Cowboys Don't Cry - Full Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well let's have a look down here shooting up before part number three this is the great Josh Morgan at 34 years of age a dedicated family man and a true rodeo cowboy he knows a lot of young Cowboys politics at the bullies goes now here's the Undertaker at the Undertaker is known for his tight spins and George Morgan known as a world champion let's watch this one a cheer him on his style [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you research she's she's just perfect I won't take much to break her that's right and I'm gonna break it my way nice and easy they'll break angel I like that for name it's nice pretty I like [Music] if you're gonna ride up in Alberta then we could go out to the range and see dad he's an old man Josh and he's never even seen Shane that's his doing Rhonda says we're working to winter his place again this year he'd give me a job truckin you could break that feeling I thought we were gonna get a bunch of her own this fall and stay put yeah we just can't keep moving all the time like this it's just too hard especially on him I say so we get a place I don't win again this year what the hell are we gonna do then what do you mean you're going to win you think so yeah if I win again this year if we'll get ourselves place then your dad you promised a very lady before yes okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] bottles [Music] you ready on this rose [Music] Josh so we're we big day sink yes yeah I remember my first time and Hills Rodeo 1958 I couldn't wait alright we're about ready to go with Tommy beers from Shelby Oregon arena and you know a mannequin that's very important all right to number two [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] did so welder Dechaine were you scared no a little I can let go I'll talk to dad if you want no he wouldn't understand he's never afraid well of course he is he's afraid lots of things he just doesn't show it is your foot of trouble no they just don't see eye to eye on everything why can't we go see him sometime well we will someday I promise no give me that book come on lights out good night [Music] [Applause] hi no thanks look can I borrow your truck or I'll load it up and I gotta go into town so the keys are in it there's that's it over there yeah that's it don't let her have a shot I'm telling you Josh it's late we got a long day yeah but look at this mmm i won no you did money I did 205 spit the bucket you on another game come on boy [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] no no no I'm driving and drinking and this is not even our truck change chain tell your mother that I am perfectly capable of driving and would like her to get into the truck come on mommy's all right [Music] listen honey and my cheeks [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - stay still don't move you've been in a bad accident that's a lie still [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on behalf of the family I want to thank you all for coming here today to say goodbye to our beloved friend wife and mother Lucy Edwards Morgan may the Lord bless you and keep you may he make his face to shine upon and be gracious unto you amen Shayne god you're like her Shayne uh why'd you come with me how did it happen accident I wait were you driving I should have killed you when I had the chance I want to take her home bury her why she was born now I've made the necessary arrangements please don't leave her here [Music] she'll be in a beautiful place I promise you I've got plenty of room if you need a place to go no gentleman yeah that's what you should do stay with your dad [Music] [Music] she's with God we're Shane he was just talk old man Edwards Jane [Music] what's the purse five hundred what about steers seventy-five and I'm not right what do you mean your ride I told you I gotta finish it it's already late right now look at the map look at yourself [Music] [Applause] if you live here in Denver oh great just great [Music] clownin you have a bride in a couple of years ago now so go got that Palomino yeah a downer Ronnie's a tiny man Josh Morgan bulls good stuck here might surprise you I got my boy Shane on the steers he's a big boy now huh gonna be a bull rider like his dad he's pretty little writer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] figured it out yeah could use some new parts yeah couldn't be huh how'd it go lose your bugger hardly moved at all better get going you miss your ride you sign me up yep [Music] hey weren't you the guy who won the steer riding today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see your dad uh-huh he was sneaking out of the bar shouldn't pay his tab I told you I was waiting for him to come over with the money he didn't show so I was coming back to get him well I tried to bring it too like you said they won't let me you better put in the bed let's talk about it tomorrow okay Oh Matt Wylie offered me a job clowning yeah well you're gonna do it no chance no quicker way to die I figure than trying to make a bull laughs yeah well it would be steady money for a change I'm a bull rider a bull rider yeah what's to eat popsicles help you did you daddy yeah I sent your name in on a computer this morning seems like someone up in Canada has been looking for you your father-in-law passed away weren't two months Oh sorry ya got a number here for your call [Music] it'd take three days if my truck don't fall apart and I'm not sure I want to see your full number I just phoned you didn't I all right yeah nice talking to you right dad what did you see apparently the old man left his ranch all right yeah under my guardianship till you're 18 he's got some papers he wants me to sign or something that's great you don't need then words ranch oh we need every son we think it what's wrong dad look at this for a couple of bunks dad look I'm sorry all right but someone's offered us a ranch here a ranch must be worth a lot of money might be wasn't much of a place hell we can sell it if we don't want it yeah I suppose they had that money for gas yeah I think so Lord loveth doctor I gotta be out of my mind [Music] so guess you were pretty anxious to get out here how long's it been since you've been here Oh 15 years well it's a nice piece of property unless you figure it's worth Oh quite a bit a lot of people live out here and commute into the city like me I my place is just over there [Music] my clients so did you bring the papers oh yeah they're right in the car I like it here dad you need money to get a place like this in shape no man really let it go it's still beautiful yeah it is that almost roofies and ribbons are in the barn yeah I get a job we have to get a job if you want to go inside we can get this done now well I'm sorry to tell you that there's a few bills to see 200 head of cattle it have been fetid calf of your absence and there's some back taxes and mr. Edwards he took out a small loan when his health went bad I'll leave that with you said much work around here work jobs oh I wouldn't the economy's not good [Music] making some you'll have to apply for change to the Willis state that means you'll have to convince a judge that your intentions are in the best interest of your son and that could take a while well it's been a pleasure thanks for coming down you don't have to sell do we dad well he was telling me that a lot of farms up for sale land prices way down I don't think we'd get too much yes we have no choice today yes not all on the back that's would take all of five minutes [Music] the deer and the antelope is [Music] you know welna probably important stuffs their name address what else you need still got long teeth did you check the board yet yeah I'd like to find some ranch work get one of them jobs driving a cat or a truck I can drive anything give any certification yeah that's no problem I've been living in the States for a while I just have to say I'm good well for casual labor where you suggest to go to Calgary get there early stand in line right well now let's see I must say you surprised me you did very well in language arts you read a lot it yeah but I teach language arts history sort of patchy no French some math skills science poor well here's what we have to decide I could put you into grade 9 this year but next year you'll end up in a non academic string it's better you're going to grade 8 and do well pick up your French you have the ability but three months just I was in grade eight last year yeah you were but you didn't finish this year I'm in grade 9 at least I was two months ago I was doing okay others there's lots of 14 year olds in grade 8 but what are we why don't we call your father and all of us can talk this over you kidding look I'm not going back into grade 8 I will catch up it's a story of my life just get the damn books fine fine your father has to sign this bring it back tomorrow sure that's no problem well I'll just go get the damn books [Music] [Music] hey you can't stop there Disick its own you'll have to move your truck is that your name Morgan yeah that's the name I'm not moving you aren't nope then I'll call the police blood parking in the bus zone fine Jack get in the truck [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sure need fixin alright maybe it's not angel good shape someone on a trainer how the hell are you real good right hey watch it Shay man against you'll ruin your sex life thank you somewhat some way still talk you know if you're not gonna break that mare you might as well let me sell her get a good price bar good price it's not for sale hell you know that I'm a breaker you leave her alone well she's a little wild right now it's not so simple take a little time I know how she'd be broken sa-11 said to me and her don't you have something to do life has to go on you know she's been dead nearly four years now [Music] my drove and damn business wrong gonna feed the horses there's not much speed [Music] [Music] today we'll start a complete review of the entire course with an exam at the end of every week come in so turn to chapter 1 the principle of sets sorry I have another student for your class you realize I've got 33 students and here's a hard chuck and three months to get ready for the finals oh yeah sure he is bright and his father did sign Morgan good luck take a seat mr. Morgan yes sir ever hear of intersecting sets mr. Markin sexy don't get smart with me son or he'll be out on your mathematical ear before you can say Pythagoras hear me yes sir the name is Thorpe miss Sutherland you come up to the board please hey guys bad news this is all the feeders so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let you guys graze with the cattle you like that I think you would get out of here you want to Palomino mare yeah what just caught up in some barbed wire No [Music] let's go well I could thank you something oh oh you're not for ready now someone's gonna come some fun-seekers looks like they want to meet us they definitely do what I mean is they look very longer I'll make the move you stay here I'll go there try to look attractive yeah boy you girls bring sure that'd be nice my name's Ron and this here's my friend Josh Josh Morgan do you recognize him no two times bull riding champion of the world oh yeah would you like to meet him Josh you guys want to come with us to a party sure we would love to go with you to a party would we not love to go with them to a party yeah that'd be a real fun ya know that's why I was down here [ __ ] I wasn't blaming you yes you were all right I'm gonna cut this one then we're gonna try to get her up all right just do it [Music] okay let's do come on come on let's get [Music] you trying to get her up why she's a bet we'll meet you at your bar and she's gonna meet you back here [Music] the sedative was working where's your polishing in town I think she's gonna live she's lost a lot of blood these are very serious wounds I might have to put her down but I can't do that without the owner's consent never let you do that you gotta see her I'll do the best I can [Music] well let's put it all I can do now is wait and see like don't worry about that right now no I want to wow I could use some help on Saturday mornings barn work five bucks an hour is that a deal yeah sure do you great sounds like your dad's home you want us to stay oh no thanks you sure yeah okay okay so get in the van Harley hi dr. Sutherland I've been tending one of your horses which horse panel [Music] no I let him out to graze she got caught up in some wire I didn't know was there look at her I never should've trusted you with her I told you to let her be what the hell were you thinking they were told me there was no feed [Music] okay yes look maybe it's none of my business by time I grew up with your mom I spent a lot of time here you new memo yeah I was a little older than earned we were neighbors we rode together went to the school on the bus together they're just like sisters angel was her horse she's real special [Music] you wake up shenanigans j30 great miss my bus where's that no no never real early this morning I'm gonna know now if you want to right into town you mean it yeah I'm gonna pick up some stock north here fed angel she ate some I hope things work out between you and your dad he is trying you know yeah sure [Music] John Morgan so read chapter 35 and do the questions at the end please and in last night's homeworks on your way out stay behind mr. Morgan you didn't get last night's homework done you seriously expect the passes fast yes sir I do then what is this nonsense we had an accident the ranch last night I didn't get it done I have it done for Monday morning this is your first and last chance yes sir mr. Thorpe my cowboy hye-soo Astarte Shane burps classy Lisa pretty wicked Eileen give it up PD yeah cuz won't go for cruise I got the be stoked back sure hey are you sure you can drive with that sure he can he's a great driver drove me to the service station last week side [Music] [Music] make some breakfast Ryden got a job at the sound ones made quite a bit of money shootin pool the other night great surprise didn't drink it all away you left that wire on the field in you yeah I did [Music] nice place [Music] come on we made this date weeks ago your friends they're not my friend they are your friends fine they're my friends Casey would you get the door please you go on without me excuse me oh hi Shane come in um have you uh met Roger yeah yes - take off your boots make yourself time Lindsay please I can't I can't play without a partner that shouldn't be a problem well maybe I should have stayed in the city last night yeah maybe you should have hey maybe I had any breakfast on no I haven't but that's okay oh come on now I mean all these pancakes and uh I won't even be hungry how's the intial doing better I think yeah great two three butter sir may be home for supper no fine the feeds in here in the water hose we keep the clean straw in the other barn just clean out the stalls and wash them down yes ma'am small animals are in here there's a sign on each cage which tells you what it can or can't have well I'm sorry for butting your head off the other night that's okay no I mean it fine you're not always like that like what drunk loud no you you know he was bored and champion in the world twice almost three times really yeah oh well you can start with that one over there this one doesn't look so sick he swallowed a hearing aid dump mutt hello down well some muscle damage some of up maybe permanence it's too soon to tell a very nice gem count on a good broodmare I want to thank you for all you've done it's my job mr. Morgan I'd like it if you called me Josh I remember you Lindsay yeah well I remember you too of course you're the talk of the town for some time a bit read about you for years you know I was real sorry to hear about the accident yeah thank you [Music] you met Roger your husband the Moyer drove out here to all the people pretty good right I got something for you in town this one now to stay right here don't move stay right there [Music] you climb out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dad was mum pregnant when she ran away well not when we left when her dad caught up with us she was and married - how old was she 17 yeah she sure was a looker guess her dad was plenty Maddie yeah he was that I was happier than hell well let's finish up here how much doctor you think a good run on this place 200 head maybe a lot of work I know I like it [Music] [Music] [Music] no stick teenies what happened you rub it back it's nothing your job a job yep grab the front end loader you know you could do that okay I lied they lend your hair now I know what I'm doing yeah Shane missed you this morning yeah I'm sorry I was a little late actually certainly that's okay I went to town and I bought some hamburger I thought I'd call your dad and have a party celebrate but what you're in black free man consider the bill paid info all right that's great nice any oh yeah her dad he moved into town last week trial separation she's taking it pretty hard [Music] [Applause] hi where have you been I'm sorry I had to work work great yes work case nobody's noticed oil went down 60 cents today look if we hurry we can still make the show no we can't it's too late so do you want a hamburger yeah sure thanks help yourself great how are you beer yeah I guess thank you get my bill oh is that what that was yeah don't worry you'll get paid you're right I will so how's business terrible I think I'm moving east well at the end of next month Lindsay Lindsay okay having a ball I'm sorry mr. Morgan I can't extend this loan in fact we've been very lenient about payment understanding the situation and knowing mr. Edwards as we did as far as collateral goes you really have nothing beyond what he used in the first place unless you mortgaged the land which is under trust difficult I can't make a go of it without a bigger herd and something for repairs place is worn out we were hoping you could resume payment immediately yeah sure I will well I hope you can or will be forced to take action to recover our funds how long will that guy till the end of the month well that better get busy then ahead and I say but boss wants to talk to you Peter better Yvonne no comment Casey good but Dom from last week what's the matter Shane very good see me after school we'll do a little work Oh God catch the bus I know it's a three-mile walk all right thanks Oh welcome [Music] laughs there's more here sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] boy what a ride golly partner girl alright gotta grab yet yeah I asked to meet great pineapple yeah sure what you guys are gonna love this stuff trust me it's great yeah sure [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on this here is low ball low balls it's very simple the worst hand wins yeah all right I'm gonna do two down one up hi dad wanna play no thanks drink can I see what our party's over boys what do you mean well there's a rodeo northa here tomorrow another one on Wednesday so what so we're leaving tonight that's what you think okay Shane we'll see you later sorry about this guy [Music] [Music] yeah me you lost your job lose it over later shitty job anyway so you can get another one I can't do her kid I gave it my best shot [ __ ] watch your mouth get you things what about me what about school take it with you no wait I staying I'm staying you can go without me you get your ass in gear buddy go don't make up for the hell you mean you're finished you'll never be champion again you're a joke [Music] go ahead show me just like you killed mom my god is that what you really think even wanted to say that for a long time haven't you I guess yeah [Music] [Music] dad it's me Lindsay is everything all right yeah fine you sure look I really got to go right now all right listen why don't you come on over for a supper no dad dad needs me in the barn bye hey there you are break huh look man what do you want sorry Josh Morgan alright I'm taking a bike you know [Music] shame hi hi who is that man I passed in the road some guy had your bike in the back of his truck angels doing amazingly well how long has it been gone about a week well why don't you stay with us for a while till he gets back he's not coming back what do you think that cuz I know this time he's gone no he isn't come on he'll be back he just has to sort himself out besides you have yourself to think about exams start next week and there's not enough food in here to feed flee now get your things look Lindsay I kid yes you can you can earn your keep if I make you feel better come on I need another man in my life to give me some trouble [Music] please gonna bring new on you [Music] your parents in a fight just once that I can remember was night we had the accident my mom ordered the driver was it his fault we had a blow-up oh how old were you then turn does your dad have a does he have a girlfriend no well I think he did but maybe for one night I never met her but I think he's real sorry he still loves mom [Music] it's your life Roger you do what you have to do I have absolutely no intention of moving well I'd rather make it legal wait and see what tomorrow all right yeah bye got you four grand yet well well yeah [Music] I thought that was you you look like [ __ ] hi the hell are you doing here work where's Shane you didn't come I didn't want to you're right nope why not why in the hell do you think she quit when I was ahead thought I was a damn fool no what are you gonna do I'm thinking well that's a refreshing change drink no thanks oh don't tell me have you seen the light have you seen the life you are not morning interested even talking to God Oh Marty we are gonna have to do something about you shut up and say grace amen all right ladies and gentlemen you have 90 minutes pace yourselves don't spend too much time on any one question look the entire paper over before you start begin yeah I got that one I did I didn't didn't you so I guess he only got 99% huh hey who's that at your place excuse me but uh hello I'm miss Chapman from the bank you've got the 97 head and two horses is that right yeah give your father this it's a notice of seizure he's got 14 days before I send someone out to pick up the stock dad talk to him Josh please dad what do you say where is he he's in Chester where's that that's south of here he phoned before Dini just once after he left he was really worried about you hey now come on we've got to talk [Music] and we just talk [Music] come on Jane it's a new day wakey-wakey Jin he's gone well he's gonna fail this year he's gonna miss a grad no boy [Music] hi hi do you know if Josh Morgan wrote here yesterday I wouldn't know so where do you folks go from here Cowley a nice little rodeo there do you think I could hit you ride with you folks please I'd help you set up yeah I guess so thanks a lot appreciate it the way can you want to wrote that gift package courtesy road take credit didn't you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well you know no you sure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we go down a chute number four and George he's in a big mess of trouble up there down on the ground Paulette appears to be hurt Josh Morgan working together now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh oh it's alright you alright ok come on sit down how's your dad don't know yet do an x-ray isn't stuff I saw the letter from the bank I wish you told me have friends and we're gonna help you out it's alright J you can see him now how was it well he's not too bad he pulled some ligaments he's got a nasty gash lost a lot of blood [Music] not dead yet I've never been so scared [Music] I guess I kind of made a mess of things huh runs in the family I believe that with you out there you were terrific to me like the boat I don't want [Music] I've done a lot of thinking since I left sorry about what I said but needed to be said I needed to hear it my thought to remember I told her get in the truck it's not what I remember [Music] time to come home [Music] yeah I love you too kid [Music] so long but you forget what it's love let go of feelin's to show what's happening [Music] they just keep it inside [Music] where the punches wait for later [Music] when your mane we do those who can our fears but this world keeps her [Music] long after you're gone [Music] is they just keep it [Music] the punch airs and wait for [Music] boys don't cry [ __ ] [Music] you you
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 359,539
Rating: 4.7386327 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Family, Drama, Rodeo, Cowboyos, Ranch, Blue Collar, Veterinarian, Horses, Ranchers, West, Modern Western, Free Movies, Full Movies
Id: d5BZ9uFHB24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 38sec (5978 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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