The Three Lives Of Karen (1997)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] would you like some coffee is there someone we can call for you this friend family member would you like to go to the hospital do you understand where you are right now say it your name Emily Riggs I'll be right back Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] where you going so forth so nice well I ain't happy then what is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] their problem officer I have to ask you to step out of your vehicle ma'am you failed indicate your lane change about a mile back my lane change yes ma'am you're kidding right moving violations are nothing to joke about ma'am and I'm gonna give you a warning this time don't let it happen again [Music] [Applause] kidnap [Music] hi okay oh it's lovely I found it at an estate sale in Winslow told you it was worth the drive uh-huh how much 400 guy inherited the house he wanted everything gone it's worth three times that you stole it yep it's been in their family for three generations you understand why people want to sell their history no it's lucky for us they do Oh before I forget I'm Glenda called she's doing a wedding tomorrow at 20 she thought you and Matt might want to stop by Matt it's his wedding too yeah well as much as I love Matt I don't think he gives a damn about the flowers Jordan thank you you're welcome and I'll see you next time in the town okay see okay all right [Music] Emily [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me get up you come down my parents will be here at 6:00 [Music] you can be like this everyone nerd [Music] it's alright Glenda yeah okay I didn't see you back here so what do you think I think it's gorgeous but way over our budget you're forgetting you get to Martha is my oldest and dearest friend discount oh this better be my Lily's it's not I better go call Emily Emily it's me it's Paul I'm sorry you must be mistaken my name is Karen you don't know who I am should I ah is this a kind of joke like I said you're wrong you came over the house with some wild story you changed your hair but I would recognize you anywhere Emily what's happened to you nothing's happened to me you can bake - made by Paul Riggs I'm your husband [Music] that's it [Music] all right I don't know I think so wait wait a second Emily please please Emily please whatever happened whatever went wrong we'll work it out together I'm sorry you've made a mistake this is not a mistake don't you think I know my own life [Music] Emily [Music] I still don't like it why I'm meeting him in a public place I'll be fine it could be dangerous you don't know he's not but you could have put him on the phone guys in a lot of pain Matt he lost his wife well I feel Frank still don't want you don't well he's not going away until he sees how about I throw in jail they make him go away that's a great idea let's just add to his misery would you relax no I'm worried about you look I can handle it let's not fight about this I don't know why you're doing it it's a cup of coffee we meet you sleaze I'm not who you thinks I am that'll be the end of it what I don't know what I'm gonna do if I don't worry about you well why don't you call Glenda and the two of you can discuss the flower arrangements like I'd rather worry half an hour you know back him to come over there [Applause] [Music] thank you for coming yes this must be very difficult for you imagines to go from hate to I can't believe that you're really here I'm sorry I'm sorry I just I've been looking for you for so long not for me you haven't been looking for me that that's why I agreed to meet with you so you can see for yourself I'm not your wife my name is Karen Winthrop I work for an antique dealer downtown and at the moment my life is consumed with planning my wedding next month and if I'd been married before I think I would remember you know have yours lived here no I moved to about four years ago in October [Music] how did you know that my wife left four years ago October south we feared the worst because we couldn't believe she just leave us like that and then we just kept opening and hoping and then last week my brother saw her he saw you only you still did that play with your lack of a nervous or upset I'm sorry I thought it out I can't seem to play let me just just show up soon [ __ ] this is this is pictures of our life together yours and mine just just don't take a second please [Music] [Music] [Applause] my locket you never take it off remember huh this is our daughter Jessica she's nine years old and she wonders what her mother Emily I don't know what happened to you or why it happened to you but I do know that since you left there has not been a single day when I haven't worried about you they loved you and wanted you back and now after all this time I finally found you and I want you to come home and we'll work it out whatever it is we'll work it out but I want him to come home [Music] [Applause] [Music] talk to me Karen or is it Emily I don't understand this I know that my favorite color is red I know the foods I like to eat the books I've read the movies I've seen I just don't remember how I know it doesn't make sense it's always been like that for me I thought everyone's memories were like that so everything he told me being abandoned foster homes it was all lies I don't know go brew [Music] are you in love with me man are you I mean do you even know that I love you how do you know [Music] did it ever occur to you that maybe you left for a reason I have to see your Matt she's my daughter well how do you know because some guy you didn't even know existed until two days ago says she is what if it's true what if it is do you want me to just abandon her that is not what I'm saying I have to see her [Music] it sucks what you forgot to pack your socks [Music] I feel like I'm losing you you're scared I'm scared you have no idea but I have to find out the truth no I won't come with you [Music] coming bad please try and understand I'm trying Karen believe me I'm trying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello well you made it okay you gave good directions that's it's it's great to see you connect let me take your bet is this this are you happy traveling over like I didn't know how long maybe staying it's fair enough look familiar well let me we take this upstairs is there guest room yes there is a guest room oh oh put it in there [Music] [Music] [Laughter] it was our Christmas card four years ago [Music] house is immaculate oh well we have a housekeeper she comes in in the morning she takes Disick at a school and she stays here till I get home did I know her Faye oh sure she worked with you a couple days a week but it was pretty much you who took care of the house you you designed it you decorated it it was your pride and joy it's pretty much the way you left it I'm sorry I don't remember any of it we're back here and this is Jessica hi your hair is different you're different to older and bigger daddy said you didn't remember us mama hasn't been well sweetheart doesn't matter forgot about you - Jessica famous Jessica I apologize oh it's okay she is a right to feel that way well she'll come around mercy your bedroom [Music] I just called to say I love you and I miss you okay [Music] I distribute you doing my homework is it hard not really but this is isn't it me being here what happened to you I don't know daddy said you have amnesia you got sick and you can't remember anything I didn't mean to hurt you it doesn't hurt anymore I don't believe that why did you come back if you don't even remember us because I want to remember why you'll just leave again just come on down Jessica do you know why I left because you didn't want us anymore it was great I brought you septic it's okay it's just family come on they'll be alright this is my mother Phyllis it's good to have you home dear thank you remember me I'm sorry I don't seem to remember people our faces very well yeah it's it's been a long hard road for all of us I think we just go ahead to have her back and this is my brother Tom hi Emily hi I know you're I remember him yeah you saw him in Southport he's the one that found you this is my wife Jana it's good to see you again Emily hi and this is our neighbor Donna we're so glad to have you back thank you Tom [Music] excuse me [Music] [Applause] [Music] how you doing you really don't remember any of this do you and not Santoro happen all we knew for sure was that you wanted off someone at the beach then the TV people got hold of it and it was in the news and in the papers wives of prominent ernie's don't just vanish everyday and almost lost everything they lost me [Music] oh you don't have to do that I understand we have a housekeeper oh you do but tomorrow's our day off Paul says you've been living up north mm-hmm I live in Southport Virginia I work for an antique dealer up there oh that doesn't surprise him you're always traipsing off to auctions and estate sales you called it treasure hunting unfortunately Paul looks at antiques since he's used furniture Donna were we good friends our children go to school together and your husband you never met I moved her after my divorce is it true you're engaged I was I am I can't imagine what he must think right now he doesn't know what to think frankly neither do I you know I've always thought that things happen for a reason sometimes it's best to leave them the way they are [Music] good night everybody I'm sorry it seemed like a good idea at the time no it was nice you look exhausted why would she find you upstairs Loredana home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you look so peaceful I didn't want to disturb you breakfast is ready whenever you wanna come down talking I'm taking Jessica to school with me this morning so if you want to come with I'd like that good see you downstairs don't you remember it I don't know every day you dropped me off and picked me up right here alright Jessica I know I should don't you remember anything Jessica stop it I don't have to stop it I didn't want her to come anyway said stop it Emily [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry I'm not sorry I can't get over how you changed your hair was darker and it was longer can you wear less makeup now I like that but you are still so so beautiful I'm sorry about this morning she just needs more time like I do well here's a if a little something to celebrate being back [Music] mr. empty but you keep wearing it it bothers you no it just bothers me that you hold on to a pass that you can't remember I want to remember what's important now is the future our future [Music] our future your husband explained the situation's we call them asked me to see you but I would like you to tell me how you feel the truth I feel like I've been robbed of what my life my sandy one day I'm planning a wedding to a man I love very much the next I'm here with a new name a husband a daughter an entire life I know nothing about you're angry [Music] angry guilty confused I watched them watching me waiting for whoever I was to come back do you believe you're Emily Riggs [Music] I guess I miss me [Music] mr. Riggs you must be faint yes well your husband asked me to bring all these things down from the adding this is all mine yeah you didn't throw away the thing I'm glad you're back [Music] [Music] mom what are you doing why are you wearing those things because they're mine aren't they they're my mother's I am your mother Jessica I have to deliver it can wait you can be as rude to me as you want but I am NOT going away I don't blame you for hating me but you have to understand I didn't leave you I left me I ran away from myself why I don't know I didn't plan or think about it it just happened [Music] I know I hurt you and you have to believe that if I could have stopped it it would have sometimes I see you as a good girl [Music] just for a second like a dream I dream aback to you at the time I'm trying to find my way back Jessica do you believe me [Music] okay [Music] Jessica come on I'm gonna be late huh where daddy you need to sign this where is it it's for a field trip to the beach Donna said she'd take me I can take you oh why sure if your mother sorry it's tomorrow we're studying tide pools [Music] what'd you forget [Music] that's what I came to ask you I come in [Music] she looks like you [Music] she's got your eyes this is some place you left behind why did you come here Matt why do you think I mean you hadn't called me days I was worried about you Karen do you prefer Emily now stop it it's a nice Hospital this isn't helping am I supposed to just stop loving you [Music] I need a little more time [Music] and for what to figure out which life you want which husband not that simple it is for me I don't know how to just walk away from this neither do i i had a life here responsibilities a daughter what am I supposed to do I need to find out what happened and why because if I don't it could happen again to us to you is they're still on us [Music] love you [Music] watch all to be careful stay close to the adults and remember we only collect to examine then we're going to turn our specimens loose okay let's go oh my god no go back and get it [Music] [Music] to catch up Jessica [Music] we're gonna find your mind Jessica Jessica are you mr. Riggs yeah what happened sir I'm afraid your wife has disappeared what [Music] [Music] it's not a cool place to be [Music] I'm detective Ellis this is dr. Laney the departmental psychologist do you know why you're here no your driver's license led us to a Matthew Ramsey of Southport Virginia he told us about some sort of psychological trauma that you've been experiencing is that true yes if you can could you tell me the last thing that you remember about this morning I was at the beach alone my daughter I was with my daughter we we joined her school group and began to walk along the beach anything else [Music] I uh I saw things [Music] I don't know my locket all of your jewelry was taken when you were booked it's with your other personnel so it'll be returned to you Karen Winthrop is that your real name I don't know my husband says my real name is Emily Riggs Paul Riggs you've done this before haven't you where she well I'm sorry you had to come all this way they called me I came because I care about her well that's that's nice Matt but this this is this between me and my wife Missy I don't think that's a good idea care what you think I know that you don't care what I think but Emily's in a very delicate and I know put her there if she was doing just fine before you pop back into her life all of your personal items are there okay [Music] I'm sorry I'm sure this must be very painful for both of you what matter says you're all right I'm okay I don't know why this happened again but right now I'm worried about Jessica and I'd like to see her okay let's go Karen I'm sorry Matt please don't make this any more difficult than it already is [Music] what's wrong how could you just walk off it's our daughter alone like that I didn't just walk I don't look this is the kind of example that you're gonna set as a mother you're gonna scare the hell out of her [Music] we'll talk about this at home get in the car get in the car [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I've got an early meeting fable take Jessica to school I'd like to take her from now on fate will take care of Jessica but I can't she didn't mean to do it daddy she can't help it it just happens thank you you can't do this to me you can't just shut me out you're dangerous to yourself and your daughter I'm doing the best I can what do you want from me what do I want I want my wife back that's what I want I'm sorry it's just that I've missed you for four years I've missed you look you see whoever you have to see you do whatever have to do you get whatever help you need to get I will support him if you could only know how much I love you you had a succession of remembrances yes what were they about water a woman drowning [Music] what did you see the little girl it's dark she's trapped she wants to scream but she can't [Music] she's afraid of what I don't know I can't see you can't see or she can't see [Music] caryn sometimes an event is so painful that in order to survive the impact of it memory has to be shut down you forget so that you can let life go on you retain long-term memory how to drive a car how to dress yourself but you lose the short-term identity of yourself you fall into a fugue state called amnesia caused by the need to repress your memory that little girl is you Karen she's still out there you have to find her again in that horrible place you left her or he'll just keep running the rest of your life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] should be last what you want you'll be a good little girl don't tell mama or something bad happen are you okay mrs. rice what I heard a scream I'm fine faith thank you you sure I think I think I'll lay down for a while [Applause] [Music] excuse me hello purchase some Chi thank you what was my maiden name Coulter did I ever mentioned a Cindy last no not that I recall what about this well you put that up in the attic when we first got married haven't seen it since hmm and these are my things what can I remember this don't do this don't do this no no if it's gonna hurt you and keep you from us I want you to be happy I want you to feel loved here let me keep you safe I can't I'm sorry I understand I have to leave we're going back to him back to me no I forbid it you what you're just running away from yourself your place is right here not Southport not Carson but right here you're afraid no I'm afraid for you I know what I'm afraid of and it scares me to death why are you afraid what are you afraid I'm gonna find [Music] [Music] may I help you yes I'd like to know if you ever had a student here by the name of Emily Coulter I'm sorry but I could only release information to the student or her immediate family I'm Emily Coulter what year 1981 there's no Coulter sorry what about a single last I'm really not supposed to be releasing information like this please I just want to be sure I'm at the right school please it's important okay same here yes thank you yeah here she is Cynthia last class of 81 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Matt I've been Carson and uh I went to the house today where I grew up and there was a man and a gunshot and he was blood on his hands and they feel like I'm going crazy here Karen [Music] [Music] [Music] Eric Karen it's me it's Matt Darrin [Music] oh you do it out here in the rain huh Karin I don't know into every hotel and motel and Carson looking for you come on let's get dry think I'm the only guy in the world engaged to three women at the same time that's not funny bad enough proposed to you what this is that's Cheryl Johnson I looked in the phone book but there's three pages of Johnson's something happened to me here at that house today I will live there it didn't look like it I found this in my jacket pocket go ahead [Music] [Music] Karen [Music] [Music] this is your room [Music] what do you want [Music] I can't stay here [Music] welcome home Cindy they found the car with you in it but your mother was gone gone where just vanished right into oblivion blip en ain't so bad you gotta try some is this my mother that's right Apple never falls too far from the tree does it she left child abandonment is what I think the police called it I don't remember her it's always been your way of dealing with the ugly truth even back then when they pulled you out of that car you couldn't remember your name much less what happened you were as gone as she was what about her father he took off to where when a pack of cigarettes one day I never saw him again wait yes dearie we I'm you stepmommy not legally of course I mean I never adopted you're nothing you raised me here yeah real Palace ain't and what happened to her dead Caleb trying to break into a house probably so drunk he thought it was his police ruling it a case of mistaken identity how's that for irony when did he die what does it matter dead is dead matters to me why you didn't mad at him I got stuck with you for all those years and you walked off and left me too I'm sorry you got what you came for take it and get out [Music] [Music] [Music] Jessica sweeter it's your mother [Music] I'm so proud of you it's wonderful I miss you too but I'll be home soon [Music] yes I promise tell daddy I called okay we'll see you soon all right buh-bye that was Jessica I heard you checked out your a [Music] you're not coming back are you I mean do to Jessica what my mother did to me so you're going back to them to her for her more about me than what about Paul that corn just still up in the air my life is up in the air why can't you understand that [Music] you would have made a beautiful bright [Music] [Music] Louis it's me came to say goodbye Louis Louis [Music] I warn you at night [Applause] go home there's nothing here for you anymore I am home the one you made for me my father was shot here was me leave me alone why don't you tell me the truth because it's mine it's my truth my legacy I saw something I remembered something what is it ask him ask your husband what you saw he knows he's always known Paul he came here before you were ever married of course you turned into Emily by then you knew all along I wanted to make sure he wasn't buying a pig in a poke ain't that right why didn't you tell me go ahead tell her what she saw you saw kill your father you had an argument with him that night it was about me wasn't it get your hands off me I tried to save you from all this you didn't need to know this you were happy I was empty me and then we hit me of Jessica be built a family that's what you wanted us what you needed to see if you want to see her again you're gonna come home with me right now I mean and Emily forget about all that it's not important anymore let's get in the car no one is taking my daughter away from me you get back in the car or I'm leaving you here [Music] I didn't leave you you left me on the beach you are delusional Emily are you coming or not [Music] fine [Music] you want the truth I'll show you the truth up here on the left [Music] [Music] [Music] I just have to talk to Daddy I'll be right back I remember the driver training should fathers fishing cabin [Music] [Music] anywhere unless I say you need it if I go on get out of here I'll be with you and I can I won't be there do what I tell you to do with the Hurley on get back your tenant take whatever I want to take [Music] you were here weren't you Cindy III told my mother oh he used to bring women home late at night when she was working into my bed he didn't want her to smell them on her sheets but it was you stop it he warned me never to tell and I remember him smiling as he began to undress what happen to my mother Louis [Music] [Applause] [Music] nope No [Music] forget about her [Music] she's still out there isn't she you are not responsible all this time you knew and you didn't do anything I was scared when you didn't remember I thought it was a blessing a second chance for you I tried to make it up to you Cindy but you never really forgot you always hated me you just couldn't remember why you're free and I envied it I had a right to know I thought had a right to my own life he didn't want you you understand he left you he said he'd come back and he never did but he did come back after had been gone for years he had no remorse not for you or me or even her and I remembered then yeah and you shot him yeah I saw the fear in your eyes and I heard your scream and he tried to come after you it's over now okay [Music] my mother gave it to me maybe someday you'll give it to your daughter I don't know what to say don't say anything let's go Lois thank you be happy Cindy last [Music] I know it's over okay your dad called and wanted me to tell you that he'd pick you up mommy you're back I promise didn't I this is a surprise I'm sure it is does Paul know you're here you will you have all your stuff I missed you I missed you what do you think you're doing I was just going to call you I asked you a question I'm taking Jessica and leaving I don't think so just go over here now come on I told you before you are unfit I don't want you I don't want you near her you got that it's all about control isn't it you being an absolute control I'm gonna stand here and listen all this and Emily what a perfect woman she was for you I was so desperate that she gave up the little bit that was still left of her just to please you when I found you you had nothing and you were nothing and I gave you what you wanted I gave you a life I gave you an identity you replaced me insult by insult humiliation by humiliation I remember now you beat me down until you had what you wanted and then to make sure that I still knew that I wasn't good enough you started sleeping with her you're very sick disturbed woman and I've got stacks of psychiatric and police reports to prove it no one is gonna believe I wasn't anything but loving and patient with you I'll tell the truth all those things I saw I heard they weren't just bad dreams like you said that's enough Jessica you're right Paul that isn't that you cannot come back here and pretend that you aren't anything but when I made you how does it feel to be out of control you don't have the guts to do this Emily I am NOT your Emily anymore you can have it [Music] I think we have some time to make up oh yeah but what you say we start this okay stop [Music] there Oh in Southport can I use the tea no that's my word you have to buy another one okay [Music] I got one we're on the patrol car that's pulling us over mind stepping out of the vehicle ma'am you forgot to signal a while back I know I was confused well people have to know where you're going otherwise somebody could get hurt I'm sorry I need to see some identification please my name is Cindy last [Music] this is my daughter Jessica [Music] and I'm going home [Music] welcome home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MoviesTime
Views: 659,018
Rating: 4.6461573 out of 5
Id: F0QCFafJnz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 46sec (5206 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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