Based on a True Story: Jesse (1988)

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sure if you sure they're coming oh yeah they're coming alright they passed through stovepipe wells about an hour ago you really think there's gonna be trouble well when they elected me sure if they didn't give me no crystal ball to go with a badge I got no idea what's gonna be except they'll be the devil to pay if they don't get what they want here they are [Music] don't happy when a man with a badge ask a question it's a good thing to answer else he's liable to get the idea you're up to no good the reason I ask is because if you are going on I'm here to tell you there's nothing in season and that particularly goes for the witnesses at the trial today witnesses there may be what you call them we got another name I better not see no gun in the courtroom today nor anything else that's intended to intimidate your mama teach that speech build you make it up all by yourself all right that you sounds embarrassing and you better think of me the way you think of Moses coming with a word I don't want no trouble today and I better not have no trouble you just passed that on to all those others nice Jesse ain't done nothing you know as well as we do well that's for a jury to decide not a herd of ground squirrels out of Death Valley around alright you got the word move it out go to Florida I got to back up to the present oh yes sir she's sleeping it's a hold on our teller mama mmm-hmm mama it's sheriff on the phone there's been an accident we're on highway 190 this side of furnace creek she said he wants to know if you can call me okay Tony I'll be right there honey okay Sam Sam I gotta go uh-huh there's been an accident Oh we'll have a clock you'd be getting up in half Marigny now go to work you be sure bets in dropping their breakfast before they go to school you know this is the second time this week they telling you in the building right and if you remember it pick me up a couple of some milk on your way home I just don't know where the sheriff gets the idea that he can call you any time of the night I mean I could understand it if you are on the payroll but you know you're not they keep treating you like you're what expect me to do not go no I'm not saying that Jesse just reach an understanding with a Miss what I'm saying if they're going to get you out of bed at all hours of the morning the least they can do is pay you for it they can't afford to pay enough officers for 2,000 square miles what what chance would I have [Music] what do you have for me bill there were two of them one dead the other almost [Music] Tommy you know for a lot of years Tommy shake your head or nod are you on any medication are you allergic to anything call your dispatcher tell him to call dr. Clifford Adams at Lone Pine Hill and we have one for the hospital for the coroner tell him we'll meet his plane at furnace creek Tommy you have a knife all right a nice you haven't acted to me quick [Music] I don't need your pen is it about right Tommy Tommy don't you dare die on me Tommy I've never seen anything like that before little work [Music] Oh you can conscience no nothing you powe cannot speak No in shock this wind keeps up don't count on me coming over tomorrow I almost didn't make it today next week then huh [Music] [Music] oh sorry I'm late sorry go away the booths were first I brought in little Emma for her checkup just give me a second he calls I should know about just old mrs. Morgan oh she said the pills the doctor gave her helped her arthritis Peck she used them all up and now she wants some more it's all that a woman's I mean have any more pills unless the doctor prescribes them what else what does the other guy look like huh Oh change I know you haven't had any breakfast so I thought you might want to work on this egg salad sandwich that I bought for lunch no thanks Harvey okay take it from where they woke you up and said Jessie we don't need to bother you but it wasn't pretty Martha well if I wanted prey I would have got to work in a Vegas dance palace tell me no one Tommy and some girl I didn't know she was killed on impact and Tommy I think everything in it was broken I almost lost him more [ __ ] you know I'm just slipping away it's terrible you feel them you know going under you give me this oh thanks she's been coughing Jessie not bad but it's a call take a deep breath for me okay see how mama does it a bra okay how long she had this car about a week ten days I guess I shoulda brought her in when it first started but you know you keep thinking this going past [Music] I want you to give her three teaspoons of this three times today and if she still has that coffin week bring her to see dr. Maggie I want you to take him outside for a minute I want to talk to Jessie we're just waiting on the room honey and then we'll go home in a minute okay okay just a minute okay I wasn't gonna come in there's probably nothing but my chest feels heavy like there's something pressing on him I got a call to clear my lungs and then the heavy feeling goes away for a while sit down jack you still working the mind oh yeah it's all no I'm working in one man or another all my life breathing that or just all day long like from graveling whittier box I used to not worry about something like this but I never been a daddy before either something was to happen to me what would happen to Emma I know where mama is well you know a little girl means everything in the world you Dungy yeah you know the very day she was born I quit smoking and I quit drinking what do you think of that I think you discovered responsibility that's why I think maybe we better give you a chest x-ray you know it might sound funny coming from the old Boozer like me but I kind of like it responsibility need to deep breath [Music] [Music] well Zadar mister for my flies escape [Music] now what can I do for you I wonder if you can tell me where I could find a woman named Jessie Maloney I'm sure she works down dr. Adams office where exactly is that across the street if you can read you can't miss it cuz there's a sign out front says dr. Adams okay I don't suppose the doctors there I only comes in once a week Wednesday's a nurse yeah Lindsey's if the weather lets in I beg your pardon what what does the weather have to do with this doctor flies over from long time and the weather ain't always friendly for flying you look thirsty mister you want a beer no and no thank you but thanks anyway for the information [Music] wonder where is from this pose you all suggest what I'm wondering is what kind of man wears a suit and tie in this town mr. Hopkins yeah this is right Butler I just got here yes sir I found it I'm looking at it now no sir I haven't been in yet I'm gonna wait till she's all longer I'll call you as soon as I've done it [Music] about that time you know oh yeah you brought along honey I've got to inventory the drug laws that we're out of some stuff and low on others and uh I wish my Barney was his understanding as your Sam if I'm not home by 6:00 he starts talking about how expensive divorce is and how he's gonna miss me like I was gonna disappear or something this Barney cook cook does he do the washing and vacuuming and shop are you kidding I do every damn bit of that well how can you possibly think he'd ever let you disappear he's only kidding he would let me go in my shadow [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you that's alright I always carry a spare heart can I help you well I was hoping I could see the doctor oh the doctor only comes in on Wednesday oh I'm sorry to hear that well I I'd be happy to help you if I can um your registered nurse then no sir I'm a practical nurse can you run this office all by yourself well more accurately it runs me yes yes it must be quite a job yeah I almost feel guilty coming in here with what you'll probably consider a minor complaint Oh haven't you been feeling well mr. Butler ray Butler no I haven't I've had these little headaches and I've been sick flu and I have an upset stomach why don't we can't have that why don't we write up a chart on you and we can go from there mr. Butler yeah Oh Sam how's Jessie I'm just fine Agnes thanks for asking No I said how's Jesse good thanks Helen bye Oh Sam how's Jesse miss carpenter the last time I saw her was about 5:00 this morning she was running that's our Jesse always on the go [Music] [Music] [Music] granny's office Jessie thought you'd want to know that boys gotta live everything in it was broken spleen ruptured gallbladder just everything but he's alive thanks to you Jessie well that's the first tracheotomy you ever did yeah the very first was it that bad no tracheotomy that works is bad Jessie I just wondered where you got the idea for the ballpoint pen was all I had you know me any port in a storm I'm lucky to have you often anything immediate for me it's gonna be too rough to fly tomorrow but something needs my attention I can drive it no don't do that cliff there's no reason good nothing's come in this week I can't handle we're just running low on some drugs is all well call it in to my nurse and I'll bring him when I come next week so what's happened today the woman seems very good at what she does mr. Hopkins and I just feel this could be a mistake yes sir she treated me and gave me medication but yes sir I understand that [Music] and no sir there was no doctor present but she's very professional and I just feel we said let this one go I wouldn't exactly call her a criminal yes sir I know the law mr. Hopkins yes sir I understand I know that yes sir I'll hand in the medication along with my report mama what do you think about me going to camp this summer where is the eros sounds good to me it's alright with your father how long just two weeks three girls from school are going and Vicky's mother's taking them all up in her van sounds like fun what do you think what about you Rob you want to go too so girls can besides camps for kids so I'm a kid sue me is it all right with you if I go sure darling you go and have a good time I'm gonna call Vicki happy excuse yes sir so you didn't ask me about this morning Jessie every time you called out on all your so-called emergencies I don't think I've ever been having a so-called emergency I always ask you about it later so I thought I'd just let this one rest if you want to tell me about it go ahead but I'm not gonna ask you about him anymore why aren't you college somehow makes me a party to it but I don't want to be a party to it tell you the plain truth I'm tired of it well what exactly is it that you're so tired of I mean we might as well get it out on the table and have it done with all right if you really want to know I'm tired of my wife being a push button nurse and that's what you've become you know a push button nurse I don't know what horse you're ridin but you better put a break how quick when we first got here when we first got here we were broke and when I found this job of dr. Adams you thought it was just peachy pain that was a long time ago Jessie things are different now this haven't changed people still get sick people still hurt I mean our situations do I make pretty good money in the rain this morning you were complaining because I do service work for the county and I'm not on their payroll now you tell me that we don't need the money that I earn dr. Adams I don't know what cloud you're on I don't know what you're trying to tell me well I'm telling you it's not necessary for you to go running every time the telephone rings five o'clock in the morning three o'clock in the morning never been called out when it wasn't something serious not once but it's always serious some woman who's about to drop a baby some drunk with a stab wound to share and the only nurse there is in this desert who else is gonna do it and what am I supposed to say when they call like this morning what am I supposed to say oh you just have to let that guy die out there on the highway because I gotta cook my husband's breakfast you know that's not what I'm saying well then what are you saying I'm saying I want my wife back a wife who feels at least an equal obligation to her your home that's what I'm saying funny you should say that as it reminds me this is the night that I vacuum the floors and wash your clothes and iron the kids clothes I washed yesterday now what you want to tell me what's really bothering let me know huh [Music] [Music] I don't mean to be telling you men your business but isn't there some other way I mean Jesse's a friend you got your orders from the district attorney's office didn't you yeah while all I'm asking if there isn't a better way ohai expect is that you do your job sure Jesse doesn't deserve this it's gonna be downright unpleasant well now I'm not gonna stand here and argue with you about what Jesse don't deserve just because she's a friend of yours neither's mr. Butler now we have it from the district attorney's office that you'll do your job that's all we expect as Jesse here yeah she's in her office I'll tell you here that won't be necessary right bill is there sir yes sir sorry Don is your name Jessica Maloney yes sir yes you're under arrest that's what I said you're under arrest what for for practicing medicine without a license tell her her rights you have the right to remain silent anything you say to us can and will be used against you in a court of law you have the right to talk to your lawyer and have him present when you are being questioned now if you can't afford to hire a lawyer one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning do you understand what I just said to you I don't understand what this is all about do you understand the rights he's been telling you yes may I have his chart now please his chart the day this gentleman came to see you and you gave him treatment and medication you made out a medical chart on him did you not I make a chart out on every patient and don't you keep them somewhere what would yes I just didn't know what you pick yes I have forgotten your name Butler ray Butler finally knew what this was all about I could I could think more clearly I've told you but if you still don't know I'm sure it will become clearer as we proceed wait a minute what are you doing they're going to search this room no I can't let you do that you but this is dr. Clifford Adams office and I work for dr. Adams so I'm responsible and we're from the division of Investigation for the state of California mr. baza here is one of our investigators and I'm his supervisor my name is Donald Hopkins now if that information is satisfactory bill doc don't they need a search warrant or or permission from the doctor or something that's right if you don't have a search warrant you've got to get permission now I know you gentlemen gonna find it a bother and a shame but that's just what it boils down to in the United States will you call him yes Kristen suggesting I've just been arrested by the state of California and they want to search your office I'm sorry I think we got a bad connection Jessie would you say that again I've just been arrested now by the state Division of some other for practicing medicine without a license they say they want to search the office then tell them they have to have your permission well there you have it officer with it yeah what I want to go ahead and search we have nothing to hide Jessie don't worry that charges without foundation well what is this all about I swear to you Jessie I don't know I just got orders a service what are they looking for where they expect to find do you know as much as I do [Music] we got and it's not gonna get solved in here she's in trouble there are two men over there giving her a hard time we'll see about that wait a minute finish these a statement the sheriff is with him Jesse's been arrested well it sure has been a long time coming maybe we'll get ourselves a full-time doctor it's a real one we've been living a long time with nothing but a first aid station what's that mean you know as well as I do she talks like a doctor and she acts like a doctor and she gives out medicine left and right like it was going out of style and I reckon some folks believe she is an actual doctor but she ain't and that makes her dangerous this valley has quite a number of people walking around alive today because of Jesse go tell them she's dangerous watchin yeah it's where she keeps her drugs mr. Hopkins you want to unlock that what are you doing with all that well they're not mine they're the doctors but the doctors up in Lone Pine and you're here you have supervision of it I'm asking why it's necessary for you to have all these drugs a licensed physician writes prescriptions there's no drug star here to fill a prescription in the nearest drugstores 127 miles away in Las Vegas Nevada I have these things so I can give them to patients who need them you give these drugs to patients now just a minute I've gone along with this because I had to but Jesse is not on the witness stand here I'm conducting an investigation sheriff just a word to the wise mr. Hopkins a word to the wise what mr. Hopkins means is you dispense these drugs to patients without supervision isn't that right just the way you treated me well if there's any doubt in my mind I call dr. Adams suppose somebody walked in here with a heart attack what would you do call the doctor suppose it was severe a severe heart attack well I I don't think somebody with a severe heart attack would walk in here I'd have to go to them go to them just like a doctor is that what you guys no sir like a nurse but you're a practical nurse you're not even the registered nurse surely you must know that what you've been doing treating people for heart attacks strokes what-have-you dispensing drugs is illegal in this state knowing that it's illegal you wouldn't continue doing it would you yes knowing that it's illegal you would still do it if it meant saving somebody's life or watching them die I would do it we leave her in your custody I'm supposed to put her in jail is that right I suggest you do what you normally do would you arrest a criminal sheriff Oh incidentally the bail will be $500 [Music] excuse me but this is my car did I seen you someplace before he's the one to come in and bar the other day looking for Jessie looks like he's wearing the same suit the same little tie looks like he's gonna have a stroke or maybe something worse mr. Butler is estate investing you shut up mister nobody's talking to you yet is that right you're a state investigator yes I am and complainers didn't the point to mr. but the state don't talk no wait around here Harrison what are you doing are you trying to make things worse is that what you're doing we just had a little talk is all well I've had about all I can take today to hear I'm just not gonna take any more not just stand back go on back out of the way go on mr. Butler bothers you I just get in my car and leave this place as fast as I could cuz we don't have a doctor around here in case something should happen to you and now we don't even have a nurse anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not you drawing is it the children no no no Sam the children are fine they're still in school no B yet reason we're here is that uh I've been arrested come on the rest I wish it was funny I'm under arrest now on a warrant issued by a district attorney I didn't want to do it but my warrant is a warrant well I know what a warrant is I know who issues but neither one of you saying anything about the charge well the charge is practicing medicine without a license believe me Sam if there was anything I could have done I would well I think it's damn nice of you to bring Jessie out here to say goodbye before you take her off to jail but then again I guess it's the least you could do considering all she's done for you that's not why we're here the state investigators have set bail at $500 what state investigators I'll tell you about it when we get home the thing is I need $500 and I need it right away and I don't have it I hate to ask you for it honey because I know you're saving it for our vacation do you mind if I talk to my wife alone I mean if I promise not to let her escape no need to take that attitude well I guess there's a first time for everything please not a lecture now I mean if you don't want to let me have the money just say so just just say it myself oh so I can be too heavy is that here Jesse's not in jail for practicing medicine without a license she's in jail because Sam wouldn't let her have the money never mind I'll borrow it from Martha oh you won't the money's in the bottom of my toolbox it's about $600 I think now you take it if it'll keep you out of jail you really think I have this coming to me don't you well you just have to figure a way out of this well thanks for saying we never realized how alone somebody feels when they've been arrested Jesse I want you to know that I love I mean just despite all our disagreements and everything that there's never been a question about that well I never doubted it but thanks for saying it [Music] [Music] [Music] mother said she called it it sounded important since I was driving home from Vegas and I thought I might as well just come by thanks I appreciate it hello Sam yeah I'll still by your office Jessie it's closed up locked up tight under drum yeah what's wrong I think you better sit down okay what's up well I've been arrested well don't keep me in suspense Jessie what did you do they said it was for practicing medicine without a license well what's so funny tell me I could use a joke well I thought it was something serious okay and she's been arrested I mean that's only a misdemeanor Sam that's all just a misdemeanor all you have to do is go in and pay a small fine that's the end nothing just paying a fine absolutely just like a traffic ticket well that's simple enough all are its toys that's about it ah I'll just drive you and we'll get it done yeah most people just pay those fines nowadays for expediency sake and the law knows it and I got a ticket last month when I wasn't guilty either I was gonna fight it but I didn't have the time it was easier just to plead guilty and pay the darn thing so I wouldn't have to pay second Ken something here I don't understand paying a fine is an admission of guilt that what you're saying no not necessarily everybody pays a fine isn't guilty but the bottom line what it all comes down to is or isn't paying a fine an admission of guilt what's the quickest and easiest thing to do Jesse without protesting it it's the same thing as admitting guilt is that right well in the strictest sense yes well I can't live with that I'm not guilty I'm not banished Jessie I think you're paying the final goocher you want me to say that I'm guilty when I'm innocent is that what you want can you're the lawyer what do I do well who brought the charge against you state investigators they don't know anything about me and they come in there and talk to me like I was garbage like I was some sleazy storefront doctor from Los Angeles you know one of those phonies with a mail-order degree from some medical school you never heard of and I'm supposed to pay a fine and forget about it not on your life would you say your only other alternative is a jury trial and I'm not sure that then that's what I'll have a trial Jessie jury can find you guilty what if they do again what if they find me guilty well I guess you'd be kind of out of business as a nurse what do you mean out of business well I mean you probably would not be permitted to work as a nurse in any doctors office but I've been working with doctors practically all my life that's all I know I said probably I have no idea what your punishment would be well it's it's just a chance I'll have to take if if 12 citizens of this county find me guilty I'll have to live with it but for total strangers to come in from the outside and treat me like trash that I will not live with my own tribe himself just set up that trial soon the better as long as you understand what the gamble is I'll ask judge to set a trial date and we'll enter a plea of not guilty fine do you think Jesse's wrong don't you she has a right to a trial if she wants one Sam I don't think anybody who exercises their right is wrong yeah but what are your chances it's a crapshoot all I can tell you is I'm gonna do the best that I can yes I hate to ask this but how much has it all gonna cost no way of knowing that until it's over but you have my word on it I'll do everything I can to keep those costs down okay you go first let's get this over with do you have any idea how much a jury trial can cost well some things are more important than money not if you don't have it and we don't have it Jesse we can't afford a jury trial I can't afford not to have one something I've just got to do so you're gonna drag me along with you whether I like it or not I never dragged you anywhere I never did then why do I get the feeling I'm being drugged and we could pay the fine and get the $500 bill money back but that's not good enough Jesse Maloney has to have a jury trial it is not your business this has nothing to do with you no that's not true I didn't mean it it does have to do with you that's why I was helping you to understand I think you were pretty close to right the first time almost nothing in your life has anything to do with me anymore you know it used to be we made decisions together but since you've become a celebrity here's Kevin what does that mean celebrity it's always Jesse this and Jesse that when I see people they don't even ask how I am it's always how's Jesse they've even started coming to me when they want an appointment with you like I'm your secretary yourself I'm not responsible for that and I'm damned if I feel guilty because somebody asks you how your wife is are you mr. Maloney yes Jessie's husband is it Sara its mother just seats renfe Zeeman she's a real bad way can you come to the house I mean real quick you tell your mom I'll be right there I'll just get my bag Jessie you can't go if you're under arrest well I know Sam but somebody's sick [Music] go you tell you my mom coming [Music] [Music] there's a house on fire about two miles east here I saw it from the air [Music] [Music] so I got fired for doing that nobody disabled [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's all fine where's Emma where's my baby Emma I brought you some ice cream oh listen listen to me Maggie's a child herself you know that she was a child when you married her just a baby just like a little child Joe my fella mmm he's all right now Emma doesn't hurt anyone because she she's in God's hands she's done nothing pants because now listen to me Joe do you remember what you said to me about how good it made you feel to be responsible that feeling he needs love now more naggy so you just love her and and be responsible for her because she's a Jew [Music] I brought Emma from ice cream [Music] - duty folks come on gather round and listen to me now many hairpin - where we're going we're going to independence because it's a seat in your County and that's where the courthouse is now we got three mountain ranges to cross before the Sun comes up funerals are mcgoats underpinner mints be sure you got plenty of water and plenty of gas cause if any of you break down we need stopping you're driving straight through big questions all right farm up now listen if you can let me know what I'm going for Jesse honey she's always been there for me okay what is it might as well spit it out why you angry at mama I'm not angry good wise I'm not now well you sure act like it that's just the way a man acts when he's settling in that's all I'm doing just settling in well what's settling in me the good Lord gave woman a mind of her own you forgot to give man a man who could understand it that's about the only short-sighted thing I can think of her the good Lord did leaving it up to man to settle in with a woman on his own you understand no I mean no sir I don't well what I mean is is is when a man lives with a woman and gets attached to her and and he has to adjust himself to her quirks because if he doesn't he just ends up going cuckoo now do you understand no sir well no man escapes it son your time just hasn't come yet are you finished packing it I'll take your bag out to the car oh yeah not yeah in a minute what oh I thought you were too old for hugs glad you're not where's your father he's settling in what's that mean I don't know you'll have to ask him huh Pat Vicky's mother stick me up oh good now once you have a good time I think you sound not worried about me which one do I yeah mama mm-hmm you seem so sad if you don't want to do this why are you well honey it's just something that I have to do doesn't it scare you yeah I never ever been so scared in all my life and I just don't understand why do it if you don't have to well because I like myself and it's important to me to be somebody I like and if you like yourself then sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to do no matter what anybody else thinks about it what if the jury finds you guilty if the jury finds me guilty I'll be guilty in their opinion but I have to live with myself first and what's important to me is my opinion of me give us a hug well that this is more than you'll get metal card I'm not going to court for love honey I wonder where everybody is they've probably already gone mama gone where to your trial everybody let's out you know [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] honey we're right here you don't do anything today their own barristers who do you understand me Harrison I don't know what you're talking about it's gonna be hard enough on Jessie without you putting your foot in it so I'm just warning you he's a chef I'd make a good team Martha the law holds down your office permanent you might want to think about that even got in the courthouse has been flipped twice whoa out of the way what did I tell you what'd I tell you huh you tested me we said nothing do you think I don't know intimidation when I see it and move out of the way go ahead move you're not popular you and mr. Butler better stick close to me I feel very uneasy about this just remember that plumbing is fine as where she belongs all rise Justice Court of southern inyo Judicial District County of Ennio state of California is now in session judge Arthur Newcomb presiding be seated bate where in the name of God all these people from death failure well had that door will be back that conducive air if you promise to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do you may be seated will you please state your occupation mr. Butler I'm an investigator for the division of investigation state of California when you went into dr. Adams his office in Meredith first it crawled out from under a rock that's where you live whatever there'll be order in this courtroom and that means silence I want to see the hands of everyone here who's never been in a courtroom before well the courtroom is like a church is a church of justice will maintain silence is that understood there'll be no talking no interruptions you may continue mr. Holland when you went into dr. Adams his office and Meredith did you describe any symptoms to mrs. Maloney I told her I had flu symptoms headache upset stomach sore throat told her I'd been sick and after you described these particular elements did mrs. Maloney make any type of examination she took my temperature and blood pressure she examined my heart with a stethoscope and she looked at my throat and ears and what then mr. Butler she gave me two kinds of pills as well as a bottle of liquid solution then as far as your office was concerned this constituted the practice of medicine without a license yes your witness counselor mr. Butler mr. ray Butler you seem nervous mr. Butler is your testimony make you nervous objection badgering the witness does being on this witness stand make you sick objection sustained you know better than that mr. brand keep the questions what is pertinent mr. Butler how did you happen to come to dr. Adams his office in Meredith we had information indicating that mrs. Maloney was diagnosing illnesses and administering to patients just as if she were a licensed practitioner but where did you get such information I don't know exactly martyrs were to investigate and determine the validity can't you tell us where such information generally comes from it quite often comes from anonymous letters or telephone calls from people who are afraid to give their name is that it I wouldn't presume to say mr. Butler did you ever ascertain how far it is from the town of Meredith to the closest licensed practitioner believe it's Las Vegas and Las Vegas is about 116 miles for Meredith isn't it in another state yes and the next closest doctor would be in San Bernardino or Barstow and the next closest doctor as well as a hospital would be in Lone Pine when a hundred and eighty miles and three mountain ranges away I don't see your point well my point mr. Butler is that there was no doctor available to the people of Meredith was there except for the one day a week when dr. Adams flew over from Lone Pine there wasn't a doctor with an over a hundred miles of Meredith and that fact does not justify what the woman was doing mr. Butler when you went into dr. Adams his office and Meredith did you tell Jessie Maloney that you were an investigator that you were there to gather evidence to charge her with a crime you didn't tell her that anything she did might be used against her did you know sir you were there to catch her in something weren't you I was there as a patient to determine what action she would take and you wanted her to take some action so that you could find that she committed or wrong didn't you mr. Butler you keep looking to this gentleman here is he giving you some sort of signal about which way to answer objection your honor the defense attorneys question is uncalled for sustained I'm telling you again mr. brand keep the questions pertinent for the record mr. button what did you tell Jessie Maloney when you went into her office I told her I thought I had flu symptoms you didn't have the flu but she wanted her to find that you did I was attempting to present her with a patient's complaints and Jessie Maloney listened to your complaints she gave you an examination and she gave you medication and she told you that if your complaints persisted you should come back and see the doctor isn't that right mr. Butler yes and after receiving your examination and your medication you went straight to the district attorney's office and file charges calling for her arrest didn't you I was doing my job the job I'm paid to do by the state of California does your job give you satisfaction mr. button objection did you get satisfaction out of going into that desert community where the closest doctor is over a hundred miles away in any direction generale resting the only medical help these be sustained jury will disregard that last question would you care to try again mr. brand so that I couldn't hold you in contempt I have no more questions for this witness your honor witness may step down I got nothing personal against Jesse it's just that as long as she's out there in the desert doing what she does which is practically everything we ain't never gonna get a real fulltime doctor and we deserve better than a practical nurse weather permitting I fly out to the desert one day a week which is the best I can do I mean you can't have a doctor for every little Whistlestop town which is why I say God bless Jesse and every nurse like her I swore to tell the truth here the truth is I've been in that office every day and I never once saw Jesse do anything that dr. Adams didn't know about I reckon I've called Jesse every hour of the day and night and she's always come when somebody needed help I don't know what I would have done without her and that's the God's honest truth I have no more questions of this witness your honor witness may step down have you any more witnesses mr. brand Your Honor I called Jesse Maloney Jesse are you licensed to practice medicine in the state of California no I'm a practical nurse how long have you worked for dr. Adams as a practical nurse nine years what has been dr. Adams his practice insofar as his Meredith office is concerned um he flies in once a week weather permitting sometimes it's only once a month and you are in sole charge when the doctor isn't there yes is the Meredith area served by any doctor other than dr. Animus no that is the only doctor's office maintained there yes sir Jesse what was your practice insofar as prescribing for patients or taking care of patients who came into the office I followed dr. Adams orders at all times does the doctor give you explicit instructions yes he does did he give you any standing instructions about what to do in the event of a person suffering from flu symptoms um well it depends on the severity of it as it does with most things well mr. Butler here has testified that he came into your office complaining of flu symptoms and that you examined him and gave him medication is that correct yes I gave him donnatal tablets for the vomiting and nausea he complained of and dayson capsules for the ache all over feeling a flu how did you know that given these things orders of dr. Adams and where did you get the medicines that you gave to mr. Butler there the doctors medicine sir so everything all the medicines that you use in your office must be ordered by the doctor yes even though the doctor isn't there you have his approval for everything that you do is that correct yes well I like to think so you don't consider yourself at any time to be practicing medicine no sir I'm not a doctor I'm not trained to practice medicine I have no authority to practice medicine because I do not have a license to practice medicine Thank You Jesse you may cross again mrs. maloney when someone comes in with the flu such as mr. Butler dr. Adams has previously told you whether to give him this medication or that is that right yes I have certain standing orders then you don't call dr. Adams each time a patient comes in do you no sir and you didn't call dr. Adams when mr. buckler came in did you mr. Butler came in complaining of flu if I call dr. Adams to ask him what to do about flu symptoms he thought I was an idiot you've testified that the treatment depends on the severity to determine how severe in illnesses you're making a diagnosis aren't you oh no sir I'm not but if the treatment depends on the severity how do you determine the treatment without making a diagnosis um well if I have to make a house call on somebody because that that person is too sick to get out of bed and come to the office I don't call that making a diagnosis you make house calls oh yes sir make a lot of house calls they have a lot of old people out there in the desert do you give them shots yes sir under doctor's orders and when you use that phrase under doctor's orders you're referring to over all the waters the doctor has given you and not a specific order in each case is that ready haven't I already said that hey humor me mrs. maloney say it again there are certain standing orders depending on the severity of the illness and when you determine the severity of an illness you're not making a diagnosis well anybody knows that if somebody's screaming in pain that that they have a different degree of hurt than then somebody who's just whimpering when mr. Butler came into your office was he screaming or whimpering he was very quiet did he appear to be sick he could have been cuz he was so quiet but if you ask me it was a guilty conscience so you examine mr. Butler and you gave him medication yes sir without prior consultation with dr. Adams you gave him dumb huh Jason and you never at any time discussed this with dr. Adams oh yes I did I discuss all patients with dr. Adams cuz they're his patients and when did you discuss mr. Butler's case with the doctor afterwards but if the diagnosis and the pills had been wrong we do not call what I do diagnosing I consider the complaints the symptoms and the severity and I acted accordingly all of it after long experience and consultation with dr. Adams only a licensed medical doctor can legally give a medical diagnosis if the pills you gave mr. Butler were wrong he could have been in very bad trouble couldn't he know just taken a whole bunch at once wouldn't hurt him as dr. Adams instructed you about all the drugs you have in your office yes sir and would you say that there are quite a number of them every pill we could ever have call fours there yes sir and you have supervision of them do you over all these drugs I do and you determine who gets what drug and how much is that right every cc and every milligram is accounted for along with who gets it and what for and you have records to you for all of us nine years worth of records and all we have is your word that these records are accurate is that right your word you callin Jesse a liar what's wrong with her word order any further interruptions and I'll have every one of you physically thrown out of this courtroom is that understood turkey coach Jesse LA how you sit down and shut up or get out you may continue mr. on and all we have is your word that these records are accurate just that right that's right I have no more questions redirect mr. brand yes your honor Jesse have you ever treated people with heart attacks yes strokes yes ever delivered any babies hundreds up ever going down into the mines when there's been a cave-in yeah and brought injured men out of those mines yes Jesse let me ask you something did the sheriff up in Death Valley ever bring people into dr. Adams his office for you to take care of oh yes sir on one or more than one occasion a lot more than one has ever brought people in it have been injured in automobile accidents or otherwise well yes but they usually have to call me out I mean usually the accidents are so bad that they need immediate attention so the Sheriff's Department calls you out to accidents at all hours yes it's sometimes some two o'clock in the morning four or five o'clock then you're on call 24 hours a day for the law no sir no I'm really on called 24 hours a day for anybody who needs me has this continued for a period of nine years does it not now seem strange to you that this very law which used your services all these years is now attempting to prosecute you for performing those very same services well it did it first but it doesn't know it doesn't seem strange to you now no sir because I've had time to think about it and the law is one thing and people are another and I nurse people mr. brand if I'm guilty of practicing medicine I shouldn't be prosecuted I should be hung out to dry cuz I'm no doctor not even close to being a doctor I've never been within shouting distance of any medical school my mother was a nurse and she raised me to be of service to others I've always been very proud of that fact I had the desire and the ability to serve other people have you ever doubted your ability Jesse well this may come as a surprise to some people in this courtroom because I I always try to instill confidence in people to come to me for help and the way to do that is to act like I know what I'm doing and generally I do know what I'm doing but mr. brand there hasn't been a a day or a night in the last nine years that I haven't been scared and I don't mean just scared I mean I mean petrified I mean scared to death that it's not what's gonna happen to somebody that I couldn't handle hmm scared that I'd do something wrong scared just because I was scared I don't know how how any nurse could live without that fear because what you're dealing with every waking minute is his life most precious thing we have yes I have doubted my ability I'm not ashamed of that fact either because the very fear of of doing the wrong thing that's made me try harder to do right bility we have we have the ability God gives us no more and we should expect no more of ourselves or of others just just be grateful for them for what we have because it's a wondrous gift and caring for others it's the most wondrous gift of all Jesse you don't have to be here do you you asked for this trial I want you to tell us why coz I've done nothing wrong and I want everybody to know it this is a difficult case for me and I'd prefer to be almost anywhere but standing here but I have a job to do you as a jury are undoubtedly as sympathetic toward Jesse Moloney as I am but you have a job to do too you took an oath to uphold the law just as I did you might not be pleasant but you have to do your duty Jesse Maloney is not a registered nurse she is not a doctor she has no license to practice medicine you've heard mr. Butler testify that when she examined him she gave him certain types of pills which require a doctor's prescription pills which by her own admission are of a kind you cannot buy in a drugstore without the prescription of a licensed doctor now this was illegal the doctor should have been there this is practicing medicine to treat someone and then call the doctor up four or five hours later or even the next day to tell them what happened and then find out if it was the right thing to do is illegal only one instance of practicing medicine without a license is sufficient for you to find the defendant guilty you can disregard all the good the defendant has allegedly done because we're trying her for only one thing here and that is practicing medicine without a license at the time she treated mr. Butler the people of the state of California expect their laws to be enforced and that applies to the entire state to every County no matter where it is or what its population or even where the nearest drugstore is that is the job that you have it is your duty to find the defendant Jesse Maloney guilty as charged I could have called everybody in this courtroom as a witness because I guess it at one time or another there isn't a man woman or child in here that hasn't been helped by Jesse I ask myself why so many of you made the long trip from Death Valley and it occurred to me that aside from your love and affection for Jesse Maloney it must be your revulsion against tyranny the kind of tyranny practiced by little men like mr. Butler mr. ray Butler who came creeping into the town of Meredith in order to entice into the commission of what he thought was an offense a woman who'd been living in the same area and openly doing the same work for nine long years now he didn't know any other way to make an investigation except to go in there and tell her he had a headache or his throat hurt or he thought he had the flu or some such rubbish lying was the only way that mr. Butler knew how to make an investigation now I submit to you ladies and gentlemen of the jury that a state of emergency existed in the town of Meredith and in all that hot in Barrens surrounding country because an emergency exists in any case where a doctor is not readily available and none was or is available to the people of Meredith the closest doctor is over a hundred miles away in any direction now ladies and gentlemen do you know what entrapment is well I'm gonna tell you did Jesse Maloney have any idea of treating mr. Butler until mr. Butler came to her with his lies and deceit she did not he goes in there and actually arranges for her to do something that he thought was in violation of the law but which was not in violation of the law because an emergency existed he went in there to tempt her to violate the law and that is entrapment mr. Butler is guilty of a crime because entrapment is against the law Jessie Maloney is innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever gentlemen if you're leaving I wanna caution you to drive careful on that desert highways cuz if you survive an accident you can get sunstroke or even snake bit but you understand that don't you yes we understand that there's one thing though and I really don't know what to do maybe you can help me if you do have a bad accident we're all praying that you don't if you get hurt real bad should I send Jesse out to help you or would you prefer to just die I have a nice day all rise be seated as the jury reached a verdict we have your honor would you tell the court what that verdict is they find the defendant Jessie Maloney not guilty maybe [Applause] [Applause] hello where yeah I'll tell her well yeah I'll tell her that too Jessie aah Jesse wake up yeah I heard the phone Oh was it was the sheriff there's been a bad accident between here and Baker a head-on he wants to know if you can come and he said he would understand if you don't well if I go will you understand at the trial you said you were scared well I didn't know that if you're the only one they have and you do nothing I think you'll feel worse than scared but if I go will you really understand I won't understand if you don't comb then you better get moving [Music] we will drive you out there a bad accident scare me too as well be scared together [Music]
Channel: MoviesTime
Views: 873,321
Rating: 4.713572 out of 5
Id: iFyxtsNqg74
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Length: 92min 58sec (5578 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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