've been doing hey Steve what are you doing here I'm uh just trying to see what's what you know maybe get a tip on what's coming up oh you're a hustler big boy I need these over to Richard he needs him before it's more than heads yeah you know she's like my best friend I did this makeup really she's fantastic she's tiny but she's gonna work like crazy I'm about to send her up for commercial the Japanese I think she's a keeper thanks Betty see you Steve trying to stay out of trouble big boy yeah you too Joe Don Donny hi scare you yes I'm sorry I had Tony asked me to check a leak in the sink you fix things too yeah I'm a way caught a jack-of-all-trades well let you get back to it I have a lot of office I'm done done I could give you a hand no that's okay no really I don't mind here yeah thanks so Eric tells me he's trying to get you some catalog work yeah he's been really great to me why should he be what does that mean well I mean a you know a beautiful girl like excuse me beautiful woman like you I bet there aren't you know I'll bet they're very few guys who aren't great to you Eric thinks I can be good at this and he wants to help what's wrong with that nothing that's nice but it's not because you're ugly that he's interested you follow me no Steve I don't think I do follow what are you saying you could defense it all I'm saying is it it doesn't hurt to be beautiful in this life no don't be too sure it's not easy for an attractive woman to be taken seriously maybe so but beautiful people do have a much easier time in getting what they want you can't deny that I mean ask any homely girl you have to work hard for whatever you want Steve no matter what you look like well all I know is that the I for instance could never be a model with a face like this no matter how hard I worked so uh what else gonna do for you I can handle it from here okay well uh if you need me just yell I sure will I almost forgot I know this guy who's uh putting together a television commercial for the Japanese and I told him all about you and I think they're gonna give your agency a call they pretty much trust my judgment oh well that's great thanks Marley I want you to know that I believe in you I do and I think you're a keeper in this business I really appreciate that I'll see you later hello Joe Young overt boys Oh Joe let's be available tomorrow three o'clock oh I think so I just have to check my book oh you got an Edition it's commercial for Japanese Scotch if you can believe that can you make it uh sure okay I'd like you to lift the bottle and give it your best smile juliank please don't don't I got it I got it I'll always love you here's to always cut I'll buy that your deal lose the table later out of the day all right they want to know if you can phony it up a little more you gotta be careful in the camera gets that close to you Steve you should look at the number on the mat box it tells you what kind of lens they're using I mean they get that close to you with anything less than afford you in trouble oh thanks I'll try to remember that you want your face to be the store to do uh I wanted to thank you for whatever you did I appreciate it no I don't I don't need any thanks well I'm gonna go tell my mother you why you're a really nice girl Thanks no I mean it have you haven't been around long enough I mean every other woman I know in this business is a [ __ ] I don't even want to talk to you outside of the makeup chair but you you you're different you know you're like that you know you talk to people you you don't think you're better than everybody else every woman you know boom models anyway ya know it's probably because their looks depend on me and they don't like that I guess I uh I guess I hold their beauty in my hands I'm sorry I I had trouble keeping my hands off you look Steve that's not what's going on here okay oh okay how merry Christmas to you several magical one and you I get Annie Clark Gable I settle for Clark Kent at this point why is it but men only seem to come with three categories they're either married gay or psychotic speaking of that what to do with this guy Roth you know I learned how marking up your tree is II love it so I'm going to teach that's gift Amal you know I'm trying to be nice and he's really starting to get on my nerves well there's a Christmas Day that's right forget nice I just got to tell him to get lost you have to be mean from day one I can't help it was brought up to be nice and then move to LA you'll never make it anymore I'm telling you guys like rod only understand rudeness when you're nice to them even when you're saying no deep down they think the door must still be open they keep on coming back take my word for it Marla you'll never get rid of this guy unless you give me okay you look great it looks great everything is looking good all of it except for the hat but you look great it's a good chef for a national magazine a lot of people are gonna see it are you a little nervous I wasn't until now but you're gonna do great what keeps you from every place I work who Steve no he's harmless is that with all the models deal with it he's really starting to give me the creaks welcome to show business count on the fingers of one hand the people that don't give you the creeps so how come you're not like that with all the models from and I don't let on I feel about somebody when I'm working when do you let on when they least expected heads please hey meet again next II know you look I can't apologize enough for the way I acted I felt like a jerk all week it's just forget about no I'm serious Marla I really mean it I don't want you to go around thinking I'm some kind of creep look I want to be your friend it's all right it's not all right but it will never happen again I swear well I want you to repeat after me I forgive you Steve you made your point oh I forgive you Steve come on okay I forgive you Steve all right so we're friends friends all right I was thinking it back to break okay okay you shoot like a girl you know that you sure like a girl when we were kids and you still shoot like a girl you're gonna whack you over the head with this pool cue and you're telling me if I do that like a girl date I'll be scratched you know that's the power of psychology I psyched you out you gotta watch that so where's this chick tonight man that's why Steve where's the girlfriend I'm meeting her later on I told her this his boys night out she's got to understand that you know I can't spend every minute with her she good-looking or what you kidding she's a model when I first got to New York I was gonna be the next Helmut Newton Scavullo my work was gonna be on the finest coffee tables in town well now I make a nice $1 Tom could be worse yeah I know you're not gonna tell me today could be the first day of the rest of my life are you yes but I won't thank you well you certainly know how to titillating it's my business so here's to Marla Hanson hmm face of the eighties come on lighten up I mean you're on your way you might as well face it everybody's getting to know you everybody's talking about you you've worked hard and it's paying off a couple of months you're gonna be turning down jobs now that's got to feel great admit it I admit it it feels great god I love this city me too it's a lonely place funny way those people thrown together every day on the streets and nobody really connects or if they do connect it's not right way or right time are you trying to tell me something forget it you can boring myself no no I I know what you mean I don't know why it's so hard to meet people I mean good people people that you want as friends I can't believe why why I mean look at you you're not exactly unattractive people are drawn to you men because of it that's right as opposed to a home know if I'm ready for this discussion who's not on champagne I'm just trying to tell you why it's crazy somebody's nice to me and I always have to wonder why don't you think the TV's to him is it bothering you yes can't hear what's going on evening ladies it was till now I swear see I'm gonna get that lock changed if you keep doing that come on we're family speak for yourself where's Marla in her room I just what see how she likes the place she likes it fine ste and she's not alone Wow so he's a lucky guy just uh tell her I stopped by hi that's super super super he's our great Marla these are just great telling you sooner I'm not gonna have to sell you at all you're just gonna feel the offers Jenna that's what I like about you Tony you're such a pessimist you're one of my favorite clients you know why is you're a pro you get to the job on time you don't complain you don't make people crazy you're not a prima donna when you're not working to shoot you're working the phones and I like that yeah but it still takes me months to get paid yes it does billing takes a long time honey that is a fact of life I want to get a new apartment I've been praying for the day I can actually afford to live on my own you're running from that Steve Roth guy aren't you yeah what's with him you know he's always hanging around here always asking about you what you're doing are you working with well that's one of the reasons I need to get a new place he gets me one commercially thanks for joining it to him what commercial you know for tokio scotch Mahalo Steve Roth had nothing to do with getting you that job I called the Japanese about you I met with him I sold you see Roth doesn't even know those people he doesn't work in commercials better watch same guy Melanie's body was found at 3:45 p.m. by a passing jogger she had put up a fierce struggle for her life the first detectives at the scene were baffled her killer left me very few clues her boyfriend hi it's Marlo we're not here so leave a message thank goes he became the prime suspect but he later produced an airtight alibi and the case is still unsolved give you high it's Hollow we're not here so leave a message Thanks does one hundred five five five eight three seven five all calls will be handled in strict confidence next hi it's Marlo we're not here so leave a message Thanks what the hell are you doing here I just want to know why you never have time for a drink with me but you have all the time in the world Farah corner it's none of your business don't ever come into this apartment again - - the hell do you think you are it's my legal right to come in this apartment whenever I want I own it and don't you forget it either you get out or I do really ungrateful you know that without me you'd still be sucking up to every photographer in this town trying to get in the door he won't me let's get something straight I owe you nothing I never asked you for anything and I know you had nothing to do with getting me that commercial that was a lie he has a girlfriend you know Oh Eric just get out of here Steve you ever come into this apartment again I'm gonna call the cops you should have told me I would have come over I wanted you to come over because you wanted to not because you had to well that makes sense I mean not to me but that makes sense I'm sorry this whole thing just really has me nerve doubt you should have seen him he was like a different person I'm gonna start looking for another place well did you do anything to make him sink are you saying Erik did I lead him on was he a question all I ever did was try to be nice to the guy is that leading him on I can't be nice to someone because they might be waiting for me in my apartment some night okay you've made your point I'm sorry all I want - just leave me alone so you're gonna play it what leave me alone ha Marla please I just want to talk to you for one second I want to apologize I want to straighten things out get it Steve I don't want to straighten anything out what I can't forget it I feel real bad but will you talk to me for just one second all right and then you'll never have to look at me again look I'm sorry sorry things got out of hand it's not gonna happen again heard that from you before I know I know this time I mean it I swear look I'll never bother you and I'll never go into the apartment again well I just don't want you to hate me Steve I don't hate you I just think that we ought to steer clear of each other if that's what you want I can respect that really Marley it's just it huh I have feelings for you I can't help Accession an older guy like me would never have a shot at a woman like you well I mean with the way I look and everything this has nothing to do with looks what and why wouldn't you want Steven I just don't feel that way about you I'm sorry what if I look like Eric what if I look like someone else what if I was fat or would you start a feelings for me would you even have noticed me isn't it about what I look like Touche I gotta go I'll see you okay hey Marla just sleep with me this one night just tonight I'll never bother you again you just don't get it do you Steve Oh Hey hi are you waiting for the password yeah but you've just gotten a visit from Freddie you're not gonna believe what happened to me on the way over here Jeannie this is Marla Hanson a Marla this is Jeannie Evans Jeannie just got in from Jamaica hi hi father stopped by to pick up some photos that I took for some best shots I've taken thank you it was nice meeting you I Wallace Herek I'm sorry what can I say I wanted to tell you I didn't know how I'm on it hey please call me when you get this message I really need to talk to you okay it's Nev er you there Marla pick up I know you're there why don't she talk to me I'm a human being Marla don't forget that you can call me mala don't make me come over there ma like a nickel this is the third message Steve you know why I'm calling I'm moving out and I want my deposit back I'm not kidding Steve you meet me in the lobby at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning I don't want any trouble about this and don't come to the apartment just meet me in the lobby maybe you should just forget about the deposit or cut your losses and stay away from him this has nothing to do with money it's the principle I'm not gonna let him get away with this so what's the problem what's the big deal moving on Steve today you know why oh yeah why I kind of wanting more problems so just give me back my deposit we'll both get on with their lives okay you thought about that for me no say what you have to say here just give me five minutes outside no I'm not gonna do this with you Steve I love you Marla what you heard me I love you I don't care what where is it how can you say that Steve you don't even know me you say - okay Steve then why do you love me why because you're so beautiful it's your answer it's your reason yeah what's wrong with that you should be flattered it's not real Steve it's not enough it is for me it is for most people I want my money well you can't you can't move out on such short notice and expect you to pause it back you got it give me a month's notice and I need it in writing what are you talking about I'm talking about I'm talking about our lease we don't have a lease so sue me don't make me call the cops Steve it's not legal for any of us to be in that apartment is it that's why we don't have a lease you think I'm gonna walk out of here without my money you're crazy don't threaten me Marla I'm not threatening you Steve I'm telling you how it is I'm not taking any more crap from you you throw your way like you're nothing like your garbage as soon as they don't need you anymore I tried to be her friend I did everything right I blame for any of this mouse-kini power this whole thing has gotten bigger than both of us I gotta make a move not not just for me but for all our bastards my follow follow the ones who came before hey hey hey man you've been through a lot together you know you and me and even though I'm white you've always treated me like a brother so will you help me with this thing I'm mayor Steve I would give it on everything I'm a magician you know that I can give you in I can take it away should I get it not if it's him well if he's knocking it's not him who is it Steve open up it's okay what do you want look I found somebody who wants your room and you're gonna get your deposit back well I gotta go to Queens to get the money if you come there with me you get it back tonight are you on drugs Steve I'm not going anywhere with you look I'm trying to do the right thing here all right I don't want to fight with you anymore I want this over with so do i but we can finish it here not in Queens I made plans for you look I'll meet you downstairs at shutters all right eleven o'clock and you better have a money yeah by you drink I'm tired I have to work tomorrow oh you poor baby Steve okay I got your money but I want to see fine but not in here why not Chris the walls have eyes you don't have it do you I got it I don't want to give it to you outside I don't want anybody to see it fine come on you didn't have to be so nasty to me I was trying to be your friend you know friends are hard to come by in this town in this business you should have treated me like that Steve do you know these guys remember this you [ __ ] you reap what you sow good evening a pair of heartless thuds slashed the face of a lovely model allegedly on the orders of her landlord this is Damon Stiles reporting from st. Vincent's Hospital where Marla Hanson the young model who is savagely attacked with a razor blade is undergoing surgery at this hour the entire city is stunned today by the ferocity of last night's brutal attack on model Marla Hanson miss Hanson is resting comfortably today after undergoing surgery last night miss Anson was cut about the face numerous times by a razor blade she was taken to st. Vincent's Hospital where she received in excess of 150 stitches to her face dr. Clement to 263 dr. Levin how you feelin Marla don't know what time is it No do me a favor income boys tell them they have to cancel everything for the next few days I think they know that already look what they did to me Lynn I think into my face I told the cops that Steve was - I know he said me float they arrested him this morning is it that bad how bad does it look tell me I'll just get some sleep I asked you a question it'll get better Marla just has to heal I see no flowers how does everybody know you're kidding there's a million reporters downstairs dying to talk to you hi it's in all the papers Marla it's all over television is the biggest story in New York you're famous I was minding my own business and just walking along with Marlin these two guys came out of nowhere and they robbed me and they cut her and then they were fine fine you do anything to help her I was stunned I mean I didn't know what was happening I just froze up I mean who knows why you do or don't you've told us three different stories since we brought down here Steve every story with the true story you say you never saw those two guys they say they've known uses a third grade and I go fit that you promised you an apartment if they couldn't one say I see but trying to help you out here Steve you gotta understand that we want everything to go smooth you know one two three how about it I told Jose well if your no miss Hanson had to get over 150 stitches in her face that's her I'm out 850 bucks the city of New York is behind you the people support you and I want you to know that your courage serves as an inspiration to the city that will not soon be forgotten and that I am totally committed to prevent crimes like this in the future from happening the phone hasn't stopped ringing Marla don't you worry about work all right you're gonna pick and choose from here on in everybody wants you Marla after all you've been through how do you feel about the city will you leave New Yorkers I don't think so I still love New York you know you're really very lucky there's no nerve damage I want you to use the ointment for at least a month you don't want the scars to get ropey don't talk too much and do not try to stay inside for a while you want to stay away from dirt even though kindness in the air but these scars are go away their permanent Marlon I mean they'll get better but no they're not going to go away you know I make a living because of my face I know that Marlon are you saying I should look for another way to make a living don't look much better than you do now if you take care of the wounds they should heal nicely but you shouldn't count on looking like you used to you have a different face now you have to accept that one day you're walking down the street and think you know where you're going think you know what you're doing tomorrow you've got some problems boyfriend's gone and you need a new place to live but it's nothing that you can't handle got your life pretty much under control and two guys grab you on the street and in ten seconds it's all gone you've got a new life like it or not why did he do it Marlon you tell me the hell knows how his mind works bastard I'll take kill him but you know it's it's almost funny I worked so hard to try to make it try to be somebody not just another face in the crowd snows I felt like I was banging my head against a brick wall sometimes I wondered if I was wasting my time if I was ever gonna make it and my face gets slashed and I wake up on the front page of every newspaper in town magazines are asking for interviews and want me on Donahue and the police commissioner of New York is my new best friend it's got nothing to do with me or anything I've done just because I'm models face got cut out Eric was right about one thing he said my face would make me famous well then when the police officers were on the way to the scene they ran across Melvin in Norman running east on 34th Street Norman had blood on his then one then that then the cop took me to the car and had me like a puma tenormin they were in the backseat enjoyed infant yeah I knew it was them and you still maintain you did nobly no I never saw them before they just walked up to you cut your face on steel on Stacy yeah that's exactly right are you accusing me Marla as the prosecutor I'm telling you that I am NOT just off the boat I've seen this thing a hundred times before it rarely happens out of the blue now that's honest so tell me what's really going on here Marla you don't believe me I don't know yet give me a reason it's not my job to figure out why you did this to me I'm not the one going on trial see that's where you're wrong the defense is gonna do everything they can to show that you may not just an innocent bystander they're gonna pound at home where's the move why would somebody do such a thing they're gonna try very hard to place doubt in the jury's mind about your character why what can they gain by doing that if nothing else allied a sentence they'll convict him for the attack but with no clear motive they'll go easier on him especially if they believe you're not so squeaky clean yourself hey you better be prepared excuse me may I have your autograph just a few more minutes when it's just full time all right this is a simple case the evidence will show that Steve Roth aided abetted and caused miss Hanson's face to be ravaged with a razor blade mr. author's makeup man and therefore knew full well that is a model miss Hansen's livelihood depends largely on her face her looks if therefore makes the crime although motor ISM we will show that Steve Roth pretended to be an innocent bystander during the attack which he masterminded that he even pretended to be a victim himself we believe our evidence will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that's even wrong Steven Bullman and Darren Norman participated in and executed this vicious attack on Marla Hanson and the only just and proper verdict will be guilty thank you I'm going to tell you a story story of a girl who moved to New York from Missouri a girl with ambition a girl who wasn't going to let anything get in her way a girl who wasn't shy about using her looks to get what she wanted usually from men I'm talking about a girl a woman who preyed on every man she met a girl who even after this alleged attack used the press and the media to gain attention for herself I'm talking about a girl who quite simply never missed a trick we will prove that Steven Roth was only one of many men miss Hanson used to further her career we will prove ladies gentlemen that there is a lot more to this than meets the eye this case will leave you with more questions than answers remember that I said that thank you she was real ambitious she cheered go yeah yeah went out with her once or twice she's always talked about making the big you know don't know they're gonna be somebody yes you did huh I remember her as a wild young thing very ambitious that's how I describe ambitious all of a sudden ambitious is a dirty word you know if I had just found a cure for cancer those same exact interviews would make me sound great what a girl they can make it play any way they want I don't even feel like a person anymore I'm just something to watch on the news sorry I'm sorry it has to be like this Darren Norman raised his hand and moved it across my face I thought they were spraying me with something something that was stinging my face but then I felt the blood during this time could you see Steve Roehm yes he was standing underneath the streetlight watching did he try to help you in any way no he looked like he was making sure no one was coming objection sustained we're not looking for your feelings or opinions miss Hanson just the facts as you know them when the police later showed you the two defendants Bowman and Norman did you have any trouble identifying the major attackers objection leading sustained can you identify the two men who attacked you yes that's them right there let the record show that the witness is pointing to Steve Bowman and Darren Norman is handsome could you please show the jury your scars your witness nice performance miss Hanson yon save your sarcasm mr. crane my apologies your honor ah miss Hanson when you were in the hospital you gave a series of press conferences didn't you one or two I don't remember some people might find it odd that after such a traumatic assault after receiving 150 stitches in your face you were so eager to talk to the press I wasn't eager they were there everything was happening at once was all a blur huh a blur you also gave out a couple magazine interviews didn't you yes UH one was to New York magazine that's right one was yeah who is the other Glamour magazine anybody else cosmopolitan all in all would you say this attack has brought you a lot of attention I didn't ask for any of it nor did you shy away from it in fact I think it's fair to say you made the most of it would you say that all of this media attention has not exactly hurt your career no the attention didn't hurt my career it's the scars on my face that hurt my career miss Hanson you met Steven Roth through Eric Warner the photographer that's right you had manipulated mr. Warner into doing some test shots of you is that right no he offered to do them I didn't ask for anything when did he offer to do them the night I met him the first time you met him you mean he didn't even know you and he offered to do some test shots of you you must make quite a first impression objection sustained move on mr. crane gladly your honor isn't it true miss Hanson that you were using Steven Roth just as you would use so many other men in the past to try to get ahead in your career Eric Warner for example got you signed with boys Steven Roth had some impressive contacts and even an apartment look I didn't even know this man existed until I rented his apartment I just tried to be nice to him no more and no less I was desperate for an apartment but if I had known that saying yes to him would make him assume that I his girlfriend I would have said no did Eric Warner assume you would be his girlfriend when you said yes to him taking your pictures hmm you were intimate with Eric Warner where you're not not until later did you or did you not have an affair with Eric Warner I did even after Stephen Roth told you he had a girlfriend I didn't believe him but but it was true wasn't it yes yes miss Hanson um the night that you were attacked what were you wearing what was I wearing yes the night you met Stephen Roth to get your deposit back I don't know jeans and a sweater sweater wasn't at a very low-cut sweater yeah so what so what so didn't you wear this for Stephen Roth's benefit to keep him interested in you even though you were moving out on him objection your honor this is totally out of line Your Honor I'm seeking to establish the nature of miss Hansen's relationship to Steven Roth overruled miss Hanson let me put this a different way the night you were attacked were you wearing any underwear objection your honor this is outrageous counsel is treating this as if it were a sexual assault I withdraw the question all right miss Hanson no more games are you going to tell us what really happened that night between you and Stephen Roth or can this jury never expect to hear the truth I've told you the truth I don't care if it's believable or not your honor no more questions why don't you object more how can you get away with that he was within his rights so not my right look you have to understand something I'm not sure attorney I don't represent you I'm sorry if you don't like what's going on in there but I represent the state of New York not my lands you're just one of my witnesses no nothing's in black and white Marla the system has its problems but just to the best I can I want to win this case and we will the rest is just part of the territory get some sleep hey MIDI have you been Marla hi fine ah how's it going it's Jolin I'll see Charlotte smart hands you can go right on Thanks hey I used to know her here they're being pretty rough me with the trial one yeah I'm just a witness Janine anyway this whole thing is gonna be over soon and I have to start thinking about real life I'm broke and I don't know what's gonna be happening well you still got some checks coming to you from the Brooklyn Heights chute we could advance that to you you know what I'm asking you Joel I don't wanna lie to you Marla you said the funds wouldn't stop ringing they stopped Marlon's just the agencies feel like there's a lot of baggage right now especially with the trial you know they're afraid that when people look at you they're just I'll just think about violence so that's it I'm sorry Marlon well it was nice while it lasted huh that it was you must be lost just wanted to talk to you in good time I wanted to come see you in the hospital well why didn't you what's the expression too little too late well that would seem you apply now too I heard you might give the verdict tomorrow I wanted to say and I wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything it wasn't for me you never met him since when do you smoke no one's dead just never around you how'd he get through it mom I see your face on the TV in the papers I heard you so mad now this trial for Mayo just curled I guess I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was stronger than me I thought you were one of the good guys Erik okay I'm as lost as the next guy I lie to myself just like I lie to everybody else I'm sorry you couldn't see that I tried to tell was involve and they on the ferry maybe you didn't want to hear it say too many things at face value I'm here more about not a rumor hmm there's the jury reached a verdict we find the defendants Steven Roth Darren Ormond and Steven Bowman guilty of assault in the first degree sentencing will take place on March 1st I think you feel people have turned against you Marla well I know that there are some people out there you say she must have asked for it I've been trying to figure out why people think that in order for something bad to happen to you you must have done something bad to earn it I think maybe it's because they don't want to believe something like this could ever happen to them they don't want to believe they could ever be a victim so they just stopped believing in victims I'm tell you something even if all those things that people said about me were true which they aren't I still wouldn't deserve having my face slashed with a razor do you feel the system works I'm glad that justice was done in the end but I was victimized once by Steve Roth and I was victimized a second time in the courtroom does it hurt to look in the mirror and I look in the mirror I see myself the way I've always been I don't really see the scars did you see myself is any good come with us Marla I don't know maybe I guess I learned a lot about people about how cruel they can be and about how kind they can be I learned a lot about myself too I thought that losing my face would be the worst thing that could ever happen to me but I'm still alive and I found out that there's a lot more important things than just a pretty face I also found out I'm survivor and then I'll go on and not going to be a victim forever
Channel: Rare Films
Views: 3,332,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: romance, love story
Id: VvtrtD3eRNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 52sec (5332 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2016
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