A Marriage of Convenience 1998 Full Movie

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there's a local legit way saying if a young woman makes her way to the Church of our elders she will return one day with her husband doping me money on me but it's true teased I know I said I wouldn't leave the last door until I visited some sacred grounds but I just can't are those ceremonial drums yes but the sounds are deceiving here it's two more miles upriver to my little mind I shall keep him as a knock is you get I'll make it with him in the cable I told him that you wanted to take pictures and that you've come to give him a gift of thanks how many watch he thanks you given you it Janabi coming join Jimmy Quinn him young big he gives you this necklace to remember them and it will protect you thank you oh there's a telephone about three miles down the river near where we put the canoe in the water tomorrow I'll be back in Denver slugging at it white beard campaign fighting for my place in the corporate ladder you think wait you dislike your work oh I love the advertising sometimes I wonder why you have a Sheree wins all there I was notified she was in an auto accident well what's her condition yes yes I'm her sister well could you please connect me to her room what why what's wrong with her well well who can't answer my questions attention passengers landing in Denver she's gone she can't be dead nope where's good God has kept true what happened she had severe internal injuries they wanted to operate to stop the bleeding but when she saw the consent form and realized that there was a substantial risk to the baby she refused I beg your pardon the procedure could have been a long one there was a chance Oh what baby she was just beginning her seventh month of pregnancy they were able to deliver her child by caesarean section but I'm afraid they don't hold much hope for him excuse me do you know not judge you go he go ahead I want to leave you here she asked to be cremated take care of it she wants the ashes in California near the cottage why didn't you tell me she was pregnant I guess I didn't know not until I picked her up at the airport who's the father she wouldn't say and now I don't want to know I remember last Christmas she was madly in love she was always madly not know if this was different she made him sell makes em Sir Howard Hughes she was determined to have that baby and it was all from nothing they are helping I'd like to see sure with sauce baby I'm his aunt I'm sorry no visitors Oh aiya my sister died about the power go and I know that she wouldn't want someone to touch him to strike two your mother paid a gigantic price for your life don't we to wait to let it go give him a name the place Kevin uncle hey kiddo Cathy told me I came in what the hell are you doing here I'm not staying I'm on my way to Sacramento I'll take all the time you need holidays are you sure I know it doesn't always seem like it but we can muddle through the Alaska material was incredible Chris out here oh they don't not sure he's not in there what are you looking for the big funnel I swear you smiled at me obviously he thinks you're hysterical uh-huh the doctor said he'll be here for at least a month he'll have plenty of time to get ready oh I'm not taking no or trust me I'll examine whoever does under microscope oh I guess I just assumed to elicit I neglect my cat I work 12 hours a day I'd make a lousy mother that's kind of sad you seemed to have such a connection with him and the other children out Sandi's three and tommy's nine both were adopted as infants we always wanted three how do you think they'd respond to a new baby like any natural family it'll take some time but the kids will figure out that it isn't gonna change much other than that their mother and I won't be getting any sleep for a couple of months and they hope you going anywhere and sand you'll be giving up her bed not to mention her spot in Ellen's laughs and Tom you'll have to share his pocket it should be an adjustment they'll handle it what would you ask if you were me I guess I'd ask if it would be all right to come and see him and I'd say yes hello when I'll be right there press capital in microsurgery on three Chris how's he doing surgery Harrises were here and just started some coffee they called me Chris they're backing out I thought the cab me they were right here they were heartbroken but under the circumstances they decided well they wanted a healthy child forget Chris husbands though that kids hell-bent to hang around he's got a long slow recovery his lungs are about two-thirds of what they should be and I'm not saying that he's not gonna be having digestive problems but he's one tough customer I see very briefly I know we've explained but his vital signs are better than ever I'm it right now I'm all he's got the new parents decided to pass why do you want to put him up for adoption I'm an executive I don't know how to be a mother come on you walked in here and leaned over this incubator through became Kevin's mother I saw it Chris Molly thinks I'm your mom give you're getting me another chance aren't you kiddo I think you pretty clever don't you he's looking mile at me Molly he's looking right at me yes he really needs I wanted to breathe for him I wanted to do heartbeat I've never been so terrified my life kevin says he's gonna marry me stuck I thought it was Danielle they can't believe that boys gonna pay some heavy alimony if he's not careful whatever it put us in pain see we need exports nevermind sent my mommy won't even get married oh don't start Kevin what do you say if after you finish eating me I'll go home have some cake and ice cream and open my presents what presents tell my story what story how she my mom got me again haha tell his story mom well I was no Oscar working on the project and I was coming down the river she's pretty big I wasn't the president you're very oh yes very well anyway my beeper went off and I came straight back here and you were so surprised because you didn't even know my first mom had a baby that's right and there you were lying wide awake in the nursery and really saw me I was crying so out the windows who's telling this story right right so this tycoon from its pika there meaning none right what is he a city a city in Kansas no no no Saudi Arabian desert I'm gonna warm isn't it but we're gonna put a bubble over at the air conditioning for you are not yeah where did you get that painting which paintings the one in the window the man on the horse where'd you get it Mason up on consignment from Colorado yeah but where can I find the artist I believe she's deceased what well the work was consigned by a family member hold on who is it right sherry sherry Winslow aboard 1962 died 1991 we have another four paintings would you care to see it 1991 that's what it says here let's get out of here Kevin have you put your bike away I'm going right now huh huh hello my name is Mason Whitney I'm looking for Shari Winslow I'm sorry mr. Whitney but sure he passed away several years ago I just recently heard that I guess I was hoping it wasn't true that's true is this mrs. Winslow no this is Cherie sister how did you know Cherie I well we were very close it was some time ago sorry so am i more than you can imagine when exactly did you know my sister about seven years ago probably not too long before she died and how long were you more than enough time for me to have fallen in love with her we were together about six months I only wish I knew what happened all those years I thought hey thanks again for your time you know you're welcome by mr. Whitney goodbye this is terrific I just spoke to Kevin's father what you heard me how do you know it was him I know he said enough Mason Whitney Oh all this time that bastard you know his name he doesn't know about Kevin what did he want where he was asking about Sheree mother how could you be so sure he doesn't know about Kevin trust me on this one Christine no no you asked me open the open the top drawer over there take out the satin bag what's this but everything was in storage why not everything she must have written it just before she Mason Whitney you didn't mail it no it was with the things the hospital gave me and it was too painful I didn't even go through the bag until after you brought Kevin home and then I I couldn't mail it read it you don't understand Mayson it's very hard for me to write I've really missed you I kept hoping you'd stop being afraid of your feelings change your mind and come find me but you didn't vs. self Rashad when I asked you to marry me I didn't tell you everything I knew I was pregnant and I also know about your medieval sense of honour you would have said yes and it would have been for the wrong reason how could you not mail this mother keep reading dummy I never planned on dying it's going to be a boy my family will see to it that he gets a good home but I've always believed if you would give in marriage a chance we could made an incredible life together and you'd have been a wonderful father now I am leaving you the option you can let my family know your decision you may be perfectly happy for a long time loving you still gives me profound joy peace what in God's name were you thinking I know who Mason Whitney is he's a corporate shark it's a rich opportunist please he hurt Cherie he never tried to find her and she she died trying to bring that baby into the world he did not deserve to know and what about you you belonged with Kevin by the time I read that letter you were already his mother and you loved him so much Chris it was the right thing for that little boy and for you I believed it then and I believe it know what if you hadn't survived your stroke know whatever found the truth sorry I'm late we'll thanks I'll see you when I get back I hate to make you speed to the airport no problem I picked up your mail when I packed your bags thanks a lot surprise Oh make me a happy guy tell me you're coming with me you know I'd come if I could problem is I'm indispensable just not to you you don't know how lucky you are probably take terrible advantage of you say that word I'll take my chances so how'd you find well you forget I'm going really slow oh and don't forget what is it amazing Kevin okay let's see who it is first okay who is it Mason Whitney hi I bet you're Kevin yep nice to me I'm gonna go get my mom could you wait a minute buddy yeah but I can't help you straight that's okay you're pretty big guy for seven years old aren't you they do Chris nice and Whitney is downstairs what you sure yes you look like you're having a sad you know yeah you are I was just thinking about somebody you remind me of her [ __ ] hair and eyes just like yours I'm supposed to look like my first mom she's dead yeah I know I knew her so where's your dad why not sometimes you don't would you like a dad of course can I help you use her his face in sharri's he's amazing Kevin go upstairs mom right now can I come in I got the letter yesterday postmarked Denver three days ago yes I'm sorry it was a miscommunication well why now because I called because you thought I'd figure it out no because I only found the letter three days ago let's leave it at that why did you come here well what did you expect me to do not this well then why send a letter because once I found the letter I thought it was the honorable thing to do look you adopted Kevin you're his mother I'm not here to mess with that thank you but I do want to provide for him well I've been taking care of him and we're fine come on by selling Sherry's paintings how do you know about that I saw one in a gallery that's how I found you here in the first place I know a lot miss Winslow I know you quit a promising career when Kevin was born you're freelance at home your mother had a stroke 18 months ago let's put quite a financial burden on the family you make about I know what I make listen I'm on a deadline right now if I need anything mr. Whitney I have your address to Sacramento I'll drop your note wait a minute miss Winslow I thought you'd be back in Sacramento this isn't a whim Kevin's trust account you can draw whatever you need to cover his expenses my local attorney's name and address draw up an itemized list of any previous expenses some of y'all have to ask me no slow down you can't make up seven years in five minutes I see to it that you're reimbursed with interest I told you I don't want your money and I'd like to set up some regular schedules to see you Kevin oh wait a minute don't you want your son to have a father you know that's a very dramatic word I love the way it catches in your throat and biology aside you're not Kevin's father he he can't imagine you he doesn't even hopefully exist sure he loved me you read the letter she wasn't the greatest judge of men when I can gather you didn't exactly move heaven enough to find her did you I didn't know there was a baby she knew I didn't want children then I don't get it what are you doing here I don't see why you're so threatened you don't know and after this week I'm gonna stay here in Denver I don't think that Kevin would like that in fact I know that I definitely wouldn't I'm growing less concerned with what you think this went off I might be a tad more open to this if I thought that you at least cared about how Kevin feels sure he loved you and I'm trying very hard to respect that you know I'm not suggesting the Kevins not George but the fact remains he's also mine well I don't happen to see it that way I'd like to see him this Saturday morning I'll limit my preliminary visits to two hours once a week I guess I'm supposed to be shaking in my boots no you're supposed to be fair who you dictate to me what's fair you have my number oh boy do I ever so he shows up barking orders and you're telling me to cooperate I'm telling you if you don't my experience has taught me that he'll take you to court he's a powerful man is there any doubt in your mind that he's Kevin's father no I think in demand a lot more than two hours a week he may very well get it your mother deliberately withheld a letter that not only establishes paternity but clearly states that Shari wanted Mason Whitney to raise guess where she gave him an option that's all suppose his lawyers convinced the court that you purposely did not send that letter your adoption is permanent but that doesn't mean Mason can't make a hell of a case for joint custody joint custody can you get that okay just don't let it get that far all right he wants this visit he gets his visit but I'm going with him I'll see what I can do we're going to the park tomorrow it's Malians le not this time Mason's coming with us yo man yeah that's kind of weird though why is that you hated him no I didn't he just surprised your mother Canada how come we're going is this a date or something oh no no come he wanted to spend some time with you get to know you better based on witness your father Kevin really really now I know is almost crying he was so glad to see me it's right Pam even knew I had a dad or he was some Sacramento he still could have told me didn't know where he was he's taking me apart that's right you know my baby they don't go on swings and stuff you can talk about yourself nice Wow so there was a mistake yep you see sherry didn't tell me she was gonna have a baby why not well I don't know maybe she thought I'd be mad are you whoa when I heard about it I was straight to the airport and they said we don't have a plane to Denver tonight and I said well you better find one they found a 400 cedar I was the only one on it except for the pilot he called it the Kevin special no honest that's okay fine this is a step source you know it says Brachiosaurus look watch out Kevin be careful with their plastic Kevin does it play with war toys Oh give me a break do you think that's funny no I think he's very politically correct when you and I have this conversation of later okay stop Kevin here these are for you sorry Kevin you can't accept them why don't you let Kevin speak for himself Kevin I'm sorry son I wanted you to have a nice day Kevin it's alright to say thank you Thanks Thanks little rational don't you think they're just toys no such thing it's just everything you do everything you say has an impact on a child so I've heard don't you patronize me you are way out of line I can't just allow some stranger to show off the screw up his values if I'm a stranger to that boy it's because you and your family conspired to make it that way you deliberately hid him from me and then when I tried to reach out you made it your personal mission to interfere when Sharri never told you that she was pregnant you know what I'm gonna let the legal system decide how to deal with this are you threatening me I don't threaten lady I'm gonna drag you through every court in this country I'll prove you denied my right to be his father and I'll get custody believe me I'll get custody come on so what are you gonna do nothing Mike was Roman you checked out he go back to Sacramento this is Mason's bad of the month we get tired of one who's played daddy you move on to something else you don't think he's serious no I think he just wants to brag about his son with his friends at the Racquet plug how do you know well according to Fortune magazine Mason Whitney is worth millions everything's about power and ego are those guys excuse me Christina Winslow that's right uh I mean II didn't sign this place well what is it it's a court order ma'am Walter Mason Whitney should be entitled to no less than two unsupervised visits with Kevin William Winslow pending full hearing on paternity and custody of above-mentioned child within 10 business days custody Oh I don't see why so you can give missing the chance all right yeah we've had a good time Thank You Rohit do you think I'd let him take you I didn't think you could take good care of you okay come here you have to get a court order apparently so but he doesn't wanna go he'll be fine can't force him to love you he doesn't want this he's never had it how would he know hiya pal huh well give me five gonna have a good time go on you like the Rockies Kevin okay walkers on a street I know you'll be back before bedtime I don't have to kill my mom just let me know here you know you don't have to give me presents every time I mean it can get expensive Oh so is lucky no what's that she has her mom and her dad right there well there are all kinds of families Kevin anyone you wanna marry hmm nobody that I love enough maybe you're too picky maybe we're pretty terrific aren't we love you for Christmas in three years time you did have them Robbie came home with 103-degree traitor can you please instructor club I am NOT his client not anymore not after this how much you pay him I could get a restraining order would you like that they're my children damn you I am sorry you must be Kevin why don't you look dapper it was taste he's bigger than me so I could keep it lucky you I've asked you all to come here today without your lawyers I'm hoping we can resolve this quickly without acrimony why don't you come in on myself yeah your mom and dad can wait right here you and I have a lot to talk about Kevon means everything in the world to me I understand that you know he was premature did you know he wasn't expected to live yes six surgeries in the first year you didn't even want a healthy child I can't imagine you two wanted a sick one well I can see how failed your character test even before I had a chance to take it I love sherry but I was pushing my business I didn't think I could give a family the time or attention that they deserved but I want Kevin to understand that I'm here whether he likes me or not and if it takes him 20 years to adjust he's gonna know he's got a father who gives a damn hold on a sec you know from what I understand before Kevin landed in your lap you were no stranger to cellphones and beepers and you never made a commitment to anybody yeah they'll be out in a minute Kevin so you're each sneaking custody yes well there's usually two options in a case like this I could give one of you the school year the other vacations or I could rule in favor of six months here with you miss Winslow in six months in California with you sir that isn't acceptable at all but Kevin shouldn't be uprooted and dragged back and forth no one's asked for Kevin to be dragged anywhere I'm his father his mother wanted him to be with me all the time you can see for yourself in her life I've read the letter mr. Whitney you have a very strong case frankly so does miss Winslow I'm trying to play Solomon here Kevin isn't at all interested in split custody and I'm inclined to agree with him he knows exactly how he'd like to settle this he does he wants you to get married married he went so far as to ask if I could throw you in jail mr. Whitney have you refused you mean he actually thinks that we should live together oh he was quite clear he said married I hope you told him how ludicrous that was trust me your honor ma'am we're not really romantically involved I am aware of that mr. Whitney but it wasn't so long ago that men and women took a common-sense approach to marriage it was a legal and spiritual friendship couples didn't feel they had to be Romeo and Juliet just two people committed to making a secure life for each other and their children well we've come a long way since then well we certainly have nowadays you people are running to the altar with stars in your eyes expecting violence for the rest of your lives and when the music stops you turn on each other my god do you turn on each other I cannot or you to do such a thing but at least you'd have realistic expectations you could give a nice little boy a happy home marriage hasn't been based on a lot less than that we don't even live in the same city I mentioned that he seems to think his mother's freelance advertising business wouldn't suffer from being in Sacramento he mentioned the internet email fax machine I guess I just don't think this is funny Your Honor I would give up my life for Kevin but this is completely ridiculous and I would give up every cent I've ever made for him she's right well if you'd give up your life and you'd give up your fortune what's so hard about getting married look folks I'm due in court in about two minutes I think it should give Kevin's motion some serious consideration he sees this as the best of all possible worlds and I'm going to be making my decision before we leave this room today one of you could end up a ver big loser but she's not gonna go for joint custody I know I mean even living together even though I wouldn't do that and that would be like lying send them all the wrong messages oh please spare me the Family Values well this whole thing's absurd thanks a lot you know so sure you're gonna win this are you Bell pealed till I do your nose too sure you're gonna win either are you what Matt you feel for a good that I'll meet you in court for I'm fine I don't know do you think we could live under one roof if we had separate quarters I mean you know they do we could make you know some kind of arrangement we couldn't even make it through one afternoon in the park yeah you're right forget that I mean the trick is is to come up with something very clear in the beginning in himself so we we know what to expect from each other like the judge said you're not seriously considering well no no no of course not but you got to admit it is logical my house is big you can have complete privacy a suite really there's a sitting room a bedroom an office we never have to see each other then there's a great room for Kevin in the yard it's wonderful just way nobody loses I'd never take your money no I'd only help Kevin help that's the operative word absolutely help and I'd want to prenuptial agreement why you don't have anything I'd want to be sure that you didn't think that I want anything either oh I suppose it it would be best for him and that's a lot of - mm-hmm if we could make this work you'd have a real family if we couldn't make it work who could we're both professionals were highly motivated were successful negotiators and like the judge sent for Kevin hey it's the best of all worlds I just I just don't know if I could choose are you out of your mind I hope not you can't make a decision like this in five minutes it wasn't fine for this was more like 20 what if you won't go through with it then that would mean he has a little more sense than you do but you're just making things worse I think I know if I'm doing the right thing but I don't so why can't you be more supportive oh my god what's going on I'm getting married what you heard me and don't try to change my mind to him yes my god that's what I said but you're not in love with him well there's nothing to doing it how do I look you look like you're gonna be making the biggest mistake of your life thanks a lot what are you coming may I have the ring please with the power vested in me by the state of Colorado I now pronounce you husband and wife and child believe me when I say I think you're doing the right thing thank you good idea Kevin yeah it is now you may kiss the bride a marriage of convenience who are you the Tsar of Russia I know it sounds weird weird no weird is not the word that comes to mind I mean one minute you're gonna steamroll her with the legal system and the next you're married to her well it's not gonna change it I am you and I have an adult relationship Chris and I have agreed we can date as long as we don't bring anybody home Jason do you have any idea how outlandish this says no I guess it does I mean couldn't you not have just moved in together well that wasn't the honest thing to do I think being married matters to kids right and let me get this straight you and I are supposed to continue to date while everyone knows that you have a wife and child at home you never talked about being married you like your independence I'm not sure I understand why you're so upset I travel you travel we we play by your rules we always have all I'm sorry Elizabeth we have the Ascot ball coming up we're still on the invitations as co-chairs and everyone expects us to be there together after that I don't want to see you again unless it's in a big crowd in broad daylight now if you'll excuse me did they let you ride your bike here hey mom there's the moving truck get here before us I mean it's too big hey you have all your own things I'll make you run just the way you wanted exactly like it home hello you make good time come on in like they say hold on sweet home please take the banks to the Minster so I lied it's not exactly like home you made it how is it dripping I was fine will why don't you take Kevin outside to meet twister you'll see come on I brought you something too what for well just to say welcome I guess so Jim boy I know the store said it was an authentic reproduction he's not an oxymoron so it's very thoughtful of you yeah well that's me listen about the poem yeah yeah he loves that doesn't he I filled out an application to Silver Oaks I don't think there'd be a problem for him to get in Kevin doesn't go to a private school well I know but not in Denver yeah it's different here it's overcrowded under staff yeah we don't have a choice in this city I have a choice he stays in public school I volunteer you volunteered that way his class wants to understaffed the reason the schools are in such bad shape is because parents like us take our kids out I won't do it it's charming this is about Kevin's education and you're busy saving the damn school system we'll discuss this later oh we will I don't think so I'm going to Taiwan on the 20th maybe we can have a rational conversation when I get back I presume you'll stay in touch while you're in Taiwan I'm a few to be a real part of his life he'll need more than a few hours with you a week give me a little credit I did but I didn't think I needed to tell you not to buy him a pony Kevin is not spoiled he does chores he saves up for special things and I want it to stay that way maybe I ought to go upstairs and come back down again not a bad idea Hey good morning you find everything we did thank you yeah your mom doesn't let you have sugar cereal how do you know I'm just a lucky guess hey what would you like to do today I'm not going into the office till after lunch do anything you want to do in Sacramento anything you want what do you say I say rollerblading what Kevin your father doesn't know how to rollerblade no I can do it him quick study come on come to he's a great roller blader I'm not sure I I think he'd prefer to have a guy's day oh you wouldn't no it's cool we're just for an hour are we having fun yet if you ever skated skated get back with 68 you have your wrist guards irrelevant Thanks Yoga support Mason I'll give you that they're all denied if you ever tell anyone I complimented you I wouldn't dare easy get your balance push off with your back foot me board that's it keep going oh I get it Kevin stay where I can see you you go ahead I'll catch up sure enjoy yourself know what what I'm really glad you're here retail aren't you mom aren't I want glad we're here I have fewer night buddy yeah I like it when you call me that too buddy you made me fluff then tell my hate he's a great kid Thanks you've done a terrific job thank you I only hope I don't screw it up hey you got him to floss it's more than I could do you want to watch a movie sometime I mean after he's in bed I got a lot of tapes I don't know yeah probably a bad idea well I didn't say that yeah but you're probably thinking it and you're probably right tomorrow I expect to have a coffee team by Friday our loading the specs and overnight the elements the workmen ELAC time who tell them not to have such long lunches speak to you later Oh sweetheart or give me a hug how are you wow this is amazing are you having fun I wanna show my bows that was Austin guess what the Airlines names couldn't be Felix no it's higher I get it you got a go but don't just me okay I wouldn't do that so 5 me you know a good day see ya so far 200 of sent chicks and moved reservations and another 40 of just sent checks all I know is the hotel needs a final figure a couple of days before so maybe we ought to start doing phone follow-ups tomorrow instead of Thursday oh I almost forgot Jerry Erwin from Silver Oaks called and they were trying to feel out how much they could rely on from you this year maybe nothing why not Kevin's not going to Silver Oaks but it's the best school in the city yeah what Kevin is a different kind of kid Chris thinks that he'll never be into cotillion and field hockey or whatever the hell they do there she doesn't so what's the alternative public school you're really getting off on this aren't you happy I miss you know I've got a lot about what you said and I think I would like to try this dating thing for a while no reason you can't stay over every so often I wouldn't do that Elizabeth listen it's one thing when I have to go away on business it's another for Kevin to ask me where I've been when I can't tell him the truth you know I plan to dazzle you with fancy footwork at the ball and more hi Chris hi come on in I'm sorry yeah it keeps me centered you have to eat wasn't so bad sometimes I even amaze myself Oh modest too Thanks it is a little strange eating dinner downstairs knowing that you're up here all by yourself is that a problem for you well I wasn't gonna say anything but it does feel a little awkward I was wondering if you'd mind if Kevin came up here and eat with me once in a while well I bet you'd prefer it if you can't have stairs with us I think that feels just a little too heavy wifey don't you kind of like watching a movie together she will have a have a nice trip Thanks Oh Chris I'm gonna call him from Taiwan every day Thanks Oh next Saturday but you save sunny for me will ya the movies yeah yeah baby let's in Ascot ball Escott ball well that's a very big party with dancing like in Cinderella yeah but there's not a lot of princes hanging out they got a run pal I'll call you tomorrow okay almost bedtime one read you on G again that sounds good what's this your rotation to the ball Saturday night where'd you get this from dad it's for you I'll go get you much Oh Mason would be mortified if he knew you were gonna show up in a used gown they're not use their previously driven Chris Dean this is not a joke look I haven't bought an evening gown since Reagan is in the White House this is what I can afford ah passable but just barely I know something with a little more panache you're right Chris you do want to go don't you yes very much Wow you look beautiful Thanks well if your dad doesn't come pretty soon I may have to go to the party with you hello oh yes Mason of course she's here she's dressing well don't bother her my plane was late I'm going straight to the hotel alright I'll tell her thanks Mason have a lovely evening I will good night good night Chris Mason called his plane just got in he's going right to the ball you'll have to meet him there Oh finally has became to wonder oh you look so beautiful really good evening can you direct me to the ball second level but the Ascot ball is there this evening I know man help you I'm meeting my husband man seer invitation oh I didn't bring it perhaps you have the wrong hotel or the wrong room may I have your name Whitney Mason we are you miss Bentley no I mrs. Whitney excuse me I'll find it myself I don't know who that is but I mean I turn up this way to dress like every year a woman with a death wish Chris it's Chris can it is excuse me some dress code you forgot to mention a skit my fair lady I get it now but it's in the late what are you doing here what do you mean well it's not a complex question Kevin gave me the invitation we said it was from you well after you left for Taiwan oh well hi I've been hoping to meet you sorry I'm sorry Kevin he must do hurry up and I catch it before she loses your glass slipper get my car please right away Chris I'm sorry there was unconscionably rude of me no it's not your fault I think Kevin is determined to get us together no you wouldn't do it on purpose oh yes he would you thank you I wondered why you never asked me before you left our son has very good instincts because I'd like it very much of its day please don't be gallant I'm not I'm being honest a lady in red the lady in red very beautiful she's also my wife does this mean you'll teach me out of rollerblade let's get out but I gotta go uh you know meet me at the door told you last night hi-yah don't say anything I saw you dancing it's okay it's not okay we've tried this for a long time he's never been right for you you're being very noble it's always been a longshot go take your wife home she's not go you want a drink my shirt it fits does it hauled us I'm not a substitute for share really I loved her but I shut away from commitment all my life me too until Kevin no way this is a romantic interlude it's way past that I'm really - lovely I already do about my life is a charity balls and chauffeured limousine well you got to get the Porsche try I think I fell for you way back when you veto the plastic sword you are so serious I'm willing to I want you to be my wife because because I love you very much much farther two miles there's a local saying if if a young boy makes it to the Church of the elders they'll return someday with the one he loves
Channel: Kaylarenne404
Views: 7,192,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marriage Of Convenience (Film Subject), Jane Seymour (Film Actor), James Keach (Film Director), Orphan (Film Subject), Adoption (Industry), Love (Quotation Subject), Film (Media Genre), James Brolin (Film Actor), David Kaye (TV Actor), Kari Matchett (Award Winner), Shirley Knight (Theater Actor)
Id: nRbn9Um_S3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 38sec (5258 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 26 2014
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